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Series Editor Jim Scrivener Al Beginner Student's Book Graham Fruen BD wy iire Hello pa A Where's she from? 6 18 Welcome to Learning Curve! Ps 1C Weare the champions p10 1D What's your e-mail address? piz EZ Peopte and things 24 The man with only 15 things pia 2B Lost! pis 20 My family pie 2D What time is it? 20 Food and drink A Food for athletes pee 3B Tea or coffee? p26 3C Chocolate for breakfast! p28 3D A special meat p30 Daily life 4A Day and night ps 4B My trip to work 258 4 Where do you work? p36 4D How can help you? p38. All about me 5A When can you start? paz 5B I can'tlive without my phone pas 5C love it Pe 5D My profile pas GRAMMAR PRONUNCIATION VOCABULARY stheverdbe «the alphabet you sword stress stheverdbe «numbers (he, she.) the verb be (we you, they) ssingularand «thet and iy! pluratnouns sounds, thi. that, these, 0's those possessive adjectives, ‘stor possession pez ‘simple present + doyou we, they) idayuw! sssimpe present a -sand-es the: she.) endings frequency a sentencestress adverts "question words «simple present wh questions p40 scanandcant —scanandeant ‘object pronouns « the /h/ sound + oretings ‘ cassicom language ‘counties and rationals ‘numbers 0-100 ‘jobs atjctves + personalitems ‘colors ‘family and trends ‘food and erink ‘daysandtimes ofaay ‘common vrbs(t) ‘daly routine verbs stanspotation adjectives (2) ‘common verbs 2) electronic devices s activities skits BBusteninc warn ‘ avideo introducing * filing outa form ‘the Learning Curve = capital letters ot = + tring for — iefrmation about coe ‘formation fr sconractons READING EB sreacine sanariclsboutibe sting or “Fanwporatontor "33a ee rca Found Office ‘= teling the time srepeing toed tidectesand——sastingtor nouns inrmsion ata mmole eter oran Spor @Bustenine — werrins ‘= Avideo about cafés * Punctuation around the word linking words «= listening for times land, but) snd} = ‘the/a/sourd a blog abouta fest READING BB sreaxin ‘* atext about New: j beng poten Yovescites —*DEN&E | strsnpche goceyiniog | spose ontacion buying tingsin reson. aor soe | | Busrenno wane | ‘avideo aboutthe —* describing yourself inpotanceot Because econ devices sisering iorspecic =A ] information ‘san online profle | sentence stress | Gh Pieces 6A City or town? 68 City art 6C An unusual home 6D Is there a post office near here? ED Ain the past TA When they were young 7B | was there in July 7C Famous decades 7D Aweekend away Bi teaver BA Incredible trips 8B Grazy weather 8C Then and now 8D Atrip to Canada ED shopsing 9A Street style ‘9B How do you feet? 96 Love it or hate it? ‘9D Garage sale DD time out ‘0A What are you doing on the weekend? 108 What's on? 10€ Royal hobbies 100 Where are we going now? ps0 pe P56 REEe 68 p70 pre pra p78 80 92 pee tancuace suas GRAMMAR PRONUNCATION VOCABULARY s teesre sinking a pcesinstonn READING B sreaxins Srrepostons consoansard sparcoftme —sanaiceaboutat «pecking eace vores boo inpuoiesaces “Ct ssemtenesees sroomsand —eredngindéal sya furniture = giving opinions giving directions = saconveration ‘ing ora ohn rectors 8 ssimplepst be wasn scelebtes—JUSTENING WRITING Tompiepat— Maverongs —tmenheand ay stg normal aoe ce adnan | "tae imeessessons fetieney esequences serra fortes EEE sing consonants ss emoiaboutin ‘and vowels interesting weekend ssinglepst_—sineqursinle svaveverts READING BB sreanns legs vrts “pars Seaterané se possaboutan gun ardendhg stheratoee stantencesess "sears rusaltpona “Src some vovelueste Some srcersanding ne - ries =o noses +3 phonecaltuyog feet 6 spreent—sngentngs coher Busrewne wane Continuous asentencestress «feelings ‘savideoabouthow = deserbing aphoo show ote toning fourcotessfec ering pston feaeney row wee expressions sideniyegtey — NEE ae sane mal cescrting ‘filer words sme spesrt asertencestess atieesme READING BB srennins Coninucistor ontonin’scies singspagetoM sowing ee fuure pans” “questors—sypesctmuie—“anenteanmnent” Su ‘= question review ard modes, =a ‘tourist attraction spotan—— seemigfer ganes tom sthemmpenive —eaconraton Soars recon Grammar practice p96 Vocabulary practice ptos Communication practice ps4 Irregular verbs pis * Hello 11 QHD read aniston. Match conversations 1-3 with pictures a-c. 41 Wendy Good moming. Are you 2. Emma Hello, 'm Emma. What's 3 Kiko Emma, thisismy/ friend, Emma, the new teacher? Emma Yes, [am. Kiko Hi, Emma Hello. Hmm, you're notin Wendy I'm Wendy. Nice to meet yout Emma Nice to meet you, Kiko. Class 3, Misha ‘Youre in Cass 3. Kiko Are you a student here? ‘Misha No, I'm in Class 4, and Tm Emma Thanks, Wendy: See you later, Emma No, I'm not. 'm your late! Goodbye! teacher! Emma Bye, Misha! 2 Put the words from the conversations in the correct columns. Can you add any other words? Bye Good moming Hi Seeyou later 3A ©i2) ister and repeat he FAGRIGHRE phrases rom the conversations in exercise Ht do Yo ty i YouTlguage B Practice the conversations from exercise 1 in groups of four. 4 A Compiete the sentences with the words in the box. Then check your answers in the conversations. ‘re 'm ‘mnot ‘enot Are 1 |__Wendy 4 Not 2 You in Cass 3 5 You in Class 5, Misha, 3 youa student here? B @13 Listen and repeat the contractions in bold. Then read the Grammar box, tlam=tm 2. Youare = Youre (SEES vei be you rmatve Negative: Questions and short answers: Tmwenay You'enotin iss 3.Areyoua teacne? You're in Class 4 Yes Lam, No, fm not. Go to Grammar practice: the verb be (!, you), page 96 Fees, oe A Hello Bl 5 A ©A8) complete the conversation ten and check Kiko Hello. What's name? Bleni name's Eleni. Kiko Nice? you, Eleni 14 Kiko. Eleni Nice tomeet you, Kiko.® ____youa student here? Kiko Yes, B In airs, practice the conversation using your names. 6 introduce yourself and your partner to another pair A Hello, 'm Caro. This is Pablo. B Nice to meet you. My name's Malika, and this is Petra 7 ©iB ead tne phrases and wie Teacher or Student Listen and check on (open your teste (Seen) Sa mee 3 at (Wim sony, dont Go to Vocabulary practice: classroom language, page 8 Oi) Pronunci alphabet Listen and repeat the sounds, words, and letters ley! iy! rel fay/ ow (uw Jal late meet | yes | my | no you | pasta Ae Hh Jj Kk B Cc Dd fe A Ll Mm Nn li Wy Oo Gq Wu Ww Rr Gy Pp TH WSs Xe u 9 O18 uisten to the conversations. Write the names of the students, chs 1 [ABC School of English 2 _ 3 —— Go to Communication practice: Student A page 134, Student B page 142 fi 10 introduce yourself to five students. Ask the questions and write the answers. - Hines oem aaa you spell that? 1A Where's she from? % ms] a , aia 1A in pairs, match the flags with the countries ° — c —-, r 1 Argentina 3 Ching 5 Spain 7 the uk 2 Braz 4 Mexico 6 Tutey 8 theUS. B @Ii0) Listen, check, and repeat 2 A @UH tisten to the conversation. Repeat in pairs A Where ae you from? [A where's Satta? B 'm from Satta B its in Argentina B in pairs, practice the conversation using the cities and countries Toledo ! Spain. izmir Turkey Harbin / China York /the UK 3 Look at the picture. Match the countries from exercise 1 with the nationalities, 1 British the UK 4 American 7 Turkish 2 Spanish — 5 Argentinian —— 8 Brazilan 3 Mexican — 6 Chinese Best Go to Vocabulary practice: countries and nationalities, page 107 case Te page 10; 4 13 do tne quzin pairs. Listen and check © Wet nationaiy is Meghan Markle? -_ © Which sentence is correct? 4 She's British & €@ Sydney isthe capital of Australia. She's American, Sycneys not the capital of Austratia, © Were is Mount Ful? @ 1s ceviche Mexican ot Peruvion? a It's in Chino. @ Is Mexican b I's in Jopan, b ifs Peruvian, ae © 1 ths elephant from : fee oleae @ Where isthe Bosphorus @ t's from India. ie Usp Gee b i's from Africa, Wen Rusts! © 1s selena Gomer Russian? © wet nationality is Paulo Coetho? 4 Yes. she i, @ Hes talian b No she's not. b He's Braziian, 5 A Match tne pronouns he. she, and it withthe people and tings 1 he a Selena Gomez 2 sre b ceviche ait © Paulo Coelho B Check (v/) the form of the verb be that we use with he, she, and it. Then read the Grammar box. 1am 2s 3 are [BS] TE the verb be (he, she, it) Mfirmative: Negative: Questions and short answers: He's Japanese Barcelons Isn't the capital of Spain, Isitfiomin She's from Mexico. She's not Australian. /She isn't Australian. Yes, itis. No, i's not / No, itisn't Go to Grammar practice: the verb be (he, she i), page 96 6 A Otis) Pronunciation: iderined stressed sytables Japan Japanese Mexico Menican ttaly tain Turkey Tuskish B ©t6) Undertine te stress in the countries and nationals, Then listen, check, and repeat 1 ImBrazlin, 2 She's trom Germany. 3 ItsChinese. 4 Ishe from Argentina? sas ord stress Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the T impairs, ask and answer the question Where's. from? about the people and things. A Where's Zara from? B sit talian? A No, i's not. I's Spanish, Neymar BA Qi? Usten end repeat tne numbers 00600660000 zeroioh one two. three. four seven eight nine ten B ©)ti@) What are the country caling codes? Listen and write the answers. 1 China + Colombia india Mexico Spain Turkey Go to Communication practic ident A page 134, Student B page 142 9 A inpairs, write six more quiz questions about countries and nationalities. B Work with ancther pair. Ask and answer your quiz questions, A What is the capital of Perv? a) It's Lima. b) I's Bogota. B t's not Bogota - that's in Colombia, | think it's Lima, A That's right! Your turn, Wit sraner Spgs oe SS fA 1B Welcome to Learning Curve! ey 1 Match the jobs in the box with pictures a doctor engineer offce worker police ofcer tax diver a : 3 Go to Vocabulary practice: jobs, page 108 come eer 2 A O120 Look at the picture. Listen and complete the conversation. A What's my job? B Areyouan* > ‘A No, Tm not Try again B Areyoua? A Yes, Lam, B In pairs, play “What's my job?” 3 AB viaten or steno the star ofa webshow calles Learning Curve. Match the cites wit the people 1 New York Simon, Kate, Marina 2 London b Ethan, Pent BES listening for information about people Votes tolromaton ow peopl SL aia ama lan eee + Read haps andr abut roman ou eta Ken ox rae ob alt, eee ee Mohammed, Mare 4 OF eae the Skil box. Watch oF listen again, and choose the correct information about the people. Job: TY host Engish ow ‘Job: * receptions receptionist sine / Agno teacher ” Jobe TV host National: American Sob: * TV ost oftce wor Co Nationaty:Asrican ‘Job: Saocter Ir specait listening for information about people m contractions = jobs LISTENING 1ow? Where is he/she 1ow. Who's net in London, 5 ©A2 Watch or sten to the rest oft © iz watch or ister again. Cor 1 Vitor from: job: and 2 Seah hom: = am 3 Pedro. rem, ob ete the information with countries and jobs 7 A inpairs, ask and answer the questions abou Where is... from?) ( What's his/her job? is, ask and al Pose nat the seca stions about y 8 — Listen and oad what Kate say: How does se say the What do they mean? m Kate from Learning ~) contractions in bole! contractions <—G ithe vl ee In English, we often use contractions especially when we speak. tm She's nota student » She ls What's your job? What is, 1am from the United States job? 9 Om Read the List Spanish, 3 He az yourname? 4 ing builder. Listen and write the contractions. an engineer, 10. iB inpars, ook at the pictures of Jia ana Luis Guess the information about the people Listen tothe 11 write the names of three friends or members of your family. In pairs, ask and answer questions ‘about them, ‘A Where's Saanvifrom? 8 She's from Nagpur. ‘A What's her job? B She's an IT worker. A Where is she now? B She's in Mumbai. the numbers 11-100 1C We are the champions Write the numbers in the box in the correct order. thirteen fourteen seventeen twelve twenty eleven filteen nineteen eighteen Look at the pictures and read the numbers. Check (¥) the numbers that are correct. 6 thiny In pairs, ak and answer the question Hov e in the pictus A How ola is Kye B think he’ D127 Listen and write kyle Martin ona Look at the picture. W 1u know about the rack band Queen? Do you know any songs or the names of the band me Read the introduction to the interview. What is the name of the band? So Jim, are you all teachers? ueen fora igh SDE IS arenes aaa ETS Mick are doctors. ‘And where are you from? Rr ae eee) eee eee eee a teacher, and his band Queen for a SS ue et eS er ens How's the tour going? 'm with Dave and Jim from the band. Dave I'm from New York, Jim and Ed are from Boston, and Mick's from Atlantic City, We're old friends from college. Jim It's good, but it's hard. It's a big tour ~ fourteen cities ~ and we're not s0 young now! Really? How old are you? Dave Mick and | are forty-seven. And you and Ed are fifty Jim I'm not fifty! Eas fifty... 'm forty-nine, Dave Oh yeah. Sorry, Jim! ‘And what's your favorite Queen song? Dave That's easy! I's We Are the Champions! . wh eS MTD w spe 4 28 eas and tsten to the interview. Complete the information about the band job ty ae 5A Read the sentences from the interview. Match the people in bold wit 1 Mickandltarefory-seven. 2 Jimand Ed are tom Boston. __ 3. And youand Ed are fit the pronouns we, you, and they. B Check (v) the form of the verb be we use when we talk about more than one person, Then read the Grammar box aianfannet =e eieroeO) _ ae/arctor [EEE the verb be (we, you, they) firma Negative: Cuestions and short answers Wee old ends Were not young eyes Bx eee wi NeGiare Ne cre roe es 6 A ©130 Pronunciation: numbers Listen and repeat the numbers. Pay stress changes tention to how the e thideen b thiry 28 foungen b forty 3. fee ty B ©31.Lsten and check V) the numbers you hear. Listen again and epea 1 e Hesnoti6 b He's not 60 3 8 Werenoti7.) —» were not70, 2: Shes b shess0 3 Theyreto b Theyre 90 Goto Communication practice: Student A page 134, Student 8 page 142 7 Match adjectives 1-4 from the interview with their opposites in the box. bad small old difficult 1 young 2 good 3 big 4 easy Goto Vocabulary practice: adjectives (1), page 1 8 Describe the pictures in pairs. Use affirmative and negative forms. Picture a: They're big. They're not small. = ant es How old are you? your names? ‘Wheve are you from? WRITING filling out @ form m capital letters, | 1D What's your e-mail address? 41 maven tne placesin the box with pictures 2c 2 A Look atthe form, Match it with one ofthe pictures in exercise 1 B (©)158 Listen tothe conversation, Which piece of information Inthe form is incorrect? Calle de la Paz, 65, Puebla, Mexico 72160 52-222-266-5647 ¢ | Skill ‘When you fil outa form, rea all the instructions and sections carefully + Use the correct il. Mr. = aman, Ms. = a woman (married or unmarried), Mrs. = a married woman. + Your fast name is your family name. + Write your date of birth in numbers: the month/the day/the year: 09/15/1995. + For e-mail addresses: @ = at” = “dot com” 3 Read the Skill box. Match sections 1-9 with information 2~i 1 zip code a Taylor 2 date of birth b 17401 2 street address © Mr 4 last name 4d 5 first name 797-322-5623 6 e-mail address ¥ 1123/1988 7 tte 9 American 8 phone number h Cant 9 nationality i 3927 Stout Street. York PA filling out a form m capital letters WRITING in pairs, ask and answer questions about you, using the information in exercise 3. A What's yourlast name? —_&B I's Taylor. A How do you spellthar?—B It's T-A-Y-LO-R 5 Look at answers a~iin exercise 3, Check (¥] the information with capital leters, 1 first name 3 e-mail address 5 street 2 lastname 4 rationality 6 city CURLS aaron In English, we use capital letters 4, 8, C,D, etc.) forthe following: + the fist word ina sentence: Wat's your name? + the personal pronoun /: Hell, ™m Robert + the names of people and places: + countries, nationalities, and languages: Mle fi 6 A Read the Text builder. Find one incorrect capital letter in each sentence. 1. Myriend Lena is American. She's From Florida, 2. Hello, 'm Antonio, Im a new Student. 3. Our street Adoress is 8927 North Winery Ave, Austin, TX 73301 4 This is Mesut. He's from Turkey and he's Twenty-one B Revirte the sentences with capital leters 1. what’shisjob?is hea doctor? 2 my street address is 1004 spruce run, san lego, ca 92131, 3 they aren't from germany. they're from poland — 4 Im your new english teacher. my name's jack - 7A TEEEREEY Lock at the form. Be sure that you understand ail the information you need to write ATLAS HOTEL Customer Informa Title Mr. Ms. Other Last name First name(s) Date of birth Nationality Street address Zip code = E-mail address Phone number B Fil out your form. Remember to use capital letters correct c Exchange forms with a partner. it clear and easy to read? Are the capital eters correct? Personal Best ] Design a form for a gym. Fit out with information about a family member. People and things 2A The man with only 15 things 1 2s npairs, match the words in the box with objects a-f. Listen and check i book apurse keys awatch anumbrella acamere aa AA @ Go to Vocabulary practice: personal items, page 110 = 2 Look at exercise 1 and answer the questions, Then read the Grammar box 1. Which noun do we use with an? 2 Which noun is plural? singular and plural pouns Singular nouns: Pluratnouns: fe; Go to Grammar practice: sin 3 A imagine you tive with on ce backpack «6 _wallet smartphone 7 __ jacket camera 8 __ pants Pad 9810 shirts sunglasses 11812 shorts singular and plural nouns m this, hat, these, those m personal tems | LANGUAGE fall 2A | Look at the list of Andrew's things again. Write @ or an for singular nouns, and ~ for plural nouns. 5S Complete the sentences from the text with the pronouns in the box. Which words do we use with singular nouns? Which ones with plural nouns? Then read the Grammar box that those this these 1 Is Andrew Hyce. 3 are his 45 things. 2 'sis book. 4 she happy with just 25 things? [BUNSEN i aac = Go to Grammar practice: this, that, these, those, page 97 6 A @25_ Pronunciation: the /1/ and /iy/ sounds Listen and repeat the sounds and words. this kik iy’ these he three keys B ©26_ In pars, say the sentences. Listen, check. and repeat 1 This is my city 2 Is that tree Japanese? 2 These are my keys. 4 She's six and he's thee. Go to Communication practice: Students A and B page 135 7 Choose the correct words to complete the text. What's in your bag? z Maria Clara, office worker, Rio de Janeiro ‘This / These is my purse and 2 this / these are my things. This "is / are my book. It's in i English! “ These / That are my keys. ° This / These key is for my house and © that / those key is for my car. 7 This is / That's my car over there — it's © / an sports car! What's this? It's °@/an umbrella. Its very small! And the last thing? These are 1° 2 / - sunglasses! 8B A 27 ustenand match conversations 1~S wth pictures 2-c as (68 B ©27 complete the phrases from the conversations with this, that, these. and those. Usten again and check 1 Jack Whats__? Helen __is my purse. 2 Woman Jorge, who's over there? Jorge ' Sergio, 3 Man Hi, Xaren. What are ? Karen ____are my cameras 9 Put some things from your purse or backpack on the desk. In pairs, ask and answer questions about the things A What's that? 8 This is a book. It's in Spanish. A And whet are those? & These are my keys. READING preparing to read m adjectives and nouns m= colors 5 2B Lost! a) “he “e. 1 AMatch the wordsin the box with the colors. 2@ —~ © .. Go to Vocabulary practice: colors, page 110 B in pairs, point to ites in the classroom. Ask and answer What color is that/are those..? A What color are those books? —B They/re orange. Before you read a text, look at other information to help you prepare, + Think about the style ofthe tet. Is it from a magazine, awebsite, a letter? + Lookat the pictures. What people, places and things can you see? ‘+ Read the ttle. What does it mean? 2 A Read the Skill box. What do you think the text on page 17 is about? Check (¥) a, b, orc 2 lost tourists in London b transportation in London |) ¢ lost items in London B Read the text quickly and check your answer 3 gain. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? and Found Offices in London, __ 4 The laptop is new. 2 The items are all from buses. 5. All the musical instruments are expensive 3. Tim Carlise is a tour guide every day, 6 The $15,000 is in the office now. 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Check your answers in the text. 2 Thatsan ESSIEN eciectives|and no adjective +noun: $15,000 ina Brown envelope noun + be + adjective: This laptop is new. Look! Adjectives don't change with plural nouns: i's an expensive instrument They'e expensive instruments. 5 Read the Text builder. Put the words in order to make sentences. good its a camera sunglasses they're expensive green purse the is are the brown wallets fast a its car ©239° Read and listen to the conversation in a Lost and Found Office, in pairs, change the Fighlighted words and make 2 new conversation. r- o> arene {A Hello, can thelp you? B Do you have my walle? is a Sal BGK Walle. 1's Bxpenste. ‘A Hold on. Is this your wallet? B Yes, chat t pre ring to read m adjectives and nouns w colors READING SKILLS 22,000 cll phones, 12,000 credit cards, a green “Incredible Hulk’ toy $15,000 in a brown envelope These are some of the things n the Transportation for London Lost and Found Office. Every yer, 300000 items are lost on buses, trains and taxis inthe Bs > city. m at the office in central London, and with me i Tim Carisle. Tim is an employee here, but today he's my tour guide, i LZ Look at all these things ~ wallets, glasses, purses, backpacks, shoes, cell phones -they'e all here," Tim tells me. “Look at this laptop ~ it's new.” Ina different part of the office are musical instruments, These guitars are cheap, but that's an expensive violin,” he says, “What's over there?" ask Those are umbrellas. 8ig umbrellas, small umbrellas, blue umbrellas, pink umbrellas..." "And what about the envelope with $15,000?" | ask. “Ist till here? ‘No,* Tim says. “An old man collected it ast month. He's 80 years old and he doesn't ike banks! And that's the end of my tour.’ time for me to go. Now, where's my phone? E Best | write a conversation in a Lost and Found Office. v7 2C My family 1 Match the people in the box with pictures ad. husband and wife motherand son father and daughter brother and sister_ 2 Put the words from exercise 2 in the correct columns. brother Go to Vocabulary practice: family and friends, page 111, aS 3 A Discuss the questions in pairs. 1. Are you from a big family or 2 small family? 2 Doyyou live with your family? 3 Does anyone in your family lve in a different city or country? B Read the text quickly. What is Laura's family situation? Is she sad about it? families Laura Wielkham Hi My nares Laura. My husband Seamus andl are long-distance parents! We live in Cork in end. Our daughter Amy is 90 years old, and she's in Australi. {ur son Conor is 26 years old, and he's in the US. ‘Amy and Conor are along distance trom us, but thelr ves are very interesting. Amy's an ITworkern Perth, Her husband Petes rom thee, He's an engincer. Conor a suring teacher in Los Angeles, He loves Calfornia and its beautiful beaches, soit his dream job! Conor's gitend Nicole ie a Holywood actor... well, that's her dream. Fight now, she's a waitress We're on Siype a lt with our children, but it's ficult with the time diferences. Am I sad that theyre 30 faraway? Sometimes, but the important hing is that they're hapoy. Read the text again. Match the information with the people. Seamus amy 1. This person is 30 years old a 2. This person is a waitress. b 3 This person lives in Cork. € 4 This person isa surfing teacher ‘ 5 This person is Australian. e 2 the sentences from the text with the words in the box 5 compi four my her its his. their 1 name's Laura. 4 ___husband Pete is from there. 2 son Conoris 26 years old. 5 He loves California and_____ beautiful beaches, 3 ives are very intrest 6 it's___ dream ob! © A choose the correct option to complete the sentence from the text Conor's / Pe to's / Seamus's girlfriend Nicole is a Hollywood actor. B What ending do we add to names and nouns to show possession? Read the Grammar box BS} possessive adjectives, ‘s for possession Possessive aijecives for posession Ta yey echt y ee Ee tim’smotne som Germany you your Areyou OF? Your phone's broken. is tis Amy's boot? she her: She's Chinese, but her husband's Britt they thei Joand en arenthere.They'ein thelr ar Go to Grammar practice: possessive adjectives 's for possession, page 97 B= 7 A.©222 Pronunciation: 's Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sound son's. daughters. Amys Conors-—smyhusbands my sister's B ©2153 In pairs, say the sentences. Then listen, check, and repeat. 1 Myhusbang’snameis Fete. 3. My wife's parents are from Canado. 2 Ourson's gittrendis French. Sara's brothers girfiend isa doctor Go to Communication practice: Student A page 135, Stu jent B page 143 8 ©2# Look at ne people. n pairs, guess thelr relationship Listen and check A I think Jim is Tom Hanks's son. Yes, or maybe he's his brother. ©. So 9 Choose five people in your family and write down their names. In pairs, ask and answer questions ‘about the people A WhoisAzra? —_B She's my brother's wife Who is he/she? as, cra isnalana? (What is his/her job? Personal Best | write a description of your family. SPEAKING asking for information politely w telling the time 2D What time is it? ee} 1A ©2485. In pairs, match the times in the box with the clocks. Listen and check, five o'clock eightten quarter after/past ten sixthity eleven forty-five three fity-fve B ©)BiB) Complete the ties. Listen, check, and repeat. mS A 1 itseteven three W’stwelve 4 Hseight. 2 A Oi?) wotch or isten to the star of Leaming Curve. CChoase the correct options to complete the sentences. % 1 Kateis @ athome ——-b onvvacation at work 2 __ are taking on the telephone 2 Kate's parents b Kate friends © Kate's brothers F 3 They arein ‘8 Boston b LosAngeles. © London 4 Kate has ___ and a sister a nobrothers —b one brother © twobrothers, B 217 watch or isten again, and answer the questions, 1 What time is tin London? 2 What time is it in Los Angeles? SETI tating the time {Asking forthe time: Talking about times: What times i? What dime's the movie? Its ten o'clock The movie is at elght thir. What'sthe time? What dme’s the next bus? Ws sevenam/pm. The busisin ten minutes 3 A Read the Conversation builder. Match the questions with pictures a~d. 1 What's the time? = 3. What time isit in New York? 2. What time is CSI Miami? 4 What time's the train to Stamford? B Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 9 for information politely m telling the time sPeaKine [skits Be asi 4, ©2i8 watch or isten to the rest of the show, Match the times in the box with the people 815 9100 500 84s 1230 (cae! 5 A ©2i8) match the questions with the people from exercise 4. Watch or listen again, and check Wher's the game? 4 Excuse me. What time sit please? 2 OK. what time i it? 5. Where's the number 67 bus? 3. Excuse me. What time's the James Bond movie? B Which questions are polite? Why? ee When you ask for information, i's important to be polite + Use Excuse me to get the person's attention, + tthe end of the conversation, say Thank-you or Th + IFyouwant to be extra polite say Please atthe end of « © 219. Reaa the Ski box. n pais, quess the missing words from the conversations Listen and check Woman 1 ____. What ime Woman2 “ what time isthe number sit,? ? 67 bus? Kate It's 8:15. Quarter past. = Kate Next bus... 8:45, e's in ten minutes. Woman 1 Oh! Tm late? very much, Woman 2 Oh, 8:45, not 8:35, Ten minutes. OKs 7 npais, practice asking for nfrmstion potty Questions Answers what / the teacher's name It's Leanne vihat time / next bus to Chicago t's at 12.20 am. where / the museum t's that building, what / name ofthis restaurant 's The Golden Dragon, hat / the school’s phone number t's 354 269. Go to Communication practice: Student A page 135, Student 8 page 143, 8 A ENG boi H SILVER MOVIE THEATER & MOVIETITLE TIME SCREEN Star Nars a s, choose the movie theater or the airport and invent the missing information. Airport departures ‘Bac ‘The Ward of 02 B c invent information forthe other situation and repeat the activity. Is your speaking better this time? In pairs, ask and answer questions about the movies or the lights. Remember to be polite Cea eU Lcd Grammar 1 choose the corec options to complete the sentences 1 Hilura,! b 2 Howold » 7 Mywite’sa chet, and this is b 8 My b Khalids brother. Nice to meet you re your grandfather? these your glasses? Am 's re 's your sister's boyfriend trom Brazil? No, he's not she's not mnot What's this? i's oid book ‘my mother over there with the blue umbrella These are Trisis That's ew restaurant. she's her his _last name is Chen, ‘grandfather's grandfather grandfathers 2 Rewrite the sentences with the new words. 1 He'san lish teacher. They ‘re English teachers 2. These are my ro This 3. We're happy with our new tablets 4 Those expensive cars are italian, That ae 5. Imastudent in india. She 6 My brother's an office worker, and this is his backpack. My brothers and ae 3 Choose the correct options to complete the text, These / This is Zooey Deschanel. She's 2@ / an actor and a singer. ? She / Her sister Emiy is an actor, too. She's in the TV show Bones. What *'s/ re their mother’s job? An actor. And § their / our father’s job? § Her / His job is in movies too! That's not all~ Zo00y's sisters / sisters husband is .. an actor They ® re /'s from California in the U.S., and they're ‘a Hollywood family, They ° are / ‘re not the oniy family ike this. From Marlon Brando's family to ill Smith's family, they 1° ™ / ‘re easy to find in Hollywood. Vocabulary 1 pu 1@ words in the box in the correct columns. difficult engineer grandfather interesting Tworker cellphone mother pencil receptionist small watch wife free ci difficult Grek word tis diferent pan your anewer + black — new orange gold 2 chef tourquide TVhost grandmother 3 French Polish ‘Russian Canada 4 fity thirteen fourteen seventeen 5 son glasses. change «keys. SH Bye Hello Good morning 7 bad — boring ugly happy 8 father daughter boyfriend husband 3 choose the correct options to complete the sentences. a ete eer Se ee Sacre Bey Wace wang es a Ben eee, is ar eee | 7 A Itsnine fifteen. | seen | a salesclerk b taxi driver ¢ girlfriend Bere eee Wieetecunees te ‘Complete the conversation with the words in the box. rineteen Germany. ttlian waitress backpack student giriend later ‘Max Who's that girl with Prank? Is she his sister? ‘Sue No. Thats his new * ‘Max Wow! Is she from here? ‘Sue No, she's from? ‘Max She's beautiful. How old is she? Sue She's Max Issheacollege 2 Sue No, she's a® acthe® restaurant on Green Street. Oh no, fm ate for cass. See you”. 3 Hey... isthat your ® Max Yes, it is. Thanks Sue Bye ge og sso Her, ~ Deane -_— Personal Best ——— yess0n 24 Tae) phrase to ers afriend to fa including ae yessonic 98500 20 sentences about peer ca yessonlo Write three mores Een Polen pre Food and drink tanuace | simple present (, you, we, they) m food and drink 3A Food for athletes =— 11 ©SH_Purtne words in the bor inthe correct columns. Listen and check eggs orange|uice meat tea coftee breed ce water We eat We drink Go to Vocabulary practice: food and drink, pat == 2 In pairs, tak about food and crink that you tke and doi tie @ ie meat © ceri ite cote 3A Look at the pictures. What food can you see? Is it healthy? B Match pictures a and b with the athletes, Read the text quickly and check. D i r=) t Ss TET eu rer loa lege e Ose) dinner? We talk to two very different athletes. Artem Petrenko, Weightlifter, Ukraine What do you have for breakfast? For breakfast, eat six eggs and tree or four cheese sandwiches. I drink a liter of orange juice and three cups of coffe. What about luneh and dinner {have lunch at 100 p.m. | eat aig bord of pasta or rice, and salad. For dinner, | eat meat ~ with potatoes and vegetables. During the ay, | eat more sandwiches and fit Cheese. | love all cheese, and my favorite Js Dutch choose, ike Gouda, Michelle Nelson, Marathon runner, Australia What do you have for breakfast? For breaifas,| eat whole wheat bread and fruit and! drink “green, ice with green vegetables and fru. I'm a vegan, so! don't eat meat, eggs o fish, and | don't drink milk What about luneh and dinner’ For lunch, I have a vegan burger with rice end salad. In the evening, "have dinner with my family. I's dificult because we dant like the same things! But we all eat pizza. My two sisters ike ‘cheese, but have a vegan pizza~ without cheese! Yes, they do! Well maybe nat allof them ... but llove dossert It’s my favorte part ofthe meal. lve carrot cake and vegan ice cream. simple present (J, you, we, they) m food and drink . Read the text again and complete the sentences with the correct words 1 Wat you for breakfast? at mil 21 alter of orange juice 5 We the same things. 31 lunch at 1:00 pm. 6 ‘marathon runners dessert? 5B A Look at the sentences in exercise 4 and answer the questions 1. Which sentences are affirmative? __and. 2 Which are negative? ang 3 Which are questions? and B Complete the rules. Then read the Grammar box nasi ae are ese are arse Weeatice cream fordessert They don'tlke vegetables. Yes. ido. No, !don't (io to Grammar prectice: mele present J, you, we, dey, page 98 © CUED rrenancietion: cs you fésyuw! Listen ar epesttve questions, Payaterion vote pronunciation of do yu doy 1 Doyoutte pizza? 2 Whatdoyou eatforbrsites? 3 What ood do you ta? 7A OBB) say the questions. Listen, check and repeat 1. Do you like Mexican food? 4 Do youtike chocolate? 2. Do you eat meat? 5 What time do you have breakfast? 3 Do you drink tea? {6 What do you have for lunch? B Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 8B AOE. complete the text with the verbs in parentheses. Listen and check Comfort food Whatfood* _______(you//Iike) after a hard day? What 2 you eat) when you're sad? What's your “comfort food”? T'm a student. After ahard day My children are strange. 1'm a doctor. When I'm tired or at school, 3 ‘ad, 7 stay not ike) regular (0/ not eal) chocolate or plaza (we / always have) ice cream. sandwiches. it bad for you. ® trike) © they reat) 1/ drink) green toa. caramel ~its my favorite! banana and cheese sandwiches! Harriet, the U.S. Mike, Canada Rose, Argentina B In pairs, talk about your ‘comfort food" What do you eat or drink when you're sad or tired? Go to Communication practi Student A page 136, Student 8 page 144 9 A Ask and answer questions pairs 1 like / Japanese food 4 eat/alotoftruit 2. drink Ja lot of soda 5 drink / coffee at night 3. have / dinner with your family 6 eat/alot of red meat A Do you like Japanese food? 8 No, | don't. But! ike Chinese food. B Tell the class what you and your partner have in common. We don't ike Japanese food, but we like Chinese food. \Write what you have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on atypical day 3B Tea or coffee? \ er) 1c nlete the café sign with the days ofthe week We are open: ec ee Peery eee Sees es Dey Hot food & sandwiches! ere Friday Tuesday Wednesday Sunday eee 2 Look at the sign in exercise 1 again. Are the sentences true 1. The cafés open every 4 It’s open in the e 2 It’s open in the morning o fon Saturday nights 3 Its open on Thursday afternoons 6 its closed in the evening on Sunday 3 Ask and answer the questions in pairs. + What ai 2 What 3 What oi is today? favorite day of the w 5 Whats the worst day of the week? sterday? By 4 A ©BB) watch or isten tothe rst p show. Check (¥) the se 1 le drink coffee in cafés and tea at home 2 People drink tea and coffee allover the world ie i moming and tea in the evening B @se watch ort parts to make sentences, Hee in the gain, Match the 1 84% of Americans 2 65% of tho 8 e ery day 4 Inthe UX. people drink 16 a a8 in the morning, 5 Inthe UX, people drink 70 million e coffee ever listening for times and days w /a/ m days and times of day LISTENING 5 ©39° watch ortisten to the second part of the show. Match the people with the foed and drink ron 1 fish, rice, vegetables, tea, water _ as 2. cookies, ce cream, cote 3 fshand chips and tea idwich, chips, cookie, tea a 5 coffee, cereal listening for times and days LUsten carefully when people tak about times and days «+ Times and dys can come atthe beginning or end ofa sentence: Or Fi + Sometimes and days sound similar: tree fiteen / I's tree cate./190 10 the 6 ©38_ Read the Skil box Watch or lten agin, and choose the corect options to comalete the sentences. Kate: 1's2:30 p.m. / 2:40 pm, here, and fm with Jolene, Jolene: We come here every Tuesday / Thursday. les my husband's favorite cafe. 1 drink coffee every morning / evening, but berween 2:30 and 3:00/ 3:30, Ldrink tea Toan: The pary’sat $00 p.m. / 9:00 p.m. han: We're open Monday / Sunday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. until and Sunday from 1000 a.m. until 7:00 pm. / 11:00 pam. 6 Kater ’s3:15/3:90 here, and Ihave fish and chips from my favorite takeaway place! :00 pam. And Saturday 7 Inpairs, talk about what food and drink you have every day. I have a coffee at 10.00 in the morning, 8 OGIO. Listen to the extract from the show —— How does Ethan pronounce and? Ciave a cotter and cereal.) ia ce! “They soundisalso called “schwa”Itis very common in English in short untressed words ike articles, prepositions, ‘and aur verbs. pottes —Wehavecotfeeat 90pm. What ims the pa sho tke Ash? 9 ©3ii) Read the Usterng bilder. Then tsten and complete the sentences 1 Ihave, coffee every morning, 4 ‘Thisone’s__you 2 What they eat? 5 Ihave two bottles water 3. They only drink coffee breakfast. 6 | like burgers French fies 10 Think of a café that you like. In pairs, ask and answer the questions about the café. y (Wat na? > areae | Edo YU gS thar? Wy do you Te | Write a description of your favorite restaurant or café simple present (he, she, it) m common verbs (1) 3C Chocolate for breakfast! 1 Complete phrases 1~6 with the verbs in the box. use watch have go make say {te at diner 4 ning 6 __aeorpiter @ __1V Go to Vocabulary practice: common verbs (page 113 SD sand answer ine questions in pairs 1 you / ve neorsowntowr? Yo ti sues? 2 ype! werkt 5 you / say helo 10310 3 Yai cnketnar at oto iy Sahin 5 you have 3 ©3193 Look atthe picture of Adam Young. What is his job? Read and liste Bist 1 iG From Monday through Friday, Adam Young eats chocolate at work That's because ‘Adam sa chocolatier hermakes chocolate). “Vloveit he says." thinkitsa great ob ‘Adam ves in Brooklyn in New York. He has small store and he makes all ois chocolates by hand. Does he have the best pb in the world? Thisishis typical day. "inthe moxring, Igo tothe store ery and make chocolate... leatitfor breakfast! ‘Then we workhere all day” ‘Adam has an assistant, Jenny When he's inthe kitchen with the chocolate Jenny works with the customers. ‘Adam exercises alot - very important When you eat chocolate all day! In the evening he changes his clothes and goes ‘othegym. Then hegoes home, makes dinner and watchesTV. ‘On the weekend, he studies business —he ‘saysitsimportant forhisjob ... but he doesrit eat chocolate! ter do we add to t eats it for breakfast 2 He make / makes all of his 5 work / works here all day. 3 I goto the store early and & Jenny work / works with the customers B Find the he/sherit forms of the verbs in the text 1 say 5 cha 2 live 8 oi fal simple present (he, she, it) = common verbs (1) 5 Find a question and 2 negati sentence in the text Complete the rules, and then read the Grammar box. 1 Weuse + verb in negative simple present sentences with helsheiit. 2 Weuse + subject + verb in simple present questions with he/she/it at (he, _| Atemative: Negative: ‘vestons and short answers: Sie eat rut for breast Joezntworkin 3 school Does your house have 3 ard? Hewatches TVinthe evening. She doesn'texercse. Yes itdoes. No, i¢doesn'e Maya studies Enis yu doesnt lke chocolate Look! Some verbs are irregular do > does, go> goes, have > has. Go to Grammar practice: simple present he, she, page 98 6 A ©s15 Pronunciation: -s and -es endings Listen and repeat the sounds and words. Pay attention tothe pronunciation of the -s and es endings 1 iy ests works mates 2 i) Wes goes knows 3 fi) watches uses changes B 316 Match the parts to make sentences Listen, check and repeat 1 She tives 1 movies in the afternoon, 2 He works b inanoftice 3. She watches © acomputer at work 4 He says HI every day. 5 She makes © in Tokyo. 8 Heuses 1 cakes on the weekend, 7 © complete te tex with the correct frm ofthe vrbsin the box. Lsten and check. have ¢ AVERY COOL JOB Kirsten Lind 2 for an ice cream company in Toronto. She 2 agreat job = she's a food scientist, and sho * ‘new flavors of ice cream. What's this week's new flavor? “Potato chips and chocolate! | don't lke potato chips, but lots of people love it? Kirsten 4 Kirsten © ‘Wo oF three ters of ie cream a weok, so she §__to the gym after work, and she 7 alot on the weekend. B A Make questions about the text in exercise 7 1 Kiesten work in a store? 2 she/have/aninteestingjob?@ 3 she /eat/ alotofpotatochips? 4 she / exercise /a io? B Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Use short answers, Go to Communication practice: Student A page 136, Student 8 page 144 9. Choose three friends or family members and write down their names. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. 8 Who is an? B He's my uncle A Where does helive? He lives in “er dove waa way {Wher does he/she work? Does he/she like his/her Job? ( What does he/she do on the weekend? ‘Thnk of someone with an intresting job andunrita paragraph abou him/her. WRITING punctuation m linking words (and, but) 3D A special meal 1am h the food in th 20x withthe celebrations in the pictures. What do you know about these celebrat pancakes chowmein turkey candy B Think of some important celebrations and festivals in your country, What do people eat an 2 Look at the pictures in Arusha’s biog. W Read the text quickly and check untrys she from? How do people celebrate this festival? Arusha’s Blog Moecenns NC SEARCH Festival time We have lots of festivals in India, and my Ws taditional i have lunch ot home, but favorite is Onam. these days some people go to restaurans Inthe afternoon, we have © big meal with In my family, we eat at my brothers house. lols of food - some people have 24 dishes After the meal, we mee! friend, we listen to al cormore. We eat cory, ce, vegetables, music, ond we watch the ger dance About me nd fut, but we don’ ect meat. We ect What's my favorite thing cbout Onam® iis Hil fm Arsho, fm 25, and | the food ona big banana lef «realy happy tine, ond the food is great. Hive in Kerala in indi, ‘Woleome to my blegl 4 What doesnt she eat? 5. Where does she have lunch? 5 What does she do after the meal? 30] Punctuation m lin 19 words (and, but) WRITING {3D} Read the Sk box. Find an example of ach ype of punctuation inthe texton page 30 BATES punctuation I's important to use the correct punctuation to help people understand your writing We use this at the end ofa sentence. Wie use this to separate ideas and ater times. We use thst the end ofa question, We use this in contraction and in‘ for possassion. (see the Text buller on page 13) eel gi metic ‘my names wu and im from nanjing in china my favorite festival is chinese new year its a national holiday and people dont work we have a big party with all the family and in the evening we eat meat fish rice and vegetables my ‘mother makes a special cake and we give money to the children in the family 6 choose the correct words to complete the sentences from Arusha’s blog. Check your answers in the text. 1. Weeat cury, rice, vegetables, and fruit, and / but we don't eat mest 2 Its realy happy time, and J but the food is great. We use and and but to link sentences. Toadd inermation: We dance and we listen to music To contras: different ideas: Some people goto restaurants, but our family eats at home, 7 Read the Text builder. Complete the sentences with and or but. 1. We go to nny grandmother's house every Sunday, we have a big meal 2. This restaurants expensive, the food ist very good. 3 I dink teaand fruit juice, I don't rink coffe. 4 Claire woiks in the morning, she doesn't work in the afternoon. 5 My uncle Ives in Los Angeles, he's not American. 6 He exercises, hhe goes to the gym. 8 A EEEEIEEY choose a festival or celebration in your country where food is important. Think about these questions + Wen the festival or celebration? + What do people et and drink? + Where doyou eat and who do you eet wth? + What do you do before and ater the meal? B Wit a blog about the festival or celebration. Link your sentences with and and but C PEERING change your blog with your partner: Check the grammar and punctuation ‘Ave the simpe present verbs correct? Does your partner use and and but correctly? Tits ea a wis ase oem & Daily life frequency adverbs = daily routine verbs 4A Day and night 1A @AK ten the phrases inthe box with pictures ae. Usten and check Start work finish work gotobed gethome getup B Inpairs, say what time you do the activities SS Lookat the pictures and guess the answers to the questions. Read the text and check the relationship between the two people? re their jobs? ir routines similar or different? but different Sally and Ashley Fraser live at home with thelr parents and their brother, ‘Marcus. They are tin sisters. but their lives ae very different. ‘The twins are diferent, ut ae they friends? “Yes, we atel” says Sally. "Were always together on Sunday!” 3 Complete the sentences vith he frequency adverbs in the box. Check your answersin the text ‘always sometimes usually never often 1 20 Ashley 4 0 to bes early. H 80 frends in the afternoon, get up at 6:00 am, H get home really late frequency adverbs w= daily routine verbs. 4 A Putthe frequency adverbs in the box in the correct order. ox B Reac the sentences in exercise 3 again. Do the frequency adverbs come before or after the verbs? Read the Grammar box. App Boag: /alays have breattestat home usual: She usually ‘aes shower in the moming atten: _/often got up ite on the weekend sometimes: sometimes get home at 100... 0% never: She never has dinner t home Lookt! Frequency adverbs come after the verb be: We'e always together on Sunday Go to Grammar practice: frequency adverbs, page 99 5 A ©44 Pronunciation: sentence stress Listen to the sentences. Are the frequency adverbs stressed or unstresse0? 1+ usualy getup 2t7:00 am. 3 Inevergo tothe gym. 2 | always have acup of coffee for breakfast 4 often make dinner in the evening B Listen again, check, and repeat. Change the trequency adverbs in 5A so the sentences are true for you. In pairs, say the sentences with the correct stress. A sometimes getup at 7:00am. _B Really? Inever get up at 700 am. 7 A Look at the chart. Write five sentences about Sally and Ashley's brother, Marcus. He always has breakfast ina café 1 have breakfast in a café v 2 watch TVin the morning 2 workin the evening v x 4: see friends after work ROR KKM | 5 gotobedbetoremidnight x B @AS> Listen ana check. wnat is Marcus's job? Go to Communication practice: Student A page 136, Student 8 page 144 8 inpair, compar yourself with members of your fay, Ue the aces inthe bores {always getup before 7.00 am. but my brother usualy gets up ate at 9:30. Seen boue 7 as (Get Fre toe 600m Fa cin tor rater {PH MEN BtWOTK ees waver a noTag) BestBest] Desibeyourtypial routine onthe west HB READING finding speci information w 's: possession or contraction w transportation, | 4B My trip to work 1 Match the types of transportation with pictures a~e on page 35 1 bike 4 car = | 2 5 subway 3 bus Go to Vocabulary practice: transportation, page 115 ie 2 Look st the pictures and the ttle of he text on page 35. Guess the answers to the questions, Read the text quickly and check 1 What cityisit about? 2 What type of transportation isi about? We Sometimes need to find speci information ina text + Read the questions carefully to see what information you need to ind. + Find the place inthe text which has thi information and read it carefully + Don’ worry ifyou don't understand every word, 3 A Read the Skil box. Then find information inthe paragraph about. Emily in the text to complete the first line of the chart. Emiy Harlem Dan B Now tind the information about the other people in the text. Complete the chart. Read the text again. Then, in pairs, say why each person uses @ citbike Emily uses a citibie becouse it's fast. 5 Compiete the sentences from the text. n which sentences does ‘s mean is? 1 ___ office's in Downtown Manhattan 2 The cheap” she says. you see ‘sat the end ofa word, decide iit refers to possession or iit sa contraction of i The eity’s blue public bikes = possession the bikes belong to the city) ‘Megan's 2 waitress on te Lower East Side = contraction (Megan is a waitress) © Read the Text builder. Then read the sentences and write P (possession! or C (contraction), 1 Ravisa doctor, 2. David's mom isa teacher. 3. My train's always late, 4 Julia's brother starts work at 7:00. 7 Discuss the questions in pairs. 1. Do you have public bikes in your town or city? Are they popular? Why/Why not? 2 How do you usually travel to work or school? 3 Do you tke the trip? Why/Why not? A morning in the life of bike 0827 New York is famous for its yellow taxis and noisy subway, but a lot of people also travel by cltibike - the city’s blue public bikes. New Yorkers make 14 million trips a year ‘on citibikes. Who uses them and why? We follow one bike for a morning to find out. Dan Pesci an office worker, leaves hishome in Soho. He gots (on biko 0827 and goes to work in the Finencial District. “I usually (90 by subway,” Dan says, “but the weathers beautiful today. FINANCIAT istrict camaTOMN rte ‘Megan Chang from Brooklyn gets off the East River ferry. Megan's & Waites on the Lower East Sie "Thebike's cheap,” she says, "but livers in New York re oraz ‘At Grand Centra Station, Emily Adams from Harlem gets on bike number 0827, Emily's office sin Downtown Manhattan. She's a designer. Why does she use ck? “W's fast.” she says. onEENWICH VILLAGE | GARMENT isrRIcT b& Doctor Walter Hart gets on bike (0827 and goes home to his apartment in Midtown. He works nights ata hospital on First Avenue, ike the exercise ater work, el Write about the ditferent types of transportation in your town or city. 35 simple present: wh- questions m adjectives (2) 4C Where do you work? 1 Match the adjectives in the box with their opposites quiet clean hot fast uniriendly 4 dirty /__ 3 friendly / Go to Vocabulary practice: adjectives 2). pa sis 2 A Winte down two examples for each of these things (Geo sey sre odo yn cay (°° anger * BH aT icles # end cl or toeinyourTown ore) po gg @ au lene wv) B Compare your answers in pairs. Do you have the same things? 3 Read the text quickly and answer the questions. 1. What is Tess's job? 3. What time does she start work? 2 Does she lke her job? 4 Where does she tive? A Dirty Job? What time do you start work? {start wore at 5:00 in the morning, I get up at 4:15 aum. and have breakfast. Then I leave for work, 4 do you work? work in south Chicago, The lanafilsrt far from my house. do you do on a typical day? | drive the truck to about 800 houses every day from Monday through Fray. Thats lot of trash! do you like the job? ‘Because the people are fiendly and work outside. Sometimes i's very cold early in the morning, but wnen the weathers nice, llove it. *____doyou finish work? | finish at 1:30 p.m. 'm a mom, so the hours are great. | get home at 2:00, ake a shower, and then I go to my children’s schoo! to pick them up. 5 do you relax when you're not at work? | play coccer with a women's soccer team, and we practice on ‘Tuesday and Thursday evenings. On the weekend, | get up late simple present: wh- questions = adjectives (2) 4 A Complete the questions in the text with the question words in the box. How do you say them in your language? B Look atthe questions in tne text again. Order the words below from 1-4 to make a question. Then reed the Grammar box doldoes ) mainvero (question word subject Question word: doldoes: Subject: Main verb: Where 0 ‘you lived What does ‘Yyourhusband do? How does he get to work? When 0 ‘yourchléren watch TV? What time 0 they getup? Why a you work onthe weekend? Wo. cy you work with? Go to Grammar practice: simple present: wh- questions, page 99 5 O40 Promunciati vata fw sound ora 1 where___ 2. when: 3 who 4 why___ 5 how__6 what Question words Listen and repeat the question words. Do they begin soung? 6 A OAit) order tne words to make questions. Say the questions with the correct pronunciation of the question words Listen, check and repeat 1 you /nave/how many / do / children 2 what hay tie / nave breaks 60 3 6o/ does / husband / your / what = 4 he /wnen des / work 5 onthe weekend / you / what /do /60 B @)Hi® match questions 1-5 with ansners a-e. Listen to the interview wit Tess and check 2 Inthe afternoons and evenings. b Two. He'sa tani driver @ 730, @ We often go to the park Go to Communication practice: Student A page 137, Student B page 145 7 A Find out about your partner. Ask and answer the questions in the boxes in pairs, aT B Switch partners. Ask and answer questions about your fist partner. |A What time does Sasha start work? B He usualy starts work at 8:00 am. \Wiite ten questions fora interview with an actor/singe that you like, fs SPEAKING being polite in stores m grocery shopping 4D How can |help you? er 1A QE Match tne prices with the words. Listen and check a mn G15 || £5.95, & € =: i= 2? = & z 9 f $19.00) h % 1 nine doliars ninety-nine 7 ty pence : 2 nineteen dollars ninety-nine 8 five pounds 3 teen euros o 8 sixdollas ity 4 ty dollars 10 ity cents 5 elevendolarsninety-nine 11 five pounds ninety-five = 6 twenty-nine doliars 7 12 twenty-five dollars = B Write down three prices in numbers and give them to your partner. Say your partner's prices. That's three dollars fit. 2 Discuss the questions in pairs 1, Who usually goes grocery shopaing in your house? 2 Where do you usually buy groceries? Why? a atasupermarket —b atamarket ¢ at localstores 3 Doyou like grocery shopping? Why/Why not? 3 ase waren or stn tothe st part of Learning Cure. Ae the sentences rue orale? 1 Penny tes grocery shopring 2. eny and Tylor ve opeter 3. They vvaly go grocery shopping on Thursdeys 4. Thereis big spermaret nearer apartment 4 OHS water tse the correct prices, the second part of the show. Check (¥} the things Penny buys and halfa chicken ‘cheese and salad a biue shopping cart a whole chicken _ cheese and eggs a black shopping cart $479 seu? $879 $2202 5 ©)Ai8 who-saysthe pases: Penny iP), Slesclr 1 (S, alescer 2 (6 or Salescler (S37 Watch or ste again, and check 1 How much sitforthat mal shopping can? 8 Youve welcome 2 Here youge, 5 Heres yourchange ~ 25 cents 2 dike a whole chicken pease. & Can have wo pounds of tus white cheese? By crys Customer Salesclerk Have a ice day & A Read the Conversation builder. Then, order the sentences from 1 to make a conversation in a store. Yes, Anything else? Yes, I lke five cookies, please. How much is that? Can Thave a chocolate cake, please? Thanks. And here's your change. Here you are ~ $10. Hello, How can Thelp you? That’ $8.50, B OAH Listen and $k. Practice the conversation in pars. | 7 OP complete te conversation with he wordsin the Box. sen and ch the selesclerk polite? Why/Mihy not? Are Perny and welcome good thankyou please Salesclerk —* evening. Penny 3 | Penny 1a Uke a whole chicken, 2 Saleselerk You're * Salesclerk Here you are PAIN being polite in stores = Its important tobe polit if you workin a store orf you'ea customer. + Greet people. Say: Hi / Good Good evening. ec + Ask for thing politely. Say: + fsomeone says: Thanks /Thanky + Salescerks often end by saying & ©/4i8 Read the skill box. Listen to three conversations. Check (¥/) the people who are polite 1a thecustomer ©) the waiter © both people 2a thecustomer ) & the salesclerk © both people 3a thecustomer _] b the receptionist © both people Go to Communication practice: Student A page 137 Student B page 145, 9A EIEIETY in pars, ok at tne pictures and choose one ofthe situations, Wite down tings you can buy thete and ther prices. Pes ¢ Cerne: B Decice who is the customer and who ie te salescier Act out your conversation © PEEREIETE Listen to another pair's conversation. Are they polite? What could they do better? adem Carag Grammar 1 Check (v) the correct sentences, 1. [never finish work at §:00 p.m, b I dont never fish work at 5:00 p.m. € dont finish work never at 5:00 pm. He don't go to bed early oO b He not go to bed eaty, c € He doesrit go to bed early. ‘2 Do you go to work by car? b Does you go to work by car? © When you do go to work by car? 4a We often has e99s for breakfast b We often have eggs for breakfast. © We have often eggs for breakfast. Why do you tive with? Who do you live with? © How do you tive with? a When they do get up? b When they get up? 1 © When do they get up? a She work ina restaurant in the evening She do work in a restaurant in the evening. © She works in a restaurant in the evening. {2 Goes he to the aym after work? b Does he to the gym after work? 0 © Does he go to the gym after work? 2 Order the words to make questions and sentences. 1. your / do / go / children / where / school to 2 have / she at / does / lunch / home 3 always /dinner / we / eat / vegetables / for 4 get /time / what / weekend / do / up / the /you / on 5 don't/ shopping /1 Saturdays / go / on 6 the /ne / book / sometimes / a / reads / train / on 7 Mondays / quiet / restaurant /is / on / often / the 8 in//radio / do / listen / to / you / the / morning / the 9 old / brother's /is/ how / your / gittiend 10 the / never / exercises / Simon / weekend / on 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Life on Muck ‘This is Laura Marriner. She lives and works ‘on the very small island of Muck in Scotland, Life isn't easy, but i's very interesting What 2 (be) Laura's job? ‘She a teacher, Her school only 2, (have) eight children. Where 3 sho — live)? Laure 4 (fot leave) nome in the momning because ‘shelves inthe schoo! with her husband and two sons! How 5____ they _(go) shopping? By fer. The trip is two hours, but people on the island only 6____ (use) the ferry when the weather is good. They 7 (not go) shopping every day, so Laura 8 (make) bread at home. What is schoo! life ike on Muck? I's great. The chicren often ®__ (tug) on the beach. 10. Laura — (ike) life on Muck? Yes, she does! When the weather s bad, fe is offcul, but ‘she's happy there. The people are very friendly, and ite is en acventure, aa a Vocabulary 1 Putthe words in the box in the correct columns. ‘boat cold do cheese fast finish getup know small meat noisy short taxi train want ee ee io do cold boat 2 GeeDire word that is diferent. Explain your answers. 1 cr truck bus plane 2 think use slow make 3 Friday tomorrow Sunday Saturday 4 tice French fries potato chips potatoes 5 coffee milk frit ‘orange juice 6 clean horrible unfriendly ity 7 cookie pizza coke chocolate 8 work study change dinner ‘Complete the sentences withthe correct words. 1. What time do you get home after work? 2 He usvally(__ to the radio at work. 3 always have b before | leave home in the morning 4 Theyw. television after dinner. 5 She goes to schol by m. Its very fast 6 Incold weather, | have a h drink in the evening. He never says “hello He's so u aT. in New York are yellow, and in London they're black 9 I never drink tea or coffee. only drink w. with meats, 10 OnW. ‘evenings, | o to the gym. ‘Complete the e-mail with the words in the box. bike dressed bread friendly get ve © ge evening Saturday read How are you? I'm in Cartagena at my grandmother's rouse thi week. Its nice ang quiet here. 1+__up late every day, have breakfast, and get 2 Then | go to the shopping mall by =. | usually buy some * for lunch. The people are very 5 In the afternoon, 1, tothe beach and?__abook. In the ® we ‘sometimes have dinnar in a restaurant, fim here for one week, and then | go home on 2 @... want to39_"_herel ‘See you soon, Bea ;—— Personal Best CT amen alta \esson 44 wat Fa things people your Prprtos 10 ieee frog member of your Erieaires ens adjectives that ec eers mz Caan and a negative crt panes cred words \ess0n 4 Write about er Ee occasion. Use Serr

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