Presented To The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS) Ilocos Sur National High School Senior High School Vigan City

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A Quantitative Research

Presented to
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Strand (HUMSS)
Ilocos Sur National High School
Senior High School
Vigan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research II





Leisure time is the recreation of free time. They can characterize leisure as

spending time away from the distractions of work or duty. Everyone requires leisure in

one‘s lifestyle in order to manage the stress and pressure and career. Leisure enables

individuals re-energize and unwind so that they can conduct well enough in their daily

lives. Individuals from various ages probably have spent their available or leisure time in

a variety of ways.

No one can perform perpetuity if they do not have time to relax. It is a necessary

part of everyday life. Getting involved in leisure and recreation activities can help

individuals to manage stress and depression better.

The pandemic gave a problem to the people on leisure activities. Individual’s

lifestyle choices quickly changed, and their actions were strictly limited because people

might have been exposed to the virus. People would never do what they hoped at the

speak of pandemic, including leisure activities.

The pandemic attack the country in 2020. The pandemic devastated many things

in life. The pandemic affected with all the routines, along with the loss of people's

careers, leisure activities, and schooling. The routine of their lives transformed in a

moment in time. In this pandemic, guidelines have already been kept in place and

therefore must be accompanied in order to maintain their safeties from the virus. People

can't do things they utilized to do before the disease outbreak because of the guidelines.
Leisure activities have a great impact on students. It assists them within expelling

frustration from their daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also gets up their

bodies, trying to remind everyone that people need to become more energetic and

healthier. Most pressingly, it tends to give them a contentment of having accomplished

their goals by engaging in the activities. However, they must be cautious not to catch or

become infected with the virus.

As students, there is an impact of leisure activities to everyone during the

pandemic. Riding a bike has been one fun hobbies, and even though people probably

wouldn't be able to do this until COVID-19 occurs. Individuals can no longer go riding a

bicycle since they have prohibited people from going outside for worry of someone being

infected by the virus. As a result, individuals could no longer enjoy bicycling.

Because of that scenario, the researchers were motivated to research on the

Leisure Activities of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences Students in Ilocos Sur

National High School during Covid-19 Pandemic.

The result of the study is helpful in the crafting the action plan that addressed the

problem on Leisure Activities. It also useful to the students for them to know their limits

on doing leisure activities during this time of pandemic and it also helpful for future

researchers who are interested to learn about the research study of Leisure Activities of

Students during Covid-19 Pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the Leisure Activities of Grade 12 Humanities and

Social Sciences Students of Ilocos Sur National High School for the First Semester of

School Year 2021-2022 during Covid-19 pandemic.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following:

a. age,

b. sex,

c. hobbies, and

d. exposure to leisure activities?

2. What are the leisure activities of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences

Students in Ilocos Sur National High School during Covid-19 Pandemic, in terms of

the following;

a. interest,

b. values,

c. beliefs, and

d. talents?

3. Is there significant relationship between leisure activities of the respondents and

their personal factors?

4. What plan of action can be proposed to address the findings of the study?
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aimed to determine the Leisure Activities of Grade 12 Humanities and

Social Sciences Students in Ilocos Sur National High School for School Year 2021-2022

during Covid-19 pandemic.

This study incorporates the personal profile of the respondents, such as age, sex,

hobbies and exposure to leisure activities. The leisure activities of Grade 12 Humanities

and Social Sciences Students were focus the following: interest, values, beliefs and


The study employed the descriptive-correlational method and gathered the data

needed using survey questionnaires to gather information about the answers of the

respondents in every question given.

The study included 68 respondents from Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences of ISNHS and the data gathered from the respondents were analyzed by using

frequency count and percentage distribution, mean and Pearson Product Moment of


Theoretical Framework

The following discussions presents theories and concepts that afforded the

researcher well-off insights as background and bases for the framework of the study:

On Action Plan

Tech Target Contributor (2013) stated that an action plan is a document that lists

what steps must be taken in order to achieve a specific goal.

The purpose of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required to reach the

goal, formulate a timeline for when specific tasks need to be completed and determine

what resources are required.

According to Wilson (2017), the importance of action planning, when a project is

relatively small and short-term, for example designing, producing, printing and

distributing a leaflet, it may not be necessary or beneficial to develop an action plan. This

is particularly the case where there are few people to be involved and what has to be

done, and the steps to achieve it are clear. Tasks that are repeated often generally do not

need an action plan. For medium-sized projects, such as organizing a conference, an

action plan can be very beneficial. For larger projects or programs, such as opening a new

health center, an action plan is essential.

According to Gollwitzer (1999), action planning is the process of linking goal-

directed behaviors to certain environmental cues by specifying when, where, and how to

act. These cues can trigger the initiation of action without conscious intent. Engaging in

planning enables individuals to make strategic use of environmental cues and act

successfully without the requirement of investing self-regulatory resources.

According to Luszczynska & Schwarzer (2003) have investigated the effects of

action planning over a period of more than a few weeks. Long-term effects of action

planning leading to behavioral lifestyle changes are yet to be examined. Action planning

helps individuals in implementing their intentions. However, habitual responses,

competing intentions, and actual demands (e.g. job-related deadlines) can interfere with

the execution of action plans

Janse (2018) stated that an Action Plan or Action Programme is a detailed plan

with specified actions that are needed to achieve a goal. It can also consist of a series of
steps that must be taken to successfully complete a certain strategy. Furthermore, an

action programme determines which resources are required to achieve (SMART Goals)

and how and when these must be used.

That means that it leads to a more concrete vision or objective for an organization.

The advantage is that the various parties working on a strategy are on the same page. An

Action Plan is an expansion of the well-known ‘to-do list’. It is generally acknowledged

that these lists can be useful; many people use them in their daily lives.

However, the disadvantage of such lists consisting entirely of tasks is that these

are often considered to be overwhelming when a person, such as a project manager, bears

multiple responsibilities. An Action Plan is a stronger version of such a to-do list that

includes objectives for the short, medium and long term. This makes it easier to delegate

certain tasks and helps to save time, in order to achieve the planned goals.

Additionally, an action programmer encourages prioritizing and focusing on the

important matters. This too can help to save valuable time which increases the

effectiveness and productivity of a company or individual employee. What was

previously experienced as overwhelming now becomes insightful and controlled.

Base on the reviews, the researchers were inspired to conduct a study that can be

propose to address the findings of the study Leisure Activities of Grade 12 Humanities

and Social Sciences Students during Covid-19 Pandemic.

On Leisure Activities

According to Leona Brits (2019), Oxford dictionary defines leisure as “Time when

one is not working or occupied; free time” and “use of free time for enjoyment.”
Leisure activities include all the things people do that give them pleasure and are

not work-related: it’s any type of recreational activity.

Leisure purpose is to be an escape from work and personal worries; it’s a time to

people to take for themselves, to disconnect. It’s a shot of positivity, to take their mind

away from problems and quotidian issues.

According to Hemingway (2019), the study of leisure presents interesting

theoretical challenges. The first challenge exists because leisure has both an empirical

and a normative dimension, each present at the same time. Borrowing from ethical

theory, leisure contains both an is and an ought: One can observe leisure as it is in the

world and one can also say what leisure ought to be. The leisure one observes exists in

specific activities; leisure as ought to be exists in norms and ideals. People experience

something of this in their own lives as a contrast between the leisure they have and the

leisure they wish to have, or between how they actually use their leisure and how it

should be used.

Leisure is something people both have and aspire to have. The extent to which

leisure's empirical and normative dimensions are congruent—the fit between what people

do in their leisure and what they should do, the leisure they have and the leisure they

aspire to have—is always an open question, but there can be little doubt that these

dimensions are closely intertwined. One task for theories of leisure is to articulate

leisure's empirical and normative dimensions, examine their congruence (or lack of it),

and explore the implications this has for individual as individuals and as a society.

A second theoretical challenge exists because leisure is never merely abstract.

People are familiar with leisure in ways they are not familiar with quarks, fractals, or the

time shift continuum. They have first-hand experience of leisure as participants and
observers, because leisure is part of their daily lives. Yet precisely this familiarity raises

barriers to a fuller understanding of leisure. When people are familiar with something,

they often take it for granted, regarding it as given or unproblematic. 

Aristotle stated that leisure as “the goal of all human behavior, the end toward

which all action is directed” (Aristotle quoted in Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 187).

Leisure in this sense is reflection on oneself, and one major prerequisite for this is the

freedom from obligations and necessities of life.

Aristotle supposes that the best part of a human being is reason, which has two

functions: a practical and a theoretical one, and “to be a complete, well-rounded human

being, people need to exercise both of these functions” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 18).

Therefore only solitary contemplation would not be enough to achieve leisure as one can

only be virtuous by taking action in society. Vice versa only action without reflection

cannot be leisure either.

“In this classical perspective, leisure is the cultivation of mind, spirit and

character” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 18). It has nothing to do with time; it is a state

of mind and is a total antithesis to the time-concept. “Leisure is endangered when they

start budgeting time for leisure”, it just happens.

In addition to this, leisure is “only for those who passionately pursue it” (Bammel

& Bammel 1992, p. 187).

This approach contradicts nearly all of the views Kelly presents on leisure. For

example leisure in this sense cannot be capitalist (see Kelly 2000, p. 96-96), as leisure-

activities should be thoughtful. Aristotle excludes activities such as “pleasures of the

flesh” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 17) from true leisure.

This theory assumes that a person’s “leisure behavior is influenced by the peer

group” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 192), such as friends, family, and neighbors,

because they often introduce people to certain forms of leisure.

In addition to this, human beings are social, seeking friends or groups with like

interests. One is more likely to keep to one activity where he knows lots of people than to

one where he is isolated.

Doing things together also deepens human relationships: “The family that plays

together, stays together” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 193).

Based on Dumazedier´s tripartite theory of leisure, consisting of three functions of

leisure: relaxation, entertainment, and personal development. He supposes that there were

be a time “when personal growth, not working for a living, were be life’s primary

motivator” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 195).

Here, relaxation is a prerequisite for leisure, as “we need to overcome fatigue”,

entertainment is the “diversion aspect of leisure”, and finally personal development is

“the enduring component of leisure” (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 24).

Bammel and Bammel state that this approach has found its way into modern

society, as most people regard work less important than personal growth (Bammel &

Bammel 1992, p. 195). More and more workers make use of the possibility of sabbaticals

for self-development, and for many young students not the money they earn with their

future job, but the satisfaction they hope to find there, seems to be the major influence on

the choice of study.

But even though modern people have more free time than ever before, Bammel &

Bammel state, “with additional free time, many workers simply increase their television-
watching time” (p. 195). This means that most people only realize the first two steps of

Dumazedier´s tripartite theory: relaxation and entertainment. For many people this is

what leisure means: easy entertainment. To achieve self-development some reflection and

“work” on oneself is necessary, and this does not fit into a lot of people’s perceiving of


A. On Interest
According to Roshan (2017), interest is defined as curiosity or the feeling of an

individual for a particular thing or activity. If a subject arouses the interest or curiosity of

a person, it is said that his interests lie in that subject. When talking about a man, we

often say he has interests in share markets or in sports, whichever may be the case. There

are areas of interests for people and there are often questions pertaining to one’s interests

in life when facing an interview board. Individual may be interested a lot in football but

still do not play it on the ground actively. This means they read a lot about football and

also watch it on TV and stadiums as they are interested in the sport. Similarly, people are

not themselves a politician but they are interested in politics and watch political news and

current affairs programs on TV avidly.

Interest refers to things or activities that a person is curious or concerned about.

They are subjects or qualities that evoke his attention. They can be things that someone

does as a pastime or a leisure activity or those that he wants to have an occupation in.

There are various interests that a person might be enthusiastic about. A person might be

interested in things or activities that involve animals, so they might work or find leisure

in the care and breeding of animals. People might have interests in the arts so the right

job for them would be those that involve working with forms and designs. They can also

spend their time and enjoy creating works of art. Hobbies, on the other hand, refer to
activities that a person does for pleasure and relaxation. They are usually done during

their leisure time or during times when they don’t have anything to work on.

Hidi (2001) stated that interest is conceptualized as a dynamic interaction between

an individual and particular events, objects, tasks, or ideas in the environment. Such

interactions can produce the psychological state of interest, characterized by increased

cognitive and affective functioning. They may also result in relatively enduring

individual dispositions. The article were commence with a description of the above two

soutcomes of interest which have been most typically studied in terms of situational and

individual interest. Briefly, situational interest is generated by certain conditions and/or

stimuli in the environment that focus attention and produce an affective reaction that may

or may not last. Individual interest is a relatively stable motivational disposition to

reengage with particular objects over time and is associated with increased knowledge,

value, and positive feelings.

Hilgard (2003) argued that interest is situation or condition of paying attention

and enjoying in some activities and contents. This definition tells everyone that an

interest is shown by paying attention and enjoyment in any activity. Interest is always

followed by feelings of pleasure and from there can be obtained satisfaction.

Hidi (2006) defined interest as a unique motivational variable, as well as a

psychological state that occurs during interactions between persons and their objects of

interest, and it is characterized by increased attention, concentration and affect. It means

that interest can influence the students’ mind set become positive in learning process. The

positive mind set gives more attention and concentration for the students in certain

subject matter.

According to Djali (2017) said the interest is the tendency of elevated hearth

against something. In other word, the interest must be in accordance with one’s own
personal. When they considered something that is not appropriate for them, then most

likely they were not consider it’s important or interest in something. Interest does not

arise alone, but there is an element of necessity.

Based on the statements above, interest is one of the psychological items which

have an important role in human beings. Interest is always followed by feelings of

pleasure and from there can be obtained satisfaction. Interest is also a big influence in the

leisure activities, because if the leisure activities is not in accordance with the interest of

the students, they will not doing better on the said activities. If a person has an interest in

something, they enjoy it and not be forced into it.

B. On Values

Dr. Steven Mintz (2018), values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or

motivate attitudes or actions. They help individuals to determine what is important to

them. Values describe the personal qualities they choose to embody to guide our actions;

the sort of person we want to be; the manner in which we treat ourselves and others, and

people’s interaction with the world around them. They provide the general guidelines for

conduct. Values in a narrow sense is that which is good, desirable, or worthwhile. Values

are the motive behind purposeful action. They are the ends to which we act and come in

many forms.

Value specifies a relationship between a person and a goal. It is relational in the

sense that what one person values may not be what another person values even in the

same situation.

Values are meant to reflect what is important to everyone’s in life. People values

represent their personal guiding principles or life goals, guiding their behavior in all

aspects of life, including their home life, their work like, and their social life. The
importance of values lies in their purpose, which is, in short, to guide their beliefs,

attitudes, and behaviors.

Montrose & Sweeney (2010) found that values associated with specific

professions may differ from personal values. In addition, the concept of generational

impact on values has been explored (Fogg, 2008, Sessa et al, 2007). These studies found

that based on differing life experiences, each generation tends to adhere to different


According to Schein (2004), Values represent strong beliefs people get through

their education in family, at school and in society. Each person is born in a given culture

and through the educational system a series of these cultural values are transferred from

society to individual. Through personal experience some of these values are strengthened

and others are weakened. Values are important since they play the guiding role in any

decision making process. “A set of beliefs and values that become embodied in an

ideology or organizational philosophy thus can serve as a guide and as a way of dealing

with the uncertainty of intrinsically uncontrollable or difficult events”

According to Milton Rokeach (1973), he identified two types of values:

instrumental and terminal. Terminal values represented desirable outcomes like world

peace, family security and happiness. Instrumental values were those values that allow

people to achieve terminal values. Examples of these values are honesty, love, politeness

and courage. Rokeach defined values as “a specific mode of conduct or end-state of

existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct

or end state of existence” (p. 5). Put into simple terms, values are a defined belief system

that helps people differentiates right from wrong. In this process, values are placed in a

hierarchy of importance.
C. On Beliefs

David Gurteen (2021) stated that belief is an idea that they’re hold as being

correct. It is an acceptance that something exists or is true, whether there is proof or

evidence. For example, a belief the earth is round or a belief that fairies exist.

A belief is a trust or faith in something — an ideal, for example, a belief in

democracy or capital punishment. A belief is an idea that they hold to be true. It does not

matter if it is true or not – there may or may not be evidence to support it. The reason

does not matter; they believe it to be true. They may hold a belief that the earth is round

and have evidence to support that belief; someone else may hold the belief that the earth

is flat and may also claim evidence. They hold many beliefs, some supported by

evidence, some not. It does not matter. Right or wrong, they are still beliefs.

Another use of the word belief is when someone says, for example, that they

believe in democracy or they believe in capital punishment. This is a different use of the

word; it is a way of saying that they think democracy is a good thing that they value

democracy, or they say they believe capital punishment is a good thing – they value

capital punishment.

Leicester (2022) stated that belief is a cognitive act related to evidence that the

thing believed is probably true, the dispositional theory that they recognize their own

beliefs by observing how we react to things, the feeling theory that belief is a particular

feeling that comes to them and is a signal to them that they believe or think to be true the

thing under consideration, and eliminativist theories that belief does not exist, but is an

illusion of their language and culture.

According to Egan (1986), Belief is introduced as the cognitive act or state in

which a proposition is taken to be true, and the psychological theory of belief is reviewed
under the headings: belief as a propositional attitude, belief as subjective probability,

belief as inference, and belief as association. Apart from its importance as a separate area

of cognitive theory, the study of belief is of considerable met theoretic importance for

cognitive theory generally, since belief is an essential part of the definition of cognition.

It is argued here that cognitive theories must admit, at least in principle, of a distinction

between forms of arousal which imply that a proposition is believed and others which do

not. Otherwise it is impossible to model the element of rational judgement, which is a

feature of belief and hence of cognition also.

There are various different ways that contemporary philosophers have tried to

describe beliefs, including as representations of ways that the world could be (Jerry

Fodor), as dispositions to act as if certain things are true (Roderick Chisholm), as

interpretive schemes for making sense of someone's actions (Daniel Dennett and Donald

Davidson), or as mental states that fill a particular function (Hilary Putnam).

D. On Talents

According to Kelsey Conway (2021), special often athletic, creative, or artistic

aptitude. General intelligence or mental power: ability. Talent is the natural endowments

of a person mean a special ability for doing something. Gift often implies special favor by

God or nature. Implies a natural liking for some activity and the likelihood of success in

it. Implies a comparatively minor but special ability making for ease and dexterity in


Borkowska (2005) defines talent as a “creative, enterprising person with high

development potential, being the lever of growth in shareholder value”. The term “talent”

can also be defined by enumerating its characteristics. These include (Pocztowski, 2008)

strategic thinking, leadership traits, an entrepreneurial attitude, a performance-oriented

approach, the ability to persuade, teamwork, emotional intelligence, flexibility, a high

tolerance to change, and highly developed specialist technical skills.

Premuzic (2016) stated that talent concerns the abilities, skills, and expertise that

determine what a person can do. Effort concerns the degree to which the person deploys

their talents.

Clearly, some people are both talented and hard-working, but there is often a

tension between the two. Talent can make people lazy because they need to rely less on

hard work to achieve the same goal. Hard work helps people compensate for lower levels

of talent, which is why it’s quite helpful to be aware of one’s limitations.

According to Maimon (2013), Talent is when someone found that they have a

circuit in their brain which allows them to do some primitive stage of a complex task

slightly faster or easier than their neighbor. This produces a prod to get them to keep

going. It is a method of assigning people to bins, so that they focus on something for a

long time to become great at it.

Once someone actually do this, the starting point recedes so much, that they

realize their advantage was an illusion, there was no real advantage, a talentless person

could have caught up with in less than 1% of the time it takes to complete their

competence. So they learn that the talent concept is just a social myth.

It is useful as such, because it allows people to hone and concentrate their efforts

in one particular direction for a long period of time, because they operate under the

delusion that they are somehow more capable of doing it than others. That's a good thing,

because without this delusion, people don't think they would have great composers, or

great novelists.
It is a problem when it is used to justify social class structures, and power

structures, through the idea that some people have a special talent for telling others what

to do.

Summarizing the studies and theories conducted along the related factors supports

the needs in conducting the study, the researchers were inspired and motivated to study

about the Leisure Activities of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students during

Covid-19 Pandemic. The related studies and theories greatly help in their study, they also

have the background while their working some of the parts of the research paper.

Conceptual Framework

The conduct of this study was guided by the paradigm as illustrated:


Respondent’s Profile Leisure Activities of

a. Age Action Plan
b. Sex a. Interest,

c. Hobbies b. Values,

d. Exposure to Leisure c. Beliefs, and

Activities d. Talents

Figure 1
The Research Paradigm
The paradigm shows the relationship between the Leisure Activities of the Grade

12 Humanities and Social Sciences students during COVID-19 pandemic and their

Operational Definition of Terms

For purposes of clarity and understanding, the following terms are defined as they

used in this study:

Action Plan. It refers to a detailed plan that shows the activities needed to accomplish one

or more of the respondents' goals.

Leisure Activity. It refers to the respondents activities when they have a free time.

Interest. It refers to the wants of respondents and to know or learn about something or


Values. It pertains to the respondents’ principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment

of what is important in life.

Beliefs. It refers to the acceptance of every respondents to the statements that is true or

something exists.

Talents. It refers to a person’s natural ability to perform their leisure activity without

thinking about it.

Sex. It refers to the respondents’ gender, whether male or female.

Age. It pertain the length of time the respondents has lived or has existed.

Hobbies. It refers to a pleasure activity performed on a regular basis in one’s leisure time.


The following assumptions were used in conducting the study:

1. The data gathering instrument that was employed in the study was valid and

2. The respondents were objective and honest in answering the research


The following hypothesis tested in the study:
1. There is no significant relationship between the leisure activities of the

respondents and their personal factors.

Research Methodology

This section discusses the research design, methods, and procedures which the

researchers used in conducting the study. It included a description of the population, data

gathering instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design. The method that the researchers used in the study is the

descriptive-correlational method. The aim of descriptive method of research is to

accurately describe the population of the study and their leisure activities during Covid-


The study also used the correlational method of research to show the significant

relationship between leisure activities of the respondents and their personal profile.

Population and Sample. The respondents of the study were the five sections of

Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences students from Ilocos Sur National High School

during the First Semester of School Year 2021-2022. There are 68 respondents in the

study who served as data sources in order to meet the needs information in the study.

Table 1 presents the distribution of respondents by section. The sample population

of the respondents was obtained using the Slovin’s Formula: n = N / (1+Ne2).

Table 1
Population and Sample of the Study
Respondents N n
Bruner 57 15
Freud 58 15
Rousseau 49 13
Bandura 45 12
Skinner 50 13
Total: 259 68
Data Gathering Instrument. In collecting data, the researchers used

questionnaires to gather information about the answers of Grade 12 Humanities and

Social Sciences Students of Ilocos Sur National High School.

The questionnaires that are adapted and constructed are validated by competent

and knowledgeable educators and research authorities in the field of basic and higher

education in Ilocos Sur National High School and Baggoc-Pantay Quitiquit Elementary


Table 2 shows the content validity index of the validators on the questionnaires of
the researchers.

Table 2
Context Validity Index

Criteria Validators Mean

1 2 3
1. Are the components of the questionnaire appropriate for 4 4 4 4
the proposed study?
2. Are the items representative of the dimensions indicated 4 4 4 4
for the study?
3. Are the items clearly stated, specific, organized, and 4 4 3 3.67
appropriate for the vocabulary level of the target
The items are clearly stated, specific, organized and 4 4 3.67 3.89
appropriate for the vocabulary level of the respondents.

The questionnaire composed of two parts. Part I is the personal profile of the

respondents. Part II are the leisure activities of Grade 12 Humanities and Social Science

Students of Ilocos Sur National High School, the items subdivided on 4 indicators:
interest, values, beliefs and talents, each indicators has 5 items of questions which is 20

items in total.

The norms for the interpretation for the leisure activities of the respondents are

shown below:

Range of Score Item Descriptive Rating

5 Strongly Agree (SA)

4 Agree (A)

3 Neutral (N)

2 Disagree (D)

1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

Data Gathering Procedure. To conduct this study, the researchers needed

sincerely sought the consent of the Principal of Ilocos Sur National High School and the

class Adviser of the chosen section. As soon as the request granted, the researcher

administered the questioner via online platform such Google form to the five Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences section of Ilocos Sur National High School namely:

Bruner, Freud, Rousseau, Bandura, and Skinner. The researcher retrieved the answers of

the respondents by collecting it in Google form.

The researchers administered a survey to both leisure activities and questionnaire

and retrieve it via online and check the survey on Goog form for the tabulation

employing the statistical tools needs in the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data. The data that the researchers gathered in this

investigation were statistically treated using the following tools, namely:

1. Frequency count and percentage distribution was used to describe the profile of

the respondents in terms of section, sex, age and hobbies and exposure to leisure


2. Mean was used to determine the leisure activities of Grade 12 Humanities and

Social Sciences Students of Ilocos Sur National High School for the First

Semester of School Year 2021-2022.

3. Pearson Product Moment of Correlation was used to determine the significant

relationship between leisure activities and the personal factors of the respondents.


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretations made on the data gathered in

the study to answer the research problems raised in the previous chapter.

Problem 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. age,

b. sex,

c. hobbies, and

d. exposure to leisure activities?

Profile of the Respondents

Table 3 shows the profile of the Grade 12 Humanities and Social Sciences

(HUMSS) students in Ilocos Sur National High School (ISNHS)

Table 3
Distribution of the Profile of the Respondents

Variables f %
16 below 1 1.50
17 43 63.20
18 above 24 35.30
Total: 68 100.00
Male 32 47.10
Female 36 52.90
Total: 68 100.00
Outdoor Activities 24 35.30
Art Activities 6 8.80
Watching K-drama/Anime 8 11.50
Reading Books 11 16.20
Playing Online Games 14 20.60
Other 5 7.40
Total: 68 100.00
Exposure to Leisure Activities
1 hour and below 12 17.60
1-2 hours 23 33.80
3-4 hours 25 36.80
5-6 hours 6 8.80
7 hours and above 2 2.90
Total: 68 100.00

On Age. Majority (43 or 63.2 %) of the respondents are 17 years old. A close to

zero percentage (1 or 1.5 %) is at the age of 16 below.

On Sex. Majority (36 or 52.9 %) of the respondents are female while great

percentage (32 or 47.1 %) are male.

On Hobbies. Most (24 or 35.3 %) of the respondents are doing outdoor games

while the least number (5 or 7.4 %) are the others.

On Exposure to Leisure Activities. Most (25 or 36.8 %) of the respondents

spend 3-4 hours to do their leisure activities. Similarly, a great percentage (23 or 33.8 %)

of the respondents spends 1-2 hours doing their activities. The least (2 or 2.9 %) of the

respondents only spend 7 hours and above.

Problem 2. What are the leisure activities of Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences Students in Ilocos Sur National High School during Covid-19 Pandemic, in

terms of the following factors;

a. interest,

b. values,

c. beliefs, and

d. talents?

The Leisure Activities of the Grade 12 students of Ilocos Sur National High

School is presented in Table 4.

Table 4
Item Mean Ratings on the Leisure Activities of the Respondents
Items x̄ DR
A. Interest
1. I feel productive when I am doing leisure activities. 4.19 A
2. I should be completely pleasurable on leisure activities to take my 4.18 A
mind in negative emotions.
3. I enjoy participating in activities on weekends. 3.97 A
4. I develop new skills and interest in participating leisure activities. 4.16 A
5. I tend to spent most of my time on leisure activities. 3.68 A
Overall: 4.03 A
B. Values
1. I choose leisure activities rather than being persuaded or affected 3.89 A
significantly by the others.
2.I am usually responsible for speaking up the advantages and 3.85 A
disadvantages of different leisure activities.
3.I consider others to be as equally important as I am when choosing 3.92 A
leisure activities.
4.I accept others even though they hold different views beliefs and 4.23 SA
practices from my own.
5.I am avoiding others when choosing leisure activities. 3.04 N
Overall: 3.79 A
C. Beliefs
1.I always find value in whatever I am doing. 4.07 A
2.I am more goal-oriented in leisure activities. 3.92 A
3.I spent my time with my family and friends in doing leisure activity, 3.85 A
and this is what makes our lives happy and healthy.
4.I believe that the leisure activities purpose is to be an escape from 4.13 A
work and personal worries; it's a time you take for yourself, to
5.I find leisure activity a productive use of time. 4.04 A
Overall: 4.00 A
D. Talents
1.I identified that my desire has an impact on my leisure activities. 3.92 A
2.I pay attention to things that come easy to me. 4.04 A
3.I find out that leisure activities that comes easy will help you identify 3.97 A
your unique talent.
4.I desire to pursue a task towards leisure activities. 3.98 A
5.I compare my skills in leisure activities to others to see which areas I 3.60 A
can excel in.
Overall: 3.90 A
Grand Mean: 3.93 A
Norm Descriptive Rating
4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree (SA)
3.41 – 4.20 Agree (A)
2.61 – 3.40 Neutral (N)
1.81 – 2.61 Disagree (D)
1.00 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree (SD)

In summary. The computed grand mean of 3.93 interpreted as “Agree” suggest

that the respondents still do their leisure activities despite the presents of a global

pandemic. From the indicators, interest is the highest with the total mean of 4.03 and the

least is the values with the total of 3.79.

According to Philip A. Fine and Kathryn J. Friedlander 2021, this conforms that

the people have more time on doing their leisure activities especially now that there is a

pandemic. On the other hand Peter 2020 refutes the finding because he stated that during

the pandemic, many people did not have much time to do their leisure activities because

they were afraid of getting the virus because they can’t see it and it also spreads fast.

On Interest. As revealed in the table, the overall rating of (x̄ = 4.03) interpreted

as “Agree”, indicates that the respondents are frequently doing their interests.

The table also shows that the respondents gave the highest rating of (x̄ = 4.19),

interpreted as “Agree”, to Item Number 1 (I feel productive when I am doing Leisure

Activities). It can be gleaned, though, that the respondents gave the lowest rating of (x̄ =

3.68), interpreted as “Agree”, to Item Number 5 (I tend to spent most of my time on

Leisure Activities). This means that the respondents are enjoying while doing their


According to Garton 1987, students were found to engage in and be interested on

doing their leisure activities. Further, it is necessary not only to know what students

actually do in leisure time, but what are they interested in doing

On Values. As shown on the table, the overall rating of (x̄ = 3.79) interpreted as

“Agree”, indicates that the respondents are still value their leisure activities.
The table also shows that the respondents gave the highest rating of (x̄ = 4.23),

interpreted as “Strongly Agree”, to Item Number 4 (I accept others even though they hold

different views beliefs and practices from my own). It can be gleaned, though, that the

respondents gave the lowest rating of (x̄ = 3.04), interpreted as “Neutral”, to Item

Number 5 (I am avoiding others when choosing Leisure Activities). This implies that the

respondents still value others even though they have different views and practices.

According to Family Connect 2021, in participating recreation and leisure

activities helps youths with visual impairments develop social, career, and problem-

solving skills. Engaging in this expanded curriculum area also increases self-esteem, self-

determination, and overall health.

On Beliefs. It is observed in the table that the overall rating of (x̄ = 4.00)

interpreted as “Agree”, signifies that the beliefs of the respondents are well oriented.

The table reveals that the respondents gave the highest rating of (x̄ = 4.13),

interpreted as “Agree”, to Item Number 4 (I believe that the Leisure Activities purpose is

to be an escape from work and personal worries; it's a time you take for yourself, to

disconnect). It can be gleaned, though, that the respondents gave the lowest rating of (x̄ =

3.85), interpreted as “Agree”, to Item Number 3 (I spent my time with my family and

friends in doing Leisure Activity, and this is what makes our lives happy and healthy).

This could mean that the respondents believe that leisure activities can relieve your stress.

Rutgers 2021 stated that not everyone sees value in time spent on leisure. Many

hold a general belies that these activities are an unproductive use of time at the cost of

their own happiness. They find that believing leisure activities are wasteful cause’s time

spent on leisure activities to be less enjoyable.

On Talents. As shown in the table, the overall rating of (x̄ =3.93) interpreted as

“Agree”, indicates that the respondents has a unique talents.

The table also shows that the respondents gave the highest rating of (x̄ = 4.04),

interpreted as “Agree”, to Item Number 2 (I pay attention to things that come easy to me).

It can be gleaned, though, that the respondents gave the lowest rating of (x̄ = 3.60),

interpreted as “Agree”, to Item Number 5 (I compare my skills in Leisure Activities to

others to see which areas I can excel in). Considering these, the respondents are more

paying attention to those things that is easy for them to do.

According to Williams 2018, students must be talented in doing their leisure

activities. Talents are skills a child can utilize to occupy themselves when they have

down time or free time; these are talents they can do without the help of others.

Problem 3. Is there significant relationship between the leisure activities of

the respondents and their personal factors?

Table 5 presents the significant relationship between the leisure activities of the

Grade 12 Students in Ilocos Sur National High School and their personal factors.

Table 5
Correlation between the Leisure Activities of the Respondents and their Personal

Personal Factors Interest Values Beliefs Talents As a

Sex -.108 -.053 -.072 -.121 -.089
Age .122 .137 .055 .063 .094
Hobbies .057 .029 .018 .046 .038
Exposure in Leisure Activities .158 .002 .123 .190 .118
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The table manifests that as a whole, the student’s personal-related factors such as

sex, age, hobbies and exposure in Leisure Activities has no relation with the Leisure
Activities of Grade 12 HUMSS students during Covid-19 Pandemic. When taken singly,

interest is not correlated with sex (rxy = -.180), while with values and sex ( rxy= -.053)

among the grade 12 HUMSS students. Meanwhile, beliefs do not correlate to age

(rxy= .055). These mean that the beliefs of every age don’t play a role on doing their

leisure activities. On the other hand, talents do not correlate with hobbies ( rxy= .046). In

addition, talent is not also correlated with exposure in leisure activities.

Generally, these results mostly imply that somehow does not affect the leisure

activities of the HUMSS students. This expound that in participating leisure activities, it

is not necessary to base on the age and gender neither the hobbies nor the exposure in

leisure activities. To finish it off, there is no need to base on age, gender, talent, or

anything else to perform the things that you want to do such as doing your leisure

activities. As a result of the fact that the pandemic is new to their country, the researchers

couldn't find any similar studies to their study while researching it.

Problem 4. What plan of action can be proposed to address the findings of the


In order to address the findings of the study, entitled Leisure Activities of Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences Students during Covid-19 pandemic, the researchers

propose a plan of action in doing leisure activities.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Region I
Province of Ilocos Sur
Schools Division of Vigan City


School Year 2021-2022

Programs / Objective/s Strategy/ies Time Frame Persons Funding Success Indicators

Projects / Activities Involved Requirement
The Leisure Activities
Sports To allow for the
development of
physical growth, Encourage the Students who are
mental alertness and students to engage in Quarterly Students None trained in sports.
emotional stability for sport. Teachers
all those who
participate in.
Arts Enhance and
Help inspire students improve student’s Quarterly Students Php 1,000.00 Students who
to develop the habit of skills and talents in Teachers have a passion
arts Arts. and are fond of
the arts.
It encourages the Students who are
Online Games Helps individuals to students to play Students Php 500.00 professional in
escape the problems online games to feed Quarterly Teachers playing online
even for a moment. their satisfaction. game.
Reading It encourages the Enhance and Students who
reader to expand more develop the student’s Students Php 500.00 enjoy reading and
his or her imagination. reading abilities and Quarterly Teachers have a large
as well as their collection of
creativity. books.
Dancing Helps individual bring Enhance and Php 1,000.00 Students who are
out the hidden talents develop the student’s Quarterly Students passionate and
in dancing. talents and skill in Teacher participate in
dancing. dancing contest


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions recommendation of

the study.


This study aimed to determine the Leisure Activities of Grade 12 Humanities and

Social Sciences Students in Ilocos Sur National High School for School Year 2021-2022

during Covid-19 pandemic.

This study incorporates the personal profile of the respondents, such as age, sex,

hobbies and exposure to leisure activities. The leisure activities of Grade 12 Humanities

and Social Sciences Students were focus the following: interest, values, beliefs and


The study employed the descriptive-correlational method and gathered the data

needed using survey questionnaires to gather information about the honest answers of the

respondents in every questions given.

The study included 68 respondents from Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences of ISNHS and the data gathered from the respondents were analyzed by using

frequency count and percentage distribution, mean and Pearson Product Moment of



Following are the relevant findings of the study:

1. On Profile of the Respondents

On Age. Majority (43 or 63.2 %) of the respondents are 17 years old.

On Sex. Majority (36 or 52.9 %) of the respondents are female

On Hobbies. Most (24 or 35.3 %) of the respondents are doing outdoor games.

On Exposure to Leisure Activities. Most (25 or 36.8 %) of the respondents spend

3-4 hours to do their leisure activities

2. Leisure Activities

On Interest. The respondents gave an overall rating of (x̄ = 4.03) interpreted as

“Agree”, indicates that the respondents are frequently doing their interests.

On Values. The overall rating of (x̄ = 3.79) interpreted as “Agree”, indicates that

the respondents are still value their leisure activities.

On Beliefs. The overall mean rating of (x̄ = 4.00) interpreted as “Agree”, signifies

that the beliefs of the respondents are well oriented.

On Talents. The overall rating of (x̄ =3.93) interpreted as “Agree”, indicates that

the respondents have a unique talents.

3. Correlation between Leisure Activities between Profile of the respondents

The student’s personal-related factor such as sex, age, hobbies and exposure in

Leisure Activities has no relation with the Leisure Activities of Grade 12 HUMSS

students during Covid-19 Pandemic.

4. Action Plan

To address the findings of the study entitled Leisure Activities of Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences Students during Covid-19 pandemic, the researchers

propose a plan of action in doing leisure activities.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education Region I
Province of Ilocos Sur
Schools Division of Vigan City


School Year 2021-2022

Programs / Objective/s Strategy/ies Time Frame Persons Funding Success Indicators

Projects / Activities Involved Requirement
The Leisure Activities
Sports To allow for the
development of
physical growth, Encourage the Students who are
mental alertness and students to engage in Quarterly Students None trained in sports.
emotional stability for sport. Teachers
all those who
participate in.
Arts Enhance and
Help inspire students improve student’s Quarterly Students Php 1,000.00 Students who
to develop the habit of skills and talents in Teachers have a passion
arts Arts. and are fond of
the arts.
It encourages the Students who are
Online Games Helps individuals to students to play Students professional in
escape the problems online games to feed Quarterly Teachers Php 500.00 playing online
even for a moment. their satisfaction. game.
Reading It encourages the Enhance and Php 500.00 Students who
reader to expand more develop the student’s Students enjoy reading and
his or her imagination. reading abilities and Quarterly Teachers have a large
as well as their collection of
creativity. books.
Dancing Helps individual bring Enhance and Students Php 1,000.00 Students who are
out the hidden talents develop the student’s Quarterly Teacher passionate and
in dancing. talents and skill in participate in
dancing. dancing contest

Based from the findings, the researchers came out with the following conclusions:

1. On profile of the respondents, Grade 12 students from the five sections of the HUMSS

strand, namely: Bruner, Freud, Rousseau, Bandura and Skinner, are dominated by

females, are 17 and 18 years old and mostly their hobbies is outdoor activities and

majority of their exposure to this activities is 3-4 hours.

2. On the correlation between leisure activities and their personal factors, there is no

significant relationship between the two variables.

3. On action plan, the findings of the study, entitled Leisure Activities of Grade 12

Humanities and Social Sciences Students during Covid-19 pandemic, the researchers

propose a plan of action in doing leisure activities.


Based from the findings, the researchers came out with the following


1. Male should engage more on leisure activity.

2. The researchers recommend further studies between the leisure activities of the

respondents and their personal factors.

3. The respondents must join more on leisure activities especially to the action plan that

the researchers proposed to strengthen their interest in the said activity


A F Garton. (1987). Participation and interest in leisure activities by adolescent school

children. Retrieved from

Bhondekar, R. (2017). How Interests & Hobbies Are Interrelated? Understanding

around interest & hobbies. Retrieved from
Brits, L. (2019). The Importance of Making Time for Leisure. Medium. Retrieved from
Conway, Kelsey. (2021). The Enquirer. Retrieved from https://www.merriam-
Dana W. (2018). The Importance of Building Leisure Skills. Retrieved from

Family , C. (2021) How Can We Support Instruction in Recreation, Fitness, and Leisure
in Schools?. Retrieved from

Getty,I.(2021.Happiness depends, at least in part, on believing that leisure activities are

not a waste of time, according to a new study. Retrieved from

Gurteen, David. (2021). What are beliefs? Retrieved from https://conversational-
Hemingway, J. (2019). Leisure Theory Of. Retrieved from

Hidi, S. (2001). Interest, Psychology. University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Retrieved

Janse, B. (2018). Action Plan. Retrieved from

Mintz, Dr. S. (2018). .What are Values? Retrieved from
Premuzic, T. (2016). Talent Matters Even More than People Think. Retrieved from
Schwitzgebel, E. (2019). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved from
Wilson, H. (2017). The Importance of Action Planning. Milton Keynes: Open course
Ware University Retrieved from
Appendix A
Letter of Permission to Conduct Study
Appendix B
Letter for Content Validation
Appendix C
Questionnaire Content Validity and Reliability Index

Criteria Validators Mean

1 2 3
1. Are the components of the questionnaire 4 4 4 4
appropriate for the proposed study?
2. Are the items representative of the dimensions 4 4 4 4
indicated for the study?
3. Are the items clearly stated, specific, 4 4 3 3.67
organized, and appropriate for the vocabulary
level of the target respondents?
The items are clearly stated, specific, 4 4 3.67 3.89
organized and appropriate for the vocabulary
level of the respondents.
Appendix D
Letter to Respondents
Appendix E
Research Questionnaire

Leisure Activities of Grade 12 HUMSS Students during Covid-19 Pandemic

Part 1. Personal profile of the respondents

Direction: Please answer the question truthfully and as clearly as you can. Most of the
questions can be answered by clicking the space before the item. There is no wrong
answers for this. Please answer the questions honestly.
Name (Optional):











16 below


18 above


Outdoor Activities

Art Activities

Watching K-drama/Anime

Reading Books
Playing Online Games

Exposure to Leisure Activities:

1 hour and below

1-2 hours

3-4 hours

5-6 hours

7 hours and above

Part 2: Factors Influencing the Leisure Activities of the Respondents

Direction: Below are the indicators in relation to the Leisure Activities of Grade 12

HUMSS students in Ilocos Sur National High School. Please check (✓) the number that

correspondents to your answer using the following scale.

Number Description

5 Strongly Agree (SA)

4 Agree (A)

3 Neutral (N)

2 Disagree (D)

1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

5 4 3 2 1
A. Interest
1. I feel productive when I am doing leisure activities.
2. I should be completely pleasurable on leisure activities to take my
mind in negative emotions.
3. I enjoy participating in activities on weekends.
4. I develop new skills and interest in participating leisure activities.
5. I tend to spent most of my time on leisure activities.
B. Values
1. I choose leisure activities rather than being persuaded or affected
significantly by the others.
2. I am usually responsible for speaking up the advantages and
disadvantages of different leisure activities.
3. I consider others to be as equally important as I am when choosing
leisure activities.
4. I accept others even though they hold different views beliefs and
practices from my own.
5. I am avoiding others when choosing leisure activities.
C. Beliefs
1. I always find value in whatever I am doing.
2. I am more goal-oriented in leisure activities.
3. I spent my time with my family and friends in doing leisure activity,
and this is what makes our lives happy and healthy.
4. I believe that the leisure activities purpose is to be an escape from
work and personal worries, it's a time you take for yourself, to
5. I find leisure activity a productive use of time.
D. Talents
1. I identified that my desire has an impact on my leisure activities.
2. I pay attention to things that come easy to me.
3. I find out that leisure activities that comes easy will help you
identify your unique talent.
4. I desire to pursue a task towards leisure activities.
5. I compare my skills in leisure activities to others to see which areas
I can excel in.

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