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Name: MALLARI, Alan Joseph I.

Section: XII - ABM Date: 13 Jan 2022 Score:

Activity: LET’S TRY

Instructions: Make your personal safety protocol to avoid hypothermia and hyperthermia during
MVPA participation by filling out the table below.

My Personal Safety Protocol

Before Heading Out (Before Activity)
a. Identify what type of activities are to be
b. Identify the location where activities are
to be undertaken.
c. Check the weather and prepare
appropriate paraphernalia.
d. Prepare clothes both allow bodily
ventilation and protection against cold
e. Wear outer layer of windbreaker

While outside (During Activity)

a. When exercising, exercise facing upwind

(facing the wind) to avoid having chills at
the back.
b. Hydrate all the time, but do not drink
cold drinks – warm drinks or preferably
hot drinks.
c. Do not remove windbreaker clothing or
any bodily heat retaining clothes unless
deemed necessary
d. Avoid getting wet at all times, if gotten
wet, go to a dry and warm place and
change all wet clothes.
e. If starting to feel the cold and the
symptoms of hypothermia, stop
exercising and find a warm place to
f. Always have an exercise buddy; never do
exercises (especially outdoors) alone.

After Heading Out (After Activity)

a. Remove clothes layer by layer
b. Warm yourself up before taking a
c. Drink warm fluids to renormalize body

Hyperthermia Before Heading Out (Before Activity)

a. Identify what type of activities are to be
b. Identify the location where activities are
to be undertaken.
c. Check the weather and prepare
appropriate paraphernalia.
d. Prepare clothes that allow high body
e. If executing activity outside, wear
f. Drink a lot of fluids before conducting

While Outside (During Activity)

a. Stretch your muscles first, heat, lack of
muscle stretching, and lack of hydration
can easily cause bodily harm.
b. Conduct activity in an intensity you are
comfortable with. Do not force yourself
to go all out.
c. Top up on fluids every 10 minutes.
d. Avoid staying in the sun too long.
e. If you feel any symptoms of
Hyperthermia, slow down exercise, and
rest. Recuperate in a cool zone.
f. Always do activities with a buddy
(especially when outdoors).

After Heading Out (After Activity)

a. Do not go to a cold place immediately,
stay in a cool but not too cold place to
start your body’s temperature change.
b. Do not take a shower immediately,
sudden changes in body temperature can
cause harm.
c. Drink fluids to top up lost bodily fluids.
d. Take a shower only once body temp is
almost normal and you are not sweating
too much anymore.

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