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Scope and Sequence TELA Ae LTE Grammar O Essential English Pages 2-3 do? 4 Nice to meet you! | + lnteducing yours Greeti ‘The present tense of be Rit acins ones hi Ta fw Tinto Pages 4-9 © Smart Talk: Who's that? Hey! Is wa teacher? ert 2 NSIS panera Jets Game @ What da you do? | ~ Smt for tn eee | edo on ne? Pages 10-15 * Sart Tatk; What do ey — | worker at des she de? 3 Do youlike noodles? Pages 16-21 Review Units 1-3 Pages 22-23 + Talking about likes and dislikes 1 Talk: Does he tke fish? Food ancl drink beef, soup, te. anplings. The simple present Do you like Chinese fod? orm aud Chuck tke ten + Talking about habits Sports and exercise | Frequency adverbs 4 How oten doyou | * Eb Ren on do yoga? “© Smart Tatkz How often? tennis, 1 g0 swinming once a week. Pages 24-29 + Describing present Daily activities The present continuous 5 Whatareyou | * Oo St ail watching? + Suart Tatk: What is a uap, do homework... | I'm aeutehing @ DVD. Pages 30-35 hedoing? 6G Where were you + Talking about past events | Problems The past tense of be day? + Smart Tal: Where were | He's lt. 1 uns sick, yesterday? they? He's sick, Were you a! home? Pages 3641 Review Units 4-6 Pages 42-43 + Song: Sitting in the Kitchen ‘+ Picture story: What are you reading? Prominciation & tiny CS Pronunciation: Sentence | “Leonardo DiCaprio": | Writing an e-mail about | “Your favorite words”: stress An article about yourself (p. 108) A class discussion about Listening to greetingsand | Leonardo DiCaprio favorite English words Introductions Promumelation: Reduction | “What do yon do?": Writing about your job | “Jobs survey": cof do yon An interview with a ‘and other personal A class survey on jobs ~ookeeper and a information (p. 108) Listening to people talking ‘about jobs aud where they live window washer Pronunciation: Question intonation Listening to people ordering in restaurants, “Gating out in..." Street food in Seoul and. Sunday brunch in Son Francisco Writing about your favorite restaurant (p. 109) “Your favorite food": ‘A class survey on food. Pronunciation: Sentence “Having fun for (re! Free places and events Syclney and Vancouver Writing about your typical weekend (p. 109) “Do you ever play sooeer?*: A class discussion about exercise Pronunciation: Reduction of tol is and what are Listening to phone conversations. “Do you have good cell phone manners?”: Ten ‘ways to have better cell phone manners Writing about what ‘you're doing tight now ip. no “Cell phone manners": ‘Aqutz.on cell phone manners Pranunciatio Wins/evasn’t and werefeeren’t Listening to people talking, about why they were late “Ovemight Success!": An interview with a pop music group Writing about your last English class (p. 11D) “Where were you?” ‘Aclass survey on past activities A TTL E ') TCTs Which one is . comparisons Clothing ‘Comparative adjectives | cheaper? 5 onedo | !ggy pants. Whicltone is more expensive? Pages 44-49 What's she like? | * Decibing people ‘Appearance and Ae tie ann loo ike 8 she Tike ‘+ Simirt Talk: My best friend | personality What's he tite? Pages 50-55 szantfooking, col, | What does ok ie? Juany, bossy. | Wh does she bk ike? Q What can you do | * Thing stout cits Local attractions | Can and ern | Fi BoM s ees ices palace, pork, 20, You ean buy lots of coo! there? © Simirt Talks Don't miss it | Might market... things there. Pages 56-61 Ho can {get there? Review Units 7-9 Pages 62-63 + Song: Jenner > Picture story: In the car 10 |s there a bank + Talking about places Places around town There is and there are There's a bank next door - there Internet exe, near here? coutenience store, ‘Are there any restaurants Pages 64-69 bak. ‘anoted here? Did you hav + ‘Tatking about vacations | Vocation activities | The simple past 1 iyo ayeia © Snrt Talk: What did you | sil on the bench, visit | Lent to Hawai sith good time? do there? ‘a mse, write iy stter. Pages posteards.. Did you meet onyone abst 70-28 interesting? iinaianinnite + “olking about future Careers and schools | Going to verb 112 I'm going ree tear, tn scl, | What ene yu soig study law. + Sit Til: She's pminterart sco. | todo? reac ‘going to 1m going to ake w uote ce long vacation, Review Units 10- Pages 82-83 12 Song: Barly Morning Sunrise ‘+ Picture story: Did you have a nice time? Smart Talk Information Gaps Pages 84-107 Writing Pages 108-115 ‘Audio Scripts Pages 116-123 Grammar Re! Pages 124-136 ce TEC Lg Sgn) CCI) Lay EL + Pronunciation: Sentence | “Designer Jeans—Are “Fashion survey": stress they worth #2": An clothes you wear survey on dlothing + Listening to penple article about people (12 on who love expen i“ designer clothes + Pronunciation: Sentence | “What kind of person | Writing about your “My ideal life partner": A tonation ‘Amagavine- | personality, appearance, | discussion about the Mead + Ustening to people style personality qui and hobbies (p. 112) life partner describing themselves and others + Pronunciation: Can and can’t istening to people talking | about things to do in their |_ sites information on sightseeing in Rome Writing about things for visitors to do in your town (p. 113) “Come visit!": A travel advertisement fora good place to * Pronunciation: Linked sounds + Listening to tourists asking, for information “Shop Till You Drop!": Surprising facts about ‘one of the biggest malls in the world Writing abwnt the street se you live (p. 113) "Your favorite places": A lags discussion about the best places in town * Pronunciation: Final -ed “A Weekend at the lee Hotel”: An article abyut ‘ann ice hotel in Canada Writing about your best (or worst) vacation (p. 114) “Your hest vacation": A discussion about great vacations, + Pronunciation: Going to istening to Interviews about people's jobs and future plans: “Studying In Another ry": An interview th people preparing to study abroad Writing to someone who wants to study in another country (p. 15) “The true/false game": Acclebrity quiz Vocabulary or r ©, | Listen and repeat. twa? How do you say in English? & 3. How do you say this word? 4, What does Excuse me, can you repeat that, please? a, - mean? {'m sorry, can you speak more slowly? 5. Exctise me, can you repeat that, please? I'm sorry, | don’t understand, V'm sorry, can you speak more slowly? Essentral ENGusH © Unit 0 Conversation 1 ‘©. ‘Y Complete the conversations with the phrases in the box. Then listen and war” check your answers. Can you repeat that? How do you pronounce this word? How do you spell that? What's this called in English? What does delighted mean? 1. A _How do you pronounce this word? 2. A B_ Which one? This one? B ery happy. A. Uh-huh. That one. B_ Favorite. BA 4 A How do you say @ in English? B That? That's called a keychain, B_ Strawberry. A Somy, B_ Sure. Keychain. B Strawberry? s-T-R-A-W-B-E-R- @ PAIR WORK. Practice the conversations with a partner. Greetings he present tense of be Enjoying English: Your favorite words Conversation Look at the picture, Where are the people? aa 1 ©) @ Listen to the conversation. Then practice it with a partner. mae Adam Hi. My name's Adam. What's your name? Kate Hi, Adam, My name's Kate, Adam So, where are you from, Kate? Kate I'm from Toronto. How about you? Adam _ I'm from San Diego, California, SB Pare work. Practice the conversation again. Replace the underlined words with information about you. Pronunciation—Sentence stress or ©. ‘| Listen. Notice the stressed words. was My wame's Adam. What's your name? I'm from Toronto. How about you? @ Practice saying the sentences.

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