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Name of the Teacher: Ansari Hamid Raza Roll No: 04 Date of the Lesson: 4th September, 2021
Practicing School/College: Army Public School Board: CBSE
Science Lesson No: 07 (Semester – 2) Lesson Type: Individual
Name of Peer / Co-Teacher: N.A Roll No. of Peer Teacher: N.A
Class/Div.: 9th-A Period:01 Time: From 8:45 to 9:30 (45 min.)
Topic of Lesson: chapter 11: Gravitation

Previous Knowledge of the Pupil: The pupil has learned the motion of objects and force as the cause
of motion.

General Objectives:
1. To acquaint the pupil with scientific terms and concepts.
2. To develop the thinking and reasoning power of the pupil.
3. To develop scientific temper and attitude in the pupil (Compulsory Core element).
4. To develop aesthetic understanding of the Science ideas, concepts and phenomena.

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Instructional Objectives:

Knowledge: The pupil acquires knowledge of Gravitational force

Specifications: The pupil recalls and tells about gravitational force.

Understanding: The pupil develops an understanding of Gravitational force and universal law of gravitation.

Specifications: The pupil explains Gravitational force and universal law of gravitation.

Application: The pupil applies the gained knowledge and understanding of Gravitational force and universal law of gravitation
in daily life situation.

Specifications: The pupil gives scientific reasons explaining motion of moon around earth and tides in context of Gravitational
force and universal law of gravitation.

Name of Core Element: equality of sexes

Name of Life Value / Life Skill: critical thinking and problem solving

List of Resources (Aids / Material): simulation, demonstration and white board

Method of Teaching: lecture cum demonstration

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Approach: PEOR approach

Maxims: known to unknown, simple to complex and particular to general

Correlation: (external) (geography) the learned concept helps to understand why the orbits of planet around sun is
circular and why they are in orbit the concept learned in geography.

Time Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Resources


0 - 5 min. We have learnt that a force is needed to change the speed or the direction
of motion of an object.
Pull it closer.
If you want to bring some object (for e.g. The book on your table) closer
to you, what will you do?
Applying force on it
To pull it closer what are you doing?

We always observe that an object dropped from a height falls towards

the earth. That means earth is pulling these objects toward it. Pupil listens carefully
We know that all the planets go around the Sun. The moon goes around
the earth. In all these cases, there must be some force acting on the
objects, the planets and on the moon. Isaac Newton proposed that the
same force is responsible for all these.
This force is called the gravitational force.

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Time Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Resources


5 - 6 min. So, students today we will learn about Gravitational force in the 11th chapter pg. 131.

Time Teaching Points Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Resources

(& Diagrams)


6-16 min Gravitation We know that the moon goes around the earth. An Pupil listens carefully. Simulation
object when thrown upwards, reaches a certain height showing
and then falls downwards. It is said that when Newton how velocity
was sitting under a tree, an apple fell on him. The fall
of the apple made Newton start thinking. He thought
that: if the earth can attract an apple, can it not attract acceleration
the moon? Is the force the same in both cases? He changes in
conjectured that the same type of force is responsible revolution of
in both the cases. He argued that at each point of its moon around
orbit, the moon falls towards the earth, instead of earth
going off in a straight line. So, it must be attracted by
the earth. But we do not really see the moon falling
towards the earth.
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Pupil observes the
Teacher demonstrates “object tied to thread and how it demonstration of
performs circular motion like moon around earth” teacher
Before the thread is released, the stone moves in a pupil observes the
circular path with a certain speed and changes
simulation carefully.
direction at every point. The change in direction
involves change in velocity or acceleration. The force Pupil learns about
that causes this acceleration and keeps the body centripetal force
moving along the circular path is acting towards the
centre. This force is called the centripetal (meaning
‘Centre-seeking’) force. In the absence of this force,
the stone flies off along a straight line. This straight
line will be a tangent to the circular path.

16-24 min. Gravitation and The motion of the moon around the earth is due to the Pupil learns about Teacher
Centripetal force centripetal force. The centripetal force is provided by how centripetal force uses white
the force of attraction of the earth. If there were no is necessary for board and
such force, the moon would pursue a uniform straight-
circular motion of explain this
line motion. It is seen that a falling apple is attracted
towards the earth. Does the apple attract the earth? If moons and planet. concept
so, we do not see the earth moving towards an apple.

According to the third law of motion, the apple does

attract the earth. But according to the second law of
motion, for a given force, acceleration is inversely
proportional to the mass of an object. The mass of an
apple is negligibly small compared to that of the earth.
So, we do not see the earth moving towards the apple.
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Extend the same argument for why the earth does not
move towards the moon.
In our solar system, all the planets go around the Sun.
By arguing the same way, we can say that there exists
a force between the Sun and the planets.
From the above facts Newton concluded that not only
does the earth attract an apple and the moon, but all
objects in the universe attract each other. This force of
attraction between objects is called the gravitational
24-35 min. Universal law of Every object in the universe attracts every other object Pupil learns about the Teacher uses
gravitation. with a force which is proportional to the product of universal law of white board
their masses and inversely proportional to the square gravitation and its to derive the
of the distance between them. The force is along the
mathematical expression.
line joining the centres of two objects.
Teacher derives the law and explain it to pupils.

Teacher explains gravitation constant G

35-38 min Importance of The universal law of gravitation successfully Pupil learns about the
universal law of explained several phenomena which were believed to significance of
gravitation be unconnected: universal law of
(i) the force that binds us to the earth;
(ii) the motion of the moon around the earth;
(iii) the motion of planets around the Sun;
(iv) the tides due to the moon and the Sun.

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Core element: (equality of sexes)

What we have learned from newtons law of

gravitation is that the two bodies exert equal force and
each other.

It doesn’t depend which one is big which one is small

the force is always equal. So, in our day-to-day life we
should treat everyone equally irrespective of their sex
people will tell you male are stronger or females are
weak. But this is not the case we all are important.
There might be physical differences but we cant exist
without each other.

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Time Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Resources


38-40 min. Teacher revises / summarizes the lesson with the help of the following The pupil listens carefully
visual diagrammatic representation (concept/mind-map): and notes down the visual
diagrammatic representation
in their note books.

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40 -45 Teacher assesses the learning of the students by asking (orally) The pupil answers the
objective-specific (age-appropriate) questions: questions accordingly.
A. Knowledge Based:
1. Quizzez

B. Understanding Based:
1. When the mango is on the tree which force act on it and when it
falls which force act on it?

C. Application Based:
1. The mass of the earth is 6 × 1024 kg and that of the moon is 7.4
× 1022 kg. If the distance between the earth and the moon is
3.84×105 km, calculate the force exerted by the earth on
the moon. (Take G = 6.7 × 10–11 N m2 kg-2)

D. (Home) Assignment:

Solve the following

 What is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the

earth and a 1 kg object on its surface? (Mass of the earth is 6 ×
1024 kg and radius of the earth is 6.4 × 106 m.)

 Calculate the force of gravitation between the earth and the Sun,
given that the mass of the earth = 6 × 1024 kg and of the Sun = 2

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× 1030 kg. The average distance between the two is 1.5 × 1011 m.

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C.B. / PPT Work (Mention Representative Summary Points)
Jottings (New / Important Terms) Subject: Science Date: 04th sept 2021

Chapter: 11 Gravitation Class: 9th A

(on LHS of CB) (on RHS of CB)


Centripetal force

Circular motion

Universal law of gravitation

Universal gravitation constant

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List of References/URL’s/Videos etc (print and web based):
Self-Reflection by the Student Teacher (Post-Lesson activity):
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Specific Observations of Supervisor (if any):

Remarks by the School Teacher (if any):

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