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PGP 11
Mid Term Exam (Term III)
Business Research Methodology

MM -

Name: Paras Makhija

Roll No: PGP11032

Marks Secured:
(In figures & words)

Question No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Maximum Marks
Marks Scored

Examiner's Signature
Answer 1

What should Marriot do to enhance the appeal to the nonbusiness travelers'
segment in the United States?

Answer 2

What are the characteristics and preferences of the nonbusiness travelers'

Research Questions
What are the demographics that define our target group?
What are the needs of nonbusiness travelers while looking for a hotel?
What is the price point that they are willing to pay
What is their duration of stay?
What is the most important aspect for them while selecting a hotel to stay?
What can be the purpose of stay for nonbusiness travelers?

Answer 3

We should adopt descriptive analysis. The reasons for this are-

• The descriptive analysis describes the market characteristics that we

would like to study in our research. We would like to know various
characteristics of non business travelers’ characteristics
• It will also help us determine the TG's perception with respect to different
offerings that marriot is planning.
• Also, Descriptive analysis is generally used when the problem is already
defined and we are trying to find solution for the same. In this case, we
are trying to find the solution to penetrate in non business travelers'

Data collection techniques to be used.

• The best way to collect data in this case would be personal interviews.
• There would surely be certain customers who would visit the Hotel for
non business purpose stays. We could ask them to fill out a survey form,
or ask them certain questions to know their insights about the preference
of Hotel.
• We could also visit certain tourist place and assist them over there and
ask them to fill a survey.
• We could also use internet survey by collaborating with different
websites which provide reviews about different hotels.

Answer 4

Internal secondary data could provide the following information –

• What amount did non business travelers spent in past while stay at our
• What was the duration of stay?
• Did they come by their own vehicle or did they need assistance from our
end for travelling needs?
• Complaints if any. And how could that be resolved

This information will be helpful in designing the plan for nonbusiness travelers
while planning out the charges, packages, requirements, assistance and

Answer 5

Useful information received through Syndicate sources

• We can obtain data about the amount TG is ready to spend and the avg
duration of stay from online Hotel booking websites.
• We could know the potential cities that TG in planning to visit for
nonbusiness travel purposes.
• We could also get information about the cities where the TG mostly
belongs and could target our marketing campaign in those cities.

Answer 6

We could internet surveys but while providing some incentive to the one filling
up the survey. This survey can be targeted to premium hotel booking websites
and other review websites.
Task Factors
• Diversity of questions can be controlled in this case.
• Use of physical stimuli maynot be required, but a virtual tour of the hotel
and the package can be shown to the respondants.
• To tackcle the issue of response rate, we could provide incentive like
discount on next bookings in pur hotel

Situational Factors
• The control on the data collected will be high on our end. The questions
framed can be controlled as they are over the internet.
• The speed of collection of data would be fast
• The cost reduces which can be used in providing incentives,

Respondants factors
• Anonimity could be maintained. However we could ask their contact
details and could send promotional offers to them in future.
• Eligibility of the respondants could be controlled by marketing it on
specific websites where the audience is generally close to our TG.

Answer 7

a) Income group and duration of stay can be an experimental design. To

check the duration of stay of people of different income groups.
b) Here, X1 be High income group, X2 be medium, X3 be low
O1, O2, O3 for observation of these income groups.

R X1 O1
R X2 O2
R X3 O3


d. Extravenous factors can be

1) sponsorship by the company
2) Type of Job
3) Preference of location
4) Reason for stay
Answer 8

Yes, there is a concomitant relationship. Income is the cause and product use is
the effect.

We can see that High income - high product use is comparatively more that
medium and low product use in high income.

We can see that medium income - medium product use is comparatively more
that high and low product use in medium income.

We can see that low income low product use is comparatively more that
medium and high product use in low income.

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