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Fax: May 19 2011 08:10am P002/003

Olivieri, Alessandro

From: Broadcast Message

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 201110:18 AM
To: Broadcast Message
Subject: Press Policy

Dear Parkies:

Our busy seassn ls here and with it an appropriate time to remind you of the press policy for Parks employees. The last
notification was January 13, 2011, and there are some important clarifications to this new Broadcast Message. It is your
responsibility to read the policy in full and make certain you understand it. Please don't hesltateto e-mail or call me
directly with any questions.

When you are approached by a reporter or blogger in person) on the phone, online, or at a Parks event, please refer that
reporter to the Parks Department Press Office (phone: 212.360.1311; e-mail:}unlessyou
meet all three'of tha conditions described below and discussed at greater length in the attached press policy. People
employed by the Parks Department are free to speak in their personal capacities about Parks Department policies and
operations to members of the press without notifying the Parks Department if they:
1. Make clear that they are not speaking on behalf of the Parks Department
2. Do so only on their own time
3. Do not disclose confidential information as specified in the press policy, which follows below.

Parks & Recreation Press Policy

1. Statements on Behalf of the Agency

The Parks Press Office has been designated as the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation's principal avenue of
communication with the media and the public. No employee, except an employee designated to do so by the Parks
Press Office ø,the Commissioner, may hold himself or herself out as expressing the views of the agency. An employee,
receiving an inquiry from the media seeking a statement on behalf of the agency or a statement by an employee in htsor
her official capacity should refer the inquiry to the Parks Press Office.

2. Employee Statements in Their Personal Capacities

Any employee who is invited to or intends to make a statement to a governmental agency, private organization or the
media In his or her personal capacity regarding Department policies or operations shall communicate to his or her
audience that the statement Is not being made in the employee's official capacity and that such statement represents
solely the employee's opinions and does not necessarily represent the position of the Nve Department of Parks & ,
Recreation. Such statement, whether written or oral, shalt be made on the employee's own time and not on City ume. "
Any agency employee who is invited to or intends to speak to a governmental agency, private organization or the media
in his or her personal capacity is encouraged to contact the Parks Press Office for advice or to request background or
other information on the subject matter at issue.
3. Statements that Disclose Confidential Information

Emplovees who make statements that disclose confidential lnforrnatlon, including but not limited to information relating
to non-final agencvpoltcíes, specific projects and procedures¡ opinions and discussions by or about personneil security
precautions/ and other information protected from disclosure by law) may be subjectto disciplinary action. Employees
are encouraged to consult with the Press Office for guidance with respect to whether a statement might disclose
confidential fn4formation.

Fax: May 19 2011 08:10am P003/003

. 4. statements that are disruptive to the operations of the agency

Employees who make statements that are disruptive to the operations of the agency may be subject to disciplinary
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter, and please don't hesitate to call me at 212.360.1311 if you have
any questions.


Vickie Karp

Director of Public Affairs

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