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Name: Jasmine DC. Hidalgo Date: October 10, 2021

Section: BSBA FM 2B

1. Do you think success is attainable to all organizations?

No, not every organization can be successful. On the other hand, other organization,
succeed because they have a strong organizational culture or corporate culture, as well
as a strong ethical code. HR Management is also critical to a business's performance, as
it guarantees that the organization meets all of its goals. Many businesses neglect the
importance of human resources, but some are unaware of it. Organizations that ignore
this have a lower chance of survival, and effective HR can assist in dealing with a variety
of challenges.

2. Can you name some successful organizations and those that failed?

Rapid success that comes with innovation believe that it is the secret to their
continuous prosperity. They assume that benefiting from one great innovation will
continue without any extra effort.

Here is the list of organizations that succeed in the country:

• SM Investments Corporation.
• BDO Unibank Incorporated.
• JG Summit Holdings Incorporated.
• Ayala Corporation.
• Top Frontier Investment Holdings Incorporated.
• Metropolitan Bank & Trust Company (Metrobank)
• Aboitiz Equity Ventures.
Here is the list of organizations that consider failing:
• KODAK- Back in their hay-day, Kodak was the leading technology company of the 20th century,
completely overshadowing others in the photographic film market.

• NOKIA- They failed to adapt to changes which made their business fail.

• BLACKBERRY MOTION- They offered a device with an arched keyboard thinking this is their key
to their future success but being left behind due to lack of innovation.

3. Why do you think some organizations succeed and why others fail
despite facing the same opportunities?

Some people succeed in one enterprise after another, while others keep failing.
No one comes out to establish a business with aim of failing. It may be a lot of fun and
exciting to start a business. Success requires proper planning and the proper start-up of
the firm. Entrepreneurship is easier if you start your business the right way. The sad
thing about a failing firm is that the owner is often completely oblivious of what is going
on until it is too late. It makes sense because if the entrepreneur had truly understood
what he was doing incorrectly, he may have been able to save the company. Some
entrepreneurs are in denial, while others are completely unconscious of their errors.

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