خطاب النية (رسالة الدافع)

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‫في هذا الملف تجدون معلومات مجمعة حول رسالة الحافز ‪ ,‬التي تعتبر من أهم المتطلبات للمنح التركية

‫تجميع الملف تم من قبل صفحة صادق دراب ‪ sadeqdarrab‬وهي منصة تعليمية لمشاركة معلومات الفرص‬
‫التعليمية والمنح الدراسية بالخارج بهدف نشر العلم والمعرفة من خالل نشر روابط الفرص من مصادرها الرسمية‪.‬‬
‫رابط الصفحة في الفيسبوك ‪https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab :‬‬
‫قناة ‪https://t.me/sadeqdarrabedu : Telegram‬‬
‫قروب ‪https://t.me/YYGUEDU :Telegram‬‬
‫‪ )1‬ما هو خطاب النية؟‬
‫خطاب النية او خطاب الدوافع او سبب التقديم او ‪ Motivation letter‬هو خطاب يبين إلدارة‬
‫المنحة سبب التقديم لها فهو من أهم االشياء التي يجب مراعاتها اثناء التقديم في المنحة فهو عبارة عن رسالة يتحدث‬
‫فيها الطالب عن سبب تقديمه للمنحة وعن االختصاص الذي يريد دراسته‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )2‬أهمية خطاب النية‬
‫انه من أهم االساسيات في اي منحة يريد ان يقدم لها الطالب فهو اول ما يتم النظر فيه وتقييمه وعلي اساسه يؤثر‬
‫بنسبة كبيرة في القبول والرفض حيث يجب على الطالب من خالل خطاب النية ان يبين الدارة المنحة مدى استحقاقه‬
‫للفوز بهذه المنحة عن طريق التعريف بنفسه وانجازاته وتفوقه عن غيره وامكانياته وأهميه المنحة بالنسبة له فإن‬
‫كان خطاب النية قوي وجيد فهذا سيزيد بنسبة كبيرة من القبول بغض النظر عن المعدل‪.‬‬
‫(‪ )3‬لغة كتابة خطاب النية‬
‫ال يوجد فرق في كتابة خطاب النوايا بأي لغة سواء عربية او انجليزية او تركية او غيرها فعليك كتابته للغة التي‬
‫تتقنها وتستطيع التعبير عن نفسك فيه وال داعي الستخدام كلمات مكررة في الرسالة وعليك كتابة الخالصة ‪.‬‬
‫بس اذا كان االبلكيشن كامل تم تعبئته باالنجليزي ف الزم الجابه تكون انجليزي ‪.‬الزم تناسق اللغه في ملفك كامل‬
‫(‪ )4‬خطاب النية في المنحة التركية وكيفية االجابة عليه (للبكالوريوس)‬
‫خطاب النية في المنحة التركية يأتي عند نهاية تقديم الطلب بعد اختيار التخصص والجامعات وهو عبارة عن ‪3‬‬
‫اسئلة لكل سؤال ‪ 3000‬حرف‪.‬‬
‫السؤال األول ‪ -:‬بين طلباتك من الجامعات التركية وطموحك بعد التخرج؟‬

‫هنا يجب علي الطالب توضيح المزايا التي يريد ان يستفيد منها في جامعات تركيا كوجود المختبرات العلمية‬
‫الحديثة و التعليمية الممتازة والمكتبات وتوافر الكتب والمراجع وغيرها من المزايا ‪ ،‬باإلضافة الي ان يبين ما تريد‬
‫أن تفعله بعد التخرج من الجامعات التركية من حيث استكمال دراسات عليا او العودة الي ارض الوطن سالما ً غانما ً‬
‫لكي تقوم بنقل المعارف والثقافات التي تعلمتها واستفدت منها فتنقل المعرفة الي بلدك‪.‬‬

‫السؤال الثاني ‪ -:‬لماذا اخترت تركيا لدراستك الجامعية؟‬

‫تجميع صفحة ‪https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab‬‬

‫هنا عليك ذكر النقاط التي جعلتك ترغب في اختيار تركيا لدراستك كالتقدم العلمي الذي تتمتع به تركيا والنمو الهائل‬
‫للعلوم والبيئة المعتدلة الجذابة واحترامها لالنسان وتسهيالتها لجميع الطالب‪.‬‬

‫السؤال الثالث ‪ -:‬اعطنا معلومات عن سبب اختيارك لهذا القائمة وبين خلفيتك عنها؟‬

‫عليك هنا ان تقوم بشرح التخصص الذي ترغب في دراسته وما هي خبرتك فيه وما تعرفه عنه وسبب حبك له‬
‫وكيف اكتسبت خبرتك فيه فعليك ان تبين معرفتك عنه التي تؤهلك لدراسته‬
‫(‪ )5‬خطاب النية في المنحة التركية وكيفية االجابة علي كل سؤال (للدراسات العليا)‬

‫هو عبارة عن ‪ 6‬اسئلة لكل سؤال تقريبا ‪ 300‬كلمة وفي سؤال في االخر اختياري‬

‫السؤال االول ‪ -:‬عنوان الدراسة ‪.‬‬

‫حيث يطلب منك عنوان مقترح للبحث الذي تريد انجازه في الماجستير او الدكتوراه‬
‫ملحوظة (ليس بالشئ الضروري ان يكون هو الموضوع الفعلي الن هذه يعتمد علي الجامعة والمشرف على‬

‫السؤال الثاني ‪ -:‬وضح المشكلة التي تحاول حلها في البحث الذي تريد انجازه‪.‬‬

‫وهو تحليل المشكلة التي تريد و التي ستتطرق اليه في بحثك وتوضح الغموض فيها‪.‬‬

‫السؤال الثالث‪ -:‬تحدث عن الطرق البحثية ‪.‬‬

‫عليك توضيح الطرق التي ستستخدمها في بحثك مثل (استطالعات – مسح ميداني – تجارب عملية _‪.....‬الخ)‪.‬‬

‫السؤال الرابع ‪ -:‬الهيكل االساسي للبحث او العناوين الرئيسة‬

‫السؤال الخامس ‪ -:‬وضح االهمية االكاديمية من هذا البحث وما يتوقع ان يضيفه الي المجال العلمي واألكاديمي‪.‬‬

‫تجميع صفحة ‪https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab‬‬

‫السؤال السادس ‪ -:‬قدم نبذة مختصرة عن االبحاث السابقة في نفس المجال وتقارن نتائجها والجوانب التي لم تتطرق‬

‫السؤال السابع ‪ -:‬مساحة للطالب الضافة اي كالم ال يندرج تحت االسئلة السابقة ونافذة مفتوحة للحديث عن اي‬
‫جانب تريد ابرازه او االشارة اليه وتشعر ان المعلومات المرفقة في التقديم لم تتطرق اليه او لم تظهره بالشكل‬
‫(‪ )6‬نصائح كتابة خطاب النية ؟‬

‫‪-1‬كتابة خطاب النية باللغة التي تستطيع التعبير عن نفسك فيها‪.‬‬

‫‪-2‬عدم االعتماد علي شخص غيرك لكتابته لكن يمكن االستعان بشخص في مراجعته‪.‬‬
‫‪-3‬عدم االستعجال في الكتابة ومازل الوقت متاح للتدرب عليه من األن ‪.‬‬
‫‪-4‬ينصح بكتابة االجابات اوال في ملف وو‬

‫نماذج لرسالة الحافز أو ما تعرف برسالة النية‬

‫الرسالة االولى‬
‫اوضح اسباب رغبتك في تلقي التعليم ضمن البرنامج الذي خططت له باستعمال ‪ 3000‬حرف فقط ‪. .‬‬
‫اضطررت للخروج من سوريا أنا وعائلتي بنهاية عام ‪ 2012‬نتيجة لالضطرابات ولحالة انعدام األمن التي تعيشها‬
‫بلدي سوريا وقد انتقل مكان إقامتي إلى جمهورية مصر العربية و أقمت فيها مدة سنة تطوعت خالل هذه المدة في‬
‫عدة جهات منها اإلغاثية و منها التنموية و اكتسبت من المهارات ما يجعلني أعتمد على نفسي في الكثير من‬
‫المواقف ‪ .‬و فيما بعد انتقلت إلى الجمهورية التركية واتخذت من مدينة غازي عنتاب مكانا ً لإلقامة‪ .‬لقد تابعت‬
‫دراستي الثانوية في إحدى المدارس التابعة لجهات سورية " مدرسة االستقالل " و تخرجت منها بتفوق و في العام‬
‫نفسه درست في الثانوية الليبية و الثانوية السورية و تخرجت منهما أيضا ً ‪ ،‬وكان لي تجارب تطوعية أغلبها في‬
‫مجال التدريب من خالل منظمات سورية ‪ .‬إن أهم خطة لي بعد االنتهاء من تلقي التعليم في الجامعات التركية هي‬
‫العودة إلى بلدي سورية و المساهمة في بنائها في كل المجاالت و خاصة في المجال االقتصادي و أن يكون لي دور‬
‫فعال فيها و أن أقدم لبلدي ما اكتسبت من خبرات و اسقطها على ارض الواقع بشكل عملي بالمزامنة مع تهيئة فريق‬
‫من الشباب ً النشيط كي تتكاتف جهودنا ونسرع في االنجاز سوية ‪.‬‬

‫من فضلك وضح لماذا فضلت تركيا للدراسة العليا ؟‬

‫تركيا بلد متقدم على كل األصعدة بشكل عام وعلى صعيد التحصيل العلمي بشكل خاص‪ ,‬كانت خطوة الدولة التركية‬
‫والشعب التركي في استضافة الشعب السوري بكل ود وكرم وتقديم تسهيالت عديدة له هي دافع أساسي الستكمال‬
‫تعليمي فيها ناهيك عن ريادتها على صعيد التحصيل العلمي والمعرفي و إنني أعتبرها بوابة لفتح آفاق معرفية‬
‫واسعة ‪ .‬أما بالنسبة للجامعات التركية فقد حققت تقدما هاما في الترتيب على مستوى جامعات العالم مثل جامعة‬
‫اسطنبول و جامعة أنقره التركية فمن ميزاتها أنها معترف بها محليا ً ودوليا ً و بإمكاني متابعة الدراسة للدراسات‬
‫العليا مثل الماجستير والدكتوراه ‪ .‬عدا ذلك أن دراستي ستكون في جو آمن وبشكل سهل و سيكون بإمكاني تغطية‬
‫أغلب مصاريف المعيشة ‪ ,‬قرب بعض هذه الجامعات من بلدي سوريا و تجانس الشعب السوري و التركي يولد لي‬

‫تجميع صفحة ‪https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab‬‬

‫الشعور بالراحة النفسية ففي الفترة األخيرة قدم الشعب التركي كثير ا ً من المحبة و المودة للشعب السوري و هذا‬
‫ما دفعني إلى حب الدراسة في هذه الجامعات ‪.‬‬

‫‪.‬وضح أسباب اختيارك ألقسام المجال الذي رجحته ومدى اطالعكم على هذه األقسام؟‬
‫اخترت دراسة إدارة األعمال و االقتصاد في الجامعات التركية كونها تفتح آفاق كبيرة وتشكل قيمة حقيقية لدخول‬
‫سوق العمل والتوظيف بعد التخرج باإلضافة لكونها تشكل الناظم األساسي لمعظم مجاالت العمل و خاصة أن‬
‫دراسة إدارة األعمال توفر كما ً متميزا ً من المعارف و الخبرات و المهارات في المجاالت الرئيسية المالية و‬
‫التسويقية و المحاسبية و التخطيط و إدارة الموارد البشرية و غيرها من المعارف‪ .‬كما تسهم إدارة األعمال كدراسة‬
‫و علم تطبيقي إلى إكساب دارسيها العديد من المهارات على المستويين العلمي و المهني كالقدرة على التنبؤ‬
‫بالمخاطر عن طريق دراسات و قراءات متعددة لألسواق و الظروف العامة المحيطة بالنشاط ككل ‪ .‬لم أتردد أثناء‬
‫بحثي عن تخصص جامعي بالتوجه نحو إدارة األعمال لما تحققه من االستخدام األفضل واألمثل للموارد المتاحة‬
‫بآليات مضبوطة وفعالة عبر صياغة أهداف ذكية وتحويلها إلى خطط عملية جاهزة وقابلة للتنفيذ‪ ,‬وهذا بالتأكيد ما‬
‫أسعى للحصول عليه‬

‫الرسالة الثانية‬
‫لطالب تم قبولة في كلية الشريعة االسالمية ‪.‬‬
‫اوضح اسباب رغبتك في تلقي التعليم ضمن البرنامج الذي خططت له باستعمال ‪ 3000‬حرف فقط ‪. .‬‬
‫من المؤكد لديكم أن رغبتنا في تلقي العلم خارج بالدنا هي سبب من أسباب األوضاع التي يعيشها بلدنا(سورية)هذا‬
‫من ناحية؛ ومن ناحية أخرى فإن الطموح العلمي لدى كل طالب درس لـ(‪(12‬سنة يجعله يبحث عن ضالته(إكمال‬
‫تعليمه)‪ • .‬وأما ترجيح الدراسة في تركيا فلسببين‪. 1 :‬أنها بلد حدودي مع بلدنا سورية‪. 2 .‬الحاجة تدعو إلى إكمال‬
‫التعليم في أسهل الوسائل المتاحة‪ ،‬وتركيا أولها شعبا ً وحكومة‪ • .‬وأما المجال الذي رغبته فهو ّ اإللهيات‪ ،‬وقد قدمت‬
‫ملفات تثبت تبحري السابق في شواطئ هذا المجال من دراستي لـ‪5‬سنوات والنشاطات المذكورة والجـِدُّ في حفظ‬
‫القرآن وغيرها‪ ،‬وقد أتيح لي المجال للغوص بهذا العلم عن طريقكم فإكماله خير وألف خير من السير في مجال‬
‫آخر‪ • .‬وأما الخطة العلمية فالنية قائمة على دوام التعلم حتى الموت‪ ،‬وقد يصحب ذلك بعد التخرج إن شاء هللا نشر‬
‫للعل م وتعليم للفضل وتوجيه للخير‪ • ..‬إنه ال يخفاكم أن مجال التعليم الشرعي في بلدنا قائم على أشده؛ فيكفي بعد‬
‫ذلك إتقان اللغة التركية والدراسة في تركيا ومعرفة عقول وعادات أهلها ليكون مجال التعليم والتعلم مفتوحا ً على‬
‫مصراعيه العربي والتركي فيكون بذلك تقارب أكثر واتفاق وتوادد أكبر ‪.‬‬

‫من فضلك وضح لماذا فضلت تركيا للدراسة العليا؟‬

‫؟ بداية أنا لست من طالب الدراسات العليا ولكن الكتابة هنا ضرورية ألن نظام الـ) ‪)burslari‬ال يرضى إال أن‬
‫نكتب شيئا ‪..‬فقررت أن أكمل ما اختصرته من المعلومات السابقة ‪ ...‬أوال كانت لي رغبة بدراسة الطب وهي رغبة‬
‫قوية كانت ومازالت ‪ ...‬لكن األقدار ساقتني إلى الحيلولة دون الوصول اليها اآلن ‪ ..‬وما يدريني ‪..‬أكيد هو خير؛‬
‫لكني ذكرتها بيانا ُ أنها من مجاالت اهتماماتي ورغباتي والبرنامج هنا ال يسمح بالطب مع الشريعة وإال لكنت‬
‫اخترتهما كرغبتين ُ معا‪...‬فلذلك قررت ّ أن أقدِم الدراسة الشرعية الدينية على الدراسة الكونية االنسانية ألن هذا‬
‫الزمن بحاجة ماسة ْولى مهمات الدعاة َ إلى الفهم الحقيقي للشريعة الغراء و الدين الشريف‪ ،‬وايضاح هذه الحقائق‬
‫يج ب أن تكون من أ والمصلحين قبل غيرهم ‪ ..‬حتى إني كنت أفكر أن أكتب رسالة الماجستير أو الدكتوراه في‬

‫تجميع صفحة ‪https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab‬‬

‫المستقبل إن شاء هللا ٍ حول هذا المعنى وهذا الموضوع بالذات ‪،‬الذي يغفل عنه الكثيرون مع األسف‪ ..‬أظن أن هذا‬
‫القدر كاف والسالم‪-.‬‬

‫وضح أسباب اختيارك ألقسام المجال الذي رجحته ومدى اطالعكم على هذه االقسام ؟‬
‫قد بيّنت لكم في طيّات ما مضى من الرسائل السابقة أني اخترت قسم الشريعة بالدرجة االولى‪ ،‬ويتبعه في ذلك قسم‬
‫الطب‪ ،‬وذلك لطموح قديم في الجمع بينهما(الشريعة والطب)فاألولى دواء األرواح والثانية دواء األشباح‪..‬األولى‬
‫دواء القلوب والثانية دواء األجسام‪ .‬فطموحي أن يجتمعا لدي يوما ً ما‪..‬وإني ساعٍ وراء ذلك‪ .‬وأما عن سبب اختياري‬
‫لقسم الشريعة فإنه كما أسلفت من أني كنت وما زلت على شواطئ هذا العلم‪ ،‬وقد أتيح لي اآلن ّ أن أتبح ّ ر وأغوص‬
‫في أعماقه؛ فهل األولى أن أكمل سير ما بدأت من قبل؟ أم أن أبحث عن طريق آخر؟!! الشك أن ٌ الخير كامن‬
‫بتمامه وباكتماله‪ ،‬فلكي يكون خيرا ً ُّ يعم نفعه لي ولغيري البد أن أكمل ‪..‬واختيار الطب جاء من رغبة في ْ خدمة‬
‫الناس باختالف طوائفهم ومسالكهم وأديانهم ومعتقداتهم؛ فالمنطق يقول لي‪ :‬إن اختلفوا في كل ما سبق ٍ فقد اتفقوا‬
‫في أنهم جميعا من بني البشر ‪..‬وهذا كاف ّ لحب مساعدتهم‪ ..‬وختاما أقول‪ :‬الفقر ليس عيبا لكن العيب ّ لنكون جاهلين‬
‫‪ ...‬ال شك أن العطاء من هللا بقدر عمل العبد ‪ ،‬فعلى قدر العزم تأتي العزائم‪ ..‬الحياة إذا ّ اتخاذه مبرراً ّ كانت حلوة‬
‫كلها فهي مرة ٌ جدا ً ُ لكنها بحلوها وم ِّرها تظهر لنا حالوتها ‪..‬‬

‫الرسالة االخيرة‬
‫لطالب تم قبوله في كلية الصحافة‬
‫اوضح اسباب رغبتك في تلقي التعليم ضمن البرنامج الذي خططت له باستعمال ‪ 3000‬حرف فقط ‪. .‬‬
‫في السنوات األخيرة شهد التعليم في تركية تطورا ملحوظا وارتفاع كبير في المستوى التعليم وارتقت الجامعات‬
‫التركية لمستوى متقدم في التصنيف الدولي و شهد السوريين في تركيا معاملة لطفية من اشعب لتركي الشقيق و‬
‫هذا ما فقدناه في باقي الدول االخرى بالنسبة لنا كسوريين اختياري للصحافة عن حب لها فأنا من صغري أحب‬
‫التصوير والمقابالت والعمل الصحفي والصحافة تؤثر في هذه الدنيا بشكل فظيع وتنقل الحقيقة للناس في العالم‬
‫الخارجي فقد انتشر في الفترة االخيرة االعالم الكاذب من خالل تزوير الحقائق و نقل أشياء مزيفة و غير موجودة‬
‫و لعل أكبر مثال هو بلدي الحبيب سوريا و إن من أهم خططي بعد االنتهاء من التعليم في تركيا العودة لبلدي الحبيب‬
‫سوري وبناؤه وتطويره ومن ثم فتح محطة تلفزيونية لنقل الحقائق للناس كما تجري على أرض الواقع وإيصال‬
‫بلدي الحبيب ألعلى مستوى من التقدم والنجاح و أكون دور فاعل في تطويرها في كافة المستويات و خاصة في‬
‫المستوى الثقافي و التعليمي و التقني في بلدي \‬
‫‪ .‬وضح أسباب اختيارك ألقسام المجال الذي رجحته ومدى اطالعكم على هذه األقسام؟‬
‫تم اختياري للصحافة و ذلك ألن الصحافة رسالة سامية في كشف السلبيات وإعالم المواطنين بما يجري من أحداث‬
‫‪ ،‬والمساهمة في طرح الحلول لمشاكل المجتمع‪ ،‬و التعبير عن آالم وهموم األفراد في المجتمع‪ .،‬وهي الصوت‬
‫الحر والقناة الرئيسية بين المواطنين المسئولين الذين يستطيعون من خالل ما ينشر تقويم خططهم بما يحقق مصلحة‬
‫المجموع فالصحافة إعالم وتنوير و تطوير وليس تضليل و تعد الصحافة من أهم المظاهر االساسية لممارسة‬
‫الديمقراطية‪ ,‬ووجودها يمثل ركن من اركان الحياة الديمقراطية‪ ,‬فالصحافة دور فعال ومهم جدآ في التعبير عن‬
‫أراء األفراد والمواطنين ‪ ,‬وفي كل القضايا التي تهم حياتهم ولقد لعبت الصحافة دورآ وطنيآ مهمآ في كثير من بلدان‬
‫العالم في مقارعة االستعمار والوقوف بوجه الطغيان واالستبداد وفي فضح المشاريع والمخططات المعادية لطموح‬
‫امتهم وقوميتهم ‪.‬و هذا ما أطمح لتطبيقه في بلدي سوريا لجعل بلدي على مستوى عالي من الديمقراطية و هذا ما‬
‫دفعني إلى اختيار الصحافة فالصحافة في هذا الزمن هي أقوى سالح فهي تؤثر بشكل كبير على الرأي العام‬
‫واألنظمة العالمية‬

‫تجميع صفحة ‪https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab‬‬

‫نماذج رسالة الدافع (النية) باالنجليزي‬


– ‫التعتمد هذا النموذج في كتابة رسالتك … ألن ادارة المنحة لديها اختصاصين في قراءة رسالة الدوافع يستطيع‬
‫من خاللها القارئ تحديد حصولك على الرسالة من موقع جاهز‬

– ‫عندما تنطلق اجراءات التقدم للمنح سوف نقوم بتقديم خدمة ملء البيانات والتسجيل وتعبئة السيرة الذاتية وكتابة‬
‫رسالة الدوافع للطالب ليقوم بتثبيت تطبيقه جاهزا بنفسه ونكون بذلك قد بذلنا كامل خبرتنا وجهدنا ليكون الطالب‬
‫… اقرب الى القبول‬

Dear Sir or Madam:

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in studying at the University of XY
as an Erasmus student.

I am currently studying Master’s Degree programme in Regional Geography at the

ABC University in London. Having looked through the materials of the Foreign
Department of my university, I was very delighted to find the opportunity to spend one
semester learning geography at the University of XY. I have decided to apply for this
programme because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future studies and help me
in my prospective career. Moreover I consider this programme as a great opportunity
to get in touch with British culture and educational system. Last but not least, I am very
curious about different approaches to the geography at the foreign university.

I have chosen to apply for University of XY, because I really like its module system of
study. I specially appreciate the wide range of offered modules and the freedom in
making your study plan. Many of the modules offered are unique for me, because there
is no equivalent at my home university. Very important for me is also an “Excellent”
rating for teaching of the Geography department and the overall friendly atmosphere at
both the university as well as the city. The third main reason why I have chosen XY is
its Urban and Regional Policy Research Institute. It specializes in interdisciplinary
research on key regional and urban policy issues, which is the field of geography very
familiar to me.

During my prior studies I have found out, that I would like to specialize in Urban and
Transport Geography. The University of XY gives me a chance to get in touch with
these subjects through modules from both Department of Geography and Department
of Town and Regional Planning. In my last year at the ABC University I worked on an
empirical study with focus on transportation costs of suburbanisation and urban sprawl.
I really liked my project and I am keen to continue in it. I would like to use my stay in
XY for further developing my skills in empirical research and started working on my
diploma project. The possibilities that gives me University of XY further expand those
at my home university. I would take modules focusing on Transport and Urban
geography and European Studies.

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

I would very much like to spend one semester at the University of XY. This would give
me a chance to deepen my geographical knowledge in the inspiring, creative, and
cosmopolite environment of one of the largest British universities. Furthermore I could
improve my English and increase my confidence in passing the TOEFL examinations
after I return. Moreover, I am confident that my experience in London would be
extremely exciting, fun, and valuable for both my studies and overall general

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully,

Secondary school year which equivalent Realschule in German grading System I got
the second highest mark at my school even that I was new at studying in Syria. I’m very
ambitious and hard student. Due to the war in my country I couldn’t complete my
education. I worked as sales man at FAWASEL Auto Doors. I have interest to study
chemistry at Germany, after reading about the education at Germany; I believe studying
at German university will ensure a high quality of education with good future career.

I developed an interest in the German language and culture, and I have been studying
German online due that the only school that taught German is very far from my home

My professional goal is to be specialist at pharmaceutical chemistry. I want to benefit

my home country with this important branch, especially because there is a shortage of
who are specialists in this branch of chemistry in my country. I believe that technical
University of Berlin good history exceeds 136 years is desirable place to graduate from.
It would also be my desire to join a recognized educational institution which will
provide me high quality of education.

In principle my interested to complete the language to obtain B2 level, preparatory

course and then study continue to study chemistry.

Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to study at Germany to reach my goal in

pharmaceutical chemistry. And I hope to get the Visa to help me in achieving my dream.

With Best regards,

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬
Dear, Mr /Mrs

It’s $$$$$$ from Giza, Egypt, and I’m going to express to you in this letter my
motivation to do master in Berlin school of economis and law. I’m applying for this
program because I’m interested in finance, and how to make money. This program will
put me in the right way to be a successful business man in the future. I think that Berlin
business school is one of the best international schools in the world that offer best
education for its students. Also, There’s lots of seminar in your study plan for this
program which help students to acquire creative thinking , and international courses
that I would like to study as ( Financial Risk management and management of
international asset portfolio). I would like to be financial analyst who helps his
organization and his country to make good financial decisions. I think that studying this
program will help me to reach to this goal. Actually my country Egypt is currently
facing many economic and financial problems hopefully, I can participate in reforming
our economy, help my country to invest in the best way when I return back home using
knowledge that I’ll acquire during studying.

Germany is one of the most countries that have strong economy in Europe, and in the
world. Germany now is like the engine in the European Union. It helped countries like
Gerecce and Italy to avoid financial crisis. I’ve studied a lot about Germany and its
culture in school. Actually I enjoyed studying German’s customs and habits when I was
at school. Germany has an outstanding education system that helps students to be
successful in their practical work. Germany has an international level of education,
outstanding professors in universities. Tuition fees in this program and in a great
number of universities are zero. I think that Germany has better education than we have
in Egypt also, it offers for its students international courses that’s not here in Egypt.
German gives more attention to practical work than Egypt. That’s why I’m applying
for German business school and not for other business school outside Germany. One of
the good things in German education system that I think our Government should apply
is that when students finish school, they can learn while they are doing a work to get a
profession ( as a student can get a profession of being a nurse after being trained in a
hospital for 3 years). This will improve our economy and decrease unemployment rate.
I studied many international courses in finance that’s also taught in Georgia state
university in U.S.A as ( derivatives and portfolio management ) which gave me strong
knowledge in finance, and improved my thinking skills. All courses that I’ve studied
was in English so, I think that I’ll be familiar with most of English financial
terminologies of master program.
I learned in university how to work in groups, and how to best use the internet to do
projects and presentations. In the last semester I had two months internship in the credit
department of Cairo bank which gave me the experience of applying what I studied in
university in practical work.

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

I’m also interested in cultures, people, and languages so I don’t think that I’ll find any
difficulty to cope with new international challenging atmosphere of your school .

Thank you for considering my application and ,Hopefully, you give the opportunity to
enjoy the experience of studying in your school.

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter I wish to apply to the Master program in accounting / finance at the
University of ………. for the 2015/16 academic year.

I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myself at your University and I perceive it as

a perfect opportunity to support my application for the Master program in accounting /
finance offered by your University. With my educational background and working
experience, I strongly believe that I am suitable candidate for the program. I have
chosen this University as my first choice because of valuable scholarly resources and
well-known reputation of the highly qualified education of the University of

I have a diploma certificate from commercial institute spatialized in management then

I followed my dream and starting studying accounting in Damascus University in 2012
I got bachelors certificate in accounting after that I have started working in a company
as accountant and I have achieved a lot of experience

But now after spending two years in work I have realized that there still something
missing that I have to develop myself more by studying master in accounting /finance

I believe that Germany are perfect place for studying accounting/finance, because
Germany have an advanced system in accounting and finance and got a strong economy
that will need strong and professional accounting financial regulation.

I have decided to place my application for Master degree program here. After I read
carefully the curriculum and the course requirements, I believe that it perfectly matches
my interests.

As I understand, this program is very competitive, attracting highly motivated students,

but I am convinced that my good record at the University and professional experience
give me a strong recommendation for a place at it. Therefore I would be honored if you
decide to accept my candidateship for Master studies. In the same time I am aware of
possible challenges and high investments of effort I will have to place in order to
successfully complete this course.

Best regards


https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Dear sir/Madam

My name is %%%%%%%% . I am from Jordan and I am 18 years old ambitious and

hard working student. I would like to apply for a long term student visa, in order to
make my undergraduate study in Biology in Germany.

Studying Biology is a dream for me since I was a young child, when I used to watch
documentary programs for hours. Studying Biology would satisfy my curiosity among
discovering the organisms around me. It would also give me the opportunity to discover
the unseen creatures, as I have been always obsessed about extending my knowledge
in this field. Moreover, Biology would help me to communicate with our mother nature
and answer many of my questions about the fascinating human body.

Choosing Germany for studying comes from my desire to achieve a remarkable

fingerprint in science, as I believe that Germany would give me the possibilities and
the experiences to make such a change. In addition, Germany is the land of the best
biologist and scientist such as: Robert Koch and Theodor Schwann. I always think that
to be the best you have to learn from the best. I would like to study at university of Jena
because its excellent reputation especially in scientific fields. Also, university of Jena
would extend my horizon to meet the best Doctors and lecturers. Besides, the number
of the international students is a great chance for me to have a better knowledge about
other cultures and experiences. Then after finishing my studies, I would like to return
to my home country Jordan to give it the experiences and help developing it by working
there and show all what I have learnt from Germany.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours Faithfully,

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is %%%%%%, I was born in %%%% in 1981. I finished my secondary

studying and studied at %%%%% University, Faculty of Commerce and Economics,
Department of Financing & Investment. I was graduated in 2011 with a rating of

When I started my academic study in economics, I understood the meaning of this

science and how it affects almost everything in this world and this conception led me
to the idea that the world may collapse without a good and stable economy, as it did so
upon Wall Street collapse in 1929 and the financial crisis which began in 2007.

Besides my family’s encouragement and my desire to obtain higher degrees in

Germany, I have met many successful and bright university professors who used to
present Germany as an examples of a strong economy and a place where management
should taught, and how it is the successful pattern of the social market economy /Social
Equivalence/ which is the basic origin of creative ideas and innovations which is
embodied really by the Germans through the motto “Made in Germany”.

In 2009 the Federal Republic of Germany was ranked the second in the world with an
export volume of “1121” billion dollars behind China. Through loving this course and
the remarkable method used by the lecturer mentioned above at explaining and the
experience he obtained in the Federal Republic of Germany I got “90” marks out of
“100” in the course of /Economic 2/.

therefore my ambition to study for a Master in Business Management was born, since
this field is of a great value to the development of my countr. After my graduation I
planned to take this step further and to search for the best and the most suitable
university which meets my interest. After searching closely I came across the Technical
University of Clausthal, which is considered, historically, one of the best German
Universities. Moreover the city has many good language institutes where I can get a
DSH certificate within a short period of time. On the other hand, the city is very quiet
and there are university accommodation and a library where I can study and utilize
using books and computers as well as sport centers. Previously, Clausthal University
was ranked second in the Federal Republic of Germany. That’s why I chose this
university to continue my study in order to use the knowledge, I intended to obtain, in
rebuilding my home country Syria depending on the experience that I intend to get from
the people who pioneered this domain in the Federal Republic of Germany.

I highly hope and looking forward to your positive reply, wishing that you approve on
my request.

Best Regards

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Dear Sir / Madam,

With this letter I wish to apply to the Master program in Computational Mechanics at
TUM .for the 2015/2016 academic year.

I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myself to your University and I perceive it as

a perfect opportunity to support my application for the Master program in
Computational Mechanics offered by your University. With my educational
background and working experience, I strongly believe that I am suitable candidate for
the program. I have chosen your University as my first choice because of well-known
reputation of the highly qualified education of the Technical University of Munich.

I have B.Sc.in Civil Engineering in June 2012 and during my studies I was fascinated
by structural analysis using modeling and simulation. In my analysis and design classes,
I especially enjoyed studying structural analysis because we not only learned the use of
the load resistance factor design but also applied that knowledge. The professor was a
practicing engineer, and he always related the subject to real life structures he had

This is the kind of project on which I would like to work, designing the structure and
considering how the building will respond to ground motion. After two quarters of
structural analysis, I had come as close as possible to analyzing real world structures.
Looking back I realize, I had learned great tools for structural analysis, but my "tool
box" was still inadequate. I lacked a very important tool: finite element analysis.
According to my professor, finite element analysis has revolutionized structural

then I followed my dream and I have started working in a company as Structural

Engineer and I have achieved a lot of experience .But now after spending almost three
years in work I have realized that there still something missing that I have to develop
myself more by studying master degree program that helps me to improve my skills,
that’s why I choose Computational mechanics program.

Computational Mechanics will allow me to pursue a career where I can be creatively

involved in problem-solving and design functional structures

I have decided to place my application for Master degree program here. After I read
carefully the curriculum and the course requirements, I believe that it perfectly matches
my interests.

As I understand, this program is very competitive, attracting highly motivated students,

but I am convinced that my good record at the University and professional experience
give me a strong recommendation for a place at it. Therefore I would be honored if you
decide to accept my candidateship for Master studies. In the same time I am aware of
possible challenges and high investments of effort I will have to place in order to
successfully complete this course.

Best regards

Dear Sir/Madam;

https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

I got my secondary education certificate in 2004, in the same year I have started
studying at commercial institute and got my diploma certificate from commercial
institute specialized in management in 2007. Then I started working as a night editor in
a small 4 stares hotel with studying English language at private school in Damascus in
2008 I followed my dream and started studying economics in Damascus University in
2012 I got bachelors certificate specialized in accounting, in 2013 I have changed my
job and started working in a Astra Food L.T.D in Saudi Arabia as marketing & sales
accountant and I have achieved a lot knowledge and experience in management

Now it is the right time to complete my plan in developing myself more by studying
master in Business Administration. I have planned for having a master degree when I
was studying in the university but In Business Administration field the real experience
is very important so my plan was to have at least two years of real experience in a big
company and then I will complete my master degree so I can combine between
academic learning and practical work that will give me strong knowledge in my field.

I believe that Germany is the perfect place for studying Business Administration
because Germany has an advanced system in economics and got a strong business
beside that the learning system in Germany is one of the best in the whole world because
it combine between academic learning and practical learning this will give the student
everything he needs to successful working life after graduating

I want to study at Duisburg-Essen University because the faculty of Business

Administration and economics is considered one of the most important German
institutes in Business Administration In 2013 Duisburg-Essen University is ranked
number 69 in the World's top 100 universities under 50 years old: ranked by Times
Higher Education

In my past studies I faced a lot of problems and too much difficulties but I didn’t give
up I fight to success in my studies and I achieved my goals, I have learned from my
mistakes and worked on my weaknesses and turn them to be part of my strength .

After finishing my study I will continue working on myself, I am planning to take some
practical courses in economics and accounting the first one will be CMA ( certified
Management accountant ) after that I will take Certified Chartered Economists beside
working in a job that will let me to apply everything I have learned.

I would like to request you to consider my application and grant me the visa for which
I shall be highly grateful.

Yours Sincerely,



https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Respected Sir/Madam,

With this letter I wish to be granted a long-term student visa for Germany to pursue my
studies in Information Technology at Technische Universität Berlin.

I got my secondary school certificate in 2003, and I secured the second top position
nationally with an overall score of 96.9 %, I was always motivated by my parents to
peruse my dream and choose the scientific path that I’m most passionate about, and I
was always fascinated by computer science and Information technology with all the
futuristic advancements in this field, so I studied Computer Engineering at the
University of Tripoli, and I graduated top of my class in 2008. I immediately was
chosen by Aljeel Aljadeed for Technology to work there in the new upcoming national
Next Generation Network Project (NGN); Aljeel Aljadeed for Technology is the first
Triple Player Service Provider in Libya, where I had the opportunity to study in depth
the new technologies used in NGN especially VoIP and the migration of Legacy
Telephone Networks to IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). I had a close contact with
different network equipment vendors and a lot of hands-on training as I worked on the
Project from the beginning during all phases; Design, Implementation and Operation,
in addition to building my team-working and leadership skills.

After 6 years of experience in Telecom field, I found myself in a position where I

needed to refresh my academic knowledge and get more comprehensive understanding
of NGN technologies and all the advances that accrued in this field recently, in order to
bring back this knowledge into my country and invest it into building a more advanced
NGN network. I had a closer look to the Core Network Services during my work as a
Core Network Services Planning Unit Team Leader, and I’m certain of my ability to
contribute significantly into improving it.

I chose to study in Germany for two reasons, first is the well-known reputation of
German universities in terms of knowledge transfer and firm education, in addition to
their good network with universities all over the world, the second reason is that my
brother - who has been living in Germany for five years and is working as doctor -
strongly advised me to peruse my studies there. I did my research among the Top
universities in Germany and searched for a program that I will benefit the most from in
my career. I found the program of my dreams in Technische Universität Berlin under
the Department of Telecommunication Systems: AV (Architekturen der
Vermittlungsknoten) program that covers comprehensively and thoroughly the Topic
of NGN and all related technologies. Being offered by one of the top ranked University
in Germany, and having collaboration with research institutes such as FOKUS NGNI,
both assured me that this is the most suitable Master program for me.

I’m highly confident that by completing this Master Program I will come back to my
country with the most efficient knowledge and skills to help developing and enhancing
our national NGN network, and contribute to our scientific society with what I have
learned in Germany the land of Ideas.

Best Regards


https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Dear Sir/Madam

My name is %%%%%%%%, I'm nineteen years old. Holds a GCSE scientific Algerian
with a good rating in 2013.I had a Goethe certificate A1 at a rate of 92% in Algiers with

Since I was a child, I had the plan to do my Bachelor's study in Syria and then to
complete the higher degrees in Germany, but the development of the events in Syria
forced me to find my hope under ashes of my destroyed house in Aleppo. We travelled
to Algeria and I had an Algerian baccalaureate there before five months of GCSE’s test,
this period was not enough to show my abilities. My father had a job in Libya to be able
to support me for studying in Germany and his friend help me to get an admission from
Hanover’s university a one of best universities and located in a country known to me
as the sciences gate and the destination of students who are seeking a high level of high
education and it is the first in Europe as terms of patents.

I would like to study Biology Sciences by passing one year of property course (M-kurs).

Biology is my dream since I was a young child, when I used to watch documentary
programs for hours and I have always been fascinated by the natural world. That
childish fascination has not left me but deepened over the years. This interest has led
me to my love of biology, ecology, Genetics and evolution. This decision allow me a
lot of possibilities to study and work in the same time, this motivate me to be a
responsible man.

Finally, after finishing bachelor’s studies I want to complete biochemistry as Master's

degree, and hope to be one of notable scientist for developing my country who lost a
lot of its scientists.

Yours Faithfully,


https://www.facebook.com/sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع صفحة‬

Dear Madam/Sir

My name is %%%%%%, I'm 18 years old, I was born in Syria in 1997, and I am living
in Abu Dhabi Now. I finished my secondary studying at al-manara school in Abu
Dhabi, and I would like to study my university in Germany.

Objective: Find and motivate my skill in the field I Like, since I hope to complete my
university in Germany to get a Bachelor of informatics engineering due it related to
math, physics, science.. etc. I always look forward to discover and learn more and more
about the computer and the new computer properties, I wish to develop my knowledge
in this field more and more, and I'm very good in math and this is what encouraged me
to study this section.

Studying in Germany is a dream come true. Germany, a country that combines scientific
and technological development, on the one hand, culture and ancient civilization, on
the other.

During my life, I always heard about this ancient country and how it built itself by itself
and how it became one of the first countries in terms of science and development of
high-quality industry. I loved it even before I knew it, and when I grew up I wanted to
follow up my study abroad, found during the research that studying in Germany is the
most appropriate for me in all aspects, from the fact that universities in Germany are
the best in the world and the fact that all German universities classified with high level
unlike other countries where there are two or three universities that considered good,
and also found that German universities always teach the latest science and the most
advanced in all areas in the best practical ways that qualify the student and prepare him
to work in professional life and thus provide broader horizon for better work
opportunities in my country after graduation.

I chose University of Freiburg because I read a lot about it on the internet and I knew it
is considered one of the elite universities in Germany. The University has won for years
on the advanced ranks in the classification of universities at the national and global
levels, “Excellent University” this title obtained by the University of Freiburg twice
first in 2007 and second in 2009, it is successful in the fields of higher education and
scientific research

Carrying the German certificate is something wonderful in my education, and also I am

so excited to get to know this awesome country known as beauty of nature.

Best Regards, Signature

‫نماذج رسالة الدافع (النية) للماجستير باالنجليزي‬

Dear Sirs, Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this particular opportunity to apply for a Master program in
Mechanical Engineering and with this letter I would like to express my strong

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motivation for this master course. I am a graduate of the University Of Szeged, Hungary
holding BSc degree in Mechanical engineering.

I have graduated with honors at University of Szeged where I was able to get a solid
knowledge in the field. At the moment I am doing my internship in XXX Corp, where
I am learning in practice how to apply methods for advanced component and structure
dimensioning, which was the topic of my Bachelor thesis. Thanks to this particular
experience I was able to perceive the complexity of this field, and to realize that I would
like to develop my career in this area. Beside application of structure dimensioning, I
hold especial interest in the digital design – both Computer aided design and computer
aided engineering, and I would like to do specialization in this particular area.

After careful overview of the master program you are offering with at your University,
I believe that curricula fully suits my intentions, and therefore I would like to get an
opportunity to attend this program.

Due to my financial situation I was able to continue my studies in my country or abroad,

since I am not in a position to finance my studies. Therefore, I will be very grateful to
be provided with scholarship to improve my education and incent my career prospects.
Knowledge gained on the studies at your University I see as an extraordinary career
opportunity, and therefore I would be very glad if you could support my education with
scholarship and to further inform me about any scholarship opportunity that may

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most of this
opportunity. I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower
my career development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials.
Moreover I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the
numerous challenging career opportunities.

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a

favorable reply.


Dear Sirs, Madams,

I was very glad when I saw this scholarship opportunity and with this letter I would like
to express my gratitude to the Alumni Foundation of UoB for this program. I am an
graduate of a University of Sarajevo holding BSc degree in mathematics with honors.

Since I have a quite strong academic background in mathematics I believe that Master
course in advanced mathematics perfectly suits my profile and career prospects. My
ultimate goal is to work with research based groups in applied mathematics sector as

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well as in local universities in order to improve research and human resource capacity
building through training.

Due to my financial situation I was able to continue my studies in my country or abroad,

since I am not in a position to finance my studies. Therefore, I will be very grateful to
be provided with scholarship to improve my education and incent my career prospects.
Knowledge gained on the studies at University of Berlin I plan to transfer to my home
country, where I intend to work in public sector or at the University.

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary opportunity to interact with

students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from
all the World. This type of networking is very important for integration of different
ideas and perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues.

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the
scholarship program. I believe that being a student in your department would not only
empower my career development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full
potentials. Moreover I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit
from the numerous challenging career opportunities.

Once again I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a

favorable reply.


Name Surname

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With this letter I hereby wish to state my interest and apply for Master degree
programme in Architecture. I always had an interest and passion for Architecture, and
therefore it is not surprising that I have finished my Bachelor studies in Architecture in
just three years instead of four.

I have developed this strong passion towards Architecture thanks to my father who is a
civil engineer. Furthermore as I had an interest and talent for arts, my father guided me
toward this field and I started to make models at the age of 9. Now I have an impressive
collection of model houses and buildings. I have continued with this craft even during
my bachelor studies and some of my works were awarded on the national competitions.

The study of fundamental architectural courses, such as architectural structure,

mechanics and materials science, made me to realize that architecture does not focuses
only on a visual, but also emphasizes on the more essential functional and practical
aspects of an object. Thanks to the new skills and knowledge gained on the University
I realized that architecture is not only an art, but technology. Studies have provided me
a deeper comprehension of science and its cultural influences.

Joint influence of my artistic skills and knowledge helped me to visualize the spaces in
their totality, although, at first these spaces were confined to sharp rectangular spaces
which were later extruded to their third dimension with lessons from my Basic and
Architectural Design classes. These spaces were more often clustered into a larger space
to give a magnified appearance. My emphasis remained on the built-form that
represented the theme of the subject and the required spaces were closely knitted into
this form. Since then my professional motto is “unless you put a function to your
creation – it’s not architecture, it’s just visual art”.

As one of the main professional achievements I would like to point out my involvement
in the design of sport complex in my municipality. I have been involved in this project
in 2011 just after I have graduated. Thanks to this experience I have gained practical
skills in designing and work scope framing, project planning scheduling, etc. After
working on this I realized that in order to build higher skill and to learn new
technologies in this field,

higher studies in the field of Architectural Project Management in reputed International

Institution is very essential.

Now I feel that I have had a fair amount of exposure in this field. This exposure has
given me a solid platform through almost one and half year’s of experience in a leading
consulting house where I am working now. I feel that I have not satisfied my urge to
learn, especially when there is so much still to learn. I do not perceive a Graduate
Degree as an end. I have strong desire to push a head, and I plan to invest a lot in my
education to build my career. To fully utilize my time spent in graduate school, I now
require a program that can provide me with the best resources, and educational tools
available. Your University can rightly provide me those and I hope that I will be given
an opportunity to not only study at your University, but also to become fully absorbed
in your planning community.

I am applying after carefully reviewing the course curriculum. Since the research focus
and facilities available in your department complement my research interests and

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requirements, I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower
my career development, but would give me the framework my utilize my full potentials.
Moreover I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the
numerous challenging career opportunities.



and Surname of the Applicant

Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter I wish hereby wish to apply and state my motivation for entrance to the
Master program in Welfare Economics at the University of XXX for the 2014/15
academic year.

I appreciate this opportunity to introduce myself at your University and I perceive it as

a perfect opportunity to support my application for the Master program in Welfare
Economics offered by your University. With my educational background and working
experience, I strongly believe that I am suitable candidate for the programme. I have
chosen this University as my first choice because of valuable scholarly resources and
well-known reputation of the highly qualified education of the University of XXX.

Since I was young I have always had a keen interest in Economics. I began to subscribe
to the periodicals dealing with current events since middle school. At the university, I
focused more on the economic welfare and took some elective courses in political
economy and economic theory. Through the program, I not only made a systematic
study of principle of economics, but also learnt the economical analytical methods to
public policy, such as Game Theory, Principal-Agent theory and Taxation theory and
principles. My dissertation was in the field of public finance and policy impacts on
social welfare. My research results were accepted provisionally by the relevant
department of municipal council and I was invited to contribute to the dialogue. Since
then, I found my passion on welfare economics, and I set my profession goal being an
economic adviser of welfare policy and contributing to improve the lives of ordinary

I believe that countries in North Europe are perfect place for studying welfare policy.
Since your University is the only university which offers a program combining
economics and social welfare policy in a master’s degree, I have decided to place my
application for Master degree programe here. After I read carefully the curriculum and
the course requirements, I believe that it perfectly matches my research interests and
profile. Thanks to the University website, I gained useful information about the
University campus and the student life. Bearing in mind the previous I believe I can fit
perfectly achieving ideal academic results.

As I understand, this programme is very competitive, attracting highly motivated

students, but I am convinced that my good record at the University and professional

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experience give me a strong recommendation for a place at it. Therefore I would be
honored if you decide to accept my candidateship for Master studies. In the same time
I am aware of possible challenges and high investments of effort I will have to place in
order to successfully complete this course.

Thank you in advance for considering my application.

‫ وهي منصة تعليمية لمشاركة معلومات الفرص‬sadeqdarrab ‫تجميع الملف تم من قبل صفحة صادق دراب‬
.‫التعليمية والمنح الدراسية بالخارج بهدف نشر العلم والمعرفة من خالل نشر روابط الفرص من مصادرها الرسمية‬
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‫للباحثين عن منح دراسية وكذلك الدراسة بالخارج ‪ ,‬رسالة الحافز او ما تسمى خطاب النوايا ‪Motivation‬‬
‫‪ letter - Letter Of Intent‬تعتبر مهمة جدا للقبول في معظم الجامعات والمنح المتاحة‪.‬‬
‫من خالل رسالة الحافز تستطيع التعبير عن نفسك واهتمامك بوضوح وتعكس مدى رغبتك وقدراتك في‬
‫التخصص الذي ترغب الدراسة فية‬

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‫بالملف المرفق تم تجميع الخطوات الالزمة لكتابة رسالة الحافز مع امثلة عن كيفية كتابة رسالة الحافز‬
‫خالص تحياتي‬
‫بالتوفيق للجميع وشارك الفرصة لغيرك‬
‫* لمزيد من المعلومات حول الفرص الدراسية بالخارج وجميع المنح الخارجية المتوفرة‪ ،‬يمكنكم االنضمام الى‬
‫القروب الت‪ ,‬الي‪:‬‬
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