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Clinical instructors must help students to have sufficient opportunity to be exposed to a specific

nursing field. They must educate students on how to deal with and confront circumstances,

allowing them to progress and develop into a competent and independent healthcare provider in

the future. The clinical instructor's key responsibilities include supervising all clinical activities

of student nurses while exhibiting caring behaviors and appropriate teaching characteristics. 

They must be well-prepared in a specific topic and clinical issues when dealing with nursing

students. In order to improve nursing students' clinical learning, they should also provide

ongoing support and encouragement. (Mukan, et al.,2021).

Thompson, et al., (2016) conducted a study that aimed to identify nursing students' perceptions

of clinical instructor characteristics and accumulated demographic data from every respondent in

the sample population. The findings revealed a significant difference between both the 2nd and

3rd year participants' perceptions on the characteristics of clinical instructors while the five

sections were ranked differently by both year groups. The categories were listed through the
following sequence by 2nd year nursing students: a) interpersonal relationship, b) teaching

strategies, c) comprehension and experiences, d) evaluation methods, e) personal

characteristics while 3rd year participants ranked the following: a) evaluation methods, b)

comprehension and experience, c) teaching strategies, d) interpersonal relationship and e)

personal characteristics. Personal characteristics, on the other hand, were regarded as the least

important by both year groups, indicating that both year levels believe that personal

characteristics are the least crucial characteristic of clinical instructors. However, they also differ

in their ranking of the other categories, indicating that they have different perspectives on which

characteristics are most important to them. This shows that students have different perceptions in

the teaching characteristics of their instructors.  Students in 2nd year may require more nurturing,

whereas students in their 3rd year are more accustomed to the approach of teachers and require

minimal interaction with the instructor.

Same study that was conducted by Thompson, et al. (2016) that explored the perceptions of

nursing students on characteristics of clinical instructors had more nursing students under 26

years old which indicates that the most of the participants were mostly youths which

means that they have fresh or new ideas and innovative ways to complete specific tasks.

Furthermore, analysis of the differences for the five categories by age groups has been measured.

It was revealed in the study that four out of the five categories, including interpersonal

relationships, personal characteristics, teaching strategies and evaluation methods has a

significant difference between the age groups as perceived by nursing students. However, the

category which is the comprehension and experiences had similar mean ratings among age

groups. The mean scores for all categories increased as the age group also increased
which indicates that older respondents rated each category higher than younger respondents. All

of the categories generated high mean scores which indicate that students value these

teaching characteristics of clinical instructors regardless of the category. It's possible that age is

related to the year group yet there were still significant differences as perceived.

How Clinical Instructors Practice Caring Behaviors

Noddings (2005) considered that the act of caring was fulfilled when the learner

recognized the teacher's caring behaviors. He also believed that, despite their sincere concern for

their students, clinical instructors were unable to establish genuine caring relationships with

them. "Caring teachers listen and respond differently to their students," Noddings remarked. He

highlighted the need of acquiring students' trust by maintaining a long-term relationship. In

addition, according to Nel Noddings, the four critical components of educators' caring

perspectives are modeling, dialogue, practice and confirmation.


Educators are concerned with learners' development as carers and care-for from a care

perspective. Educators must demonstrate what it means to care about their behavior. "We do not

merely tell them to care and give them texts to read on the subject, we demonstrate our caring in

our relations with them," (Noddings,1998).


The objective is to engage instructors and students in dialogue about caring. According to

Noddings, “ Dialogue is such an important aspect of care that we couldn't model caring without

engaging in it.” Furthermore, it is critical to communicate openly about and explore our care

since it can express in a variety of ways. As a result, it can assist them in critiquing and to better
understand their interpersonal connections and practices. In other words, it helps educators to

assess their efforts to care by the feedback they receive from the recipients of their care who are

the students. Most importantly, dialogue contributes to the development of those who are cared



Nel Noddings (1998) also contends that the experiences wherein individuals immerse themselves

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