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Hi! Im Mat, today im going to show you on how to use hammer and tape measure.

A hammer is a simple tool designed to manually drive nails, brads, and other fasteners into
softer materials, such as wood or drywall. 
But how to use this?

1 First, Hold Hammer Correctly. Get a firm grip and hold the hammer at the end of the handle. 

2. Then, Hit the Nail. When using the hammer, make sure to hit the surface of the nail squarely
with just the right amount of force. That means not to use all your force to pound hard, nor it be
too soft to almost seems like you are just tapping it. In order to hit the nail directly, allow the
weight of the hammer to do the work and not your arm.
The next step is to Follow a consistent force and pace when pounding until the nail is set
properly and is flushed to the wood.

3. Ofcourse we should Ensure a clean work area. An important reminder, the wood or object you are
working with should be placed on a hard surface. And it is also necessary to keep your area
clean and clear from any debris.


A tape measure or measuring tape is a flexible ruler used to measure size or distance.

How to Use a Tape Measure

To show you how, were going to measure this wood

One you know how to read a tape measure, using one is actually pretty simple.

To use a tape measure, pull the tang out from the housing and hook it on the edge of the object
to be measured.

Then, Stretch your tape across your project until you reach your desired length/measurement.
Try to keep the tape as straight as possible when doing so
After that, Lock the tape in place using the thumb lock so it doesn't retract
Then Take your reading and either mark it out or write it down

And that’s it! That is how we use hammer and tape measure. Thank you for watching! I hope
you learn something in this video.

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