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Birla Institute of Technology and Science-Pilani

K. K. Birla Goa Campus

Second Semester 2021-2022
Course Handout-I


Course No: BITS F 463
Instructor in charge: Dr. Prabal Paul

Course Objectives:

No Objectives
CO 1 To develop familiarity with some Mathematical notations,
definitions, and structures for Cryptography
CO 2 developing logical reasoning and understanding Cryptography


T1 Bruce Schneier Applied Cryptography,

John Wiley & Sons, 2nd Edition, 2006.

Reference books:

R1 Douglas R. Stingson, Cryptography theory and practice,

3rd Ed., Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2011.
R2 K. Ireland & M. Rosen, A classical introduction to Modern Number theory,
second Ed., Springer.
R3 R. Lidl & H. Niederreiter, Encyclopedia of finite fields,
Vol. 20, Cambridge University press.
R4 Neal Koblitz, A course in Number theory and Cryptography,
2nd Ed., Springer.
R5 I.N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, 2nd Ed., Wiley.

Content Structures:

Lec no. Learning Objective Topics to be Covered (Refer to Text Book)

1−2 To understand the Definition of Cryptography. Basics of Crypto analysis,
basics of Eve’s drop, plain text, cipher text, encryption and
Cryptography decryption, keys (Section-1.1).
3 − 15 To learn the basics Basic properties of groups, subgroups, quotient groups,
of Algebra, finite cyclic groups, homomorphisms, rings, integral domains,
fields and skew fields, fields, sub-rings, ideals, residue class ring,
Number theory. finite fields, homomorphisms, isomorphisms. polynomial
ring, division algorithms, roots, irreducible polynomials,
field extensions, finite extensions, characterizations of
a finite field (existence and uniqueness), sub-field
criterion, primitive elements, conjugates, automorphisms,
representations of elements of finite fields, Wedderburn
theorem (R3: chapter 1, section 2.1, 2.2, 2.5, 2.6);
congruences, Chinese remainder theorem, Euclidian
algorithms , Quadratic residues. Gauss symbol, Jacobi
symbol (11.3).
16 − 18 To understand Substitution cipher, Transposition cipher with possible
basic ciphers. examples and their Crypto-analysis (1.3).
19 − 21 To see the usefulness Elementary probability, various securities and their
of probability in examples, entropy, product Crypto-systems (R1: 2).
22 − 27 Stream ciphers, Sigma-LFSR, RC4 (17.4); properties of AES (R1:
block ciphers section 3.6), DES (12) and basics of Hash
and Hash functions. functions (2.4).
28 − 31 The RSA crypto RSA crypto-system (19.3); primality testing, Solovay-
system primality Strassen algorithm, Miller Robin algorithm (11.3);
testing and Pollard’s p − 1 algorithm, Pollard ρ algorithm, Dixon’s
factoring integers. random square algorithm (R1: 5.6); RSA factoring
algorithms (R1: 5.7)
32 − 35 Discrete logs and Discrete log and it’s practical usage (11.6), El-gamal
it’s applications crypto-system with security(19.5); Shank’s algorithm,
to Cryptography. Pollard rho discrete log algorithm, Pohlig-Hellman
algorithm, The Index Calculus method (R1: 6.2).
36 − 41 Signature schemes, Basics of signature schemes, RSA signature scheme
Pseudo-random and it’s security, Provably secure signature schemes;
number generation, Linear congruential generator, RSA generator, nbp
Interactive and generator, dst generator, Blum Blum Shub generator,
zero knowledge proofs probabilistic encryption; various challenge and response
key settings and identification schemes.

Evaluation Scheme:

Legend: EC=Evaluation Component; AN= Afternoon; FN=Forenoon

No Name Type Weight Day, Date,
Session, Time
EC-I Mid Semester online 25 − 35% As per timetable
EC-II Quiz/assignments/attendence online 25 − 35%
EC-III End Semester online 30 − 50% As per timetable
Note - Evaluation components can be tailored depending on the situations.

Problems: Students are strongly advised to workout all the problems in the text-book and
do similar problems from the reference book. It is also strongly recommended that the stu-
dents should implement all the algorithms on computers to get a better understanding of the

Chamber Consultation Hours: To be announced.

Make-up: Make up for any component of evaluation will be given only in the genuine cases.

Notices: All the notices regarding this course will be put up in quanta/google classroom/
moodle server.

Important Notes for the Students: It shall be the responsibility of the individual stu-
dent to be regular in maintaining the study, attend the lectures, solve problems and take
all the prescribed evaluation components such as assignments/quizs, mid-semester test and
comprehensive examination according to the evaluation scheme provided in the handout.

*************The End*************

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