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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

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Blockchain review for battery supply chain monitoring and battery trading
Carlos Antônio Rufino Júnior a, d, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino b, Pierluigi Gallo b, c, Daniel Koch d,
Hans-Georg Schweiger d, Hudson Zanin a, *
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil
University of Palermo (UNIPA), Italy
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni (CNIT), Italy
Technische Hoschule Ingolstadt (THI), CARISSMA Institute of Electric, Connected and Secure Mobility (C-ECOS), Germany


Keywords: The use of technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), data processing and blockchain have allowed companies
Second use to serve their customers with better quality, efficiency, reliability and in the shortest possible time. The growing
Reuse adoption of electric vehicles on the market has increased the demand for batteries that may have numerous
Lithium-ion batteries
manufacturers. Life expectancy is affected on manufacture, but also on operational conditions. A large number of
Second-life batteries
parameters have a role on battery’s health and thousands of data need to be evaluated and combined. The
Electric vehicles present work investigates the scenario of the battery industry in order to implement a blockchain-based platform
Supply chain for the supply chain implementation thus allowing a better control on performance of batteries and environ­
mental impact. To achieve this goal, the authors carried out a systematic review with the following steps:
identification of relevant studies, evaluation and summary of similar studies, comparison and extraction of data
from the papers. The main motivation of this work is the use of the literature for justifying the use of the
blockchain technology to track batteries and for identifying the main challenges in the related markets that can
be addressed by this technology. The results of this systematic review show that the development of a blockchain-
based platform for battery tracking will allow for greater transparency across the entire supply chain: production,
reuse, recycling, disposal. Trasparency and traceability prevent clandestine markets, misuse and release of
pollutants. Adressing these topics forsters the successful implemention of electric vehicles in the market.

useful life and can have three final destinations: (i) disposal in landfills
1. Introduction or incineration, (ii) reuse and (iii) recycling [5]. Unfortunately, most
batteries are still disposed of in landfills due to the recycling process, at
The increase in sales of Electric Vehicles (EVs) boosted the produc­ the current stage of maturation, still not being able to process a large
tion of Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs), which is the technology adopted in volume of LIBs. These industries are located in a few countries, namely
this type of vehicles because it provides light storage systems with high they are not geographically distributed, which implies high transport
energy density and high power density [1–4]. The growing adoption of costs and legal restrictions. Recycling consists of mining battery com­
EVs increases the concern about raw materials in LIBs. In particular, ponents and can reduce the demand for raw materials used in LIBs.
with the lithium, nickel, aluminum, manganese, copper, graphite and However, recycling is economically viable only if the value of recovered
cobalt that are available in few regions of the planet, the LIB has a materials is greater than or equal to the cost for extracting new chemical
variable price according to its availability and location of raw materials components [2]. One option is the reuse of EV batteries in secondary
as their mining has a significant environmental impact. The increase in applications such as peak shaving, charging infrastructure, integration
demand for this type of materials due to the increase in demand for LIBs with renewable energy generation systems, etc.
can lead to an inflation in the price of these minerals and EV batteries, One of the most promising secondary applications is the integration
thus reducing the wider adoption EVs that are a zero emissions tech­ of second-life batteries with renewable energy generation systems [6].
nology for mobility [2]. Second-life batteries can make these systems cheaper, thus increasing
Another concern of society, researchers and the productive sector the penetration of clean and renewable energy generation systems in the
refers to the large number of batteries that will reach the end of their market, promoting the decarbonization of the energy matrix of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Zanin).
Received 26 May 2021; Received in revised form 30 December 2021; Accepted 3 January 2022
Available online 10 January 2022
1364-0321/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

evolution of these important value, including their second-lives, their

Table of abbreviation recycling and disposal [9]. Blockchain is the perfect technology for
tracking and tracing values and valuable goods, in the case of batteries
API Application Programming Interface this value is threefold: the intrinsic value of batteries and their rare
B2C Business-to-Customer components and minerals, the value of trusted data associated with
B2B Business-to-Business battery life, the environmental value in preserving release of pollutants.
BMS Battery Management System The parts that make up batteries that are mainly electrolytes, cells
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory and cell separators have ores in their composition that are valuable, such
ETS Emission Trading System as: lithium (Li), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu),
EV Electric Vehicle silicon (Si), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), graphite (C*) [10–12]. The in­
HDQ High-speed Data Queue crease in the number of batteries available in the coming years increases
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers the concern about the depletion of raw materials, especially with lithium
KPI Key Performance Indicator (Li), cobalt (Co), silicon (Si) and graphite (C*).
LIB Lithium-Ion Battery There is a great deal of concern about environmental impacts, legal
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer issues and the cost of extracting and processing raw materials from LIBs.
RFID Radio Frequency Identification The tracking of the raw materials present in the batteries can help to
RUL Remaining Useful Life prevent the ores that make up the batteries from being extracted and
SoAP State-of-Available-Power discarded in clandestine places, with precarious sanitary conditions for
SoC State of Charge workers, avoid child labor, exposure of operators to heavy metals,
SoH State of Health contamination of the fauna and flora with heavy chemical materials,
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate avoid the disposal of batteries in inappropriate places and avoid the
Change exposure of operators to workplaces suitable for landslides [13]. Second
WLAN Wireless Local Area Network use and recycling of batteries can contribute to reducing the demand for
primary raw materials [13].
Blockchain technology is very suitable for solving problems in which
there are contrasting interests between the different companies involved
countries. Second-life batteries when integrated with renewable energy in the ecosystem. Through this technology, it is possible to create
generation systems can reduce the intermittency of these systems and intelligent and immutable contracts that describe business rules in order
allow excess energy to be stored to be consumed at times of low energy to ensure more security and transparency for the entire supply chain.
generation. In addition, second-life batteries can be very useful to enable This study is important to identify how blockchain technology can be
powering in remote areas [4,7]. These batteries can also be integrated applied to track batteries along their supply chain, enabling the solution
into EV charging stations, helping to improve the charging infrastruc­ of several problems in the battery market.
ture of these vehicles [8]. In addition to the social and environmental conditions that impose
This shows that the supply chain of batteries can also be circular, as challenges to the extraction of raw materials from LIB. There are also
the customer can return the product so that it can be reused or recycled. issues of an economic and political nature that are interrelated. This
Several companies have focused efforts to make supply chain manage­ makes the price of these raw materials sensitive to trade barriers and
ment easier and less complex. For players in the battery market, it is dependent on the policies of the countries that dominate the extraction
essential to know the origin and history of this product so that it is of these raw materials which produces a great fluctuation in the price of
possible to convert this data into knowledge, make estimates, forecasts these chemical components of batteries [14]. It is also important to
and classify batteries in different levels of quality. mention that some minerals such as cobalt, lithium and graphite are
Proper supply chain management reduces the number of frauds, re­ concentrated in a few countries, which makes several countries depen­
duces indirect costs, assists in decision making, increases the number of dent on imports of these minerals [12,13].
sales and reduces the complexity of the manufacturing process. In the The battery production process requires batteries to be produced in a
context of the battery market, tracking batteries along the supply chain clean room in order to ensure that their chemical components are not
is important to ensure that all market players are aware of battery contaminated with impurities. Contamination of the battery’s chemical
chemistry, authenticity, performance, life expectancy and other infor­ components with impurities compromises the safety and quality of the
mation that may be important for certain regulatory frameworks. battery. This contamination can contaminate a single battery or a spe­
Technologies aiming to solve the problems of industries are cific batch of batteries and compromise their safety, quality and per­
emerging, among them, blockchain technology aims at disrupting formance. Therefore, the battery life is strongly influenced, among other
different areas of industrial and social processes by providing a things, by the quality of the raw material used [15]. Blockchain tech­
distributed, immutable and validated repository of data, capable of nology can be applied to a tracking system that facilitates the recall of
tracking the entire supply chain. With the blockchain, data coming from one or more defective batteries. Therefore, the efforts dedicated to the
sensors will be collected for monitoring products and processes in near tracking of raw materials is due to the need to guarantee the quality and
real time. Locations, timestamps, voltages, currents, temperatures, performance of the batteries, as well as reducing the dependence on raw
among other data, will be stored through a distributed, immutable and materials from other countries, putting the circular economy into
safe technology that guarantees a distributed validation of incoming practice in an effective way, recovering the values of the residues and,
data, with procedures that are agreed by the involved actors. Many allowing the companies to meet the norms and public policies [14–16].
actors are involved in the battery market including battery manufac­ One of the main motivations for this work is the need to understand
turers, system integrators, users, companies specialized in applications how battery tracking using a blockchain-based platform can help com­
for second life, providers of raw and recycled materials, public control panies meet technical standards and legislation. This is relevant because
bodies, etc. Moreover, such actors have contrasting interests, may the Battery Directive [17–20] states that as of June 1, 2024 only bat­
belong to different countries being subject to heterogeneous regulation teries with a carbon footprint claim can be placed on the market.
frameworks. Under this light, the blockchain shows up as a powerful tool Another point of the directive is the increase in the battery collection
for managing digital identities of batteries and track their lifecycle. From rate, which increased from 45% to 65% in 2025 and 70% in 2030 [17].
extraction of raw materials, through the production, till the use of bat­ This directive also establishes other points such as the need to declare
teries in electric traction, the blockchain will track and trace the the content of cobalt, lead, lithium and nickel present in batteries, as

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

well as the minimum recycled content of these metals in the battery (see Fig. 1) that have been followed to prepare this systematic review are
[17]. To meet this directive and other regulations, a literature review is here listed: (i) identification of relevant studies, (ii) selection of studies,
needed to learn about the proposed blockchain-based systems and how (iii) evaluation and summary of similar studies and, (iv) comparison and
these systems can help companies meet the rules and regulations. extraction of data from papers.
There is also a need to justify the use of blockchain technology in The first stage of this research is planning. In this step, the protocol is
different scenarios in the battery market, as this technology still has a defined where the main question and the secondary questions that will
high cost when compared to other technologies on the market. Investi­ be answered during the study are defined. The second stage of the
gating the possibility of developing a blockchain-based platform is research is to identify the works. The works were searched through the
essential to understand how this technology can solve problems, such as: execution of strings in the search space for the database of articles and
patents, which are: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
• Tracking the origin and quality of the raw material in order to avoid (IEEE), Web of Science, Springer, Elsevier, Scopus, Scielo, Science Direct
its scarcity, avoid price inflation and guarantee the expected degree and Oxford Press Journal. The choice of these databases for the search
of purity; has been done because they have papers written in English, they allow
• Ensure that the batteries have the performance, safety and quality the export of articles in BibTex format and have quality papers that are
expected for the application; reviewed by peers in the area of computing, engineering and
• Solve problems in scenarios where there are contrasting interests sustainability.
between different parts of the battery ecosystem; The execution of strings in the search space of the databases was
• Allow that all battery ecosystem participants to know the battery performed by combining and interconnecting the special AND and OR
history; operators to execute the following strings: “Blockchain & EV Batteries”,
• Avoid orphan batteries (without a legal person responsible for their “Blockchain & Supply Chain”, “Second-life Batteries & Blockchain”,
correct disposal and recycling); “Smart-Contracts & Batteries”, “Blockchain & Electric Vehicle”. After
• Understanding how a blockchain-based platform can help reduce the execution of the strings and identification of the works, the studies
uncertainty and define who will be the manufacturer, user and owner were selected according to the criteria of inclusion and exclusion criteria
of the battery at different stages of its useful life; that are presented in Table 1.
• Ensure that the circularity of the supply chain and that the A general analysis of the research area can be obtained by analyzing
manufacturing, use, reuse and recycling processes have the desired the number of publications each year for each of the keywords adopted
minimum efficiency. as a search criterion in this systematic review, as shown in Fig. 2. Note
from Fig. 2 in (a) that the number of publications relating blockchain to
Blockchain technology is still recent and therefore, few works report EV batteries has grown considerably in recent years. Fig. 2 in (b) shows
the use of this technology applied to battery tracking. This paper aims to that in the last few years the number of works applying blockchain
fill several gaps in the literature, the main one being the justification for technology in the supply chain area is increasing and there is a high
the use of blockchain technology to track batteries. That’s because there number of works published in recent years. In (c) and (d) it is possible to
are several other types of databases that can be used. However, block­ note that there is still a low number of publications that relate block­
chain technology has numerous advantages such as safety, authenticity, chain to recycling and reusing batteries, showing that the application of
transparency and immutability that need to be investigated with a focus this technology with a focus on circular battery economy is still an area
on solving known problems in the battery market. Another gap in the that needs to be developed. Finally, in (e) it is possible to notice an
literature is the fact that there are few studies that study the ways of increasing number of publications relating blockchain technology to
identifying batteries at different stages of their life (from manufacture to EVs.
recycling). This systematic review investigates the main works that
address the different types of unique battery identification. 3. Battery production process
Despite the growing number of blockchain publications in recent
years, the technology is still new and unknown to society and therefore, The production of the batteries can be subdivided into the produc­
there are still some questions that need to be answered such as: tion of the cell and the production of the module. Cell production can be
divided into the stages of mixing, coating, drying, calendering, slitting,
1. How can blockchain manage the battery supply chain? vacuum drying, separation, stacking/winding, packaging, electrolyte
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a secure, filling, formation, degassing, high temperature aging, normal tempera­
immutable and decentralized technology to monitor the battery ture aging and, end of life testing.
supply chain? The battery production process starts with obtaining the raw mate­
3. How can a blockchain-based platform help companies increase their rials for the batteries that can be obtained by mining, carried out by the
revenue? company itself or by partner companies. The raw material mining stage
is more and more regulated and with stricter environmental standards
In view of the need to answer these questions, this paper aims to that raise the companies’ production cost. Battery manufacturers usually
conduct a systematic review to identify the main reasons for imple­ buy raw materials on the stock exchange. The price of these raw mate­
menting a blockchain-based platform to track the battery supply chain rials for batteries is volatile, however, it can remain constant due to
and for battery electronic commerce. The article is divided into the several individual investors and companies that inject a large amount of
following sections: Section II presents the methodology adopted in the money into the market to ensure that raw materials for batteries do not
systematic review. Section III presents the production process for become scarce in the future. It is expected that in the near future the raw
lithium-ion batteries. Section IV presents the definition of blockchain materials will be negotiated directly between the mining company and
technology and the main advantages of this technology for battery
tracking. Finally, the conclusion is discussed in Section V.

2. Method

Conducting a systematic review allows to make the research repro­

ducible. For this reason, strict protocols are followed to survey the most Fig. 1. Flowchart of the methodology adopted in this paper.
relevant studies, map and evaluate the works in the literature. The steps Source: Elaborated by the authors.

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Table 1 agencies and battery manufacturers will have the option to buy from
Inclusion or exclusion criteria for this systematic review. mining companies that have a more sustainable raw material extraction
Inclusion Exclusion process.
After obtaining the raw material, the production of the electrodes
The paper deals with blockchain for Investigators did not have access to the
second-life batteries. full text. begins, which is made from the mixture of the paste, coating,
The paper describes characteristics of The paper does not describe features of compression, drying and cutting. The production of the electrode has a
blockchain-based platforms for second- blockchain-based platforms for tracking high degree of monitoring complexity because each step has different
life batteries. and trading second-life batteries. execution times. The production of the electrode begins with the pro­
The paper has information on blockchain- The paper only describes the technical
based platforms for battery swapping characteristics for second-life batteries.
duction of a paste that can be obtained from two or more raw materials
and battery trading. and that are mixed using a rotary tool to form a paste. The microstruc­
The paper describes blockchain platforms ture of this paste is related to the cell’s performance and, consequently,
for tracking the battery supply chain. it is one of the stages of battery production that must be monitored.
The paper has information on monitoring
After that, an application tool such as a slit die, scraper blade or
the supply chain and executing smart
contracts aimed at batteries. anilox roller can be used to transfer the paste to a sheet. A conductive
network around the particles must be formed by increasing the adhesion
Source: Prepared by the authors.
force between the electrode coating, increasing the life of the batteries.
Subsequently, the sheet with this paste goes through a drying, calen­
the battery manufacturer, without the need for intermediaries, making it dering, slitting, vacuum drying and separation process. The drying
possible to obtain long-term contracts with pre-defined volumes that process aims to provide heat to eliminate the solvent in the form of
will enable lower prices and better levels of sustainability because there steam. This process usually takes place in a dryer equipment that is
will be greater control over the extraction of raw materials by regulatory composed of several chambers and the chambers have different

Fig. 2. Number of publications over the years for each of the keywords adopted in this systematic research.
Source: Prepared by the authors.

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

temperatures from each other. Calendering is the process of passing the transactions. Blockchain is a reliable and decentralized technology
copper or aluminum sheet with the material coated in two rolls so that based on a chain of blocks that are spread across all nodes in the network
the material that covers the copper or aluminum sheet is compressed. (decentralized), and validated by the network participants themselves -
This compaction process has an impact on the pore structure and on the which are called nodes - and maintain information about all transactions
electrochemical performance of the cells. After the calendering process, in an immutable to ensure security. The blocks are organized chrono­
the sheets are unloaded statically, cleaned by brush or air flow and cut logically and a new transaction is connected to the previous transaction
using rotary knives. After cutting, the coils are stored in a vacuum oven block, this process is called a hash. Blockchain technology has some
where they remain in a drying process for a period of 12–30 h. This advantages, such as [24,25]:
process aims to remove residual moisture and eliminate the solvent from
vapor coils at low temperatures. After this step, the cells are transferred • Decentralization: Information about a new transaction is spread
to a clean room where the separation of the cathode, anode and mem­ among several or all participants in the network. The advantage of
brane separating the materials from the roll occurs. With the cathode, this is that a copy of the transaction is stored in all of us, ensuring
anode and membrane separated, stacking of the anode and cathode transparency and data integrity.
sheets begins, which are normally inserted alternately from left to right • Immutable data storage: the data stored in the chain are immutable
in the Z-shaped separator [21]. and permanent, which facilitates the detection of possible frauds,
The packaging of the pouch cells is done by an ultrasonic or laser since to change a given block, it would be necessary to change all the
welding process. The cell stack is placed in an aluminum package and blocks, which becomes computationally unfeasible.
sealed gas-tight in three impulse or contact sealing processes. Only one • All transactions are shared with all users which allows greater
side of the cell is not sealed so that it can be filled with electrolyte [21]. transparency and immutability, consequently increasing security.
The electrolyte filling takes place in two sub-processes: filling and • Low cost: as the transactions do not have an intermediary, such as a
moistening. The electrolyte filling process is carried out using a bank, the cost to make the transactions is lower.
high-precision dosing needle under vacuum to transfer the electrolyte to • Limited Privacy: although all data is shared with all nodes in the
the cell. After that, a pressure is applied to the cell with inert gas to network and is available and visible to them, private blockchains can
activate the capillary effect of the cell and this process is called wetting. be used to limit the scope of the disclosure.
The aluminum package is vacuum-sealed [22].
After the cells are finished, the Battery Management System (BMS) is Despite the aforementioned advantages, blockchain technology has
inserted in the module and is responsible for controlling the parameters two main disadvantages: scalability and energy consumption. Because
of the cells avoiding overheating, overcooling, overloading and over- the technology is distributed and decentralized, the time required to
discharging the cell, ensuring the safety of the battery module. propagate information across all nodes in the network, process and
After the BMS has been inserted in the battery module, the other validate that information depends on the number of nodes, the network
parts of the module and the electronic protection circuits are inserted, bandwidth, and the storage space. Greater technology adoption and
thus finalizing the production of the battery module. Before being increased network nodes can increase energy consumption and require
delivered to the consumer, the batteries are tested, certified, transported more storage space [24].
to the car manufacturer and then inserted into the EV. After reaching the It is important to highlight that blockchain technology can
end of their life in the EVs, the batteries can still be reused, recycled and contribute mainly in scenarios in which different actors are involved and
the recovered raw material can be re-inserted into the circular chain. there is no trust in these actors among themselves. These actors can
Fig. 3 shows the circular battery chain. range from different departments or business units within the same
company to different companies.
4. Blockchain technology The process or service data may or may not be visible to all partici­
pants in the network. In most scenarios, companies have no interest in
Blockchain is the system used in bitcoin and cryptocurrency providing free data to competitors or intermediaries in the business. On

Fig. 3. Closed-loop circle of automotive LIBs.

Source: Adapted from Ref. [23].

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

the other hand, when you use blockchains with permission, not all data Tracking the use of batteries in EVs, at all stages of the supply chain,
needs to be shared and different scopes of visibility can be defined and allows user behavior data to be available so that the battery manufac­
applied even within the consortium. turer can, for example, identify a particular driver profile. Based on the
Anyway, even without involving competitors, sharing a selected data obtained during the operation of EVs, it is possible to obtain in­
amount of data and validation logic (not all) with other non-profit formation about road conditions, climate in the region, terrain condi­
agencies (governments, controllers, public agencies, certifiers) is a tions, driver behavior and from that, the battery manufacturer can offer
benefit for the company and all the actors involved. In fact, blockchain a service of insurance for accidents, anticipate the replacement of the
technology serves both to assign responsibilities and to exonerate them, battery and charge for the rental of the battery a fee proportional to the
for example, to demonstrate that a company is not responsible for terms of use.
something. Therefore, tracking batteries using blockchain technology Data storage while using batteries in EVs can be implemented on a
can help resolve various conflicts of interest in the battery supply chain. blockchain-based platform and allows a better understanding of how
batteries will age in a second application. The system can also help to
4.1. Blockchain for battery tracking determine how long the battery will last in a second use and conse­
quently find out the value that the used battery will get based on busi­
Blockchain technology can be used for tracing the whole supply ness risk. Therefore, companies can define different strategies to
chain of a LIB and can thus start registering the provenance of raw increase their revenues, increase battery life, ensure that EV batteries
materials and then the manufacturing process, then the shipping and will have a second use and reduce environmental impacts.
delivery to the car producer and then the property transfers up to the EV batteries are an expensive product that corresponds to 35% of the
marketing, second use and, disposal. Part of this supply chain is devoted total cost of the EV [28,29] and that requires great investment to make it
to the marketing of EV batteries in a second life market. a product of quality, performance and safety. Counterfeiting batteries
can make the battery market vulnerable to insertion of batteries that do
4.1.1. Why is tracking batteries throughout your supply chain important? not have certification and consequently have lower quality and safety
There is great concern about the environmental impact expected by than certified batteries [30].
batteries that will reach the end of their useful life, because the demand Avoiding adulteration and counterfeiting of EV batteries means
for batteries in the world has increased in recent years [26]. It is esti­ protecting customers from dangerous situations such as: accidents
mated that in 2030 the global demand for batteries will be 1200 GWh involving batteries, improper charging of batteries in charging stations
and in 2050 this demand will increase to 3500 GWh [12–14]. The without certification and from other manufacturers, use of low quality
number of batteries that will reach the end of their useful life can be cells, among other situations that can be extremely catastrophic and
greater when considering the high rate of automobile accidents and that capable of damaging the company’s brand. It is important to note that
at least 5% of the batteries can be rejected due to quality problems [13]. the greater the added value of the battery and its market share, the
Some countries have laws that aim to mitigate the environmental greater the interest of fraudsters to adulterate the battery. The customer
damage caused by batteries at the end of their life and give the producer who buys a counterfeit battery may not experience the expected range,
the responsibility to monitor the batteries (principle of extended pro­ charging time and other features, so he may imply that the original
ducer responsibility) throughout their life cycle [18,27]. branded product is bad, even though he knows that the product he
With the replacement of conventional vehicles by EVs, batteries are bought a counterfeit product from. This can cause the battery manu­
expected to assume the fundamental role to enable urban electro­ facturer to have a bad reputation and a reduction in its market share
mobility. These batteries contain several industrial secrets, confidential [30].
data and the main competitive advantages of companies. Batteries are In the process of charging and discharging LIBs, it is necessary to
the key factor of electromobility and will be decisive for a company to keep the voltage within defined limits. For example, in the charging
dominate the automotive market. Therefore, there is a concern that process, the cell voltage increases until it reaches a certain limit speci­
these batteries are adulterated and marketed in clandestine markets, fied by the manufacturer. And in the unloading process, the cell voltage
which could reduce their price and the number of sales of the original is reduced to a specific value determined by the manufacturer according
product. In addition, counterfeit batteries pose a risk to people’s safety to the chemistry and characteristics of each cell. It is necessary to avoid
and tampering with batteries can make second use and recycling that the voltage of each cell exceeds the safety limits of each cell [30].
unviable. Counterfeit batteries may not have adequate protection to prevent
The use of blockchain technology makes the battery supply chain the batteries from assuming values of voltage, current, temperature
more transparent so that a unique identifier can be assigned to the outside safety limits. In such cases it will not be possible to guarantee
battery allowing the customer, inspection agent, or an authorized that the cell will have the same quality as the original cell. It will also not
participant in the network, to have access to various information about be possible to guarantee that counterfeit batteries will have the expected
that battery, such as, who produced and used this battery. With battery lifetime, adequate insulation to avoid electric shock, the minimum
tracking using a blockchain-based platform, if a battery is discarded in protection necessary to avoid the adverse effects of humidity, avoid
an inappropriate location, it will be possible to identify the producer and overheating, combustion and explosion [30].
assign responsibility for environmental damage to it. It will also be Another point that is important to mention is the fact that individual
possible to identify the cause and provide elements for attributing re­ parts of the original batteries can be exchanged for parts from other
sponsibility for an accident involving batteries. The consumer or manufacturers. That is, it is possible that the batteries have some indi­
enforcement agent will also be able to identify how, where and under vidual parts replaced by parts of worse quality. In these situations, it is
what conditions this battery was produced, used and disposed of. possible that the batteries do not provide adequate current for the
One challenge of battery tracking will be to convince all supply chain application (be it an EV or a second use) and also do not have the range
participants to enter data correctly on the blockchain-based tracking and charging time expected by the customer. Therefore, battery data
platform. The owner of the EV can play a key role in this data entry, from production to availability on the market can provide important
reporting any event that occurs with the battery. In this way, it will be quality and performance indicators to make it possible for the battery
possible to have constant communication between the user of the EV and design to be refined [30].
the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), so that the OEM can In summary, a blockchain-based platform could allow trading and
anticipate a demand, offer services, collect a given batch of product in an monitoring the battery life cycle and offer the aforementioned war­
easier way, predict the sudden death of the battery, predict faults, ranties both to the OEM, to the manufacturers of second-life systems and
improve battery design and monitor user’s behavior. to the end customer. Therefore, each business model will need a contract

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

model, and a flexible, automatic and secure platform can guarantee for Table 2
all parties involved in the business greater security, lower costs and Reasons to track batteries with blockchain-based system.
enable the sale of second-life batteries. Table 2 presents a search to Reason Reference
present in a condensed way the main reasons for tracking batteries using
Entering data on a blockchain-based tracking platform is important for [31]
a blockchain-based platform. manufacturers to estimate battery usage conditions during the first
and second lives, the status of the battery after the first life, the time
4.1.2. What are the benefits of tracking batteries across the supply chain? that the batteries will operate in a second-life, expenses for failures,
Tracking batteries across the production chain through a blockchain repairs or system replacements, allows manufacturers to optimize
battery components based on the data.
platform can remove the need for a trusted authority to manage batteries Inserting and recording data about the actual manufacturer of the [31,32]
and their digital twins [34–37]. This way, battery manufacturers will battery modules, logistics, life expectancy, reuse, recycling. In
have several advantages such as: addition, it is important to record the year of production of the
battery, the make, model, year of start of operation in EVs, which
region operated, type of road, country, state, etc.
• Analysis and increase in efficiency of each stage of the production
Tracking the batteries is important for the product to be returned to the [31]
process and the battery supply chain; dealer and for the battery manufacturer to be responsible for the
• Waste reduction; reverse logistics, reuse and recycling of the product.
• Predict battery failures; The availability of data helps to reduce the need for unnecessary and [31]
• Optimization of the battery design; expensive testing which would make EV battery reuse unviable.
Battery data is important for identifying how EV batteries are being [31]
• Identification of the parts of the batteries with the highest failure rate stored, the quality of battery cells and modules, estimating how many
and the lowest efficiency; cycles per year the battery will operate in the first life and the second-
• Identification of the stages of the production process and the supply life, comparing the estimated data with the actual, the aging
chain of the batteries with less efficiency; mechanisms and how the batteries will behave in a second
• Battery maintenance management;
Protect both the OEM and customers from opportunistic behavior by [31,32]
• Operational stability; both parties and to identify who is responsible for a possible failure in
• Agility, efficiency and effectiveness in decision making; the energy storage system composed of second-life batteries, as well
• Predictive failure analysis; as to predict failures, identify battery fraud and/or other behavior
• Data-based decisions; that does not comply with OEM policies.
In business models in which the batteries will be offered as a service, [31]
• Standardization of the operation;
that is, they will be rented charging a fixed monthly fee for their use.
• Generation of indicators for the quality team to make decisions based In such cases, it is important that data such as number of complete
on resource efficiency; cycles, energy consumption, etc. registered on a secure and tamper-
• Determination of the technical and economic feasibility of reusing proof platform protecting customers and OEMs.
The battery tracking platform will protect the OEM against unjustified [31]
and recycling batteries;
customer complaints by recording data and conditions of use.
• Estimation of battery life; The battery tracking platform will provide security and increase the [31]
• Reduction in the number of stops at the factory: tracing the batteries feeling of trust between customers and OEMs, as well as between
at each stage of the supply chain will allow for better production battery manufacturers and third parties.
planning and, consequently, fewer stops or delays in the delivery of Protected data will make it easier for OEMs to provide adequate [31]
technical support.
the final product;
Tracking batteries will allow a better estimate of the volume of batteries [33]
• Availability of all battery information and parameters for consulta­ available for reuse and/or recycling, which batteries have been
tion, fault analysis and root cause determination; disposed of correctly, which volume of batteries have been reused and
• Avoid making the wrong decisions due to the lack of information and recycled. In addition, control the volume of batteries illegally
disposed of and monitor OEMs so that the destination of the batteries
knowledge of the production process, as well as the conditions of
is adequate.
design and use of the product; Prevent LIBs from being disposed of in inappropriate places, [33]
• Prevent batteries from being disposed of in inappropriate places or guaranteeing the safety of society and the environment, given that
becoming orphans (without a person responsible for their final batteries can contaminate the soil, ignite and explode spontaneously.
destination); Track the number of batteries repaired or replaced during the warranty [33]
period due to damage, defects but whose replacement and/or repair
• Tracking batteries allows environmental data to be stored at each
costs were not covered by the battery manufacturer.
stage of the battery production process, enabling more accurate It allows for greater control and monitoring of how recycling and reuse
environmental control; of batteries is being carried out by OEMs, preventing recycling from
• Product Quality; being carried out by unauthorized companies and/or having low
performance and low efficiency in their recycling process, preventing
• Monitoring and reduction of environmental impacts;
operators are exposed to dangerous toxins and avoid damage to
• Ability to simulate future scenarios: based on historical data for each operators and the environment. The customer will have full
stage of the battery supply chain, it is possible for companies to es­ knowledge of the production process, operation in the EVs, reuse and
timate the effects, make decisions and anticipate measures to prevent recycling. Maximize the recovery of valuable chemical components
and mitigate damage caused by a crisis such as the 2008 economic from the battery.
The main data that can be recorded by the battery tracking platform are: [33]
crisis caused by the bubble real estate in the United States and the
chemical composition, capacity, weight, producer, change of
2019 economic crisis caused by Covid-19. producer in case the battery is reused and becomes a new product.
Facilitate the control and monitoring of battery transport to avoid [33]
The work presented in Ref. [38] points out that the trade in disproportionate costs and delays with the application.
second-life batteries is promising and an electronic commerce system Remove the uncertainty that the buyer may have in case of buying used [33]
products and the tracking platform can expose the hidden
should promote the exchange of information between different parts of characteristics of the product, helping the customer’s decision
the business. The authors conducted interviews to identify which process, reducing the possibility of the customer buying a product that
transactions are likely to occur in the second-life battery trade, in order does not meet their expectations.
to reduce transaction costs. The results of the investigation show that it In the case of batteries that have the production company responsible [33]
for recycling and reuse, they are bankrupt or are not identified
is possible to have two types of transactions: (i) transfer the second-life
(“orphaned” batteries), new managers are assigned to contribute to
battery to the energy storage system manufacturer and (ii) transfer of the correct disposal of EV batteries at the end of their useful life.
the energy storage system built with second-life batteries to the (continued on next page)
customer. According to the authors, an information system can store

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Table 2 (continued ) • Safety: Second-life battery buyers expect these batteries to be able to
Reason Reference integrate with their equipment and meet the safety requirements of
the second application.
The European Commission has recently introduced recycling efficiency [33]
and the recovery rate of raw materials such as Co, Ni, Li, Cu and
• Knowledge sharing: In order for the second-life manufacturer to es­
therefore, battery tracking will help to ensure that the percentage timate the time that EV batteries will operate in a second application,
target determined by European legislation is achieved by companies. they may need information and data provided by the OEM, as well as
Source: Prepared by the authors.
they may need to provide information about the characteristics of the
second application, the second-life, etc. Therefore, it is essential that
the trading platform and the contract protect the information and
data regarding the use of the battery in the EV, the current data after data from the manufacturer of second-life storage systems.
tests and adjustments for a second application, as well as data during the
second-life. Finally, customers expect guarantees such as [38]:
The work presented in Ref. [38] shows the importance of a platform
that could ensure companies, protecting from opportunistic behavior • Safety: customers expect security when operating a system built with
both from the customer and from another company, depending on the second-life batteries.
business model. Each company has a business model that can be • Low cost: customers expect the system using second-life batteries to
Business-to-Customer (B2C) or Business-to-Business (B2B) and, be cheap.
depending on the business model, each party needs guarantees. The • Meet expectations: expects the second-life battery system to resolve
OEM needs some guarantees, such as [38]: its “market pain” and deliver value by providing some benefit to the
• Data and technology protection: depending on the business model,
the OEM may need to share information and data about the first and 4.1.3. Who are the actors in the automotive battery supply chain?
second use of second-life batteries. Battery data during operation is The battery supply chain is made up of several stakeholders who may
important for battery manufacturers to calculate expenses, identify not completely trust each other. The main players in the EV battery
causes of failure, repair and optimize internal battery components supply chain are parts suppliers, raw material suppliers, battery manu­
[31]. Making it necessary that the contract drawn up between the facturers, automobile manufacturers, companies responsible for battery
OEM and the other parties involved in the business in order to ensure logistics, battery testing and classification companies, battery recycling
that data, information and technology are protected. companies and regulatory authorities, as shown in Fig. 4.
• Protection of your brand: In the event of an accident that happens Battery manufacturers may have several suppliers of raw materials
with second-life batteries, the company’s brand must be protected and battery parts. Raw materials are a critical factor in the production of
from any damage to its brand. batteries because in addition to the uncertainty of their availability, they
• Protection of your technology against improper use and product are strongly influenced by storage and transport conditions and are
tampering: The OEM expects the platform to monitor the operation affected by humidity, temperature and, in some cases, by light [40]. It is
of the batteries during the first and second use, so that the OEM is very important for battery manufacturers to have information about the
able to identify any improper operation or tampering with the bat­ supplier such as: carbon footprint of the raw material, history of in­
teries. Thus, the OEM may receive the batteries in top condition and terruptions and delays that a given supplier had in the last month,
can reduce the cost of testing and remanufacturing. storage conditions of the raw material, capacity of that supplier, type of
• Second-life market control: the transfer of knowledge, data and in­ raw material, quality of the raw material, location of its stock, regula­
formation, as well as the transfer of technology can cause the OEM to tory barriers of the country where the supplier is located, its financial
lose control of the second-life market. situation and reputation in the market. These data are intended to assist
battery manufacturers in planning their operation in order to keep the
In the case of the company that will integrate the second-life battery minimum stock possible, determine what is the level of safety stock that
with a second application, it is possible to emphasize the need to receive should be maintained, what will be the orders of customers that should
some guarantees such as [38]: be prioritized, when and what inventory items are to be replenished. It is
also important that this production planning is focused on obtaining
• Battery performance: the second-life manufacturer can expect to lower manufacturing and transportation costs, and maximizing effi­
have assurances that used EV batteries will meet the requirements of ciency and the level of service quality [40].
the second-life application. Due to extended responsibility, battery manufacturers want to have
• Lifetime in second-life: second-life manufacturers expect to be as much information as possible about their batteries and a solution to
assured of how long the batteries will operate in a second this problem could be tracking cells using a blockchain-based platform.
application. The latter would provide complete history of their manufacture, their
• Number of batteries that will be available for each period of time behavior and performance during usage, its residual value, its quality
(month, quarter, year): Second-life manufacturers expect to have a and safety. Some data are important for this analysis, such as: cell
forecast of how many batteries will be available to be reused to chart chemistry, separator type, estimated life, electrolyte chemistry, number
their company’s strategies, estimate sales numbers and identify new of cycles in each application, discharge depth, charge status, health
markets. A platform that identifies the number of second-life batte­ status, charge/discharge curves, number of battery protection system
ries available on the market can help estimate the sale price, pay­ alerts, separator conditions, internal resistance, cell voltage, cell cur­
ment terms, among other parameters calculated based on the rent, among other information [40]. Among these parameters the most
number of batteries available on the market. important are the number of cycles that have a strong influence on the
• Low cost: second-life manufacturers expect used EV batteries to be price of the battery and the internal resistance that is directly related to
cheaper than new ones, because otherwise they will be able to buy the health status of the battery.
new batteries. Therefore, a blockchain-based platform can automate Battery and automobile manufacturers are interested in tracking the
transactions, eliminate third parties and reduce transaction costs by battery supply chain mainly due to the legislation in several countries
enabling lower battery costs. that gives the manufacturer (the one who puts the battery first on the
market) the responsibility to recovering and recycling the batteries.
Since batteries that reach the end of their useful life in EVs still have a

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 4. EV battery supply chain actors.

Source: Adapted from Ref. [39].

remaining charge that can be used to increase companies’ revenue and obtained if the OEM reuses batteries to build energy storage systems that
reduce the cost of recycling, it is expected that the batteries will have a will certainly be cheaper than storage systems built with new batteries
second use before being recycled. [41].
Logistics operating companies can be hired to transport batteries by The collection of the battery after use in EVs can be done by an
being part of the battery supply chain and capturing value through the authorized company of the producer, which can be a car manufacturer, a
transport of batteries. It is very important for battery manufacturers to dealership, a company responsible for logistics, a manufacturer of sec­
obtain information on the history of theft and diversion of cargo, late ond life systems or a manufacturer of batteries. This will depend on who
deliveries, transportation costs, customer satisfaction, transportation will be the battery producer and the last user of the battery. This pro­
conditions, compliance with the legislation on the transport of hazard­ ducer will be able to choose the second use or direct recycling of
ous materials, availability of fleet, quantity in volume and weight that batteries.
the logistics operator is able to transport in a given period of time, When the battery manufacturer is not the same one of the energy
number of accidents involving improper battery transport, number of storage system built with second-life batteries, it will be necessary for
collisions between vehicles, Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for each the battery manufacturer to share some data with the second life system
logistics operator, routes, number of battery transport occurrences manufacturer (and vice versa) so that both have the necessary infor­
under inadequate conditions, non-conformity index of each logistics mation to estimate the useful life of the batteries in a second application,
operator, etc [40]. which second life application is more feasible, what is the technical and
After the batteries become unfit for use in EVs, the batteries can be economic feasibility of reusing these second life batteries in a less
tested and classified before being inserted in a second application. These demanding application, what is the price of these batteries and whether
battery tests and classification can be done by the battery manufacturers the batteries will have adequate quality, performance and safety to
or companies contracted by them. These specialist battery testing and operate in a second application [42].
rating companies receive second-life batteries and capture value by of­ Storing battery data on a blockchain-based platform has the advan­
fering the service of testing and rating batteries. After the second use, the tage that network participants can query and make decisions based on
batteries will be recycled and their secondary raw material will be the data. In addition to battery data, it is also possible to store the user’s
reinserted in the supply chain, thus realizing the circular economy. private key on the network, so that this private key is the digital
Car manufacturers are responsible for inserting batteries in EVs. This signature of whoever stored the data on the network. In this way, it is
step is a crucial one because car manufacturers need some data from the possible to guarantee data integrity and data authenticity. Therefore, the
batteries to determine whether the latter will have the proper perfor­ blockchain allows the end user of the battery to know the entire history
mance, quality and safety to operate on EVs. Therefore, a blockchain- of the product he is purchasing. And on the other hand, the battery
based platform can guarantee security, transparency and immutability manufacturer will have knowledge of how their product is being used,
to hold the EV owner responsible for improper battery use. It is also who it was sold to, and who are the intermediaries in the supply chain.
possible to discover the root cause of an accident involving batteries and Fig. 5 shows the battery supply chain and how the flow of the physical
to assign responsibility for that accident to any of the actors partici­ object and digital data can be [43,44].
pating in the supply chain.
After reaching the range of 70–80% of the remaining charge rec­ 4.1.4. Some innovative cases of product tracking with blockchain-based
ommended by the car manufacturers, the car manufacturers recommend platform
that the batteries be removed from the vehicles and directed to the There are many case studies that show the viability of using the
producer. EV batteries after use have a remaining charge that can be blockchain for tracking and tracing perisheable goods for the retail
used to increase revenue for the battery manufacturer, and EV owners market, as the result of a cooperation between the food company BRF,
can gain some benefits, such as reduced EV prices or even a reduction in the retailer Carrefour and IBM. The consortium has set up a blockchain-
the cost of energy to recharge the EVs, by means of a contract between based platform for tracking products such as, milk and meat, encom­
proprietary EVs and the OEM establishes agreements on the first and the passing the production chain, from the production process, the com­
second use of the battery. The reduction in the energy tariff can be mercial stage and logistics. The application allows the consumer, for

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 5. Example of a blockchain application for tracking the supply chain of EV batteries.
Source: Adapted from Ref. [45].

example, to know the place where the milk was collected, packaged as that enables data validation, information auditing and process tracking
long as the customer uses the camera of his cell phone to identify a QR in a transparent and immutable way. The SeedsBit platform allows all
code and the application shows all the information of the product’s actors in the product supply chain to have access to relevant product
production cycle. Among the values generated to the customer, we can information through Application Programming Interface (API’s). These
mention the increase in confidence in the product, identification of the cases can be used as a starting point for tracking and tracing batteries,
place and conditions of production, identification of irregularities, despite the objectives, the scenarios but overall the distributed logic to
production date and validity. For the company, the main values are the be implemented are profoundly different in the two scenarios [48].
automation of processes, as well as the elimination of adulteration of its However, there are still challenges that need to be overcome to track
product, increase of sales and prevention of possible damages to its batteries. In the battery production process, it may be necessary to
brand [46,47]. change the batch of a given battery and, therefore, the marker must be
An innovative start-up called SeedsBit offers a platform for tracking changed or this change of the battery batch must be updated in a
the entire supply chain of products in the agri-food sector, so it is database. Another challenge is that the markers must be placed on the
possible for the customer to know the entire history of the product, from batteries in a way that does not compromise their quality or perfor­
its production to how the waste of that product is managed. One of the mance. For example, if a marker is placed on a battery’s electrode, it can
main advantages of this platform is the use of blockchain technology increase its impedance and reduce cell performance [22,49,50].

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Therefore, a study on the type of marker that should be placed on the Table 4
batteries to provide battery data at each stage of the supply chain should Comparison between ways to use non-applied markers to identify an object
be carried out. The next section of this paper aims to investigate these individually along the battery production chain.
markers. Production Tracked Detection type
phase Object
Single object without an applied identifier
4.1.5. Identification of batteries
Optical Math.
The first challenge in developing a blockchain-based solution for
tracking the battery supply chain is to define the type of marker or Surface struc., Shape, Math. model, Logical
identifier that can be used to identify batteries at different levels in the Colour model

supply chain. Battery tracking across the supply chain can be done in Slurry mixing Slurry fluid No/low No/low
batch (from a group of batteries) or for each battery. Tracking a batch of Electrode Electrode foil Middle High
products is cheaper and simpler than tracking individual products. On
Electrode Stripe/Sheets Middle High
the other hand, tracking individual products is more accurate and can Cutting
provide more information and more appropriate insights [22]. Cell assembly Coil/Stack Middle High
The identification of each battery can be done by inserting a direct Finishing Cell wrap High Middle
identifier on the surface of the battery, for example, a bar code, a 2D Source: Adapted from Ref. [22].
code such as DataMatrix codes or numerical systems. It is also possible to
identify the batteries by means of the electrical or mechanical charac­ of the battery production process [22].
teristics of the battery [22]. Battery tracking can be implemented in a number of ways. One way
Identifiers can be divided into two categories: tactile or non-tactile. of authenticating the batteries is by inserting an integrated circuit
Tactile identifiers are identifiers that require mechanical gauges to capable of storing the battery identification that can be read electrically
identify batteries through direct contact. This type of identifier is (for example: ID Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EPROM))
generally simple to implement and cheaper than non-tactile identifiers. [30].
On the other hand, there are non-tactile identifiers that do not require Electrical authentication can be implemented by using a communi­
direct contact from sensors to identify the batteries. Usually these non- cation bus, High-speed Data Queue (HDQ) or I2C that communicates
tactile identifiers provide information about the part through Radio with an integrated circuit inside the battery. The integrated circuit in
Frequency Identification signals (RFID) or wireless network (Wireless turn can have an authentication function capable of allowing the ex­
Local Area Network, WLAN, or bluetooth). Non-tactile identifiers, change of data between the battery and the host. The disadvantage of
although more expensive than non-tactile identifiers, can be more ac­ this system is that the information travels on a bus and can be obtained
curate and provide more information about the monitored part than by a counterfeiting agent if he inserts an oscilloscope on the bus or
tactile identifiers [22]. duplicates that data with another EPROM or microcontroller. Although
Table 3 presents a comparison between the different types of applied there is a possibility that this system will discourage battery counter­
identifiers that can be used to monitor the production process of the feiters by requiring an additional electronic circuit, it still does not
batteries. As shown in Table 3 the use of identifiers applied to monitor guarantee against tampering of battery data [30].
the paste is of low potential because it can compromise the quality of the
material. On the other hand, individual optical applied markers have a 4.1.6. What data will be stored on a blockchain-based platform at each
high potential to be used to individually monitor the electrode coating, stage of the supply chain?
electrode cut, cell assembly and cell completion [22]. Data during first use can be obtained in two ways: (i) during
Table 4 presents a comparison between the potential of using non- scheduled maintenance or at the end of its useful life, if the data is stored
applied markers to identify the batteries individually. Note that the in the BMS or on the vehicle’s on-board computer, they are centralized,
mathematical marker has a high potential to monitor the steps of elec­ prone to tampering and in general not available because collected for
trode coating, electrode cutting, cell assembly and cell completion. internal usage and therefore encrypted [38,51–53], (ii) in real time, sent
However, the markers are not applied to monitor the paste mixing step at constant intervals via the internet. The main requirement that the
[22]. information system must have in this latter case, is the ability to encrypt,
Table 5 presents a comparison between the potential of using applied store, process and export this data [38].
identifiers to monitor a group of batteries. Note that, with the exception The insertion of battery data into a blockchain network can make the
of the applied mechanical identifiers, the other types of applied identi­ data available to be consumed by business intelligence tools and for the
fiers for group monitoring for each stage of battery production, have creation of artificial intelligence models that will be able to determine
high or medium potential to be used [22]. which scenarios of second use of EV batteries are viable. Different types
Table 6 presents a comparison of the potential of applying unapplied of data can be entered on the blockchain-based platform. These data are
markers to monitor the production stages of the batteries. Note that non- obtained through measurement tests, such as: impedance spectroscopy,
applied markers have a high potential to be used in monitoring all stages

Table 3
Comparison between the modes of applying markers to identify an object individually along the battery production chain.
Production phase Tracked Object Detection type

Single object with an applied identifier

Contactless Tactile

Optical Magnetic Radio Mechanical Electrical Circuit

Slurry mixing Slurry fluid No/low No/low No/low No/low No/low

Electrode coating Electrode foil High No/low No/low No/low No/low
Electrode cutting Stripe/Sheets High Middle Middle No/low No/low
Cell assembly Coil/Stack High Middle Middle No/low No/low
Finishing Cell wrap High Middle Middle No/low No/low

Source: Adapted from Ref. [22].

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Table 5
Comparison between the possibilities of inserting applied markers to identify a group of batteries along the battery production chain.
Production phase Tracked Object Detection type

Object group with an applied identifier

Contactless Tactile

Optical Magnetic Radio Mechanical Electrical Circuit

Slurry mixing Slurry fluid High Middle High No/low Middle

Electrode coating Electrode foil High Middle High No/low Middle
Electrode cutting Stripe/Sheets High Middle High No/low Middle
Cell assembly Coil/Stack High Middle High No/low Middle
Finishing Cell wrap High Middle High No/low Middle

Source: Adapted from Ref. [22].

each battery parameter. Although these parameters guarantee the safety

Table 6
of the batteries, they can operate in a suboptimal region with low effi­
Comparison between the possibilities of inserting non-applied markers to
ciency, with possible sudden death or premature failure [15].
identify a group of batteries along the battery production chain.
The creation of a digital twin of the batteries allows the evaluation of
Production Tracked Detection type
several metrics simultaneously, such as: State of Charge (SoC), State of
phase Object
Object group without an applied identifier Health (SoH), State-of-Available-Power (SoAP) and Remaining Useful
Optical Math. Life (RUL). There are metrics that can reflect the battery’s physical
characteristics, such as the potential of individual electrodes, lithium
Surface struc., Shape, Math. model, Logical
Colour model concentration profiles, among other information that can be used to
improve the battery design and minimize battery charging time.
Slurry mixing Slurry fluid High High
Electrode Electrode foil High High
Registering all battery information on a blockchain-based platform
coating makes it possible to create an exact copy of the battery in the digital
Electrode Stripe/Sheets High High world with specific battery production information individually on
cutting including manufacturing defects or events that occurred during battery
Cell assembly Coil/Stack High High
manufacture [15].
Finishing Cell wrap High High
In addition to digital twins with a focus on battery design,
Source: Adapted from Ref. [22]. manufacturing and forecasting, they can also be used to improve a
plant’s efficiency and productivity. The digital twins can also be used as
cycle tests, etc. After the tests, it is possible to build models based on business tools, generating appropriate insights for data-driven decision
artificial intelligence to determine the loss of battery capacity, the useful making and in the creation of new business models because it will allow
life, among other factors. Fig. 6 presents some types of data that can be the simulation of different scenarios. Cost savings can also be achieved
entered in the blockchain-based platform, as well as, some analyses that with the use of digital twins to automate processes and reduce the
can be performed and the various output variables that can be estimated number of errors.
based on this data. The advent of industry 4.0 has made it possible to use smart sensors
The system should ensure that intermediary companies do not have that are making the battery supply chain increasingly monitored and
access to specific and confidential first-life data and, therefore, must tracked. Digital twins can integrate the entire logistics chain from the
provide keys so that the intermediary has access only to the data planning stage, which includes the acquisition of raw materials, deter­
necessary for a second-life application. One way to grant greater au­ mination of the quantity and quality of the raw material, demand esti­
tonomy to the manufacturer of energy storage systems built with mation, inventory management, delivery forecast and the effective
second-life batteries is to provide the possibility for it to replace or delivery of the product.
reconfigure the BMS using new encryption [38]. The integration of digital twins from obtaining data through a
blockchain-based platform will enable numerous benefits for battery
4.2. Creating a digital twin manufacturers, such as [40]:

Inserting battery data at each stage of the battery supply chain will • Possibility of assessing how changes in alternative raw materials,
make it possible to create a digital twin. A digital twin is a digital copy battery design and manufacturing process influence the quality and
that accurately describes a system or product in the physical world. This safety of batteries;
product from the physical world may be an automotive battery. With the • Increased resource efficiency: screening of raw materials, efficiency
exact copy of the battery in the digital world it is possible to run mul­ of manufacturing, remanufacturing and recycling processes, as well
tiphysics simulations in the cloud [29]. Fig. 7 presents a flow chart of as correct calculations of wasted resources.
how the flow of information can be done in an application. • Faster product development cycles: evaluation of the time of each
Digital twin technology allows battery manufacturers to obtain in­ stage of the design and manufacture of the batteries, estimation of
formation about some battery parameters, such as charge status and the manufacturing time, identification of bottlenecks and imple­
health status, which may not be possible by directly measuring battery mentation of improvements to obtain faster product manufacturing
parameters. The digital twins are an exact copy of the batteries that are cycles;
updated in real time so that the digital copy of the battery reflects the • Enhanced flexibility;
current battery conditions. From the data it is possible to create • Creation of models capable of improving the design and manufacture
graphical front-end interfaces with several dashboards to present the of batteries: the use of digital twins will make it possible to predict
relevant information to each of the interested parties [29]. failures, battery quality and battery safety in different scenarios;
Digital twins can be used to estimate battery degradation mecha­ • Battery optimization: real-time monitoring of the batteries makes it
nisms, predict performance and reduce the cost of the actual battery possible to exchange data and implement optimization software
system. Battery manufacturers typically establish safety intervals for

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 6. Different potential on-board data types, analysis techniques and output information.
Source: Adapted from Ref. [15].

capable of operating on the battery so that it always operates at the • Environmental impacts: estimating the carbon footprint in a precise
point of maximum efficiency. way based on data enabling the simulation of more sustainable
• It will allow you to control the supply chain from end to end, so that scenarios for the implementation of the circular economy in an
battery data at each stage of your supply chain will be recorded by effective way.
recording information about the origin of the raw material, the
automotive use, the use in a second application, the recycling and the The main challenge of creating a digital battery twin is data. Data is a
feedback of the closed loop cycle with the raw materials recovered in challenge for the creation of digital twins for three main reasons: cost,
the recycling process; quality and intellectual protection. Obtaining data across the battery

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 7. Cyber-physical elements of a digital twin.

Source: Adapted from Ref. [15].

supply chain requires the involvement of different actors in the EV the different actors in the battery supply chain. Some actors in this
ecosystem to define which data is relevant to the creation of a digital supply chain may not have the technological maturity or interest in
battery twin because the amount of data is strongly related to the cost of sharing this data due to the risk of exposing sensitive data. Therefore,
technology. Therefore, the use of little data can cause the system not to the use of the blockchain platform can help different actors in the bat­
serve the purposes for which it was created and the use of a large amount tery value chain to enter data and verify it with greater security and
of data can increase the cost of the system [40]. transparency [40].
Another concern is regarding the quality of the data. It is very
important that the data is complete, standardized and that all actors in
4.3. Battery swapping (value comparable)
the battery value chain insert real data in the correct way. For this
reason, the awareness of all actors in the battery value chain must be in
One of the major barriers to the penetration of EVs in the market is
the sense of emphasizing the importance of the correct data [40].
the anxiety of range. EV owners report that vehicle recharge times are
Finally, another challenge that needs to be overcome is the man­
still very high when compared to the time to fill a fuel tank in conven­
agement of data sharing. Data is a company asset that needs to be pro­
tional vehicles. Another barrier for EVs is the range anxiety of EV owners
tected from competitors at the risk of disclosing its competitive
who report that the autonomy of this type of vehicle is still not sufficient
advantages. The creation of the digital battery twin requires different
for several scenarios, especially when considering countries with large
players to provide information about the battery and to share data with
territorial extensions.

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Business models based on battery change aim to reduce the time that to solve the problem, how the platform will allow interaction with the
EV owners spend to recharge their vehicles. In this type of business user and what messages will be sent to him. Finally, we define the
model, the owner of an EV uses his vehicle until the battery reaches a objective that will be achieved after each action has been mapped.
low charge level. When the vehicle’s battery reaches a low charge level, Table 7 presents the main tasks and processes that must be implemented
the EV owner moves to a battery exchange station and replaces the on the blockchain-based platform to achieve the expected objectives.
discharged battery with another fully charged battery. This battery
replacement process takes a few minutes. 4.4. Tokenization of battery attributes and carbon footprint certification
After the battery replacement procedure has been carried out, the EV
owner can drive his vehicle again until the battery is discharged and the In recent years, standards and legislation are increasingly stricter
process is repeated again. The operator of the battery exchange station with the aim of encouraging companies to reduce their greenhouse gas
recharges the battery with a low level of charge, using renewable energy emissions. In 2005, the Kyoto Protocol was ratified, which is a clean
sources and during off-peak hours. Fig. 8 illustrates this procedure for development mechanism, where the most industrialized countries can
changing batteries. offset their emissions through carbon credits (certified emissions) made
In this type of business model the driver must trust that the battery in developing countries. These greenhouse gas emissions projects
exchange station will provide a charged battery with the same condi­ generated in developing countries are classified as a clean development
tions as the vehicle’s discharged battery. On the other hand, the battery mechanism, supervised by the United Nations Framework Convention
exchange station also expects to receive a battery from the EV driver that on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
has not been tampered with or damaged. As a result, economic blocks such as the European Union have set a
Blockchain-based technology is an excellent option to solve this certain limit on the emission of greenhouse gases and, if there are
problem when there is distrust between the parties involved. To solve emissions of greenhouse gases above this limit, the excess quantity must
this problem of mistrust between the parties, it is necessary to determine be acquired from developing countries (international carbon credits) or
the real value of the discharged battery that is in the EV to compare with nearby EU countries. In the case of the European Union, the Emission
the value of the battery that will be inserted in the vehicle. For this, the Trading System (ETS) sets a cap for emissions that decreases along time.
data from both batteries can be recorded on a blockchain-based platform Such cap is applied only so some sectors of the economy and if any
that will determine the actual condition of both batteries and calculate company emits greenhouse gases above the sector’s emission limit, that
the compensation value that one of the parties proportional to the dif­ company must acquire an amount of carbon credits equivalent to excess
ference between the price of the two batteries. This technology has the share of greenhouse gas emissions within or outside the EU. Therefore,
advantage of being decentralized, secure, private and can guarantee the companies are required to pay a fee in euros for each ton of excess
audit if one of the parties deems it necessary. greenhouse gas emissions.
In other words, the blockchain-based platform will be able to The described ETS mechanism applies to power plants, industry
determine the real value of the vehicle battery that will be discharged or factories and aviation sector and will now be extended by means of the
with a low charge level and compare it with the value of the battery that ‘Fit for 55’ package to mobility, buildings and maritime sectors. Emis­
will be inserted into the vehicle by the exchange station ensuring that sion Trading System, under the Kyoto protocol, make use of tradable
one of the parties is rewarded if there is any difference between the carbon credits that are a mechanism that obliges companies that emit
conditions of both batteries. In order to determine the fair price of each beyond their quota of greenhouse gas emissions, to buy carbon credits
battery it is necessary to determine the quality of the battery based on from companies that emit less than the amount of greenhouse gases that
the data. Fig. 9 presents some types of data that can contribute to the they could emit as established by the Protocol of Kyoto. Through carbon
determination of the quality of the battery, which analyzes can be credits, there is a transfer of resources from companies that have less
offered on a platform that offers the service based on battery swapping sustainable industrial processes to more sustainable companies. There­
and some output variables from the platform. fore, the most sustainable companies are given incentives to become
The Blueprint methodology was applied to help understand the tasks even more sustainable while the most polluting companies are penalized
and processes that a blockchain-based platform must have to implement for their high emission of greenhouse gases.
the battery swapping business model. In this methodology, the first step There is a growing desire in society to reach a new zero greenhouse
was to define what actions the client should take to solve his problem. gas emissions in the transport sector development model. While the
After that, it was defined what the blockchain-based platform can offer COP26 Agreement aimed to keep the worldwide global temperature rise

Fig. 8. Illustration of how EV drivers can replace their dead batteries with fully charged batteries in just a few minutes in business models based on battery swapping.
Source: Prepared by the authors.

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 9. Data types, analyzes and outputs from the blockchain-based platform for battery swapping.
Source: Adapted from Ref. [54].

Table 7
Tasks and processes to achieve the expected objectives with the blockchain-based platform for battery swapping.
Blockchain-based platform for EV owners to request, receive and manage battery replacement.

Customer Want to change your battery Search nearby battery exchange stations Prompts to change the Check-in at the battery exchange Replaces the
actions battery station battery and
checks it out
Where it Home, office, highways, roads, Blockchain-based platform Blockchain-based Battery exchange station Battery
occurs streets platform exchange station
Apparent Publications of the location of Buy a battery; Register the battery on the Well presented Telephone support for any Dispute
tasks battery exchange stations on the blockchain-based platform; Battery and platform problems Resolution
blockchain-based platform account information
Hidden Content Curation Route optimization algorithm; Messaging System; Check-in system Feedback
tasks decentralized, immutable and payment and refund System
transparent database system
Support Content production and Registration of battery data, verification Payment and Tips on how to use batteries Battery
processes communication management of customer identity, verification of scheduling issues properly, where to buy and replace insurance claim
battery authenticity, payment and refund your battery, directions to places to
between the parties recharge your EV.
Desirable Stimulate the exchange of Indicate a nearby, suitable and certified Make the reservation of Have an incredible experience with Leave positive
output batteries through the platform battery exchange station. the time to effect the your battery change and the feedback on the
change of batteries elimination of range anxiety. platform

Source: Adapted from Ref. [54].

at a maximum of 1.5 ◦ C, this ambitious target was only partly accepted emissions associated with the use and eventual disposal or reuse of a
by most countries. Other targets have been set so as to reduce the waste product, very similar to the product lifecycle approach, should be
volume and increase its reuse, avoid the depletion of fossil resources, considered.
ensure that the whole society has access to water and food, guarantee In this way, a battery manufacturer can receive the certificate of
labor rights and increase system productivity. Another aspect is that the sustainable lifecycle battery production. The criteria for issuing a cer­
consumer market is constantly changing and more and more consumers tificate that proves that a given battery was produced sustainably must
of new generations are interested in buying from more sustainable consider social, environmental and economic aspects. Social criteria
companies. must guarantee human and labor rights in all production, use and
Recognizing that road transport accounts for 10% worldwide emis­ management of water in an appropriate manner and without waste,
sions, there is a strong need to implement effective means to truly abate among other factors. The environmental criteria are aimed at ensuring
emissions in this sector. In Europe, the new Fit for 55 package will act on the reduction of greenhouse gases, reducing the environmental impacts
fuel suppliers thus producing an increase of costs to end users. However, of battery production on the region’s fauna and flora, improving air
as above outlined, it is not enough to switch from Internal Combustion quality, among other factors. Finally, the economic criteria consider
engines to EV’s, but rather to create a circular economy around electric whether the production is in accordance with the country’s legislation,
mobility. To do so, not only batteries and cars manufacturers, but also the planning and monitoring of the industrial process and the use of
fuel suppliers may have a digital certificate that proves that the company efficient technologies [55]. For a company to have its process certified, it
has avoided the emission of a certain amount that can be quantified in must follow the steps presented in Fig. 10.
tons of CO2, both in terms of direct and embedded emissions. This In Brazil, there is a program known as RenovaBio that aims to reduce
certification will value the most sustainable companies so that these greenhouse gas emissions through the emission of carbon credits
companies will have a greater added value in their product. A battery’s [57–59]. A model similar to RenovaBio can be developed to calculate
embedded emissions being the sum of greenhouse gas emissions needed the greenhouse gas emission level of each battery from the life cycle
to bring the battery to market. This includes emissions generated analysis. In this way, it is possible to predict whether the country will
through raw material extraction/farming, processing of materials, as meet the decarbonization goals, as well as, it is possible to identify
well as the manufacturing and transportation of the final product. Also whether the companies will meet the individual decarbonization goals.

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 10. Steps in a certification process.

Source: Adapted from Ref. [56].

Estimating the environmental performance of battery production makes accreditation body that issues the certificate. Based on this certificate,
it possible to compare the sustainability of EV’s with vehicles from other companies receive an amount of decarbonization credit. This decar­
transportation sources, which can increase the credibility and adoption bonization credit is a monetized asset traded on the stock exchange.
of EV’s on the market, as well as helping countries to achieve carbon Fig. 12 presents a proposal for a process for issuing decarbonization
targets. Monitoring the entire battery production chain is essential to credits based on the production of batteries.
estimate greenhouse gas emissions and certify each stage of battery Blockchain technology can be used to certify the entire battery
production. At the end of this process, carbon credits may be issued, supply chain. Fig. 13 shows a flow chart with a certified battery supply
which can be traded on the stock exchange [57–59]. Fig. 11 presents a chain. One of the most important steps is the certification of primary and
flow chart of how carbon credits can be generated. secondary battery raw materials and the certification of batteries to
As mentioned above, for the issuance of the sustainable battery operate in EV’s and in a second application. After the extraction and
production certificate, the calculation of the battery life cycle analysis refining of the batteries, cell production begins. This step is important
must be carried out in order to determine the carbon footprint of the because there is a strong interest in the industry in understanding how
production process. The life cycle analysis is validated by the responsibility is transferred across the supply chain, as well as, in ways

Fig. 11. How carbon credits can be generated in a battery supply chain.
Source: Adapted from Ref. [60].

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 12. Sustainable battery production certification process proposal.

Source: Adapted from Ref. [61].

to track those responsibilities (see Fig. 13). defect or failure to integrate the battery into the vehicle. These conflicts
The liability transfer model applies when a company transfers re­ can give rise to lawsuits that are not of interest to either party. There­
sponsibility for recycling to the company to which the battery is sold fore, the use of blockchain technology, crossed and validated by all
(downstream of the battery’s supply chain). Considering the hypothesis parties, allows greater transparency of the conditions of manufacture,
that the responsibility transfer model is applied, the responsibility for integration in the vehicle and use of batteries.
recycling the battery would be transferred from the cell manufacturer to After the batteries reach the end of their life in the vehicles, they will
the battery manufacturer at the time of sale of the cell. The transfer of be delivered by the vehicle owner to an authorized vehicle manufacturer
responsibility for recycling is important at this stage because as of the dealership or to a third party company specializing in battery collection.
cell’s manufacture, the material is activated, implying on it the legis­ In business models in which the batteries are collected by a third-party,
lation of hazardous materials. In this sense, blockchain technology can these companies collect the batteries and charge a fee from the com­
contribute to the development of new business models with the aim of panies responsible for recycling proportional to the weight of the bat­
sharing responsibility between each party, proportional to the profit that teries collected (for example, dollars/grams). There is an atmosphere of
both parties obtain from the sale of the final product and its role in the mistrust between the outsourced company and the company responsible
market. for recycling batteries (which may be a manufacturer of batteries or
After manufacture, the cells are certified and sold to the battery automobiles) because it is not easy to track the number and weight of
manufacturer. The integrator inserts the BMS, the enclosure and the batteries that have been collected. In this scenario, the company
other components in the cell and, later, certifies the pack. Subsequently, responsible for the collection of batteries may declare a number greater
the battery manufacturer sells the battery to the vehicle manufacturer than that actually collected to receive a higher amount for recycling the
and certifies the system (vehicle + batteries) transferring the re­ batteries. In case of declaration of a number of recycled batteries greater
sponsibility for recycling the batteries to the vehicle manufacturer. than the number actually recycled, damage to the environment will be
Batteries can be sold as a product or as a service to the customer (EV caused, as well as, financial losses to the company responsible for
owner). When batteries are sold as a product to the customer, the re­ recycling.
sponsibility for recycling the battery, in most countries, is not trans­ After collecting the batteries, the car manufacturer will be able to
ferred to the customer because several countries apply the principle of remanufacture, remodel, reuse or dispose of the batteries for a second
extended responsibility to the producer. In business models where bat­ use. If the vehicle manufacturer makes significant changes to this bat­
teries are offered as a service, car manufacturers charge an amount tery, such as replacing damaged cells, it will be necessary that these
proportional to the number of miles traveled or the time of use. How­ batteries be certified again. Identifying these changes, as well as who
ever, there is a conflicting environment between the battery manufac­ was responsible for these changes, is a difficult task without tracking
turer, car manufacturer and the customer when the battery does not cells and packaging components. The replacement of cells or the inser­
reach its expected life. The battery manufacturer may claim that the tion of second-line rectified components can compromise the safety of
battery production process was adequate and that a battery failure batteries leading to loss of certification and, therefore, need to be
occurred due to a possible error in the integration of the battery in the identified through the use of technological tools in order to generate
EV or improper use of the battery in the vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers value for companies.
may claim that the customer used the battery improperly and the Second-life batteries can also be sold as a product or as a service.
customer may claim that the battery failure was due to a manufacturing Therefore, in addition to performance and safety issues, there is a need

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

Fig. 13. Certified battery supply chain.

Source: Prepared by the authors.

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to enable service-based business models, in which companies that where companies that have the largest sustainability projects have the
integrate energy storage systems built with second-life batteries can highest stock index.
install the system on a customer and share with they profit from the Carbon credit is an intangible asset that will prove that the battery
system. However, there is a need for safety and transparency for both production process of sustainable companies has prevented the emission
parties to be safeguarded in the event of a possible accident, as well as of greenhouse gases and that carbon credit from sustainable companies
transparency about the profit of these systems can enable service-based can be purchased by polluting companies. The process of acquiring
business models and, therefore, enable a second use of batteries. carbon credits and certifying carbon projects can be digitized, making
Finally, the batteries will be collected and recycled. There is a very carbon credit an asset for companies.
important question that is who checks whether these batteries are Therefore, a blockchain-based platform can make it easier for com­
actually being collected. For this reason, tracing the batteries will be panies to buy carbon credits that will finance sustainable battery
essential to ensure that the commercialized batteries are effectively research and development projects. The tokenization of carbon credits
collected, as well as to give the customer the responsibility of returning can zero emissions from the transport sector. Blockchain technology can
the batteries so that they can be reused or recycled. In addition, the increase advertising, security and transparency of transactions, making
tracking of responsibilities along the chain will be essential to define carbon credit a digital asset that can be traded on a stock exchange and,
who will be responsible for the reuse of batteries. depending on the type of privacy of the blockchain network imple­
The certification of conformity is another type of certification that mented, the information can be consulted by any person, company or
aims to guarantee the performance, the safety of the batteries and the regulatory agency to see how the company bought that carbon credit, to
quality of the batteries. The development of these standards takes into whom it transferred and the amount of carbon credits that was trans­
account several factors of the batteries, such as the manufacturing ferred. Thus, it is possible for individuals and companies to buy carbon
process and the profile of the application in which the battery will credits and receive a perennial asset (without expiration time), dollar­
operate. Certification tests include the following areas: accreditation, ized, internationally recognized and digital. The money from this pur­
certification, type tests and factory inspection [62]. chase in carbon credits can be used for sustainable battery projects or
A test laboratory or certification body can be accredited, that is, other projects, can be used to offset the buyer’s carbon footprint, or can
recognized with the ability to perform certain tests (for example, on be resold on the trading exchanges if the price is attractive.
batteries) or qualifications (for example, on personnel) and determine In addition to purchasing carbon credits, companies can receive a
the quality, performance and safety of a product, process or service. This carbon footprint statement. The European Commission recently pro­
certifying body must be independent and, therefore, cannot have the posed an update of the current legislation on batteries with measures
influence of other parties to issue this certificate [62]. that aim to promote the sustainability, safety and improvement of bat­
The certificate attests that a product, process or service meets the teries. Proposal for a Regulation 2019/2020 [27] states that it is
criteria of a specific standard whose tests have been carried out by an mandatory that all batteries that are inserted in the European market
impartial third party. Battery manufacturers normally evaluate the main have a carbon footprint statement. Therefore, companies that do not
technical norms and standards that regulate the battery market in the have sustainable production processes may lose market in the future and
country where they want to insert the battery and, after that, apply for may be fined for emissions above the limit allowed by law [63].
certification. These norms and standards may vary depending on the Proposal for a Regulation 2019/2020 [27] declares the provision of
region or country and are developed with the collaboration of different carbon footprint data for each battery model and batch by battery
stakeholders [62]. manufacturing plant to be mandatory. This requirement increases the
For a battery manufacturer to certify a battery, the first step is to complexity and the amount of information that battery manufacturers
specify the battery application which can be light, heavy EV’s, etc. At will have to manage about each model and for each batch of batteries.
this stage, the company must specify the characteristics of this battery That’s because there are a variety of battery technologies that are
such as: charging current, charging algorithm, wrapping, degree of applied in a large number of applications [63].
protection, among others. After that, the company must evaluate in Some companies in the battery industry are concerned because the
which standards the batteries will be certified. For this, the company carbon footprint certification process for these batteries is carried out by
must consider the norms and safety standards in force in the country third parties who may not have the technical knowledge, data and time
where the batteries will be inserted. Each standard specifies which test available to verify the sheer volume of information that is needed to
these batteries must be submitted. Subsequently, that company must determine performance, the durability and efficiency that the recycling
seek an accreditation body certified by the regulatory agency. Based on process must have to recover the contents of each battery in an appro­
the number of standards and the number of tests that will be carried out, priate manner. An inadequate and inefficient battery certification pro­
as well as, whether these tests are destructive or not, the accreditation cess can allow batteries that do not have adequate compliance to be
body determines the number of samples necessary for the performance placed on the market, which would increase consumer distrust [63].
of the tests [62]. According to Proposal for a Regulation 2019/2020 the calculation of
If the batteries pass the compliance tests, a certificate that is a PDF the carbon footprint of the batteries must be calculated considering the
document is issued. After that, the batteries can be manufactured, entire life cycle of the battery, whose steps are: the acquisition of raw
however, the certified company is subject to audits carried out by the material, pre-processing, production of the main product, distribution,
accrediting body to verify that the initial design of the battery has not end of life and recycling. Entering data at each stage of the supply chain
been changed. A new certification or a change order must be requested will allow the determination of the amount of emissions during each
in cases of significant changes in the battery model, such as: change in stage of the battery’s life, as well as making it possible to make accurate
the battery casing, cells, documentation such as charging current, estimates of the amount of energy that will be required to recycle a
discharge current, safety labels, among others. The certificate of con­ battery. Based on this data, it will be possible for battery manufacturers
formity of the batteries can be scanned in order to guarantee their to simulate scenarios in which the transport of raw materials is cheaper,
authenticity [62]. faster and with a lower environmental footprint. It is also possible to
There are several motivations for a company to have carbon credits. estimate the amount of gas emissions in a more realistic way, to choose
In addition to the need to comply with the legislation, another factor raw material suppliers based on more appropriate sustainability criteria,
that motivates companies to buy carbon credits is the possibility of to include the transport of these raw materials in the calculation of
having an increase in the value of their shares in the financial market, an greenhouse gas emission estimation., simulate hypothetical scenarios,
appreciation of their brand and their reputation in the market. An evaluate the possibility of adopting more sustainable raw materials
example of this is that some stock exchanges have a sustainability index based on cost, energy to pre-process these materials, energy source used

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to produce batteries and recharge EVs, increase the transparency of requirements to operate safely in a secondary application.
carbon credits and the environmental footprint certificate, etc. Among
these parameters, the information on the type of raw material is one of 4.6. Remuneration and payment
the most important in view of the fact that raw materials such as cobalt
are normally extracted in places that have a high rate of child and slave The government of several countries has enacted several regulations
labor. Nickel extraction is also a process that has a high carbon footprint, to mitigate the environmental impacts of end-of-life batteries. In gen­
however, depending on the legislation of the country where nickel is eral, policies can be divided into three categories, namely: subsidy,
extracted, the disposal of waste from this activity in the high seas is traceability and punitive. Subsidy policies are a fee paid by the gov­
allowed. Therefore, although it is permitted by law, this information ernment for industries that reach a certain battery collection target, for
must be entered so that buyers have the option to buy from more sus­ each kwh of recycled battery, etc. The traceability policies aim to assign
tainable companies [40]. a person responsible for the battery throughout its life cycle and for that,
So the tokenization of the batteries with an environmental footprint a unique identification is assigned to each battery. Finally, punitive
certification makes the batteries an asset with several tangible and policies aim to penalize battery producers who fail to meet battery
intangible values because in addition to the quality, safety, performance collection and recycling targets [65].
of the batteries that the batteries will have during operation in an EV and Several studies report that the reward/penalty mechanism works
in a second application, also there are intangible values such as the very well in several areas. In Ref. [65] the authors investigated the
preservation of the environment, fauna, flora, human beings, to ensure socio-economic impacts of battery recycling based on three scenarios: (i)
that batteries will not be produced through slave labor, among other without intervention policies, (ii) with subsidy mechanism and (iii) with
tangible and intangible values. the reward/penalty mechanism. According to the authors, the adoption
The blockchain platform can also allow individuals as owners of EVs of the reward/penalty mechanism can increase the rate of battery
to access the platform and have access to information on battery sus­ recycling and social well-being and the penalty mechanism can signifi­
tainability. That way the consumer can choose to buy a green battery or cantly reduce the environmental impacts caused by improper disposal of
a less sustainable battery. The carbon footprint statement in digital form EV batteries.
can prove to customers that a given battery is green and that the industry Blockchain technology is an alternative for the implementation of
is concerned with keeping its production processes sustainable, as well effective public policies because by assigning a unique identification for
as that the process of producing and using that battery has been planned the batteries it is possible to track the batteries throughout their value
in a way to reduce or eliminate environmental impacts. chain, facilitate the collection of batteries, eliminate or reduce the rate
A blockchain-based technology can help ensure batteries with car­ of batteries “Missing”, estimate accurately based on historical data the
bon footprint by eliminating intermediaries, so that the certification of rate of battery collection, the efficiency of recycling and calculate the
the batteries is transparent, auditable and immune to fraud. The digi­ amount of the subsidy or penalty that will be applied to the battery
tization of the various parameters of the batteries will lead to the producer.
tokenization of the batteries and will enable various insights into the
environmental impacts of the batteries. 4.7. Platform for electronic battery trading

4.5. Reuse battery and certification of usability in a second application The second-life battery online trading platform can recommend the
product that best suits customers’ needs, as well as identifies potential
Batteries, in general, must pass several tests that are required by a customers, segment the market, anticipate demand and function as a
regulatory body before being placed on the market. These tests are sales funnel. Therefore, the platform can help the customer in decision
intended to test and evaluate the batteries in conditions of use, ensuring making by showing products with different prices, where the platform
that the batteries have the minimum quality, safety and performance itself can identify which products are more reliable for the customer to
requirements to operate in a given application. EVs are one of the ap­ make the purchase [38]. The platform can use blockchain technology to
plications of batteries, but batteries have a wide application in agricul­ make the platform more secure and practically tamperproof, and inform
ture, in the electric sector, etc. battery conditions, the location and number of available batteries,
In recent years, several studies have proven the technical and eco­ eliminating the need for intermediaries and physical contracts, making
nomic viability of second-life batteries [64]. For this reason, it is battery trading second to none easy, fast and automatic life [25].
important to consider that this type of battery will need to be certified The adoption of a blockchain-based platform for the trading of
before being placed on the market as a new product. Different countries second-life batteries is motivated by the following:
may have different certification processes. One of the main certifications
will be the UN38.3 transport guidance, electromagnetic certification, e. • Battery and car manufacturers do not fully trust EV owners because
g. in France NF-EN-61000 or NF-EN-62311), safety certification (e.g. malicious customers can tamper with batteries, damage them, etc.
again in France NF-EN-62619), etc. Reconditioned EV batteries must • The second-life battery market is complex and may involve different
follow some protocols, such as UL1974, to assess the condition of the players, such as: battery manufacturers, car manufacturers, logistics
batteries before they are re-inserted into the market. companies, energy storage companies, recycling companies, EV
The certification process for second-life batteries can be expensive, owners, etc. Each of the parties involved has individual interests and
slow and time-consuming when you do not have a platform capable of therefore there is no reliable third party and operator on the
determining the actual condition of the battery and its technical and network.
economic feasibility for a second use. If the battery data is not recorded • The platform must be safe to prevent malicious users from selling
during its production and its operation in EVs, it will be necessary for the adulterated and/or damaged second-life batteries, with low perfor­
batteries after use in EVs to be tested, which will require a high amount mance, with poor health, with malfunctions due to improper use
of time because these tests are usually expensive and time-consuming during the operation on the EV’s.
and may render unfeasible the second use of batteries. • Battery manufacturers can enter into a cooperation agreement with
Inserting battery data on a blockchain-based platform can eliminate energy storage companies or other companies for, for example, col­
steps, reduce time, reduce cost and automate the certification process for lecting second-life batteries, developing and implementing energy
second-life, refurbished, remanufactured and refurbished batteries. storage systems built with second-life batteries. The contract signed
Based on the battery data, it is possible for the blockchain platform to between the parties must be transparent, legitimate and the use of
issue a digital certificate that proves that the battery has the minimum blockchain can facilitate shared ownership, for example, between

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

battery manufacturers and energy storage companies, and no party chain. In this way, battery recycling costs are diluted along the supply
should receive more than was previously established in the contract. chain. Through blockchain technology, it is possible to implement
• The marketing platform can allow end customers to choose the different types of smart contracts with different consensus mechanisms
appropriate size of their energy storage system built with second-life in order to enable some business models in a secure and transparent way
batteries (for example: power, voltage, second-life application re­ for all parties involved.
quirements, etc.) [31]. The literature review shows that blockchain technology plays a
• The platform can allow customers to better understand information fundamental role in protecting industrial secrets and battery data, and
about the conditions of use of second-life batteries, warranty period also preventing adulteration and sale of these batteries in clandestine
and information on how to properly dispose of batteries [31,32]. markets. For this, it is essential to track all battery components in order
• The marketing platform can enable energy storage system manu­ to prevent fraud and tampering with the battery. The identification of
facturers to provide alternative ways to purchase, rent or lease the battery tampering is important both to assign responsibility to a
energy storage system, provide offers and solutions based on cus­ particular actor in the supply chain for an accident involving batteries
tomers’ historical purchase data [32]. and to relieve that actor of that responsibility. This identification is also
• The trading platform can reduce the cost per transaction, better important to grant or not the warranty for any battery defect. A unique
understand customer needs, suggest similar products, allow the identifier can be inserted into the battery to make this battery unique,
customer to compare and evaluate different products and define the allowing this battery to have data that reflects the actual condition of
product that will best meet their needs [32]. that product, allowing the customer, inspection agent or network
participant to have information about this battery. This paper presents a
A blockchain-based platform allows the drafting of contracts in an comparison between different studies in the literature regarding the best
intelligent and automatic way allowing the parties involved to close unique identifier to be assigned to batteries from the manufacturing
contracts digitally with the rights, obligations and possible individual stage to recycling.
results previously defined and available for viewing [25]. The literature review shows that there are still few studies in the area
of battery tokenization, certification of carbon credits for the production
4.8. Discussions of sustainable batteries, implementation of a reward and punishment
mechanism and battery trade. This systematic review brings together the
4.8.1. Main findings of the present study different studies in the literature on the different applications of
There is great interest from industries, public bodies and society in blockchain technology in the field of batteries.
battery tracking. Battery tracking has the potential to facilitate battery The results show that with the data entered in a blockchain-based
collection as well as provide accurate data so you can determine if the platform, it is possible for a machine learning model to consume this
battery is fit for second use and which secondary applications are data in order to indicate the best way to obtain tax incentives, the best
feasible. Blockchain technology can be used to store data that will allow tax obligations practices, how to obtain value through the correct use of
metric calculations to be performed to estimate greenhouse gas emis­ benefits, such as having correct tax planning, etc. Companies have a
sions and also better manage batteries that reach the end of their useful security of their data, so they can share their data securely and trans­
life. This screening will ensure that batteries are recycled in proper parently with network participants. Various business models can be
processes and with proper efficiency. implemented with this platform which is flexible and adaptable to
The use of blockchain technology also allows all battery materials different contexts.
and components to be tracked, making it possible for various informa­
tion on the origin of inputs, raw material extraction, battery 4.8.2. Comparison with other studies
manufacturing, testing and certification, first use, second use and The literature study has shown that a blockchain-based system can
recycling to be available for network participants to make data-based guarantee that there are no orphaned or discarded batteries in inap­
decisions. The characteristics of transparency, immutability, security, propriate locations. This is important to comply with the Battery
authenticity and auditability justify the use of this technology to inhibit Directive, reducing impacts on the environment. This result reinforces
any opportunistic behavior by parties in the battery market. the thesis presented in Ref. [66] that for an effective management of the
The results show that the main advantages of adopting blockchain supply chain, the implementation of a blockchain platform for battery
technology for battery tracking is to prevent batteries from being tracking is fundamental. In Ref. [66] it is possible to notice that the
disposed of in inappropriate places, ensure that the batteries are used involvement of various actors in battery recycling increases the amount
under the conditions specified by the manufacturer, and define who of end-of-life batteries collected and sent to the correct location. The
owns the battery. The results show the ability of blockchain technology results also show that battery tracking can be improved in scenarios
to track batteries and resolve issues of liability assignment in accidents where the government provides subsidies to consumers. And that the
and conflicts of interest that exist in the battery supply chain. The works profit from recycling is inversely proportional to the recycling rate set by
in the literature that were evaluated point to cobalt as the main raw the government. This implies that the recycling targets set by the gov­
material to be screened due to legal, ethical, social, environmental and ernment must be consistent with the reality of companies, otherwise, it
political issues. It is possible to track cobalt, as well as other raw ma­ will inhibit investments in the sector.
terials by assigning a fingerprint that allows the tracking of this input There is a question in the literature about who is the owner, user and
throughout the supply chain. There is great concern from all sectors of manufacturer of the battery. This can be resolved if it is possible to enter
society to prevent unsustainably and illegally extracted raw materials this information on a blockchain-based platform. The tracking of bat­
from being mixed with raw materials that have been legally and sus­ teries is also essential to ensure that the batteries are not tampered with,
tainably extracted. preventing these batteries from having their performance and safety
The survey results show that the characteristics of blockchain tech­ compromised and these batteries becoming unviable for a second use.
nology make this technology ideal for tracking the transfer of re­ In [67] the authors state that one of the main barriers to the reuse
sponsibility in the battery supply chain. This is very relevant because it is and recycling of batteries is the lack of battery labeling, which makes it
directly related to the transfer of battery ownership and hence the ability difficult for systems integrators and recycling companies to have infor­
to identify who is responsible for recycling batteries at each stage of the mation on battery chemistry, as well as, other technical and economic
supply chain. It is also possible to note that the different stakeholders in information that is essential to ensure the reuse of batteries. The results
the supply chain can collaborate in order to divide the responsibilities obtained by this systematic review show that developing a
for recycling according to the role each participant plays in the supply blockchain-based platform can reduce or eliminate this problem.

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

It was possible to note that a blockchain-based platform can oper­ to battery tracking covering the entire supply chain are still needed.
ationalize the implementation of several types of public policies, such as
the reward and punishment mechanism discussed in Ref. [65] as one of 5. Conclusions
the possible mechanisms for a country or economic bloc to achieve
emission targets of carbon. Replacing conventional vehicles with less polluting vehicles is one of
Blockchain technology can contribute in different ways to improve the most debated topics in recent years. In this context, and with lower
the performance of batteries that will be available on the market. One and lower carbon intensity of the energy mix, the EV market is more and
way is by improving the reverse design of the batteries. The initial more promising also due to the emergence of more efficient batteries,
battery design can be improved based on data obtained from the bat­ with higher energy density, longer life and lower cost, but this reality is
teries that are in operation and based on those batteries that have still to come. LIBs have characteristics that make them attractive for
reached the end of their useful life. This makes it possible to guarantee application in EVs, however, the adoption of EVs can dramatically in­
that the batteries that will arrive on the market will perform as expected. crease the number of batteries discarded in the environment.
Another way is real-time battery control through the combination of There is thus a growing concern regarding the disposal of batteries in
IoT technology and blockchain technology. In these systems, the data the environment, as they are classified as dangerous waste. For this
that is written to the blockchain comes from sensors. In these cases, the reason, several researchers are studying different methods of recycling
combination of blockchain can bring more security to data communi­ and reuse as a way to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by this
cation and the possibility of real-time control of the battery, improving type of waste.
its performance. In this research area, there are still many gaps to be filled and,
therefore, further studies are needed in order to determine the technical
4.8.3. Implications and explanation of findings and economic feasibility of reusing batteries. It is also necessary to
The results obtained from this systematic review show the impor­ evaluate and estimate the possibility of reducing environmental impacts
tance of tracking batteries throughout the supply chain in order to by reusing EV batteries. The results presented by this systematic review
reduce the challenges of manufacturing, using, reusing and recycling show how blockchain technology can support the future of EV’s, pre­
this high value-added product. In addition, you can see the benefits and venting one of the main EV components from being inserted in the
importance of applying blockchain technology to track batteries. supply chain without proper certification, increasing the transparency
The work presented in Ref. [67] emphasizes that one of the main and safety of the entire EV supply chain and making available data to
uncertainties in the reuse of batteries is the sudden drop in capacity after help decision making from different actors.
the batteries reach the range of 70–80% of remaining charge. The data Here we reviewed most of the academic work in the area, analyzing
shown in this systematic review show that blockchain technology the main stages of reusing batteries. We also discussed on the degra­
applied to battery tracking can provide data so that the detection of this dation process of LIBs and some works that focused on estimating the
type of event in batteries can be detected early, reducing or eliminating costs of reusing batteries, modeling and main second-life applications.
this uncertainty. This paper has also shed a light on the main barriers to the reuse of
This systematic review also shows that blockchain technology can second-life batteries are still the lack of regulation, lack of incentives and
reduce several uncertainties that exist in the battery market, such as: (i) public policies and the need for studies that propose viable business
the volume of batteries that will be available for second use and recy­ models. This scenario has changed with the increase of private in­
cling, (ii) the actual value of new and used, (iii) who is the manufacturer, vestments by companies that seek to reduce the cost of production, in­
(iv) owner and user of the battery, (v) which were the conditions under crease their profits and reduce environmental impacts.
which the batteries were used, (vi) whether the battery was tampered The development of new standards can make it possible to reuse EV
with, (vii) what the health status of the battery was, and (viii) how re­ batteries, and help reduce the number of new batteries placed on the
sponsibility for that battery was transferred along the supply chain. market. As a result, the number of batteries that will reach the end of
The results of this systematic review aim to encourage new in­ their useful life and that would be recycled directly or disposed of in
vestments in battery tracking projects with three main purposes: (i) inappropriate places will be reduced. It is not yet clear how the principle
make the production of batteries more sustainable and economical, (ii) of producer responsibility can be applied in the context of second-life
ensure the performance and safety of batteries and, (iii) support new batteries. The definition of those responsible for the reuse and/or
public policies and incentives for battery ecosystem participants. recycling of EV batteries, as well as the situations in which the owner­
ship of the batteries can be transferred is extremely important.
4.8.4. Strengths and limitations Standardizing second-life battery tests can help defining which
This systematic review presents aspects of all types of batteries, criteria will be used to assess and determine performance conditions (eg
focusing mainly on EV batteries. This systematic review presents an in- capacity, energy, power, etc.) and safety that second-life batteries will
depth discussion of the main works published in the blockchain area have at the end of the operation on the EVs. It is essential that these tests
with a focus on batteries. Through this work it is possible to understand are divided into cell level and pack level for accurate evaluation of
the different scopes of application of this technology, as well as the in­ battery modules and what will be the role of BMS in a second applica­
vestment opportunities. It is also not the focus of this systematic review tion. The definition of which criteria will be used to determine whether a
to go into in depth every detail of the implementation of these second-life battery is suitable for a second application or not and under
blockchain-based systems. However, the authors encourage the devel­ what conditions performance and safety tests should be carried out is
opment of new studies to technically demonstrate the potential of this essential to enhance second-life applications. New standards should be
technology for this application as well. proposed that focus on second-life batteries and that take into account
The wide diversity of battery types poses several challenges for the different degradation processes that occur in batteries during their
battery tracking, particularly as the supply chain can vary depending on operation and storage.
battery chemistry, form, and application. Therefore, further studies In the market for second-life batteries it is possible for OEM’s to test
must be carried out in order to identify how a change in the supply chain the batteries and later the customer of this company also again tests this
can affect battery tracking. This way, companies will have more security battery to confirm that batteries are safe and that they can operate
in the long term to adopt this technology. Real-time cell monitoring and properly in a second application. These additional tests may be neces­
identification is still a challenge, especially when it comes to defining sary in order to avoid opportunistic behavior by both parties involved in
the sensor to be adopted. Few studies exist about this type of application, the business. An independent third party (for example, research labo­
therefore, further studies on sensors and identifiers that can be applied ratories, government agencies, universities, etc.) can be contracted to

C. Antônio Rufino Júnior et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112078

perform tests on second-life batteries in order to identify their condition, EVs batteries usage, disposal and reuse will be necessarily based on
the cause of a failure, understand the reason and the person responsible transparency and certification over the supply chain. Blockchain tech­
for a possible damage that this battery suffered and if that damage was nology appears a suitable tool to implement the technological needs
due to a misuse or is due to some design error or some degradation behind all this. A big impact towards the market implementation of EVs
mechanism specific to the battery. This shows the relevance of test will be generated by the trust to the battery caused by the block chain’s
standards operating in conjunction with a blockchain-based battery transparency and certification properties, covering the complete life
tracking platform and smart contracts to reduce transaction costs, un­ cycle of the battery. With the results of this systematic review, it is
necessary testing and rework. possible that both academia and companies can see the business possi­
The results of this systematic review show that the development of a bilities and develop systems that will be able to revolutionize the battery
blockchain-based battery tracking platform can contribute to a more market. In future work, it is intended to further investigate the different
transparent, reliable, secure and sustainable battery supply chain. Bat­ types of markets that can be used throughout the battery supply chain.
tery tracking will prevent the untold harm of fraud, orphaned batteries,
miscalculations and battery life cycle mismanagement.
Declaration of competing interest
Battery tracking through a blockchain-based platform can provide
assurances for companies that need to prove that they are complying
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
with global regulations and that their product meets current technical
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
standards. It is also possible to issue reports automatically and digitally.
the work reported in this paper.
Literature results show that further studies are needed to identify and
develop new unique identifiers for the different stages of the battery
manufacturing process. The use of a unique identifier allows battery
data to be recorded in an immutable database allowing an immutable
The authors would like to special thanks Moura Batteries for the
and auditable track to be created so that all changes made to this data
financial support especially Gustavo Tinelli, Businesses Director. Also
are recorded, as well as the approvals of the actors in the chain of
authors would like to thanks financial National Council for Scientific
and Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil) (159332/2019-2,
Data stored on the blockchain-based platform can also support public
301486/2016-6), São Paulo State Research Support Foundation
policy development for electric vehicle batteries, preventing tax evasion
(FAPESP, Brazil) (2014/02163-7, 2017/11958-1,2018/20756-6 and
and corruption in the battery supply chain. This data may also allow
also Shell oil company through Brazil’s National Oil, Natural Gas and
companies to obtain tax incentives in a more assertive, efficient and
Biofuels Agency (ANP, Brazil) funded part of this research. The authors
automated way.
would also like to thank the BloRin Project – “Blockchain for renewables
The existing business models have focused on the product in general,
decentralized management”, PO FESR Sicilia 2014/2020 – Action 1.1.5
however, emerging business models have been proposing some changes
– identification code: SI_1_23074 CUP: G79J18000680007 for all the
and are also focused on new services. The automotive, battery and
support given to the authors.
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