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NARRATIVE TEXT ( Exercises )

1. Complete the text below while listening to the teacher !

Once upon a time a hawk (1 ) ……………….. in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the sky
and asked the hen, “will you marry me?”
The hen loved the (2)………………, strong hawk and wishes to marry him. But she said,” I can not fly as
high as you can. If you give me time, I me (3) ………………to fly as high as you. Then, we can fly
The hawk agreed. Before he went away , he (4)………………..the hen a ring. “This Is to show that you
have (5)…………………. To marry me”, said the hawk.
It happened that the hen had already promised to marry (6) ……………………. So, when the rooster
saw the ring , he became angry. “ Throw away that (7) ……………….!. Didn’t you tel hawk that you’d
already promised to marry me ?”, (8) …….. the rooster. The hen was so(9 ) …………………. Ar the
rooster’s anger and she threw away the ring immediately
When the hawk came the next day, the hen told him the (l0)…………………… The hawk was so furious
he cursed the hen. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier ?”. Now, you’ll always be scratching the earth,
and I’ll always be flying above you to (11)……………… your children”, said the hawk.
The curse seems to come true.

2. Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. Why did the hawk want to marry with the hen? Because ……
2. What did the hawk give a hen a ring for ?
3. Who are the characters of the story ?
4. What can be learned from the story above ?
5. How did the writer solve the problem in the story ?

3.Put the verbs in to the correct form ( simple past )

1. Huda ………………… to Borobudur temple last month.

2. My father ……………. A new house three years ago.
3. WE ……………….. at the Axana Hotel yesterday.
4. I ………………. My homework two days ago.
5. She ……………………… very nice to meet me last week.
4.Change the verbsin brackets into the past form !

Long time ago a remote village, in central China was inhabited mainly with
farmers and hunters . One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock to flood. He (1) pray
……………. Hard to good for help or his family would die of starvation.
Few days later, an old man with long grey beard,(2) pass……………… his house took pity
on him. He (3) give …………………… him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing to
give you and hope this goose will he you to ease your hardship.
A week later to almost surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. This was no ordinary
egg. It (4) be ………….. a golden egg. He was suddenly overcome with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly (5) improve …………....but the farmer had forgotten his
early hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift.
Strangely, the goose only laid one golden egg every six month. The greedy farmer lost his
patient and slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its
Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s already too

5. Read the text about “ Rabbit and a wolf “, then answer the questions about it !

One day when a rabbit was walking in the forest, he heard someone crying out. “Help!
Help!”,. He looked around, and finally he saw a wolf. A great stone had fallen on his back so
that he could not get up. He asked rabbit’s help, and said that he would die if nobody helped
The rabbit worked very hard, and finally managed to get the big stone off the wolf’s back.
Then, the wolf jumped and caught the rabbit in his mouth. Then rabbit cried and asked for
mercy, but the wolf insisted on killing him for his meal.
Then, rabbit said, “No good person kills someone who has helped him. It is not fair. You
can ask the duck who is very fat and knows everything”.
So, both of them went to the duck. He said, “show me your stone!”. Then both of them to
the stone. “ Now, let me be surre about this. Put the stone on the wolf’s back exactly as it
was when you found him”, said the duck. So the wolf laid down, and witch much efforts
rabbit put it on his back again.
“well, what will you do?”, the wolf asked the duck.
The duck thought for a moment, said, “ you are wrong to be cruel to the rabbit, who
helped you. Now find someone else to help you”.
Both rabbit and duck went their way.

5. Answer the questions based on the the story above !

1. What is the social function of the story above ?
2.How were the rabbit and wolf’s character in the story .
3. Write the time, place and the main character of the story above !
4.Mention some problems in the story .
5. Do you think the story happy ending or sad ending ? Tell your reason !

6. Match the words in column A with their meaning in column B

Creature (n) a. Mark with different color
1. Glossy (adj) b. Any right fringed that grow from birds skin
2. Leap (n) and cover its body.
3. Dapple (v) c. Various kinds of wild low growing plants.
4. Shade (n) d. Rapid increase or change
5. Heaven (n) e. Quantity of manner
6. Queue (n) f. Line of people
7. Mass (n) g. Think make less bright
8. Feather (n) h. Living animal or person
9. Grass (n) i. Smooth and shiny
j. Place believed to be the home

7. Read the text and complete it with the correct answers

Witch – birthday – fairies – honor – gift –
feast – princess- prince – castle – knights

In a fairway land , long ago, King Stephan and his queen wished for a child. At
last a daughter was born. They named her Aurora. To (1) ……… the baby princes.
The King held a great feast. Nobles and peasants, (2) …………………and their
ladies, everyone were in the joyful moment. King Stephan also invited his good
friend, King Hubert. King
Hubert brought his young son, (3) ………………… Philip with him.
Among the guest were three good (4)………………….. . They were Flora, Fauna,
and Merry weather. Each wished to bless the (5)………………. With the gift.
Waving her wand, Flora said,” My gift shall be the gift of beautyy.” “and Mine”,
said Fauna, “shall be the gift of song..”
Before Merry weather could speak, the (6) ………….doors……….flew open. It was
the evil (7)………… named Maleficent. She was furious because the King did not
invite her to the (8)……………”And my gift for the child, “said the witch,” before
the sun sets on her sixteen
(9)……………, she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and
die, “Then, she disappeared.
But Merry weather still had a (10) …………………. To give. So, she said, When
there’s true love’s kiss, the spell shall break and the princess opens her eyes.

8. Work in pairs. Put the following sentences in order to make a complete story 1
a. The man live alone on the bank of the river a long time, but he was very lonely and
wished many times for a companion
b. In the very early days, before there were many people on the earth, the limokon ( a kind
of dove ) were very powerful and could talk like men though they looked like birds.
c. One day when he was crossing the river, something was swept against his legs with such
force that it nearly caused him to drown
d. One limokon laid two eggs, one at the mouth of the Mayo River and one farther up its
e. After some time these eggs hatched, and the one at the mouth of the river became a man,
while the other became a woman.
f. On examining it, he found that it was a hair , and he determined, to go up the river and
fine when it came.
g. He travelled up the stream, looking on both banks, until finally he found the woman, and
he was very happy to think that at last he could have a companion.
h. They were married and they had many children, who are the Mandaya still living along
the Mayo River.

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