Key Unt 1 Health and Life Style

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A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve your health and well-being. There are
many different things that you can do to live a healthy lifestyle, such as eating healthy, being
physically active, maintaining a healthy weigh, and managing your stress. However, a healthy
lifestyle isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise, it also about taking care of the “whole you” –
your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. And, that means taking care of you
from the inside out.


Un estilo de vida saludable es aquel que ayuda a mantener y mejorar tu salud y tu bienestar. Hay
muchas cosas diferentes que puedes hacer para vivir un estilo de vida saludable, como comer sano,
estar físicamente activo, mantener un peso saludable y controlar el estrés. Sin embargo, un estilo
de vida sano no se trata tan solo de una alimentación saludable y de ejercicio, sino también de
cuidar el "todo tú": tu bienestar físico, mental, emocional y espiritual. Y eso significa cuidarte de
dentro hacia fuera.


Even though there are many common ways to live a healthy lifestyle, actually doing it looks
different for everyone, and means something different from one person to the next. Regardless of
what you choose to do, living a healthy lifestyle is a key component to disease prevention,
wellness, and longevity.


A pesar de que hay muchas formas comunes de vivir un estilo de vida saludable, en realidad
hacerlo es distinto para cada uno y significa algo diferente de una persona a otra.
Independientemente de lo que elijas hacer, vivir un estilo de vida saludable es un componente
clave para la prevención de enfermedades, el bienestar y la longevidad.
Being mindful of your diet, physical activity and stress levels allows you to effectively balance all
aspects of your life and the “whole you”. Below are 10 important things you can do to live a
healthy lifestyle:
- Drink more water.
- Get enough sleep.
- Exercise regularly.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables.
- Cut down on processed food.
- Go for brown carbs vs. white carbs.
- Cut down on oily and sugary food, soda and
- Stop smoking and/or avoid passive smoking
- Breathe deeply on purpose.
- Meditate often.

Ser consciente de tu dieta, actividad física y niveles de estrés te permite equilibrar eficazmente
todos los aspectos de tu vida y el "todo tú". A continuación, hay 10 cosas importantes que puedes
hacer para vivir un estilo de vida saludable:
- Bebe más agua.
- Duerme lo suficiente.
- Haz ejercicio regularmente.
- Come más frutas y vegetales.
- Reduce el consumo de alimentos procesados.
- Elige carbohidratos marrones frente a carbohidratos blancos.
- Reduce el consumo de alimentos grasos y azucarados, refrescos y cafeína.
- Deja de fumar y/o evita fumar pasivamente
- Respira profundamente conscientemente.
- Medita a menudo.

NOTE: White carbs are refined grains like white rice, pasta, white bread, crackers, noodles, tortillas, wraps,
anything with white flour and breading. The nutrients have been removed in the production process, leaving
them rich in calories but low in nutrients. They also cause unhealthy spikes in our sugar levels. Go for brown
carbs (unrefined complex carbs) instead, like brown rice, whole grain, oats, oatmeal (not the instant kind), and
legumes. These come with nutrients and vitamins intact.

NOTA: Los carbohidratos blancos son granos refinados, como arroz blanco, pasta, pan blanco, galletas,
fideos, tortillas, fajitas, cualquier cosa con harina blanca y empanado. Los nutrientes se han eliminado en el
proceso de producción, dejándolos ricos en calorías pero bajos en nutrientes. También causan picos poco
saludables en nuestros niveles de azúcar. Elije carbohidratos marrones (carbohidratos complejos sin
refinar) en su lugar, como arroz integral, granos enteros, avena, elaborados de avena (no del tipo instantáneo)
y legumbres. Estos vienen con los nutrientes y las vitaminas intactos.



Junk food is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value. Junk food often contains
high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Common junk
foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food and carbonated

Comida basura es un término informal para la comida que tiene poco valor nutricional. La
comida basura contiene a menudo, elevados niveles de calorías procedentes de azúcares y grasas
con pocas proteínas, vitaminas o minerales. Comidas basura habituales incluyen aperitivos
salados, chicles, golosinas y postres dulces, comida rápida frita y bebidas carbonatadas.

Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. The term
typically refers to food sold in a restaurant or store with preheated or precooked ingredients, and
served to the customer in a packaged form for take-out/take-away.
La comida rápida es el término que se le da a la comida que puede prepararse y servirse muy
rápidamente. El término generalmente se refiere a la comida que se vende en un restaurante o
tienda con ingredientes precocidos o precocinados, y se sirve al cliente en un envase para llevar.

Both junk food and fast food can have several negative effects on health such as obesity, a
major cause for some chronic diseases such as high cholesterol, heart disease, hypertension,
diabetes mellitus, and many other types of cancers. A burger in a fast food restaurant basically
contains more than 1.000 calories, over all of your body needs for a day. In addition, fast food and
junk food are full with colourings, flavours and preservatives.
Tanto la comida basura como la comida rápida pueden tener varios efectos negativos en la
salud, tal como la obesidad, es una causa importante de algunas enfermedades crónicas como el
colesterol alto, enfermedades cardíacas, hipertensión, diabetes mellitus y muchos otros tipos de
cáncer. Una hamburguesa en un restaurante de comida rápida básicamente contiene más de 1,000
calorías, por encima de todas las necesidades del cuerpo al día. Además, la comida rápida y la
comida basura están llenas de colorantes, saborizantes y conservantes.

Does this mean you never can have fast food and junk food at all? Not necessary so. You can
sometimes have your favourite fast food on condition that you drink a lot of water and exercise
regularly. Probably all you need to do is reduce the amount and frequency of eating fast food and
junk food in your diet. You also need to increase the intake of fresh foods like fruit and vegetables.
These are generally low in calories and packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fibre.
People who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables have a lower risk for heart disease and some cancers.
If you opt for a veggie sandwich instead of an oily hamburger, your body will be grateful.
¿Significa esto que nunca puedes tomar comida rápida y comida basura de ninguna de las
maneras? No necesariamente. A veces puedes tomar tu comida rápida favorita con la condición de
que bebas mucha agua y hagas ejercicio regularmente. Probablemente, todo lo que necesitas hacer
es reducir la cantidad y frecuencia de comida rápida y comida basura en tu dieta. También necesitas
aumentar la ingesta de alimentos frescos como frutas y verduras. Generalmente son bajos en
calorías y están llenos de nutrientes como vitaminas, minerales y fibra. Las personas que comen
muchas frutas y verduras tienen un menor riesgo de enfermedades cardíacas y algunos cánceres.
Si optas por un sándwich vegetariano en lugar de una hamburguesa grasosa, tu cuerpo estará

2.1. Match some of the words from the text with the definitions below.
a) Drinks, usually other than water. Beverages
Bebidas, generalmente distintas de agua.
b) Made hot or warm in advance. Preheated or precooked
Calentado por adelantado.
c) Sold for consumption away from the Take away or take out
premises on which it is prepared.
Vendido para su consumo fuera del
local/sitio/instalaciones en las que está
d) Great, as in rank or importance. Major
Grande, en cuanto a rango o importancia
e) Chemical substances used to stop foods Preservatives
or other organic materials from
decomposition or fermentation.
Sustancias químicas utilizadas para
detener la descomposición o
fermentación de alimentos u otras
materias orgánicas.
f) A thing or a quantity eaten or drunk. Intake
Una cosa o una cantidad comida o bebida
g) Deeply appreciative of kindness or Grateful
benefits received; thankful.
Profundamente agradecido por la
amabilidad o los beneficios recibidos;

2.2. Answer the following questions using information from the text.
a) What does junk food often contain?
¿Qué suele contener la comida basura?
- Junk food often contains high levels of calories and fat, and can contain
colouring, flavouring and preservatives too.
a) How do restaurants or stores often serve junk food to customers?
¿Cómo suelen servir los restaurantes o tiendas la comida basura a los clientes?
- They often serve the food in a packaged form for take-away.
b) How many calories does a burger in a fast food restaurant contain?
¿Cuántas calorías contiene una hamburguesa en un restaurante de comida
- It usually contains more than 1000 calories.
c) What should people do if they want to have their favourite fast food
¿Qué debería hacer la gente si quiere tomar su comida rápida favorita de vez en
- They should drink a lot of water and do exercise regularly.
d) What advantages do people who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables have
over people who don’t?
¿Qué ventajas tiene la gente que come muchas fruta y verduras sobre la gente
que no las consumen?
- People who eat plenty of fruit and vegetables have a lower risk for heart disease
and some cancers.


well-being Bienestar Intake Ingesta, toma, consumo
Take care Cuidar; llevar/tener cuidado Grateful Agradecido
Wellness Bienestar Premises Local, sitio
Mindful Consciente (adj.) Raw Crudo; tierno, fresco,
Podrido, pasado,
Beverages bebida Rotten
Preheated Precalentado Junk food Comida basura
Hincharse; aumentar,
Precooked Precocido To swell
crecer; incrementarse
Curarse; curar, sanar,
Take-out Para llevar To heal
Take away Para llevar Salty Salado; con mucha sal
To be mindful of
Packaged Envasado Ser consciente de


Nutrients Types of food
Carbohydrates Carbohidratos Fish Pescado
Fat Grasa Fruit Fruta
Fibre Fibra Meat Carne
Proteins Proteinas Seafood pescados y mariscos
vitamins Vitaminas vegetables Vegetales

Food additives
Antioxidant Antioxidante Bread Pan
Food colouring Colorante alimentario Cereals Cereals
Preservative Conservante, preservante Noodles Fideos, tallarines
Sweetener Endulzante; edulcorante Pasta Pasta
Thickener Espesante, aglutinante Rice Arroz

Herbs; spices; Hierbas; especias;

seasonings; aderezos, aliños;
condiments condimentos
Cinnamon Canela
Oil Aceite
Pepper Pimiento
Salt/sugar Sal/azúcar
butter mantequilla

Fruit Fish
Apple Manzana Hake Merluza
Banana Plátano Mackerel Caballa
Melon Melon Salmon Salmón
Orange Naranja Sardine Sardina
Pear Pera Tuna Atún
Peach Melocotón Prawn Gamba
Strawberry Fresa
Grapes Uvas

Vegetables Drinks
Carrot Zanahoria Beer/wine Cerveza/vino
Lettuce Lechuga Milk/coffee/tea Leche/café/te
Onion Cebolla Water/juice Agua/zumo
Potato Parata Fizzy drink Bebida con gas
Bebidas alcohólicas (alta
Tomato tomate Spirits graduación)
Beef Ternera
Chicken Pollo
Duck Pato
Pork/ham Cerdo/jamón
Turkey Pavo

Heat Taste
Cold Frio Bitter Amargo
Cool Fresco Salty Salado
Frozen Congelado Sour Ácido, agrio
Hot Caliente Spicy Picante, especiado, aromático
Warm Templado Sweet Dulce

Durability Food energy

Canned Enlatado Fat-free Sin grasa
Fresh Fresco High-calorie Calórico, alto en calorías
stale pasado, rancio, viejo
Dry Seco Light Ligero
Smoked Ahumado Low-calorie Bajo en calorías
Cured Curado Sugar-free Libre de azúcar, sin azúcar

Boiled Hervido, cocido
Fried Frito
Grilled A la plancha, parrilla
roasted asado, tostado
Smoked Ahumado
pickled escabeche, adobado, encurtido
Battered Rebozado


Water sports Air sports
Salto de trampolín;
Diving Ballooning Vuelo en globo aerostático
Fishing Pesca Flying Vuelo
Sailing Navegar Gliding Ala delta / vuelo libre
Buceo, submarinismo
Scuba diving Hang gliding Ala delta
Water polo Parachuting Paracaidismo

Athletics/ Atletismo / de pista y

Track & field campo
Jumping Salto Hurdles Carrera de obstáculos
Race walking Marcha Long-distance Larhga distancia
Road running Carrera Middle-distance Media distancia
Running Corer Relays Relevos
Throwing Lanzamiento sprints Velocidad

Scores Marcadores Prizes

Draw Empate Cup Copa
Goal Gol Diploma Doploma
Loss Perdido Honour Medalla de Honor
Point Punto Medal Medalla
Win ganar

Team sports Deportes de equipo Individual sports

Basketball Baloncesto Bowling Bolos
Football (soccer) Fútbol Boxing Boxeo
Hockey Hockey Cycling Ciclismo
Rugby Rugby Golf Golf
volleyball Voleibol Tennis Tenis
Handball Balonmano Table tennis Tenis de mesa
Wrestling Lucha, lucha libre

Competitions Pleasure sport

Championship Campeonato Aerobics
Fight Lucha Fun run
Game Juego Gymnastics
Match Partido Jogging = footing
Race Carrera Spinning
Torneo, campeonato,
Tournament Zumba

Football pitch Campo fútbol (pitch=campo)
Golf course Campo de Golf
Stadium Estadio
Tennis court Cancha, pista de tenis
Gym Gimnasio

Qualities Fitness Aptitud física

Agility Agilidad, ligereza Fast Veloz, rápido
Balance Equilibrio Fit En forma
Coordination Coordinación Slow Lento
Endurance Resistencia Strong Fuerte
Fuera de forma, que no
Flexibility Flexibilidad Unfit
está en forma
Strength Fuerza Weak Débil

Training Types of exercise

Coaching Crunch Abdominal
instrucción, preparación
Ensayo, entrenamiento,
Practice Sit-up Abdominales
Ensayo, entrenamiento,
Rehearsal Stretches Estiramientos
Ensayo, entrenamiento,

Other sports
Archery Tiro con arco
Fencing Esgrima
Gymnastics Gimnasia
Horseriding Equitación, monta

3.1. What sport would you suggest for the following people?
People Sport Reason
a) A teenager with a lot of energy.
Un adolescente con mucha energía.
b) A little kid who likes open spaces.
Un niño pequeño al que le gustan los
espacios abiertos
c) A stressed executive. Un ejecutivo
d) A person in his/her sixties. Una
persona en los sesenta.
e) A person who wants to relax as
he/she practices the sport. Una
persona que quiere relajarse mientras
que practica deporte.
Pain Injury Fracture Other problems Conditions
Achilles tendon Elbow Ankle Blister -(ampolla Blistered

Back Foot Cervical Contracture - Cramping

Low back Groin Clavicle/collar bone Contusion Dislocated

Foot Head Finger Cramp (muscle) calambre Fractured
Hip Bone Joint dislocation (luxation) Luxated
Knee Side stitch - flato Sprained
Sprain (pulled ligaments) –
Ligament Stiff
esguince, torcedura
Tendon Stiffness - rigidez Strained
Strain (pulled
muscle/tendon) – esguince, Torn
distension, tirón
Tear - desgarro
Overexertion –
Stretching – estiramiento,

3.2. Link the following definitions with words used in the chart above.
a) An injury, as from a blow -golpe, puñetazo- with a blunt - Contusion
contundente, desafilado-instrument, but the skin is not broken;
Una lesión, como por un golpe con un instrumento contundente,
pero la piel no está rota; moratón
b) Impaired .-dañado, estropeado, disminuida su capacidad- or Strain
injured (a muscle, tendon, etc) by stretching or overexertion.
Deteriorado o lesionado (un músculo, tendón, etc.) por
estiramiento o sobreesfuerzo
c) Displaced (a bone) from its normal position. Dislocated, luxated

d) Overstrained (ligaments of a joint like the ankle or wrist) - Sprain

sobreestirado, fatiga excesiva, hipertensión- so as to injure
without fracture or dislocation.
Sobreestiramiento, (ligamentos de una articulación como el
tobillo o la muñeca) de modo que se lesionan sin fractura o
e) Sudden, involuntary, spasmodic contraction of a muscle of the Cramp
limbs causing severe pain.
Contracción súbita, involuntaria, espasmódica de un músculo de
las extremidades que causa dolor severo
f) A shortening or distortion -distorsión, deformación- of Stiffness
muscular or connective tissue due to spasm.
Acortamiento o distorsión del tejido muscular o conectivo
debido a un espasmo
g) A sharp spasmodic pain in the side resulting from running or Side stitch
Un dolor espasmódico agudo en el costado resultante de correr o
hacer ejercicio


4.1. Watch the video and answer the following questions.

a) What kind of people is the talk addressed to?
The talk is addressed to busy people.

b) What can you do if you need to eat two fruits a day?

Buy all the fruit that you need for a week. That way you can challenge yourself and try to
get all those pieces of fruit in every day.

c) Where does the author say foods like desserts and the salty are kept?
They are kept in the pantry.

d) What can you do to remember drinking water every day?

Keep a cup by your bathroom sink and in the morning drink one glass before you wake up
an another in the night before go to bed. During the day put the rest of the glasses in a bottle
and drink it.

Pantry: despensa, bodega



5.1. Complete the gaps with 0 or 1st conditionals.

1. If you drop an apple, it falls.
2. I get tired if I work too much.
3. Water boils if you heat it to 100ºC.
4. I will phone my friend if I have time today.
5. If you freeze water, it turns into ice.
6. If it rains today, I will stay at home.
7. If I see you tomorrow, I will buy you a drink.
8. We will go to the beach if it is warm tomorrow

5.2. Complete the sentences using first and second conditional.

1. The ferry will leave on time if the weather is okay.
2. If I bought flowers, I would choose yellow ones.
3. The kids will tidy up their rooms if they come home early.
4. If I were you, I would wear a coat.
5. If my leg hurts, I won´t play football.
6. If the students were tired, they would sleep in the bus.
7. I would go to the London Eye if I went to London.
8. I would go out of the room if my mobile rang.

5.3. Complete the gaps with 0, 1st and 2nd Conditionals.

▪ Type O Conditional
1. If the sun rises high, it becomes very hot.
2. Plants die, if it does not rain.
3. People get fat, if they eat junk food.
4. If a person practises sports, he or she always feels good.
▪ Type 1 Conditional
1. If you cook the supper, I will wash up the dishes.
2. She will pass the test if she studies hard.
3. If it is sunny, we will go to the park.
4. Paula will be sad if Juan leaves.

▪ Type 2 Conditional
1. If I had a million dollars, I would buy a big house.
2. If dogs had wings, they would be able to fly.
3. If I were you, I would drive more carefully in the rain.
4. Paula would be sad if John left.

5.4. Complete the table with 0, 1st and 2nd Conditionals.

1. If you boil water, it turns to steam.
2. If I were an astronaut, I would take the photos of Turkey from space.
3. If you put a stone in the water, it goes down.
4. If you put oil into water, it floats.
5. If there was no water on earth, we wouldn’t exist.
6. If you were a bird, where would you fly to?
7. Anna will pass the test if she studies hard enough.
8. If you heat ice, it melts.
9. I wouldn’t do that if I were you.
10. If he gets any worse, I will take him to the doctor's.
11. If the snow gets any worse, we will have stop walking.
12. If ice melts, it turns to water.

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