Persuasive Writing (Romanes)

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Should minors have a curfew?

Good day! My name is Chris John T. Romanes from MT PBST 11 A1, I’m here to enlighten you about the
speech that I made, titled “Should minors have a curfew?”. Before I start, I want you to prepare your
listening and understanding to the persuasive writing I did.
The teen age years are a time when young people are constantly pushing boundaries and testing limits.
This is a natural part of growing up. Teenagers have always enjoyed staying out late, but some cities have
curfew laws preventing this. Even though most teens are against these laws, their parents usually support
them. Curfew laws are necessary and should be enforced in all cities.
There are several reasons why there should be a curfew for minors. Minors need to be protected, and the
best way to do this is to make sure they aren’t out late at night. There is no reason for teens to be out past
ten o’clock, since nothing good can happen at that hour. In fact, a recent study showed that youth crime
dropped 15% in cities with curfews. Finally, if a teenager is not safe in his bed, his parents will certainly be
worried. Some people might argue that minors should not have a curfew. They would probably say that
unforeseen circumstances could cause someone to get home late, or that curfew laws take away individual
freedom. They might even argue that parents, not the city, should make curfew decisions for their children.
The opposition is wrong on all three counts. While some might argue against curfew laws, their arguments
are weak. If you are worried that something unforeseen might cause you to be out past curfew, you should
simply make a plan. Being unprepared is no excuse. The opposition also argues that minors need freedom,
but this is wrong. They need safety and protection. Finally, we all know that parents do not always do what
is best for their children, so we cannot assume that all parents will make the right decision in this case.
Clearly, we can disregard all three of these arguments.
It is clear that students need curfew laws to keep them safe. Teens will always want to stay out late, but the
threat to their safety is too great. Cities must enforce curfew laws immediately in order to protect young
people. Without these laws, teens may pay the price for crossing boundaries that exist for their own good.

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