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Genesis Danahé Ferrera Lagos NO.

de Cuenta: 31911884
1) Write the past simple form of these regular and irregular verbs. 2) Write the -ing form of the verbs.

1. – cry: cried 1. – attach: attaching

2. – travel: travelled 2. – tie: tying

3. – send: sent 3. – run: running

4. – enjoy: enjoyed 4. – save: saving

5. – stop: stopping 5. – give: giving

6. – break: broke 6. – get: getting

7. – fall: fell 7. – delete: deleting

8. – chat: Chatted 8. – change: changing

9. – happen: happened 9. – upload: uploading

10. – say: said 10. - think: thinking

3) Choose the correct options and then have in red the right answer

1. - I listened / was listening to the radio when I heard / was hearing this fantastic song.

2. - When the teacher said / was saying ‘Stop!’ I still tried / was still trying to finish the last question.

3. - I feel really silly! While I danced / was dancing, I fell / was falling and broke / was breaking my elbow.

4. - Tim played / was playing a computer game when his mum called / was calling him for lunch.

5. - I looked / was looking for a file on my memory stick when I noticed / was noticing there was a virus.

6. - Ron found / was finding a really interesting website about dance music while he surfed / was surfing the internet.

Past simple and past continuous

4) Each sentence has one mistake. Write the correct sentences.

1. - She was seeing the shark while she was surfing.

She saw a shark when she was sailing

2. - What was you doing last night at 8.00pm?

What did you do last night at 8:00 pm?

3. - I was reading a book when my brother was getting back.

While my brother was returning, I was reading a book

4. - He didn’t liked the film very much.

He didn't like the movie very much

Genesis Danahé Ferrera Lagos NO. de Cuenta: 31911884
WHEN –Simple Past WHEN & WHILE
WHILE –Past Continuous

5- Write “When” or “While”!

1. I was reading a book ................while.................. suddenly I heard a noise.

2. .........While............... Rose was cooking dinner; her husband went to work.
3. ..........While............ Sandra and Kathy was talking in the living-room, the doorbell rang.
4. Ben was playing in a basketball team ...........when.......... he was a kid.
5. Sharon came home ...........when........... her brother was playing video games.

6- Write the correct form of the verbs!

1- I studied (study) History when my friends coming (come) around.

2- While Susan walking (walk) in the street, she meted (meet) an old friend.
3- Her baby waked (wake) up while she cleaning clean) the house.
4- He worked (work) when her wife phoning (phone) him.
5- The students had (have) a test when the storm starting (start).

7) Write the adverb of the following adjectives.
electronic electronically
careful Carefully
horrible horribly
technical technically
happy happily
extreme extremely
beautiful beautifully
angry angrily
furious furiously
busy Busily
cruel Cruelly
lazy lazily
7. Choose and underline the correct word in italics to complete the sentences below. Use adverbs of manner.

1. She was late so she had to dress quick / quicker / quickly. 

2. The hero hit the crocodile hard / hardly / hardily on its nose, and escaped.
Genesis Danahé Ferrera Lagos NO. de Cuenta: 31911884
3. You play the piano beautiful / beautifully / beauty.

4. George stood up and walked slow /slowly /slower  out of the room.

5. I did bad / badly / worse in my exams. I’m sure I will have to repeat a year.

8) Make sentences using adverbs of manner. The adjectives in the box can help you, but you might use others as well.


They listen He searches They sing He drives

carefully desperately blissfully carefully

They dance He runs He sleeps They play

slowly quickly deeply strongly

PREDICTIONS: What is going to happen? INTENTIONS: What are they going to do?
Genesis Danahé Ferrera Lagos NO. de Cuenta: 31911884
9) Complete the gaps with the “be going to” future. Write (P) for predictions or (I) for intentions in the circles.


1. She is going to 2. I am going to 3. He is going to eat 4. We are going to 5. She is going to

go to the beach. bake and spill the coffee. have our holidays spend a car accident.
a delicious cake. in Spain.



Affirmative statements
Future With Negative statements

Sub Be Going to Verb Be + Going to Sub Be+ not Going to Verb

I am COOK Am not
Going to CLEAN Questions HE
SHE is BE SHE Going to
Is not BE
IT Wh word Be S Going to Verb IT
WE are Where are you going to study?
THEY What is he going to do tonight?

11) Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb.

1. I will meet (meet) my friends after class. Would you like to join us?

2. A: Can your brother traveling (travel) next week? B: Yes, he is going to.

3. Alex not going (not go) to work today because he is sick.

4. A: Will you doing (do) your homework? B: Yes, I am going to.

12) The weekend starts tomorrow and Sam is going to be very busy. Write sentences using the picture in the box.
There is one example.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Genesis Danahé Ferrera Lagos NO. de Cuenta: 31911884

1. He’s going to get up at six o’clock.

2. He will have fruit salad for breakfast.

3. Michael won’t go swimming.

4. They are play FIFA with his friend.

5. George will not walk the dog all day.

13) Look at the pictures and complete the horoscope with the correct form of Will.

Aries: You will get (get) a new job.

You will fall (fall) asleep on the first day.

Taurus: You will win (win) the lottery.

You will spend (spend) all the money paying taxes.

Genesis Danahé Ferrera Lagos NO. de Cuenta: 31911884

Gemini: You will play (play) football for an important team.

You will hurt (hurt) your leg and will not (not/be) able to play ever again.

15) Underline the right form of the verb.

1. What time are you seeing / are you going to see Ted this afternoon?
2. We will meet / are going to meet my sister at the airport.
3. My neighbour is having / is going to have a party for his birthday. I don’t know when.
4. I think I will have / am going to have fish for lunch.
5. We will catch / are catching the bus if you can’t take us with your car.
6. He will be / is going to be 15 in March.

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