Field Study 1 Learning Episode

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Field Study 1 Learning Episode Demonstrating An Understanding Of

Research-Based Knowledge Principles

FS 1 9 Of Teaching And Learning

Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in revisit the
learning essentials. I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of
learning. I can cite more than one evidence per principle of learning.
1. Effective learning begins with the As a resource teacher, for a better
setting of clear and high learning of the students Teacher presents
expectations of learning outcomes. via projector about her intended learning
outcome regarding the topics.
2. Learning is an active process. Students are encouraged to use to think
hard rather than passively receive
information from the teacher. Students
are the one who formulate their own idea.
The teacher let the student to actively
participating from the class discussion
and engage in educational learning
3. Learning is the discovery of The teacher relates lessons to the
personal meaning and relevance needs, interests, and problems of the
of ideas. learners. The teacher gives an
opportunity to the students to create and
share their ideas regarding the topic and
discuss it in front of the class.

4. Learning is a cooperative and a Cooperative groups work face-to-face

collaborative process. Learning is and learn to work as a team. In small
enhanced in an atmosphere of groups, students can share strengths and
cooperation and collaboration. also develop their weaker skills.

1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

 For me, I think it is the principle of learning number 2, 3 and 4 because as

I have observe the students are able to adopt knowledge and receive the
learning when the teacher make the learning to be active means that
when there is a process of exchanging thoughts, ideas and experience
and also skills. The way that the students will able to learn by doing it by
their selves is the way they can express it and learn it and execute it to
their learning process.

 However the least applied is the principle learning number 1 which is the
Effective learning begins with the setting of clear and high expectations of
learning outcomes. Teachers have their own way to execute learning to
the class, so therefor there is a lot of conflict in between the materials that
they will be able to provide the whole week.

Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?

From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?
 For me the most important part is the cooperative and a collaborative
process. Learning is enhanced in an atmosphere of cooperation and
collaboration. Because there are more that students who are more than
active, they are more absorbing the enjoyable learning environment where
they can function as well they are being facilitate by their teacher from
what they doing right or wrong and they are becoming more collaborative
to other information and idea to conclude in the best ways.
Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated.
Determine if the learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not. Give evidence.
1. Write the learning outcomes stated in the lesson.




2. Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.






1. Do smart objectives make the lesson more focused?

Lessons learned in determining SMART learning outcomes.


I will observe one resources teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the
guide questions. I shall reflect on my observation and analysis.
Did teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Or were they
mere passive recipients of instruction?

Was the emphasis on the mastery of the Was the emphasis on the students’
lesson or on the test? Prove. application of the lesson in real life? Give

Was class atmosphere competitive? Was class atmosphere collaborative?

Why? Why?
Did teacher focus only on one Did the teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

A) Constructivist- connected to pat experiences of learners; learners constructed
new lesson meanings

- the student seek information by their own

B) Inquiry-based

- students engage in their own learning, they are given a task by their teacher

C) Developmentally appropriate-learning activities fit the developmental stage of

- the students given an activity which is a group reporting

D) Reflective
- The teacher ask question to the students during and after discussion to let
speak their thoughts and ideas.

E) Inclusive- No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody.

- all students are participating in all activities like group reporting.
F) Collaborative- Students worked together
- the students share ideas to each other and do the task given to them

G) Integrative – lesson was multidisciplinary – e.g in science, math concepts were


1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely subject matter for mastery
and for the test?

2. If you were to reteach the classes you observe, would you be teacher-centered
or student-centered? Why?

Reflect on principles of teaching worth applying


DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Teacher Rose believes that student need not know the intended learning
outcome of her lesson. She proceeds to her learning activities at once without
letting them know what they are supposed to learn for the day. Which principle of
learning does Teacher Rose negate?
A) Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
B) Learning is an active process.
C) Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
D) Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
2. Teacher Lil avoids drills out of context. She gives real-world Math problems for
students to drill on. Teacher Lil is very much convinced of which of what principle
of learning?
A) Learning is an active process.
B) Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning of ideas.
C) Learning is a cooperative and a collaborative process.
D) Effective learning begins with setting clear expectations and learning
3. For meaningful teaching and learning, it is best to connect the lesson to the life of
students by integrating a relevant value in the lesson. Which principle is applied?
A) Lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes must integrate 2 or 3
domains cognitive, skill and effective or skill affective.
B) Begin with the end in mind.
C) Share lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes with student.
D) Write SMART lesson objectives/intended learning outcomes.
4. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate their own work using the scoring
rubric which he explained to the class before the students began with their task.
Based on revised Bloom’s taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing are
the students?
A) Evaluating
B) Synthesizing
C) Applying
D) Analyzing
5. You are required to formulate your own philosophy of education in the course,
the teaching profession. Based on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which of
cognitive processing are you?
A) Analyzing
B) Applying
C) Creating
D) Evaluating


Post proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this episode. You may attach the
lesson plan(s) used by your resources teacher to show the intended learning outcomes
and the method used in class.
Field Study 1 Learning Episode The Instructional Cycle
FS 1 10
Observe one class with use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze my
observations with the help of the guide question.
1. The more senses that are involve, e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion
the more and the better the takes place and a model of the human
learning. digestive system.

2. Learning is an active process. Teacher is not only discussed her lesson.

She also let her students to participate by
getting their opinions, sharing stories
related to the lesson.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere Teacher is being professional when it
enhances learning. comes on discipline with her students.
She does not make her class having a
threatening atmosphere.
4. Emotion has the power to increase Teacher always teach them happily ang
retention and learning with joy. They are also being jolly with
their lesson and the students are more
cooperative with their group activities.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall Teacher comes with strategy consisting
of information. of higher order of thinking skills. She also
makes her student to think beyond their
knowledge, for example exploring things
they didn’t know right away.
6. Learning is meaning when it is Teacher encourages students to
connected to students’ everyday participate freely by connecting her
life. lessons to students’ everyday life and
make comfortable for them to understand
her lesson.
7. An integrated teaching approach is Teacher uses different kind of teaching
far more effective than teaching like storytelling and games as a means to
isolated bits of information. help students remember at the same time
developing their skills.

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?
I think it is the “Learning is meaning when it is connected to student’s everyday life. This
one for me is the best that I’ve been observe so far. Starting your class with this method
will make them to cooperate freely and expresses their own opinions and taught.
Sometimes they will tell story that is been connected to the lesson you want to set or
present to them. In this case they will have a much idea to the lesson you will teach
How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?
We select the appropriate strategy for our lessons by considering all of the
things that can may be affect your teachings and students as well as their learning
process. We consider first is what our topic is all about, Second consider also all of your
students, some may be fast, average and slow learners. Make a way that all of the
students will catch up to you, remember no one should left behind. Consider also the
atmosphere that takes place or happens during your class, we also avoid threatening
atmosphere and lets the class enjoy while learning.
Observe a class and answer the following questions.
1. Did the teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes
(ILOs) at the beginning of the class? Did he/she share them with the class?
- Yes, she stated and shared the intended learning outcomes at the
beginning of the class, by providing and carefully discussing the topic
overview and what are the things they will know or learn after the

2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help
him/her attain his/her lesson objectives/ ILOs? Explain your answer.

- She provided a temporary class at zoom website and use a website

that provide games and activities like “” and
“” in order to help her that her students learn
something from her, she provided it also upon the beginning and for
reviewing her class before presenting a quiz at the end of the class.

3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/are these aligned to the
lesson objectives/ ILOs?
- She provides an assessment task and is aligned to the lesson objectives
in order to check the if there is learnings happens in the class.

1. What are your thoughts about outcome-based teaching and learning (OBTL)?

My thought about outcome-based teaching and learning is it focuses
not on what the teacher intends to teach but rather the emphasis is on
what is the outcome from the learner of that teaching is intended to be.

Reflect on the use of OBTL.

- I reflect that outcome-based teaching and learning basic premise is

that teaching and learning activities and assessment methods are
aligned with each other with the intended learning outcomes. In the
easy way to explain that the outcomes is also the curriculum content,
teaching methods and strategies and assessment process.


Observe a class activity. You shall focus the questions that the resource teacher
asks during the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify the
level of questioning.


1. Factual / Convergent Did you finish your assignments?
Closed / Low level

2. Divergent / Higher order What do you think is the relation of

Open-ended / Conceptual your assignments to our topic?

a. Evaluation Class how well prepared are you for

the quiz and for us to know if there are
learnings happen?
b. Inference What can you conclude on our

c. Comparison Compare the difference in each

formula? What formula do you prepare
and why?

d. Application How does this topic apply on our life?

Do you think it contributes to you the
e. Problem-solving What is the formula in finding the area
of the triangle?

3. Affective How do you apply formulating an area

of a triangle in your daily life or in

1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as question marks and leave
school as periods!” Does this have something to do with the type of questions
that teacher ask and the questioning and reacting techniques that they

- Yes, it has something connected with the different types of questions.

It simply told us that all of the children will have no any questions in
mind unanswered.
The importance of using various reacting techniques.

- Importance of using various reacting techniques is having multiple

ways to react and consider learner’s response. It is possible to have
different techniques to accommodate every learner’s different


Show proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this episode by
interviewing at least two teachers on their thoughts on OBTL.


DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Episode 1.

1. Learning is an active process. Which one is an application of this

a. Avoid drills which are out of context.
b. Teach your content from a multidisciplinary respective.
c. Group student for work or project, that way project becomes less
d. Let students learn the steps in opening a computer by making them
follow the steps.
2. The more senses that are involved, the more and the better the
learning. Which practice is aligned with this principle?
a. Employ cooperative learning.
b. Teach using mostly verbal symbol.
c. Invite parents as resource speakers in class.
d. Bring students to field trips with consent of school and parents.
3. In OBTL, upon which should my assessment be based?
a. Content
b. Intended learning outcome
c. Scope of subject matter
d. teaching and learning activity
4. Which type of question will least promote interaction among students?
a. Divergent
b. Conceptual
c. Convergent
d. Inference
5. To obtain well-thought out answers, which questioning behavior helps?
a. Allowing sufficient time
b. Asking open-ended questions
c. Asking non-directed questions
d. Involving as many as possible

Field Study 1 Learning Episode Utilizing Teaching-

FS 1 11 Learning Resources and


Activity 11.1 Visiting the Learning Resource Center
Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work through these steps:
1. Visit a school's Learning Resource Center. Look around and see what resources and
facilities are available inside.
2. Ask the Learning Resource Center in-charge about how some equipment or facilities
are used.
3. Make an inventory of its available resources and classify them according to their
characteristics and functions.
As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation guide
provided. Ask the assistance of the Center staff courteously.
An Observation Guide for a
Read the following statements carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the Learning Resource Center.
2. Find out what learning resources are present.
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified.
Are they free from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these guidelines
procedures posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of the center (if
After you are through with your observation, classify the resources available that you
believe are most useful. Use the activity form provided for you.
Name of Center Observed:
Date of Observation:
Name of Observer:
Available Learning Characteristics and Teaching Approaches
Resources Unique Capabilities where the Resource is
(Enumerate in Bullet Form) most useful
1. Print Resources All books are in good Inquiry-based learners
 Journals condition and it is organize
 Books by subject and year levels.
 Newspapers
2. Audio Resources All in good condition
 Radio
 Speaker
 Sound system
3. Non-Electronic All blackboards and Teacher-centered
Visual Resources whiteboards are in big approach
 Blackboard sizes, there are many
 Whiteboard supply of chalks and
 Chalk & Marker marker, and the poster are
 Poster colorful.
4. ICT Resources All teachers have personal Inquiry-based learning
computer/laptop used in
 Computer/Laptop teaching. The school
 Projectors provide projectors, printer,
 Printer and photocopy machine
 Photocopy Machine that can be used by
teachers and students.
Impression about the LRC

Name and Signature of Observer

Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-Charge:

Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their functions and
 Yes

Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the
teachers? Why? Why not?
 Yes, because all guidelines and procedure are explained well before they can
access the materials.

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

 Wide space and there are sufficient books, ICT materials and table/chairs.

What are its weaknesses?

 None

What suggestions can you make?

 I suggest to have an additional books which are updated.

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center caught your interest the
most? Why?
 The computers because it is very helpful for the students especially to those that
didn’t had a resources to use in their study.
2. Which gadgets materials are you already confident to use/operate?
 Computer, Printer, Projector

3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?

 Photocopy Machine


Activity 11.2 Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom
Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these
steps: Observe a class for three meetings, Video-tape, if allowed. Step 2. Describe how
technology was integrated in the lessons and how the students were involved. Step 3.
Use the Technology Integration Matrix to analyze the technology integration done by the
teacher. Step 4. Reflect on what you have learned
As you observe the class, use the observation sheets provided for you to document
your observations.
Class Observation Guide
Read the following questions and instructions carefully before you observe.
1. What is the lesson about?
2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners' response to the teacher's use of learning resources List
to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses so
attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their
interest in the lesson and in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the
teacher and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and


Date of Observation: November 7, 2021
School: Earist Cavite Campus
Subject : Reading in Philippine History
Topic: Filipino Nationalism
Grade/Year Level: 2nd Year College

Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: 2nd year
Date of Observation: November 7, 2021
Subject Matter: Filipino Nationalism
Brief Description Of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:

Teaching Aids Used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness of

(Enumerate in Bullet the Teaching Aids
Form) used
 Laptop He delivered the Because of It is appropriate in
 Power point lesson easily and unstable internet because in our
presentation the students able the discussion can generation today it
 Videos to understand it be interrupted. is helpful to always
 Google meet clearly. integrate
 Internet technology in

Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the
Technology Integration Matrix on p. 123, In which level of technology integration do you
think the teacher you observed operated? Why?
 Entry, because the teachers used different technology to deliver the lesson and
teach students.

Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning
environment in the class that you observed? Point your observations that justify your
 Active, because the students also used technology to support their own learning.
The students also used technologies in group reporting.

Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your
 Yes, because nothing left behind and it used it effectively during class
discussion. I suggest that choose a good internet connection so that no
interruption during class.

1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would
you do differently if you would reach the same lesson to the same group of students?
 I will do the same because as to my observation, the teacher’s strategies are
effective because the students can relate easily in the discussion.


Activity 11.3 Exploring Education 4.0
Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Explore Education 4.0 through these steps:
1. Observe a class and take note of the topic being presented.
2. Surf the net to find sites that provide support materials and/or interactive programs
(web quests/games) on the topic. Try to ask Siri, Alexa;
3. List and describe at least 5 open-source sites/interactive programs; from open-source
4. Evaluate the materials or programs;
5. Reflect on your FS experience.

Class Observation Guide
Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher's objectives?

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

Analyzing the information you got from observing the class, surf the internet to select
electronic resources, including OERS, social networking sites, and apps with virtual or
augmented reality that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Evaluate the
resources you found, using the set of criteria discussed in the Revisit the Learning
Essentials part of this Episode. Use the form below to note your analysis and
Electronic Resources Evaluation Form
Grade/Year Level
Subject Matter/Topic (Based
on the class you observed)
Lesson Objectives/Learning
Name Describe the Describe
and type electronic how you can
of resource use it if you
Electronic (include were to
Resource author/publisher/ Accurat Appropriate Clear Complete Motivating Organize teach in the
source). e d class you
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources
for the class? What made it easy? Difficult?
 It is easy to find information or electronic resources, the difficult is it hard to find
the most reliable sources.

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you
consider? Explain. Which of the new trends in Education 4.0 would you like to explore
more for your work as a teacher? Why?
 I have chosen the electronic resources that is suited to the lesson and
accessibility to both students and teachers. I would like to explore more on how I
used technology for teaching purposes because it is really needed in our time
today that the technology have a big contribution in education.

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have, and what skills
would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing education 4.0 resources?.
 Using Microsoft office, convert document in multiple formats, access to videos,
and access to different articles and journals.


Activity 11.4 Professional Development through MOOCS
Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps
Step 1: Review the seven domains of PPST and identify competencies I like to develop
Step 2: Visit sites of MOOC providers and explore the courses offered that are relevant
to PPST domains I want to work on.
Step 3: Reflect on how I can continue developing my skills through MOOCS.
1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies
2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOCs in the internets which are relevant to the competencies you
identified. You may try these sites:
4. Indicate the MOOC provider. You might need to create an account in the different
MOOC providers to explore their MOOCK.

PPST Domain Competencies I want MOOCs related to MOOC Provider

to work on the competency/ies
(include a short
1.Content Knowledge Act as a role model Foundation
and Pedagogy
2.The Learning
3.Diversity of
5.Assessing and
Linkages and
7.Personal Growth
and Professional

From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe are the
most appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.
1. MOOC Title

Objectives of the MOOC:


Content Outline

Why did you pick this MOOC?

2. MOOC Title

Objectives of the MOOC:


Content Outline

Why did you pick this MOOC?

3. MOOC Title

Objectives of the MOOC:


Content Outline

Why did you pick this MOOC?

1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and as a
lifelong learner?

2 What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the

3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCS, as a learner, and as a teacher who may
someday teach a MOOC?

LINK Theory to Practice

Directions: Read the items given below and encircle the correct answer.
1. Mrs. Inton is evaluating a website for her Literature class. She is making sure that
factual pieces of information found on the site are well-documented, and pictures and
diagrams are properly labeled. She is also checking that there are no misspelled words
or grammar errors. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Appropriateness B. Clarity
C. Motivation D. Accuracy
2. Miss Castro is evaluating an early literacy app for her kindergarteners. She is making
sure the app is uncluttered in appearance, is arranged in some order of difficulty, and
that icons represent what they were intended to represent. Which criterion is she
focusing on?
A. Organization B. Accuracy
C. Motivation D. Appropriateness
3. Miss Tanada is evaluating an app for her Grade 8 Science class. She is finding out
whether the app taps the skills found in the Grade 8 standards to ensure that this app
will help meet her objectives. She wants to make sure it is not too easy nor too difficult
for her students. Which criterion is she focusing on?
A. Organization B. Accuracy
C. Currency D. Appropriateness
4. A Science teacher uses a presentation to show the classification in kingdom
Animalia. The teacher then teaches them how to use software in making graphic
organizers. Students then use this to create their own graphic organizers to classify
animals. This shows technology integration which is
A. entry-constructive
B. adoption-constructive
C. infusion-constructive
D. transformation-constructive
5. Teacher A demonstrates how to work with a math app that provides practice in
adding mixed fractions. The students then work independently with the app to provide
them sufficient practice in adding mixed fractions. This shows technology integration
which is
A entry-active B. adoption-active
C. infusion-active D. transformation-active
6. A Grade 7 Social Studies teacher gave a project where her class in Manila will work
together with other Grade 7 classes in their school campuses in Visayas and Mindanao.
They will create posters and a video clip to communicate a message about peace. They
will use social media to spread their peace campaign. This project involves technology
integration which is
A. entry-active
B. adoption-constructive
C. transformation-constructive
D. adaptation-collaborative
7. All are responsibilities of the Learning Resource! Audio-Visual Educational
Technology Center of a school EXCEPT
A. make available technology equipment for the use of teachers and students
B. conduct training for teachers on how to use technology tools
C. work with teachers in producing instructional materials
D. accomplish the students technology project for them
8. The Learning Resource / Audio-visual / Educational Technology Center regularly
provides the teachers a list of websites, apps and instructional materials available in the
city which are relevant to the different subjects they teach. This fulfills which function?
A. Recreational reading center
B. A link to other community resources
C. Laboratory of learning
D. Center of resources
9. The Learning Resource/Audio-visual / Educational Technology Center sponsors a
seminar workshop for teachers and administrators on the use of the latest presenter
applications.This fulfills which function?
A. Center of resources
B. Agent of teaching
C. Coordinating agency
D. Recreational reading center
10. MOOCs are considered massive because
A. they need a big amount of computer storage
B. they can accommodate a big number of learners to be able to avail of a course
C: they can only be provided by big universities
D. they were designed and created by a big group of experts
11. MOOCs are open because
A. all courses are offered for free
B. courses can be accessed by anyone anywhere as long as they are connected to the
C. openness to ideas is a strict requirement
D. one can avail of them only during the opening of a semester
12. MOOCs are considered as a course because
A. they have a guide or a syllabus that indicates content, objectives, activities, and
B. they are always given by a fully-recognized university in the world
C. they are a requirement for a Bachelor's degree
D. they are graded
1. Include here pictures/illustration of the materials used by the teacher. Put your
comments/ annotations about what you observed.
2. Visit or other teacher resource websites. Print useful
instructional materials (worksheets, visual aids, flashcards, rubrics, etc.) and include
them here. Indicate how they might be useful considering your major or area of
3. Visit
Explore and enjoy the fantastic education tools. Try them out. Describe what you
discovered and share how these tools can be helpful to you, as a teacher
4. Visit This a treasure box for you. Explore and share what you
5. Paste an article about an example of technology gadget/material that you want to
learn more about. How can this gadget/material be useful in instruction/teaching?

Field Study 1 Learning Episode Assessment FOR Learning

FS 1 12 Assessment AS Learning
(Formative Assessment)


Activity 12.1 Observing Assessment FOR Learning Practices (Formative
Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the students
understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.
What Teacher Said Tally Total
Did you understand class? IIIIIIIII 9
Do you have any question? IIIIII 6
Clarification? IIIII 5

2. Did the teacher ask the class "Did you understand? If she did, what was the class
 Yes, the teacher said it multiple times and the class response was YES.

3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson
or a part of the lesson? How?
 No.

4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?

 The teacher responds OK, and then she pick student to what she/he understand.

5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was
this done?
 Yes, but the learners are not ask for any concern.
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher do?
Did you observe any of these activities? Please check.
______Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates
__/____Each-one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
__/____Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
______Teacher did re-teaching
Others, please specify
7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the
same teaching strategy? Describe.
 Maybe not, if the class was not learning the way she discuss it before then the
teacher use more strategic way in order to make her understandable by their

8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and /or with other students-turned tutors, did
teacher check on students' progress? If yes, how?
 Yes, by the use of assessing the students if they have already coping up with the
discussion. Like having an examination or test to see if the learners are coping


1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in
progress? Is it not better to do a once-and-for-all assessment at the completion of the
entire lesson?
 Checking for comprehension is an important component of teaching since it
allows you to see if your lessons are working or if you need to adjust your
approach to assist the learners.
 No, it is better for doing a once and for all assessment so that a teacher will be
able to know if the students are progressing or not.

2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask "Did you understand, class?" when he/she
intends to check on learners' progress?
 Because a teacher is not sure whether the students really understand the lesson,
it is better for asking a question for the past lesson if they truly understand.
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or
why not?
 Yes, formative assessment can also be considered as a part of grading purposes
because it gives focuses to the learners in terms of their prior learning for the
subject or what have they already know about the subject, if they do know about
what the teacher is discussing for that day, then it is a big advancement for the
students to comprehend more about the lesson.

4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked?

 There are pre-test, posttest, homework or classwork those are examples for
ensuring the learning.

5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more
effective than teacher himself herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
 Because the students are more able open towards their peers, meaning they are
truly understand the meaning if they collaborate more on their peers rather than a
teacher. And it is effective because they are doing it by their self their
collaboration is the one who helps them to be more knowledgeable.

6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be

attributed to the non-application of formative assessment? Why or why not?
 Yes, because there were no student freedom to learn by their self. If the teacher
used the traditional modes of learning wherein the teacher by herself are the one
who fills information the class will become boring the tendency is not
progressing. The purpose of formative assessment is to give our students
evidence of their current progress to actively manage and adjust their own
learning. This also provides our students the ability to track their educational
goals. Formative assessments give us the ability to provide constant feedback to
our students.


 Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write
your reflections.

Yes, while cooking it is not enough to just put the ingredients in the pan without making
it ready, of course you have to slice the ingredients first so that it can be easy for you to
deliver or cook the recipe without getting hustle. As well as being a teacher you have to
secure that the learners are learning in a way that they have to be ready for the next
lesson. Providing them if they have already learn or they have read about the topic
before a teacher proceed to the discussion, in a way like that it can make the teaching
easier and allow the learners to have their idea about the discussion.
 Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

Yes, because it is a part also of assessing students, as a teacher we have to record

their prior learning before they proceed to the discussion.
1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection
4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative assessment in

Activity 12.2 Observing Assessment AS Learning Practices (Self-Assessment)

Resource Teacher: Teacher's Signature: School:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 demonstrate knowledge of the design and use of self-assessment; and
 explain the importance of self-assessment.


• Assessment as learning means assessment is a way of learning.
• It is the use of an ongoing self-assessment by the learners in order to monitor their
own learning.
• This is manifested when learners reflect on their own learning and make necessary
adjustments so that they achieve deeper understanding.
• Assessment as learning encourages students to take responsibility for their own
• It requires students to ask questions about their learning.
• It provides ways for students to use formal and informal feedback and self-assessment
to help them understand the next steps in learning.
• It encourages self-assessment and reflection.
Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as learning. Record your
Teacher My observation
1. Did teacher provide opportunities Yes, especially in the groupings for
for the learners to monitor and activity works.
reflect on their own learning?
2. What are proofs that students were When they are capable for sharing their
engaged in self-reflection, self work in class.
monitoring and self-adjustment?
3. Did students record and report Sometimes, depending on the criteria
their own learning?
4. Did teacher create criteria with the Yes, in the activities or groupings needed
students for tasks to be completed in class.
or skill to learned?

1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should support
student learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
 Yes, assessment is the one who provides clear information when the learners
are learning to the subject matter; assessment can be the way to ensure that the
students understand the lesson.

2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for
 Yes, because assessment for learning is associated with assessment as
learning. For a teacher if she notice that the result is passed or not so that a
teacher can adjust her strategies in a way that a students will easier to
understand and cope up.


The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further learning. Reflect on
your personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for
self-assessment? If yes, what was its impact on your learning?
Yes I have experience that the teacher gives us the opportunity to have our self-
assessment. It helps me to assess my personal skill and acquire my specific skills. It
made me realize that honesty is what makes you develop as a person and it make me
pursued to continue learning.
1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection
1. The primary purpose of assessment is to ensure learning. Which assessments
are referred to?
 C
2. Research show that when students help develop questions for an assessment,
and have a deeper understanding of what they are expected to learn before they
take the assessment, they take a greater responsibility of their own learning.
Which assessment is reffered to?
 A
3. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 states,” assessment is a process that is used to
keep track of learners progress in relation to learning standards to promote self-
reflection and personal accountability among students about their own learning
 C
4. You check for understanding in the midst of your lesson. in which from of
assessment are you engage.
 B
5. Assessment for learning is ongoing assessment that allows teachers to monitor
students on a day to day basis and modify their teaching based on what the
students need to be successful. Is this statement true?
 A
6. It develops and supports student’s metacognitive skill. Which is referred to?
 A
7. Which form of assessment is crucial in helping students become lifelong
 C
8. Which is characterized by students reflecting on their own learning and making
adjustments so that they achieve deeper understanding?
 C
9. Which practices are required for assessment as learning to be effective?
 D
10. In which type of assessment are students expected to go beyond completing the
task assigned to them by their teacher and so students move from the passive
learners to active owners of their own learning
 A
11. Which assessment is likened to tasting the soup while in the process of cooking
the soup?
 B

Field Study 1 Learning Episode Assessment of learning

(Summative Assessment)
FS 1 13
Activity 13.1 Aligning Assessment Task with the Learning Outcome
Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP
School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021
 Observe at least 3 classes – 1 Physical or Biological Science or Math, English,
Filipino; 1 Social or Literature/Panitikan, EsP and 1 P.E / Computer / EPP/TLE

Subject Learning Assessment Is the If not

Outcome/s Task (How did assessment aligned,
Teacher tool / task improve on
assess the aligned to it.
learning the learning
outcome/s? outcome/s?
EX: P.E / EPP/ TLE Written quiz- No Performance
To dance Enumerate the test – Let
tango steps of tango students
in order. dance tango.
Social Science, 1. Malaman The teacher There is
Literature/Panitikan, ang flash a list of nothing to
EsP kahalagahan statement on improve
ng dignidad the screen and because the
mo at ng the students will assessment
bawat tao identify if the tool the
given statement teacher used
Show the is aligned on
dignity of a the learning
person. outcome.
English/Filipino Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe

1. Are all the assessment task aligned to the learning outcome?

 Yes, all of the assessment tasks are aligned on the learning outcome and
objectives that they have.

2. What are possible consequences if teacher’s assessment tasks are not

aligned to learning outcome/s? Does this affect assessment result? How?

 Yes it will affect the assessment result because how you assess and
achieve the learning outcomes and the objectives of your lesson if the
assessment tasks are not aligned. You will not have a successful and
effective teaching and learning process because the assessment result
will reflect your performance.

3. Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcomes?

 Assessment tasks should be aligned to the learning outcomes because

you will tell and identify if you are an effective teacher when you
achieve the goals of your lesson and the result of the assessment is
high. Assessment result will be based on the learning and knowledge
gained during your discussion.
 Reflect on past assessment you have been through. Were they all aligned with
what your teacher taught with learning outcomes?

 There are many times that the assessment are aligned to what the
teacher taught and to the learning outcome, maybe because there are
lessons that are very broad, so it is difficult for the teacher to align
assessment task with the learning outcomes and there are
assessments that are not aligned on what the teacher taught or in the
learning outcomes but is seldom to happen.

 How did this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you
learn from this past experience and from this observation?
 If the assessment are not aligned on what you have taught it can have
a big impact on your impact to your performance and to the students
you have because it will create a chaos in the mind of the students on
how they will answer, and they may have a lower grade or score that
will affect the result of your assessment. As a future teacher, I will take
this experiences as a lesson that in giving a assessment it is very
importance that you will aligned it to your objective or learning outcome
to have a good result in the evaluation part for yourself and t your

LINK Theory to Practice

1. Here is a learning outcome: Describe a person by the use of a metaphor
Here is a test outcome: Describe a classmate or teacher by the way of a
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if teacher is not included
2. Learning outcome: Conduct an investigation to prove that plants can
manufacture their own food.
Test item: Canplants manufacture their own food? Explain your answer.
Is the test item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if explain your answer dropped

3. Learning outcome: Demonstrate the inductive method of teaching.

Test: Outline the steps of the inductive method of teaching.
Is the item aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, if teacher is not included

4. Which assessment task is aligned to this learning outcome: Compute the

menu if the scores are 50, 50, 50.48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40.
A. What is mean?
B. Is mean a measure of variability?
C. What is the menu of 50, 50, 50.48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40.
D. Is mean the same as average?

5. Learning outcome: To observe subject-verb agreement as one speaks.

Test: Give the correct form of the verb.
1. Dogs (howl).
2. A cat (meow)
3. Birds (fly)
Is the test aligned to the learning outcome?
A. No C. Yes
B. Somewhat D. Yes, there are 3 items on
Subject-verb agreement

6. Here is a lesson objective / intended learning outcome: “illustrate the law of

supply and demand with your original concrete example”. For content validity,
which test item is aligned?
A. Define the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with an
B. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with drawing.
C. Illustrate the law of supply and demand with concrete, original example.
D. Explain the law of supply and demand and illustrate it with diagram.

7. Teacher B wrote this learning outcome: “To interpret a given quotation.” For
content validity which should she ask?
A. Interpret Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for can
bear with almost any how.”
B. Do you believe in Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for
can bear with almost any how.”?
C. What is true in Nietzsche’s statement: “He who has a why to live for can
bear with almost any how.”?
D. Nietzsche’s was an atheist. Do you believe that he can give this
statement: “He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”?

8. After teaching them the process of experimenting, Teacher J wanted his

students to be able set up an experiment to find an answer to a scientific
problem. Which will he ask his students to do?
A. Set up and experiment to find out if aerial plants can also live o land.
B. Can aerial plants also live on land? Research on experiments already
conducted. Present your finding in class.
C. Observe if aerial plants can survive when planted in soil. Note your
observations and present them in the class.
D. Research on the answers to this scientific problem: Can aerial plans
survive when transferred in soil?
9. Here is an intended learning outcome of a Health teacher: “Identify skill-related
fitness and activities suitable for the individual”. Does her test item measure
this particular outcome and therefore has content validity?

1. Identify the components of Physical fitness under skill-related activities.
a. body composition c. flexibility
b. agility d. organic vigor

A. Yes, very much

B. Yes, because it asks something about skill related activities.
C. No.
D. No, the opinions have nothing to do with skill related activities
Activity 13.2 Observing the Use of Traditional Assessment Tools
Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP
School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021
 Observe classes and pay particular attention to the assessment tool used by the
 With teachers permission, secure a copy of assessment tool.
Direction: Put a check (/) on the test which teacher used. From your teacher’s test,
give an example

Type of Put a Learning Sample test item Comments (Is the

traditional check Outcome of resource assessment tool
Assessment (/) here Assessed teacher constructed in
Tool/Paper and accordance with
Pencil test established
guidelines?) Explain
your answer.
Selected Response Type
1. Alternate Hirap si Peter sa Yes, the assessment
response mga aralin ngunit tool I constructed
nagsisikap siya. according to the
/ Understanding A. Tama establish guidelines
B. Mali because the learner
will choose between
Tama or Mali.
2. Matching type
Not observe Note Observe Not Observe

3. Multiple Yes, the assessment

Salitang Latin kung
choice tool I constructed
saan nanggaling
according to the
ang dignidad
establish guidelines
A. Dignus
/ Remembering because the student
B. Dignitas
will just need to recall
C. En amans
what they discussed
D. Deo
to answer the
Type of Put a Learning Sample test item Comments (Is the
traditional check (/) Outcome of resource assessment tool
Assessment if Assessed teacher constructed in
Tool/Paper and Resourc accordance with
Pencil test e teacher established
used it. guidelines?)
Explain your
Constructed- Response Type
1. completion
Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe

2. Short Yes, the

answer type assessment tool I
according to the
Taong Mahirap o
/ Analyzing guidelines because
salat sa salapi
the student will
answer it if the
people on the
statement will also
have a dignity.
3. Problem Yes, the
solving assessment tool I
Paano mo according to the
maipapakita ang establish
Applying/ iyong guidelines because
Evaluating pagpapahalaga the student will
sa iyong answer the
dignidad question by
applying what they
have learned in the
4. Essay –
restricted Not
Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe

5. Essay non –
restricted Not
Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe

1. Which assessment tools/task were most commonly used by teacher? Which
ones were rarely used? Why were they rarely used?
 The assessment tool that the is commonly used by the teacher is the
multiple choice wherein we all know that most of all the paper and pencil
test is included this kind of assessment tool because it is more reliable in
testing the knowledge of the learners and the rare one is the matching
type because it is just like multiple choice wherein there are statement
written under column a and students choose your answer from the letter
on the column b.
2. Based on your answer found in the Tables above in which type of assessment
tools and task were the Resource teacher most skilled in test construction? Least
 Based on my observation my resource teacher is most skilled in
constructing test is the essay restriction and the multiple choice because
she constructed the statement well and by the statement that she written
in the assessment tool is she made her student analysis each question.
And the least skilled is the completion because I didn’t observed that she
used it in her class.

3. Can an essay or other written requirement, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil

test, be considered and authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.
 Yes an essay or other written requirements even if it is a written paper-and
pencil test can be considered as an authentic form of assessment because
even it is a written assessment we can also assess the learning of our
student by this tools because for example in essay you can see if the
student really learn something by how they construct their essay you can
see they creativity in constructing word on how they can explain what they
learn on their lesson.

How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do you find most
difficult to construct? Any lessons learned?
 I’m not yet good in constructing any traditional assessment toll because
I’m still in the learning process but for me the assessment tool that is most
difficult to construct is the problem solving because I found it very difficult
because you need to be more creative in creating a problem solving
question that easy to understand by the student for them to be able to
answer it and give their solution on that problem.
LINK Theory to Practice
1. Which assessment task is aligned to the learning outcome given above?
A. True-False test – an assessment task must be aligned to the learning
B. Column 1 presents the learning outcome. Column 2 has the assessment
task. Determine alignment of assessment with learning outcome
C. Here are 5 test items, Evaluate them on the basis of established
guidelines in test construction.
D. Is an essay more reliable than a multiple choice test?
2. What’s WRONG with this TRUE-FALSE test item? Filipinos are sociable but lazy.
A. Opinionated C. Very short
B. Not fit for a T-F test D. Sweeping
3. Is this item in accordance with rules on test construction? Write everything you
learned from this course.
A. No C. Somewhat
B. Yes D. No, opinionated
4. In matching type of test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any examinee.
What is TRUE of that option?
A. Options C. Distracters
B. Premises D. Jokers
5. In a multiple choice type of test, one option among 4 was not chosen by any
examinee. What is TRUE of that option?
A. Implausible C. Plausible
B. Realistic D. Unattractive
6. The students were at a loss as to what answer to give in a completion type of test
since there were so many blanks. Which is TRUE of the test item?
A. Too complex C. Over mutilated
B. Unattractive D. Implausible
Activity 13.3 Observing the Use of Non-Traditional Assessment Tools and
Scoring Rubric
Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP

School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021
 Observe classes in at least 3 different subjects and pay particular attention to the
assessment tool used by the teacher.
 With teacher's permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
 Study the assessment tool then accomplish Observation Sheet.
 Did your Resource Teacher explain the rubric to the students?
 Which type of rubric did the Resource Teacher use-analytic or holistic?

Authentic Learning Sample of How a product/ Comments

Assessment Outcome Product/ performance was (Is the
Non- Assessed Performance assessed scoring
Traditional/ Assessed rubric
Alternative Describe how constructed
One example of the product/ according to
a product performance standards
assessed. (Put a was assessed.
photo of the Which was
product/ used analytic
documented rubric or
performance in holistic rubric?
Artifacts. RUBRIC IN MY

1. Product
Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe

Not Observe Not Observe Not Observe
1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you
think that type of rubric was used more?
 For me, the rubrics that are usually used was the analytic rubric wherein the
score scale was 1 to 5 and each point had a description. This rubrics
usually used by the teacher because it is more simple for the student to use
as their guide on making outputs or performance and it is very easy to
understand and the student himself can evaluate themselves to know what
grades may they have based o the rubrics.

2. Based on your answers in # 1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made
and used by the Resource Teachers?
 Not Observed

3. Will it make a difference in assessment of student work if teacher would rate the
product or performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.
 Yes, I will have a difference because the rubrics serves as a guide to both
teacher and learners, if there’s no rubric the learners will have no idea on
how the teacher give score or grades on their output or performance.

4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?
 If I’ve given a chance to improve one scoring rubics I wil improve the holistic
rubrics, I will put a description on criteria.

5. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-

pencil test, be considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your
 Yes an essay or other written requirements even if it is a written paper-and
pencil test can be considered as an authentic form of assessment because
even it is a written assessment we can also assess the learning of our
student by this tools because for example in essay you can see if the student
really learn something by how they construct their essay you can see they
creativity in constructing word on how they can explain what they learn on
their lesson.

6. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent

learners? Do rubrics contribute to assessment AS learning (self-assessment?)
What if there were no rubrics in assessment?
 Yes rubrics helps students to became self-directed or independent learners
because they can do the task that they teachers given them by the help of
the rubrics that serves as their guide.
LINK Theory to Practice
1. To pinpoint which part of the lesson needs more explanation, which scoring rubric
can help?
I. Analytic
II. II. Holistic
A. I only C. II only
B. I and II D. No need for rubric
2. I want to know how skilled the students have become in research report. Which
assessment task will be valid?
A. Make students defend research report before a panel.
B. Make students write the research report.
C. Group the students for research report writing.
D. make students conduct an action research.
3. I want to get a global view of a student's performance. Which rubric is most fit?
A. Analytic C. Holistic
B. Itemized D. Analytic and holistic
4. Which can prove that students are now capable of sewing after a 200-hour course?
A. Presentation of a product they have sewn C. Drawing a pattern for a
set of pajamas
B. Operation of the sewing machine D. Labeling the parts of a
sewing machine
5. Which is the most reliable way of determining whether or not the student can now
dance tango?
A. Performance test C. Written test on steps of tango
B. Oral test D. Written test illustrating the steps
Activity 13.4 Scrutinizing the Types and Parts of a Portfolio
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area:
School Date:
1. Ask your Resource Teacher for samples of portfolio, if any. If there are, select
one best portfolio from what you examined.
2. If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them in My Learning
3. Based on the sample portfolio given by your Resource Teacher/researched by
you, accomplish Observation Sheet #
4. Put a check in the right column.
What a Portfolio Includes
Elements of a Portfolio Present? Missing?
1. Clear objectives - The
objectives of the
lesson/unit/course are clear /
which serve as bases for
2. Explicit guidelines for
selection - What, when,
where, how are /
performances selected?
3. Comprehensible criteria-
the criteria against which
the portfolio is graded must /
be understood by the
4. Selective significant
pieces - The portfolio
includes only the selected /
significant materials.

5. Student's reflection -
There is evidence that
students reflected on their
6. Evidence of student
participation in selection of
content of portfolio - There
is proof that students took
part in the selection of the
content of the portfolio.
1. With OBE in mind, which should be the basis for the selection of pieces of evidence
to show that what the student was supposed to learn was learned?
 The activities or works that are suited for the objectives should meet on those
activities or works that are included in the portfolio to assess if the students
learned what they were supposed to learn, and the objectives should meet on
those activities or works that are included in the portfolio to assess if the students
learned what they were supposed to learn.
2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which type of
portfolio do this fall?
 Based on the elements listed above, I believe this belongs in the development or
growth portfolio because there are pieces of proof indicating students reflect on
the lessons they learned.

Elements of a ___________ Portfolio (Which type of portfolio?

1. Cover Letter- "About the Author" and "What My Portfolio Shows About My Progress
as a Learner”
2. Table of Contents with numbered pages
3. Entries-both core (required items) and optional items (chosen by students).
4. Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over time.
5. Drafts of aural/oral and written products and revised revisions, i.e. (first drafts and
corrected/revised versions)
6. Student's Reflections

3. Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of portfolio?
 Each type has unique and important characteristics, the teacher will use the
portfolio at different times and in different places. The first is
development/growth development, which occurs when a teacher wants to
determine if there's any changes and development are occurring in their
students. The second is the showcase/display portfolio, where students can
show off their work. Demonstrate their abilities and talents on a specific topic It's
a standard product or performance task. The other is the assessment
evaluation portfolio, which is when the teacher assesses or evaluates the
students' prior learning and, at the end, they will identify if there are
developments in their works or learning. It is also used to determine whether or
not their objectives have been met.
Have portfolios made the learning assessment process more inconvenient? Is the effort
exerted on portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning and
development of learners' metacognitive process that result fromthe use of portfolio?
 The portfolio assessment simplifies the learning assessment process by
allowing you to see if your students are making progress and developing
through various types of portfolios. Yes, the effort spent on portfolio assessment
is commensurate with the improvement of learning and development of
learners' metacognitive processes that result from the use of portfolio because
there are a set of activities that can assess the progress and development of
the students, particularly their metacognitive processes that occur during the
process of creating and completing the portfolio. Reflections are taking place in
the portfolio, and students are required to reflect on their own learning.

LINK Theory to Practice
1. A portfolio is synonymous to a folder of files. Is this CORRECT?
A. No C. Yes
B. SomewhatD. Sometimes
2. Which is an essential part of a portfolio?
A. Student's reflection on his portfolio
B. Display portfolio for everyone to see student development
C. Artistic design to show student's artistic talent.
D. Student's self-rating
3. I need to prove that I have fully developed the skill at writing a research report. Which
type of portfolio is MOST APPROPRIATE?
A. Showcase portfolio C. Development portfolio
B. Assessment portfolio D. Process portfolio
4. Which portfolio can prove that an improvement has taken place in the way students
pronounce words?
A. Showcase portfolio C. Assessment portfolio
B. Development portfolio D. Process portfolio
5. I want to know if my students can now focus the microscope properly. With which
portfolio am I concerns?
A. Showcase portfolio C. Assessment portfolio
B. Development portfolio D. Process portfolio

Activity 13.5 Determining the Level of Teacher’s Questions

Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP

School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021

1. Observe a teacher in the classroom.
2. Note his/her questions both oral and written.
3. Score him/her according to the level of questions that he/she asks from remembering
to creating and metacognition and self-system thinking. You may also refer to written
tests for samples of questions in the various levels.
4. Make tally, then get the total. Use Table 1 and Table 2 separately.

Table 1. Number of Questions per Level

Cognitive Rank Cognitive Rank Tally of Total

Processes Processes (and Assessment
(Bloom as Kendall and Tasks/
revised by Marzano) Questions.
Anderson and
Self-system 6
Metacognition 5
Creating 6-
Evaluating 5
Analyzing /An 4 Analysis /
Applying 3 Knowledge
Understanding / 2 Comprehension /
Remembering / 1- Retrieval //// - Example 4

Table 2. Examples of Assessment Questions / Assessment Task

Tally and Total Rank Tally and Total Rank Example of Rank
Score of Score of Assessment based
Cognitive Cognitive Tasks / on
Processes Processes (and Questions use
(Bloom as Kendall and Given by
revised by Marzano) Resource
Anderson and Teacher
Self-system 6- e.g.Teacher
thinking Highest asked students
Why is the
important to
Metacognition 5
Example: 6-
Creating = / Highest
Evaluating = / 5
Analyzing /An = // 4 Analysis 3
Applying = /// 3 Knowledge 4
Understanding = // 2 Comprehension 2
Remembering 1- Retrieval = /// 1-
= ///// Lowest Lowest
/ /

Rank Rank

1. Which cognitive skill had the highest number of assessment questions? lowest
 Remembering, understanding, and analyzing had the most assessment questions
because the teacher will identify if something is recalled and understood by the
students and if it is appropriate for the time allotted to answer the assessment
questions in these cognitive skills. While the lower number represents creation
because it requires more time to answer and create something to assess the
2. What do these (lowest and highest number of assessment questions) reveal about
Resource Teacher's level of questions?
 Based on the resource teacher's lowest and highest number of assessments, it is
clear that the level of questions is easy or low. because the majority of the
questions rely on remembering and understanding, and students will only recall
what they discussed and learned
3. Based on Kendall's and Marzano's taxonomy, which are the highest cognitive skills?
Give example of an assessment question for each of the two highest cognitive skills-
metacognitive skills and self-system thinking.
 Based on Kendall and Marzano's taxonomy, the highest cognitive skills are
metacognitive skills and self-system thinking, in which the teacher asks questions
that reflect their acquired knowledge and learning from the lesson. And the
students will explain why it is critical to learn. For instance, why is it important to
know or learn?

If you were to rate yourself on HOTS where will you be from a scale of 1 to 5 (52
highest) where will you be? As a future teacher, reflect on how will you contribute to the
development of learners HOTS?
 If I'm going to give myself a rating on HOTS. I'll rate myself on a scale of 1 to 3. I'm
only in the middle because I'm not fully trained or aware of how to use HOTS, and
I'm still working to get it to 5.
As a future teacher, reflect on how will you contribute to the development of learner’s
 As a future teacher, I will contribute to the development of learners' HOTS by
presenting real-life questions or providing real-life examples to which they will
relate their lives. It will improve not only their thinking skills but also their decision-
making ability to respond to the situation.

LINK Theory to Practice

1. "Is my thinking CORRECT?" asks a student to himself. In which level of cognitive
process is he?
A. Self-system C. Metacognition
B. Analysis D. Application
2. Formulate a 5-item imperfect matching type of test; is a test item in the level of which
cognitive process?
A. Creating C. Self-system thinking
B. Analyzing D. Evaluating
3. Which one demonstrates self-system thinking?
A. Ask the question "What has this lesson to do with me?
B. Critic your thinking process.
C. Come up with a solution to the given problem.
D. Relate your present lesson to past lessons.
4. Paraphrase the first stanza of Rizal's "My Last Farewell" calls for _______.
A. analyzing C. evaluating
B. understanding D. applying
5. How would you rate students' ability to reason out logically is a question to students'
ability to
A. engage in metacognition C. do self-system thinking
B. analyze D. evaluate
Activity 13.6 Analyzing a Table of Specifications

Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP

School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021

1. What parts must a TOS contain to ensure test content validity?
 All parts of the TOS are important in ensuring test content validity, Because it
will be used as a guide in creating an assessment or question.
2. Why is there a need for number of items per cognitive level?
 A number of items are assigned to each cognitive level to determine how much
level is measured in each cognitive skill. This number also indicates which
number best fits those objectives.
3. With OBE in mind, is it correct to put learning outcome not topic in the first column?
Why or why not?
 Yes, it is correct that we place the learning outcome in the first column rather
than the topic to identify our goal at the end of the lesson. It is to determine
whether our activity or assessment will be appropriate for the outcome that we
4. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?
 No, because the TOS serves as a guideline for developing the test to ensure its
content validity. This is why, before creating the test questions, we must first
create our TOS. If there is no TOS first, the content of the questions may not be
relevant to the lesson we discussed, and the question formation may be
5. Complete the given TOS.
Read this conversation and reflect on teachers' assessment practices. Write your
reflections here.

Student A:Saan naman pinulot ni Teacher ang kaniyang tanong? Ni-isang tanong sa
tinuro, wala! (Where did Teacher get her test? Not one of what she taught came out!)
Student B:Oo nga.! Nakakaiinis! (You are right! How annoying!")

Did you have a similar experience? Reflect on it. Will the required use of Table of
Specifications as guide in test construction solve the problem of misaligned tests?
 I've also been in the situation where there are several questions on the exam that
we are unfamiliar with or don't know the answer to because the teacher isn't
discussing it. So, in order to complete the exam, we simply answered it using our
stock knowledge without knowing whether or not it was correct. Perhaps there is
no TOS created first before constructing the test in that case. TOS is very
important in test construction because it provides content validity and organizes
the test questions. All of the objectives in that lesson are included in the TOS,
allowing us to determine which questions should be included in the test.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
 Accomplished Observation Sheet
 Analysis

 Reflection
LINK Theory to Practice
1. In Teacher R's Table of Specifications (TOS), 60 percent of the 1st grading test
items are applying questions based on Bloom's taxonomy. A review of her test
shows that 50% are remembering items, 20% are analyzing questions and 30%
are applying questions.
Is Teacher's test aligned with her TOS?
A. No
B. No, her analyzing questions is supposed to be 60%
C. Yes.
D. Yes, her applying questions are also analyzing questions, too.
2. What is a function of a TOS?
To ensure the __________.
A. content validity of a test C. reasonable length of a test
B. predictive validity of a test D. predictive validity of a test
3. A TOS ensures alignment of test with learning outcomes. Is the statement TRUE?
A. Very true C. False
B. Sometimes true D. Sometimes true, sometimes false
4. In a TOS, the number of hours spent on a learning outcome determines the
number of test items to be asked. Is this CORRECT?
A. No C. Not always
B. Yes D. Depends on the level of the questions asked
5. The following are found in a TOS EXCEPT _______.
A. Teaching-learning activities
B. Number of hours devoted to a topic
C. Cognitive level of test item
D. Number of test items

6. "It's just not fair. I studied everything we discussed in class about the Philippines
and the things she made a big deal about, like comparing the Philippines
And to think all she asked was 'What's the capital of Singapore?

What does the conversation imply about the kind of test they took?
A. Lacks content validity
B. Has content validity.
C. Lacks reliability
D. Lacks construct validity

Activity 13.7 Computing Students Grades Based on DepEd Grading System

Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP

School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021

A. Sample Students' Report Card
1. Secure a sample of a Students' Report Card from your Resource Teacher.
2. Study a sample of an unused Student's Report Card. Observe its contents.
3. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for an interview with him/her and
with a group student regarding the new grading system.
B. Interview of Resource Teacher
1. What are the new features of the latest grading system? What things are you
required to do with this new grading system which you were not asked before?
2. Which do you prefer the old or the new grading system? Why?
C. Interview of 5 Students
1. What do you like in the new grading system?
 The new grading system is preferred by the students I interviewed because
they are not all good at written activities and cannot achieve high results in
quizzes and examinations, so the performance task allows them to make up
for their failing grades. This causes their grades to balance or improve.
2. Do you have problems with the new grading system. If there is, what?
 There was no issue with the new grading system for them; the issue was how
they were going to submit it on time because we are in a virtual class and all
activities are completed online. However, due to a poor internet connection,
they did not pass it on time, and sometimes technical difficulties occurred.
3. Does the new grading system give you a better picture of your performance? Why
or why not?
 Their answer is yes, because it is no longer about how knowledgeable and
smart you are, but about your talents, ability, and skills. You can get high
grades even if you are not good academically but have talents and abilities
that you will use in performance tasks.
4. Which do you prefer the old or the new grading system? Why?
 They prefer the new grading system in which it is not all about how smart and
knowledgeable you are. Though they are not academically strong, their
talents allow them to excel in class and achieve high grades.

D. Review of DepEd Order # 8, s. 2015

Read DepEd Order # 8 s. 2015. You may refer to Appendix A.
Based on DepEd Order 8, s, 2015, answers the following:
1. What are the bases for grading?
 The bases for grading, according to DO 8, s.2015, are the Summative
Assessment Components Summative assessments are classified into three
components, namely, Written Work (WW), Performance Tasks (PT), and
Quarterly Assessment (QA).
2. How do you compute grades per quarter for Grades 1 to 10 and Grades 11 to 12.
Give an example.
3. How do you compute grades at the end of the school year?
 Kindergarten has no numerical grades. Checklists and student portfolios are
used to represent learners' progress in various learning areas. These are
presented to parents for discussion at the end of each quarter. Additional
Kindergarten program guidelines will be issued.
For students in grade 1 to 10.
 The Final Grade is calculated by taking the average of the Quarterly
Grades (QG).
 The General Average is calculated by dividing the total number of
learning areas by the sum of all final grades. Each area of learning is
given equal weight.
 The final grade in each learning area, as well as the overall average, is
reported as whole numbers.
For Students in Grades 11 and 12
 The final grade in a semester is determined by the two quarters.
4. What descriptors and grading scale are used in reporting progress of learners?
 A summary of learner progress is presented to parents and guardians
quarterly during a parent-teacher conference, during which the report card is
discussed. When a learner's raw scores in Written Work and Performance
Tasks are consistently lower than expected, the learner's parents or
guardians must be notified no later than the fifth week of that quarter. This
will allow them to assist and guide their child as he or she improves and
prepares for the Quarterly Assessment. A learner who receives a grade of
less than 75 in any subject in a quarter must receive intervention from the
subject's teacher/s through remediation and extra lessons.

5. What are the bases for learners' promotion and retention at the end of the school
 The final grade of 75 or higher in all learning areas qualifies the student for
advancement to the next grade level.

 The learner in Grades 1-10 who did not meet expectations in at least two
learning areas must take remedial classes. After the Final Grades have been
computed, remedial classes are held. To advance to the next grade level, the
learner must complete the remedial classes. Teachers should, however,
ensure that students receive remediation if their raw scores in Written Work
and Performance Tasks are consistently lower than expected by the fifth
week of any quarter. This will keep a student from failing any subject at the
end of the year.

 The learners in Grades 11 and 12 who fail a unit/set of competencies must

be immediately placed in remedial classes. To avoid a failing grade in a
learning area/subject, they must pass the summative assessments during
remediation. Students will not have to repeat subjects in Senior High School
as a result of this (SHS). However, if the learner continues to fail remedial
classes, he or she must retake the failed subject(s) during the summer or as
a back subject. Guidance teachers/career advocates must support SHS
students in their SHS Track choices.
6. What is the report on learners' observed values?
 The observed values of the learners are based on the DepEd Mission, Vision,
and Core Values.

 Additional indicators for the behavior statements may be developed by

schools. Schools must ensure that these are child-centered, gender-fair, and
age and culture-appropriate. Schools must also ensure that their homeroom
guidance program promotes these Core Values. Additional opportunities in all
learning areas may be integrated into class discussions.
E. Grade Computation
Show sample computations of a grade:
 in a subject of your choice from Grades 1 to 6 (if you are a future elementary
 in your specialization if you are a high school teacher)
 it is not available because we don’t experience to compute quarter grades of
the students.
 Show the percentage contributions of written work, performance tasks and
quarterly assessment. Then give the descriptor. Refer to DepEd Order # 8, s. 2015.
 Written work (30 percent) consists of written activities and quizzes.
 Performance task (50 percent) - this is an activity that includes students'
performances and skills such as dancing, singing, role playing, and product
 Quarterly assessment (20%) - this is an examination given at the end of each
quarter to assess students' understanding of the lessons covered during the

Analyze data and information gathered from the interview and from your review of an
unused Student's Report Card and the DepEd grading system.
1. Do teachers and students like the new grading system? Why or why not?
 Yes, they prefer the new grading system because it focuses on performance
and skills, which have a higher grading scale.
2. What are the good points of the new grading system according to teachers?
According to students?
 They also mentioned the same positive aspects, namely the scale of
performance tasks with a higher scale on the grading system.
3. What are teachers challenged to do by this new grading system?
 The response of the students to the activity is the challenge of the new
grading system, especially since we are in a virtual class. Because they were
concerned about the internet connection, they allowed the students to pass
their activity late, resulting in a delay in computing the students' grades.

4. Do you favor the distribution of percentages of written work, performance tasks

and quarterly assessment?
 Yes, I agree with the percentage distribution because skills are very important
nowadays. Rather than increasing their knowledge, we need to improve their
5. Did you like the experience of computing grades? Why or why not?
 We don't have any experience computing grades right now because we aren't
allowed to. We are simply carrying out our resource teacher's assignment.

In an era where the emphasis is self-directed learning and demonstration of
competencies - knowledge, skills and values learned (outcomes-based education)- do
grades really matter?
 Yes, grades are still important, but we are now emphasizing self-directed
learning and competency demonstration because we can monitor our
students. Through the grades Even though it is only a number, we can
identify their true abilities and capabilities and monitor which aspects or parts
they need to develop more.

LINK Theory to Practice

1. Which is the percentage contribution of quarterly assessment to the grade of the
student from Grades 1 to 10?
A. 15% C. 25%
B. 20% D. 30%
2. Does quarterly assessment have the same percentage weights for all the
subjects, for all the tracks in Grades 11-12?
A. Yes C. Yes, only for the academic track
B. No D. It depends on schools.
3. Which is the percentage contribution of written work to the grade of the Grade 1-
10 student in Science and Math?
A. 50% C. 40%
B. 20% D. 30%
4. In MAPEH and TLE, which contribute/s heaviest to the student grade?
A. Performance tasks C. Quarterly assessment
B. Written work D. Quarterly assessment and
performance tasks
5. Based on percentage contribution to the grade, what can be inferred from the
DepEd's emphasis on learning and assessment?
A. The emphasis depends on the grade level of the subjects.
B. All components are being emphasized.
C. The emphasis for all Grades 1-10 subjects is on performance tasks.
D. The emphasis is on quarterly assessment.
6. A student gets a numerical grade of 80. What is his descriptor for his level of
A. Satisfactory C. Very Satisfactory
B. Fairly Satisfactory D. Did not meet expectations
7. I get a grade of 90. What is its descriptor?
A. Very satisfactory C. Advanced
B. Beginning D. Outstanding
8. Which is described as "did not meet expectations?
A. Below 75% C. Below 74%
B. Below 76% D. Below 72%
9. If a student failed to meet standards, which descriptor applies?
A. Developing C. Poor
B. Beginning. D. Did not meet expectations
10. How is the final grade per subject for Grades 11 and 12 obtained?
A. Get the average of the grades for the 2 Quarters
B. Get the average of the grades for the 4 Quarters
C. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 2 semesters
D. Get the average of the grades of all subjects for the 4 semesters.
11. Which is/are TRUE of MAPEH when it comes to grade computation?
I. The quarterly grade is the average of the quarterly grades in the four areas-
Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH)
II. Individual grades are given to each area (MAPEH)
III. There is one grade for Music and Arts, PE and Health because they are
A. I only C. 1 and III
B. I and II D. II only
12. Which is TRUE of Kindergarten grades?
A. Grades are computed like the grades in Grade 1.
B. There are numerical grades with descriptions.
C. There are no numerical grades.
D. Remarks like Passed, and Failed are used.
13. At the end of the school year, which is/are TRUE of grades?
I. the General Average is computed by dividing the sum of all final grades by the
total number of learning areas.
II. Each learning area has equal weight in computing for the General Average.
III. The Final Grade per learning area and the General Average are reported as
whole numbers.
A. I and II C, I and III
B. II and III D. I, II and III
14. Who is retained in the same grade level for Grades 1 to 10? Any students who
did not meet expectations
A. in three or more learning areas C. in four learning areas
B. in 2 learning areas D. as shown in the general
15. What happens when a student in Grade 1 to 10 did not meet expectations in two
learning areas?
A. Retained in the same grade level
B. Promoted to the next grade level after passing remedial classes for
learning areas with failing mark
C. Promoted in the next grade level but has back subjects in the lower grade
D. Is not accepted for enrollment in the school
Activity 13.8 Reporting Student’s Performance
Resource Teacher: Mirriam L. Arellano Teacher’s Signature:

Grade/ Year Level: Grade 10 Subject Area: EPP

School: Southville IV National High School Date: Oct. 25, 2021

Proceedings in a Card Distribution Day
1. Observe how cards are distributed on Card Distribution Day. Describe how
cards are distributed.
 1. Because of the pandemic, cards are also distributed online. Parents and
teachers first meet via Google Meet to report on each student's progress and
performance. Their grades are sent to their Google accounts/portals. In
school, each student has an account where their teachers enter their grades
one by one.
2. Describe how the Resource Teachers communicated learners' assessment
results and grades to parents.
 My resource teacher first explained the percentage of written work,
performance task, and quarterly assessment, and then she will explain how to
compute and obtain their children's grades.
3. Did parents raise questions or concerns? If yes, what were their
 As my resource teacher put it, "there are no other questions because she
explained everything about how to compute their children's grades."

4. How did the Resource Teacher handle their questions and concerns? What
answers did he she gives?
 If there are any questions, she approaches them politely and responds as
best she can. She is very open about how she computes the grades of the
students, and she explains it one by one.

Interview with Resource Teacher

1. How do you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When
do you give feedback?
 She stated that she provided feedback following their class. She will
message the student and discuss it privately. If there are activities, she will
provide feedback on the work, whether it needs improvement or is a job well
2. How do you report students' performance to parents? Does the school have a
regular way of reporting grades to parents?
 After receiving and completing the students' grades, the school has a
consistent method of reporting the students' performance. The head
principal will set a date to meet with the students' parents and report on their
development and progress.
3. What problems on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you
address it/them?
 According to her, she had no problems reporting the grades because she is
very transparent. She will go over each point one by one to avoid any

Interview with Students

1. Do you see the meaning of your grades in the School Report Card?
 According to the student I interviewed, she saw the significance of their
grades in their School Report Card because they could go and look at it
whenever they wanted. It is available on their portal, and only they have
access to it.
2. Does knowing your grade motivate you to work harder?
 Yes, they are extremely motivated, especially when they see that their
grades are excellent. They are motivated to study hard and do their
absolute best the next time.
Interview with Parents
1. Does your child's Report Card give you a clear picture of how your child is
performing? Why?
 According to them, yes, because it will reflect on their children's
performance in the class they attended.
2. If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one?
 Perhaps the teacher's comments or feedback because it will assist the
students and them as mothers in determining what should be prioritized and
what needs to be improved.
3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
 Yes, Card Distribution Day is very important for them as parents because
they will know whether or not their children are learning. It is also the result
of their children's efforts, and they will determine whether they need to focus
on teaching or monitoring them.
4. Any suggestion on how to make Card Distribution more meaningful?
 They don't have any suggestions yet because the distribution makes sense,
even if it's online, based on what they've experienced recently as a result of
the new way of distributing their children's grades or cards.

1. What were the most common issues raised on students' performance?
 Because it is done online, the teacher finds it difficult to monitor the
students' attentiveness and participation in class at all times. They need
more engaging activities and games to keep students' attention and
motivate them to participate in class.
2. Based on your observations and findings, what practices must be
a) maintained and
b) improved to make grades and reporting meaningful?
 According to observations, one of the practices that teachers must maintain
is transparency between teachers and parents, because it is critical for
teachers to be transparent, especially when it comes to the grading system.
And, in terms of practices that need to be improved, based on the
observations, there are currently no other issues or areas that need to be
improved because the grades and reporting are meaningful and well

1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do reporting so
that it will result to effective learning?

 I agree that grades can lead to misunderstandings, so be open and honest

with your parents. The teacher must provide an honest report to the parents.
Though it is not a good report, parents will understand it because it is based
on their children's performance and effort during the quarter. Report all
grades and performances, and explain how the grades are calculated. And
if there are still misunderstandings or violent reactions to their children's
grades, allow them to compute. Give them their children's data and let them
compute their grades to show them how to get that grade.

LINK Theory to Practice.

1. Why must grades be reported to parents?
I. Promote ongoing formative feedback to students
II. Ensure alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment
III. Promote, to parents and students, credible and useful feedback
A. I only C. II only
B. I and III D. I, II and III
2. What must be done to make grade reporting meaningful?
I. The grading system must be clear to all concerned.
II. The standards and competencies are known and understood by all. I
II. The grading system must be numerical.
A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. II only D. III only
3. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must be done?
A. Announce names of students who need to help.
B. Rank the Report Cards from highest to lowest then distribute the same
according to rank.
C. Explain how the grades were computed.
D. Console parents whose are non-performing by telling them that
nobody fails.
4. What is an essential step in reporting grades to parents?
I. Explain that grades give a picture of students' performance.
II. Explain that grades compare students' performance against the established
III. Explain that grades compare students' performance against other students'
A. I and II C. I, II and III
B. II only D. III only
5. What does criterion -referenced grading mean?
A. Grading on the curve C. Comparing grades with average grade
B. Grading against standards D. Interpreting grades based on Mean
6. What must be done to make grades meaningful?
A. Interpret grades against standards. C. Compare individual grades
against mean.
B. Compute grades accurately. D. Compare grades of boys and

Field Study 1 Learning Episode The Teacher as a Person

and as a Professional
FS 1 14
Activity 14.1 Teacher Personal Qualities: A View from My Lenses
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
1. Secure a permit to observe a teacher.
2. Review the list of the Personal Qualities given above.
3. Follow the code given whether you will observe by seeing only or you will
observe and interview the teacher to gather information.
4. Write down in the column of data results the description of the personal qualities
that you have found out. If the personal quality is not observed by you or is not
revealed in your interview, write not observed or not manifested.
Personal Qualities Observe (O) Data Results
Interview (I) I have found out that ….
a. Dignified Observe Not observed

b. Healthy Observe I have found out that she is healthy because

she is able to do her task on time even though
she does a lot.
c. Spiritual Observe(1) I found out that she is spiritual healthy because
Interview every time in class she always tell the
goodness of the lord to us and we must not
d. Knowledge Observe I have found out that not only in her master
subject she is also good in another subject.
e. Humble Observe Not observed

f. Determined Observe(1) I found out that even on weekend she do a lot

Interview of paper works and she is able to do her duties
to her family.
g. Cooperative Observe Not observed

Activity 2
Will focus on the Professional Competencies of the Teacher. You may change
your sample Teacher in Activity 1 with another teacher or you can still observe the same
teacher. In case you will not change your teacher to be observed the same teacher will
be your sample for both Activity 1 and Activity 2. Aside from direct observation, you will
also do a Survey in Activity 2.
Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us analyze the information
that you have gathered.
Answer the following questions.
1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most outstanding significant personal
qualities of the teacher you chose as your case? Why do you consider these as
a. Strong communication skills
b. Professional
c. Approachable
2. Which of these qualities do you have? Do you think you can fit as a good teacher
someday? _______ Why? Describe yourself.
For me I have a strong communication skills, in traditional teaching and today’s virtual
class, having this quality as a teacher is very important because poor communication
skills can make sometimes a misunderstanding not only in the students but also to the
colleagues and parents.
Good teachers are role models, whether in school, at home or in the community.
From the teachers that you had from elementary to college, did the personal qualities
that they possess, help you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristic of your model teacher that has made a great
impact in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality influenced you.
I really admire my College professor and our one and only Ms. Florence B. Ferrer, way
back 2018 when I inquiring in EARIST Cavite campus, I want to apply as a education
student because in my previous school I am elementary education student. Transferring
in other school is hard the registrar has so much looking for my documents and I said to
myself should I take another course? Or should I pursue my education course but TLE
Major this time. I passed the entrance exam and my next step is to meet the program
chairman of education course. When I see Ma’am Ferrer she looks like hot headed
maybe she is tired because that time is already afternoon. She interviewed me , she say
WHY EDUCATION? In earist there is only one major here that TLE I said, ma’am I want
to be a teacher someday, she says why? My answer is, Ma’am I want to be a
professional teacher and I want my daughter proud of me someday.
Since 1st year Ma’am Ferrer is always our subject teacher she looks terror but in reality
she wants her students to be quality teacher I saw her dedication to her profession she
is, patient and caring teacher maybe other student misinterpret her but for me if I
became a professional teacher someday I want to be like her but I know she is only one
no one can replace her. Giving advice in real world on how to handle problems on how
to give solution. She always remind us to keep study even the life is poor because we
have a chance given by our government , you can ask her if we have curiosity or ask
about our lesson she never refuse us.
In my 16 years of studying all I can say Ms. Florence B. Ferrer is the teacher who gave
a big impact to my life not just in school but in reality. I want to thank ma’am ferrer for
the opportunity to study again she gave me her trust to study again. I know even though
we haven’t yet, I know that she is proud to us. Thankyou ma’am for showing your
support. Love and care you are an inspiration to all students who want to achieve their
Activity 14.2 Is the Teacher a Professional Teacher?
Resource Teacher: Teacher’s Signature:
Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:
1. Secure a permit to observe and conduct a survey.
2. Request the following information from the teacher:
a. Name
b. LET License No
c. Evidence of Professional Growth (Masters or Doctorate, Seminars attended,
3. Request a co-teacher or the head (only one of the 2) to answer the
checklist/rating scale about your sample teacher.
4. Answer the same survey instrument yourself.
5. Compare the answer of the co-teacher or that of the head with your answer on
the survey. In what items do you have the same answer?
6. Show the results in a summary table.

Competencies of the Professional Teacher: A Special Case

Dear Ma'am/Sir:
I am a future teacher and I would like to know the characteristics of a
professional teacher. I will be very glad if you could answer the survey form about your
co-teacher _________________________.
I will keep in confidence your identity, however, please allow me to use the data
in my lesson.
This is a requirement in our course, Field Study 1.

Thank you very much.

BEED/BSEd Student

Name of the Teacher:

PRC License No. Grade Level Taught
Answer the following statement based on your OBSERVATION of the teacher. Check
Yes or No or Doubtful.
Does the Teacher
Professional Competence exhibit the competence
of a professional
teacher? Check your
answer below.
Yes No Doubtful
1. Practices the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
2. Teaches the subject matter very well with mastery

3. Keeps self-updated with educational trends, policies and


4. Uses varied teaching methods that facilitate learning

with skill and ease

5. Engages the parents and other stakeholders to

cooperate as partners in educating the children

6. Teaches with compassion based on the knowledge and

understanding of the characteristics and needs of diverse

7. Prepares curriculum plans, implements these with

innovation in every lesson

8. Designs or selects and utilizes appropriate assessment

strategies and tools for lessons taught

9. Makes classroom atmosphere physically (arrangement)

and psychologically (friendly, inclusive) safe and secure for

10. Serves willingly beyond teaching work by participating

in other extra-curricular activities when needed

Name and Signature of the Teacher Informant (Peer)
Name and Signature of the Supervisor Informant (Peer)
Your Name and Signature (Pre-Service Student)

Did you learn from your observation and interview on teacher's professional
competences? Now let us analyze the data.

Answer the following questions:

1. In Activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher? In what
competencies is the teacher Strong? _______ Weak? ______ Doubtful? ______ Why?

2. Did your answers to the survey form coincide with the answers of the co-
teacher or head of the teacher you observed?
Now, it is time to reflect on Activity 2.
Complete the following sentences as your reflections from the results of Activity 2.
1. As a future teacher, the results imply that I should

2. If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and
competencies as the teacher/teachers observed then learners will be
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Show here the artifacts of this Episode.
1. Short narrative about the teacher with a description of the personal qualities
and professional characteristics that you have observed. You may request a
picture from the teacher.

My Teacher, My Hero

(Picture of the Teacher Observed)

Narrative (about the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher)

LINK Theory to Practice
Based on Episode 1, choose the correct answer for each item.
1. Any teacher currently teaching is called a professional because he or she ____.
I. is a licensed teacher
II. has personal qualities appropriate to be a teacher
III. possesses the characteristics given in A, B, C.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
2. Which of the following is a quality that is unbecoming of teacher?
A. Patience and understanding C. Aggressive and dominating
B. Humble and open minded D. Dignified and accommodating
3. Which statement is TRUE about the spirituality of the teacher?
I. Goes to church everyday
II. Gives contribution to church activities
III. Behaves according to the beliefs, mores and tradition of the community
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
4. What could be the best practice of a professional teacher?
A. Burns midnight candle every night writing a lesson plan
B. Utilizes knowledge of the learners' characteristics while teaching
C. Expects equal performance of learners in lessons taught
D. Masters one teaching method and uses it all the time
5. The saying goes, "Many are called, but few are chosen." How is this directly
related to teachers?
A. There are many teachers but few are qualified.
B. There are many professionals who shift to teaching.
C. Teaching is a very lucrative job.
D. The teachers assigned in the senior high school are the chosen teachers.

Field Study 1 Learning Episode Towards Teacher Quality:

FS 1 15 Developing a Glocal
Teacher of the 21st

ACTIVITY 15.1 A Day in the School Life of a Quality Teacher

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature __________ School:
Yr./Level: _____________________ Subject Area: ___________ Date:

Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being
A. Actual Teaching?
The teacher practices a learner- centered approach, has mastery of the
subject matter and is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners.
B. Management of learning?
The teacher allows the students to take part in the class. Dismissed the class
on schedule and used instructional support tools to assist learners in
understanding the topic and completing the learning in the allotted time.
C. Administrative work?
The teacher keeps her record of attendance every day, and also the formative
and summative test, does other tasks as requested by the superiors,
cooperates with peers and staff.

2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of

emulation when you become a teacher? Describe.
The management of learning is worth emulating when I become a teacher
someday. Management of learning allows the teacher to facilitate the class in
organize manner. Facilitating not only the flow of the lesson, but also the welfare
of the students in the classroom setting and learning environment.

3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with?
What are the reasons?
I think there is no major responsibilities that a teacher finds it difficult to comply.
Because teachers are able to comply with making a learner centered
environment, managing the learning environment, up to keeping all the records
and submitting documents. Those are not too hard responsibilities unless a
teacher has a valid reason why he/she cannot comply.
4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher?
Yes, because she possesses the characteristics of a quality teacher, aside from
that she does her responsibilities in actual teaching, management of learning,
and even when it comes to administrative works.

Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good for
you to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes,
why? If No, why not?
 Yes, after seeing how the teacher works and help the students to learn.
I am inspired to become one in the future. I would love to teach and help
my students not only to master the knowledges, but also the skills and
values they should have in order to become a meaningful individual.

2. Would you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do
better as a professional teacher?

 To be a better teacher, you must possess the knowledge, ethics, and

quality of a great educator. Which means I must first enjoy teaching or
educating children, since as a teacher, I have the unique opportunity to
have a direct impact on my students. I will make certain that the pupils
comprehend not just the theory but also the actual applications of what I
have presented.

3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a
quality teacher? Do you think you will be ready to address these? Give
at least 2 concerns.
 In the future I foresee that the concerns I will have been handling
student’s behavior, and managing the learner’s diversity. I think that
despite of these concerns I am determined that I will be able to handle
and address these. I need to think positively and stay focused on the
things I must do as a teacher.

4. In what aspects of the teacher’s day, would you like to congratulate the
teacher you observed? Can you show your appreciation to this teacher
by sending a Thank you card? (Include this in your artifact).

 I would congratulate the teacher I have observed based on behavioral

aspects, as she shows to us how humble, considerate and determined
she is, despite of all struggles we are facing right now.

Activity 15.2 The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as
a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher

Resource Teacher: ________________ Teacher’s Signature: ____________ School:

Yr./Level: __________________ Subject Area: ______________ Date:
This activity will allow you to develop your sense of creativity and imagination in
designing a classroom for the 21st century and determining how to manage learning in
this classroom.
1. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing.
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including
these but not limited to:
a. Doors, windows
b. Teacher table, demonstration table
c. Cabinets, chalkboard, bulletin board’s/display boards etc.
d. Gadgets, equipment
e. Plant boxes, etc.
f. Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21st century.

A. Current Classroom I am Observing Grade level 7

A. Current Classroom I am Observing Grade level 7
B. My Classroom for the 21st century

Make a comparison of your drawings A and B. Describe the similarities and differences.
Explain why.
Features of the present My vision of the future Why the similarity?
classroom components classroom Why the differences?
 Ample space for  Wide classroom  The present
class space classroom seems to
 Have boards and  Have long table for be an ordinary
white screen demonstration and classroom, while my
 Have lights and activities vision of the future
electric fan, also  Have its own set of classroom is
Electric outlets. tablets per student futuristic and
 Small teachers place in each considers the
table student seats when learners need in a
they need to use it 21st century
 Have a big wide classroom and how
screen or is education
televisions implemented by that
Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How
will you manage learning and become a global teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21 st century
In the 21st century classroom I will manage teaching and learning by first knowing
and analyzing the individual differences and backgrounds so I will be able to plan my
lessons and how it will be implemented in the classroom setting. I will prepare myself
to deal with the new breed of learners, wherein technology takes places in education,
so starting today, I will explore more about different uses of technologies in education
in order to cater the needs of my future learners. In the present education era, I will
give attention on how I am going to develop 21st century literacies and skills of the
learners, and it should with me, I, myself must at least possess any of those literacies
and skills in order for me to impart it to them and makes learning a meaningful

Link theory to practice

Based on the episode you went through on global teacher of the 21 st century, answer
the questions that follow.
1. Anywhere in the world, when you embrace teaching as a profession, you should
be prepared to do______________
I. Actual teaching
II. Manage learners and learning
III. Do administrative work.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I,II, and III
2. Quality teacher is equipped with personal qualities and attributes that go beyond
ordinary, that is why in the Philippines he/she is described as__________
A. Teacher of the world
B. Global teacher
C. My teacher, my hero
D. CNN Heroes
3. Which is one of these descriptors exemplifies a global teacher?
A. Teacher who has taught successfully abroad or overseas.
B. Teacher who remains to teach in the community until retirement.
C. Teacher who teaches in the community, but quality of teaching meets global
D. On-line teacher teaching learners all over the world.
4. One of the fundamental requirements of a 21 st century classroom that will
address globalization is the provision of conditions that allow__________
A. Collaboration, seamless use of technology, flexible student groupings
B. Use of technology, teacher-led activities, isolated subjects
C. Teacher- centeredness and use of textbooks to the maximum
D. Use of technology, purely lecture, need to memorize and recall
5. The new type of teachers in the 21st century are those who are ____________
I. Well-travelled, global citizens, unmindful of their roots
II. Multi-literate, innovative and creative, multi-cultural
III. Masters of the discipline, excellent in English, multi-talented
a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I,II and III Only

Field Study 1 Learning Episode On Teacher’s Philosophy

FS 1 16 of Education

ACTIVITY 16.1 Analyzing Deped’s Philosophy of Education

Resource Teacher: __________________ Teacher’s Signature: __________ School:
Yr./Level: _________________________ Subject Area: _______________ Date:
 Determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision
and Mission statements, core values and mandate and on the K to 12
Curriculum Framework and Guide.
 Study the DepEd Vision and Mission statements, Core values and
 Read the features of the K to 12 Curriculum based on the K to 12
Curriculum Framework and Guide and Sec 5 of RA 10533.
 Accomplish the Table below by answering this question: Which
philosophies are expressed?
 Cite relevant statements to back up an idea identified philosophy of
education. You are given an example.

Which philosophies are Which philosophies are

Philosophies of education expressed in the expressed in the K to 12
DepEd Vision, Mission Curriculum Framework
statements, Core and Guide and Sec 5
values, Mandate? Give RA 10533
1. ESSENTIALISM- teach mastery ESSENTIALISM- the Essentialism-List of
of the basics: curriculum is core values of maka- standards and
prescribed; subject matter- diyos, maka -Tao, maka- competencies that
centered there are universal, kalikasan, and maka- learners are expected to
objective values; inculcate values bansa show that DepEd attain is the subject
in subject matter. is essentialist. DepEd matter that students are
believes in unchanging expected to learn.
values that need to be
2. PERENNIALISM- teach those Any proof of In K-12 Curriculum
that last, the classics; there are perennialism? Framework which is
universal values; inculcate these In the DepEd Mission, making the Curriculum
universal, objective values. students learn in a child- Relevant to
friendly, gender- learners
sensitive, safe, and (Contextualization and
motivating environment, Enhancement), Students
demonstrating how needed to acquire in-
Perennialism was depth knowledge,
incorporated into the skills,values, and
DepEd Mission. They attitudes through
believe that if students continuity and
engage in this type of consistency across all
environment, they will be levels and subjects in
able to become a friendly order to bring a
and good citizen in the good values and
future, bringing with them characteristic to
the values they learned their future from what
in school. they are learned in
3. PROGRESSIVISM- very child- Any proof of The curriculum shall be
centered; teach those that interest progressivism? learner-centered,
the child; one learns by In its vision, DepEd is a inclusive, and
experience; learners learn by progressive organization developmentally
doing so teacher teacher’s that consistently appropriate, according to
teaching is experiential; values develops itself to better Section 5 of RA No.
are subjective; no inculcation of serve its stakeholders as 10533, which shows that
values since they are subjective; a learner-centered Progressivism is utilized
instead, teachers help students institution. DepEd thinks in this law.
clarify their values. that students learn best
by doing rather than by
lecturing about what they
are interested in.
4. RECONSTRUCTTION- school is Any proof of In K-12 Curriculum
agent of change; schooling is reconstruction? Framework which
preparing students for the social DepEd is is Making The Curriculum
changes; teaching is involving the reconstructionism, as Relevant
students in discussion of moral evidenced by the mission To Learners
dilemmas. of DepEd, in which (Contextualization And
administrators and Enhancement), it shows
personnel, as stewards that there is an
of the institution, application of
maintain an enabling and Reconstructionism
supporting atmosphere in which there is a
for effective learning. In discussions on the
order to grasp the students about the issues
consequences of one's such as
actions, DepEd believes Disaster Risk Reduction
in immersing students in (DRR),
discussions about moral Climate Change
challenges. Adaptation, and
Information &
Technology (ICT) are
included in the
enhanced curriculum.

5. EXISTENTIALISM- teachers Any proof of According to the K-12

teach learners to make a choice, existentialism? Curriculum Framework,
to make decisions and not merely DepEd is existentialist, which is Gearing Up For
to follow the crowd; one who does as evidenced by the The Future (Senior High
not make a choice and so simply mission of DepEd, which School), there is evidence
follow others do not leave is to help students learn of Existentialism in that
meaningful life. and nurture each other. students can choose a
According to the specialty based on their
Department of abilities, interests, and
Education, society school capacity. The
should not impose substance of the topics a
constraints on an student will take in
individual's life or deeds, Grades 11 and 12 will be
as these restrictions stifle determined by the career
the individual's ability to track they choose.
realize their full potential. Subjects in SHS fall into
one of two categories:
Core Curriculum or
6. PRAGMATISM- that which is Any proof of In K-12 Curriculum
useful, that which is practical, and pragmatism? Framework which is
that which work is what is good; The DepEd Vision in Making the Curriculum
that which is efficient and effective which, enable them to Relevant to Learners
is that which is good. E.g., realize their full potential (Contextualization and
showing a video clip on mitosis is and contribute Enhancement), it shows
more efficient and more effective meaningfully to building also that there is an
and therefore more practical than the nation shows that application of Pragmatism
teacher coming up with a visual DepEd applied as students acquire in-
aid by drawing mitosis on a Pragmatism as they depth knowledge, skills,
cartolina or illustration board. believe that teaching values, and attitudes
students a thing that are through continuity and
practical for life are consistency in order to
encourage them to grow encourage them to grow
into better people. into better people across
in all levels
7. RATIONALISM- emphasizes the Any proof of In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5
development of the learners rationalism? which is Curriculum
reasoning powers; knowledge The DepEd Core Values Development, there is a
comes though reason; teacher which is Maka-Diyos, proof of application of the
must develop the reasoning Maka-tao, Rationalism in which the
power of the learner. Makakalikasan and curriculum shall be
Makabansa is the relevant, responsive and
proof that shows that research based as
DepEd applied students is acquired
rationalism in which they through reason without
practicing only for the aid of the senses.
believing what is based
reason and provides the
primary basis for

8. UTILITARIANISM- what is good Any proof of In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5

is that which is most useful (that utilitarianism? which is Curriculum
which brings happiness) to the The DepEd Vision which Development, there is a
greatest number of peoples; is We dream of Filipinos proof of application of the
who passionately love Utilitarianism in which the
their country shows that curriculum shall be
DepEd are also use culture-sensitive in which
Utilitarianism which it teacher approach offers
advocates actions that no sense of what ought to
foster happiness or constitute an education.
pleasure and opposes
actions that cause
unhappiness or harm. It
would be aims for the
betterment of society as
a whole when directed
toward making social,
economic, or political
9. EMPIRICISM- source of Any proof of In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5
knowledge is through the senses; empiricism? which is Curriculum
teacher must involve the senses The DepEd Vision which Development, it shows
in teaching – learning. is Teachers facilitate that there is an
learning and constantly application of Empiricism
nurture every learner is in which the curriculum
evidence that DepEd use shall use pedagogical
Empiricism where approaches that are
teaching-learning of the constructivist, inquiry-
students is based on the based, reflective,
human senses wherein it collaborative and
shares the view that integrative; as teacher
there is no such thing as involves the senses in
innate knowledge, and teaching-learning of the
that instead knowledge is students to be able to
derived from experience. gain knowledge
10. BEHAVIORISM- behavior is Any proof of In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5
shaped deliberately by forces in behaviorism? which is Curriculum
the environment and that the type The Development, it shows
of person and actions desired can DepEd Vision which is that there is a
be the product of design; behavior students learn in a child Behaviorism by which the
is determined by others, rather friendly, gender curriculum shall be
than by person’s own free will; sensitive, safe, and learner-centered,
teacher must carefully shape motivating inclusive and
desirable behavior; drills are environment is one also developmentally
commonly used to enhanced a proof that DepEd appropriate; we teachers
learning rewards reinforce applied Behaviorism in encourage students to
learning. which perform desired behavior
the teacher provides a as they giving reward for
positive reinforcement, or their good performance.
rewards at the end of the
day for their good
behavior. Whenever
perform a desired
behavior, they will learn
to perform the behavior
on their own.

11. CONSTRUCTIVISM- learners are Any proof of In K-12 Curriculum

capable of constructing constructivism? Framework, it shows that
knowledge and meaning; teacher The DepEd Mission there is a Constructivism
does not just “tell” or dictate but which is Teachers in which it encourages
asks learners for knowledge they facilitate learning and students to consider this
construct and meaning of lesson. constantly nurture every to share their valuable
learner show also that knowledge and
DepEd is using experiences as the
Constructivism as they learner.
help learners to construct
knowledge rather than
just passively take in
information. As students
experience the world and
reflect upon those
experiences, it helps to
build their own
representations and
incorporate new
information into their pre-
existing knowledge.

ACTIVITY 16.2 Articulating My Personal Philosophy of Teaching

Resource Teacher: _____________Teacher’s Signature: ___________School:
Yr./Level: ____________________Subject Area: _________________ Date:

 Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds with
her teaching.
 Accomplish this Observation Sheet.
Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested
in class by observing what and how teacher teaches and release to the learners.
PHILOSOPHIES OF EDUCATION Teaching Behavior (State what the
teacher said, taught or did).
1. ESSENTIALISM- teach mastery of In what way was teacher essentialist. She
the basics: curriculum is saw to it that the students mastered basic
prescribed; subject matter- concepts and skill she inculcated values.
centered there are universal,
objective values; inculcate values
in subject matter.
2. PERENNIALISM- teach those that The teachers do not allow the students’
last, the classics; there are interests or experience to substantially
universal values; inculcate these dictate what they teach. They apply
universal, objective values. whatever creative techniques and others
tried and true methods which are believed
to be most conducive to disciplining the
students’ minds. Students engaged in
Socratic dialogues or mutual inquiry
sessions to develop an understanding of
history’s most timeless concepts.”
3. PROGRESSIVISM- very child- The teacher believe that one learns by
centered; teach those that interest doing. One experiential teaching method
the child; one learns by that progressivist teachers heavily rely on
experience; learners learn by is the problem-solving method. Other
doing so teacher teacher’s hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on teaching
teaching is experiential; values are methods used are field trips during which
subjective; no inculcation of values students interact with nature or society.
since they are subjective; instead, Teachers also stimulate students through
teachers help students clarify their thought-provoking games and puzzles.
agent of change; schooling is
preparing students for the social
changes; teaching is involving the
students in discussion of moral
5. EXISTENTIALISM- teachers teach Existentialist methods focus on the
learners to make a choice, to make individual. Learning is self-paced, self-
decisions and not merely to follow directed. It includes a great deal of
the crowd; one who does not make individual contact with the teacher, who
a choice and so simply follow relates to each student openly and
others do not leave meaningful life. honestly. To help students know
themselves and their place in society,
teachers employ values clarification
strategy. In the use of such strategy,
teachers remain non-judgmental and take
care not to impose their values on their
students since values are personal
6. PRAGMATISM- that which is
useful, that which is practical, and
that which work is what is good;
that which is efficient and effective
is that which is good. E.g., showing
a video clip on mitosis is more
efficient and more effective and
therefore more practical than
teacher coming up with a visual aid
by drawing mitosis on a cartolina
or illustration board.
7. RATIONALISM- emphasizes the
development of the learners
reasoning powers; knowledge
comes though reason; teacher
must develop the reasoning power
of the learner.

8. UTILITARIANISM- what is good is

that which is most useful (that
which brings happiness) to the
greatest number of peoples;
9. EMPIRICISM- source of
knowledge is through the senses;
teacher must involve the senses in
teaching – learning.
10. BEHAVIORISM- behavior is Behaviorist teachers ought to arrange
shaped deliberately by forces in environmental conditions so that students
the environment and that the type can make the responses to stimuli.
of person and actions desired can Physical variables like light, temperature,
be the product of design; behavior arrangement of furniture, size and
is determined by others, rather quantity of visual aids have controlled to
than by person’s own free will; get the desired responses from learners.
teacher must carefully shape Teachers ought to make the stimuli clear
desirable behavior; drills are and interesting to capture and hold the
commonly used to enhanced learners’ attentions. They ought to
learning rewards reinforce provide appropriate incentives to
learning. reinforce positive responses and weaken
or eliminate negative ones
11. CONSTRUCTIVISM- learners are Teacher provides students with data or
capable of constructing knowledge experiences that allow them to
and meaning; teacher does not hypothesize, predict, manipulate objects,
just “tell” or dictate but asks pose questions, research, investigate,
learners for knowledge they imagine and invent. The constructivist
construct and meaning of lesson. classroom is interactive. It promotes
dialogical exchange of ideas among
learners and between teacher and
learners. The teacher’s role is to facilitate
this process. Knowledge isn’t a thing that
can be simply deposited by the teacher
into the empty minds of the learners.
Rather, knowledge is constructed by
learners through an active, mental
process of development; learners are the
builders and creators of meaning and
knowledge. Their minds are not empty.
Instead, their minds are full of ideas
waiting to be “midwife” by the teacher
with his skillful facilitating skill
12. Other philosophies

1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you
say so?
The two sorts of teacher-centered education ideologies are Essentialism and
Perennialism. In the United States, essentialism is currently the most popular
method of public education. It's the teaching of basic abilities that have been
demonstrated to be useful in society over time.
2. if there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention
to, what should that be and why?

What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should
teach, how you should teach and how you should relate to others in school- with
learners, your colleagues, your superiors, and all stakeholders. Write them down. This
is your title “My Philosophy of Teaching”.

My Philosophy of Teaching
These may be help:
I believe that the learner is unique in that each student has their own learning style, as
well as their own set of needs and talents that they bring to the classroom. As a teacher,
it is my job to highlight their talents and create an environment that encourages
maximum learning while also meeting the needs of each child.
Each youngster learns in his or her own way. As a teacher, I believe it is critical to use a
range of teaching methods to ensure that students learn. Through cooperative learning,
students should be able to learn from one another and work together. Students should
be engaged learners who use hands-on learning to explore concepts. The pupils should
also be taught how to apply the notion in a way that allows them to think on a higher
level. To the best of my ability
I believe that I should teach the learners what is new in the discipline. In fact, the
good teacher often helps to create new knowledge. To live this belief, I must
continuously examine my teaching methods and find new ones. To remain
connected to my students, their lives and the schools in which they will practice
their professions, I must be a student of society and the constantly changing worlds
in which students live. I eagerly and willingly learn from my students as they learn
with me.
By feels secure and comfy. They need to know that the teacher cares about them. As a
teacher, it is my obligation to create such a setting. It's a place where everyone feels at
ease and as though they're part of the family. I feel that a child's ability to succeed must
be a source of pride for them. In each learner, I shall have faith. I also feel that the
pupils should be held to a high, yet achievable, standard. Each youngster chooses to be
challenged in order to realize his or her maximum potential.
I believe that I need to be a trustworthy, and supportive teacher and A great teacher
bridges gaps and builds relationships, friendships, and a community. Teachers
always look to make things better and improve things in and outside of the
classroom. Building a community is something a great teacher seeks to do in
the classroom and extends that to the entire school and its community.

Show Your Learning Artifacts

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1. In its vision and mission statement, DepEd wants to develop learners……
“whose values and competencies enable them to realize their full potential ….
“On which philosophy of education is this mission statement anchored?
A. Existentialism C. Essentialism
B. Empiricism D. Pragmatism

2. Based on the DepEd’s mission statement, “quality basic education means that
students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating
environment”. This implies that DepEd believes the environment affects learning.
Which philosophy of education is this?
A. Utilitarianism C. Essentialism
B. Empiricism D. Behaviorism
3. Field study 1 which is primarily observation of classes and teachers, is based on
which philosophy of education?
A. Utilitarianism C. Essentialism
B. Empiricism D. Behaviorism
4. The inclusion of logic and critical thinking as subjects in the curriculum is an
offshoot of which philosophy?
A. Rationalism C. Existentialism
B. Utilitarianism D. Progressivism
5. It’s Valentines Day. The lesson is a part of human digestive system – the
stomach. Students bargain with teacher and so ask if they can discuss the heart
in place of the stomach. Teacher responds “Let’s talk about the stomach which is
the lesson for today then go to the heart when we are done with stomach. Based
on philosophies of education, which is TRUE of teacher?
A. Is essentialist in the sense that she sticked to the subject matter for the
day and progressivist since she also considered student’s interest.
B. Is pragmatic because it was practical to give way to student’s request even if
she prepared for the day’s lesson
C. Is utilitarianist because she considered both lessons useful
D. Is empiricist, she used visual aids for her lesson
6. What do the DepEd vision and mission statements, and core values imply about
Philippine educational system?
I. It is highly essentialist and perennialist.
II. It believes in universal, objective, unchanging values.
III. It is reconstructionist.
A. I only C. II and III
B. II only D. I, II and III
7. For a lesson developing classifying skills, instead of making students bring
objects to classify, teacher considers it most practical to simply use the student’s
body parts like kinds of ear lobes, kinds of hair line or a lesson on classifying. On
which philosophy is teacher’s practice anchored?
A. Pragmatism C. Utilitarianism
B. Progressivism D. Empiricism
8. The history of curriculum development in the Philippine shows reduction of units
in the humanities but an increase in the natural and physical sciences. On which
thought is this action based?
A. Perennialism C. Utilitarianism
B. Progressivism D. Empiricism
9. There are a number of laws in the Philippines requiring the teaching of subject
matter such as taxation and agrarian for, etc. This proves that schools must bring
about reform in society. On which philosophy of education is this based?
A. Perennialism C. Empiricism
B. Progressivism Reconstructionism
10. Teacher makes use of moral dilemmas to enable students to make stand in
moral issues. Which word CORRECTLY applies to teacher’s teaching practice?
A. Behaviorist C. Rationalist
B. Existentialist D. Pragmatist

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