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Leadership Experience

 Music Department Chair (July 2021- Present)

 Mentor Teacher for New Faculty (September 2020- Present)

 DEI Steering Committee (September 2018- Present)

Leadership Goals

Goal: To develop my skills as a mentor teacher.
Short-term objective: Aid in the success of new teachers assigned to me.
Long-term objective: Meet with these teachers outside of the first-year mentoring.
Rationale: Develop relationships with new teachers to create community connection.
Evidence: Mentors Matter for New Teachers. Advice on What Works and Doesn’t
NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.
TLMD: Domain 1: Fosters a Collaborative Culture to Support Educator Development and
student Learning

Goal: To develop leadership in technology.
Short-term objective: Become more familiar with new teaching technology.
Long-term objective: Lead new teachers in use of technology.
Rationale: Technology aids in instruction, assessment and data collection.
Evidence: The Power of Technology in K-12 Education
NBPTS: Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practice and
learn from experience.
TLMD: Domain 4: Facilitates Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning

Goal: To become a leader for the parent community.
Short-term objective: Have more interactions with parents to educate them on
current trends in DEI education.
Long-term objective: To have a relationship with parents and the DEI team- a
parent leadership/partnership.
Rationale: This will help to demystify what can be seen as controversial in the
current political climate.
Evidence: Parents for Diversity
NBPTS: Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
TLMD: Domain 6: Improves Outreach and Collaboration with Families and

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