Sora Lui?) Happen (Accidentele Sunt Inevitabile) Always Drink Milk in The Morning I Will Drink Milk in The Morning

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 Exprima vointa, hotarare I will pay you as much as you ask for.
 Promisiune I will not make such a mistake again.
 Posibilitate, presupunere That girl will be his sister? (Fata ceea o fi
sora lui?)
 Ceva inevitabil (expresii fixe) Children will be children.Accidents will
happen(accidentele sunt inevitabile)
 Inlocuieste prezentul simplu pentru actiune obisnuita, repetata I
always drink milk in the morning=I will drink milk in the morning

Invitatie, cerere politicoasa Will you come and...?( Vrei sa...?)

 Exprima o cerere politicoasa

Would you pass...

Would you please...

Would you be so kind...

Would you mind+ V (-ing)

# Would like/care=want

# Would care nu se foloseste in afirmativ

Would rather (arata preferinta) +infinitiv scurt (pentru acelasi subiect)

Would better/had better (mai bine)  

Would sooner (mai degraba) +past tense (pentru subiecte diferite)

 Exprima o actiune repetata in trecut si incetata prezent (obisnuiam sa...)
 Diferenta dintre used to si would+infinitiv este ca al doilea se foloseste
 Apare dupa wish si if only pentru o dorinta in viitor

 Exprima o probabilitate Ex: That girl would be his sister!
 Exprima o vointa la trecut iar la negativ refuz Ex:She had to go there
whether she would or wouldn’t.

 Hotarare The enemy shall not pass.
 Promisiune If you get a good mark you shall have a present.
 Refuz, insistenta, amenintare He shall pay for insulting my daughter.
 Exprima o interdictie in acte oficiale All the candidats shall not
bring(may not) the dictionaries into the examination room.
 Oferta, sugestie Shall I help you?

NOTA: What about going to the cinema?  Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?

 Exprima obligatie, sfat, recomandare(obligatia este mai slaba decat cea
cu must)
 Exprima surpriza in intrebare retorica Ex:Why should I go there?
 Exprima presupunere, deductie logica
 In completiva directa dupa: to suggest, to propose, to insist, to
recommend, to advise, to urge...that
 In propozitia subiectiva dupa constructii impersonale: it is/was
 In propozitia de scop dupa: so that, in order that, lest(ca sa nu..., ca sa
nu cumva...), for fear that
 In propozitia conditionala tip I si II (intamplare)
 Dupa verbe de emotie: to feel sory, to be delighted, to be annoyed, to be
 Dupa: don’t think why, see no reason why, can’t think why


 Abilitate fizica si intelectuala la prezent si viitor
 Exprima o continuitate alaturi de verbele de perceptie
 Exprima o permisiune (informal English)
 Exprima o posibilitate atunci cand imprejurarile o permit If you
come in my town we can swim (I have a swimming pool)
 Exprima o imposibilitate, neincredere: cu acest inteles can poate fi
urmat de un infinitiv prezent(pentru actiune simultana) sau infinitiv perfect
(pentru actiune anterioara )

Nu se poate/este imposibil sa faca o He can’t make such a mistake

asemenea greseala

Nu se poate sa fi facut o asemenea He can’t have made such a mistake

 Exprima o cerere politicoasa Can I help you?

 Abilitate fizica si intelectuala la trecut.Cu acest inteles can/could
poate fi inlocuit cu echivalentul.Dar cand intelesul este de to succid
in, to manage, to achieve-se foloseste numai echivalentul, dar nu si la
 Cerere politicoasa, mai politicoasa deca can Could I help you?

 Exprima o permisiune(formal english).Cu acest inteles el poate fi
inlocuit cu echivalentul  to be allowed to; to be permited to
 Exprima o posibilitate.Cu acest inteles el poate fi inlocuit cu it is

  It is possible for you to know her

Poate ca o cunosti Maybe/perhaps you know her

You may hnow her

May+ infinitiv continuu = posibilitatea unei actiuni in momentul vorbirii 
Ex: She may be sleeping now.

May+infinitiv perfect=posibilitatea unei actiuni in trecut  Ex: She may have

lost the key.

 Exprima o urare, speranta May all your dreams come true! sau May
good luck attend you!
 In propozitia concesiva dupa: whatever, whenever, whereever,
whoever, thought, althought, no matter how No matter how much money
you have don’t spend it in one day1
 In completiva directa dupa to hope, to trust: I hope that you may find
 In propozitia de scop dupa so that: I sit on the first row so that I may
see and hear well.

 Exprima o permisiune la trecut
 Exprima o posibilitate in prezent, viitor si trecut (o posibilitate mai

Might+infinitiv continuu=posibilitatea indepartata a unei actiuni in momentul


Might+infinitiv perfect=posibilitatea indeparata a unei actiuni in trecut

 Exprima indignare, iritare, repros You might look in to my eyes when

I’m talking to you.
 In propozitia concesiva dupa: whatever, whenever, whereever,
whoever, thought, althought, no matter how
 In completiva directa dupa to hope, to trust
 In propozitia de scop dupa so that

 Exprima obligatie, comanda, necesitate.Cu acest inteles el poate fi
inlocuit cu echivalentul to have to

Must=obligatie impusa de vorbitor(regula)

Have to=obligatie externa impusa de autoritati sau imprejurari externe pe care

vorbitorul nu le poate controla

Don’t have to  
Lipsa de obligatie
Haven’t got to


Must not Interdictie, prohibitie (regula)

 Eprima deductie, concluzie logica, probabilitate

NOTA: cand must exprima probabilitate el poate fi inlocuit cu:

I’m sure/certain/positive


It’s likely/probable

Is likely

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