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Vol. 17, No. 19 Monday, May 16, 2011 - Sunday, May 22, 2011 of this issue

Cops shoot 'cannibal'
A man from eastern Slov-
akia who had apparently
agreed online to kill and
causes clash
eat a Swiss citizen was
shot by police after at-
tempting to meet his in- BY MICHAELA TERENZANI
tended victim. Spectator staff
pg 2
THE DECENNIAL census of residents and
Migrants not welcome residences, which many social scientists
An international analysis of consider one of the most significant events
national systems for deal- of 2011 because of its EU-wide scope, started
ing with migrants put Slov- in Slovakia on May 13. The actual point of
akia in 29th place out of 31 measurement for the 2011 census will be
European countries. It high- midnight between May 20 and May 21 and
lighted bureaucracy, lan- the deadline for persons to fill out their
guage problems and labour hard-copy questionnaires is June 6.
market discrimination. Despite an information campaign
pg 3 among residents to raise awareness about
the census, most of the public campaigning
in Slovakia has been centred on attempts by
OPINION representatives of national minorities and
After months of anticipation that Team Slovakia might compete for a medal at the first Ice Hockey World Champi- religious groups to motivate their members
From good to bad onship staged on home ground, the country’s hockey team failed to advance to the quarterfinals after suffering four to state their ethnicity and religion, fol-
Peter Paluda's nomination defeats in a row. For some, such as team captain Pavol Demitra (pictured above, centre), this was their last chance lowed by public clashes between Slovakia’s
to head the NBÚ has fallen to represent Slovakia on a hockey rink. Other ageing players say it is unlikely that Slovakia will ever revisit its glory interior minister and the country’s Statist-
foul of the SDKÚ, despite years from 2000 to 2003 when the country won a bronze, silver and gold at these championships. Demitra's farewell ics Office (ŠÚ) over the country’s prepared-
the prime minister's out- after the match with Denmark was an emotional experience for all Slovak hockey enthusiasts. Photo: TASR ness for the event.
spoken support. The party
Minister and ŠÚ trade barbs

Court heads roll as

has not said why and its si-
lence raises many ques-
tions. The feast of statistics, as some Slovak
pg 5 commentators are calling the country’s
most extensive statistical inquiry, is pro-
jected to cost €30.6 million. But even be-
Bank tax idea returns
The idea of a special tax on
banks is back on the table,
justice minister acts fore the first doorbell has been rung to
count residents and find out more about
their living arrangements there have been
charges and counter-charges about the
preparation process. The Sme daily repor-
but faces fierce opposition THE PRESIDING judges at 14 Slovak preme Court, Štefan Harabin, a ted in early May that the Interior Ministry
from the banks, who say courts have been summarily re- long-time opponent of Žitňanská’s and the Association of Towns and Villages
moved in a wide-ranging reshuffle
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ plans to reform the judicial system, of Slovakia (ZMOS) had expressed concerns
they should not be subject Spectator staff
to a sector-specific tax. initiated by Justice Minister Lucia described the minister’s move as a that the results of the census might be
pg 6 Žitňanská. The dismissals came on “political cleansing” of the judi- biased because the ŠÚ provided municipal-
the heels of a promise made by ciary and said that loss of the ities with maps to be used in creating
Žitňanská in an interview last both Slovak citizens and foreign in- minister’s trust is not sufficient census districts that the ministry and as-
Leasing revives month with The Slovak Spectator to vestors. grounds under the law to fire a sociation said were full of errors.
After a wretched 2009, leas- “take action” against court presid- Nine presidents of district presiding judge.
ing firms detected an up- ents who were unable to explain or courts and five regional court heads Earlier this year, Žitňanská said See TALLY pg 3
swing in business in late remedy failures in the operation of lost their senior positions as of May that she was taking a closer look at
2010 and are predicting con- their courts, particularly in terms of 11, with the minister saying that the performance of the courts in or-
tinued growth through
pg 7
delays in hearing cases. Such
Court will no
‘procrastination’, as it is known in
the Slovak legal context, has long
the court bosses in question, as the
worst performers, had lost her
trust. The chairman of the Judicial
der to uncover the state of the judi-
ciary in Slovakia.

longer deal
been the subject of complaints from Council and president of the Su- See FIRED pg 2

Airmen as diplomats
The United States Air
Doctors threaten mass resignation with case
Forces in Europe Band vis- their frustration over poor pay and istry spokesperson Katarína
ited Slovakia recently, per- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ low status, following the example Zollerová told The Slovak Spectator. BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
forming in front of more Spectator staff of their Czech colleagues who used Zollerová said the ministry Spectator staff
than 1,400 people. Its role is a similar tactic earlier this year. found the threat of possible mass
as much diplomatic as it is The idea was initiated by the resignation surprising, noting that
military. THE FIRST four months of 2011 Medical Trade Unions Association it has been engaged in intense dia- THE EUROPEAN Court of Arbitration in
pg 11 have been challenging for (LOZ), which counts 2,000 mem- logue with all stakeholders in the Strasbourg will no longer deal with a case
Slovakia’s health-care sector and, bers out of approximately 18,000 health-care sector and that during involving Slovak legislation which was re-
with Germany and Austria opening physicians across Slovakia. past meetings the trade unions had cently ruled unconstitutional by the
their labour markets on May 1, While it is unclear how many given no indication of a plan to country’s Constitutional Court. HICEE, a
fears of an eventual mass exodus of physicians might submit such no- submit notice en masse. Dutch company that is a 100-percent
benchmark as of May 12
Slovak physicians and other tices, Michal Polician, the chair- Polician said the unions are shareholder in the Slovak health insurer
CANADA CAD 1.37 HUNGARY HUF 266.08 health-care professionals have now man of LOZ, told the SITA news- not bypassing further dialogue Dôvera was seeking compensation of more
CZECH REP. CZK 24.28 JAPAN JPY 114.54 intensified. Nevertheless, the Min- wire that he expects physicians with the ministry but added that than €500 million in a lawsuit filed with
RUSSIA RUB 39.69 POLAND PLN 3.92 istry of Health says that it does not who are not members of LOZ to join the threat of mass resignation the European court challenging legislation
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.87 USA USD 1.42 expect any such flight. the protest. Its exact timing, could be ended only if the govern- passed by the last government that banned
Meanwhile, Slovak physicians however, is unclear. ment meets the health-care uni- private health insurers from using profits
are now warning that they may “The Ministry of Health does ons’ demands. to pay dividends to their shareholders.
submit mass resignation notices to not expect there to be mass sub-
their employers to demonstrate missions of notice,” Health Min- See DOCS pg 4 See HALT pg 4
2 May 16 – 22, 2011 NEWS

Would-be cannibal dies

Štefanov retains his MP immunity
THE GENERAL Prosecutor’s uled to take place in parlia-
after police shoot-out
Office will not request that ment on May 17. Slovak police swapped the
parliament vote to remove Interior Minister Daniel Suspect dies Swiss man for an agent, who
the immunity from prosecu- Lipšic said Tichý’s decision after being shot then went to meet the suspect
tion enjoyed by MP Igor regarding Štefanov is a signal near Kysak on May 10, as
Štefanov of the Slovak Na- to members of parliament during arrest; one agreed. The agent carried a
tional Party (SNS), saying that that if the present lead- police officer left transmitter to allow other of-
that all the facts that would ership remains at the ficers to track him.
justify making such a re- prosecutor’s office there will gravely injured
quest have not been con- always be someone to protect Policeman and suspect shot
firmed, Slovak media repor- politicians accused of cor- IN ONE of Slovakia’s more
ted on May 6. ruption, Sme reported. bizarre criminal cases, Slovak “As soon as we verified
Štefanov is suspected of Štefanov is one of four police foiled a case of what that it was the suspect, the po-
manipulating a public tender people accused in the bullet- they said was attempted can- lice intervened,” Spišiak told
worth €120 million, known in-board tender but is the nibalism on May 10. An un- journalists, as quoted by the
as the bulletin-board tender, only one protected by par- dercover team swooped near Sme daily
while serving at the Con- liamentary immunity. Kysak, a village in the vicinity The shoot-out occurred
struction Ministry in the Štefanov became con- of Košice, after learning that a when a police SWAT team at-
previous government. struction minister after his local man was planning to kill tempted to arrest the suspect.
The acting general pro- predecessor, Marian and eat a Swiss citizen with Minister Lipšic and Police Corps President Spišiak. Photo: TASR
The man, who possesses four
secutor, Ladislav Tichý, said Janušek, was recalled by the whom he made an online legally-held firearms, pulled
that he could not find any SNS under pressure from pact. The police operation his nerve shortly before trav- According to the president out a gun and threatened to
criminal intention behind then-prime minister Robert was not a complete success: elling and reported the plan of the Police Corps, Jaroslav shoot the agent; in response
Štefanov’s actions, the Sme Fico because of the bulletin- the suspect was armed and to Swiss police. Spišiak, the Swiss agreed to be police snipers opened fire, hit-
daily reported. board tender which was both he and a police officer Police officers then killed in woodland. The ting him several times. Des-
Tichý is reportedly a ‘won’ by a consortium of two were seriously injured in the tracked the e-mail commu- would-be cannibal was sup- pite his injuries, he returned
close colleague of Dobroslav companies reportedly close ensuing shoot-out. The sus- nication between the would- posed to drug him, stab him in fire and managed to shoot one
Trnka, the former general to SNS chairman Ján Slota. It pect died of his injuries two be human flesh-eater and the the heart and then quarter of the SWAT unit members be-
prosecutor, who is running has been reported that days later. Swiss man. him. His remains were to be fore being subdued.
to return to the post in a re- Štefanov was actively in- Slovak police were noti- “He [the Swiss citizen] hidden – laced with pepper in “He [the policeman] was
peat election against the volved in the tender process fied about the planned can- wanted to die, and agreed to order to mask the scent and shot from the side, in an un-
governing coalition’s can- as a deputy and was later nibalism by Interpol. The have his body quartered and prevent animals from finding protected area; the bullet
didate, Jozef Čentéš, sched- forced to resign as minister. Swiss man, who had ex- subsequently consumed by a the body – and subsequently entered through his shoulder
pressed a desire to be killed person whose identity we eaten over a period of time. into the thoracic cavity,”
and subsequently eaten, did not know,” Interior Min- The expected victim was Lipšic said, as quoted by Sme.
SDKÚ rejects Paluda's NBÚ candidacy found a willing accomplice in ister Daniel Lipšic told supposed to arrive in Kysak by He praised the officer for risk-
Slovakia through the internet journalists at a briefing at train, wearing clothes previ- ing his life.
THE LARGEST ruling coali- caucus,” Mikuš told TASR. He and arranged a meeting to the crime scene, as quoted by ously agreed on with his in-
tion party, the Slovak Demo- refused to comment on the carry out the plan, but lost the TASR newswire. tended killer. See KYSAK pg 9
cratic and Christian Union reasons expressed by caucus
(SDKÚ), does not support the members for withholding
nomination of judge Peter
Paluda to head the National
Security Office (NBÚ), SDKÚ
their support from Paluda,
saying only that it would not
be appropriate to make pub-
FIRED: Harabin decries 'political' move
parliamentary caucus chair lic statements. Continued from pg 1 certain courts,” Žitňanská said in the in- extensive personnel changes in the
Jozef Mikuš announced after Paluda is an expert in se- terview, published on April 11. “I will then justice system since the times of [former
a caucus meeting on May 11, curity issues, crime, and Transparency watchdogs, busi- pay special attention to the courts which minister] Ján Čarnogurský” and that
the TASR newswire reported. criminal and European legis- nesses, the media and the diplomatic aren’t working in the way they should. In they are disrupting the course of justice.
Paluda was nominated by lation. He has served as a community have voiced concern for sev- courts where procrastination is frequent “To be credible, justice must be in-
Freedom and Solidarity (SaS). prosecutor in Banská eral years about the state of justice in and the state often has to reimburse af- dependent, and must also be seen to be
“We had a long and open Bystrica, as a Supreme Court Slovakia. Žitňanská said that only after fected citizens it is completely legitimate independent,” Žitňanská said, as quoted
debate and I have to say that judge (since 1994) and as the review process was completed would to demand that the president of the court by TASR. “If a court is headed by some-
Mr Paluda did not gain the Slovakia's representative at she make personnel changes. explains the delays and sets out what has body who has been publicly reported to
support of a majority of the Eurojust (2004-07). The heads of the district courts in done to change the situation. If the court be linked to facts that erode the percep-
Banská Bystrica, Bratislava’s district III, president is unable to provide the an- tion of being trusted, then this could
Čadca, Dolný Kubín, Košice’s districts I swers then I will have to take action.” mean that the justice system as a whole
Radičová visits London, meets PM and II, Veľký Krtíš and Žilina, along with Žitňanská also said she would try to may not be perceived as trustworthy
heads of the regional courts in Bratislava, avoid political decisions. and independent, and then it’s a prob-
PRIME Minister Iveta market and competition are Banská Bystrica, Prešov, Trenčín and Many of the recalled judges were lem for justice as such.”
Radičová paid a two-day visit replaced by higher subsidies Žilina were all dismissed. They will re- close allies of Harabin. Yet Žitňanská re- Žitňanská also said that she dis-
to the United Kingdom on in some countries at the ex- main at their respective courts, but serve jected the interpretation that she first of cussed the performance of the judges in
May 10 and 11 and met her pense of other countries. It as regular judges. all sacked judges close to Harabin. question with them about a month ago,
British counterpart David jeopardises our own produc- According to a ministry press release, “I am not dividing judges into those and that the ministry later published
Cameron and his deputy tion and this model is not Žitňanská assessed the courts’ perform- who are close to Harabin and those who the results of the analyses on its web-
Nick Clegg to discuss various really just,” she said, as ance by using three criteria: procrastina- aren’t,” said Žitňanská, adding that she site. She said that this made her de-
matters including the EU quoted by SITA, adding that tion, i.e. the level of delays in court cases; was looking into the results of the courts. cisions quite predictable.
budget for 2014-2020, the the response to this should respect for the principle of random as- Nevertheless, Harabin, who has
SITA newswire reported. not be less money for French signment of court files; and the ability of been criticised for using disciplinary The court presidents who were fired
Radičová told the media farmers, but less money for each court head to manage their court in proceedings to punish judges who are
that she and her British large farms. an unbiased way in line with ethical critical of him or of the condition of the In detail, the following judges were
hosts agreed on most topics, During her trip Radičová standards. judiciary he leads, said that the minister dismissed as court presidents, as repor-
including budget priorities, also met Thomas Mirow, the A recently published statistic sugges- plans to install “so-called critics” to ted by the Sme daily: Ján Bobor, Banská
potential tax harmonisation president of the European ted that last year the state had to pay these vacant posts. Bystrica Regional Court; Gabriela
and the need to consolidate Bank for Reconstruction and damages of €1,112,000 based on rulings As for the minister’s arguments Šimonová, Bratislava Regional Court; Ig-
national budgets, adding Development (EBRD), and by the Constitutional Court related to the about the judges’ performance, Harabin or Burger, Prešov Regional Court; Jozef
that she thinks a key change gave a lecture at the London operation of the judicial system, and that pointed to the Regional Court in Prešov Kutiš, Trenčín Regional Court; Juraj
could be made in the EU’s School of Economics and most of the money was paid out as com- and argued that, in terms of its speed of Krupa, Žilina Regional Court; Ľubomír
common agricultural policy, Political Science titled Fiscal pensation for unjustified delays. proceedings, this court has been the best Bušík, Banská Bystrica District Court,
which traditionally ac- Discipline in the EU: A Ques- When Žitňanská was asked earlier performer in Slovakia, SITA reported. Richard Molnár, Bratislava III District
counts for a significant por- tion of Transparency and this year by The Slovak Spectator wheth- Žitňanská said that she would take a Court; Kajetán Kičuna, Čadca District
tion of the EU budget. She Commitment. She referred er she was planning any reshuffles, she closer look at other courts as well. A re- Court; Blažena Strašíková, Dolný Kubín
said the current system is in her speech to her said that first she had to ensure that it cent revision to the Act on Judges and District Court; Andrej Mitterpák, Košice I
not fair as farmers from government's recent rule re- was absolutely obvious that all the steps Judicial Assistants has made it possible District Court; Jozef Pribula, Košice-
older member states receive quiring all government con- she took were completely legitimate. for the justice minister to remove judges. okolie District Court; Vladimír Kotuš,
more in subsidies than tracts to be published online. “First I want to uncover the condi- One of the recalled chairs, who spoke Košice II District Court; Slavomír Ci-
farmers in newer states. tions within the judiciary and show dif- to the TASR newswire on condition of merman, Veľký Krtíš District Court;
“It is not fair that the Compiled by Spectator staff ferences between the performances of anonymity, said that “these are the most Daniel Béreš, Žilina District Court.
NEWS May 16 – 22, 2011 3

Slovakia ranked near TALLY: Census

deadline is June 6
bottom on migration Continued from pg 1

Sme wrote that less than

two weeks before the census
ities. The SITA newswire
wrote that 100,000 discrep-
ancies had been found when
the registers of people and
Analysis finds its started whole streets, along houses provided by the ŠÚ
with their houses, were were examined.
policies among missing in the census dis-
the worst in EU tricts of some towns and vil- Technical details
lages while other streets and
houses were incorrectly Apart from the fact that
marked or positioned within this is the first census that
BY MICHAELA a district. is being synchronised
TERENZANI Interior Minister Daniel across the EU, it is also the
Spectator staff Lipšic accused the ŠÚ of first time that Slovakia will
mishandling preparations allow residents to complete
for the census. census forms electronic-
BUREAUCRATIC barriers, lan- “We warned the Statist- ally. The electronic census
guage problems and a discrim- ics Office as early as last sheets are available at
inatory labour market: these year that its preparation for, and
are only a few of the difficulties the census was unsatisfact- the ŠÚ says that the web-
that migrants experience to ory, that the census dis- site is ready to handle a po-
some extent anywhere in the tricts had been created in tentially high number of
world. In Slovakia, however, an odd way, that there was visitors.
these barriers tend to be worse no methodology and that While the hardcopy
than almost everywhere else in the groundwork was wrong questionnaires can be com-
Europe or North America, with and outdated,” Lipšic said, pleted anytime between May
expert observers saying this is as quoted by the SITA 21 and June 6, the window
because elected officials and newswire. for online submissions is re-
policymakers do not consider Ľudmila Benkovičová, stricted to between May 21
migration an important or The reception at the Border and Foreigners' Police station in Petržalka. Photo: Sme - Pavol Funtál the head of the ŠÚ, reacted to and May 29. Those interested
pressing topic. the minister’s accusations in completing an electronic
Slovakia ranked third from integration policies is com- country with an outlook to tion of foreigners,” Oravec told by saying that the census is census form should an-
the bottom among 31 coun- mon across the political spec- 2020, as he was tasked to do The Slovak Spectator, adding more threatened by what nounce that desire to their
tries evaluated in the recently trum and for that reason the so at a cabinet session in that Slovakia’s integration she called his inaccurate in- census taker when first vis-
published Migration Integra- general direction of state early February. policy is not progressive and formation and dramatic ited; if they fail to do so then
tion Policy Index (MIPEX III), policy has not changed with does not work in practice. claims, as these could dis- the census taker must visit
with only Cyprus and Latvia different governments. Who migrates to Slovakia? MIPEX III stated that im- courage people from parti- once more and fill out a
getting worse results. The “It would seem more le- migrants can best integrate in cipating in the census. hardcopy questionnaire.
MIPEX III report stated that gitimate to me if some politi- The number of legal mi- Slovak society by establishing Benkovičová said she be- The obligation to com-
Slovakia had not made much cians said that [the country’s grants living in Slovakia was long-term residency with lieves any problems plete census forms applies
progress in improving its mi- integration policy] should be estimated to be slightly over their families based on EU law stemmed from insufficient also to foreigners living in
gration policies and new- restrictive and selective,” 19,000 according to a study “even if discretionary Slovak revision of urban maps and Slovakia, with the exception
comers to the country experi- Oravec said. “But there is no entitled Economic Aspects of procedures create more prob- she blamed that on the In- of those with diplomatic ad-
ence weak and incoherent clear decision about that; no Migration and Integration of lems than in most countries”. terior Ministry, which she vantages and immunity. A
practices. The MIPEX project clear direction has been set. Migrants from Third Coun- Števulová noted that said refused to provide the foreigner residing in Slov-
is led by the British Council And that is why the migra- tries in Slovakia that was pre- Slovak laws give broad lee- results of changes in muni- akia for less than 90 days is
and the Migration Policy tion office can promote a pared by the Institute for Pub- way to bureaucrats to decide cipal unit borders to the ŠÚ. obliged only to answer three
Group, made up of 37 national- rather restrictive approach lic Affairs (IVO). The study about granting, renewing, or The census districts were questions: sex, date of birth
level organisations, including and put issues of security and stated that the group of mi- cancelling a migrant’s resid- to be established based on and citizenship.
think-tanks, NGOs, universit- border controls over issues of grants is not homogenous ency permit. revised maps of urban areas.
ies, foundations, research in- respect for human dignity, even though it is quite small. According to MIPEX III, The Environment Ministry Pumping up the numbers
stitutes and equality bodies. solidarity and social cohesion The vast majority of mi- problems in the area of grant- was assigned to prepare the
Laco Oravec of the Milan in society.” grants arriving in Slovakia re- ing citizenship to foreign na- revisions based on an agree- As the period to fill out
Šimečka Foundation noted that Zuzana Števulová of the ported that they had left their tionals became worse after ment with the ŠÚ but the In- the census questionnaires
the fact that 28 out of 31 coun- Human Rights League (HRL) homeland for economic reas- Slovakia’s Citizenship Act was terior Ministry ordered its approaches, representatives
tries are doing better in their agreed with Oravec and said ons, with 42 percent of those amended in 2007. Slovakia district offices to stop the of national minorities and
integration and migration in an interview with The surveyed stating unfavour- now imposes Europe’s longest process. In December, the religious groups are cam-
policies than Slovakia is a warn- Slovak Spectator that policy- able economic conditions and waiting time before making Interior Ministry developed paigning to encourage
ing sign, adding that Slovakia makers show only very little 32 percent stating low living migrants eligible for citizen- its own project, but accord- people to state that they be-
does not have a clear picture of or almost no interest in the standards as their reasons for ship, three years after acquir- ing to Benkovičová it did not long to a particular religious
its basic values and orientation topic of migration, adding migrating, IVO wrote. ing a permanent residency harmonise the outputs. group or to a national minor-
regarding migration and integ- that Slovakia is a country Two thirds of the surveyed permit, while adding that ap- Moreover, Benkovičová said ity when completing the
ration of newcomers. with only a very short history migrants said they intention- plicants for citizenship must at that time the ŠÚ already questionnaire.
“That is why the existing of incoming immigration. ally chose Slovakia and they overcome “some of the most had an ongoing contract Representatives of the
policies are quite minimalist- “The concept of integra- did not perceive it as a transit subjective and restrictive with IBM for eight months to ethnic Hungarian minority
ic, or beginner-like, because tion had been passed but no country or an accidental conditions”. The report stated cover all stages of the census have expressed concern that
nobody has ever said here [in financial resources were as- choice, with the corollary that the citizenship procedure and that IBM had created an the number of ethnic Hun-
Slovakia] how we want to signed to it and the respons- finding that they had come to in Slovakia is difficult, poten- application for the ŠÚ based garians living in Slovakia
treat incoming foreigners in ible government departments Slovakia primarily for a job tially lengthy (24 months), on maps provided by the Of- might drop significantly in
the future,” Oravec told The weren’t assigned specific they had already arranged, to and is one of the most expens- fice of Geodesy, Cartography this census and both politic-
Slovak Spectator. tasks,” Števulová said. join relatives already living ive (€663.50), especially for and Cadastre. The problem, al parties representing eth-
According to a report dis- here, or to study. central Europe. Benkovičová said, was that nic Hungarian citizens,
Migration is ignored cussed by the Slovak cabinet the Interior Ministry had re- Most-Híd and the Hungarian
on May 11, the number of for- Obstacles for migrants A blue card for some fused to provide her office Coalition Party (SMK), are
It is a fact that Slovakia eigners requesting interna- with the results of its running campaigns.
has one of the EU’s smallest tional protection in the coun- According to the IVO Slovakia’s policies to- changes to the borders of The Roma Media Centre
foreign-born populations, try has been dropping since study, many migrants (33 wards new non-EU migrant municipal districts. (MECEM) launched an in-
with only about 1 percent of 2005 and other migration to percent) perceived bureau- workers are “nearly The conflict has not had formation campaign direc-
the population consisting of Slovakia has been at a stable cracy as the biggest obstacle unfavourable” and “could any consequences for ted toward Roma residents
foreigners in 2009, according level. But the SITA newswire they had to face in Slovakia. jeopardise their long-term Benkovičová so far, but in March. According to the
to MIPEX, and that is at least reported that this might Similarly, 32 percent felt in- economic integration”, the Lipšic stated that high-rank- director of the Centre,
one of the reasons that migra- change due to current politic- security about their resid- MIPEX III authors stated. ing officials might be asked Kristína Magdolenová,
tion is not a pressing political al developments and the ency permit, and 28 percent Slovakia was the only country to take responsibility for Roma have received inform-
issue. The report stated that worsening security situations perceived serious obstacles in in the comparative evaluation what he called mishandled ation about their census-re-
Slovakia was one of the last in North Africa and the becoming familiar with Slov- to receive zero points on the preparations for the census. lated rights and duties and
EU countries to adopt an in- Middle East. ak legislation and the criteria of access to the labour After receiving com- how to communicate with
tegration concept, doing so Slovakia’s Interior Minis- country's tax system. market and targeted support plaints from mayors, the ŠÚ the census takers via a pro-
only in May 2009. ter, Daniel Lipšic, is soon ex- “Slovakia is clearly very re- to migrants. ordered an analysis of errors gramme broadcast on pub-
Oravec noted that the lack pected to submit a draft strictive, conservative and not in the documentation that lic-service television and
of interest in migration and policy statement for the very supportive in the integra- See NEW pg 9 had been sent to municipal- distributed via DVDs.
4 May 16 – 22, 2011 BUSINESS

DOCS: More protests in the pipeline

Continued from pg 1 Both physicians and
nurses are demanding more
These include observance funding from the state
of the restrictions on working budget and they have pro-
Cabinet outlines future budget plans hours in the Labour Code and a posed that the resources can
halt in the government’s cur- be found from programmes
THE CABINET approved the wage bill, saving €172 million. rent plans to transform state- for accident insurance and
draft budget outlines for the The wages of teachers, owned hospitals into joint- sick leave insurance, or from
next three years at its regular meanwhile, will increase by stock companies as well as a excise taxes on alcohol and
session on May 11. Based on 3 percent in 2012. According gradual increase in health-care tobacco. They are also pro-
the Finance Ministry draft, to Finance Minister Ivan workers’ salaries so that they posing that beginning in
the amount allocated for Mikloš, the coalition parties reach between 1.5 and three 2012, monthly payments for
wages in the public sector had already agreed to this times the average wage by 2013, health insurance should be
will remain frozen in 2012, step and it was directly in- depending on qualifications. set at the level of 5.5 percent,
with the exception of pay for cluded in the budget out- Anton Szalay, the chair- SITA reported.
teachers. The ministry also lines, SITA reported. man of the Trade Union of Zollerová said the Health
proposes other measures, The budget outlines also Medical and Social Services Ministry agrees with most of
such as increases in excise include a 5-percent cut in the Employees (SOZZaSS), told The the demands by health-care
and property taxes, the SITA operating costs of the state, Slovak Spectator that his uni- Will Slovak doctors leave? Photo: Sme employees, such as respect for
newswire reported. which should save €105.3 on will hold talks with Poli- the Labour Code, resolution of
The ministry fears that million, and a reduction in cian on May 19 to discuss the find an additional €126 mil- is over, said Milan Dragula, the debts of hospitals and
the measures included in the other state spending, which protest action. Szalay stated lion for health-care institu- the president of the Slovak higher salaries. But she noted
draft budget will not be suffi- should improve the balance he considers the option of tions, saying this is the Chamber of Physicians, in that paying off the debts of
cient to reduce the deficit to by €157.8 million. submitting notice en masse as shortfall caused by the reduc- evaluating the outcome of a the hospitals goes hand in
the planned 3.8 percent of The ministry proposes a very last resort but added tion in the state’s contribu- May 10 meeting between rep- hand with their transforma-
GDP next year, and that addi- some 30 other measures to that his union will survey its tion on behalf of those indi- resentatives of medical organ- tion into joint-stock compan-
tional measures to raise rev- achieve an additional €200 members about their atti- viduals it insures. isations and trade unions ies, which she said the trade
enue or cut spending will million in savings which it tudes towards the tactic. The Ministry of Health with the Slovak parliament’s unions keep rejecting for
have to be adopted. The believes will be necessary to Szalay said that all the 10 said it considers it to be uneth- committee on health care. some reason.
biggest cuts are to be achieved squeeze the 2012 budget defi- organisations associated with ical and inappropriate for The health-care repres- “The bad management of
by freezing the public-sector cit to 3.8 percent GDP. his trade union support the physicians to use patients as entatives said they wanted the hospitals can be blamed
demand that financing issues hostages during negotiations to discuss methods to cover on the fact that these work as
in health care are resolved. over resolving the vexing is- the debts of health-care in- budgetary organisations,
Tax revenue lagging by 8.2 percent “We see the greatest sues in the health-care sector. stitutions but were dissatis- lacking transparency and
shortcoming in the fact that “The physicians are late by fied with the results of the effectiveness,” Zollerová said,
STATE tax revenues in the Collection of excise taxes the government’s budget has at least four years when under meeting. Dragula said the adding that hospitals that
first four months of 2011 totalled €616.3 million and approved payments from the the previous government no next steps taken by health- were transformed into state-
were €2.668 billion, 8.2 per- reached 88.69 percent of the state for insurance policy progress was made within the care workers should be run, joint-stock companies in
cent behind expectations. budgeted level. holders at 4.32 percent [of the health-care ministry,” said more resolute. 2006 are functioning with
Non-tax revenue represented Value added tax raised calculation base] as compared Zollerová, adding that the cur- “There are many issues balanced budgets because
€81.6 million at the end of €1.497 billion, 3.8 percent with the previously applied rent government had taken involved and it also depends they must maintain trans-
April, the Tax Directorate re- short of the plan. Tax and 4.78 percent,” Szalay said. over a sector laden with debts on the moods of the health- parent accounting, publish
ported, according to the SITA customs offices are expected He stated that it is neces- exceeding €200 million. care employees,” said their closing books and un-
newswire. to collect a total of €8.717 bil- sary for the government to The time for negotiations Dragula. dergo audits.
Revenue from income lion this year.
tax, profit and capital gains Last year, the tax and
was €541.5 million, which
represented 84.18 percent of
the budgeted level. Domestic
customs revenues of the
state totalled €7.962 billion,
down 0.8 percent from 2009.
HALT: Long-running cases likely to go on
taxes on goods and services Non-tax revenues dropped Continued from pg 1 written decision, which they should re- the legislation was in the pipeline that it
of €2.113 billion also lagged 17.7 percent year-on-year in ceive in a couple of weeks, before deciding interfered with the ownership rights of
projections, by 6.13 percent. 2010 to €681.3 million. The legislation, which became one of on next steps, adding that once they un- shareholders and that the state is per-
the most criticised laws advanced by the derstand the court’s exact reasoning, the mitted to interfere with ownership
government of Robert Fico, also attracted lawyers may propose further proceedings. rights only if certain conditions are met:
Road tender scrapped over lawsuit the attention of the European Commis- Danko stated that Penta is positive if intervention is unavoidable; if it is
sion. The present cabinet of Prime Minis- about the recent decision of Slovakia’s demonstrably in the public interest; and
SLOVAKIA’S National A new competition for ter Iveta Radičová has already agreed a Constitutional Court that ruled the legis- if there is adequate compensation.
Highway Company (NDS) the highway section could draft amendment to deal with the issue lation unconstitutional. In 2008, 49 members of the Slovak
has cancelled a tender for probably be announced with- but the legislation has not yet been con- The Constitutional Court found that parliament asked the Constitutional
the construction of the in three weeks, with the bid sidered by parliament. the legislation, which became effective in Court to review the law, arguing that the
second stage of the envelopes opened some time HICEE is owned by Penta Interna- 2008, restricted the property rights of amendment contradicted the constitu-
Jánovce-Jablonov stretch in late summer, Sitár said, tional Investment Group and its spokes- health insurers’ shareholders and that the tion as well as international laws. Later,
of the D1 motorway in east- while adding that the NDS person said the arbitration court’s de- government had interfered in the insurers’ Fico, who now serves as a deputy speaker
ern Slovakia, NDS head remains committed to its cision was of a technical-procedural right to do business by depriving them of of parliament, refused to represent the
Alan Sitár told the TASR strategic objective of com- nature and did not address the essence of their right to make autonomous decisions Slovak parliament in front of the Consti-
newswire on May 9. pleting individual highway the issue, which Penta said is whether over how to use their profits. It ruled that tutional Court in the hearing regarding
He said the decision had stretches of the Bratislava- the 2007 revision to Slovakia’s health in- this restriction was unconstitutional. the health insurance legislation.
been taken because one of Košice D1 highway link. surance legislation was legal or whether In defending the legislation in 2007, Citing dissatisfaction with market
the participants in the The overall timeline for it violated international agreements on Fico, then prime minister, told public conditions in Slovakia, private health in-
tender may seek a court re- completing the project the protection of investments. broadcaster Slovak Radio that the previ- surer Európska Zdravotná Poisťovňa left
view of a decision by the Pub- should be announced soon “Certainly, we do not consider the ous centre-right government’s aim had the market in 2008. Dôvera and Apollo
lic Procurement Office after the Transport Ministry decision of the arbitration tribunal to be been “to allow someone, mainly foreign merged in 2010, leaving only one other
(ÚVO), adding that this may publicly releases its strategy favorable,” Martin Danko, spokesman for firms, to access public resources and private insurer, Union. The two state-
ultimately lead to a court in- for highway construction, Penta Investments, told The Slovak Spec- gradually carve off huge profits from run health insurers, Všeobecná
junction halting the tender TASR wrote, adding that the tator. “On the other hand, our main goal these resources. People are now required Zdravotná Poisťovňa (VšZP) and Spoločná
and future construction. The ministry has stated that is not to be involved in arbitrations but to to pay money for insurance premiums to Zdravotná Poisťovňa (SZP), also merged
NDS head stated that cancel- quality, transparency and ef- operate in a stable and predictable legis- the insurers and it is absolutely unac- in 2010.
lation was the only way to ficiency will be the overarch- lative environment.” ceptable to us to allow someone to keep Danko told Sme that one possible
address the issue. ing principles. According to a report in the Sme part of this money.” reason why the arbitration court decided
daily, the court is continuing to review The private health insurers operating that the case does not come under its jur-
the same issue in a dispute between the in Slovakia retorted that the legislation isdiction is that HICEE is not the direct
Bratislava-Warsaw flights cancelled Dutch Eureko company, the majority was hostile to the investments made by owner of Dôvera: Dôvera Holding is an in-
shareholder in Slovakia’s Union health their major shareholders. HICEE filed the termediary company between HICEE and
AFTER one year of opera- The company explained insurer, which also filed an arbitration lawsuit against Slovakia in January 2009, the Dôvera health insurance company.
tion Bratislava will lose its its decision by referring to claim seeking around €160 million. claiming some €500 million in compens- Former health minister Richard Raši,
direct air link with lower-than-expected interest An arbitration case involving a third ation. Fico called the action blackmail. a nominee of Fico's Smer party, welcomed
Warsaw. LOT Polish Air- in the service. The route will private health insurer, Apollo, which Slovakia’s Association of Health In- the court’s decision and told Sme that he
lines announced on its be scrapped exactly one year merged with Dôvera in 2010, is still being surers (ZZP) had stated several times that hopes that this will also be the outcome in
website that it is halting after LOT resumed flights to assessed by the court to determine the legislation would conflict with inter- the other shareholders’ case, adding that
the regular service between Bratislava following a previ- whether it has jurisdiction over it, the national agreements on the protection of “resources of public health insurance are
Warsaw and Bratislava as ous one-year break. SITA newswire reported. investments, as well with EU law and in question. If you pay obligatorily as a
of May 17, the SITA news- Danko told The Slovak Spectator that Slovakia’s constitution. ZZP’s Eduard health tax, it is absurd that someone is
wire reported. Compiled by Spectator staff HICEE representatives will study the Kováč told The Slovak Spectator when drawing that money in the form of profit.”
OPINION May 16 – 22, 2011 5
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “This sport brought fame to Slovakia and the competent people
should build on it. People got to know our country thanks to hockey.”
A good nomination goes bad
IT HAD seemed that Free- ceptable reason for its rejec- ing to resign unless one of
Pavol Demitra, the captain of Team Slovakia, after his last match in the national jersey.
dom and Solidarity (SaS) had tion of him it could be easily Mikloš’ appointees left office.
finally picked the right can- interpreted by the public to Allowing party in-fight-
didate to replace yet another mean: we have our reasons, ing to influence appoint-
Kanibal state security chief who had
been found to have a less-
than-squeaky-clean his-
but they are none of your
business. If they found a
blemish in Paluda’s record
ments to crucial posts –
Paluda was nominated to
head the National Security Of-
rived at the agreed meeting tory. Peter Paluda, a stern that suddenly put all the pre- fice (NBÚ), Slovakia’s main
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD with his victim well prepared
– he had all his equipment,
critic of Supreme Court pres-
ident Štefan Harabin, ini-
vious information published
about him in a different light,
security vetting agency –
could deal another serious
Special to the Spectator
drugs and black pepper to tially appeared to be accept- blow to the image of the

keep away the animals while able to all those who make SDKÚ. And to the many who
the body was stored in the up the country’s rather fra- want this government to deal
IF YOU regard central Europe holes which he had already gile ruling coalition: that with serious issues – such as
as the region of Count Drac- dug. Although experience rare public figure without making public procurement
ula and The Blood Countess with many locals is torturous, any heavy or malodorous more transparent and clean-
Erzsébet Báthory, the top you can find quality profes- historical baggage. ing up the judiciary – such a
news of this week will come sionals in Slovakia when you When Prime Minister scenario would come as a ma-
as no surprise – Slovakia try hard enough. Iveta Radičová described jor disappointment.
came close to having its first Third, shooting seems to Paluda as a good nomina- All this is happening one
cannibal (kanibal) in recent be becoming a regular part of tion, observers assumed that week before a crucial secret
history. What does this say local life. Last August there her party, the Slovak Demo- ballot of MPs to select the next
about the country? was the mass murderer in cratic and Christian Union general prosecutor. If former
First, it has huge tourist Bratislava; now comes anoth- (SDKÚ), would follow her incumbent Dobroslav Trnka,
potential. The hockey world er standoff between the police lead. But SDKÚ MPs’ de- who has clearly stated his de-
championship has failed to at- and a lunatic. Sure, guns are cision to reject Paluda’s sire to return to the job for an-
tract the large numbers of vis- not new to Slovakia, but pre- nomination has left observ- other seven years and is being
itors businesses and municip- vious killings usually in- ers wondering exactly why. backed by the opposition, is
alities had expected. But no to be eaten, or just have a taste volved the mafia. Now, in- When SDKÚ caucus lead- chosen then Radičová says
need to worry: with stories for places of horror, don’t hes- creasingly, it’s regular people er Jozef Mikuš told the media she will resign.
such as this one Slovakia itate to come. gone berserk that use about the party’s decision he This makes not only most
could yet turn into a top des- Second, the bad reputa- weapons to harm others. And refused to specify any reason, of the ruling coalition but
tination for thrill-seeking tion of Slovak services is not with them, central Europe is stating only that it would ‘not also those who had hoped for
tourists. Whether you yearn deserved. The cannibal ar- becoming a bit more scary. be appropriate’ to make pub- a stable government dis-
lic statements on the matter. BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ tinctly edgy. Her threat may
As of May 12 the SDKÚ re- Spectator staff not deter every ruling coali-
mained silent. This silence tion deputy from voting for
sounds much worse than a Trnka: on the contrary, it
straightforward explanation then they have a duty to tell us may serve the interests of
of the rejection. But that, of what it is. those who could benefit from
course, assumes that there is Interestingly, Radičová the chaotic fall of the gov-
a straightforward reason, on May 12, one day after her ernment and encourage
rather than murky party party had rejected his nomin- them to vote for him.
politics or fears among SDKÚ ation, restated her own sup- There are two answers to
MPs that the party would not port for Paluda: “I consider the question of who would
have sufficient control over him a principle-driven person benefit from such a situation,
the job or its holder. and it [the rejection] does not one obvious and the other
The Sme daily noted that change my attitude at all,” more complicated. The easy
the deputies had received – as SITA reported her as saying. answer is Smer leader Robert
it also had – an anonymous Of course, there is specu- Fico; the more complicated
letter about Paluda’s ‘family lation that the SDKÚ rejec- one is those who want to see a
ties’ (Sme did not expand) and tion was partly intended as a weakened Radičová and who
the allegedly communist past snub to Radičová. In some think that even if she resigns
of his family. The daily also ways that interpretation is there will be some way to re-
reported that the SDKÚ may almost irresistible, following vamp the present govern-
consider Paluda to be too close the controversial tax office ment in order to secure great-
to Interior Minister Daniel rental deal involving a local er prizes than they currently
Lipšic, even though his party, SDKÚ official that led enjoy. It is a very tricky situ-
the Christian Democratic Radičová publicly to cross ation, because if they do vote
The 2011 World Ice Hockey Championship continued in Slovakia with quarterfinals in Bratislava on Movement (KDH), is one of its Finance Minister Ivan for Trnka, they could find that
May 11 and 12. As The Slovak Spectator went to press the Czech Republic, Sweden and Finland had coalition partners. Mikloš. In that case, Radičová they lose out completely, as
qualified for the semifinals, while Russia and Canada were still to play. The Czech team dispatched Given the initial support prevailed only after refusing would all those voters who
the US team 4:0 on May 11, with Czech star Jaromír Jágr (pictured above) scoring a hat trick. that Paluda received, if the to show up for a cabinet meet- paved their way to parlia-
Photo: ČTK SDKÚ does not provide an ac- ing and indirectly threaten- ment, undeservedly so.


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6 May 16 – 22, 2011


Fico-era basic banking
requirement is scrapped

Banks pushed to reduce

charges on housing products HUMAN RESOURCES

Institutions and organisations in the

Special tax on banks banking and leasing sectors

Ministry of Finance

put on the table again Minister: Ivan Mikloš

National Bank of Slovakia (NBS),

Slovak Banking Association,
Bank ombudsman,
Banks oppose Association of Leasing Companies of Slovakia (ASL),
introduction of
any selective
sectoral tax Some banks active in Slovakia
Československá Obchodná Banka (ČSOB),
Dexia Banka,
Spectator staff J&T Banka,
OTP Banka Slovensko,
THE IDEA of a special bank tax Poštová Banka,
has been put back on the table Privatbanka,
in Slovakia. While the opposi- Saxo Bank,
tion has revived a previously Slovenská Sporiteľňa,
rejected proposal to impose a Tatra Banka,
special tax on banks, the Fin- UniCredit Bank Slovakia,
ance Ministry has now come Volksbank Slovensko,
up with its own proposal in- VÚB,
spired by the European
Commission’s work on an EU Direct banks
framework for crisis manage- mBank,
ment in the financial sector. Banks say customers will at least partly bear the costs of a special tax. Photo: Sme Zuno,
And even though Slovak
banks, unlike those in several tion wanted to introduce it in- ally planned, Mikloš has pro- sion by the end of April. Ac- Housing savings banks in Slovakia
other EU countries, survived stead of the 1-percentage point posed introducing one in Slov- cording to this document, the Three banks, called housing construction savings banks,
the financial crisis that started hike in value added tax to 20 akia anyway, with effect from new tax will be calculated on specialise in support for purchase of housing in Slovakia:
in summer 2007 without state percent. Later he agreed to the the start of next year. Banks in the aggregate liabilities of ČSOB Stavebná Sporiteľňa,
aid, the ministry wants to introduction of such a tax in a Slovakia are opposed. each bank after taking into ac- Prvá Stavebná Sporiteľňa,
move quickly and introduce coordinated way within the The Finance Ministry an- count their own capital re- Wüstenrot Stavebná Sporiteľňa,
the tax as early as of the start European Union. Now that it nounced the introduction of sources and deposits already
of 2012. has become clear that the the special tax on banks in its protected by the national de-
Finance Minister Ivan European Commission may 2011-2014 Stability Programme, posit protection scheme. Leasing companies in Slovakia
Mikloš opposed a special bank fail to agree the introduction which Slovakia was obliged to
tax last year when the opposi- of such a tax by 2012, as origin- send to the European Commis- See SBA pg 8 ČSOB Leasing,
Mercedes-Benz Financial Services Slovakia,

‘Mestská’ card includes banking services Oberbank Leasing,

S Slovensko,
“We decided not to join the UniCredit Leasing Slovakia,
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ Bratislavská mestská karta project for VB Leasing SK,
Spectator staff now because at the beginning the project Volkswagen Financial Services Slovakia,
was not unambiguously defined from our VÚB Leasing,
point of view, and we started working on
WHILE a card granting discounts on other projects and preparing other new Compiled by Spectator staff
tickets to museums, galleries and other products for our clients,” Tatra Banka
venues used especially by tourists is no spokesperson Boris Gandel told The Slov-
longer a novelty in major cities, Bratis- ak Spectator. “Of course, we don’t rule out Banks' profits soar
lava has now taken it a step further by the possibility that Tatra Banka might
introducing a similar card, but this time join the project later.” PROFITS in the Slovak banking sector grew by almost 50
to residents – and has included banking He said Tatra Banka would monitor percent year-on-year to €175 million over the first three
services on it too. This extra feature has developments and is prepared to respond months of 2011. Net interest income grew by 8.2 percent
made the Bratislavská mestská karta, as to demand from clients. to €437 million based on figures released by the National
it is officially known, a popular product The card works as a traditional inter- Bank of Slovakia (NBS). Net income from fees and
among locals, with almost 18,000 ac- national debit card and includes PayPass commissions increased 8.7 percent to €114 million. The
quiring one since January. So far, four contactless technology allowing pay- volume of reserves and provision for losses shrank 60.7
banks have joined the project and one, ment of small amounts of up to €20 via a percent to €38 million, the SITA newswire reported in
inspired by the success of pre-paid mo- simple swipe of the card. late April.
bile cards, is even issuing cards to resid- UniCredit Bank Slovakia is the only In 2010, the banking sector improved its profits by 101.4
ents who are not existing customers. bank that issues the card to people who percent from 2009, making €503.65 million, according
“The Bratislavská mestská karta is a Bratislava residents often use their city do not hold an account with it. It does to preliminary data from Slovakia’s central bank.
common project by the city and the card to buy transport passes. Photo: Sme so in the form of a pre-paid re- The Slovak banking sector revived last year as its
banks which have joined the project,” chargeable card. profitability increased and its overall financial position
Ľubomír Andrassy, the spokesperson of Since its launch, four banks have “Pre-paid cards caused a revolution in improved, SITA wrote, with the better performance
Bratislava Mayor Milan Ftáčnik, told joined the project: OTP Banka, Volksbank the telecoms sector some years ago,” being driven primarily by the household sector and
The Slovak Spectator. The card was Slovensko, VÚB Banka and UniCredit Jozef Barta, director-general of UniCredit particularly by a recovery in the market for housing
launched in mid January after two Bank Slovakia. Poštová Banka and Bank Slovakia, who previously worked in loans. The central bank also wrote that the entire sector
years of preparation. Slovenská Sporiteľňa are expected to join the telecoms business, said in mid Febru- benefited from low interest rates, adding that there is
The multifunctional card is issued the scheme next, according to Andrassy. ary. He believes that it was pre-paid now some risk of future interest rate increases.
to bank clients with permanent resid- Not all banks regard the city card cards’ freedom, simplicity and the facil- The market for corporate loans was different, according
ence in Bratislava upon their request. project as sufficiently attractive, though. ity to keep spending under control that to the central bank, and there was only a very moderate
Cardholders can enjoy, along with tra- Tatra Banka, for example, is one of the lay behind their success. revival in demand in this sector.
ditional banking services, other ad- bigger banks that has not joined and has
vantages and discounts. no plans to do so in the near future. See CARD pg 8 Compiled by Spectator staff from press reports
BUSINESS FOCUS May 16 – 22, 2011 7

Leasing market revives Banks pushed to

reduce charges
After a steep Keketi. “We also assess pos-
itively the development in FINANCE Minister Ivan an entire annual state bonus
decline in 2009, the renewable resources Mikloš is pushing banks to when a savings contract is
leasing in sector, in which we already reduce their fees for housing- signed on the last day of the
see and further hope for related products. On May 9 year. Each client of a housing
Slovakia is high dynamics.” he unveiled a plan to intro- saving bank is qualified to
growing again Sák of VWFS expects de- duce tougher rules for the get the annual state bonus
clining concern among po- state bonus paid on housing after signing a six-year sav-
tential private buyers of construction savings con- ing contract. The maximum
new cars to lead to more in- tracts and at the same time bonus is currently set at
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ terest in financing new car proposed to reduce fees for €66.39, with savers who de-
Spectator staff purchases through leasing such products. The proposed posit at least €663.90 per year
or specialised loans. legislative changes would with the bank qualifying for
“2011 is characterised, in also affect mortgages. the whole amount.
AFTER 2009, a year in which Slovakia too, by growing glob- “The fundamental prob- Housing construction
the Slovak leasing market re- al demand for new cars and lem of housing construction savings banks oppose the
corded a brutal fall of 45 per- thus also an extension in the savings products, according changes, some of which they
cent from its record high in time it takes for an ordered to an analysis from February say are disadvantageous for
2008, the sector began to car to be supplied,” Sák said, 2011, is the low effectiveness clients. Imrich Béreš, the
show signs of revival in 2010, adding that because of this, of state contributions that head of the board of directors
especially in the final few impatient clients who are un- amount to some €40 million of Prvá Stavebná Sporiteľňa,
months of the year. The leas- used to such a situation may per year, and the extremely said, as reported by the SITA
ing market reported annual change their mind and choose high charges for these newswire, that if the pro-
growth of 7 percent over all of an alternative, or even a used products, despite the exist- posed legislation is adopted,
2010 and prospects for 2011 car. Sák therefore believes the ence of such a significant clients will not have any
are even more promising. Commercial trucks are often financed via leasing. Photo: Reuters supply of cars from producers state contribution,” Mikloš chance to get the full annual
Leasing companies estimate is among the factors affecting said, as quoted by the TASR bonus during their first year
that due to the revival in directly, by the effects of the Horváth, the head of the the leasing market and notes newswire, when he intro- of saving.
Slovakia’s economy, the leas- financial and economic crisis. committee for statistics and that this is something im- duced the draft amend- The Wüstenrot housing
ing market will grow by 10 Dušan Keketi, a member of media at ALS, told The Slovak porters cannot affect. ments to the Banking and construction savings bank
percent or more this year. the board of directors at Uni- Spectator. The association is Horváth, of the ALS, ex- Housing Construction Sav- also opposes the changes.
Leasing companies hope the Credit Leasing Slovakia, listed sticking to its original pro- pects that mainly economic ing Acts. The Finance Min- “We agree with savings
turbulent times are finally among the main factors be- gnosis for 2011 – of growth factors will continue to affect istry submitted the drafts in charges and interim loans,
over, but the aggregate hind the continuing diffi- above 10 percent – but expects the development of the Slovak for inter-departmental re- but I do not see the sense in
volume of leasing contracts in culties in 2010 a drop in new year-on-year growth to slow leasing market. These include view on May 10. the state interfering in the
2010 amounted to €1.615 bil- investments, a reduction in in the second half as the com- the post-crisis restart of west- According to Mikloš, the amount of the bonus,” said
lion, putting it at 2004 levels, operating costs, poor pay- parison basis becomes the ern European economies, es- problem is that “a consider- Karl Peter Giller, the bank's
still significantly less than ment discipline, restructur- improved figures from the pecially that of Germany, able portion of the state con- head, as quoted by the
pre-crisis highs. ing, and the failure of com- latter half of last year. which is mirrored in the tribution has gone towards Hospodárske Noviny daily.
“As in 2010, businesses panies to fulfil obligations Horváth pointed to the growth of industrial produc- covering the charges of hous- The changes proposed in
will be the main driving force stemming from leasing con- positive development of the tion and GDP in Slovakia too. ing construction savings the legislation would also af-
for the leasing market in the tracts, resulting in the re- leasing market by highlight- Among secondary factors he banks. At the same time, the fect Slovak mortgages, the
movable assets sector in moval of leased items. ing the growing sales of new placed legislation currently in share of interim loans com- prices of which, Mikloš says,
2011,” Juraj Ebringer, presid- According to Volkswagen passenger and commercial force, as well as new laws in pared to classical construc- are among the highest in the
ent of the Association of Leas- Finančné Služby Slovensko vehicles, especially to busi- the pipeline, either at the tion loans [provided to ap- European Union.
ing Companies of Slovakia (VWFS), which specialises in nesses, and in particular of Slovak or European level. plicants after six years of sav- “Changes to the Act on
(ALS), said in mid February leasing passenger and com- trucks and trailers, for which “Frequent changes to legal ing with a housing construc- Banks should also touch
when discussing the devel- mercial vehicles, the market year-on-year growth hit norms related to financial in- tion savings bank] has been upon mortgage loans
opment of Slovakia’s leasing has partly revived and over triple digits during the first stitutions as well as corporate rising.” Mikloš noted that in- provided in the past; this is
market in 2010 and expecta- 40 percent of purchasers used four months of this year. entities, or excessive protec- terim loans are a type of the case when the rate is re-
tions for 2011. “Last year, financial leasing, operative Horváth specified that the tion of certain kinds of cli- commercial loan provided by fixed after the new legisla-
deals in this sector rose by leasing or a specialised loan penetration of leasing in sales ents, prevent leasing compan- housing construction sav- tion becomes effective, i.e.
10.2 percent. The typical to finance acquisition of a car of new vehicles in the corpor- ies, as well as other firms, ings banks. after January 1, 2012,” he
commodity will be trucks.” in 2010. ate sector is about 56 percent from setting proper mid-term The proposed legislation said, adding that this will
In describing the effects Bohumil Sák from VWFS and in commercial vehicles business plans,” said Horváth, caps charges at a lower level also affect other loans for ac-
of the economic crisis, told The Slovak Spectator that above 3.5 tonnes it is as much adding that the ALS has been than at present. The monthly quisition or reconstruction
Ebringer said that it hit small in 2009 the sale of vehicles as 80 percent. trying to lead a discussion charge for administration of of housing in which real es-
and medium-sized businesses financed via leasing and spe- Along with vehicles, with various state bodies a housing construction sav- tate is used as collateral.
hardest. These did not have cialised loans decreased due companies have also started about this issue. “Even ings account would be €1 or According to Mikloš, a
enough money to bridge the to the state’s so-called car- to acquire new equipment via though we consider protec- €12 per year. Currently the bank will be obliged to tell a
crisis period: he mentioned scrapping bonus scheme, leasing. According to tion of consumer rights as annual limit is €18. The borrower what its rate is
particularly truckers who from which leasing was omit- Horváth, this sector had de- important, we think that charge for closing a housing when it provides a loan and
normally use leasing to fin- ted. But, as Sák pointed out, it creased or stagnated over the some steps in this field simul- construction savings con- also when it re-fixes the rate.
ance purchase of their was still possible to apply for last two years, especially taneously lead to worsening tract would equal 0.9 percent The rate will consist of two
vehicles. After demand for the scrapping bonus when us- among large and medium- of law enforcement, not only of the target sum, down from items: the basic rate set by
their services decreased, they ing a specialised loan sized companies. in leasing but also in other, the current 1 percent. Mikloš the National Bank of Slov-
were unable to maintain provided by a leasing com- According to Stanislav unrelated sectors.” also proposed cancelling the akia and the so-called client
lease payments and many pany to buy a new car, a pos- Jaššák from ČSOB Leasing, charge to process a loan, margin, reflecting the
leasing contracts were ter- sibility which the media of- which led the Slovak leasing Comparing Slovakia which is now €80. bank’s margin and the
minated prematurely. This ten failed to mention. The market in 2010 based on the The Finance Ministry client’s risk surcharge.
increased the volume of re- boom in purchase of cars by value of financing provided, “Slovakia did very well also wants to remove the op-
serve provisions, the amount private buyers in 2009 was re- developments in 2011 are in when comparing the devel- portunity of savers to receive Compiled by Spectator staff
of money leasing companies flected in lower sales to the line with the company’s ex- opment of its leasing market
put aside to compensate for same customers in 2010; as a pectations and predictions: in 2010 with neighbouring
possible losses. Moreover, he result, corporate clients pre- the market reports a year-on- countries, as well as against
noted that many failed leas- vailed in 2010, he said. year increase and a steep re- countries in western
ing deals have ended or will vival in competition. Europe,” Horváth said. “The
end in the courts, meaning A sound first four months Keketi, of UniCredit Leas- growth in Slovakia’s leasing
that it will take some time for ing Slovakia, which is num- market was about 7 percent,
leasing companies to recover The Slovak leasing ber three in the business comparable with France,
their losses. market’s positive trend from based on 2010 results, regards Great Britain, Italy or Aus-
the last months of 2010 has the January-April figures as tria. Higher growth was
2010 – A positive turn continued in the first third very positive, adding that his achieved only in Poland (19
of 2011. company is meeting its tar- percent), Estonia (17 percent)
Leasing companies regard “Positive expectations of gets. During this period it and Sweden (14 percent).”
developments in 2010 as hav- the Association of Leasing managed to increase its mar- With regards to Slovakia’s
ing been much more positive, Companies of Slovakia in ket share in almost all sectors. neighbours, the Czech leasing
with the market returning to terms of the development of “We register the highest market grew by less than 4
growth after the 2009 crash, the leasing market in Slovakia increases in transport percent, while Hungary re-
even though it was still af- were met during the first four vehicles and passenger cars ported a steep fall of as much
fected, either directly or in- months of 2011,” Marián as well as real estate,” said as 34 percent. Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš Photo: TASR
8 May 16 – 22, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

SBA: 'Against any selective sectoral tax'

Continued from pg 6 in the same form, Slovakia will
effectively be discriminating
FOCUS short
This means that mainly against its own banking sector
corporate deposits will be sub- in favour of other countries’.
ject to the tax. The rate is pro- The second snag Vida identified Basic banking requirement scrapped
posed to be 0.2 percent of relev- was a lack of clarity about the
ant liabilities. circumstances under which THE SO-CALLED basic bank- The idea of a basic bank-
“The SBA is against any se- the funds raised by the tax ing product introduced by ing product mandated by
lective sectoral tax whose in- could be used. the previous government of state regulations was adop-
comes will flow into the state “Even when terms for use Robert Fico is no longer re- ted by the Fico government
budget,” Marcel Laznia, are set, the money will be still quired as of April 1. President and required banks to offer
spokesman for the Banking As- in the account of state financial Ivan Gašparovič signed a re- identical services under their
sociation of Slovakia (SBA), told assets and could thus be used vision to the Bank Act ter- ‘basic banking product’ as of
The Slovak Spectator. “We be- for anything, for example pay- minating the requirement in October 1, 2010. Former fin-
lieve that the efforts of the Fin- ment of Christmas pensions,” mid February. ance minister Ján Počiatek
ance Ministry should be direc- wrote Vida, adding that one Ivan Štefanec, an MP stated his aim was to 'heat
ted, when it comes to consolid- resolution by the cabinet would from the Slovak Democratic up' competition in the bank-
ation of the public finances, A special tax could reduce banks' profits. Photo: Sme be enough to make this happen. and Christian Union (SDKÚ) ing market. Banks com-
more towards to the side of initiated the change in the plained that the mandated
state budget expenditures.” Juraj Karpiš, an analyst the levy. These can quickly Opposition proposes law, arguing that limited product was unnecessary and
The SBA is aware that the with the Institute of Economic move to other eurozone or EU its own bank tax public interest, as well as poorly designed.
European Commission is pre- and Social Studies (INESS), a countries where such a levy disadvantages to banks from The low success found by
paring a draft directive about think tank, does not see any does not exist or where its In late April, opposition this mandated product, was the basic package among
crisis management of banks, reason to impose a special tax rate is lowest. The rate pro- deputies from the Smer party – adequate reason to scrap the Slovaks was blamed on its
including sections on special given that banks in Slovakia posed by the Finance Ministry chairman Robert Fico, former requirement. Štefanec stated higher fees compared to sim-
national funds and bank levies. did not need state assistance is one of the highest of any finance minister Ján Počiatek that only five customers had ilar packages of services
“However, for the time be- during the crisis. He regards country where such a levy has and former deputy finance subscribed to one of the basic offered by the banks. The
ing we do not see any reason the EC efforts to introduce a been introduced. minister Peter Kažimír – sub- banking products offered by banks claimed the higher
other than a political reason special bank tax as the intro- The impact on different mitted a draft amendment to the various banks and that fees connected to the basic
for individual introduction of duction of the principle of col- banks may differ, but those the law on value added tax to this was proof enough that banking product were neces-
a bank tax or levy, much less lective blame, in which all focusing on corporate clients parliament introducing a spe- the previous government’s sary based on the costs of the
one which takes a form which banks are punished irrespect- will be hit hardest, according cial bank tax. Smer had submit- intervention made no sense, services that were required
we believe is not in line with ive of their risk profile. to Laznia. ted a similar law last year. This the SITA newswire wrote. to be part of the package.
EC plans,” Laznia said, refer- “This tax creates moral The tax will increase banks’ time, Smer has again sought to
ring to the initiative of the hazard and punishes conser- costs; they will then pass part of reverse the hike in value added
Finance Ministry. vative banks which did not that burden to customers via tax from 19 to 20 percent, effect- mBank joins Slovak Banking Assoc.
The EC plan is for banks to need assistance from public charges or interest rates, ac- ive as of January 1, 2011, and re-
be required to contribute to na- resources,” Karpiš told The cording to Karpiš. place it with a special tax im- THE SLOVAK Banking Asso- director Ladislav Unčovský,
tional resolution funds and Slovak Spectator. “Introduc- “Thus the private sphere posed on banks’ selected liabil- ciation (SBA) has accepted as cited by SITA.
that money from these funds tion of this tax would amount would have at its disposal less ities. The proposed rate in the mBank as one of its mem- SBA's spokeswoman
would be used to finance the to a confession by the regulator funds, which would curb future Smer bill is 0.73 percent and the bers, the SITA newswire re- Monika Kuhajdová said that
costs of rescuing or liquidating that it is not able to regulate the economic growth,” said Karpiš. revenues would flow into the ported in early May. At first the position of the association
failing banks. sector allocated to it. The mar- Igor Vida, the SBA’s presid- state budget until the public de- the association was reluct- had changed since 2008,
According to Laznia, one of ket approach used in any other ent and director-general of ficit falls below 3 percent. ant to accept the bank as a adding that the long-term
the main problems with the sector would be a better solu- Tatra Banka, wrote in the Karpiš and Laznia also op- member, questioning what goal of SBA has been to posi-
Finance Ministry plan is that tion: cessation of state assist- Hospodárske Noviny financial pose this special bank tax. it called a confrontational tion itself as the comprehens-
income from the levy would go ance and bankruptcy of prob- daily on May 11 that even “The impact of the oppos- communication campaign ive representative of the Slov-
into the government’s budget. lematic subjects.” though the bank-tax proposal ition proposal on the banking when mBank entered the ak banking sector and that
SBA can foresee a levy on Laznia as well as Karpiš be- has not yet been prepared for sector and its clients would Slovak market. The bank's the association unanimously
banks in the form proposed by lieve that the special tax will interdepartmental review, in- be devastating and would first application to become a decided to accept mBank.
the European Commission, reduce banks’ profits and that tensive discussion about it is leave it close to the situation member was rejected in mBank officially began
which flows into a special na- in the end it will be clients already taking place. He poin- which is now seen in 2008 but mBank submitted offering services in Slovakia
tional resolution fund to be who at least partly will pay the ted out what he saw as two ma- Hungary,” said Laznia. “Also, another application in on November 25, 2007, and is
used to finance the costs of final bill. jor problems with the proposal. because of [such a] tax banks January 2011. an electronic retail banking
dealing with failing banks, ac- “The bank levy would not The first is that while 10 EU in Hungary reported an “Our membership has division of one of the largest
cording to Laznia. The SBA’s only affect the profitability of member countries have already 80-percent drop in profits in now extended to 30 financial Polish financial institutions,
precondition is the existence of banks in a negative way, but introduced a bank tax in one 2010 and will probably not be entities and represents 100 BRE Bank SA, which is also a
the same conditions across the may also endanger their form or another, the remaining able to create enough capital percent of the Slovak banking member of the German
whole EU and precisely defined stability,” said Laznia, adding 17 have not. This means that if and thus support demand for sector,” said SBA executive Commerzbank group.
rules under which money from that corporate deposits in Slovakia introduces the tax be- loans and the country’s eco-
such funds can be used. particular will be the basis for fore it is applied in all countries nomy in the future.”
Solus reports on deadbeats

CARD: A discount on transport passes SOLUS, a registry and report-

ing service on customers’
payment discipline estab-
ates many debtors to settle
their obligations.”
Solus said that in January
Continued from pg 6 that many residents were just waiting for the city’s swimming pools; and ap- lished by several banks and 2011 over 10,000 customers
for ‘their’ bank to join the scheme. The proximately the same percentage use it other businesses, reported had settled their overdue ob-
UniCredit Bank Slovakia has applied city council expects a further significant to purchase food, according to that in late January its data- ligations. A debtor’s record is
the same principles to this project. In increase in interest once another bank Ďuďáková. About 16 percent use the base included more than automatically deleted from
early May UniCredit Bank Slovakia re- joins the scheme and develops a more city card to pay for cinema and mu- 115,000 records about 84,000 the registry after they settle
ported that it had issued a total of 5,080 attractive version of the card for chil- seum tickets, or when paying for medi- customers who had seri- their overdue bills and after a
city cards, of which 3,560 were pre-paid dren and senior citizens. cines in selected pharmacies. ously violated their pay- certain period has elapsed:
cards, more than half, UniCredit Bank While only banks can monitor what Cardholders get a 10-percent dis- ment obligations, the SITA three months or three years,
Slovakia spokesperson Zuzana Ďuďáková holders use their city card for, the first count on monthly, quarterly and annual newswire wrote, adding depending on the type of
told The Slovak Spectator. reported results indicate that people use public transport passes, and the card it- that the total due amount contractual violation.
“The pre-paid card represents a it to buy city transport passes, swim- self serves as a transport pass. The card exceeded €100 million in Solus was established in
simpler way for a client to get a city ming pool season tickets, as well as also brings 20 percent discounts at early 2011 but that some cus- September 2005 to monitor
card without the need to open an ac- goods in shops, according to Andrassy. sporting venues administered by the tomers had already settled and protect financial
count in a bank or use other banking “From the viewpoint of the city it city-owned organisation STaRZ, and at their debts. products offered by banks
products,” said Ďuďáková. She added will be important to monitor the usage the zoo, selected galleries and museums, Solus has been collecting and businesses to customers.
that the basic condition for obtaining a of the card over a longer time frame among others. information about custom- Its members currently in-
pre-paid city card is the requirement to and especially [see] how the card sup- Retailers and service providers ers who fail to pay on time clude mBank and Zuno bank,
deposit at least €20 on it. The holder ports the interests of Bratislavans in which have joined the scheme include money owed to any of Solus’ mobile operator Telefónica
can use the card until the balance de- terms of regular usage of public trans- shops, restaurants, language schools, member companies. O2 Slovakia, financial insti-
creases to €5 and must then ‘recharge’ port or visits to cultural and sports taxi firms, and others. Andrassy expects “The record in the re- tutions such as Cetelem
it. The holder pays an annual charge of venues administered by city others to join, further fuelling interest gister complicates the Slovensko, Cofidis, Home
€3 for the card. organisations,” said Andrassy. among city residents. debtor’s ability to [receive] Credit Slovakia and Santand-
In mid April VÚB Banka reported The experience of UniCredit Bank “There was large interest among further services from mem- er Consumer Finance, and
that it had issued over 10,000 city cards. confirms that many cardholders use businesses in joining the scheme when bers of the association,” Zuz- other businesses.
The total number of city cards issued the card for purchase of public trans- we were preparing the project,” said ana Krajčovičová of Solus
by all the banks involved is now almost port passes, at over 40 percent; about 17 Andrassy. “Extension of the network of said, as cited by SITA. “Thus, Compiled by Spectator staff
18,000, according to Andrassy. He said percent use it to buy cut-price tickets retailers is now our priority.” it is obvious that it motiv- from press reports
NEWS May 16 – 22, 2011 9

NEW: Blue cards in July REAL ESTATE

NEW.....for..... RENT:
• 1-2-room apartments – Vajnorská,
Ružinov, Karlova Ves...
Family Home
For Sale in Bernolakovo
• L-shaped living, dining, kitchen
• 5 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms + WC
Continued from pg 3 health sector – both physi- • 3-4-room apartments – Drotárska, • House 260m² + Garage 49 m² + Lot 5.4a
cians and nurses – but tech- downtown, Ružinov,Koliba, Bôrik... • 6 years old
• family houses – Koliba, Bôrik • Sprinkler system, automatic gate
The report noted that nical and IT professionals, area, Polus area, Horský park, • Custom-built with 40cm block
these migrants cannot access teachers, pharmacologists, Ružinov... • Located in beautiful new subdivision
public employment services biochemists and professionals • Near golf course, 0905 659156, • Reduced price 265,000 €
and in principle must leave in the machinery and auto- Call 0904-363-747
Slovakia if they become un- motive industries as well. C 3655 C 3677

employed. The jobs they can The migration process for

be hired for can also be well people with professional skills REAL ESTATE RELIGIOUS SERVICES
below their actual skills be- should become easier for those ENGLISH LANGUAGE WORSHIP
cause non-EU qualifications seeking to work in Slovakia Rent: Bratislava International Church
might not be recognised, after the country starts issu- new house, Bratislava III, Sundays, 9:30 at historic
Small Lutheran Church
MIPEX III states. ing so-called blue cards to located in a quiet street, with (Malý evanjelický kostol) in central Bratislava
Števulová stated that ac- those who have secured, in 6 rooms, 3 bathrooms, (near Hodzovo namestie);
garage for 2 cars, garden on Lycejna at intersection
cess to the labour market also advance, a job in Slovakia that with Panenska 26/28.
depends on the type of resid- is equivalent to a highly-quali- with grill. Children's Sunday School provided.
ency permit a migrant is fied position in EU terms and Everyone Welcome.
Price: 1800 EUR + E Information at 02-5443-3263
granted and that landing a carries a salary at least 1.5 0903 234 999, 0903 471 999 Web Site:
job matching a migrant’s times the average monthly
C 3675 C 3573
education, qualifications and salary in that particular field.
experience can prove chal- Intent foreigners learning Slovak. Photo: Sme - V. ŠImíček Daniela Šulcová of the La-
lenging. She noted that an- bour Ministry’s press depart-
other negative aspect of permit are connected with a more significant inflow of ment told The Slovak Spectat-
Slovak legislation is the de- having a specific employer. migrants in the future. or that these blue cards will be
pendence that a migrant Experts say more effective According to the Labour issued on the basis of the law
worker has on his or her em- rules covering migration and Ministry, the Slovak labour on illegal work and illegal
ployer, since obtaining a integration of migrants are market will need highly-qual- employment that will become
work permit and residence needed as Slovakia can expect ified workers, mainly in the effective on July 20, 2011.

KYSAK: Policeman in critical condition C 3673

Continued from pg 2 five hours of surgery but died that he was an active sport der to prevent wild animals Advertising rates
of his injuries on May 12. shooter who had even com- from eating it while it was for business classifieds
Both the policeman and peted in the Slovak national hidden in the forest.
1. Pr ic es of classif ie d ads Fre quency discount s:
the suspect were taken to First attempt? championships. In the aftermath of the in- (according to no. of words) ● 3x - 10x 5%
the Louis Pasteur Hospital in People from the sur- cident Lipšic again mentioned ● Up to 20words - 10
● 11x - 19x 7,5%
● 20x and more 15%
Košice. The police were not able to rounding villages confirmed the law on firearms, which ● Up to 50 words - 20
The 37-year-old officer’s interrogate the suspect due to to the media that they had was recently amended – ● Up to 70 words - 30 Prices do not include value added tax
condition had stabilised by his serious condition. The only seen police helicopters circ- among other things, to now (VAT 19%)!
● Up to 100 words - 40
DEADLI NE: Wednesday, 12:00,
the evening of the shooting, information that was con- ling the location in the morn- include psychological tests for ● Up to 150 words - 60 for publication that week; otherwise,
although he was reported to firmed by Minister Lipšic was ing and then heard shooting gun ownership –after a lone the advert will be published the
Add iti onal optio ns following Friday.
be in a critical condition. Ac- that he was a man from a at around 10:00. shooter killed seven people ● Logo or picture insertion FOR MORE INFORMATI ON:
cording to hospital spokes- nearby village. When asked whether the then himself in an incident in + 7 email:
person Jaroslava Oravcová, The day after the incident suspect had already commit- Devínska Nová Ves in August ● Bold or capital bold letters tel: +421 2 59 233-311
+ 0.3/word fax: +421 2 59 233-319
his injuries required urgent local media reported that the ted any similar crimes before last year. ● Box + 3 or write:
surgery and he was later suspect was Matej Č., an IT or whether this was the first Lipšic said the case of the ● Box with shading + 7 The Slovak Spectator, Lazaretská 12
811 08 Bratislava, Slovakia.
placed in the department of expert who had recently lost time he had attempted to kill cannibal from eastern Slov-
anaesthesiology and intens- his job. He had two children and eat anybody, Lipšic did akia proved that it is import- 2. Prices for business classified ads (according to size):
ive medicine. and lived with his family in a not answer. ant to require such tests for
1/ 48 page 1/24 pa ge 1/12 page
The 43-year-old suspect new house in Sokoľ, a village Upon his arrest, the can- firearms-licence applicants,
44 x 41 mm 44 x 87 mm 91,5 x 87 mm
was shot five times, suffering near Kysak. nibal-manqué was reportedly Sme reported. He said that if 91,5 x 41 mm 100
wounds to several internal The Sme daily described found to be carrying pills to there was scope to make the 25 50
organs, as well as to his arms him as a blogger who was drug the victim, knives, law stricter, he would do so.
and face. After being admit- critical of materialism and a plastic bags and black pepper
ted to hospital he underwent lack of values in society, and to sprinkle on the body in or- By Michaela Terenzani or




Do you know how many of us are there, where and how we live? Your answers are important. The results
of the census will have an impact on various aspects of life in Slovakia. The more accurate are the answers,
the more precise may be the prognoses, mainly regarding politics. Let us make use of the census in order to
provide a sound basis for future decisions. Make sure you take part.


10 May 16 – 22, 2011 CULTURE

Nový Smokovec’s small lake Western SLOVAKIA

l LIVE MUSIC: A double concert
by EA BAND and MAOK brings
ambient chill-out music. EA
consists of Róbert Borodajkevyč
and Sisa Latková and plays elec-
tronic jazz and chill-out; MAOK,
aka Martin Tesák, plays music
“full of emotion”. The perform-
ance also includes Marek Škop’s
award-winning documentary
Iné svety.
Starts: May 19, 19:00; Klub
Za zrkadlom, Rovniankova 3.
Admission: €4 (in advance) -
€5 (on the door). Tel: 02/6381-
Rhapsody – As part of a sci-
entific musicological confer- THE KONVERGENCIE / Convergences music festival opens its
ence, this concert brings Hun- 12th year in Bratislava with three concerts on May 19, starting at
garian and Gypsy music by 18:00 in the Aréna Theatre: Ida Kelarová and Škampa Quartet
Franz Liszt, performed by pi- (both from the Czech Republic) will play the Rómska balada
THE BEGINNINGS of the A small artificial lake was also named after Doctor anist Paul Gulda and (Roma Ballad); Bratislava Rabbi Baruch Myers will perform the
Nový Smokovec spa settle- created within the garden Szontagh. It is now the prop- renowned Roma band Chassidic Songs programme with cellist Jozef Lupták, accordi-
ment in the High Tatras date and park area – an accoutre- erty of his heirs. The small Cigánski Diabli. onist Boris Lenko and violinist Miloš Valent; and the AfterPhur-
back to 1875, when villa on the right Starts: May 18, 19:00; ikane project to revive old Roma songs will conclude the con-
Mikuláš Szontagh was called Gen- Dvorana Concert Hall, Zocho-
cert, bringing together Roma amateurs and non-Roma profes-

bought a 20-hec- ciana and it stood va 1. Admission: free. Tel: 02/
5930-1533; sional musicians. Afterwards, Konvergencie will travel across
tare wooded plot there until 1933, Slovakia with programmes combining classical chamber music,
from the municip- when it gave way Bratislava tango and jazz, visiting Ružomberok, Liptovský Hrádok, Levoča
ality of Veľký to construction of l CLASSICAL MUSIC: Cello- and finally Košice. For more information, please see
Slavkov to found the Palace nursing mania v galérii – The cycle and
his own sanatorium. ment that was important in home. However, Genciana’s Hudba a obrazy / Music and Photo: Courtesy of Konvergencie
The sanatorium was built many villages and towns in structure did not perish – it Paintings brings concerts or-
to cure tuberculosis and the Tatras. was carefully dismantled, ganised by the Slovak Phil-
Basedow’s disease (Graves’ That lake still exists and moved and reassembled in harmonic to the Slovak Na- Piešťany Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.
disease) primarily through bears the name of the founder Pekná Vyhliadka. tional Gallery. This time the l TRADITIONAL CRAFTS:
climatotherapy, which was of Nový Smokovec. The villa This colourised postcard chamber ensemble Cello- Tradičné ľudové remeslá / Tra-
mania, comprising four Slovak ditional Folk Crafts – The 3rd Zvolen
very popular at that time. The with a turret that can be seen is from the 1920s. cellists, performs works by P. year of this international l FILM FESTIVAL: Envirofilm
first building of the new set- in the background also stands Šimai, L. Kupkovič, W. Fitzen- meeting and presentation of 2011 – A festival of movies fo-
tlement was finished in 1876. in the same place today and is By Branislav Chovan hagen, M. Novák, M. Markow- folk craft workers and their cused on the environment,
icz, V. Godár and Ľ. Čekovská. products. this event brings a host of doc-
Starts: May 17, 19:00; SNG, Starts: May 20-22; Kúpeľný umentary movie screenings, a

Slovak director wins big prize Vodné kasárne. Admission:

€5. Tel: 02/2047-5233; www.,
ostrov (Spa Island). Admis-
sion: free. More info: 033/7757-
competition for children, dis-
cussions, and more.
Starts: May 16-25, from
SLOVAK film director Pavol mountain movies and one often isolated ecological sys- 10:00 until late; various ven-
Bratislava Central SLOVAKIA ues. Admission: free. Tel:
Barabáš received the Grand museum. Annually, its tems but also unfamiliar and l EXHIBITION: Zuzana 048/4374-182;
Prize 2011 of the Internation- members honour one film- thus intriguing cultures. Rudavská - Šperk / objekt / Žilina
al Alliance for Mountain Film maker who can be credited He has already received kresba (Jewel / Object/ Draw- l FOLKLORE MUSIC AND Eastern SLOVAKIA
on May 5 at a festival in the with contributing markedly several awards for his ing) – This is an intimate ex- DANCE: Mladosť a krása /
Italian town of Trento. to the development of docu- movies. He recently took part hibition of Rudavská’s fragile, Youth and Beauty – Even after Košice
The jury, representing 19 mentary movies, Straková in Envirofilm 2011, a Slovak imaginative jewellery and having celebrated its 60th an- l EUROPEAN VOLUNTEER-
international festivals from told The Slovak Spectator. festival of environmental artworks crafted from pearls, niversary, the Lúčnica folklore ING TOUR: Deň Európy /
17 countries, honoured Barabáš has made a host movies that is currently tak- jade and other materials. troupe embodies a combina- Europe Day – The day to celeb-
Barabáš for his global contri- of movies, often depicting ing place in several Slovak Open: weekdays 13:00- tion of ancient traditions and rate the continent fell on May
18:00 until May 27; K-Gallery, youthful energy. 9, but five Slovak towns and
bution to the documentary special, barely accessible towns and cities. Barabáš will Ventúrska 8. Admission: free. Starts: May 20, 19:00; Dom cities will now receive a travel-
film genre and for his work places around the world, or present his films with Steve Tel: 02/5443-3927; www. odborov (House of Unions), Ľ. ling exhibition called Europe
as a cameraman in docu- athletic performances border- Lichtag in Banská Bystrica on Štúr Square 1. Admission: €11. Day 2011 – European Volun-
mentaries with mountain, ing on the very limits of hu- Wednesday, May 18. teers’ Tour. It comprises lec-
climbing and discovery mo- man endurance. In his works, tures, discussions, and many
tifs in extreme locations he not only records unique, Compiled by Spectator staff accompanying events.
worldwide. He has also shot Starts: May 16, 10:00-18:00;
many films about travellers Main Street /Hlavná, Dolná
and adventurers. brána. Admission: free. More
“In his films, he presents Karavana.
for the audience not just
unique pictures of our envir- Levoča
onment, but also offers evid- l MUSEUM/EXHIBITION:
ence about life in less access- Levočská biela pani / The
ible locations and as-yet un- White Lady of Levoča – Juliana
known cultures; thus evok- Korponay-Géci, responsible
ing something deeper, the for the capitulation of the
respect of a human towards town of Levoča during the
Francis II Rákóczi uprising,
himself or herself and to- but later accused of treason
wards the environment,” and executed, is popularly be-
said Martina Straková of the THE VOJTECH Löffler Museum in Košice is marking the Ice lieved to have returned to
K2 Studio, as reported by the Hockey World Championship with an exhibition of local artists’ haunt the town. This exhibi-
TASR newswire. works (including installations, drawings, paintings, videos, pho- tion comprises artefacts and
The history of the award tos, plastic art, and more) focused on the motif of hockey. More documents and seeks to ex-
is closely connected to the than 20 authors have provided works. Until June 12, the exhibi- plain her role in history.
founding of the Internation- tion, entitled Hokej v súčasnom výtvarnom umení / Hockey in Open: daily 9:00-16:00 until
al Alliance for Mountain Contemporary Art can be seen Tuesdays to Saturdays from 10:00 May 30; Spišské Múzeum,
Majster Pavol Square 40. Admis-
Film (IAMF) in 2000. The to 18:00 and on Sunday afternoon in the museum, at Alžbetina
sion: €3.50. Tel: 053/4512- 786;
IAMF comprises 17 European Street 20. For more information, please call 055/6223-073 or visit www.
countries, 19 festivals of A scene from Pavol Barabáš's Mongolia. Photo: Courtesy of K2S Photo: Courtesy of VFM By Zuzana Vilikovská

N A M E D A Y M A Y 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Svetozár Gizela Viola Gertrúda Bernard Zina Júlia
can now be found at
May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE May 16 – 22, 2011 11
Migration: as old
as mankind
is often forced by economic
reasons as well.
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ “People sometimes re-
Spectator staff
spond negatively to migrants
– driven by fear of the
MIGRATION is as old as the unknown,” Jorrin said.
history of mankind. Groups Though it was not pos-
of people have always been sible to explore all the com-
moving in search of a safer or plex questions that immigra-
a better home and it is only tion poses today, López
the historical context and the Jorrín explained that immig-
scale of migration that has rants often evoke negative
been changing, said José sentiments among locals be-
Ángel López Jorrín, Ambas- cause of concerns about the
sador of Spain to Slovakia, pressure they might place on
during a discussion with high the labour market. But he
school students in Bratislava. stressed that immigrants are
Some countries might often the most vulnerable
still feel that the pressing is- groups in their adopted
sues of migration and immig- country since they are will-
ration do not directly concern ing to work for much lower
The USAFE Band's show in Bratislava offered more than just great music. Photo: Courtesy of US Embassy them but López Jorrín salaries than locals, some-
stressed that in the 21st cen- times are afraid to join trade
tury no country is untouched unions, and often lack proper

'US Ambassadors of by the phenomenon and for

that reason it should be
treated as a shared global chal-
lenge and not as an issue lim-
ited to particular countries.
health insurance and social
benefits. López Jorrín said
migrants who are searching
for a new home must make a
serious effort to be open

Goodwill' tour Slovakia Students of the Dunajská

Street secondary school in
Bratislava, where most
classes are taught in Hun-
garian, also learned that
enough to the majority soci-
ety in which they now live
and that it negatively affects
an immigrant community if
it becomes tightly locked
ian orchestra, there would be Spain has the highest immig- away from interaction with
US Air Forces extra pay involved, I would ration rate in the world and the majority society.
Band draws have to contact the unions, that in January 2011 immig- David Vojtko, one of the
and so forth,” Henry re- rants made up 14 percent of students, pointed out in an
crowds marked. Spain’s population, 5.7 mil- essay prepared for the meet-
And he added that being lion, which is around the ing with the ambassador
in a military band involves total population of Slovakia. that the only way to achieve
BY DOMINIKA responsibilities that are more Ambassador López Jorrín social integration is to learn
UHRÍKOVÁ varied, with only around one- met the students as part of the language spoken in the
Spectator staff fifth of an officer’s time spent the Bringing the World to the host country. Vojtko also
on the musical side and four- Classroom project developed wrote that cultural differ-
fifths on the military leader- by The Slovak Spectator, sev- ences are even more difficult
“A SQUARE peg in a round ship side. eral foreign embassies in to bridge but that “by learn-
hole” – this is how the mem- “I am not sure in nearly Slovakia and Sugarbooks, a ing the language the chances
bers of the United States Air fifteen years that I’ve had an distributor of textbooks. are increased”.
Forces in Europe (USAFE) The shows also featured soloists. Photo: Courtesy of US Embassy
average day,” he added. With the help of the Andrea Menyhárt, an-
Band, one of the US military Staff Sergeant Rachel Spanish diplomat the stu- other student, wrote that an-
ensembles, are sometimes de- Trimble, a vocalist with the dents explored different other difficulty migrants
scribed in their concurrent of the military bands play pop- Gioachino Rossini, selec- USAFE band, said that milit- modes of living abroad: be- might face is learning the
roles as musicians and milit- ular and patriotic music fol- tions from West Side Story by ary ensembles are also very ing a foreign student, hav- customs and traditions of a
ary officers. But after attend- lowed by spectacular fire- Leonard Bernstein, and Defy- particular with regard to ing temporary residence in a new country, but that they
ing one of the five gigs the works over the Washington ing Gravity by Stephen their mission. foreign country, or taking must learn them if they do
band recently gave in Slovakia, Monument,” he told The Slov- Schwartz, the signature song “The reason we perform up a job somewhere outside not want to insult or embar-
one would say “a fish in water” ak Spectator. “Military bands from the musical Wicked. is not for profit,” she told The one’s home country. But he rass the majority residents.
is a much more fitting epithet. contribute to national unity “We try to bring as wide a Slovak Spectator. “It is for added that the most difficult The students also learned
Stationed at Sembach and members of these bands variety of music to our audi- building partnerships, deliv- way of arriving in a foreign that even though Spain gave
Kaserne, Germany, often come from prestigious ences as we can,” said Major ering the Air Force message country is when people are the world the word “siesta”
“America’s Ambassadors of conservatories and schools of Matthew Henry, command- and enhancing a relation- forced to leave their home- the custom is no longer
Goodwill” perform live con- music in the United States.” er and conductor of the ship between the United land because of war and widely practised there and
certs for more than 1.2 million Scharf further explained USAFE band. “My concept is States and other countries fears for their lives or the that around 500 million
people each year throughout that “the Air Force Bands pro- that the first half is usually of through music, which is the safety of their children. He Spanish-speaking people liv-
Europe, Southwest Asia and gramme will always be associ- a more formal, ‘European’ universal language that noted that much migration ethroughout the world.
Africa. The 45-member squad, ated with the name of the fam- style, though we still try to brings people together.”
with a performance tradition ous band leader and a major in feature American music, the According to Dana
now spanning six decades, is the US Army Air Force – Glenn consensus being that this is Polčíková from the US Em-
the only Air Force band sta- Miller – whose plane disap- what people are looking for. bassy, the musicians followed
tioned in Europe. peared while flying over the Then in the second half we this mission in Slovakia on-
In line with their aim to English Channel to Paris to try to do more of a Broadway and off-stage alike.
“communicate Air Force play for soldiers there”. show concert, where music “Every time we arrived in
excellence” and “enhance pub- Of course, the USAFE’s just keeps coming and is our venues both male and fe-
lic trust and support”, the en- Slovak show also included a more pop-oriented.” male members of the orches-
semble toured Slovakia piece by Miller: his famous In Though many people may tra put on their working gloves
between May 4 and 9, visiting the Mood was the closing per- find the combination of music and helped unload the trucks
Bratislava, Nitra, Prievidza, formance in the two-hour and the military as a little odd, that carried their instruments
Lučenec and Banská Bystrica, programme. working as a musician in the and equipment; then each of
and drawing around 1,400 ap- But the music offered by US Air Forces Band has many them sat behind their music
preciative people in all. the ensemble encompassed advantages compared to a ci- stands, gave outstanding per-
According to Chris Scharf, many different styles, from vilian orchestra, Henry told formances, and, after the con-
public affairs officer at the US classical music to American The Slovak Spectator. cert, again loaded the trucks as
Embassy in Bratislava, which big-band jazz, pop and famous “I think that I have great- if this was completely
supported the USAFE tour, Broadway tunes. er latitude with my folks than natural,” she said.
military bands are a very im- The programme included I would if this was a civilian “I think that what they
portant part of US culture. pieces such as Symphonic organisation: if, for example, brought to Slovakia was not
“At major holidays tens of Metamorphoses by Paul we need an extra rehearsal only gorgeous music but also a
thousands of people gather in Hindemith, an aria from The time for whatever reason, we message of goodwill and Ambassador José Ángel López Jorrín
our nation’s capital to hear one Barber of Seville by simply get it, while in a civil- friendship.” Photo: Courtesy of the Dunajská Street secondary school
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