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Chemical instrumentation feature

Edited by GALEN W. EWING, Seton Hall University, So. Orange, N. J. 07079 via a Rosenbrock search technique such
that the difference between known and
computed molecular weight averages for
the polymer of interest is minimized.
These articles are intended to serve the readers O ~ T HJOURNAL
I ~
Two approaches are suggested for situa-
tions where a linear calibration does not
by calliny allenlion lo new developmenls in t h Ihemy, & e n , or availability of
adequately describe the true column re-
chemical laboratory instrumenlalion, or by presenting useful insighls and ez- sponse:
planations of topics that are of practical imporlance to those who use, or kach (a) Modify the program t o compute
the use of, modern instrumenlation and instrumental lechniques. The editor polynomial expressionssuch as:
invites correspondence jrom prospective contributors.
GPC ret. vol. = C, - Cnllog,~(mol. wt.)]
- Cs[log,~(mol. wt.)]' ...
LII. Current Trends in Gel Permeation -C,[log,~ (mol. wt.)Jn-1
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and have the computer search for n con-

Chromatography. stants, given n pieces of data for n / 2 to n
broad MWD polymer standards.
( b ) Search for linear segments that can
he put together t o yield a non-linear cali-
Part Two: Methodology bration curve (see Fig. 2).

JACK CAZES, Mobil Reseorch and Development Corp.,

Paulsboro, N. J. 08066

VI. Calibration Alternatively, the widely used "Q-

A variety of more or less "well charao- factor" calibration technique described
terized" polymers is now available for earlier (1) can be used t o determine
calibrating GPC columns for the estima- molecular weight averages for many poly-
tion of molecular weight distributions of meric systems with a cdibration curve
polymeric substances. Table 4 is a list of constructed with narrow MWD poly- Figure 2. Calibration curve condructed from
these commercially available substances. styrene standards. The method works lineor regrnenb
Some &re ~ l a t i v e l ymonodisperse (mea- well only if the GPC column response for
sured M J M , approaches 1.O) while others the polymer of interest is related t o the The most basically sound and uni-
have somewhat broader distributions. polystyrene response by a Constant factor. versally applicable approach should have
The molecular weight averages given in Several techniques have been suggested as its foundation that parameter on which
the table were supplied by the respective for constructing a calibration curve for a GPC separatiansare based, namely, effec-
manufacturers and were determined by a polymer of interest for which there are tive molecular volume in solution. It has
variety of techniques, including light- only available well characterized broad been shown, for s m d , non-polymeric
scattering, membrane osmometry, ultrsr MWD samples. One such method that molecules (19) that molar volumes corre-
centrifugation, vapor pressure lowering, has been used with great success in the late well with GPC retention volumes.
etc. present miter's laboratory, even where Similarly, GPC retention volumes of a
Additionally, the Polytechnic Institute ..
the "Q-factor" method is inamlieable. is
that which has berln d~.wriheclby Purdon
variety of polymers have been correlated
with their hydrodynamic volumes as
of Brooklyn, Polymer Sample Bank has
made available a wide variety of polymer a n a t 1 nrirfly, vhromntop:tms measured viscametrically ($0); that the
samples together with "selected properties for b r o d hnIKI) amplrs of the polymer of hydrodynamic volume is, indeed, a uni-
which will clea~lydifferentiate those com- interest whose molecular weight averages versal parameter regardless of chemical
pounds of similar type." These data are known ere used in conjunction with a type or molecular shape was admirably
while sparse, often, at least, can serve as a calibration curve constructed with narrow shown with such suhstanees as linear. star-
starting point for the construction of a re- MWD polystyrene standards t o yield a shaped, and comb-shaped polystyrenes,
liable calibration curve. Distillation Prod- plot of retention volume versus log (molec- polymethylmetbacrylate, polyvinylchlo-
ucts Industries, Div. of Eastman Kodak ular weight) for the polymer of interest. ride, graft copolymers, polysilotanes, and
Co., Rochester, N. Y. 14603, serves as de- Some slight manual adjustment of the more. Thus, a plot of the logarithm of the
pository and distributor for this project rUNC thw ohtnined is grncrnlly rK?CQ3%3ry, hydrodynamic volume (mol. wt. X in-
and should he contacted for further details. but the result io n mlilmtiort r m w thnt trinsic viscosity) versus GPC retention
Direct calibration of GPC columns in vields relinl,le molcrulnr weight svernges. volume yields a single line regardless of
terms of molecular weight of a given poly- - Another potentially useful approach polymer type with only minor deviations.
mer type remains the method of choice; utilizing two or more known molecular This universal calibration apparently
this is achieved by recording the GPC re- weight averages for one or mare samples of "corrects for" such solution phenomena as
sponse for a series of narrow MWD a polymer of interest involves the use of a polymer-solvent interactions, hetero-con-
standards of the polymer of interest whose digital. computer program developed at tact interactions of copolymers, etc., since
peak molecular weights have been deter- McMaster University (18). (The pro- the measured hydrodynamic volumes of
mined independently and then platting gram is available from Dr. A. E. Hamielec, polymers in solution include the effects of
their GPC retention volumes versus McMaster Univ., Hamilton, Ontario, such interactions.
res~ective~ e a kmolecular weiehts. For Canada.) A linear calibration is as-
sumed: VII. Estimation of Molecular
suffirienlly itamow 3IWD polym~rsit i.r Weight Distribution
often H . I P U ~ I ~ Qthat
~ the p ~ a kmoleeular GPC ret. vol. = C, - Cnlog,, (mol. wt.)
weight i c equivalent t o an average value Conversion of raw GPC data (typically,
such as M. where C, and CSare constants t o he found (Continued on page A606)

Volume 47, Number 8, August 1970 / A505

integral equation that describes the effect herip.: of equation, 11191 nrr u d u l for m t l -
Chrnkal Instrumentcrtlon of instrumental spreading: v r r l i n ~I:!'(: dnts to the variou. nwrnaurt
of tlw r d t c u l n r wrinhr di~triburiontry the
solution by minimization '<Q -fador method are:

the height of the GPC curve at several solution by Fourier transform

points dong the molecular size, or weight, solution by polynomial represent*
axis) t o meaningful molecular weight tion of the chromatogram.
averages sometimes first requires correc-
tion of the dat,a for that part of the axial A detailed discussion of these correction
dispeYsion of the sample that occurs in the techniques is beyond the scope of the
column that is not due t o the GPC molecu- present paper. The reader is referred, for
lar size fractionation process. Many further details, t o the work of Tung (&I),
attempts have heen made t o mathematic- Pierce and Armonas (&&), Hess and Krati:
ally correct for such axial dispersion and ($39, and others ($4-88).
imperfect resolution in GPC columns. For many polymer systems of interest,
None have been universallv auulicable or however, sufficiently accurate and usable
yielded consistently satisfac&y results. molecular weight averages can be calcu-
There are a t least three methods that have lated without the necessity of resorting t o
been used by various workers t o salve the correction of axial dispersion effects. A

Table 4. Available Polymer Standards

a= a" a" Remarks Distributor

= numbwaverage
- molecular
aW= weight-average molecular
= viscosity-average molecu-
lar weight
as= "z"-average molecular
as,,= "z+l"-average molecular
H~ = height of the GPC curve
from the baseline a t a
given value of A;.
D. Linear Hgdrogenated Polybutadicne A i = size, in angstroms (based on
82,000 ... #NL-14095-21 polystyrene calibration)
141,000 ... #NL-140!13-16 of polymer molecules elut-
126,000 ... #NL-14005-11 ing from the column a t 8.
15X,000 ... #NL-14091,-25 retention volume. This
is an extended chain
Peak M.W. = 7,000 "(I& from GPC) length.
Peak M.W. = 17,900 (Data from GPC) K and a = Mark-Houwink viscometric
Peak M.W. = 27,700 (llsta, from GPC) constants.
Peak I\I.W. = 32,000 (Data from GPC) [,I = intrinsicviscosity.
Penk M.W. = 3f,,700 ( I l n t ~irom
, GPC)
Penk h1.W. = 41.700 ( l h t a from GPC) If a direct calibration based on molecular
F. Pol~m~thylrncthacrylatc weight is available for the polymer whose
49,200 19,400 ... DPI #603X; R&H #MS-1034 (6)(7) molecular weight averages are t o be com-
11.5,000 48,600 ... 1)PI #6036; Il&H XMS-1030 (6)(7) puted, then one can replace Ai in the equa-
267.000 12.5.000 ... D P I #6041; H&R #MS-1036 (6)(7) tions with Mi (molecular weight of poly-
mer molecules eluting from the column at
-700 a given retention volume) and then elimi-
-1, ,500 #700-2 nate the "&" factor from each equation,
-3,650 @&'<1.4 #700-3 sinceMi = AiQ.
-4,830 Mw/ACn<1.3 $7004 A computer program has been written
>6,000 .., g700-5 far both the G.E. and Com-Share time-
Prwsnre Chem. Co., 3419-25 Smallman St,., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15201 sharing computer sysbems which computes
(1) molecular weight averages according t o
I l o y Chem. Co., Midland, Xlch. 48640
(2) the above equations. Additionally, it
(A) Nahonal Bureau of Sl,andards, Wnshingt,on, 1). C. 20234 converts these to average degrees of poly-
(4) Ar-llo Lahs, Inc., 1107 W. Jefferson St., Jaliet,, Ill., 60434
( 5 ) Phillips Petroleum Co., P. 0.Box 968, Phillips, Tex. 78071 merization (DP) by dividing the molecular
(6) Rohm and Haas, Independence Mall, Phil*., Pa. 19105 (Continued a page A608)
(7) The Polymw Bank, Distillation P~.odoctsIndustries, Rochester, N.

A506 / Jovrnol o f Chemical Education

6PC CURVE NUMBER 7 0 0 1 9

weight averages by the formula weight of a SAMPLE CALCULATIBhl**I30 MARCH I 9 7 O t t l J . CAZES

single repeating monomer unit. A sample
tabular output, via Teletype, is given in C A L I B R A T I B N NO.: 1-20-69
Figure 3. The computer also provides a. SBLVENT: THF FLBW: 2 ML./MIN. T E M P - I 4 0 DEG. CENT.
normalized differential plot and s. normsl- CPLUMNS: 1 0 1 3 ~ 1 . 5 X I O t 4 ~ 1 0 1 5 ~ 5 X I 0 ~ 6
ired integral plot on the teletypewriter PBLYSTYRENE STANDARDS
whenrequested t o do so.
A more extensive computer program has
been described (92.9) which first applies MBLEC'JLAR DEGREE RF
mathematical smoothing to the data.paints WEIGHT + PBLYMERIZATIBN
and then computes molecular weight
averages from the smoothed data. I n
addition to the tabular output this pro-
gram also produces several plots and har-
graphs. A useful feature of the plotting
routines of this program is the ability to
compute the plotting scales so that the f e e
tures of interest in the normalized GPC THE I N D I C E S ARE:
curves completely fill the page. Details M Z + l /MZ
are then clearly observable. 3 I 1.98258 0
The validity of the molecular weight in-
formation estimated from GPC data de- VlSCBMETRlC EXPBNENTIASI 7.5000E- I
pends, at least in part, upon the reliability INTRINSIC VISCBSITY = 5.3429E 0
of the calibration curve employed, the Q FACTOR = 4.1400E I
complexity of the polymer system being MBNBMER MBL WT.= I.0400E 2
studied-complexity both in terms of
chemical composition and physical poly- * I F Q s l r T H E N MOL WT AVGS SHOWN ARE ACTUALLY MBLECULAR S I Z E S
dispersity, and upon whether axial disper-
sion corrections have been applied. Often,
the presence of very polar moieties in poly- MOL. MOL. DIFF. CUM. DEGREE 0 F
mer molecules results in complication of HEIGHT SIZE WEIGHT PCT. PCT. PBLYMER.
the separation process by observable ad-
sorptive effects (through solutesolute,
solvenholute, and solute-column suh-
strate interaction). For "well behaved"
system, however, the data given in Table
5 are typical. Accuracy of the GPC-de-
rived higher moments of the MWD is
quite good. Deserving of special notice is
the excellent agreement of the GPC-de-
rived intrinsic viscosities with values de-
termined viscometrically. This observrt-
tion would lead one to suspect that the
availability of GPC data would eliminate
the need for carrying out viscometric mea-
surements rtt several concentrations t o
calculate an intrinsic viscosity. The pres-
ent writer has found this, indeed, to be
the case for several different polymers.
This is especially convenient when GPC
fractionation data are to be obtained for
other purposes anyway.
VIII. Fractionationof Low Molecular
Weight Substances
The current rebirth of liquid chromatog-
raphy has resulted in an awareness that Figure 3. Computer tabular output of molecular weights from GPC input doto.
GPC can satisfy a need that is not satisfied
by other liquid chromatographic methods bio-medical origin under the name "gel of-carbon chain length" based on a C-C
(e.g., classicd approaches to adsorption, filtrtttion." However, relatively few at- bond length of 1.54 angstrom. Thus, if
liquid-liquid partition, and ion exchange). tempts have been made t o put such obser- the contributions of all of the atomic
It offers a. new "handle" for separating vations on a theoretically and predictably groupings (C-atoms, hetero-atom, phenyl,
molecules-size and shape! The early sound basis. More often than not,! gel hydroxyl, carbonyl, etc.) are added to-
development of GPC as a polymer frac-, filtration column response curves (callbra- gether, the resultant effectiue chain length
tionation tool came about because it fdled Lions) have been reported on the basis of should he related to the GPC retention
a specific need, and a det,ector was avail- molecular weight. Such correlations hold volume for any given substance.
able that produced a response that could true only for substances of similar chemical Molar volume was later suggested (51)
he equated to amount of polymer and composition and molecular shape. as a more suitable and generally applicable
could readily be converted to molecular Hendrickson (SO), in 1966, presented a paramet,er for correlation with GPC data.
weight information. This is not generally study of GPC fractionation of 130 low After dl, since the basis for the separation
true for low molecular weight compounds molecular weight compounds with cross- is the molecular volume and not a linear
and development here has been slow, that linked polystyrene gels. He suggested dimension for a molecule, one should not
is, until recently. that the retention volume of a given eom- be surprised by such a suggestion. Molar
Of course, numerous sizebased separa- pound could be predicted on the basis of volumes can he readily calculated from
tions h w e been reported for substances of an empirically derived "effective number- (Cmtinwd un page A510)
Chemical Instrumentation (c) ion-pairs
(d) complexes (including n-complexes)

Table 5. Validity of GPC Data for Pol~stvrener

Pressure Chem. Co., Pittsbrw_h ., Pa. 15201.

L. A. Papasian, private communieatian.
' At 40°C with four columns (lo3, 1.5 X 10: lo6, and 5 X lo61)in series, with THF,
2 ml/min. flow-rate.

experimentally measured densities (SZ) and others, where the attractive forces are
or estimated at any tempereture of interest strong enough t o survive entering and
via,critical properties (33). leaving the gel pores (56).
Solutesubstrate adsorptive effects are
often observed with small molecules, even IX. Recycling Chromatography
when the comparatively nonpolar poly-
styrene gels are used. Interestingly, GPC Ofrm, w e is confronrrd w i ~ ha ~ituation
data for the homologous series of mona- whew adequntc reiolutir~~ of u given mix-
carboxylio acids from acetic to stearic turr mnl.ot be o b f a i ~ ~WWI
d thotqh C:IPC-
show that, as molecular weight increases, ful attention has been given to the proper
apparent adsorptive effects diminish; this selection of column substrate, instrument
is as one would expect, since, as methylene design, and operating conditions. A
groups are added, the resultant carboxylic common answer, at this point, is to in-
acids hecome more "hydrocarbon-like" crease column length by adding more col-
and less "acid-like." umns in series with the original one. This
Solventaolute interactions can readilv ,
approach works well only up to a point.
be i,hcenwI, sirtcc the species thnt result I t is sometimes not a pracbicsl approach
Imm such interactions have largcrcflrcrivr either because of the prohibitive expense
volumes than either of thr 'rcncrnntr" of adding more columns or because the de-
and are, in fact, observed to emerge from a sign features of the instrumentrttion will
GPC columnearlier than thereactants. not permit it (possibly because of space
The molar volume concept can be fur- limitations or because of the unusually
ther used to make stereochemical awign- high pressure that would be encountered
ments. For example, one would predict, when trying to achieve a. reasonable flow
an the basis of estimated molar volumes, rate through avery long series of columns).
that the trans-1,Zdimethyl-cyclohexane Another, more practical and generally
should emerge from the GPC column applicable approach, would be to pass the
sooner than the &-isomer. This is what sample several times thmugh the same cob
is actually observed. umn. This technique, first reported by
GPC can he used as a. "yardstick" for Porath (S6), in called "recycling chroma-
directly measuring the effective volttmes of tography!'
small molecules in solution. I t has been Following its introduction into the
called a "liquid-phase size spectrometer" chromatographic system, a sample is
( 4 ) . With it, one crtn directly study the passed repeatedly (recycled) through the
fundamental forces involved in interm- same column set until the components of
tions of the type: interest have been separated. It is con-
venient to direct the partially resolved
( a ) dipoledipole
( b ) dipoleinduceddipole (Continued on page A618)

A510 / Journal of Chemical Education

familiar law of diminishing returns!).
ChemicaI Instrumentation
Utility of the recycle technique to GPC
mixture through the detector after each separations has been discussed by Bom-
cycle for direct observation of the extent baugh (57). Figure 4 shows the utility
of separation. Components of the sample of recycling chromatography in the frac-
mixture can be removed as they are re- tionation of a mixture of two hydro-
solved while the remainder is further r* carbons. At least two manufacturers
cycled. This cyclic process can only be offer equipment designed for the applica,
continued until tion of recycling (Waters Associates and
l the fastest moving component catches
up to the slowest moving component from X. Applications
the previous cycle ("the snake bites its
own tail"), or, The GPC applications that have been
t h e band widths increase to the point described we far too numerous and varied
at which resolution suffers (the dl-too- to be covered here, and a detailed discus-




150 315 480 630 8W
Figure 4. Recycle reparation of hydrocarbonr.

A512 / Journal o f Chemical Education

Chemical 1nrh.urnentcrtion

sion of them could easily serve as the sub-

ject of a rather large monograph. GPC
has permeated (no humor intended here)
virtually every facet of the chemical indus-
try and has provided a. new "handle" by
which molecular mixtures can be manipu-
lated; it has been extended t o the separa-
tion of very large and very small mole-
cules. Table 6 is a listing of some of the
kinds of miltorials that have been frsc-
tionilted with GPC together with s n indi-
cation of applicable solvents.
XI. Conclusion
The past few years have seen GPC ini-
tially become accepted sr a "way of life"
for the fractionation of polymers and for
the estimation of their molecular weight
distributions. I t has more recently been
applied t o the solution of problems involv-
ing low molecular weight, nonpolymeric
substances. Where will GPC go from
here?-We will see it applied, with ever
increasing frequency, t o the solutiop of
more and diverent separation problems as
x general $separation tool, not only for high
moleeul~rweight substances, but in every-
day applications involving materials cov-
ering t,he entire molecular weight range
from 10 t o lo'! Certainly, it will find an
immediate niche where thermally unstable
low moleeuler weight mixtures are in-
volved (where gas chromatography is in-
applicable) or where siee separation offers
an insight, into the qualitative nature of
unknown substances (cj. above discussion
of the correlation of GPC retention vol-
umes with molar volumes).
The recent and future development of
low cost instrumentation will put GPC, as
well as other liquid chromatographic tools,
in the quality control laboratory and i t
will, no doubt, find applications in plant
monitoring and control. When low cost,
high efficiency column substrates become
available, GPC will find an increased num-
ber of applications in the chemical process
industries. Some molecular siae-based
sepamtions artre being used, on an industrial
scale, in the pharmeeeutical industry
where s. relatively high conversion cost can
be ju~tified. ltecycle operation will im-
prove the economies, but only a drastic de-
crease in the cost and efficiency of the sub-
strate will make sny real impression in this
The wide variety of applications and in-
genuity exhibited by workers in the solu-
tion of 'ieal" problems with GPC support
the present writer's feeling that when con-
sidering GPC as an avenue of approach
one should not ask, "Am I doing it right?"
but rather he should ask, W i l l i t do the
17. Punooa.J. R.,J n . . m n MATE,R.D.. 3.P.11)-
me, Sei.. A l , 6 , 243 (1968).
18. B A L ~ ES., al., Ind. &no. Clem.. Plod.
Rcs. Dcuel., 8 (1). 54 (1969).
19. CASES.J.. AND G*RKILL,D. R..Sep'n. 5ci.. 2 ,
421 (1967); ibid.. 4, 15 (1969).
20. Gnusrs~c,Z., d el., J . P o l y m r Sci., B5, 753
(Calinued a page A614)

Volume 47, Number 8, August 1970 / A51 3

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