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“Briar Rose”

"Briar Rose" is a fantasy about a girl maturing. It's also a fate fantasy. The Wise Women who have
been invited to the christening are fates rather than fairy godmothers. The king invites them because
he wishes for them to be kind to his daughter. Unfortunately, the lone uninvited Wise Woman arrives
just in time to plan a horrible ending for Briar Rose. But, thankfully, there is one Wise Woman left
who, while she can't change the child's fate entirely, she can soften it somewhat.

• Background of the authors/date of publishing

Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859) were German academics,
linguists, cultural researchers, lexicographers, and authors who specialized in
collecting and publishing folklore during the nineteenth century. They were among
the most well-known folk tale storytellers, popularizing stories such as "Cinderella,"
"The Frog Prince," "The Goose-Girl," "Hansel and Gretel," "Rapunzel,"
"Rumpelstiltskin," "Sleeping Beauty," and "Snow White." Their first collection of folk
tales, Children's and Household Tales was published in 1812. Hanau, a German
town, was where the brothers spent their formative years. Dorothea, their mother, is
thought to have come from a carpenter's family. The couple had nine children, six of
whom lived to adulthood. Briar Rose was first published in 1812.
• Characters
Briar Rose Queen
Prince Fairies
King Maid
Cook Old Man
• Plot
The plot in this story is when the King hide the spindle.
• Sequence
▪ First, the king and queen has no child for many years.
▪ Then, while walking by the side of the river at the bottom of the garden, the
queen saw a poor little fish that had thrown itself out of the water, and she took
pity on the little fish and threw it back into the river; and before it swam away,
it lifted its head out of the water and said, 'I know what your wish is, and it shall
be fulfilled, in return for your kindness to me—you will soon have a daughter.'
▪ The queen had a little girl who was so lovely that the king couldn't take his eyes
off her.
▪ The fairies were invited by the queen. The thirteen arrived, but one fairy was
forced to leave because the King and Queen only had twelve golden dishes for
them to eat from.
▪ When the 11 fairies had finished blessing Briar Rose, the thirteenth fairy arrived
and cried out, 'The king's daughter shall be wounded by a spindle in her fifteenth
year and fall down dead.'
▪ The twelfth of the friendly fairies, who had not yet given her gift, came forward
and said that the evil wish must be fulfilled, but that when the spindle wounded
her, she should not die, but only sleep for a hundred years.
▪ She roved around by herself on the day she was fifteen years old, looking at all
the rooms and chambers, until she came to an old tower, to which there was a
narrow staircase leading to a small door.
▪ There was a golden key in the door, and when she turned it, the door sprang
open, and there sat an old lady spinning away on the spindle.
▪ The princess took the spindle and begun to spin it. But she hadn't even touched
it when the fairy's prophecy came true; the spindle injured her, and she collapsed
lifeless on the ground.
▪ However, she was not dead, but had simply fallen into a deep sleep, as had the
king and queen, who had just returned home, and their entire court.
▪ A report of the beautiful sleeping Briar Rose (as the king's daughter was known)
spread throughout the land, so that from time to time, several kings' sons came
and tried to break through the thicket into the palace. However, none of them
were able to do so because the thorns and bushes grasped them as if with hands,
and they became stuck and died wretchedly.
▪ After many, many years there came a king’s son into that land.
▪ Now that the hundred years had come to an end, he went to the old tower and
opened the door to the small room where Briar Rose was. He knelt down and
kissed her.
▪ He kissed her, and she opened her eyes, awoke, and smiled at him; and they
went out together. And everyone in the court looked at each other in awe.
▪ Finally, the prince and Briar Rose were married, and the wedding feast was
served; and they lived happily ever after.
• Conflict
The conflict in this story is when Briar Rose turns 15, she cursed to be wounded by a
spindle and sleep in hundred years.
• Theme
The team of Briar Rose is love and honesty.
• Application in real life and to self
This story can be applied in real life and to myself by believing that not everyone
should immediately trust. Because, like Briar Rose, she communicated with the old
lady and immediately trusted her, whether the old lady was good or bad. She slept
for a hundred years as a result of what she did. Furthermore, I should not be jealous
of others because of what they have or anything else, because jealousy leads to
wrongdoing. Lastly, I should be brave and strong for my loved ones, just like the
young prince. Whatever happens, I will significantly help my loved ones.

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