Calibration of GPC Systemsto Determine MN MW

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Gel permeation chromatography separates sample molecules by differences in effective molecular size in solution.
Separation is accomplished as a result of the pore size distribution in the packing material. Molecules too large to
penetrate any of the pores are unretained by the column packing ( totally excluded ) and elute first . Slightly
smaller molecules penetrate some of the pores, are retained on the column, and elute somewhat later. Molecules
small enough to penetrate all of the pores are retained on the column longest and elute last. The consistency of
this technique allows determinations of weight- average molecular weight ( M y ), number-average molecular
weight ( Mj ), and molecular weight distribution, and dispersity for polymeric materials. ^
In many instances , it is not necessary to obtain If it is deemed necessary to obtain numerical data ,
numerical values for these parameters. Differences attention must be paid to :
in molecular weight distributions are obvious if
GPC curves are compared. Curve overlays are suffi¬ Sample preparation ,
cient for most quality control uses.
Sample injection ,

Column selection ,
Calibration method ,
PACKING: /i S T Y R A G E L 103 A, 5 0 0 A , 5 0 0 A, 1 0 0 A, 1 0 0 A
FLOWRATE : 4 . 0 m l/ m i n Baseline determination , and
Computation .

H E A V Y - BO D1 1 D A L K V D
— * 5 \ M!’I i PHEPAH VI' ION

Sample preparation for GPC , as for any mode of

liquid chromatography , is usually quite easy. The
TIME ( min )
polymer to be analyzed is dissolved in the mobile
phase and chromatographed within the next 24
hours. Agitation ( with a magnetic stirrer or lab ¬
If obtaining numerical values for the molecular oratory shaker ) aids in dissolving the sample.
weight averages and dispersity parameters is impor ¬
tant , GPC can generate the necessary data . With BECAUSE THEY MAY CAUSE POLYMER DEG¬
proper calibration procedures, statistical data very RADATION .
close to that obtained by classical techniques are
generated . Usually molecular weights obtained by After the sample is dissolved , it should be filtered
GPC are relative to the calibration method employed . to remove any material likely to clog the columns.
The procedures given here are general approaches ; Filters with pore sizes between 0.4 /mi and 0.5 /im
sometimes more in -depth work is required . Refer ¬ should be used . Waters Associates’ Sample Clarifica ¬
ences to more sophisticated calibration techniques tion Kit for organic solutions provides a convenient
are given on the last two pages. means of filtering samples for the ALC /GPC 200 series


of instruments. For filtering aqueous solutions for use Along with sample concentration , mobile phase
with the water-wettable GPC packing materials use consistency is an important consideration in sample
Waters’ Sample Clarification Kit for aqueous solutions. preparation . All solvents require agitation. This
Both kits are described in DS-043. may be supplied by a magnetic stirrer or by a large
mixing chamber , depending upon the GPC instrument
The presence of a cross-linked microgel in a sample used . A list of the most commonly used GPC sol¬
that appears clear to the eye may be revealed by vents is given in the table below.
filtration . If a microgel is present , it can clog the
filter and prevent the passage of smaller molecules. If S AM P I T. ] INJECTION
the filter clogs, excessive and increasing pressure will
be needed for filtration. Should this occur, decrease Samples can be injected through a fixed volume
the sample concentration and / or use a prefilter. valve and loop as in traditional GPC or the Model
U6K Universal Injector may be used . For high¬
For most polymers a sample concentration of speed / high-resolution GPC , on /aSTYRAGEL? the
0.25% will minimize the possibility of viscous finger ¬ Model U 6K must be used . For a complete descrip¬
ing caused by high concentrations of polymer , par¬ tion of this injector , refer to DS 036.
ticularly high molecular weight polymers. Viscous
Fingering can result in changes in peak retention Before injecting the sample , however , a stable
volumes and band shapes. baseline must be obtained .

An unknown sample should be chromatographed COLUMN SELECTION

at successively decreasing concentrations until con ¬
stant retention volume and chromatographic band Use of the proper columns is essential in obtain ¬
shape are observed . However , a balance must be ing optimum separations. Columns should be chosen
made between a concentration that avoids viscous so that their calibration curves are linear over the
fingering and one that provides adequate detector polymer distribution range. Samples may have to be
response. A response that approximates that obtain ¬ chromatographed initially on a very broad range
ed with the calibration standard is ideal . column set in order to estimate the range of interest .



TETRAHYDROFURAN 66 0.889220 0.51 @ 25° 1.407020

1, 2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 213 1.462325 0.50 @ 135° 1.552425
TOLUENE 110.6 0.86620 0.52 @ 25° 1.489324
mera — CRESOL 202 1.03420 16.9 @ 20° 1.534820
/V, A/- DIM ETHYL FORMAMIDE * 153 0.944525 0.90 @ 25° 1.4280325
WATER t 100 0.999920 1.0 @ 20° 1.3330020
CHLOROFORM 61.2 1.48920 1.447620
1 , 1 , 2, 2 TETRACHLOROETHANE 146.5 1.5865825 1.4941920
TRIFLUOROETHANOL 73.6 1.382325 0.9 @ 38° 1.290720
*DMF should not be used with packings with pore sizes less than 103 A

^ Water should not be used across STYRAGEL or /xSTYRAGEL .

Such a broad range column set is fashioned by join ¬ TYPICAL GPC CALIBRATION CURVE
ing several columns of different exclusion limits and
different linear ranges. However , for optimum resolu ¬ n5
tion , a column set should be chosen so that each col¬
umn plays an important part in the separation . The
range of the column set should only be broad enough
to cover the range of interest . n *


Both direct and indirect methods of calibrating
GPC columns have been used to obtain molecular a y
weight averages. With polymers for which narrow § n2

molecular weight distribution standards are commer¬

cially available ( e. g. , polystyrene ) , a direct calibration PERMEATION
on the basis of molecular weight can be made . If
standards are not commercially available , they must id \

either be prepared or an indirect method used .

V¡ -
Hired Calibration

Prepare fresh calibration standards in the same man ¬ ANALYSIS CONDITIONS

ner as samples, but use 0.1 % concentrations. (Stand¬ SOLVENT : THF

ards available from Waters Associates are listed in the COLUMNS: 106, 105. 104, 103
table on the following page.) As many standards as
30 C
FLOW: 1 ml / min. 910 p /ft
possible should be run in the range of interest. If the
sample is totally unknown, it may be necessary to chro¬ 1.8x10

1.8 x 10® 48,000 A

matograph it first to determine the estimated range. 867 K 20, 200 A
867 K 9, 800 A
173 K 4,160 A
Be sure each injection point is clearly marked . LiJ 104 2.360 K
With the Model U 6 K Universal Injector this is done CO
1, 220 A
20 K 480 A
automatically .
< 98 K
10 K 244 A
117 A

Measure the retention volume or time of each 3

LU 51 K
p - DCB 7.7A

standard from the start of injection to the maximum o 103

of the chromatographic peak . Plot this value (on the 20 K

linear x-axis) on semilog paper vs. the corresponding 10 K

value (on the logarithmic y-axis) of the peak molecular

weight , peak M (listed on the standard ), for each stan¬ 102
dard. Draw a smooth curve through the points plotted
to obtain the calibration curve.

26 28 30 34 36 38 £) o- DCB
Indited Calibration

If narrow molecular weight distribution standards

of the polymer of interest do not exist , such standards Stylized and actual GPC calibration curves are shown
above. It should be emphasized that each calibration curve
can be prepared by GPC fractionation of a broad is related to a unique set of columns. If even one column of
molecular weight distribution sample or an indirect that set is replaced — even by another with the same exclusion
method of calibration can be applied. limit -the whole set must be recalibrated .
POLYSTYRENE is then calculated for the polymer according to the
equations given in the section on computation. These
Nominal molecular size averages are then converted to mole¬
Catalog Weight Average
Number Molecular Weight
Suggested cular weight averages by a Q factor, /. e. , a conver¬
Mw % sion factor determined for the polymer of interest.
26971 2,000
^ ^ = QAj^
25169 4,000
0.25 - QA y , M
25171 10,000 0.25
25168 20,000 0.25
25170 80,000 0.10 Q is experimentally determined by obtaining GPC
41995 100,000 0.10 curves for a number of samples of the polymer of in ¬
41984 200.000 0.10
25166 400,000 0.05 terest whose molecular weight averages are known
25167 700,000 0.05
61970 2,500,000
( via light scattering , osmometry , viscometry , etc.)
41746 4,000,000 0.05 Q, the number of molecular weight units per angstrom
of molecular size, can then be calculated by the follow¬
POLYPROPYLENE ( GLYCOL ) ing equations:
Weight Average
Molecular Weight
Q= Mw / Aw = MN / AN
Mw %
Similar Q values should be obtained from both
41993 800 0.25
41994 1.200 0.25 equations. If not , the Q-factor method is not
41985 2,000 0.25 applicable , and another calibration method must
41983 4,000 0.25
be chosen.

A GPC Calibration Kit ( request DS 045 ) is also available When using the Q - factor method, the analyst
from Waters Associates. The kit contains standards , syringes, should realize that wide deviations in results will
and semilog graph paper . result if his samples are of copolymers which vary in
composition , blends of two polymers where the blend
One of these indirect methods which can be applied ratios differ , or polymers where the degree of branch¬
successfully is the “ Q- Factor Method ” . Briefly, it ing or cross-linking varies from sample to sample.
consists of estimating the molecular size averages of
the polymer from its GPC curve and a molecular size
calibration curve for polystyrene. The polystyrene
calibration curve is prepared as described in the On the chromatogram , mark the retention volumes
section on direct calibration except that the MOLE¬ Vt
for the start ( Vj) and finish ( ) of the polymer chro¬
matogram . Draw a linear baseline from before Vj to
CULAR SIZE (extended chain length in angstroms)
is plotted instead of molecular weight — molecular after Vj.. If the baseline is drawn from Vj to Vj., small
size is given on the standard container. Molecular size rises may be overlooked .

polystyrene sample.
/ \ FLOWRATE : 2.0 ml / min
32 /1 l DETECTORS: Rl : 8x
HEIGHT 82 mm
\ 36
31/ \\37l 38
1 HT > 42
-uiTi 11 I. I 11 ixi
28 2930 '
FIG. 3
COM P i l i ATI O PS Once the molecular size averages have been deter¬
mined , multiply them by the previously determined
Once the baseline has been determined , measure Q-factor to obtain the corresponding molecular
peak heights to three significant figures for about 15 weight averages. Dispersity then is the ratio ,
equally spaced points along the GPC curve . Tabulate MW/ MN.
these data under the headings shown below.

1 2 3 4 5
VOLUME OR ( mm ) OR MOL WT Col 2 /Col 3 Col 2 X Col 3

If calibrating directly , list molecular weights in EXAMPLE

column three and determine molecular weight av¬
erages by the following equations:
The chromatogram on the preceding page is of a
polystyrene sample. Since narrow molecular weight
Mjyj = 2 Column 2/ 2 Column 4 distribution standards are available for this material,
a direct calibration method was chosen. Eight poly¬
= 2 Column 5 / 2 Column 2 styrene standards were run and the calibration curve
shown below obtained.
These equations are based on the theoretical
equation :
(masa total de la población) POLYSTYRENE MOLECULAR
(Fig. 4)
2 NjM:
M* o 1 1

2 NjMj b 1 '
(generación de sistema polidisperso discreto)
Q 867 K

where b is a constant , any whole integer , and M* = 411 K

MN when b = 1 , when b = 2, and Mz when

b = 3. 173K
98 K
The elution volume is directly relatable to Mj, the
51 K
molecular weight , and the amplitude of the curve is
directly relatable to Nj, the number of molecules
20 K
present at that molecular weight.
C3 104 10 K
If using the Q-factor for indirect calibration , list £ 5K
chain length in angstroms in column three and deter¬ DC
mine molecular size averages by replacing M in the
preceding equations with A.

° 103 SOLVENT:
5 x 10®, 7 x 105,
Ajy[ = 2 Column 2 / 2 Column 4 1.5 x 10* 103,
700 A
Ayy - 2 Column 5 / 2 Column 2 TEMPERATURE : 22°
FLOW RATE : 2 ml / m in o- DCB
102 STANDARDS USED: 867 K 20 K
i b 411 K 10 K
2 N: A; 173K 5K
A* _ _
98 K o- DCB
¿ TT71 51 K
N:1 A1:

then A * = AN when b = 1, Aw when b = 2 , and COUNTS
A when b = 3.
Values obtained from the chromatogram and from the calibration curve were then entered on the sheet
shown here . was calculated to be 13,000 and Myy 2 ,068 ; D = 2.5 .
(Fig. 3/Fig. 4)

ft 1


VOLUME OR ( mm ) OR MOL WT Col 2/Col 3 Col 2 X Col 3
30 1.0 340 K 0.000029 340,000
31 17 162 K 0.000105 2,754,000
32 82 77 K 0.001065 6,314,000
33 194 35K 0.005543 6,790,000

34 180 19 K 0.009474 3,420,000

35 90 12 K 0.007500 1,080,000
36 41 7.8 K 0.005256 319,800
37 26 5.2 K 0.00500 135,200
38 13.5 3.6 K 0.003750 48,600
39 8.5 2.0 K 0.004250 17,000
40 6 1.3K 0.004615 7,800
41 2.5 820 0.003049 2,050
42 0.5 510 0.000980 255

662 0.050616 21 ,228 ,705

MN = 2 Col 2/ 2Col 4 Mw = 2 Col 5/ 2 Col 2

MN = 662/0.05062 = 13,000 Mw = 21 ,228,705/ 662 = 32,067.53

The calibration techniques described here are general approaches. The following list of references will be use¬
ful if more sophisticated calibration techniques are required .
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