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Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Quali7es

Direc7ons: For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories. Then provide examples of your experiences in the
leadership domain. Finally, iden7fy areas within each domain where you are interested in growing as a teacher leader. On the last page,
summarize your strengths and areas of possible growth. Boxes will expand as needed.
• Exploring/Emerging (E/E) - a level of prac,ce in which the teacher leader relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced
colleagues for support, guidance, and survival. The teacher leader is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in
her/his prac,ce.
• Applying (A) - a level of prac,ce in which the teacher leader is able to provide independent leadership and easily applies what s/he has
learned about leadership.
• Integra7ng/Innova7ng (I/I) - a level of development in which the teacher leader is fully skilled and confident. The Integra,ng/
Innova,ng teacher leader contribu,ng to the broader educa,onal community through staff development, research, or publica,on in
professional journals.

Domain 1: Fosters a Collabora7ve Culture to Support Educator Development and Student Learning E/E A I/I

a) U,lizes group processes to help colleagues work collabora,vely to solve problems, make decisions,
manage conflict, and promote meaningful change.
b) Models effec,ve skills in listening, presen,ng ideas, leading discussions, clarifying, media,ng, and x
iden,fying the needs of self and others in order to advance shared goals and professional learning.
c) Employs facilita,on skills to create trust among colleagues, develop collec,ve wisdom, build ownership x
and ac,on that supports student learning.
d) Strives to create an inclusive culture where diverse perspec,ves are welcomed in addressing challenges. x

e) Uses knowledge and understanding of different backgrounds, ethnici,es, cultures, and languages to x
promote effec,ve interac,ons among colleagues.
Three Examples of Domain 1 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. Weekly Elementary Team Mee7ngs in which teacher I would like to learn more about the different backgrounds of
collaborate. my colleagues and incorporate them in what I do at work.
2. Weekly all staff mee7ngs in which listening and discussion
are oTen used.
3. Monthly data team mee7ngs in which many perspec7ves
and problem solving skills are used.

Domain 2: Accesses and Uses Research to Improve Prac7ce and Student Learning E/E A I/I

a) Assists colleagues in accessing and using research in order to select appropriate strategies to improve x
student learning.
b) Facilitates the analysis of student learning data, collabora,ve interpreta,on of results, and applica,on of x
findings to improve teaching and learning.
c) Supports colleagues in collabora,ng with the higher educa,on ins,tu,ons and other organiza,ons x
engaged in researching cri,cal educa,onal issues.
d) Teaches and supports colleagues to collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to x
improve teaching and learning.
Three Examples of Domain 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth

Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Quali7es (adapted from Teacher Leader Model Standards (h;p://
1. Data collec7on: as a team, we collect and review students I would like to compare data to other early elementary
data monthly. teachers in my grade level.
2. SMART Goals: our data teams create SMART goals for
students based on data.
3. Our staff also par7cipate in weekly PD through Master

Domain 3: Promotes Professional Learning for Con7nuous Improvement E/E A I/I

a) Collaborates with colleagues and school administrators to plan professional learning that is team-based, x
job-embedded, sustained over ,me, aligned with content standards, and linked to school/district
improvement goals.
b) Uses informa,on about adult learning to respond to the diverse learning needs of colleagues by x
iden,fying, promo,ng, and facilita,ng varied and differen,ated professional learning.
c) Facilitates professional learning among colleagues. x
d) Iden,fies and uses appropriate technologies to promote collabora,ve and differen,ated professional x
e) Works with colleagues to collect, analyze, and disseminate data related to the quality of professional x
learning and its effect on teaching and student learning.
f) Advocates for sufficient prepara,on, ,me, and support for colleagues to work in teams to engage in job- x
embedded professional learning.
g) Provides construc,ve feedback to colleagues to strengthen teaching prac,ce and improve student x
h) Uses informa,on about emerging educa,on, economic, and social trends in planning and facilita,ng x
professional learning.
Three Examples of Domain 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. I par7cipate in professional development seminars put on I would like to do more research on the trends in teaching
by the curriculums that I use. right now and learn about new teaching strategies that can be
2. I reflect on my professional development. implemented as a staff.
3. I am able to plan my own professional development days
to meet my current needs as a teacher.

Domain 4: Facilitates Improvements in Instruc7on and Student Learning E/E A I/I

a) Facilitates the collec,on, analysis, and use of classroom and school-based data to iden,fy opportuni,es x
to improve curriculum, instruc,on, assessment, school organiza,on, and school culture.
b) Engages in reflec,ve dialog with colleagues based on observa,on of instruc,on, student work, and x
assessment data and helps make connec,ons to research-based effec,ve prac,ces.
c) Supports colleagues’ individual and collec,ve reflec,on and professional growth by serving in roles such x
as mentor, coach, and content facilitator.
d) Serves as a team leader to harness the skills, exper,se, and knowledge of colleagues to address x
curricular expecta,ons and student learning needs.
e) Uses knowledge of exis,ng and emerging technologies to guide colleagues in helping students skillfully x
and appropriately navigate the universe of knowledge available on the Internet, use social media to
promote collabora,ve learning, and connect with people and resources around the globe.

Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Quali7es (adapted from Teacher Leader Model Standards (h;p://
f) Promotes instruc,onal strategies that address issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures
that individual student learning needs remain the central focus of instruc,on.
Three Examples of Domain 4 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. Each month, our staff collects and reflects on students I would like to help lead some of these mee,ngs in the future.
2. We use this data to inform future instruc7on.
3. We discuss overall grade-level trends in data.

Domain 5: Promotes the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District Improvement E/E A I/I

a) Increases the capacity of colleagues to iden,fy and use mul,ple assessment tools aligned to state and x
local standards.
b) Collaborates with colleagues in the design, implementa,on, scoring, and interpreta,on of student data x
to improve educa,onal prac,ce and student learning.
c) Creates a climate of trust and cri,cal reflec,on in order to engage colleagues in challenging conversa,ons x
about student learning data that lead to solu,ons to iden,fied issues.
d) Works with colleagues to use assessment and data findings to promote changes in instruc,onal prac,ces x
or organiza,onal structures to improve student learning.
Three Examples of Domain 5 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. I have taught my colleagues how to use a few new online I would like to engage with my colleagues on this data even
assessment tools. more oTen.
2. I have also taught my colleagues how to u7lize the data
collected by these tools.
3. I have compiled this data for my grade-band team.

Domain 6: Improves Outreach and Collabora7on with Families and Community E/E A I/I

a) Uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnici,es, cultures, and languages in x
the school community to promote effec,ve interac,ons among colleagues, families, and the larger
b) Models and teaches effec,ve communica,on and collabora,on skills with families and other x
stakeholders focused on aUaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and
c) Facilitates colleagues’ self-examina,on of their own understandings of community culture and diversity x
and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educa,onal experiences of
students and achieve high levels of learning for all students.
d) Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educa,onal needs of families and the x
e) Collaborates with families, communi,es, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address x
the diverse educa,onal needs of families and the community.
Three Examples of Domain 6 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth

Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Quali7es (adapted from Teacher Leader Model Standards (h;p://
1. I have coordinated mul7ple service projects to engage I would like to coordinate with families in my school
students with the local community. community more oTen.
2. I have worked with colleagues to coordinate these
3. I have shared some of my ideas with other teachers.

Domain 7: Advocates for Student Learning and the Profession E/E A I/I

a) Shares informa,on with colleagues within and/or beyond the district regarding how local, state, and x
na,onal trends and policies can impact classroom prac,ces and expecta,ons for student learning.

c) Collaborates with colleagues to select appropriate opportuni,es to advocate for the rights and/or needs x
of students, to secure addi,onal resources within the building or district that support student learning,
and to communicate effec,vely with targeted audiences such as parents and community members.
d) Advocates for access to professional resources, including financial support and human and other material x
resources, that allow colleagues to spend significant ,me learning about effec,ve prac,ces and
developing a professional learning community focused on school improvement goals.
e) Represents and advocates for the profession in contexts outside of the classroom. x
Three Examples of Domain 7 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
1. Our staff recently compare our students success with that I would like to research new professional developments
of other local and state wide scores. offered locally.
2. We have also looked at programs offered to students at
other schools to implement at our school.
3. We are working to improve students learning through PD.

Summary of Strengths and Areas of Possible Growth

-Collabora7ng with colleagues to collect, review, and adjust based on student data.
-Sharing of knowledge of technology with other teachers.

-Communica7on with families
-Research of local professional development opportuni7es

Self-Assessment of Teacher Leader Quali7es (adapted from Teacher Leader Model Standards (h;p://

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