Mi Foro de La Ciudad

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Mi foro de la ciudad

¿Qué piensan sus compañeros acerca de su ciudad?

Vamos a averiguarlo. Para ello, siga los siguientes pasos:
1. Escribe un resumen de tu ciudad. No se olvide de escribir un título! (50
2. Al final de su resumen, agregue la imagen de su ciudad e invita a tu
compañeros a hacer comentarios al respecto. (20 Points)
3. Leer resúmenes de tus compañeros (10 Points)
4. Hacer comentarios sobre uno de los resúmenes de tus compañeros de
clase. (20 Points)
Que se diviertan!


-Bogota is my favorite city for one reason,here is where i was born.

-Bogota like any city in the world has its advantages and desadvantages.
for example bogota has very beautifuls parks and museums and others
-places. but the streets of Bogota, are full of holes, or has many vehicular
but this is my city i like it, i would not change it for anything, but the
goverment of this city 
its sucks cause for that reason the city is like this, if the goverment was
fair and honest the city 
would be the best of the world,or at least of Colombia,
but i like this city i like the people of here i like the parks, for example
-the Simon Bolivar park
-the park of the tintal
-the park of the timiza

or turistics places like:

–the bridge of boyaca
-and other ones that i not remember and for this reason i like my city tha
is called Bogota D.C
Its people, the smile returned as a promise: Colombia is one of the most
diverse countries in South America with mixtures of indigenous, Afro and
European populations that have caused a huge cultural and social wealth.
The Colombian is friendly and hospitable, always ready to give you a
smile as a visitor, who receives with open arms and the promise of many
more visits.

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