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Birth Control Choices and Pregnancy

Journal # 3

Ken Alfred S. Pedreso

Centennial College

Health Promotion/ Personal Well-being - DSWP 121-201

Instructor: Nicole Martindale Coke

Due Date: November 7, 2021

Sexual health refers, by simplest definition, to “a state of optimal well-being related to

sexuality throughout the lifespan. “The World Health Organization (WHO) describes it more

comprehensively as “a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being related to

sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. Sexual health requires

a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual responses, as well as the possibility of

having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence.”

(Hales, D., Lauzon, L., p. 246, 2017)

Sexual health has always been awkward conversation if it is to be discussed among teens

and certain cultures, or families. As a Filipino, my parents have never discussed sexual health

from our teens up to early adulthood. Although, I am not stereotyping all Filipino families, our

family has never been open in this type of discussion maybe because we are Christians and

conservative. Thankfully, I was properly educated in High School and College.

Moreover, the two birth control methods that interest me are Abstinence, outercourse, and

the use of Condoms. As what I know, there is a method or an approach to sexual health that also

decreased and prevented sexual transmitted infections & HIV, and this is ABC: Abstinence,

Being Faithful and Finally, the use of Condoms. Firstly, practicing Abstinence is the most

effective, -if not 100%, way of birth control. This is certain that a woman does not gets pregnant.

In this way, it is also a relationship builder as they can create other form of pleasure and

intimacy. In a religious point of view, it is also not allowed to have pre-marital sex as both them

should remain pure before marriage. Being committed in this form being hard and they should be

patient with each other. Outercourse, however, involves kissing, hugging, sensual touching, and

mutual masturbation are ways to build intimacy without having sex. But in my opinion, this can

be risky as this can build tension and can lead to sex. Being faithful is self-explanatory but this is

important for every couple not to contact sexual diseases.

Finally, if the A and B’s can not be applied, the use of Condoms are most affordable and

efficient way to use contraception. It is not prescribed and can be easily bought. It can also

prevent sexually transmitted infections (with polyurethane condoms).

Abortion is a sensitive topic, as this can divide people. But the biggest impact goes to the

woman who is ambivalent with this decision. For her, it is a huge weight to carry. There are

certain types of abortion: if a woman knows she is pregnant in an early stage, she could use

drugs. And if it is already the first to second trimesters, she could have Dilatation and Curettage

performed, and a hysterectomy. But with these procedures performed, the woman, who or was a

mother - needs a support system. Wherein, she could have guidance in her life experience that

could help her with her decisions.


Hales, D., Lauzon, L., (2017) An Invitation to Health (5th Canadian Edition)

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