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1. How is the principle of sequential implicativeness shown in the presentation of the story
The principle sequential implicativeness is shown merely in the content of the story
which links the first sentence to the second sentence, as well as in the following sentences
that made the readers easily grasp the idea of the story. The text of the story is also well
constructed and due to the arrangement of the story and its related thoughts, the outcome
came good because of its unity and cohesion.

2. What context is created?

The mountain introduced a context of a two different kind of people which are the
mountain people that indicates they are much stronger and more privileged than the
lowlanders, which is why they abducted a child. And even though they are of the same
tribe, their faith and willingness will still vary from each other. The scene where the
fighting men really tried their best to climb the mountain that leads to climbing it several
times but it became harder to them because their faith and courage to get the baby back is
not enough knowing that they are not related to the baby. The last scene in which the
fighting men is amazed that the mother is already holding her baby, considering that she
is just a woman, indicates that it is not about the gender and type of people, but with love,
faith and courage. The meaning is undoubtedly well organized and it will bring your
mind to a broader perspective that will make you appreciate the story's expressions and

3. Identify the surface text and the deep text in the story.
Surface text is one which a person can hear or feel, set of expressions, and the literal view
of the text or context. The surface text in the mountain story is the feelings of the
fighting lowlanders as they attempt to climb the mountain to find the baby. They feel
hopeless and helpless because they cannot reach and find the place of the mountain
people. But they got surprised when they’re ready to return to their village below because
they saw the mother with her baby and asked her what she did to climb the mountain and
how it happened that she was able to find her baby because even those strongest and
abled men cannot do it, then there she is carrying her baby. The girl only shrugged her
shoulders and said “It wasn’t your baby.” It is the surface text because it shows what the
fighting men feel and hear in the story, it shows us that they feel hopeless and helpless
because they got tired easily and that they don't have faith and willingness to get the baby
Deep text is one that defines the inner thoughts of humans and includes the meaning
behind the text or context. The author illustrates the nature of human souls in the
mountain story, the hardships and achievements to be passed along the journey of life for
everybody. In the scene where the fighting men saw the mother, the fighting men

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encountered numerous difficulties climbing the mountain and finding the baby. But they
decided to stop along their way because they began to feel hopeless and helpless and did
not care about the outcome if they did not decide to stop their journey. On the other hand,
the mother was very determined to find her baby so she decided to climb the mountain
herself and even though it’s hard, tiring and uncertain. Yet, she managed to find her baby
because of the faith she has. She is courageous because she was able to ride her life's
roller coaster ride, where she faces happiness and struggling stages in her life to
accomplish her desired goal in life. This is the deep text because it reminds us to be
faithful and just go with the flow in the roller coaster ride. We will rise to the surface after
the downs or battle of life, where we will fulfill our happiness and desired purpose or
goals in life.

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