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Sharia Accounting Theory EKA 1101 Elective First/Second

Course Outline
Coordinator Head of Study Program

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Outcome Study Program

Learning Outcome of Undergraduate Program of KKNI based Accounting consists of:

1. Working together and having social sensitivity and care for the community and the environment (S7);
2. Internalizing academic values, norms and ethics; (S9)
3. Showing responsibility for work in the field of expertise independently; (S10)
4. Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship (S11)
1. Capable of applying logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of
science and technology that takes into account and applies the value of humanities (KU1)
2. Capable of showing independent, quality and measurable performance; (KU 2)
3. Capable of making appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving based on the results of information and data analysis;
4. Capable of combining technical competence and professional expertise to complete performance assignments; (KU 10)
5. Capable of presenting information and express ideas clearly, both verbally and in writing, to stakeholders (KU11)

1. Mastering theoretical concepts in depth about planning, procedures, and audit reporting (PP 1)
2. Mastering theoretical concepts in depth about (PP 2)
a. The basic framework for the presentation and preparation of financial statements
b. Accounting policies and principles
c. Accounting cycle
d. Recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of elements of financial statements
e. Analysis of financial statements
3. Mastering the concepts, principles and techniques of financial management which include (PP 6)
a. Financial decision
b. Time value of money
c. Capital budgeting
d. Capital structure, capital costs, and financing
e. Working capital requirements
f. Cash flow analysis
g. Fundamentals of risk management
h. Financial restructuring
i. Securities assessment

1. Capable of independently preparing, analyzing, and interpreting the financial statements of a separate entity by applying accounting
principles to transactions in accordance with general financial accounting standards, sharia financial accounting standards, government
accounting standards and applicable ETAP financial accounting standards. (KK 4)
2. Capable of supervising compiling, analyzing and interpreting the consolidated financial statements of an entity by applying accounting
principles to transactions in accordance with general financial accounting standards, sharia financial accounting standards, government
accounting standards and applicable ETAP financial accounting standards. (KK 5)


Final competence (KA)

Upon attending this course, it is hoped that students can:
1. Understand the sharia accounting construction process,
2. Understand sharia accounting concepts,
3. Understand financial accounting in the context of organizations, religious values, social, business and natural environment, and
4. Have the strength of feeling and the mind that is useful in everyday life.

Sub Competence
1. Understanding the Sharia Accounting construction process,
2. Understanding sharia accounting concepts,
3. Understanding of financial accounting in the context of the organization, religious values, social, business and natural
environment, and
4. Mastering the power of feeling and the mind that is useful in everyday life.

Description This course is basically oriented to the search for forms of Sharia Accounting through a process of analysis and synthesis. It is said so, because
Sharia Accounting does not yet have a concrete form. The study in this course is contextual in the sense that it is always related to aspects of the
organization, religious values, social, business environment and nature, so that the orientation is not merely profit-oriented. With this nuance and
orientation, the understanding of accounting becomes wider and opens up opportunities for the emergence of new thoughts in the field of financial
To facilitate understanding, students need to understand the thinking patterns used in this course. The mindset is essentially the generic rationale
used by this course. Mastery of this mindset in addition to facilitate understanding of the material, but also can lead students to be able to learn on
their own (learning to learn). The mindset of this course is:
1. Sharia accounting theory built on the concept of pairing ("paired epistemology")
2. Sharia accounting theory in the reference book is not a theory that is final
3. Besides reason (rationality), feelings and intuition can be used to understand and develop knowledge.

Reference Main:

1. As’udi, Moh. dan Iwan Triyuwono. 2001. Sharia Accounting: Formulating the Concept of Profit in the Context of Zakat Metaphor.
Jakarta: Salemba Empat.
2. Baydoun, Nabil & Roger Willett. 1994. Islamic Accounting Theory. The AAANZ Annual Conference, Wollongong, Australia.
3. Harahap, Sofyan Syafri. 1997. Islamic Accounting. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
4. Triyuwono, Iwan. 2006. Sharia Accounting: Perspectives, Methodologies and Theories. Jakarta: Radjawali Publishing. (Mandatory


1. Mulawarman, Aji Dedi. 2006. Uncover Sharia Accounting. Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana.
2. Mulawarman, Aji Dedi. 2010. Sharia Accounting Perspectives, Theories and Practices.
3. Muhammad. 2002. Introduction to Sharia Accounting. Jakarta: Salemba Empat
4. Setiabudi, Hendry Y. and Iwan Triyuwono. 2002. Equity Accounting in the Narrative of Capitalism, Socialism, and Islam. Jakarta:
Salemba Empat.
5. Storrar, AC and Scorgie. 1988. Eastern Influences on the Development of Double Entry Bookeeping. 5th World Congress of Accounting
Historians. Sydney.
6. Zaid, Omar Abdullah and Garry Tibbits. 1999. The Islamic Perspective of Accounting Foundations and Principles. The Third International
Conference, Accounting, Commerce and Finance: The Islamic Perspective.
7. Zaid, Omar Abdullah. 1997a. Accounting Prior to Pacioli: A New Discovery. Working Paper. University of Western Sydney, Macathur.
8. Zaid, Omar Abdullah. 1997b. Historical Links of Accounting Books and Reports. Working Paper. University of Western Sydney,
9. Zaid, Omar Abdullah. 1997c. Accounting Books and Reports in the Islamic State. Proceeding of Accounting, Commerce & Finance: The
Islamic Perspective.

Given very important factors of ethics and honesty in the accounting profession in carrying out their professional work, it is necessary for
students to always internalize the values of honesty and ethics while taking courses in the Sharia Accounting Theory course. Therefore, all
forms of violations against it such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, impersonation, inappropriate use of information technology tools, and
other unethical behavior are not tolerated in this course. If a student performs the forms of action as mentioned earlier, then the student will
be subject to disciplinary sanctions as follows:
a. Minor violations (plagiarism & impersonation while working on assignments): no valuation of each type of assignment is suspected
and Academic
of violating commitments
b. Severe violations (cheating, collusion, and the use of information technology tools that are not appropriate in carrying out
summative tests): thwarting the completion of related subjects.
Therefore, to avoid students from various kinds of sanctions for violations, students are strongly encouraged to pay close attention to every
regulation issued by Brawijaya University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Accounting Department. (S9, S10, S11)

Software: Ms Excel Hardware: Infocus, whiteboard, etc.

Course Coordinator:


Learning Assessment
Week CP-MK Learning Materials Methods/Strategies
(Estimated Time) Indicator Form Percentage

1. Sub competence: Contribution of Eastern Civilizations to

Contribution of Accounting
Eastern  Body cultivation 3%
Civilizations to  Mind cultivation
Sharia Accounting Discourse
(Triyuwono 2006; Ch. 1, 2, & 7)

Eastern Influences on the Development

of Double Entry Bookeeping (Storrar &
Scorgie 1988)

2 Sub competence: Perspectives Used in Shariah 3%

Perspectives Used Accounting
in Sharia  Body cultivation
Accounting  Mind cultivation
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation: Studying to conscience
(who am I?)

Perspective of KhalifatulLah fil Ardh

(Triyuwono 2006; Ch. 3)

3 Sub competence: Weaknesses of Modern Accounting 5%

Weaknesses of  Body cultivation
Modern Accounting  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What are the weaknesses of
modern accounting and how do these
weaknesses affect human behavior?
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation : Studying conscience
(what are the weaknesses of modern

Love in the Accounting Womb
(Triyuwono 2006; Ch. 5 & Ch. 6)

Analysis of Western Accounting Issues

(Muhammad 2002: Ch. 3
4 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Construction 3%
Sharia Accounting Methodology: Part I
Methodology: Part  Body cultivation
I  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: Metodologi apa yang
digunakan untuk membangun Akuntansi
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation: Studying conscience
(How to build sharia accounting?)

Construction Accounting Methodology

Paradigm (Triyuwono 2006; Ch. 9) and
Sharia Accounting Construction
Methodology (Triyuwono 2006; Ch. 10 &
Ch. 11)

5 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Construction 5%

Sharia Accounting Methodology: Part II
Methodology: Part  Body cultivation
II  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What is meant by the Amanah
Metaphor and how is the metaphor used
to establish sharia accounting?
 Sense cultivation: Honesty (Amanah)
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What does it mean by

Amanah Metaphor as the Basis of Sharia

Accounting Construction (Triyuwono 2006:
Ch. 8)

6 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Construction 3%

Methodology: Part III
Sharia Accounting
Construction  Body cultivation
Methodology: Part  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
III Question: Why is Sharia Ethics used as a
basic value in the construction of
Shariah Accounting?
 Sense cultivation: Honesty (Amanah)
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What is meant by Ethics?)

Basic Value of Sharia Accounting Ethics

(Triyuwono 2006: Ch. 4)
7 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Principles and Principles 8%
Sharia Accounting
Principles and  Body cultivation
Principles  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: Explain what is meant by the
Basic Concepts of Sharia Accounting
Theory and its function in the
construction of Sharia Accounting!
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What is the basic concept
of Shariah Accounting?)

Basic Concepts of Sharia Accounting

Theory (Triyuwono 2006; Ch. 13)

Basic Sharia Accounting Principles

(Zaid and Tibbits 1999; Muhammad
2002: Ch. 7)

8 SK 2.1; SK 2.2; MIDTERM EXAM SUMMATIVE TEST  Answer Rubrics for 25%
SK 2.3; SK 2.4; completion question and
SK 2.3;SK 2.5; SK (KU 1, KU 2: case
2.6 C2 & C3) assessments
 Answer
accuracy (KU
1, KU 2: C2
& C3)

9 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory I 3%

Sharia Accounting
Theory I  Body cultivation
 Mind cultivation:
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (Shariah accounting uses
profit or added value?)

Sharia Accounting Theory (Baydoun &

Willett 1994; Muhammad 2002: Ch. 8)

Weekly Essay Question: Discover and

explain the important concepts offered
by Baydoun & Willett (1994) for the
construction of Sharia Accounting

10 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory II 3%

Sharia Accounting
Theory II  Body cultivation
 Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What / how is the concept of
ownership according to Sharia
 Sense cultivation: Honesty (Amanah)
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What / what is the concept
of ownership according to Shariah?)

The Concept of Sharia Accounting

Ownership (Setiabudi and Triyuwono 2002:
Ch. 6 & 7; Triyuwono & As’udi 2001: Ch.

11 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory III 3%

Sharia Accounting  Body cultivation
Theory III  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What is meant by Sharia
Enterprise Theory and what is the
difference with Enterprise Theory and
Entity Theory?
 Sense cultivation: Honesty (Amanah)
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What is meant by Sharia
Enterprise Theory?)

Sharia Enterprise Theory (Triyuwono 2006;

Ch. 15)

12 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory IV 5%

Sharia Accounting  Body cultivation
Theory IV  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What is the basic purpose of
the Sharia Accounting Financial
 Sense cultivation: Honesty (Amanah)
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What are the basic
objectives of the Shariah Accounting
Financial Statements?)

Basic Objectives of Sharia Accounting

Financial Statements (Triyuwono 2006; Ch.
14 & Ch. 16)

13 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory V 3%

Sharia Accounting  Body cultivation
Theory V  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What is the concept of Sharia
Financial Statements?
 Sense cultivation: Honesty (Amanah)
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What are the weaknesses of
the conventional profit concept?)

Sharia Financial Statements (Mulawarman

2009: Ch. 6,7,8,9)

14 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory VI 3%

Sharia Accounting  Body cultivation
Theory VI  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: Make a critique of the form of
sharia accounting reports.
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What is meant by sharia
accounting reports?)

The Concept of Shariah Accounting Reports

(Triyuwono 2010; 2011a; 2011b)

15 Sub competence: Sharia Accounting Theory VII 3%

Sharia Accounting  Body cultivation
Theory VII  Mind cultivation: Weekly Essay
Question: What is meant by sharia added
 Sense cultivation: Affection
 Inner cultivation: Studying to the
Conscience (What is meant by sharia
added value?)

The concept of Shari Added Value

(Baydoun & Willett (1994); Triyuwono

16 SK 2.7; SK 2.8; FINAL EXAM SUMMATIVE TEST  Answer Rubrics for 25%
SK 2. completion question and case
(KU 1, KU 2: assessments
C2 & C3)
 Answer
accuracy (KU
1, KU 2: C2
& C3)
 Analysis
accuracy (KU
1, KU 2: C3
& C4)

The evaluation system is as follows:

Participation/activity 20%
Assignment & Presentation 20%
Quiz 10%
Mid Exam 25%
Final Exam 25%

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