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Compiled by: Ms. Patrianne M.


Communication Culture and Society

Traditional Media

1. Newspapers
2. Magazines
3. Books
4. Radio
5. Motion Pictures
6. Television

Definition of Media

Media is defined as the communication channels through which news, entertainment,

education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated.

Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers,

magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet.

Different types of media

1. Print media – books, newspapers, magazines, posters, billboards, banners,

brochures, newsletters
2. Electronic media – radio, tv, films, photojournalism, phone
3. Traditional media – word of mouth, smoke, messenger, fire, drums, screams
4. New media – pay tv, the internet (social sites, blogs, websites of media


It’s a printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded

unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and

Defining features of newspapers

1. Usually have a front page headline that carries the main story of the day
2. They publish both news and adverts
3. They are not bound
4. They are issued either daily or weekly
5. They usually use low quality paper for printing
6. They are cheaper compared to magazines
7. They focus on the general audience and human interest stories
8. Are written by several writers
9. Most of them have puzzles to solve during leisure


It is a periodical publication usually with a paper cover containing articles and often
with illustrations and photos.
Compiled by: Ms. Patrianne M. Padua


1. They use high quality paper for printing

2. They specialize on specific topics
3. They are very detailed in information
4. They concentrate on soft news and features
5. They use more illustrations and color photos
6. They are more expensive
7. They have less adverts
8. Are smaller in size compared to newspapers
9. They are bound.
10. Are produced less frequently.


Defining features of books

1. They take a longer time to write

2. They consist of several pages
3. Are written by a single or a few authors
4. They are bound
5. They have a cover design
6. They have the profile of the author at the back
7. They must have a title
8. They have chapters inside or sub topics
9. Usually have a preface, acknowledgement and a dedication.
10. They have a publication date and serial number
11. They have a copyright statement.



There are various characteristics associated with radio which form key features of a

First, radio makes pictures. For instance, during a national celebration day like on a
Valentine’s Day, the presenter of a radio will describe how couples, lovers are putting
on red clothes and holding red flowers such that the audience will be able to visualize
the whole celebration

Second, when we look at speed, radio is the fastest medium.

Third feature is that radio is characterized with simplicity. Compared to all other
media, radio is simple to use. Radio needs very simple technology and equipment.

We also find that radio is inexpensive. As it is simple, it is also a cheaper medium.

Compiled by: Ms. Patrianne M. Padua

With radio you are not restricted to using electric power supply. You can listen to
radio using dry battery cells even if you do not have electric power supply or a

Most important feature is that of portability. A radio receiver is portable so you can
move your radio set at home from the living room to the kitchen or as you go out
some where in a shade outside your house. You can’t do that very easily with
television. This facility of moving an object which is called ‘portability’ gives radio
an advantage. These days if you have a car and a radio in it, you can listen to it as you
drive or travel. Can you think of watching television, when you drive?

Also, radio caters even for the illiterate audience. One does not have to be literate
to listen to radio. Unless you are literate, you can’t read a newspaper or read captions
or text on television. But for listening to radio, you need not be literate at all. You can
listen to programmes or news in any language on the radio.

1. Most expensive mass media product: High production, marketing, distribution
2. Dominated by conglomerates
3. Strong aesthetic dimension; medium most discussed as art form
4. Movie-going continues to be social experience


The film industry can be divided into three areas namely production


1. Films produced by variety of organizations and individuals

2. Major studios finance/distribute independent films
3. Major studios typically organized around:
a. Film production
b. Distribution
c. TV production
d. Administration


1. Supplying prints of films to theaters

a. Also distributes TV programs & DVDs
2. Film advertising and promotion
3. Most distribution done by large companies
Compiled by: Ms. Patrianne M. Padua

Defining features of TV

1. It is expensive to buy especially pay tv

2. Audiences are fragmented
3. They come in digital and analog signals
4. They are audio visual
5. Have news, entertainment, reality shows, adverts and movies
6. They are persuasive



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