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Taxanomy and Embryology of Angiosperms

vko`Ùkchft;ksa dh ofxZdh ,oa Hkzksf.kdh
Section - A

1- Microscope was discovered by ?

lw{en'khZ ds vkfo"dkjd FksA

2. Who define the term taxanomy ?

ofxZdh 'kCn fdlus fn;kA

3. Mirabilis jalapa belongs to family ?

NqbZ eqbZ fdl dqy dk lnL; gSA

4. Write the main characteristic feature of Crucifereae family ?

ØqlksQsjh dqy dk eq[; y{k.k gSA

5. The famous taxanomic literature of Benthem & Hooker is ?

csUFke ,oa gqdn dk izfl) xazFk gSA

6. Atropa belladona belongs to which family ?

,Vªksik csykMksuk fdl dqy dk ikni gSA

7. Describe the type of stamens present in family solanaceae ?

lksysuslh dqy ds iqdslj fdl izdkj ds gksrs gSA

8. Name the family in which Gynostegium is present ?

iqaofrZdkxz N= fdl dqy esa ik;k tkrk gSA

9. Write the Botanical name of Adusa ?

vMwlk dk okuLifrd uke gS D;k gS \

10. Describe the type of stamens present in family Euphorbiaceae ?

;wQksfcZ,lh dqy esa iqdslj fdl izdkj gksrs gS \

11. Write the Botanical name of onion (Pyoz) ?

I;kt dk okuLifrd uke D;k gS \

12. Write the name of the inflorescence found in family Graminene ?

xzsfeuh ¼iks,lh½ dqy esa fdl izdkj dk iq"iØe gksrk gS \

13. Which type of fruit is present in family Gramineae ?

iksjlh dqy esa ik;k tkus okyk Qy dk uke D;k gS \

14. Name the type of pollination in which stamens of same flower is used ?
Loea ds ijkxd.kksa }kjk ijkx.k dks D;k dgrs gS \
15. The type of cross-pollination in which air is used ?
ok;q }kjk ij ijkx.k dks D;k dgrs gS \

16. Name the plaint on which fruseto studied polyembryong ?

ÝwlsVks us fdl ikni ij cgqHkzw.krk dk v/;;u fd;kA

17. Who discovered Nechroharmone ?

usØksgkseksZu fl)kUr ds izokrk dkSu gS \

18. Polyembryong was discovered by ?

cgqHkzw.krk ds [kkstdrkZ dkSu gS \

19. Clevage polyembryong is found in which plaint ?

fonyu cgqHkz.krk fdlesa ik;h tkrh gS \

20. Give one example of apospury found in plant ?

Åorhtk.kqrk dk nnkgj.k fdl esa ik;k tkrk gSA

21. Name the smallest unit of classification ?

oxhZdj.k dh lcls NksVh bZdkbZ dks D;k dgrs gS \

22. The name of (Scientific name) of plants are written in which language ?
ikS/kksa ds oSKkfud uke fdl Hkk"kk esa fy[ks tkrs gS \

23. Name the scientist who first time used the term Taxanomy ?
oxhZdh uke igyh ckn fdl oSKkfud us fn;k \

24. Name the book in which the classification of engler and prantlis published ?
,aXyj o izasUVy dk oxhZdj.k fdl iqLrd es izdkf'kr gqvk \

25. The classification of engler and prantle is based on which classification concept.
,aXyj o izsUVy dh oxhZdj.k i)fr fdl ij vk/kkfjr gS\

26. Which type of placentation is found in family Leguminosec.

ysX;wfeukslh dqy es fdl izdkj dk fctk.MqU;kl ik;k tkrk gS\

27. The total number of stumens present is family malvaceae is ?

ekysDlh dqy es iqdsljks dh la[;k fdruh gksrh gS\

28. What is the characteristics infloresence of family apiaceae ?

,fijlh dqy dk yk{kf.kd iq";Øe D;k gS\

29. What is botanical name of Gajar (Raddish) ?

xktj dk okLrfod uke D;k gS\
30. In which family stylopodium is present ?
fdl dqy es LVk;yksiksfM;e ik;k tkrk gS\

31. Name the assending plant of family apiacca ?

,fi,lh dk vkjksgh ikni dkSu lk gS\

32. Write the main floral formula of family Rubiaceae ?

#fc,slh dqy dk iq";lw= fyf[k,\

33. Name the type of infloresence found in rubiaceae family ?

#fc,slh dqy es fdl izdkj dk iq";Øe ik;k tkrk gS\

34. Name the type of calyx present in Fiocdes peruviana ?

Qkeslksysl is#fovkuk es ckg;nyiqat fdl izdkj ds gksrs gS\

35. The type of stumens present in solanaceae are ?

lksysuslks dqy es ,dslan fdl izdkj ds gksrs gS\

36. Name the type of egg present in the plant thevetia ?

esosf'k;k ikni es v.Mi fdl izdkj ds gksrs gS\

37. Name the type of fruit present in plant Alamenda ?

,ykesUMk ikni esa Qy fdl izdkj dk gksrk gS \

38. Which family possess Trunslatur ?

LFkkaukrjd iqex fdl dqy eas ik;k tkrk gS \

39. Assign family to plant Justicia ?

tLVhfl;k uked ikni fdl dqy ls lacaf/kr gS \

40. Name the fypical influresence of family lamiaceae ?

ysfe,lks dqy ds fof'k"V iq"iØe dk uke D;k gS \

41. Castor oil is obtained from which plant?

vj.M dk rsy fdl ikS/ksa ls izkIr gksrk gS \

42. The total number (no) flowers present in family lamiaceae?

fyfy,lks dqqy esa ik;s tkus okys iq"iks fd l[;k fy[kh, \

43. Flower asparegns belong to family?

,Lijsxl ikni fdl dqy ls laca/k j[krk gS \

44. Name the family which shows parienth ?

ifjnyiqt fdl dqy esa ik;k tkrk gS \
45. Define tapetum ?
VsihVe fdls dgrs gS \

46. Explain any one function of tapetum?

VsihVe dk dksbZ ,d dk;Z le>kb, \

47. Draw labelled diagram of bottem?

ijxd.k dk fp= cukb, \

48. Define oute?

chtk.M dks ifjHkkf"kr fdth, \

49. What are Integuments ?

v/;koj.k fdls dgrs gS \

50. Name the oyute which rotutes at 360° ?

360° fMxzh ij /kwes tkus okys chtk.M dk uke D;k gS \

51. Explain micro type ?

chtk.M}kj le>kbZ, \

52. Define megasprogenesis ?

xq:chtk.kqtuu fdls dgrs gS \

53. Name the type of Embrysacs ?

Hkzw.kdsl ds fdrus izdkj gksrs gS \

54. Write any function (main) of synergid cells ?

lgk;d dksf'kdkvksa dk ,d izeq[k dk;Z fy[kh, \

55. Any one function of Antipodal cells ?

izfrnklkar dksf'kdkvks dk ,d dk;Z fy[kh, \

56. In how many percentage % of Angiosperms plant polygonun embrgobac is present ?

iksfyxksue izdkj dk Hkzq.kdks.k fdrus izfr'kr ,fUtvksaLieZ ds ik;k tkrk gS \

57. Define self-sterlity ?

Loca/k;rk fdls dgrs gS \

58. What is pollination ? Explain with examples ?

ijijkx.k fdls dgrs gS \ mnkgj.k ls le>kbZ,A

59. Name the flower in which pollination is done by smil ?

/kks/ks }kjk ijkxk fdl iq"i esa gksrk gS \
60. What is the example flower of clestogamy ?
vuqUehYerk dk mnkgj.k fdl iq"i esa gksrk gS \

61. Name the flower in which pollinig are present ?

iksfyuh;k fdl iq"i esa feyrs gS \

62. Define palenology ?

ijkx.k foKku ifjHkkf"kr fdth,A

63. Name the scientist who discovered fertilization in plants ?

fu"kstu fd [kkst djus okys oSKkfud dk uke fy[kh, \

64. What do you mean by Syngamy ?

la;qXeu ls D;k rkIri;Z gS \

65. Define proembryo ?

izkdHkzw.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhth, \

66. Which type of embryo is present in Capsella plant ?

dsIlsyk esa Hkwz.k fdrus cht i= gksrk gS \

67. Define endosperm hausforia ?

Hkzw.kiks"k ;wodk.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhth, \

68. Define polyembryony ?

cgqHkq.krk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhth,\

69. Who discovered recessive gene theory concept ?

vizHkkoh thu dk fl)kUr fdu oSKkfudks us izfrikfnr fd;k \

70. Who used the term apomixis for the first time ?
vlaxtuu 'kCn dk lcls izFke ckj iz;ksx fdl oSKkfud us fd;k \

71. Name the flower which shows polyembryong ? Give to example ?

fogyu cgqHkq.krk fdl iq"i esa ikbZ tkrh gS \ mnkgj.k crkbZ, \

72. Define false polyembryony.

vkHkklh cgqHkzq.krk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhth, \
Section - B
1. What is the meaning of classification ?
oxhZdj.k ds vFkZ dks le>kb;s A

2. What is the relation between classification and Identity ?

oxhZdj.k ,oa igpku esa D;k laca/k gS \

3. Write explanitury note on Gems concept ?

oa'k ldYiauk ,d laf{kIr fVIif.k fyf[k;s \

4. Explain ICBN (International Code for Botanical Nomenclature) ?

okuLifrd ukedj.k dh vUrjkZ"Vªh; dwV dks le>kbZ, \

5. On the basis of morphology, classification is divided into which four types ?

vkdf'kdh ds vk/kkj ij oxhZdj.k dks fdu pkj Hkkxksa esa foHkkftr fd;k x;k gS \

6. Explain De candole family ?

Mh dsUMksyh Qsfeyks dks le>kb, \

7. Define and explain Alpha taxonomy ?

,YQk ofxZdh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhth;s \

8. Throw light on the Aim of classification ?

ofxZdh ds mn~ns'; ij izdk'k Mkfy, \

9. Explain the catageory/s of consolidation phase ?

,d=hdj.k dh i|fr;ka fdruh esa foHkkftr gS \

10. Define Neumerical taxanomy ?

la[;ked ofxZdh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhth, \

11. Explain about the origin of Anigosperms ?

vko`Ùkchft;ksa dh mRifÙk dky ij djsaA

12. Write short note on old living Angiosperms ?

iqjkru thfor vko`Rochth ikni le>kbZ, \

13. Comment on the stamens of family malvaceae ?

dkyolh dqy esa iqex in djsA

14. Explain with the help of labelled diagram the type of infloresence in sub family mimosideace.
ekbdkslksbMks dqy esa iq"iØe dks lfp= o.kZu dj crk, \

15. Write and explain the sub-families of Leguminacene ?

ysX;wfduslh dqy ds midqyks dks uke crkb,a \
16. Write the characteristics features of family pannculaceae ?
jstudqyslh dqy ds eq[; y{.k fy[kh, \

17. Write short notes on the medicinal plants of family Apinceae ?

,fo,lh dqy esa vkus okys vkso/kh; ikniksa ij djsa \

18. Explain the economic importance of plants of family Asteraceac ?

,LVjslh dqy dk vkfFkZd egRo iq"iks@ikniksa ls le>kb, \

19. Explain diagramiticlly the floral diagram of family Rubiaceae ?

:fc,lh dqy esa ik, tkus iq"ih; vkjs[k dks lfp= le>kb, \

20. Explain medicinal importance of plant Raulfia serpentina ?

jkWdqfYd;k ikS/ks dk vkS"kf/k; xq.k Li"V dhft, \

21. Write the name of three herbs of family Apocyanacene ?

,ikslk;uslh ds rhu {kqi ds uke fyf[k, \

22. Detailed explanatury note on fruit of Apocyanaceae ?

,ikslk;uslh dqy esa ik, tkus okys Qy dk o.kZu djsaA

23. Give floral formula & floral diagram of Nerium plant ?

uhfj;e iq"i es ik, tkus okys iq"ih; vkjs[k o iq"i lw= fy[ks \

24. Explain the type of infloresence present in family Asdepiadece ?

,lDysfi;sMslh dqy dk iq"iØe fdl izdkj dk gksrk gS \ crkb, \

25. Which type of Gynoceium is present in family solanaceae ? Explain.

lksys.kslh dqy es ik, tkus okys tk;kx dks Li"V djsa \

26. Write the economic importance of family Asclepidiacene ?

,lDysfi;sMslh dqy dk vkfFkZd egRo crk, \

27. Explain the structure of Corpusculum ?

dkWjikLdwye (Corpusculum) fd ljpuk le>kb, \

28. Name & Explain the plants which produces Rubber ?

jcj izkIr djus okys ikS/kksa ds ckjs esa fy[kh, \

29. Explain with the help of diagram the infloresence cyathium ?

lk;kfFk;e iq"iØe dk lfp= o.kZu fdth, \

30. Write & explain about the medicinal importance of euphorbinceae family ?
;wQksfcZ,lh dqy ds vkS"k/kh; egRo ds ikS/kksa dk o.kZu dhft, \
31. With the help of floral characteristics assign taxanomic position to liliaceae ?
fyfy,lh dqy ds iq"ih; y{k.kksa dk o.kZu djrs gq, oxhZÑr fLFkfr fy[ksA

32. Explain the medicinal importance of plant colchicum autaminale ?

dksfYode vkWVksEusy ikni dk vkS"kf/k; egRo crk, \

33. What is spike of spikelets ?

Likbd vkWQ LikbdysV (Spike of spikelets) fdls dgrs gS \

34. With the help of three example plants from family poaceae, explain floral characteristics ?
iks,lh dqy ds rhu ikS/kksa dk mnkgj.k ys dj iq"ih; y{k.kksa dk o.kZu djsaA

35. Write the names of three/four plants which produces paper ?

dkxt mRiuu djus okys rhu@pkj iks/kksa ds uke fyf[k, \

36. Explain the structure of flower when cut longitudinally ?

iq"i fd ljpuk yEcor dkV ds vk/kkj in Li"V djsa \

37. Explain the types of floral diversity ?

iq"ih; fofo/krk,a fdrus izdkj fd gksrh gS \ o.kZu djsA

38. Explain the function of flower ?

iq"i ds dk;Z dks le>kb, \

39. Define tapetum and write main functions of tapetum ?

VsihVe dks ifjHkkf"kr dj mlds izeq[k dk;Z dk o.kZu djsA

40. Explain the structure of male Gametophyte with help of suitable Diagram ?
ue ;qXdksikesn dk lfp= o.kZu dhft, A

41. Define Hypostase and explain the function of it ?

gkbiksLVsl dks ifjHkkf"kr dj mlds dk;Z i izdk'k Mkfy, \

42. Write short notes on campylotropous ovule ?

oØorZ chtk.M ij fVIif.k fy[ks \

43. Explain diagramatically about Hemianatropous ovule ?

v/kZizrh; chtk.M dk lfp= o.kZu dhft, \

44. Name the three families whoes ovule shows hypostase ?

mu rhu dqyks ds uke dk mYys[k djsa ftuds chtk.M es (Hypostase) gkbiksLVsV gksrk gS \

45. Write short note on the type of ovules ?

chtk.Mksa ds izdkj ij laf{kIr fyf[k, \
46. What is Tenuinucellate ovule and in which family it is present ?
VsuksD;wlhysV chtk.M D;k gS \ vkSj ;g fdl dqy esa ik, tkrs gS \

47. Write the types of embryosacs ? Explain each with the help of suitable example ?
Hkzw.kdks"k fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gS \ gj ,d dks mnkgj.k lfgr fy[ks \

48. Explain detailed structure of mature embryo sec ?

ifjiDr Hkzw.kdks"k dh ljapuk dk o.kZu fdft;s \

49. Explain the function of integuments ?

v/;koj.k ds dk;Z le>kb, \

50. Explain/write three merits of self pollination ?

Liijkx.k ds rhu ykHk li"V dhft;s \

51. Write three demerits of cross pollination ?

ijijkx.k dh rhu gkfu;k¡ Li"v dhft;s \

52. Explain with the help of suitable diagram & example the pollination by insect ?
,d mnkgj.k lfgr dhV ijkx.k dks lfp= le>kb, \

53. Write two differences (any) between monucot embryo and dicot embryo.
,d cht dks Hkzq.k ,oa f}chti=ks Hkzq.k esa nks vUrj crkykb, \

54. By dejining endosperm & taking suitable examples, Explain its types ?
Hkzq.kiks"k dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, mlds izdkj o mnkgj.k lfgr mudk o.kZu dhft, \

Section - C
1. Give detailed explanatory note on Bionomial nomenclature ?
xf}uke i)fr ¼ukedj.k½ fd D;k gS \ foLr`r foospuk dhft;s \

2. Explain in detail about the unit of classification ?

oxhZdj.k dh bZdkbZ ij foLr`r fooj.k fyf[k, \

3. Write the merits and demerits of Benthem and Hooker classification ?

csU;e ,.M gqdn i)fr ds xq.k ,oa nks"k crkb, \

4. Write a detailed note on the History of classification ?

ofxZdh ds bfrgkl in ys[k fyf[k, \

5. Throw light in detail on the Natural System of classification ?

oxhZdj.k dh izkÑfrd i)fr ij foLr`r izdk'k Mkfy, \

6. Write in detail the classification of Engler and prantle ?

,Xyj vkSj iszuVy ds oxhZdj.k dk folr`r o.kZu dhft, \
7. Writ eht main characteristics of family Leguminoceae and give comparative statement of
its sub-families ?
ysX;wfeukslh dqy ds eq[; y{k.k fyf[k, o muds vdqyksa ij rqYukRed fooj.k dhft, \

8. Explain with the help of suitable diagrams the main characteristics of family rannculaceae?
jsuudqyslh dqy ds eq[; y{k.ksa dk lfp= o.kZu dhft, \

9. Give detailed note on the stamens of family malvaceac ?

ekyoslh dqy es ik, tkus okys iqdx in foLr`r forj.k djs \

10. What is stylopodium ? in which family it is present ? Explain in detail with the help of
suitable diagrams ?
LVk;ysiksfM;e D;k gS \ ;g fdl dqy esa ik;k tkrk gS \ bldk lfp= o.kZu dj foLr`r
fooj.k fy[ks \

11. Gi ve an detailed account of the plants of economic importance in family Rubiaceae ?

:fc,lh dqy esa ik, tkus okys vkfFkZd egRo ds ikS/kksa dh foospuk dhft, \

12. Explain the main characteristics features of family apocynaceae and also draw and make
Horal structure & Horal formula of henus catharanthus roscus plant ?
,ikslkbuslh dqy ds fof'k"V y{k.kksa dk mYys[k dhft, ,oa iq"i dsFksjUs Fkl jksft;l dk iq"i
lq= ,oa iq"i fp= Hkh cukb, \

13. Explain diagramatically the structure of translator and and assign its position in plant
calotropis procera ?
VªkWlysVj (Translator) dk lfp= o.kZu dj mldh fLFkfr dsyksjks fil izksljs k iq"i esa Li"V
dhft, \

14. Give the detailed account of plants having medivinal importance for family solanaceae ?
lksysuslh dqy esa ik, tkus okys ikS/kksa dk vkS"k/kh; egRo crk, \

15. Explain the family acanthaceae diagramatically and then suggest its position
classificationally ?
vdsUFksKh dqy dk lfp= o.kZu djrs gq, bl dqy fd oxhZÑr fLFkfr crk, \

16. Draw the floral diagram and floral formula of flower adathuda vasica and also explain
the medicinal importance of the flower ?
,FkkVªksMk osfldk uked iq"i dk iq"i lw=] iq"ih; fp= cukdj bldk vkfFkZd egRo crk, \

17. Explain with the help of suitable diagram the verticellastur infloresence ?
dwVpØd iq"iØe dks lfp= le>k, \

18. Name the plant which shows hynobasic style ? Explain the right position of hynubasic
style selected by you as an example ?
tk;kax ofrZdk (hynobasicstyle) fdl iq"i es ik;k tkrk gS \ ml iq"i ds mnkgj.k es
bldh fLFkfr lfp= Li"V djs \
19. Give detailed note on the pollination in flower salvia ?
lkfYo;k iq"i es ijkd.k fd fof/k dh foLr`r foospuk dhth, \

20. Give an floral formula, floral diagram and economic importance of any one flower of
family liliaceae studied by you ?
vki }kjk v/;;u fd;s x, fyfy,lh dqy ds fdlh Hkh ,d ikni dk iq"i lw=] fp=
cukdj mldk vkfFkZd egRo crk, \

21. Give explanatory note on thefood grain crops plant of family poaceae ?
iks,lh (Poaceae) dqy es vkus okys fofHkUu /kkusa ij foLr`r djs \

22. Write difference between polysepalous and gamosepalous and Didynamous and
Tetradiynamous ?
i`Fkdrkgpnyh; o l;qDrckgenyh; ,o f)nh/khZ o prqnh/khZ esa vUrj crkb, \

23. Flower is a modified shoot ? Explain with example ?

iq"i ,d :ikUrfjr izjksg gS \ mnkgj.k lfgr Li"V djs \

24. Give an allustrated account of male Gametophyte ? Draw labelled diagram also ?
uj ;qXedksn~fHkn dh ljapuk dh foLr`r foospuk dhth, \ fp= Hkh cukb, \

25. Explain diagramatically the process of Gametogenesis ?

xq:chtk.kqtuu dk lfp= o.kZu dhft, \

26. Explain the structure of ovule with the help of suitable diagram ?
chtk.M dh lajpuk dk fp= lfgr o.kZu dhft, \

27. Give the short not on embryosacs types ? Also explain the detailed diagramatic structure
of any one mature embryo sac ?
Hkzq.kdks"k ds izdkjksa dk laf{kIr esa Li"V dhft, ,oa fdlh Hkh ,d izdkj ds ifjiDo Hkzq.kdks"k
dh lajpuk dk lfp= o.kZu djsa \

28. Write explanatory note on the devices of self pollination ?

Loijkx.k ds fy, iq"iksa esa ik, tkus okys vuqdwyu ds ckjs esa Li"V djsa \

29. Write differences between Heterostyle & Herkogamy ?

fo"keofrZdkRo o Lovfu"ksP; vHkfyafxrk ¼gjdksxsdh½ esa vUrj Li"V djs \

30. Give an detail account on the importance of pollination

ijkx.k ds egRo ij foLr`r foospuk dhft, \

31. What do you mean by Double fertilization in plants ? Define and explain the amportance
of double fertilization ?
ikS/kksa esa f}fu"kspu ls D;k vFkZ gS \ ifjHkkf"kr dj f}fu"kspu ds egRo ij Hkh izdk'k Mkfy,\
32. Explain with the help of suitable diagrams the devdopment of munocot embvyo ?
,d cht i=h Hkzw.k ds ifjo/kZu dks lfp= Li"V djs \

33. Define endusperm ? Explain its types ? Explain each with a suitable example ?
Hkzw.kiks"k ifjHkkf"kr djs \ blds fdrus izdkj gksrs gS \ gj ,d dk mnkgj.k lfgr o.kZu
djs \

34. Differenciate between Xenia and Metaxenia ?

thfu;k o esVkthfu;k eas vUrj Li"V djsa \

35. Write an short essay on endosperm haustoria ?

Hkzw.kiks"k pwydkax ij laf{kIr fuca/k fy[kh, \

36. On which particular characters the polyembryony is classified ? Give the detail account
of those characters and classification of poly embvyony ?
ftu y{k.kksa ij cgqHkzq.krk dk oxhZdj.k fd;k tkrk gS \ mu y{k.kksa ,oa cgqHkzq.krk ds
oxhZdj.k ls foLr`r foospuk djsa \

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