8th. English II Term - FridayTest

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San


1. Read the text, then choose the best option for each item
Cleaning Up the Park
The park near the school was full of trash that the trash in their bag. “Why don’t people use
people dropped on the ground. Mrs. Martin’s the trash cans in the park?” Mai wondered.
students wanted to clean up the park.
Then Mai remembered a time when her mother
They all went to the park after school; Mrs made signs asking people to throw trash in the
Martin gave the students gloves and some neighbourhood trash cans and not in the street.
bags. “Wear the gloves to keep your hands
clean. Put all the trash you find in the bags”, “We should put up signs asking people to keep
she explained. the park clean”, Mai said, “Good idea” said
Mai and Mike picked up empty soda cans, Mike. “Let’s tell Mrs. Martin. We can make the
candy wrappers, and other trash. They put all signs in art class”.

a. Which words from the text tell you what the park looked like?
-put up signs -full of trash -keep your hands clean -use the trash cans

b. The students probably wanted to clean up the park…

-to make the park look nice. -to make the park look messy.
-to keep their hands clean -to make signs in arts class.

c. Which is an example of flashback?

-Mai and Mike put the trash in a bag? -Mrs. Martin gave gloves to the students
-Mai remembered her mother making signs -Mai and Mike picked up trash

d. What will Mai and Mike probably do next?

-play a game in the park -go to art class and make signs
-Drop more trash in the park -tell Mrs Martin about making signs.

2. Draw a picture to represent what the students will do

3. Write a history using these words: friendship, lottery, pet, new and coins.

4. Define ‘connector’; and then write five connectors to add and then five connectors to
5. Write five sentences using the simple future grammar with will.

6. Write five sentences using the simple future grammar with be going to.
7. Complete these sentences using the Conditional type I
a. If I don’t travel this vacation, _______________________________________________
b. If my mother doesn’t call me, _______________________________________________
c. If my pet bite me, _________________________________________________
d. If I forget the date, _________________________________________________
e. If I study harder, _________________________________________________

8. Write three sentences using the using the Conditional type II

a. If you travelled, _________________________________________________
b. If she sang well, _________________________________________________
c. If I were taller, _________________________________________________
d. If my father knew it, _________________________________________________
e. If I studied well, _________________________________________________

9. Create a ‘word search’ or crossword using at least fifteen verbs.

How I did work? Yes No
I worked the quiz with order and respect?
I kept an excellent discipline developing the quiz
I studied for anyone of the topics assigned to this quiz

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