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Ways to prevent dengue fever

1.Use Mosquito Repellent

The most efficient way to prevent dengue fever is
to use mosquito repellent creams. These creams
should not be applied more than 3 times a day and
the duration of protection usually varies depending
on the brand. The higher the concentration, the
longer the protection. However, some people
might react badly to the chemicals in cream
repellents, so make sure you do a patch test first.

Some other effective repellents include:

Mosquito patches: These are patches that can be

placed on the back of clothing. They are non-toxic
and can last up to 3 days. Because they are so safe
to use, they are perfect for babies and young
Repellent bands: These are waterproof, silicone
bands that are infused with citronella and prevent
mosquitoes attacks.
Mosquito wipes: These anti-mosquito wipes are a
great option for kids and a lot less messy than
2.Wear Protective Clothing
During mosquito season it is advisable to sleep in
rooms with air-conditioning and windows covered
with mosquito nets. Also, wear clothing with long
sleeves and long pants that cover the skin as much
as possible. The less exposed skin you have, the
lower your chances of getting bitten. It is also
advisable to wear light-coloured clothing as this
usually repels mosquitoes.

3.Use mosquito deterrents

When cleaning your house, use cleaning solutions
and other deterrents that prevent dengue
mosquitoes from entering your house. This
includes electronic vaporisers that usually keep
mosquitoes out of the house all day. However,
vapourisers can cause an allergic reaction in
children, so be cautious while using them. Another
option is to add a drop of citronella or lemongrass
to water before cleaning the floors as they repel
mosquitoes. Make sure to use insecticide-treated
bed nets while sleeping and ensure the windows
are sealed so you don’t get bitten in your sleep.
Sticking cloves in lemons and oranges can also
deter mosquitoes and flies from entering the house
because of the scent.

4.Refrain from breeding grounds

Mosquitoes usually inhabit areas that are rife with
grime, like stagnant pools, as these places allow
mosquitoes to breed. Ensure that no part of your
home has an unnecessary collection of dirt or filth,
such as unwashed dishes or unclean floors. Having
a clean and tidy home is extremely important to
prevent dengue mosquitoes from infecting you.

5.Avoid smells that attract mosquitoes

Smells such as sweat and perfume attract
mosquitoes like moths to a flame. Shower often to
remove sweat and use perfumes and creams that
are unscented.

6.Make sure your home is well-lit

Mosquitoes usually breed in small dark places.
Have the sun stream through the windows all day
to ensure your home isn’t inviting mosquitoes in.
For added protection, make sure windows and
doors are closed and covered with mosquito

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