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Evolution of the vibrational behavior of a guitat sounboard along successive

construction phases by means of the modal analysis technique

Article  in  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America · August 2000

DOI: 10.1121/1.429470 · Source: PubMed


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3 authors, including:

A. Ezcurra Carlos M Santamaria

Universidad Pública de Navarra Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea


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Evolution of the vibrational behavior of a guitar soundboard
along successive construction phases by means of the modal
analysis technique
M. J. Elejabarrietaa)
Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada II, Universidad del Paı́s Vasco, Apdo. 644-48080 Bilbao, Spain
A. Ezcurra
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad Pública de Navarra, 31006 Pamplona, Spain

C. Santamarı́a
Departamento de Fı́sica Aplicada II, Universidad del Paı́s Vasco, Apdo. 644-48080 Bilbao, Spain

共Received 15 November 1999; accepted for publication 20 March 2000兲

The crucial piece of a craft guitar is the soundboard since it determines the quality of the sound
given by the instrument. From the initial phase 共the gross plate with no hole兲 until the last
construction phase 共the plate with the full structure兲 several stages are followed to modify the
dynamic behavior of the structure and hence the acoustic response of the final guitar. The aim of this
work is to analyze the effect of each modification on the vibrational response of the plate. With this
in mind, an experimental modal analysis of all the construction phases has been performed in the
low frequency range under free conditions. The response of the plate in each stage is defined by
vibration patterns, resonance frequencies, quality factors, and admittance curves. © 2000
Acoustical Society of America. 关S0001-4966共00兲00307-6兴
PACS numbers: 43.75.Gh 关WJS兴

INTRODUCTION the construction of the soundboard, which is the element of

the guitar that to a large extent determines its musical-
String instruments have attracted the interest of re- acoustic quality. Therefore, it is of great interest to under-
searchers for centuries and much work has been dedicated to stand how the construction process influences the dynamic
the study of different aspects of these acoustic systems from behavior of the guitar. Although the soundboard does not
the selection of materials to the radiation of the sound. One work freely when it is part of a guitar, it is made separately
of the main difficulties in studying the performance of these by the luthier and it was interesting to know the influence of
instruments derives from the fact that they are the result of a every step of the whole manufacturing process on the even-
craft industry which is quite often not very systematic and tual guitar. For this reason we have tried to follow the real
fixed. It is well known that small changes in the craft manu- process that takes place when a guitar is being made.
facture may cause big changes in the resulting instrument,1
which gives endless trouble to researchers. Hence, the im- I. CONSTRUCTION PHASES OF THE SOUNDBOARD
portance of a good knowledge of the contribution of each
The construction of the soundboard of a high quality
modification to the final vibrational behavior of the instru-
classical guitar consists of several stages. First, the choice of
the wood is very important for the acoustic quality of the
Several experimental and computational techniques have
instrument. After a previous dynamic study of the materials
been applied in this field, to study the mechanical vibrational
most commonly used for plates,4 we decided to employ ce-
properties. Among these techniques, modal analysis provides
dar, and our luthier chose a good piece of Canadian Cedar.
quantitative results that can be compared with those obtained
This species is characterized by having a low density 共342
by other procedures, such as finite element methods. The aim
Kgm⫺3兲 and a high flexibility. As a guarantee of the quality
of the present work is to investigate in depth the dynamic
of the plate 共and subsequently of the whole instrument兲 the
behavior of the guitar soundboard under free conditions. It
following requirements were accomplished:
should be pointed out that several qualitative studies
have been carried out, using holographic techniques, for • the grain was parallel to the longitudinal axis of the plate,
example,2,3 but not quantitative results are found for guitar preserving the symmetry;
plates under free conditions. • the grain was as fine as possible, to gain homogeneity; and
This study is part of a more extensive work involving • the wood was old enough to have stable physical proper-
the whole resonance box and box-fluid coupling. Further- ties.
more, we try to determine the outcome, from a physical point The main construction stages, as decided by the luthier,
of view, of all the different stages followed by the luthier in are described below. A modal and dynamic analysis was
carried out at each stage in order to evaluate the effect of
Present address: Departamento de Mecánica, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, each transformation. The most relevant physical characteris-
20500 Mondragon, Guipuzcoa, Spain. tics at the end of each stage are summarized in Table I.

369 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108 (1), July 2000 0001-4966/2000/108(1)/369/10/$17.00 © 2000 Acoustical Society of America 369
TABLE I. Construction stages of a craft soundboard.

Stages Thickness 共mm兲 Mass 共g兲 Characteristics

s1 3.50 166.5 • Unsmoothed wood.

• No orifice.
• Approximated contour.
s2 2.85 143.5 • Smoothed wood.
• Preliminary orifice:
diameter⫽10 mm.
• Definite contour.
s3 2.70 130.0 • Definitive mouth:
diameter⫽85 mm.
• Zuncho.
s4 2.70–2.00 123.0 • Variable thickness.
149.0 • Two transverse bars.
s5 ••• b 1 ⫽14.0
b 2 ⫽12.0
170.0 • Fan:
r 1 ⫽3.2 Seven rods in rough state.
s6 ••• r 2 ,r 3 ⫽6.4 Symmetrical distribution:
r 4 ,r 5 ⫽6.0 Torres.
r 6 ,r 7 ⫽5.4
165.2 • Definitive fan: FIG. 1. Variable thickness 共mm兲 in stage (s4). The position of the accel-
s7 ••• r 8 ,r 9 ⫽0.8 Two additional rods. erometer and the coordinate axes are indicated.
Well shaped rods.
tures were provided to the plate. In particular, two bars were
placed perpendicular to the grain, respectively, over and be-
After choosing the wood, the joining of the two halves, low the mouth. These bars were of spruce 共density 460
parallel to the grain, was considered as the first stage (s1). Kgm⫺3兲. The upper bar (b1) had a constant rectangular
The contour was nearly equal to the definitive one, but 1 cm cross section. The low bar (b2) had also a rectangular sec-
larger. The two wooden halves forming the plate must come tion, but its height was reduced linearly from the two ends to
from contiguous cuttings of the trunk, ensuring that the plate the center of the bar. The form and dimensions of these two
will be symmetric with respect to the grain distribution. At structures are shown in Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲. The grain of the
this point the wood was not smoothed and so the thickness of bars was parallel to the longitudinal axis and so perpendicu-
the plate was not uniform. lar to the grain of the plate. These bars implied a mass in-
Next, the plate was smoothed and the contour given the
final form (s2). This implied a uniform loss of mass over the
whole surface of the plate. Also an initial orifice 共10.0 mm
diameter兲 was made through the plate in this phase, that
caused a very small mass decrease 共0.33%兲 in comparison
with the total diminution of mass in this stage. The orifice
was located at the central position of the future mouth.
In the third stage (s3) the mouth of diameter 85.0 mm
was cut out. To avoid a split in the direction of the grain, a
hoop 共‘‘zuncho’’兲 was placed around the mouth. This zuncho
is made of polychromatic woods, and, apart from its me-
chanical function, is decorative. The contour was not modi-
fied with respect to the previous phase, but the thickness was
reduced by 5%. In this phase, the variation in mass with
respect to (s2) is due to the definitive size of the mouth
共45%兲 and to the decrease in thickness.
In the following construction stage (s4) the thickness
was varied from point to point. The performance of this
phase depends on the luthier and sometimes is not essential.
As can be observed in Fig. 1, the upper part of the plate,
above the mouth, maintains the thickness of the previous
stage, but in the lower part the thickness of the plate is pro-
gressively reduced toward the edge. The thickness was mea-
sured on the 115 response points with a dial indicator 共accu-
racy 0.01 mm兲. The plate was pressed slightly on a flat and
smooth surface to measure the correct thickness, avoiding
the casting.
Afterward stage (s5) took place. Some additional struc- FIG. 2. Shape and size 共mm兲 of: 共a兲 upper bar; 共b兲 lower bar; 共c兲 rod.

370 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 370
TABLE II. Rod sizes 共mm兲 at (s7) stage. The symbols are described in Fig. 2共c兲.

r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9

a 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3
h1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 6
h2 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 6 6
h3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6
L1 35 30 30 30 30 30 30 ••• •••
L2 120 115 115 110 110 85 85 ••• •••
L 235 233 233 218 218 198 198 106 106

crease of 22% with respect to the mass of the plate. were of different size. The final mass of the soundboard with
In the next stage (s6) seven of the nine rods of the fan all the internal structures was 165.2 g, which means that,
were placed on the plate. The rods were arranged in the despite the addition of the last two rods, the weight of the
classic way, according to the Torres distribution. At this plate was reduced by 2% with respect to the previous phase.
step, the rods had a constant section and their length was the Finally it must be noted that the bridge has not been
final one. However, they had not been given the correct included in this study, although it is an essential part of the
shape yet, but still offered a rough aspect. All the rods had guitar top, because our craftsman is used to glue it after the
identical section, but had different lengths 关see Fig. 2共c兲 and box is assembled.
Table II兴 and were made of the same type of wood as the
bars 共spruce兲. The distribution of the rods was symmetric in
relation to the central longitudinal axis of the plate, increas- II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP
ing the slope angle with respect to it. Figure 3 shows these The experimental method used in this work was the
positions and the angles. Modal Analysis technique.5–7 Among the available applica-
In the last stage (s7) of the construction of the sound- tions the Frequency Response Function 共FRF兲 was chosen.
board two symmetrical rods were placed (r9), on the lower The structure was put into vibration by a transducer hammer
part of the plate. Their section was rectangular and uniform acting on successive points, and the response was recorded at
and their positions and slopes can be seen in Fig. 3. Also, in one fixed point 共the so-called Roving Hammer Method兲
this phase the other rods were given the definitive profile. through an accelerometer. The accelerometer was attached to
Their sizes are shown in Table II. The seven rods forming the structure by a thin wax layer. This type of joint avoids
the fan had a similar shape, but each pair of symmetrical rods relative movements between the structure and the transducer
and optimizes the range of use of the accelerometer since its
resonance frequency remains constant.
A Brüel & Kjaer type 4500 accelerometer 共frequency
range: 3 Hz to 16 kHz, sensitivity: 0.3 pC/ms⫺2, weight: 3.5
g兲 was used, as these characteristics as well as its resolution
were the most suitable for the system. The miniature trans-
ducer hammer was a Brüel & Kjaer model 8203 关sensitivity:
3.47 pC/N, weight 共tip兲: 3.2 g兴 compatible with the acceler-
ometer. The hammer signal was obtained by making it act on
the woods and was flat over the frequency band of interest.
The FFT analyzer was a two-channel Brüel & Kjaer
mod. 2148 共0.7 Hz–25.6 kHz, resolution ⫽0.1 dB兲. The ac-
celerometer and the hammer were connected directly to the
two channels. In the case of the hammer, a power unit was
not necessary, for the analyzer had an integrated power cir-
cuit. The two channels took measurements simultaneously.
The frequencies studied were in the 0 to 800 Hz range in
all cases, although an estimation of the modal parameters
was carried out in more reduced bands whose ranges were
determined by the different structures and situations ana-
lyzed, whereas the resolution was 1 Hz.
An analysis of the measurements was performed by
means of specific software for experimental modal analysis,
CADA-PC 共LMS, Leuven Measurement System兲. As the
graphic performance of this software was rather poor, Micro
CalOrigin software was used for graphic representations. Ad-
FIG. 3. Definitive shape and size 共mm兲 of the guitar soundboard including mittance curves 共and related parameters兲, vibration patterns,
the position of the internal structures, according to the Torres distribution. natural frequencies, and quality factors were obtained by

371 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 371
means of LSCE 共Least Square Complex Exponential兲 and pacts兲. Then the system could be described as having one
LSFD 共Least Squares Frequency Domain兲 techniques.8 Once input and multiple outputs.
the modal parameters had been obtained, they were validated
with the aid of several techniques such as the reverse syn- III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
thesis of FRFs, the MAC 共Modal Assurance Criterion兲, the
MP 共Modal Participation兲, and the MPC 共Modal Phase Co- The modes were named as (m,n), m being the number
linearity兲. of transverse half-waves and n the number of longitudinal
The system under study was a guitar soundboard in the half-waves on the plate.9 In the latter case, in patterns with
successive stages of its construction, whose boundaries were only one line, the modes were designated with a plus sign
supposed to be free. Theoretically, with free boundary con- 共⫹兲 above the mouth and a minus 共⫺兲 below the mouth,
ditions the six rigid solid modes should have an associated depending on their situation.
frequency of 0 Hz. Nevertheless, in practice it is not possible
to work with a structure of utterly free boundaries because it A. Dynamic behavior of the plate without any added
needs to be hung in some way. In order to obtain approxi- structure
mately free experimental boundary conditions, very flexible Now the evolution of the dynamic behavior of the
bands were used so that the first six modes had frequencies soundboard is to be described accounting for the vibration
very low with respect to the structure frequency. Four rubber modes, the natural frequencies, the quality factors, and the
bands were used and the resulting resonance frequencies cross admittance of the harmonic plate in the first construc-
were around 1–2 Hz. All these bands were identical and tion stages of a crafted guitar. This section evaluates the
equally stretched. They were attached to the edge of the contribution of each transformation, prior to the addition of
soundboard, on the upper part of the longitudinal axis. It was the structures, from the vibrational point of view.
found that any changes in the stress of the bands or in the The estimation of the modal parameters was global,
support points of the soundboard did not alter significantly since each modal analysis was made up of the 115 response
the response of the structure. The support point minimized functions. Therefore, the reported natural frequencies, the vi-
the influence of this suspensions, since it was located on the bration modes, and the quality factors do not depend on the
nodal line of the shear modes, and many transverse flexural particular response point.
modes also had coincident central nodal line. A preliminary The vibration modes obtained had a normal character,
test was carried out to compare the responses with those since their MPC was between 91% and 99%. This index
obtained when fixing the opposite point in the lower zone. indicates that the imaginary part of the pattern is practically
The results were indistinguishable, except for points very negligible compared to the real part, and so the relative phase
close to the fixed one in each case. Finally, we chose the for the 115 degrees of freedom was 0 or 180 degrees. Con-
upper point because that zone of the plate becomes more sequently, the modes can be considered as normal, with pro-
rigid when other structures are added and, consequently, it is portional viscous damping.
not so interesting from a dynamic point of view.
Both the excitation and the response were perpendicular 1. Vibrational patterns, natural frequencies, and
to the plate, the most important direction regarding vibration quality factors
and acoustic radiation of the final instrument. The response In the first four construction phases the harmonic plate is
point was located at the position of the bridge, next to the subjected to a decrease in thickness and so a decrease in
bass bar coordinates 共⫺6 cm, 34 cm兲, and 115 excitation mass. Taking into account the decrease in each natural fre-
points were distributed over the plate. Keeping the acceler- quency it can be concluded that the decrease in thickness
ometer fixed, the mass distribution was constant throughout affects the stiffness more than the mass of the structure.
the analysis. The admittance curves were obtained at a lateral The natural frequencies of the eight vibrational patterns
point with coordinates 共12 cm, 42 cm兲. This point was se- undergo changes through stages (s1) to (s4) and because of
lected because it did not coincide with any nodal line, at least this we limited the number of modes instead of the frequency
in the first stages of construction. 关Note: the y-axis is the band to be analyzed. Furthermore, the patterns were ordered
symmetry axis, and the point 共0,0兲 is at the upper edge.兴 as in the first phase of construction, overlooking the particu-
The number and location of the selected measurement lar frequency value in the successive construction phases. In
points 共maximum distance 5.85 cm; minimum distance 2.82 this way, the evolution of the modal patterns along the con-
cm兲 covered the frequency range as well as the number of struction process can be clearly seen.
expected modes, each node being connected with its neigh- In Fig. 4 the eight lower vibration modes are shown in
bors 共eight connections for each interior node兲. Prior to the phases (s1) and (s4), rough state and final outline with
experimental analysis, a finite element analysis was carried varying thickness, respectively. It can be seen that the form
out to validate the boundary conditions and the suitability of of the patterns is practically equal in both phases. This indi-
the excitation and response points. cates that the mouth and the decrease in thickness do not
Finally, it was experimentally determined that the sys- imply any change in the form of the vibration modes, al-
tem met the Maxwell’s reciprocity principle by interchang- though the nodal lines are much more defined after the last
ing the accelerometer and hammer positions. This allowed us modification in phase (s4). This can be explained by con-
to consider that we had one excitation point 共at the acceler- sidering that in the initial phase the plate is not smoothed and
ometer position兲 and multiple response points 共the 115 im- so the structure is more imperfect. The vibrational amplitude

372 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 372
FIG. 4. Vibrational modes and natural
frequencies in stages (s1) and (s4).
Equal displacement lines are showed;
the gray areas represent nodal zones.
The vibrational amplitude of the
modes could not be compared one an-
other, since each pattern was normal-
ized to unit modal mass.

of the modes could not be compared to one another, since other, those which do not present such a line. Thus a mode
each pattern was normalized to unit modal mass. Accord- such as 共2,0兲 is not affected by the 共3,1⫹兲 mode, but it is
ingly, an increase in the level line density from phase (s1) to affected by the 共4,0兲 mode.
phase (s4) can be seen in the lower zone for almost all the Taking into account that all the modal analyses were
modes. This is due mainly to the varying thicknesses in the performed with the same reference point, located next to the
upper and central zones, and in the lower one, the latter position of the bass string, it is possible to establish, by
showing greater mobility. means of the modal participation index, the dominant modes
The normal modes in these first four construction phases
for that position. For the four stages analyzed, the dominant
are independent since the relationship among the different
mode is 共2,0兲. The other modes have similar contributions,
patterns has a MAC lower than 15%. This MAC index is an
indicator of the influence of one pattern on another. Thus the except for modes 共2,1⫺兲 and 共2,2兲, whose modal participa-
shear mode 共1,2兲 is more influenced by the transverse flex- tion is negligible due to the particular excitation point.
ural patterns than by those of longitudinal flexion, owing to It should be noted that the construction of the mouth, in
the slope of the transverse nodal lines at the lower part, and phase (s3), affects the form of modes presenting a notable
this will be reflected in the MAC indices. In the case of the vibration in their zone, mainly 共0,2兲 and 共0,3兲. In Fig. 4 it can
transverse flexural modes, two groups can be distinguished, be observed that modes with a central nodal line 关共1,1⫺兲,
depending on their reciprocal influence: on the one hand, 共1,2兲, and 共3,1⫹兲兴 preserve the slope of the nodal lines. On
those presenting a longitudinal central nodal line and, on the the other hand, the rest of the patterns modify the bending

373 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 373
FIG. 5. Natural frequencies 共Hz兲 cor-
responding to the eight lower modes in
stages (s1) to (s7).

and the position of the nodal lines when the mouth is cut out cluded that the plate decreases in quality over these four
in phase (s3). stages.
Figure 5 shows the evolution of the natural frequencies 2. Admittance curves
corresponding to the eight lower vibration modes. The de-
crease in thickness elicits a decrease in the frequencies, Figure 7共a兲 shows the evolution of the cross admittance
mainly from the stage (s1) to the stage (s2), when mass curves for the selected point 共see Sec. I兲 from phase (s2) to
decreases by 14% uniformly, apart from the preliminary (s4). A similar behavior can be observed in these admit-
hole. This decrease causes another decrease in frequencies of tance curves. From stage (s3) to (s4) the peaks broaden out,
between 35% and 48%, being greater in the highest modes. so the quality factors decrease in this step. Furthermore, ad-
Thus the decrease in thickness decreases the stiffness more mittance increases over the band, mainly at the high frequen-
than the mass. In phases (s2) and (s3) the decrease in mass cies, and, moreover, the six lowest modes have a similar
is localized in the mouth zone, and this affects some of the level, this level being higher than the one corresponding to
frequencies, mainly those of longitudinal flexion, (0,2) and higher modes in the three stages.
共0,3兲, and to a greater extent lower frequency modes. The
relative frequency changes were between 7% and 20%. Fi- B. Dynamic behavior of the soundboard with
nally, the decrease in thickness on the lower contour does not
affect the frequencies between the variations obtained are The dynamic behavior of the soundboard was substan-
smaller than the experimental precision. It was observed that tially modified when the bars and the internal rods were
modes with higher frequencies than those presented in this added. These structures cause an increase in the stiffness of
work were affected and tended to decrease. the plate without limiting its mobility. The actual position of
Like natural frequencies, quality factors decreased sub- the structures maintains the symmetry of the plate with re-
stantially between stages (s1) and (s4) 共see Fig. 6兲. The spect to its central longitudinal axis.
effect on the quality factors due to varying thickness—phase In previous phases, the plate itself was transformed by
(s4), 共⫺40%兲—is remarkable, in spite of the invariability of the change in thickness or by removing the material of the
the natural frequencies. Taking the quality factors in free mouth, but in phase (s5) the plate behavior was modified
boundary conditions as a quality standard,10 it may be con- due to the addition of supplementary structures. The initial

FIG. 6. Quality factors in stages 共s1兲

to (s7).

374 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 374
phases imply a nearly uniform decrease in mass over the present. This is the case of the transverse flexural modes,
whole surface of the plate, except for phase (s4), when a 共2,1⫹兲 and 共4,1⫹兲. The emplacement of the two bars mini-
decline in thickness was made in the lower area. Afterward, mizes the vibration in the upper zone for both modes and
the plate recovered the previously eliminated mass, although gives rise to a new nodal line in the former 共2,0兲 mode.
now in a specifically located way, and, as a result, the dy- It should be emphasized that the mode 共1,2兲, in addition
namic behavior should be different from that in the initial to its previous relationship with the 共1,1⫺兲 mode, is influ-
stages. enced by the 共2,1⫹兲 mode in the phase (s5). This can be
The additional structures, from phase (s5) to (s7), con- explained in terms of the immobility of the upper zone and
sist of two parts, each one with a different function, the two its transverse flexural character in the lower zone of the plate
transverse bars and the fan. The bars, above and under the 共the level lines are practically parallel to the grain and not
mouth, strengthen the upper part of the plate, to endure the perpendicular, as would correspond to the second shear
neck. Therefore, this zone becomes more rigid. In the lower mode of an isotropic plate兲. The shape of the nodal lines of
zone, i.e., under the mouth, the emplacement of the fan and the 共1,2兲 mode would suggest calling it 共3,1⫹兲, but accord-
later of the bridge help the fragile plate to support the tension ing to a finite element analysis it originated as the 共1,2兲
exerted by the strings. The literature on the subject report mode.
many fan distributions, craftsmen say, in order to improve The emplacement of the rods in stages (s6) and (s7)
the acoustic properties, but this literature does not offer any caused a practically equal mass distribution between the up-
objective criteria on rod quantity and positions. per and the lower zones, and the total mass in phase (s7)
As already mentioned, dynamic and modal analyses was almost equal as that of the initial stage (s1). The rods
were carried out during all the remaining construction permit the upper zone to vibrate again, as can be seen in Fig.
phases. The results of these analyses are given below. 8.
No changes occurred in the pattern shapes in stages (s6)
1. Vibrational patterns, natural frequencies, and and (s7) in comparison with (s5), except for the curvature
quality factors change of the 共0,2兲 mode in the lower zone of the sound-
The results displayed have been recorded as functions of board. The vibration modes remained normal, since the
the quantity of modes, with no limit for the frequency band, imaginary part of the 115 response functions is negligible in
because this band increases in length up to the final stage. comparison to the real part, as in the previous phases. From
The order is the same as that of the first stage (s1), as phase (s5) to (s7), a MPC between 91% and 100% was
previously explained. Mode 共4,1⫹兲 has also been included, obtained for the seven studied modes.
for it presents a frequency lower than mode 共0,3兲 in stages In phase (s5), the modal participation of the present
(s6) and (s7). modes was quite similar. However, after the addition of the
Figure 8 shows the first seven vibrating patterns in ribs, the modal participation of the longitudinal flexural pat-
stages (s5) and (s7). These two stages were selected for the terns diminished. This can be explained by taking into ac-
following reasons, respectively, phase (s5) to appreciate the count the curvature change in the nodal line on the lower
effect implied by the emplacement of the two transverse zone of the soundboard. This line is close to the position of
bars, and phase (s7) because it is the last construction stage the bass string and, because of this, these modes present a
before the piece is assembled to form the resonance box. As low modal participation factor. Thus after emplacing the
can be seen, the vibration patterns change their forms when rods, the modes that most contribute in the band from 20 Hz
the transverse bars and the rods are added, in contrast to the to 200 Hz are the transverse flexural and shear modes.
first construction stages. Figure 5 shows the evolution of the natural frequencies
The first remarkable point in stage (s5) was the disap- of the modes analyzed from phase (s4) to (s7). The em-
pearance of two vibration patterns, 共2,1⫺兲 and 共2,2兲. These placement of the two transverse bars in the upper zone of the
two modes did not reappear in the subsequent stages. When plate had a different effect depending on the vibrational char-
comparing the modes corresponding to stages (s4) and (s5) acter of the modes. Thus it produced an increase in the stiff-
some changes can be seen in position and curvature for the ness of the shear and transverse flexural modes, due to the
nodal lines. As a general rule, emplacement of the transverse rise of the equivalent Young modulus E2 共perpendicular to
bars hinders the vibration in the upper zone, at least for the the grain兲 of the whole structure and these modes notably
analyzed modes. increased their frequencies in a consistent manner. In the
There are not any notable changes in the form of the case of the longitudinal flexural modes, 共0,2兲 and 共0,3兲, the
patterns corresponding to longitudinal flexion, 共0,2兲 and emplacement of the two bars in the upper zone had a mass-
共0,3兲. The change in curvature of the 共0,3兲 mode nodal lines increasing effect, and so their natural vibration frequency
should be noted, these lines becoming parallel to the trans- diminished.
verse bars. In these longitudinal flexural modes the vibration The emplacement of the seven rods in the rough state at
amplitudes were similar all over the whole surface of the phase (s6) increased the stiffness of the structure in the band
plate. This did not occur in previous stages, since the inter- analyzed. This effect became greater on the longitudinal
mediate zone remained practically fixed. flexural modes, since the fan implies an increase on the
Although the patterns are independent, some relation- equivalent Young modulus E1 共parallel to the grain兲, the
ship 共lower than 15% in the MAC matrix coefficients兲 be- main agent responsible of the natural frequency in those
tween modes with the same vibrational character is still modes. Finally, concerning the natural frequencies, the

375 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 375
FIG. 7. Cross admittance curves 共dB兲:
共a兲 In stages (s2), (s3), and (s4);
modes are labeled for stage (s4). 共b兲
In stage (s5). 共c兲 In stages (s6) and
(s7); modes are labeled for stage

emplacement of the two rods in the lower zone and the per- Figure 6 shows the quality factors. The emplacement of
fection of the previously attached rods only affected the two the internal structures involves an increase in the quality fac-
highest modes. The frequencies of the five lowest modes tors for the seven modes analyzed. The increase in mass
remained unchanged, within the 1 Hz experimental resolu- 共21%兲 due to the two transverse bars elicited an increase in
tion. In the case of the two highest modes, the phase (s7) the quality factors of at least 50%. The least affected modes
involved an increase in their natural frequencies, this effect in this stage were those of longitudinal flexion, especially the
being stronger in the 共0,3兲 mode. 共0,3兲 mode. The emplacement of the seven rods in phase

376 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 376
FIG. 8. Vibrational modes and natural
frequencies in stages (s5) and (s7)
共see Fig. 4 caption兲.

(s6) implied a mass increase of 14% with respect to (s5) highest modes, although these were more affected by the
and a stiffness increase on the lower zone of the plate in the shaping, the increase in the quality factor in stage (s6) was
direction of the grain. This change in stiffness and mass elic- not compensated.
ited an increase higher than 25% in the quality factor for the
highest three modes. Also, it can be observed that the longi-
tudinal flexural modes were those most affected by the fan, 2. Admittance curves
just as for the natural frequencies; for example, mode 共0,3兲 Figures 7共b兲 and 7共c兲 show, respectively, the curves of
increased its quality factor by 40% with respect to (s5). cross admittance corresponding to the aforementioned point
In the phase (s7), in spite of the two new rods in the in phases (s5), (s6), and (s7).
lower zone, the mass of the whole plate was reduced 关3% In Fig. 7共b兲, the response level in the band from 20 Hz
less than in stage (s6)兴 due to the good shaping of the fan. to 200 Hz is shown, the 共1,2兲 mode featuring the maximum
This decrease became apparent as a decline in the quality admittance. Likewise, mode 共3,1⫹兲 is not detected since the
factors of the modes analyzed. As can be seen in the figure, response point coincides with one of its nodal lines. In com-
phase (s7) had the opposite effect to that of phase (s6), and, parison to (s4), the emplacement of the bars prevented mo-
as a result, the quality factors at (s7) were similar to those of bility of the soundboard, since the admittance curve was in
(s5) for the four lowest modes. In the case of the three general reduced by more than 10 dB, this decrease being

377 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 377
more visible at high frequencies. It is also possible to appre- As a natural sequel of this work, we are interested in a
ciate a narrowing of the peak bandwidths with respect to the similar study, considering the soundboard with its actual
plate without structures. This was clearly seen in the increase boundary conditions. It is hoped that such a study, together
in the quality factors. with the present one, will help us to influence and to improve
Figure 7共c兲 shows the effect of the rods in the rough the construction process of a guitar.
state and in the well-shaped state 关phases (s6) and (s7)兴 on
cross admittance. Besides, in phase (s5) the modes were
more equidistant and the level of admittance was uniform ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
throughout the frequency range. Also, it can be appreciated
The authors are grateful to S. A. Keller for their impor-
that the longitudinal flexural modes were not detected in
tant collaboration, and very much obliged to Alberto
phase (s6) in the response point selected and showed a low
Atxotegi, the craftsman, for his careful work.
amplitude in phase (s7). This is due to the curvature change
of its form in the lower zone, the response point being close
to the lowest nodal line. Finally, in phases (s6) and (s7) a 1
B. E. Richardson, Catgut Acoust. Soc. J. 2 共5, Series II兲, 1–10 共1994兲.
slight increase occurred in the admittance level for all the 2
E. V. Jansson, Acustica 25, 95–100 共1970兲.
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B. E. Richardson, Catgut Acoust. Soc. Newsletter 40, 13–17 共1983兲.
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D. J. Ewins, Modal Testing: Theory and Practice 共Research Studies Press
Ltd., England, 1984兲.
A detailed study of the vibrational behavior during the 6
K. D. Marshall, Catgut Acoust. Soc. J. 46, 7–17 共1986兲.
construction stages of a guitar soundboard has been made, 7
K. D. Marshall, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 77, 695–709 共1985兲.
before setting up the resonance box. In this sense, the vibra- 8
CADA Modal Analysis User Manual, Rev. 2.3, LMS-International, Leu-
tional modes, natural frequencies, and quality factors, as well ven.
B. E. Richardson and G. W. Roberts, SMAC’83, Vol. II 共Publication of
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stage, and their evolutions along the process in relation to the 10
F. Orduña-Bustamante, Catgut Acoust. Soc. J. 2 共1, Series II兲, 20–23
modifications have been discussed. 共1992兲.

378 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 108, No. 1, July 2000 Elejabarrieta et al.: Guitar soundboard modal analysis 378

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