Activity 12

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1. How do you classify the genre of this media text?

Some would say it is an

advertisement, some would say it is a documentary.

I think that the genre of the media text is a mix of both, a documentary-
style advertisement showcasing real life reports and interviews of people, in this
case, Overseas Filipino Workers coming home in the Philippines for Christmas,
with the help of Coca-Cola.

2. What are the implications of this media text to the issue of overseas
Filipino workers, to corporate social responsibility, and to having to see
Coca-Cola products generously displayed in several scenes in this media

In my own view, I think that there are many Overseas Filipino workers
from abroad, struggling financially and emotionally for not seeing their loved ones
back at home. I think that the product portrayed the real life struggles of OFWs,
and the generosity they displayed in letting these OFWs go back home with their
aid says a lot to their concern and understanding for these hardworking OFWs.
The advertisement succeeded in creating awareness for OFWs, and in creating a
desirable image for their product through this way.

3. What did you feel after watching the media text?

After watching the advertisement, I feel much more proud and sympathetic
for our OFWs. As what is portrayed in the ad, they are hardworking people and
have sacrificed their presence to be with their family just to provide for their
needs and wants. In some ways, it made also made respect for the brand, Coca-
Cola, as it seems that they, as a company, value their morals and the lived-
experiences of people who patronize their product.

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