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Republic of the Philippines

Brgy. Madilay-dilay, Tanay Rizal

NAME: ___________________________________GRADE AND SETION: ___________________ SCORE: _________

What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word which modifies the meaning of a verb, or an adjective, or another adverb. It answers the questions how
often, when, how and where.
Do you know that adverb has different kinds?
Let’s discuss first the adverb of time.
What is an adverb of time?
The adverb of time answers the question “when?” It tells us when an action happened. It tells how long and how often the
action has been done. Below is a must-have list of most important adverbs of time;
Let us use some of these adverbs of time in sentences for better understanding.

Sentences Adverbs of Time Explanation

1. Kiel was looking at the clouds one one afternoon. The adverb of time one afternoon
afternoon. tells when does Kiel look at the
clouds. It modifies the meaning of
the verb looking.
2. Kiel felt sad often often The adverb of time often tells how frequent
Kiel is sad. It modifies the meaning of the
adjective sad.

Let us now move on to the adverb of manner, which is the second kind of adverb.
What is an adverb of manner?
The adverb of manner answers the question “how?” It tells us how something happen. It is usually placed after the main verb or
after the object. Many of the adverbs of manner in the English language end with the suffix -ly.
Let us use some of these adverbs of time in sentences for better understanding.

Sentences Adverbs of Time Explanation

1. It is smiling broadly which is unusual broadly The adverb of manner broadly

for a cat. tells how the cat smiles. It is
placed after the verb smiling.
2. The cat ran fastly away from him. fastly The adverb of manner fastly tells
how fast the cat ran. It is placed
after the verb ran.

The third kind of adverb is the adverb of place.

What is an adverb of place?

The adverb of place answers the question “where”? It describes where something happens.

Let us use some of these adverbs of place in sentences for better understanding.
Sentences Adverbs of Time Explanation

1. Kiel was looking at the clouds one on the grass. The adverb of place on the grass
afternoon while he laid on the grass. tells where Kiel laid. It modifies the
verb laid.
2. He was amazed when he saw the cat over the rainbow. The adverb of place over the
floated over the rainbow. rainbow tells where did the cat
float. It modifies the verb floated.

Hello learner! I hope my brief discussion about adverbs had helped you to better understand it!

Learning Task A: Put a check (√) on the blank if the word is an adverb of time and (X) if not. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
__________1. one afternoon
__________2. accidentally
__________3. rarely
__________4. clearly
__________5. constantly
__________6. over the rainbow
__________7. hourly
__________8. along
__________9. always
__________10. Day

Learning Task B: Complete the sentences by adding the correct adverb from the word bank to the right.
Hint: Not all words will be used.

Republic of the Philippines

Brgy. Madilay-dilay, Tanay Rizal

Let’s talk about our lesson!

The words First, next, then, after that, and finally are called Signal words. Signal words introduce the
steps in a process or sequence of events.

Signal words are used to follow the directions in their correct order. These are the words that signal the
next step to follow. Directions may be given in doing something, how to make simple things or activity, how to use
things or objects and how to find places. Directions are guides. Once followed properly they give positive results.
Signal words are also called sequence words. They are used in giving 3-5 steps directions. Take note that in writing
directions using signal words, always put comma ( , ) after each signal word you use.

Learning Task B: Hi! Do you know how to wash your hands? Today, we are going to learn how to wash our hands properly.
Follow the directions carefully and ask someone to help you read the directions and answer the following questions according to
the pictures.

1 3

Learning Task C: Write on the blanks the correct signal words to complete the directions.

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