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SIYA International Yoga Texts & Psychology TTC Nov’21-Jan’22

Unit A
Short Answer type in 5-8 sentences
Answer any FOUR questions from this unit (5 marks each)

1. Briefly describe Prakriti and Purusha. Explain how the mind relates to both.
Ans: Prakriti and purusha are both independent entities . Purusha is pure concioueness and
absolute independent entity . it is self illuminated and self contained . everything works for the
end of purusha .
Prakriti is also an independent entity , world is the product of prakriti . the three gunas of prakriti
9tamas, rajas and sattav) are experienced by chitta and purusha transends it . the purusha is free
form the three gunas of prakriti .
Mind is the product of prakriti and is unconscious and works only in presence of purusha
Prakriti is working for the end of the purusha . chitta in light of purusha is enlightend . like moon
and sun ..mind doesnot have its own light but is visible only in light of the purusha .

2. Name and describe the three Gunas.

Ans: the three gunas are as follows :
 Satva guna:
 Rajas guna
 Tamas guna
3. What are nadis? Name and describe the three main nadis.
4. Describe the importance of the Yogic Diet and how it relates to the Gunas.
Ans: we become what we eat
eating healthy food as per yoga sutras is called as a yogic diet .
Importance of yogic diet : the yogic diet has the qualities of satva ahimsa and purity . the food
which we eat actually reveals our true nature . what we eat describes us. A good yogic diets gives
us nourishment and sense of fulfilment . A pure vegetarian diet is a yogic diet . this type of diet
doesnot consists of meat or alcohol ,
The three Gunas effect our diet

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SIYA International Yoga Texts & Psychology TTC Nov’21-Jan’22

Tamas gunas – attracts tamasic food which consists of non-vegetarian food , spicy, alcoholic and
stale food
The tamasic food brings inertia to the body, lethargic Ness, dullness, lack of interest in doing
anything . Tamasic nature people always attracts tamasic food / diet . this kind of diet leads to
many physical and mental issues such as constipation, colon related diseases, other digestive
problems and such people are always angry, irritated jealous

Rajas Gunas: it is the food with non-vegetarian , very spicy, strong smell and taste , dry and hot .
such food leads to diseases , discomfort, increases desires

Sattavic food : Pure , subtle, mild in taste, freshly cooked , includes fresh vegetable, fruits,
juices this kind of food brings calmness, good sleep, healthy body and mind . proper digestion ,
longer life span , keeps the body active
Sattvic people attract sattvic food .

5. What is the purpose of Shatkarmas? Name and describe two.

Ans: Shatkarma is the method of purification of the body based on yoga . it uses the combination
of asanas and pranayams to cure common deseases like cold , cough, but can also heal more
chornic disease like asthma, diabetics, migrane skin disesse heart issues and it not only helps in
physical healing but also helps in mental healing . helps in balancing of energy levels, mental
stability and psychological balances .
The types of shatkarmas are
Pranayams, asanas , bandhas , mudras, pratyahara
Pranayams are used in combination with mudras and bandhas . they are the breathing exercises
which help in clearing the toxins through breathing and improves the lung capacity which in turn
helps in oxygenating the blood in the body . this also helps in releaving the stress and brings
calmness of mind . the pranayams help in rejuvenating the body energy centers that is the
chakras with the help of bandhas and mudras. Bandhas hold the energy and mudras creat the
energy circuits.

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Asanas are the physical exercises . the help in developing the sterngh in bones , body muscles
and internal organs . asana keep the body active and young . asanas can be done during morning
or evenings. The asana should be done as per ones capacity and medical conditions .

6. What is the purpose of Yamas? Name and describe all five briefly.
Ans : The purpose of yamas are Mental wellbeing. Helps in overcoming distractions and stay in
a state of calmness and stability .
Yamas are the social code of conduct . it explains how we move in our society and how we
interact socially with others . this interaction is very important for our wellbeing and mental
health .
It helps us to stay away from mental issues and allows us to have healthy interactions and helps
us express our feelings and emotions more clearly .
The code of conduct are five kind
1. Non violence – ahimsa- means no physical abuse of any other being .
2. Non- possessiveness- don’t be over possessive for any one or anything , it can be any
other human being or materialistic thing like property, money etc.
3. Truthfulness – being true to yourself and others . don’t lie or falsely accuse any one ,
don’t harm any other person by telling wrong information .
4. Honesty : being honest

Unit B
True or False
Answer all questions in Unit B (1 mark each)
You can answer by writing T or F at the end of the Question
1. There are two absolute independent realities, known as Purusha and Prakriti as per yoga
philosophy.- T
2. Vikalpa/imagination is a vritti that is based on the object and its wrong cognition.- T
3. Affection can be related to Bhakti Yoga as it deals with emotions and feelings.- T
4. The definition of Yoga in the Gita is based on Samatvam-equanimity and balance in all life

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5. The ultimate aim of Hatha Yoga is to prepare for the Kundalini Awakening and its blissful
union with Consciousness/Shiva.- F
6. Hatha Yoga Pradipika is written by Swami Yogananda.- F
7. Tamasic food is easy to digest and helps overcome dullness of the body-mind.- F
8. Svastha means established in one’s own being nicely.- T
9. Aparigraha is one of the Niyamas.- T
10. Bahiranga Yoga complements and leads to the Antaranga Yoga path.-T
Unit C
Multiple Choice questions
Answer all questions of Unit C (1 mark each)
You can highlight the answer by making it bold or change its color

1. Vrittis can be explained as:

a. operations and activities
b. fluctuations and modifications
c. waves and mental state
d. all of the above

2. Aklista vrittis are:

a. painful and dominated by Rajas
b. not painful and dominated by Tamas
c. not painful and guided by Sattva
d. painful and guided by Sattva

3. In Bhagavad Gita, the great war is between

a. The Pandavas and the Kauravas
b. The Gunas and the Koshas
c. The Shaktis and the Shivas
d. The Pantanjalis and the Krishnas

4. The three paths of yoga described as per Bhagavad Gita are:

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a. Jnana, Karma, Hatha

b. Jnana, Karma, Bhakti
c. Raja, Kundalini, Tantra
d. Raja, Karma, Mantra

5. In Swami Swatmarma’s Hatha Yoga Pradipika how many asanas are mentioned:
a. 30
b. 40
c. 15
d. none are mentioned

6. Which of the following is NOT an Upanishad:

a. Isha Upanishad
b. Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad
c. Tantric Upanishad
d. Mandukya Upanishad

7. Pancha Kosha, the five dimensions are:

a. physical, energy, mental, psychic, bliss
b. emotional, joy, prana, physical, creative
c. physical, sexual, mental, psychic, bliss
d. none of the above

8. Which practice was Hatha Yoga originally focused on:

a. Asana
b. Pranayama
c. Shatkarma
d. Mudra

9. Niyamas are beneficial to our mental health by helping us:

a. manage our negative emotions

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b. develop our inner discipline or self-discipline

c. face our stress and tensions with awareness
d. all of the above

10. The three inner limbs of the Antaranga Yoga path are:
a. Asana, Pranayama, Mudra
b. Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
c. Pranayama, Bandha, Mudra
d. Niyama, Yama, Pratyahara

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