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Students will write one page describing the activities they do on their free time.

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add pictures.

I´m going to tell you a little bit about myself during free time.

She is 7 years old, she behaves very well, she is very affectionate, an excellent student
and spends her days with my mother, these days she must do school from home and
we spend all day talking while I work.

For this reason, I like to enjoy my free time with her, in the evenings after work, she
waits for me every day to review the tasks and when she finishes them, we generally
enjoy playing together, she is very intelligent and enjoys board games, in my family like
to cook and she is no exception, when we make dinner, she helps us.
sometimes we watch series or movies, she enjoys watching documentaries about
doctors and dinosaurs, she loves all princesses.
On weekends, on these very hot days, we enjoy afternoons at the pool, or she
accompanies me to run errands, after errands, we go for an ice cream or we go out to
dinner, we go to the mall
we love to go to the beach, meet friends in the evenings, go for a walk in our
neighborhood or go shopping.
Another of the activities we enjoy is spending time with the family, we make barbecue,
we invent a lot in the kitchen, then we watch movies or talk about everything with the
I can't deny that among the things we enjoy together is sleeping in the afternoons, we
enjoy the rain.
When there is an opportunity, I meet my friends, catch up and see how our children play
and enjoy being children.
Another thing I enjoy is helping others, when there is an opportunity to do so we
organize help for people who need it, it is an activity that we enjoy with my sister.

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