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In Chile when you meet someone, according to the good manners, you should
greet shaking hands (today most people don't follow this "rule"). Then, when
you know the other person well, you greet shaking hands (if they are two men)
or giving one kiss on the cheek (if they are one man and one woman or two
women). Young people often greet making "games" with their hands (I don't
know how to explain it, but you must know what I'm referring to   ).
So, I would like to know: how do people from your countries greet?

U.S., others as a demonstration of continuous excess closeness Obama wants

to move on all your visits and public appearances. But the reality is that in
Burma, as elsewhere in the environment, public displays of affection are not
well accepted. Personally I think there was no malicious intent, of course, but
sometimes that is not enough.

The greeting, in all its forms (shake hands, give a kiss, give a hug, etc..) Is a
way to show courtesy and good manners to other people we deal with. It is a
way to enter, it is a way to communicate.

The greeting with handshake is more rooted in Western countries : America and
Europe. It is a form of greeting that owns both professionally and socially,
although the latter is also used the kiss, if no trust.

In Russia , however kissing between men comrades in very average. The

number of kisses are usually three . In Spain usual between man and woman
are two kisses when known and when no handshake .

In Belgium , Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands , for example, will

usually give three kisses , starting from the right, if there is trust between them ,
otherwise the handshake used .

However, in the UK the kiss is not a form of greeting as widespread as in the

rest of Europe , but can be used with family and people who have a lot of
confidence . The handshake is the standard greeting .

In Eastern countries , such as Japan or China, to greet the formula is a nod

toward the other person as a sign of respect. Depending on the respect they
have the inclination will be higher. No physical contact.
In India it is permissible to shake hands with people who have dealings and
business with other Westerners, but how to greet own general is to place the
palms of our hands together , pushed against each other , are brought together
under the chin and a slight nod is . This greeting is known as namaste .

The Indians, to say goodbye and salute only use the right hand. In India and
Asian countries such as Burma , men and women do not show any physical
contact when greeting , only gestures shown respect .

In the Arab world , in Muslim countries , it is customary to provide the right to

continue with two or three kisses on the cheek alternating on each side. When
the greeting says: "Peace be upon you and God's blessings be with you ."
Assalamu Alaikum is the traditional Islamic greeting in Arab countries
exchanged .

In Muslim countries there is no physical contact between men and women when
greeting . Never touch, unless you are family , you shake hands and hug .

Whenever you do not have confidence , both men and women , you should
greet with a handshake , except in Asian countries , which are not given to
physical contact and where you should do a slight bow . As you see in this brief
glimpse into what seems more simple as a greeting can cause an unfavorable
impression of us and offend others.

If you travel outside your country does not hesitate to know their culture and
customs well , avoid embarrassing situations happened in Burma as the world's
most important president.

A formal but warm greetings and that Sunday will be healthy.

Between Men : handshake is given . If you are among strangers or

acquaintances men who are not close friends , the grip is normal. If you are
among friends we tightened the strong hand , or sometimes this form of
greeting tends to change depending on the people . Some men rather than
squeeze his hand in greeting , what you do is slide the palms and then bump
fists. I for example sometimes so greet friends , fix them or sometimes very
strong hand.

Greet a man kissing is frowned upon , is considered something homosexual.

The only man who is allowed to kiss hello , is dad .

Among family sometimes we give a hug and pat on the back .

Among women: If you are friendly greeting kiss , if unknown or known but are
not very friendly , greeting by words. If it's between family also greets kiss .

Among men - women : If they are unknown , is given a gentle squeeze on hand.
If you are close friends greet kiss . If known but are not close friends simply
greets spoken form . Among family also greets kiss .

greeting if different in any country and in different cultures and in different

aspects is not rude so is practice for them both so we greet

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