Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Grade 8

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Grade 8
A. Content Standard
Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of comets, meteors and asteroids.
B. Performance Standard
Discuss whether or not beliefs and practices about comets about meteors have
scientific bases
C. Learning Competency:

Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids.

At the of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Discuss the origin and fact about comets, asteroids and meteors.
2. Compare and contrast comets, meteors and asteroids.
3. Acquire knowledge and apply things learned for everyday living.

Topic: comets, asteroids and meteors
References: Teaching Guide: 103-111 pp.
Learner’s Guide: 153-165 pp.

III. Preparatory Activities:


Teachers’ Activity Learners’ Activity

 Opening Prayer
 Checking attendance

We’ve been curious inside the Earth and we

have lots of things we are already known. Now
class, Are you been curious what having
outside the Earth? Or what we called us the
Universe? Yes, ma’am

Let’s start, I will show you pictures that only

found in the universe and identify each picture.

Picture 1. Sun
Picture 2. Earth The answers vary according to the
Picture 3. Asteroids knowledge of the students.
Picture 4. Comet
Picture 5. Meteor
Picture 6. Asteroids belts

Later you will see if your answers are correct!


Teachers’ Activity Learners’ Activity

The students will answer the following guide
questions in 5 minute after giving the work
sheet per group:

Can you identify this celestial object?

Which no. do you think is the asteroid?
Raise your hand do you think asteroid is no. 1?
No. 2? or no. 3?
Which no. is the comet? No. 1? No. 2? No. 3?
Which no. is meteor? No. 1? No. 2? no. 3?
(Teacher present picture on screen)
Answer sheet
Find their characteristics. You will get your Group no.
answers that post on the board.
What we know about
Characteristics: Comets Asteroids Meteors
 Also known as “Dirty Snowball”
 Made up of metals and rocky material
 Orbit between Jupiter and Mars
 Often called “shooting star”
 Orbits the sun
The answers vary according to the
 Usually burns up the Earth’s
knowledge of the students.
atmosphere (meteors)
 Made up of dust and ice rock
 Also called dwarf planet
 Appears as a streak in the sky
 Broken pieces from asteroids or comets


Teachers’ Activity Students’ activity

After 5 minutes, the representative of each
group will post their output on the board.

“Are you done, class?”

“Yes, Ma’am!” The students will post their
Now class, examine the answers of other group work on the board.
and find the similar answers that listed about
each term.

For group no. and we have…..

(depend the answer of the students)

And so on…

Teachers’ Activity Students’ activity

The teacher will use power point presentation
in the discussion of the lesson

So let’s see if your ideas of each term are


These three picture I present to you class,

what do you think is the asteroids?

• The characteristics of asteroids Large

chunk of rock and metals that orbit the
• Their size vary from 10m to 1km
300km diameter
• They are stay in the space and found
between of Mars and Jupiter but a few
travel in paths across Mars orbit and
some even cross in Earth orbit.
• Also called dwarf planet.

Fact of asteroid
• Scientist believes ASTEROIDS may Students answer no. 1
have caused the extinction of the
• Asteroids move in round orbits

So, what do you think is asteroid here?

(teacher present picture of asteroids, comet,

Next characteristics class, is about Comets

• Origin : Kuiper belt and Oorte Clouds

• Also called a dirty snowball that
made up of ice rock and dust that
orbit the sun
• Ranging size from 1 km to 20km
(size of a mountain)
• Astromoners believes they are left
over from the early formation of solar

Then last characteristics class is about


• From broken pieces of COMETS or

• size: smaller than the comets or
asteroids from which they come

• Made of rock and dust

Facts about meteors
Also known as “shooting star” that appears
as a streak in the sky produced by burning of
a meteoroid up the Earth’s atmosphere
Meteor shower an event in which a number of
meteors are observed to radiate form one
point in the sky. It’s happen regularly.

To summarize class!


Teachers’ Activity Students’ activity

Teacher will give 10 questions for their Student will answers on ¼ paper.

Find the correct answers

Comets meteors asteroids asteroid belt meteor
Nucleus coma Kuiper belt stony meteorite iron

1. small object composed of rock and ice which

orbit the sun.
2. is a celestial event in which a number of
meteors are observed to radiate originate form one
point in the sky
3. also called shooting star
4. Large chunk of rock and metals that orbit the
5. the origin of asteroids
6. origin of comets
7. solid inner core of comet
8. is a meteorite that similar to an ordinary rocks
9. cloud of dust and gas of a comet
10. is a meteorites that composed of iron and
nickel like Earth’s core.


Science Teacher
Head teacher I – Science Department

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