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INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 5
REFERENCE MATERIAL................................................................................................................. 6
HOW TO USE THE WORKBOOK (PEGT6025) AND VIDEO (PEVN3808)..................................... 6
CHAPTER 1 HOSE IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................. 7
Chapter 1: Hose Identification Objectives ..................................................................................... 7
APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................. 8
SAFETY ........................................................................................................................................ 8
HOSE CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................................. 9
HOSE CONSTRUCTION REVIEW EXERCISES ....................................................................... 10
HOSE STANDARDS ................................................................................................................... 11
HOSE STANDARDS REVIEW EXERCISES .............................................................................. 13
DASH SIZE ................................................................................................................................. 14
Full Inside Diameter .................................................................................................................... 14
IDENTIFICATION METHODS..................................................................................................... 17
Identification From Layline....................................................................................................... 17
Identification From Reference Material ....................................................................................... 17
Identification From Questioning and Hose Cross Section........................................................... 18
Replacement Hose Identification Example 1............................................................................... 19
Replacement Hose Identification Example 2............................................................................... 20
IDENTIFICATION METHODS REVIEW EXERCISES.................................................................... 21
CHAPTER 1 REVIEW EXERCISES ............................................................................................... 22
Do the same for this lay line............................................................................................................ 24
CHAPTER 1 LAB EXERCISES ...................................................................................................... 28
CHAPTER 2 COUPLING IDENTIFICATION ................................................................................. 29
Chapter 2: Coupling Identification Objectives ............................................................................. 29
SAFETY .......................................................................................................................................... 29
IDENTIFICATION METHODS ........................................................................................................ 30
IDENTIFICATION METHODS REVIEW EXERCISES.................................................................... 30
COUPLING TYPES AND STYLES ................................................................................................. 31
COUPLING TYPES AND STYLES REVIEW EXERCISES......................................................... 32
COUPLING STANDARDS AND SEALING METHODS.................................................................. 33
British Standard Couplings.......................................................................................................... 37
German Standard Couplings....................................................................................................... 38
French Standard Couplings......................................................................................................... 41
Japanese Industrial Standard Couplings..................................................................................... 41

SEAL IDENTIFICATION.............................................................................................................. 45
Thread Identification Kit........................................................................................................... 45
SEAL IDENTIFICATION REVIEW EXERCISES ............................................................................ 46
THREAD IDENTIFICATION............................................................................................................ 47
THREAD IDENTIFICATION REVIEW EXERCISES....................................................................... 49
COUPLING MEASUREMENTS...................................................................................................... 50
Coupling Identification Example .................................................................................................. 51
JUMP SIZE.................................................................................................................................. 52
JUMP SIZE REVIEW EXERCISES............................................................................................. 54
SEALS, HARDWARE, AND ADAPTERS.................................................................................... 54
CHAPTER 2 REVIEW QUESTIONS........................................................................................... 55
Chapter 3: Preparation For The Hose Assembly Process Objectives......................................... 60
SAFETY ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Electrical Conductivity ............................................................................................................. 61
Hose Selection ........................................................................................................................ 61
Permeation .............................................................................................................................. 62
Pressure Loss.......................................................................................................................... 62
Environmental Conditions........................................................................................................ 63
External Forces ....................................................................................................................... 63
Correct Assembly .................................................................................................................... 64
Installation ............................................................................................................................... 64
Maintenance ............................................................................................................................ 65
SAFETY REVIEW EXERCISES.................................................................................................. 66
HOSE ASSEMBLY MEASUREMENT......................................................................................... 67
Preparation for the Hose Assembly Process........................................................................... 67
Total Assembly Length ............................................................................................................ 67
Hose Cut Length...................................................................................................................... 68
Total Assembly Length ............................................................................................................ 70
HOSE ASSEMBLY MEASUREMENT REVIEW EXERCISES .................................................... 72
ANGLE OF ORIENTATION......................................................................................................... 73
Definition.................................................................................................................................. 73
Tolerance................................................................................................................................. 73
ANGLE OF ORIENTATION REVIEW EXERCISES.................................................................... 75
Hose Cleaning............................................................................................................................. 76
Fluid Contamination................................................................................................................. 76
Current Cleaning Methods....................................................................................................... 76
The Caterpillar 233-7191, 233-7192 and 233-7193 Hose Cleaner Groups............................. 77
Hose Cleaner Group Safety .................................................................................................... 78
HOSE CLEANING REVIEW EXERCISES .................................................................................. 79
CHAPTER 3 REVIEW EXERCISES ........................................................................................... 80

CHAPTER 3 LAB EXERCISE ..................................................................................................... 84
CHAPTER 4 HOSE ASSEMBLY PROCESS................................................................................. 85
Chapter 4: Hose Assembly Process Objectives.......................................................................... 85
GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................... 86
Hose Presses .......................................................................................................................... 86
GENERAL INFORMATION REVIEW EXERCISES .................................................................... 86
LESSON 1: COLLET-TYPE REUSABLE COUPLING ASSEMBLY ............................................ 87
LESSON 1 REVIEW EXERCISES .............................................................................................. 92
LESSON 1 LAB EXERCISE....................................................................................................... 93
LESSON 2: PERMANENT COUPLING ASSEMBLY .................................................................. 94
LESSON 2 REVIEW EXERCISES .............................................................................................. 98
LESSON 2 LAB EXERCISES ..................................................................................................... 99
LESSON 3: SCREW-TYPE REUSABLE COUPLING ASSEMBLY .......................................... 100
LESSON 3 REVIEW EXERCISES ............................................................................................ 107
LESSON 3 LAB EXERCISES ................................................................................................... 108
HOSE STORAGE...................................................................................................................... 109
HOSE STORAGE REVIEW EXERCISES................................................................................. 109
CHAPTER 4 REVIEW EXERCISES ......................................................................................... 110
CHAPTER 5 REUSABLE COUPLING RECOVERY.................................................................... 114
Chapter 5: Reusable Coupling Recovery Objectives ................................................................ 114
SAFETY .................................................................................................................................... 114
COLLET-TYPE REUSABLE COUPLING RECOVERY............................................................. 115
SCREW-TYPE REUSABLE COUPLING RECOVERY ............................................................. 121
SCREW-TYPE REUSABLE COUPLING RECOVERY LAB EXERCISE .................................. 126
CHAPTER 5 REVIEW EXERCISES ......................................................................................... 127
ANSWERS TO CHAPTER 1 REVIEW EXERCISES ................................................................ 129
ANSWERS TO CHAPTER 2 REVIEW EXERCISES ................................................................ 133
Answers to Coupling Identification and Sealing Methods Review Exercises (pages 42-43) . 134
Answers to Seal Identification Review Exercises (page 45).................................................. 134
Answers to Thread Identification Review Exercises (page 48) ............................................. 134
Answers to Jump Size Review Exercises (page 53) ............................................................. 135
Answers to Chapter 2 Review Exercises (pages 54-58) ....................................................... 135
ANSWERS TO CHAPTER 3 REVIEW EXERCISES ................................................................ 137
ANSWERS TO CHAPTER 4 REVIEW EXERCISES ................................................................ 141


This student workbook is part of the Caterpillar self-study course “Introduction to Caterpillar®
Hose and Couplings: Identification, Application, and Assembly.” This course is intended to give
the student the knowledge required to identify hose and couplings, make new hose assemblies and
recover reusable couplings.

The training package consists of five chapters and corresponding video segments. The
workbook contains review exercises that permit the students to monitor their own progress.

Chapter 1: Hose Identification introduces the student to the basics of hose construction,
identifies the different international hose standards, teaches the student to identify hoses using
several methods, and addresses application and safety considerations for hoses.

Chapter 2: Coupling Identification introduces the student to the different coupling types and
styles, identifies the different international coupling standards, teaches the student how to
measure and identify couplings, and addresses safety considerations for couplings.

Chapter 3: Preparation for the Hose Assembly Process reviews how to identify the hose
and couplings to be assembled and demonstrates how to correctly measure the total assembly
length, determine the proper cut-off factor of any Caterpillar coupling, determine the hose cut
length, measure the angle of orientation and clean the hose.

Chapter 4: Hose Assembly Process teaches the student how to assemble hose with collet-
type reusable couplings, crimp-type permanent couplings and screw-type reusable couplings.

Chapter 5: Reusable Coupling Recovery teaches the student how to measure hose
assemblies and how to disassemble collet-type and screw-type reusable couplings.

Each successive chapter builds on the information provided in the previous chapter. An entire
chapter should be completed before continuing on to the next chapter.


The following reference materials are needed to complete the exercises in this workbook:

PECP5030 ............................................................................Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide

PEWP4128 .................................................................................. Coupling Identification Wall Chart
PEWP3013 .................................................XT Hose Assembly and Coupling Recovery Wall Chart
8T0450.........................................................................................................Thread Identification Kit
--------------- .....................................................................................Appropriate Machine Parts Book


To complete this training program, begin with Chapter 1: Hose Identification. First read the Chapter
Objectives located at the beginning of the chapter. The objectives identify the important information in
each chapter. After reading the objectives, begin reading the workbook text following the directions
found in the text. The directions will tell you when to answer questions, watch video segments, do lab
exercises and complete the chapter review. This training package is self-paced, take your time, and as
needed, go back and review all the material until it is completely understood. Answers to all questions
are in the back of the workbook. When satisfied with the score on the exercises, continue on to the next


Chapter 1: Hose Identification Objectives

After completion of this chapter you will be able to carry out the following tasks:

1. Given a cross-section of a hose, identify the layers of a hose and explain the function of each layer.

2. Given the three international hose standards, identify the major factors each standard uses to
define the hose specification.

3. Given the Cat Hose Products and Tooling, locate the specifications of each hose in the Caterpillar

4. Given a hose with a visible layline and the proper reference material, identify the hose from the
layline information.

5. Given a hose without a visible layline determine:

a. the hose standard and construction
b. the dash size of the hose using the actual inside diameter measurement
c. the recommended Caterpillar replacement hose


When replacing a hose, the new hose must meet several conditions. Application considerations are
hose size, maximum working pressure, operating temperature range, fluid compatibility, minimum bend
radius, and environmental conditions. The new hose must meet or exceed the specifications of the
old hose for each requirement.

The replacement hose must be the same size as the old hose to operate in the hydraulic system at the
designed specifications. Smaller hoses can handle less flow and larger hoses can handle more flow. A
hose, which is too small can reduce flow capability and therefore increase temperature in the hydraulic
system. A hose that is too large can slow system response time.

Hydraulic systems are designed to operate at specific pressures. The hose must withstand a constant
pressure as well as system pressure spikes. Using a hose rated below the maximum working pressure
of the old hose can create increased potential for failures. Maximum Working Pressure equals 1/4 of
Minimum Burst Pressure.

The hose inner tube has a certain temperature range in which it must work and can only carry specific
fluids. The liners of different hoses are frequently made of different material. Using a hose outside the
specific temperature range or with incompatible fluids will reduce the service life.

The minimum bend radius of a hose refers to the tightest bend the hose should be placed in any
application. If bent any farther, the hose may collapse (or kink) or experience reduced life. Hose
construction is a major factor in minimum bend radius. Minimum bend radius can be more of a problem
with short hose lengths.

The last factor is the environmental conditions where the hose will work. The hose cover material is
designed to work in specific applications. Exposing the hose to extreme ambient temperature ranges or
to abusive external conditions (abrasion, electricity, fluids, etc.) outside the operating designs can
cause early or premature hose failures.

The Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030) lists Caterpillar hose specifications.


Improper hose use can cause hose failure. Hose failures can cause property damage and/or
personal injury. Hose failures can be minimized by ensuring the application fits into the hose
specifications (pressure rating, fluid compatibility, temperature range, etc.). Also, do not kink the hose,
crush the hose, or use the hose to tow the machine.


Hoses are constructed in layers and consist of four main layers: liner, cushion, reinforcement and
cover. The inside layer is called the inner tube (also called the liner). The inner tube carries and
contains the fluid. Since the fluid directly contacts the inner tube, the tube material must be compatible
with the fluid. The Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030) gives fluid compatibility
information for each hose in the Caterpillar line.

A hose with multiple reinforcement layers may have a cushion layer (or friction reducing layer)
between each reinforcement layer. The cushion layer reduces the amount of contact between the
different reinforcement layers and therefore reduces the possibility of wire fatigue that can result in pin
hole failures in the inner tube.

The next layer is the reinforcement layer. The reinforcement layer gives the hose its strength. The
reinforcement layer can be made of cotton, synthetic material, or wire. The cotton and synthetic
material is usually braided and the wire is either braided or spirally wrapped. Some hoses have multiple
layers of reinforcement.

The final layer is the cover. The cover protects the reinforcement from the outside elements. The cover
can be made of steel wire, rubber, or fabric. The cover on Caterpillar hoses is either rubber or fabric.
The fabric cover is braided while the rubber cover may have either a smooth or wrapped appearance.

Illustration 1: Hose Layers


1. Hoses are constructed in ___________________________________________________.

2. The innermost hose layer is called the _________________________________________.

3. Hose fluid compatibility information is given in what Caterpillar publication?


4. The reinforcement layer provides the hose with __________________________________.

5. List 3 types of material from which the reinforcement layer can be made.

6. Hoses with multiple layers of reinforcement have a _________________________ layer that

reduces friction between the layers of reinforcement.

7. The __________________________ layer protects the reinforcement from the outside


8. List the 2 types of cover material that Caterpillar hose can have.


There are three internationally recognized hose standards. The Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) sets the North American standards. German hoses follow the Deutsche Industrial Norme (DIN)
standards and the Japanese hoses follow the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS).

Specifications for these standards can be found in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide.

SAE Hose Specifications

SAE rated hoses carry an “R” or “J” specification. SAE uses hose construction as a major factor for
defining hose specification. Therefore, different diameter hoses in any particular 100R series (for
example 100R2) will have the same construction but may be rated at different working pressures.

Using the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide: Look in the table titled “100R2 vs Cat Two-Wire
Braid Hose (294)” and see how the different diameter hoses have different working pressures. See how
this applies to other SAE specification hoses in the corresponding charts in the same publication.

DIN Hose Specifications

DIN categorizes hoses with a 200 Series specification. DIN hoses, like SAE, are based mainly on
construction. The table titled “DIN 20021, 20022, and 20023 Specifications: Maximum Working
Pressure (bars/psi)” in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide shows DIN hose specifications for
textile braid, wire braid, and spiral wire hose.

JIS Hose Specifications

JIS bases hose class on maximum working pressure. Each hose in a particular JIS class is rated at
the same maximum working pressure. For example, all hoses in JIS 175 class have a maximum
working pressure of 175 kilograms per square-centimeter (kg/cm2). While maximum working pressure
for all hose in any single JIS hose class is the same, hose construction within the class may vary with
inside diameter. The table titled “JIS K6349 Specifications: Hose Construction” in the Cat Hose
Products and Tooling Reference Guide shows JIS hose specifications for class 35 to class 350 hoses.

Caterpillar Hose Specifications

Caterpillar hoses are either high pressure, low/medium pressure or special application. The
low/medium pressure hoses are numbered 294, 716, and 844. The special application hoses are
numbered 556, 1130, 1028, 2760, and 1543.

Caterpillar currently offers five high pressure hoses. Three are labeled by the letters “XT” followed by a
number, XT-3 ES, XT-5, XT-6, XT-6 ES, and the fifth high pressure hose is lettered DIN (1956).

All Caterpillar hoses except the Cat® 1956 hose are designed to SAE construction standards. All
hoses meet or exceed their respective SAE specification. Cat 1956 hoses are designed to DIN hose

Caterpillar hose specifications can be found in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide, (PECP5030).


1. SAE rated hoses can have either the letter ______ or the letter _______in their specification

2. Different diameter hoses in an SAE series will have the same construction but may be rated at
different working __________________________.

3. DIN hoses are categorized with a______________________ Series specification.

4. DIN hoses are based mainly on _________________________.

5. JIS hoses are rated mainly by _________________________.

6. The construction of JIS 140 Class hose varies with the ___________________________.

7. List the abbreviations for the three internationally recognized hose standards.

8. List the five Caterpillar high pressure hose designations.


9. Caterpillar hoses except Cat 1956 hose are designed to _____________________construction


10. Cat 1956 hoses are designed to _____________ specifications.


Full Inside Diameter

Dash size indicates the inside diameter (I.D.) of the hose inner tube in 16ths of an inch on all but air
conditioning and engine and air brake hoses. For example, SAE 100R2 one half inch hose is dash 8
due to the number of 16ths in one half inch. Using the actual inside diameter measurement to
determine dash size is the full inside diameter method.

Illustration 2: Measurement of Dash 8 Hose – Full Inside Diameter

While the SAE specifications give the hose size as the dash size, JIS specifies hose size by the
nominal size, and DIN identifies the hose size in DN units. Both the JIS and the DIN hose sizes
relate to the hose inside diameter. The following table converts actual hose inside diameter to dash
size, nominal size, and DN units. For example, a DN 10 DIN hose converts to a JIS size 9 and to a
dash 6 SAE hose.

Hose Size Nomenclature: Full Inside Diameter

SAE (Dash DIN JIS (Nominal Actual Inside Diameter

Size) (DIN Size) Size) Inches Millimeters
-3 5 - 0.188 4.8
-4 6 6 0.250 6.4
-5 8 - 0.313 7.9
-6 10 9 0.375 9.5
-8 12 - 13 12 0.500 12.7

Tube Equivalent Inside Diameter
On air conditioning and engine and air brake hoses, dash size indicates the tube equivalent I.D. of
the inner tube. In the example below, dash size indicates the actual outside diameter of the rigid tube in
16ths of an inch. The I.D. of the hose inner tube on the replacement hose is the same as the I.D. of the
rigid tube that the hose replaces.

lllustration 3: Measurement of Dash 8 Hose – Tube Equivalent I.D.

The Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030) contains the table titled “100R5 vs Cat One-
Wire Braid Hose – Fabric Covered (556)” that converts the outside diameter to the dash size for hoses
that use the tube equivalent I. D. method for dash size determination.


1. The dash size of a hose indicates the ________________ diameter of the hose inner tube in 16ths
of an inch.

2. Which types of hose use the tube equivalent measurement of the inner tube to indicate dash size?

3. Use the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide to convert the following SAE 100R2 hose
sizes to dash sizes.

Hose I.D. = 1/4 inch Dash size =_____________

Hose I.D. = 0.50 inch Dash size =_____________

Hose I.D. = 1 inch Dash size =_____________

Hose I.D. = 1-1/2 inch Dash size =_____________

4. Use the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide to convert the following JIS and DIN hose sizes to
SAE dash size.

JIS hose size = 9 Dash size =_____________

JIS hose size = 32 Dash size =_____________

DIN hose size = 20 Dash size =_____________

DIN hose size = 6 Dash size =_____________

5. Use the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide to convert the following SAE 100R5 hose
sizes to dash sizes.

Hose actual I.D. = 0.50 inches Dash size =____________

Hose actual I.D. = 1.125 inches Dash size =____________

Hose actual I.D. = 5/8 inches Dash size =____________


Identification From Layline

Hoses have information about the specifications printed along their length. This printed information is
the hose layline. A Caterpillar layline gives the hose type, dash size, part number, inside diameter,
working pressure, date code, and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) code where

Illustration 4: Caterpillar Hose Layline

Important information on competitive SAE hoses includes the 100R specification, working
pressure, and inside diameter. DIN laylines give the construction code and metric size. JIS lay
lines give the hose class and metric size. The layline provides a good way to identify the hose.

When the hose specification is known from the information on the layline, cross reference
tables in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide can identify the Caterpillar replacement

Identification From Reference Material

Another way to identify a hose from a Caterpillar machine is to look in the appropriate machine parts
book or area of the computer based Service Information System (SIS) to determine the assembly
part number. The assembly part number will determine the hose, couplings, and any armor the
assembly requires. Individual part numbers for the assembly piece parts are listed in the computer
based Hydraulic Information System (HIS).

Identification From Questioning and Hose Cross Section

Another important source of information is the customer. Asking the customer questions can reveal
information about the hose standards, hose application, and, most importantly, system pressure

Often, paint or dirt on the hose covers the lay line and the customer does not have enough information
to find the assembly part number in the machine parts book. In some cases, the hose can be identified
by the cross section following these steps:

1. Ask the customer specific questions about system pressure requirements and application

2. Determine the hose size, number of reinforcement layers, and reinforcement type.

3. Find the industry specification and the Caterpillar replacement hose in the tables.

4. Compare the customer estimation of system pressure with the answer in step 3.

Replacement Hose Identification Example 1
Given the following hose with a visible layline use the tables in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling
Guide to find the Caterpillar replacement hose.

Illustration 5: Example Layline

Solution: First, determine which standard the hose fits. Look on the layline to determine whether the
hose fits SAE, DIN, or JIS specifications. For this hose, the 100R1 number on the layline indicates that
the hose fits SAE standards.

After determining the correct standard, look on the layline or measure the inside diameter of the hose to
determine the hose size. On the example hose, the layline indicates that the inside diameter of the
hose is 1/2 inch.

Now, convert the hose size to a dash size. In most cases, the dash size will be the inside diameter of
the hose in 16ths of an inch.

The next step is to find the correct chart in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030), to
determine the Caterpillar replacement. The table entitled “Recommended Caterpillar Hose
Replacements for SAE Specification Hoses” will indicate the proper replacement hose.

To find the proper Caterpillar replacement hose, look at the 100R1 row under the “SAE Specification”
column in the table. After locating the 100R1 row, follow that row over to the -8 column under the title
“Caterpillar Hose Replacements for the Indicated Dash Size.” Read the Caterpillar hose number where
the lines meet.

The replacement hose is Caterpillar 716.

Replacement Hose Identification Example 2
A customer wants a hose replaced, but the hose layline is illegible. The customer reveals through
questioning that the hose came from a machine that was assembled in Japan and the relief valves limit
maximum pressure in the system to 2500 psi. Examining the cross section indicates that the hose
inside diameter is 1 inch and there are two layers of braided wire reinforcement. Find the Caterpillar
replacement for this hose.

Solution: The given information indicates that the hose is likely to fit JIS Standards and the maximum
working pressure of the hose should be at least 2500 psi.

Using the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030): Look in the table titled “JIS K6349
Specifications: Hose Construction” to compare the construction of the JIS hose rated at 2500 psi to the
hose construction of the customer's hose. The maximum working pressure column indicates that a
hose rated at 2500 psi is JIS class 175 hose.

Following the Class 175 row over to the dash 16 column indicates that JIS Class 175 hose will have
either 2 or 3 layers of wire braid reinforcement. Since the customer's hose had 2 layers of braided wire
reinforcement, the JIS Class 175 hose is a good match.

The next step is to look at the table titled “Recommended Caterpillar Hose Replacements for JIS
Specification Hoses” to determine the Caterpillar replacement hose. If the replacement hose
pressure rating is equal to or greater than the system pressure and the hose meets all other
application requirements, the replacement hose is correct.

The replacement hose is Caterpillar 294.


1. The hose part number, I.D., working pressure, date code, and MSHA are all given on the
______________________of a Caterpillar hose.

2. List three items of information about the hose that the customer can provide when asked the
correct questions.




3. A replacement hose must be rated at_______________________ or _____________________

pressure than the original hose.

4. If the hose assembly part number is known. Where can you find the individual
piece part numbers for the hose assembly?




Answer the following questions. After completing all the questions, check your answers with the answer
key in the back of this book. Review the material as needed until you are satisfied with your score, then
move on to Chapter 2: Coupling Identification.

1. Look in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030) in the 716 hose section and find the
types of fluid Cat 716 hose can carry. This information is in the fluid compatibility chart. List two
different fluids that the hose can carry.

2. Do the same for 556 hose.


3. Do the same for XT-3ES hose.


4. Match the proper word with the picture.

a. Hose inner tube
b. Braided reinforcement layer
c. Cover

5. What is the function of the reinforcement layer? ____________________________

The inner tube? ______________________________________________________

The cover? __________________________________________________________

The cushion layer? ____________________________________________________

6. Identify the manufacturer and brand, part number, hose ID, and maximum working pressure on this
lay line.

Do the same for this lay line.

7. Using the tables in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide find a Caterpillar hose to replace a
competitive hose with the lay line shown below.

Caterpillar Replacement Hose ____________________

8. Using the information in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide find a Caterpillar hose to replace
a JIS standard hose from a Caterpillar Hydraulic Excavator with the lay line shown below.

Caterpillar Replacement Hose _____________________

9. Answer the following questions about an SAE, 2-wire braid, 1/2 inch hose.

Which SAE 100R series does this hose fit? ________________________________________

What is the hose maximum working pressure of the hose? ____________________________

Why is the maximum working pressure important?__________________________________



Which Caterpillar hose replaces this hose? ________________________________________

10. Can a Caterpillar XT-3ES, 3/4 inch hose replace a 100R2, 3/4 inch hose? ________________

Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________



Which hose might be a better replacement and why? ________________________________



11. Using a Caterpillar reference source for hose assembly, find the hose style and cut length for
a hose assembly that connects the manifold on a 980C Wheel Loader (serial number 63X6575)
to the tilt cylinder. The assembly part number (from the machine parts book) is 2V-4361.

Style _________________________ Cut Length ________________________________

12. Use a Caterpillar reference source for hose assembly to find the hose style and cut length
required to build a 3E9364 hose assembly.

Style__________________________ Cut Length _______________________________

13. Which North American standards organization develops hose specifications?

14. Hose dash size indicates the hose inside diameter in ________________________ ths of an inch.

15. Air conditioning, engine and air brake hoses use the tube equivalent I.D. to indicate the

___________________________ size.

16. List two international organizations that regulate hose standards.

__________________________________ and _________________________________

17. Name the layers of a hydraulic hose.

____________________________ (the inner most layer)

____________________________ (the strength providing layer)

____________________________ (the outer most layer)

____________________________ (the layer separating reinforcement layers)

18. The ____________________________ is printed longitudinally on a hose.

19. Caterpillar hoses except Cat 1956 hose are designed to _______________________ construction

20. What could happen if you use the wrong hose for the application?


Inspect all of the hose cross sections in the Caterpillar hose line. After studying each hose, list the
number of reinforcement layers present and what type of reinforcement is used.

Describe the appearance of the cover as either smooth rubber, wrapped rubber, or braided fabric.

Now, without looking at the lay line, randomly choose a hose and identify it from the cross section.
Practice this exercise several times.


Chapter 2: Coupling Identification Objectives

After completion of this chapter you will be able to carry out the following tasks:

1. Given different types of hydraulic couplings, identify the couplings as either permanent or reusable,
identify reusable couplings as screw-type or collet-type, identify the couplings as either low/medium
pressure or high pressure, identify the couplings as either XT-3 ES, XT-5, XT-6, or XT-6 ES hose
coupling, and distinguish between the different international standards by identifying the coupling
sealing method.

2. Given a hose assembly or coupling of unknown type, the Thread Identification Kit, and the proper
reference material, follow a logical sequence to identify the couplings.

3. Given several different sizes of couplings that will fit a particular hose, identify which couplings are
the standard size coupling for the hose and which couplings are jump size couplings.

4. Understand the proper use of seals, hardware and adapters.


Incompatibility is one of the most common causes of hose assembly failure. The correct coupling
must be used for the hose specified. For example, XT-3 ES hose couplings work only on XT-3 ES
hose. Different hose and coupling manufacturers design their hoses and couplings to be used together.
International hose and coupling dimensional specifications contain wide tolerances. These wide
tolerances allow one manufacturer's hose or coupling to have different dimensions than another
manufacturer's dimensions for the same nominal size hose or coupling. Compatibility between hose
and couplings from different manufacturers is not guaranteed.

Always use the correct coupling for the application and never mix hoses and coupling from
different manufacturers.


As discussed in Chapter 1, the hose assembly part number will determine the part numbers for the
hose, couplings, and any armor that the assembly requires.

Chapter 1 also introduced the customer as a source of information. The most important questions the
customer can answer regarding couplings are related to where the machine was made. Identifying the
machine's country of origin indicates the coupling standard. This method is not infallible. Always
measure the threads and identify the seal to confirm the identification of the coupling.

The steps to identify couplings are:

1. Determine if the coupling is permanent or reusable.

2. Determine the coupling sealing method, thread type, and standard.

A. Using the illustrations in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030),
and/or the Coupling ID Wall Chart (PEWP4128), determine the number of possibilities
the coupling could be.
B. Using the Thread Identification Kit (8T0450) check and measure the features and
dimensions shown in the coupling identification section of the Cat Hose Products and
Tooling Guide.

3. Measure the dimensions of the coupling.

4. Using the measurements, find the coupling part number in the Cat Hose Products and
Tooling Guide that closely matches the measurements of the old coupling.

5. Find the part numbers for seals, split flanges, and any adapters necessary to complete the


1. The _______________ ______________ ____________ ______________ will determine the

part numbers for the hose, couplings and any armor guard the assembly requires.

2. The ____________________ can be a source of information about coupling standards.


There are two different types of hydraulic couplings. A coupling is either permanent or reusable. When
replacing a hose assembly, permanent couplings must be scrapped and replaced. Reusable couplings,
however, can be removed from the old hose and installed on the new hose. While the initial investment
for reusable couplings is more than for permanent couplings, reusable couplings pay for themselves if
the hose fails and is replaced.

Caterpillar permanent couplings are crimp-type. Reusable couplings in the Caterpillar line are either
screw-type or collet-type. Caterpillar 716, 294, 844, 1028, 2760, 1956, and 1543 hose use crimp-type
permanent couplings. While Cat 556 and 1130 hose use screw-type reusable couplings. XT hose uses
crimp-type permanent and collet-type reusable couplings. Low/medium pressure permanent
couplings and XT permanent couplings look similar but are not interchangeable. It is very
important to recognize the difference between low/medium pressure couplings and XT hose couplings.

Caterpillar 716, 294, 844, and 1956 couplings have the Cat trademark and part number on the
coupling. XT hose couplings have a special symbol stamped on them along with the part number. The
symbol identifies the coupling as either XT-3ES, XT-5, XT-6, or XT-6ES. XT hose lay lines also contain
the symbol. XT-3ES hose and couplings have a triangle (∆), XT-5 hose and couplings have a plus (+),
XT-6 hose and couplings have the letters UHP and XT-6ES hose and couplings have the infinity
symbol (∞). For example, differ XT-6 hose couplings have different part numbers, but all XT-6ES hose
couplings have UHP stamped on them.

Illustration 1. Coupling Identification Markings


1. Name two different types of hydraulic hose couplings.



2. When replacing a hose assembly with permanent couplings, the couplings must

be ________________________. .

3. When replacing a hose assembly with reusable couplings, the couplings may be

_______________________ from the old hose and installed on the new hose.

4. Caterpillar permanent couplings are ___________________ - _______________

5. Name two types of reusable couplings.

____________________________ - ____________________________

____________________________ - ____________________________

6. Screw-type couplings can be used on XT hose.


7. A low/medium pressure coupling can be used on an XT hose.


8. Draw the figure that appears on XT hose and couplings for identification purposes.

XT-3 ES _________________________

XT-5 _________________________

XT-6 _________________________

XT-6ES __________________________


Just as hoses have different standards, couplings also have different standards. The five main sets of
coupling standards are: North American, British, German, French, and Japanese. Resources for
coupling identification are the Coupling Identification wall chart (PEWP4128) and the Caterpillar
Coupling Identification Guide (PECP2007).

North American Standard Couplings

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Code 61 or Code 62 O-ring flange head couplings
attach with four bolt split flanges. Tightening the bolts causes the O-ring in the face of the head to seal
on the flat surface of the port.

Caterpillar Flange couplings have the same outer diameter but thicker flange heads than SAE Code 62
couplings. Since the Caterpillar Flange couplings flange heads are thicker than SAE Code 62 flange
heads, the Code 62 hardware will not fit the Caterpillar coupling.

National pipe thread couplings will be either National Pipe Tapered for Fuels (NPTF) or National
Pipe Straight for Mechanical Joints (NPSM). The NPTF male end has tapered threads and an
inverted 30° cone seat. The threads on the female NPTF port are tapered but there is no seat. The
male and female end of the NPTF couplings seal through thread compression.

Illustration 3: NPTF Male and Female

The SAE Straight Thread O-ring Boss male coupling and the corresponding female port have straight
threads. The male end has an O-ring next to the hex that seals on the angled face in the female port.

Illustration 4: NPTF Male and NPSM Female

The SAE Straight Thread O-ring Boss male coupling and the corresponding female port have straight
threads. The male end has an O-ring next to the hex that seals on the angled face in the female port.

Illustration 5: SAE Straight Thread O-ring Boss – Male and Port

The Joint Industrial Conference (JIC) 37° flare and the SAE 45° flare both form metal-to-metal seals
between the external flare on the male end and the internal flare in the female. The threads hold the
joint together. Both styles of couplings have straight threads. Some sizes of the JIC 37° flare and the
SAE 45° flare have the same threads, but mixing these couplings will not form a seal. The seat angle
differentiates these two couplings.

Illustration 6: JIC 37º Flare SAE 45º Flare – Male and Female

The male and female ends of the O-ring Face Seal (ORFS) coupling have straight threads.
The male end of the coupling has an O-ring groove in its face and the female has a flat face.
The O-ring in the male face forms the seal on the flat face of the female coupling.

Illustration 7: SAE O-ring Face Seal – Male and Female

The SAE inverted flare connector has straight threads. The male end of this connector has
either a 42° or 45° inverted flare while the female end has a 42° seat. The flare in the male end
forms a metal-to-metal seal with the seat in the female end.

Illustration 8: SAE Inverted Flare – Male and Female

British Standard Couplings
The British standard couplings will be either British Standard Pipe Parallel (BSPP) or British
Standard Pipe Tapered (BSPT). The BSPP male and female couplings have straight threads and 30°
cone seats. The BSPP couplings form a metal-to-metal seal on the seat.

Illustration 10: BSPP Male and BSPP Female

The BSPT male coupling and female port have tapered threads. The male end has a 30° seat but the
female port does not have a seat. The BSPT male coupling seals with the BSPT female port through
thread compression.

Illustration 11: BSPT Male and BSPT Port

The BSPT male will also seal with the BSPP female coupling. When the BSPT male is attached to the
BSPP female end the 30° seats form a metal-to-metal seal. The BSPP male end will not form a seal
with the BSPT port.

Illustration 12: BSPT Male and BSPP Female

German Standard Couplings

Deutsche Industrial Norme (DIN) Form-R or Form-S O-ring flange head couplings attach with four
bolt split flanges. Tightening the bolts causes the O-ring in the face of the flange to seal on the flat
surface of the port. The bolts may have either inch or metric threads. DIN Form-R flange head
couplings are the same as SAE code 61 couplings. DIN Form-S couplings are same as SAE code 62
couplings and can be replaced with Caterpillar flange couplings if the hardware is also replaced.

Illustration 13: DIN Form R and Form S

The DIN 24° male and its three corresponding females have straight metric threads. The male end has
a 24° included angle that forms a metal-to-metal seal with the DIN Universal Female Spherical
(24°/60°) Cone and the DIN Female Metric Tube. The 24° included angle in the male end forms a seal
with the female DIN 24° Female Taper with O-ring on the O-ring.

Illustration 14: DIN 24º Male and Corresponding Females

Light and heavy versions of DIN 24° couplings are available. In the heavy series, the tube outside
diameter on the females and the throat inside diameter of the male is smaller than the light series.

Illustration 15: DIN 24° Light and Heavy Series

The DIN 60° cone male end attaches only to the DIN Universal Female Spherical (24°/60°)
Seat. These couplings have straight metric threads. The seat of the male end forms a metal-to-
metal seal with the Universal Female Spherical (24°/60°) Seat.

Illustration 16: DIN 60o Cone and Universal Female Spherical Seat

French Standard Couplings
The Gaz 24° cone (gas series) and the Millimetric male ends each have two corresponding female
ends. The male ends of these couplings have a 24° seat that forms a metal-to-metal seal with the 24°
seat in the female ends. Both the Gaz and the Millimetric couplings have metric threads. The tube O.D.
is slightly different the Millimetric coupling than in the Gaz 24° coupling.

Illustration 17: French Gaz and Millimetric

Japanese Industrial Standard Couplings

The JIS Type I and JIS Type II O-ring flange head couplings and the proprietary flange design
used by a major Japanese equipment manufacturer attach with four bolt split flanges. As with the SAE
and the DIN flanges, tightening the bolts causes the O-ring in the face of the flange to seal on the flat
surface of the port. The bolts may either have inch or metric threads. JIS Type I flange head couplings
are the same as the SAE code 61. The JIS Type II couplings are the same as SAE code 62 couplings
and can be replaced with Caterpillar flange couplings if the hardware is also replaced.

Illustration 18: JIS Type I and Type II

The Japanese tapered pipe thread couplings are the same as the BSPT couplings. These couplings
are interchangeable with the BSPT couplings. Some JIS couplings may have metric threads.

Illustration 19: Japanese Tapered Pipe

The JIS 30° flare male end has a 30° external flare and the female has a 30° seat. The JIS
30° flare couplings have British Standard Pipe Parallel (BSPP) threads. The 30° flare on the
male end forms a metal-to-metal seal on the 30° seat in the female end.

Illustration 20: JIS 30º Flare

A JIS connection with parallel threads and a 30° cone seat is also available. This coupling is
identical to and interchangeable with the BSPP connection (see Page 37, Illustration 10).


1. List the five main sets of coupling standards.






2. Flange head couplings form a seal by compressing the _____________ - ____________ in the
face of the head to a flat surface around the port.

3. The Caterpillar flange head couplings can replace SAE Code 62 flange head couplings as long
as the___________________________ is replaced.

4. The NPTF male and female couplings form a seal through _________________ compression.

5. The NPTF male and the NPSM female form a seal through the ___________________ seat.

6. The JIC 37° and SAE 45° couplings are not interchangeable.


7. The BSPP female coupling will form a seal with the BSPT male coupling.


8. IN Form-R flange head couplings are the same as what North American flange head coupling?


9. Circle the correct response. The throat inside diameter of the DIN 24° light series male
coupling is smaller or larger than on the heavy series.

10. The inside diameter of the male French Millimetric is ______________________ than the

inside diameter of the Gaz 24° male coupling.

11. JIS Type II flange head coupling can be replaced with a Caterpillar flange head coupling as long as

the __________________ is replaced.

Thread Identification Kit
Different couplings have different sealing methods. Some couplings form a metal-to-metal seal through
thread compression, some couplings have O-ring seals, and some couplings form metal-to-metal seals
through machined flare or cone seats. Identifying the seal type will aid in determining the coupling

Gauges in the Thread Identification Kit (8T-0450) help determine the angle of flares and cones in the
coupling. To obtain an accurate reading, the gauge must be firmly positioned against the sealing
surface and parallel to the centerline of the coupling. Refer to the Caterpillar Coupling Identification
Wall Chart (PEWP4128) as an aid to determine thread identification.

Illustration 21: Proper Use of Seat Angle Gauge


1. List three different coupling sealing methods.





Couplings can be manufactured to any of four different thread standards. Couplings will have either
National Pipe, Unified National Form (UNF), Metric, or British Standard Pipe (BSP) threads. These
standards specify threads by diameter and pitch. North American (National Pipe and UNF) and British
(BSP) standards give thread diameter in inches, while metric standards give thread diameter in

National Pipe, UNF, and BSP specify thread pitch as threads per inch (tpi) while metric threads specify
thread pitch as the distance between crests (in millimeters).

Illustration 22: Thread Pitch

A typical specification for North American threads is 3/4-16. The 3/4 gives the approximate male thread
outside diameter (note. except for pipe threads) and the number 16 specifies that there are 16 threads
per inch.

A typical thread specification for a metric thread is M12x1.5. The 12 indicates that the thread diameter
is 12 millimeters and the 1.5 indicates that the distance between crests is 1.5 millimeters.

The distinguishing characteristic between North American threads and British threads is the flank
angle. The flank angle is the angle that the thread crests form relative to each other. North American
threads have a 60° flank angle, while British threads have a 55° flank angle.

Illustration 23. Flank Angle

The Thread Identification Kit (8T-0450) contains thread pitch gauges for North American, British, and
metric threads. The gauges identify thread pitch. When no gaps are visible between the gauge teeth
and the threads, the fit is correct.

Illustration 24: Proper Use of Thread Gauge

The Thread Identification Kit also contains calipers to measure thread diameter. On a coupling with
tapered threads, measure the thread diameter at the point where the diameter is greatest.

Illustration 25. Thread Diameter Measurements

The measurements obtained from the Thread Identification Kit when used in combination with the
Coupling Identification Tables in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide will identify an unknown
coupling. The tables specify the dash size, inch size, thread size, and thread diameter of the coupling.


1. North American and British standards specify thread diameter in ___________________.

2. Thread pitch on North American and British couplings is specified by the number of

threads per ___________________. .

3. Thread pitch on a metric coupling is specified by the distance from _____________________to

____________________ of the threads in millimeters.

4. Since North American threads have a _______________________ flank angle and British threads

have a_____________________________ flank angle, couplings from these two standards will not
fit together.

5. Measure tapered thread diameter at the point where the thread diameter is ___________________.


Illustration 26: Coupling Measurements

The following measurements determine the Caterpillar coupling part number:

A. Head diameter and thickness or thread diameter and pitch

B. Stem assembly length
C. Cut-off factor (discussed in Chapter 3)
D. Drop length
E. Degree of angle
F. Hose inside diameter

The equipment in the Thread Identification Kit, a ruler, and a protractor are the necessary measuring

Coupling Identification Example
A customer wants a failed hose assembly replaced, but neither the failed hose nor the couplings have
visible identification marks. The Chapter 1 method for identifying hose indicates that the Caterpillar
hose replacement for the failed hose is Caterpillar 294. The inside diameter of the hose is 1 inch. Both
couplings are female. Measuring the couplings with the Thread Identification Kit reveals that the
couplings are identical and their dimensions are as follows:

Thread size = 12 threads per inch

Thread inside diameter = 1.23 inches
Stem assembly length = 4.10 inches
Drop length = 0.89 inches
Degree of angle = 45°
Sealing method = 37° seat

Find the Caterpillar replacement couplings for this hose assembly.

Solution: The solution to this problem starts with narrowing the choices of possible replacement
couplings using the knowledge gained in this module about couplings. Look for couplings in the
preceding illustrations (pages 33 through 42) that have the same sealing method as the old coupling.
The coupling illustrations indicate a coupling with a 37° flare sealing method will be a JIC coupling. This
step indicates which thread identification chart to check.

The next step is to determine the coupling size by matching the actual thread measurements with the
specifications on the JIC 37° Flare Thread Identification Table.

The thread identification tables are located in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide. The thread
identification table for JIC couplings indicates that the size of a female JIC coupling with 12 threads per
inch and a thread inside diameter of 1.23 inches is one inch dash 16.

The final step in identifying the Caterpillar replacement coupling is to look in the Cat Hose Products and
Tooling Guide in the 294 hose coupling section. All JIC 37° Flare couplings that fit Caterpillar 294 hose
are grouped together in this section.

Two JIC 37° Female Swivel-45° Elbow couplings will fit Caterpillar 294 hose. To determine which
coupling is the correct replacement, compare the coupling specifications in the 45° short elbow chart
and the 45° long elbow chart with the actual coupling measurements.

This comparison indicates the replacement coupling is the “Short” version and the part number for the
replacement couplings is 124-1987.


Designers describe each coupling thread or flange head by a dash size. When the dash size of the
thread or head is the same as the dash size of the hose, that coupling is the standard size for the
hose. If the dash sizes are not equal, the coupling is a jump size. Jump sizes can be either up or down.

Illustration 27: Jump Size

For example, only one JIC 37° male coupling (124-1948) will fit a 3/4 inch -12 Caterpillar 294 hose. The
coupling specification chart in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide indicates the thread size is -
12. The hose and thread dash size are equal. This thread is the standard size for that particular hose

Illustration 28: Standard Coupling

When the coupling specification chart lists more than one thread or head dash size for a particular hose
dash size, one of the couplings is a jump size. For example, two different SAE Code 61 straight flange
head couplings (1P-1238 and 7S-9370) will fit -24 XT-3 ES hose. One of the couplings has a -24 head
size and the other has a -32 head size. The -24 coupling is the standard size and the -32 coupling is
the jump size.

Illustration 29: Standard and Jump Size


1. If the coupling head or thread dash size is not the same as the hose dash size, the coupling is
called a _______________ ________________.

2. Label the coupling as standard or jump. Specify the jump size as either up or down.

Hose Size Thread Size Standard or Jump

-8 -6 ______________

-6 -12 ______________

-12 -12 ______________

-10 -12 ______________



When replacing a reusable coupling, always replace the seals. The Cat Hose Products and
Tooling Guide gives O-ring, D-ring, copper, and Dowty seal specifications. The book also
contains seal kit information.


When converting from an SAE Code 62 flange head coupling to Caterpillar flange hose
coupling with a flange head, the split flanges and associated hardware must be replaced.
The Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide gives the part numbers and specifications for split


Caterpillar offers a wide range of adapters. Caterpillar carries North American to North
American adapters as well as metric to North American and British to North American
adapters. The Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide gives the specifications.


1. What are the different types of reusable couplings?



2. What Caterpillar hoses use screw-type reusable couplings? _____________________________

3. What Caterpillar hoses use collet-type reusable couplings? _____________________________

4. Match the following couplings to the proper hose.

a. XT-3 ES __________________
b. XT-5 __________________
c. XT-6 __________________
d. 716 __________________

5. Match the following couplings to the proper picture and identify the coupling as either male or

a. SAE Inverted Flare ____________________

b. Straight Thread O-ring Boss ____________________

c. National Pipe Tapered Fuel (NPTF) ____________________

d. British Standard Pipe Tapered (BSPT) ____________________

e. JIC 37° Flare ____________________

f. DIN Metric Tube ____________________

6. The following questions refer to a 11/16-16 thread specification.

a. What is the approximate thread diameter? _________________

b. What is the thread pitch? ______________________________

7. The following questions refer to a M30x1.5 thread specification.

a. What is the approximate thread or pipe diameter? ___________________

b. What is the thread pitch (crest to crest distance)? ___________________

8. List three different coupling sealing methods.




9. Match the following coupling measurements to the proper letters.

______ Drop length _______ Head diameter and thickness

______ Hose inside diameter _______ Degree of angle

______ Stem assembly length _______ Cut-off factor

10. A coupling is a jump size when the coupling ______________ or ______________dash
size does not match the hose dash size.

11. Given the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide, and the following measurements, identify a
female swivel coupling that fits a 3/4 inch -12 Caterpillar 716 hose:

Thread size = M30 x 2.0

Thread inside diameter = 1.10 inches
Tube outside diameter = 0.87 inches
Stem assembly length = 3.78 inches
Drop length = 1.06 inches
Degree of angle = 45°
Sealing method = 24°/60° spherical seat

Coupling Part Number __________________

12. List two general coupling types.



13. Which marking identifies a XT-3 ES hose coupling? ___________________

14. Which marking identifies a XT-5 hose coupling? ____________________

15. Which marking identifies a XT-6 hose coupling? _____________________

16. Can a low/medium pressure coupling be used on an XT hose? ______________

17. Can permanent couplings be reused? __________________________________

18. What might need to be added to a Caterpillar coupling to convert from a hose

assembly with international couplings? __________________________________

19. Can a coupling that is not a Caterpillar specified coupling be used on a Caterpillar hose?



Chapter 3: Preparation For The Hose Assembly Process Objectives

After completion of this chapter you will be able to carry out the following tasks:

1. Understand proper hose and coupling safety procedures.

2. Correctly measure the total assembly length of any hose assembly.

3. Determine the proper cut-off factor of any Caterpillar coupling.

4. Determine the hose cut length for proper assembly.

5. Measure the angle of orientation of a hose assembly.

7. Understand hose cleaning procedures and their importance.


Before building a hose assembly, read and understand the safety information for each tool
being used, the safety information in the Hose Special Instructions, and the safety information
on the following pages.

The safety information in this chapter of the workbook provides instructions for selecting and
assembling hose and couplings and related accessories. The safety information provided in
this chapter is a supplement to, not a replacement for, the specific special instructions and tool
operating manuals.

Provide a copy of the special instructions, tool operating manuals, and this workbook to each
person who is responsible for the assembly and disassembly of hose and coupling products.
Do not proceed with any assembly or disassembly process without first reading the safety
instructions found in the aforementioned literature.

The safety material in this workbook provides instructions for selecting and using (including
assembling, installing, and maintaining) hose (including all rubber and/or plastic products
commonly called “hose” or “tubing”), couplings (including all products commonly called
“fittings” or “couplings” for attachment to hose), and related accessories (including Crimp
Presses, the XT Hose Service Press, and tooling).

Hose and hose assemblies can fail without warning for many reasons. Proper attention
must be paid to the instructions and procedures while building a hose assembly to ensure that
possible failure of the hose or hose assembly will not endanger persons or property.

This safety material does not analyze all technical parameters that must be considered in
selecting a product. Users, are solely responsible for:

•Making the final selection of the hose and fitting.

•Assuring the user's requirements are met and that the use presents no health or safety hazards.

Call the appropriate Caterpillar technical service department if you have any questions or require any
additional information.

Electrical Conductivity
Certain applications require a hose be non-conductive to prevent electrical current flow. Other
applications require the hose to be sufficiently conductive to drain off static electricity. Extreme care
must be exercised when selecting hose and fittings for these or any other applications in which
electrical conductivity or non-conductivity is a factor.

For applications requiring hose to be electrically non-conductive, including but not limited to
applications near high voltage electric lines, only special non-conductive hose can be used. The
manufacturer of the equipment in which the non-conductive hose is to be used must be consulted to be
certain the selected hose and fittings are proper for the application. Do not use any Caterpillar hose
or fitting for any such application requiring non-conductive hose, including but not limited to,
applications near high voltage electric lines, unless the application is expressly approved in the
Caterpillar technical publication for the product and the manufacturer of the equipment on which the
hose is to be used specifically approves the particular Caterpillar hose and fitting for such use.

Caterpillar does not supply any hose or fittings for conveying paint in airless paint spraying or similar
applications, and Caterpillar hose and fittings must not be so used. A special hose and fitting assembly
is required for this application to avoid static electricity buildup. If the proper hose and fitting assembly
is not used for this application, static electricity can build up and cause a spark that may result in an
explosion and/or fire.

The electrical conductivity or non-conductivity of hose and fittings is dependent upon many factors and
may be susceptible to change. These factors include but are not limited to the various materials used to
make the hose and fittings, manufacturing methods (including moisture control), how the fittings contact
the hose, age and amount of deterioration or damage or other changes, moisture content of the hose at
any particular time, and other factors.

Hose Selection
Hose selection must be made so the published maximum recommended working pressure of
the hose is equal to or greater than the maximum system pressure. Surge pressures in the system
higher than the published maximum recommended working pressure will cause failure or shorten hose
life. Do not confuse burst pressure or other pressure values with working pressure and do not use burst
pressure or other pressure values for this purpose.

Hoses used for suction applications must be selected to insure the hose will withstand the vacuum and
pressure of the system. Improperly selected hose may collapse in suction application.

Be certain that fluid and ambient temperatures, both steady and transient, do not exceed the limitations
of the hose. Temperature limitations vary with the type of hose being used. Care must be taken when
routing hoses near hot objects such as exhaust manifolds to be sure the temperature
limitations of the hose being used are not exceeded. Exceeding the temperature limitations of
the hose could cause the hose to melt, leak, or burst causing personal injury or property

Hose selection must assure compatibility of the hose tube, cover, reinforcement, and fittings
with the fluid media used. See the fluid compatibility chart in the Cat Hose Products and
Tooling Guide for the product being considered or used.

Permeation (seepage through the hose) will occur from inside the hose to outside when hose
is used with gases, liquid and gas fuels, and refrigerants (including but not limited to such
materials as helium, fuel oil, natural gas, or Freon). This permeation may result in high
concentrations of vapors that are potentially flammable, explosive, or toxic, and in loss of fluid.
Dangerous explosions, fires, and other hazards can result when using the wrong hoses
for such applications. The system designer must take into account all legal, government,
insurance, or any other special regulations that govern the use of fuels and refrigerants. Never
use a hose even though the fluid compatibility is acceptable without considering the potential
hazardous effects that can result from permeation through the hose assembly.

Permeation of moisture from outside the hose to inside the hose will also occur in hose
assemblies, regardless of internal pressure. If this moisture permeation would have detrimental
effects (particularly but not limited to refrigeration and air conditioning systems), incorporation
of sufficient drying capacity in the system or other appropriate system safeguards should be
selected and used.

Pressure Loss
Transmission of power by means of pressurized fluid varies with pressure and rate of
flow. The size of the components must be adequate to keep pressure losses to a minimum
and avoid damage due to heat generation or excessive fluid velocity.

Attention must be given to optimum routing to minimize inherent problems (kinking or flow
restriction due to hose collapse).

Environmental Conditions
Care must be taken to insure the hose and fittings are either compatible with or protected from
the environment (surrounding conditions) to which they are exposed. Environmental conditions
including but not limited to ultraviolet radiation, sunlight, heat, ozone, moisture, water, salt
water, chemicals, and air pollutants can cause degradation and premature failure.

External Forces
External forces can significantly reduce hose life or cause failure. Mechanical loads
which must be considered include excessive flexing, twist, kinking, tensile or side loads, bend
radius, and vibration. Use of swivel-type fittings or adapters may be required to ensure no twist
is put into the hose. Unusual applications may require special testing prior to hose selection.

Care must be taken to protect hose from wear, snagging and cutting, which can cause
premature hose failure.

When establishing a proper hose length, motion absorption, hose length changes due
to pressure, and hose and machine tolerances must be considered.

When selecting hose and fittings, government, industry, and Caterpillar specifications and
recommendations must be reviewed and followed as applicable.

Hose components may vary in cleanliness levels. Caterpillar recommends the use of the Cat
Hose Cleaner Group and caps and plugs to help ensure delivery of clean hoses to customers.

Some fire resistant fluids require the same hose as petroleum oil. Some use a special hose,
while a few fluids will not work with any hose at all. The wrong hose may fail after a very short
service. In addition, all liquids but pure water may burn fiercely under certain conditions, and
even pure water leakage may be hazardous.

Hose can be heated to destruction without contact by such nearby items as hot
manifolds or molten metal. The same heat source may then initiate a fire. This condition can
occur despite the presence of cool air around the hose.

Heating of plated parts, including hose fittings and adapters, above 450° F (232° C) during
welding, brazing, or soldering may emit deadly gases.

Atomic radiation affects all materials used in hose assemblies. Since the long term effects may
be unknown, do not expose hose assemblies to atomic radiation.

Correct Assembly
Prior to installation, a careful examination of the hose (new or used) must be performed. All
components must be checked for correct style, size, catalog number, and length. In addition,
the hose must be examined for cleanliness, obstructions, blisters, cover looseness, or any
other visible defects.

Do not assemble a Caterpillar fitting on a Caterpillar hose that is not specifically listed by
Caterpillar for that fitting unless authorized by Caterpillar. Do not assemble a Caterpillar fitting
on another manufacturer's hose or a Caterpillar hose on another manufacturer's fitting unless
Caterpillar approves the assembly and the user verifies the assembly and the application
through analysis and testing.

The Caterpillar published Special Instruction must be followed for assembling the fittings on
the hose. These instructions are provided in the Caterpillar literature distribution system.

Do not crimp any Caterpillar hose or fitting with anything but the correct Caterpillar crimp
machine and dies and in accordance with Caterpillar published Special Instruction. Do not
crimp another manufacturer's hose fitting with a Caterpillar crimp die unless authorized by

Do not use any Caterpillar hose coupling part (including but not limited to socket, stem, collet,
and sleeve) except with the correct Caterpillar corresponding parts, in accordance with
Caterpillar published instructions, unless authorized by the appropriate Caterpillar division.

Do not reuse any reusable hose product that has blown or pulled off a hose. Do not
reuse a Caterpillar permanent coupling or any part thereof.

Installation of a hose at less than the minimum listed bend radius may significantly reduce the
hose life. Particular attention must be given to preclude sharp bending at the hose/coupling

Hose installations must be such that relative motion of machine components does not produce

In many applications, it may be necessary to restrain, protect, or guide the hose to protect it
from damage by unnecessary flexing, pressure surges, and contact with other mechanical
components. Care must be taken to ensure such restraints do not introduce additional stress
or wear points.

Proper physical installation of the hose requires a correctly installed port connection while
ensuring that no twist or torque is transferred to the hose.

Proper installation is not complete without insuring that tensile loads, side loads, kinking,
flattening, potential abrasion, thread damage, or damage to sealing surfaces are corrected or

All air entrapment must be eliminated and the system pressurized to the maximum system
pressure and checked for proper function and freedom from leaks. Personnel must stay out
of potentially hazardous areas while testing and using.

Even with proper selection and installation, hose life may be significantly reduced
without a continuing maintenance program. Frequency should be determined by the
severity of the application and risk potential. A maintenance program must be established and
followed by the user and must include the following as a minimum:

Any of the following conditions require immediate shutdown and replacement of the hose

• Fitting slippage on hose.

• Damaged, cut, or abraded cover (any reinforcement exposed).
• Hard, stiff, heat cracked, or charred hose.
• Cracked, damaged, or badly corroded fittings.
• Leaks at fitting, or in hose.
• Kinked, crushed, flattened, or twisted hose.
• Blistered, soft, degraded, or loose cover.

The following items must be tightened, repaired, or replaced as required:

• Leaking port conditions.

• Remove excess dirt buildup.
• Clamps, guards, shields.
• System fluid level, fluid type and any air entrapment.

Operate the system at maximum operating pressure and check for possible malfunctions and
freedom from leaks. Personnel must avoid potentially hazardous areas while testing and using.

Specific replacement intervals must be considered based on previous service life, government
or industry recommendations, or when failures could result in unacceptable downtime, damage,
or injury risk.


1. Can Caterpillar hose be used in non-conductive applications?

2. When establishing a proper hose length _____________________________________,

__________________________________________________________________, and

_________________________________________ must be considered.

3. A Caterpillar permanent coupling can be reused if not damaged.


4. The procedure for repairing a reusable hose coupling that has blown off a hose assembly
is to reuse the coupling on the old hose.


5. List the conditions that require immediate shutdown and replacement of a hose assembly.









Preparation for the Hose Assembly Process

Before the actual process of assembling a hose assembly, there are certain factors that must
be taken into consideration. Among these considerations is the total assembly length and
the angle of orientation. These steps must be carefully calculated and followed in order to
end up with a hose assembly that will fit the application. In some cases there is very little
tolerance for bending or reaching between two points.

Total Assembly Length

The first step in making a new hose assembly is to measure the old hose assembly. The end
configuration of the coupling determines which points to measure from. Several basic coupling
end configurations are commonly used. The coupling can be straight with or without a
swivel nut, or bent with or without a swivel nut.

The distance from the center point of the sealing surface on one coupling to the center point of
the sealing surface on the other coupling is the total hose assembly length. When straight
couplings without swivel nuts are used, simply measure from one end of the assembly to the

Illustration 1: Straight without Swivel Nuts

On bent couplings, measure between the center points of the sealing surfaces.

Illustration 2: Bent without Swivel Nuts

When measuring couplings with swivel nuts, the measuring distance is from sealing surface to
sealing surface — not from the end of the nut.

Illustration 3: Swivel Nut Measurement

Watch the video segment on measuring hose assemblies, then continue with this

Hose Cut Length

The total assembly length gives the length of the hose assembly from the sealing surface of
one coupling to the sealing surface of the other coupling. This length includes the hose length
plus the distance from the end of the hose to the center of the sealing surface of the couplings.
The distance from the end of the hose to the center of the sealing surface of the coupling is the
coupling cut-off factor.

Illustration 4: Cut-off Factor

The Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide lists cut-off factor specifications. Subtracting the
cut-off factors of both couplings from the total assembly length gives the hose cut length (the
total length of hose).
Total Assembly Length
- Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor
- - Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor
Hose Cut Length

NOTE: Hose lengths in the Caterpillar Hose Assembly Fabrication Guide are the hose cut
length. These lengths do not require subtracting the coupling cut-off factor.

Example 1. A customer wants to replace a hose assembly with the following measurements:

Total assembly length = 47 inches

Caterpillar hose type = 716
Hose dash size = -20
Coupling 1 type = Permanent O-ring Face Seal straight female swivel,
thread size 1-11/16–12, length 3.39 inches
Coupling 2 type = Permanent O-ring Face Seal female swivel with a 90°
thread size 1-11/16–12, length 5.21 inches, drop
length 2.51 inches

What is the cut length of the hose?

Solution: Look in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide in the 716 hose coupling section.
Find the part number for each coupling.

The coupling specification tables indicate that the coupling part numbers are:
Coupling 1 part number = 124-2125
Coupling 2 part number = 124-2157

In the coupling specifications, find the cut-off factor (C) for each coupling.
Coupling 1 cut-off factor = 1.77 inches
Coupling 2 cut-off factor = 3.62 inches

Subtracting both cut-off factors from the total assembly length gives the hose cut length.

47.00 inches Total Assembly Length

- 1.79 inches - Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor
- 3.61 inches - Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor
41.60 inches Hose Cut Length

Therefore, for measurement purposes, the hose cut length is 41.6 inches.

If the assembly requires an adapter, the length of the adapter increases the cut-off factor
and, therefore, decreases the hose cut length. Adapter length is the distance from the
sealing surface to sealing surface on the adapter.

Illustration 5: Hose Assembly with Adapter

To obtain the hose cut length of an assembly that requires an adapter, add the adapter length
to the coupling cut-off factor. Adapter specification tables in the Cat Hose Products and
Tooling Guide provide adapter length specifications. The following formula provides hose cut
length for hose assemblies with adapters.

Total Assembly Length

- (Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 1 Length)
- (Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 2 Length)
Hose Cut Length

Some hose assemblies may only require one adapter. In these cases, adapter 2 length is 0.

Example 2. A customer wants to replace a hose assembly with the following measurements:

Total assembly length = 47 inches

Caterpillar hose type = 716
Hose dash size = -16
Coupling 1 type = Permanent JIS straight female swivel
with a 30º flare seat, thread size 1-11,
length 4.13 inches.
Coupling 2 type = Permanent JIS straight female swivel
with a 30º Flare seat, thread size 1-11,
length 4.13 inches.

What is the cut length of the hose?

Solution: Since Caterpillar does not offer a coupling to replace the couplings used on this
assembly, an adapter must be used. Look in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide in the
adapter section to find a JIS female swivel adapter with a 30° flared seat and the correct
thread size.

Since both couplings are identical, they require the same adapter. The adapter specification
table indicates the adapter part number and length (L) are:
Adapter part number = 8T-2128
Adapter length = 2.01 inches

The next step is to find a Caterpillar coupling that fits the male end of the adapter. To find the
coupling that fits the adapter, look at the thread size (B) and sealing method on the male end
of the adapter. The male end of this adapter is a JIC 37° flare and the thread size is 1-5/16–12.

Now, find a JIC straight female coupling with 1-5/6–12 threads that fits a Caterpillar 716 hose.
Look in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide in the Caterpillar Hose and Couplings
section for 716 hose. The coupling specification table indicates the part number of the coupling
is 124-1973.

Finally, to find the hose cut length subtract the cut-off factor for each coupling and the length of
each adapter from the total assembly length. The coupling specification table indicates the
coupling cut-off factor (C) is 1.15 inches.

47.00 inches Total Assembly Length

- (1.15 + 2.01) inches - (Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 1 Length)
- (1.15 + 2.01) inches - (Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 2 Length)
40.68 inches Hose Cut Length

Therefore, for measurement purposes, the hose cut length is 40.7 inches.


1. List the basic coupling end configurations.



2. The distance from the center point of the sealing surface on one coupling to the center point of the
sealing surface on the other coupling is the ________________________
_______________________ ________________________.

3. The total assembly length and the hose cut length are different names for the same measurement.


4. The distance from the end of the hose to the center of the sealing surface of the coupling is the

________________________- ______________________ ____________________.

5. Circle the correct response. When a hose assembly requires an adapter, the adapter
length adds to or subtracts from the hose cut length.

6. What is the relationship between total assembly length, cut off factor, and hose cut length?
(Write the formula)


Often, the sealing surface center lines on hose assemblies with two bent tube couplings are
not in the same plane. The angle between the center lines of these couplings is the angle of
orientation. The angle of orientation is the angle between two bent tube couplings measured
in a clockwise direction from the back coupling to the front coupling.

Illustration 6: End View of Hose Assembly

This angle must be measured on hose assemblies with permanent or reusable couplings
before replacing the hose assemblies. Angle of orientation measurement requires a protractor
and a vise. The Hydraulic Information System (HIS) gives the angle of orientation for each
hose assembly part number that contains two bent couplings.

Caterpillar specifies a tolerance for the angle of orientation. This tolerance ensures the
hose is not excessively twisted when installed. The tolerances are dependent on hose length
(the longer the hose, the greater the tolerance). Therefore, it is very important to check the
angle of orientation carefully, especially on short assemblies.

Illustration 7: Angle of Orientation Tolerance

Steps to Measure Angle of Orientation

To measure the angle of orientation on existing hose assemblies, follow these steps:

1. Clamp coupling 1 in a vise with the sealing surface up.

2. Set the protractor to 0°.
3. Clamp the protractor (centering the bubble) close to coupling 1. The face of the
protractor should face the vise.
4. Turn the hose assembly in a horizontal plane and clamp coupling 2
in the vise with the sealing surface up (leaving the protractor at the original 0° setting).
5. Turn the dial of the protractor to center the bubble.
6. Read the angle from the dial of the protractor.

Each Hose Press Special Instruction describes and illustrates the proper procedure to
configure the hose with the correct angle of orientation.

Watch the video segment on measuring the angle of orientation, then continue with this


1. The ________________________ _________________ ___________________ is the

relative position of two bent-tube couplings on a hose assembly.

2. What Caterpillar reference materials includes angle of orientation measurements for each

hose assembly part number? ________________________________________________

3. The angle of orientation tolerance is dependent on hose assembly __________________.

4. List two tools required to measure the angle of orientation.



5. The _________________________ ________________________ for each press contains

a detailed description and illustration of the angle of orientation measurement procedure.

Hose Cleaning

Fluid Contamination
A recent study found that 75% to 80% of hydraulic system failures were caused by fluid
contamination, which can be the downfall of even the best designed hydraulic systems. The
majority of component and system malfunctions are caused by solid contamination particles
ranging in size from 5 to 20 microns.
Such particles can shut down expensive machinery.

The major problem with contamination is that it interferes with the fluid energy transmissions,
and causes:

• Increased risk of component wear and failure resulting in machine down-time.

• Directional control valve spools to stick, causing erratic machine operation or solenoid
burn out.
• Pressure sensing passages and valve control orifices to block, resulting in the
machine’s pressure control being unpredictable.
• Obstruction of the heat transfer mechanism, thereby hindering the fluid’s cooling ability,
and increasing the machine’s maintenance costs.

Tests have proven that cutting a hose with a steel-cutting disk followed by compressed air
flushing, introduces 800-1200 micron particles with a weight of 30-50 milligrams in a 1 m (3.3
ft) length of hose. With abrasive cutting wheels, the hose’s contamination level can increase up
to 500%.

At present, there is no chemical additive which either keeps dirt out of, or removes dirt from,
hydraulic fluid. Keeping dirt out of a system is the function of good maintenance practices.
Clean fluid is the only way to achieve optimum performance from a hydraulic machine.

Research has shown that reducing the solid particle count in a hydraulic fluid will make a major
contribution to longer component life and improved functional reliability of the hydraulic system.

Current Cleaning Methods

Current cleaning methods are only partially effective, often time consuming, expensive, and
rely on chemicals and solvents. As a result of the expense and time involved, preventive
maintenance is often avoided or reduced, leading to equipment breakdowns and the
replacement of the hydraulic system’s components. In comparison to the Cat Hose Cleaning
Group, traditional methods of hydraulic cleaning are usually inefficient as they use:

• Cotton pull-throughs
• Blowing with compressed air
• Flushing with hydraulic oils, solvents, or chemicals

With many of the existing methods of cleaning, the system’s hoses and components must be
dismantled, or their connections modified to allow cleaning units to be installed. These
procedures will produce additional labor costs and increase the risks to the system and its

Cotton pull-throughs, for example, may catch on bends, joints or the ragged internal surface
finish of the hose. This will cause fibrous contamination of the system, causing further
component dismantling and downtime.

Using the hydraulic system’s own oil to flush the contamination from the conductors, means
significant quantities of oil can be wasted and there is a risk of damaging the operating
clearances and surface finishes of the high-precision hydraulic components.

When solvents and chemicals are used for cleaning, they can present a hazard to the user.
They are also environmentally damaging, costly, difficult and dangerous to transport, and
require a safe disposal method after use. These problems have lead to many solvents used in
the past being banned from the workplace.

The Caterpillar 233-7191, 233-7192 and 233-7193 Hose Cleaner Groups

Caterpillar offers three hose cleaners: 233-7191 and 233-7192 for field use and 233-7193 for
shop use. Please refer to publication NEHS0643 Tool Operating Manual and SEBF8485
(Guideline for Cleaning) for Caterpillar’s hose cleaning recommendations and procedures.

This unit consists of three basic components:

• A specially designed pneumatic launcher, which provides the pressure energy to the
• The nozzles, that allow the unit to be utilized on varying sizes and types of hose, tube,
pipe and coupling configurations
• The projectile, which cleans the inside surface of the hose, tube, or pipe.

To provide cleaning, the projectile is launched into the hose by a compressed inert gas,
delivered from the unit through the nozzle. As the projectile travels the length of the hose, force
is applied to the inside walls. The cleaning force applied to the wall of the passage is due to
the expansion of the compressed projectile (normal compression is 20%), while the forward
movement is provided by the expanding gas.

Watch the video segment on hose cleaning using the Hose Cleaner Group, then
continue with this chapter.

NOTICE: Only use Caterpillar recommended projectiles in this unit. Do not use any other type of
projectile material to clean hoses. Use of other materials may damage the unit or contaminate
the hydraulic system.

The contamination-absorption effectiveness of the foam projectile, has been developed

following extensive research and testing. The structure of the projectile must have the correct
density, strength, and flexibility. These properties are critical to stop the projectile from
breaking-up due to the
applied cleaning and propelling forces.

The following benefits can be achieved using the Caterpillar Hose Cleaner Group.

• Reduced risk of component failure.

• Reduced component wear.
• Reduces the system’s initial flushing requirements and time.
• On-site hose cleaning.
• Ability to diagnose the internal condition of the hose.
• Increased filter element service life.
• Reduced maintenance costs.

The Caterpillar Hose Cleaner Group is a faster and more effective method of cleaning the
machine’s hydraulic hoses. The unit will lead to increased servicing efficiency, resulting in
increased productivity.

Hose Cleaner Group Safety

Listed below are basic safety precautions. Read and understand these basic precautions
before operating the Caterpillar Hose Cleaner Groups.

• Safety glasses must be worn when operating the Cat Hose Cleaner Group.
• Ensure faceplate is locked into the closed position before depressing the trigger.
• Ensure air supply is correctly fitted and at the correct pressure.
• Ensure the launcher is pointing in a safe direction before operating.
• Do not operate the Cat Hose Cleaner Group when aimed at another person.
• Ensure the end of the hose, tube, or pipe is contained within a suitable projectile
catcher, which must be secured in a safe location. This will avoid injury from the
contaminates and projectile when they are ejected from the fluid conductor.
• Always turn-off air supply before disconnecting the unit.
• Use protective gloves and respiratory protection as required.
• Use protective clothing as required.


1. The majority of hydraulic system failures are caused by ______________________________.

2. Describe the correct procedure to clean the hose using the Caterpillar 233-7191, 233-7192, and
233-7193 Hose Cleaner Group.




3. Compressed air flushing of a hose sufficiently cleans the hose for use in a hydraulic system.


4. List the three components of the Cat Hose Cleaner Group.




5. List three of the benefits achieved using the Cat Hose Cleaner Group.





1. Can Caterpillar hose be used in non-conductive applications? __________________________

2. A Caterpillar permanent coupling can be reused if not damaged.


3. The procedure for repairing a reusable hose coupling that has blown off a hose assembly is to
reuse the coupling on the old hose.


4. List the basic coupling end configurations.



5. The distance from the center point of the sealing surface on one coupling to the center point

of the sealing surface on the other coupling is the ________________________

_______________________ _______________________.

6. The total assembly length and the hose cut length are different names for the same measurement.


7. Circle the correct response. When a hose assembly requires an adapter, the adapter length
adds to or subtracts from the hose cut length.

8. Use the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030) to find the part number and cut-off
factor for a straight NPTF male pipe permanent coupling that fits a 1-1/2 inch –24 Caterpillar 294
hydraulic hose.

Part number ___________________________________________________

Cut-off factor __________________________________________________

9. Given the following information, find the hose cut length for a replacement hose.

Total assembly length = 52 inches

Hose type = XT-5
Hose size = -12
Coupling 1: type = reusable straight flange head
head size = 1.63 inches
length = 5.55 inches
Coupling 2: type = reusable flange head coupling with a
45° elbow
head size = 1.63 inches
length = 5.12 inches

Cut Length ____________________

10. A customer wants a replacement hose for an assembly from a Japanese machine. The total
assembly length is 51.5 inches. The recommended Caterpillar hose replacement for the JIS hose is
5/8 inch -10 Caterpillar 294. Both couplings are permanent straight female swivel couplings with a
30° flared seat. The threads on the couplings are metric size M24X1.5. Use the previous
information and the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide (PECP5030) to fill in the following blanks.

Caterpillar coupling part number ___________________

Hose cut length _________________________________

11. List three basic safety precautions that should be followed when using the CAT Hose Cleaner




12. ________________________________________ is a major cause of hydraulic system failures.

13. List the traditional cleaning methods that are only partially effective, time consuming
and expensive.




14. What is the relationship between total assembly length, cut off factor, and hose cut length?
(Write the formula)

15. The _____________________ ______________ ___________________________ is relative

position of two bent couplings on a hose assembly.

16. Name one Caterpillar information system that includes angle of orientation measurements for each
hose assembly part number? ____________________________

17. The angle of orientation tolerance is dependent on hose assembly ______________________.

18. List two tools required to measure the angle of orientation.



19. Draw the correct total assembly length measurement for the following hose assemblies.


1. Use the procedure described in this chapter and in the Special Instruction to measure the angle of
orientation on a hose assembly.


Chapter 4: Hose Assembly Process Objectives

After completion of this chapter you will be able to carry out the following tasks:

1. Correctly identify the capabilities of the hydraulic hose presses in your dealership.

2. Correctly specify all methods to cut Caterpillar hose.

3. Identify all types of Caterpillar hose that require skiving and perform the skiving operation to the
satisfaction of the course facilitator.

4. Given the task of building a hose assembly with collet-type reusable couplings, use the reference
material to correctly identify all tooling required to build the assembly and use the press in the
dealership to build a hose assembly with the correct angle of orientation to the satisfaction of the
course facilitator.

5. Given the task of building a hose assembly with crimp-type permanent couplings, use the reference
material to correctly identify all tooling required to build the assembly and use the press in the
dealership to build the assembly to the satisfaction of the course facilitator.

6. Given the task of building a hose assembly with screw-type reusable couplings, identify the tools
needed to complete the operation and assemble the hose and couplings with the correct angle of
orientation to the satisfaction of the course facilitator.

7. Correctly store a roll of bulk hose or a newly built hose assembly that is to be put in storage.


Hose Presses
All Caterpillar couplings (except screw-type reusable) require a press for assembly. Caterpillar currently
offers XT Hose Service Press arrangements that will assemble all collet-type reusable couplings. With
a Crimp Tool Group, the XT Hose and the Combination Machine Service Press will also assemble
many permanent couplings. Caterpillar also offers several machines designed specifically for
assembling permanent couplings.

The Special Instruction for each different press lists press capabilities and gives a detailed explanation
of press operation. This course does not replace the Special Instruction. The corresponding
Special Instruction should be read and understood before operating any of the presses.

Refer to the Tooling Section in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide to determine crimp press


1. All Caterpillar couplings, except ____________________ - _____________________ reusable,

require a press for assembly.

2. Caterpillar currently offers XT Hose Service Press arrangements that will assemble all

___________________________- _________________________ reusable couplings.

3. With a crimp-tool group, the XT Hose Service Press will assemble many __________________

4. The ______________________ ______________________ for each different press lists press

capabilities and gives a detailed explanation of press operation.


Caterpillar offers collet-type reusable couplings only for XT hose. Collet-type reusable
couplings are not designed to fit any low/medium pressure hose. Collet-type couplings have
two parts: the sleeve and the stem. To assemble collet-type reusable couplings, follow these

1. Measure and identify the hose assembly.

a. Measure the total hose assembly length and record the measurement.
b. Measure the angle of orientation, if applicable, and record the measurement.
c. Identify the hose.
d. Identify the couplings.
2. Select the correct tools.
3. Cut the new hose to the correct length.
a. Re-measure the hose for correct cut length after cutting.
b. Check the hose ends for squareness.
4. Clean the hose.
5. Mark the skive length and skive the hose.
6. Install one of the couplings complete.
7. Install the second coupling part way into the hose and configure the angle of orientation (if
required) and complete the installation of the coupling.
8. Quality inspection.
a. Re-measure the total hose assembly length.
b. Recheck the angle of orientation, if applicable.
9. Clean the assembly.
10. Cap the ends.
11. Apply promotional stickers.

Step 1. Measure and identify the hose assembly

To select the correct hose assembly parts, the hose and couplings must be identified. When
the assembly part number is known, Hydraulic Information System (HIS) lists all the individual
component part numbers for the assembly. If the hose assembly part number is not known or if
the hose is from a competitive machine, use the methods shown in Chapters 1 and 2 to
identify the hose and couplings and the methods in Chapter 3 to identify the hose assembly
length, hose cut-off factor and the angle of orientation.

Step 2. Select the correct tools

Collet-type coupling assembly requires a tape to measure the new hose to the proper length, a saw to
cut the hose, a plastic hammer to form the stem fingers, a protractor to configure the assembly with the
proper angle of orientation, and a press arrangement to press the coupling on the hose. The Special
Instruction for the particular press lists the specific tool part numbers.

If a customer wants a hose assembly with collet-type reusable couplings replaced and the couplings
can be positively identified as Caterpillar's XT hose couplings, recover the couplings (this will be
described in Chapter 5) and use the couplings to make the new hose assembly.

To positively identify a coupling as Caterpillar's XT hose coupling, look for the symbols on the
coupling. Chapter 2 showed that all XT hose couplings have an identification symbol stamped
into them: XT-3 ES hose couplings have a triangle (∆); XT-5 hose couplings have a plus sign
(+); XT-6 hose couplings have the letter UHP; and XT-6ES hose couplings have the infinity
symbol (∞). Use only the proper coupling for each type of hose. Never assemble an incorrect
coupling and hose combination.

If the couplings cannot be positively identified as Caterpillar's XT hose couplings, do

not use the couplings to make the new hose assembly. Using another manufacturer's
coupling on a Caterpillar hose or using the incorrect Caterpillar coupling for the hose can
cause hose assembly failure. Hose assembly failure can result in personal injury and
property damage. When the couplings cannot be identified as Caterpillar products, identify
the couplings and find replacement couplings in the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide.

Step 3. Cut the hose to the correct length

Cutting the hose to the correct length is a necessary step to assemble hose and couplings
regardless of the style of hose or coupling. When replacing a failed assembly, be sure to
measure the length correctly. When building a hose assembly using Hydraulic Information
System (HIS), it is not necessary to measure the failed assembly because the hose cut length
is given for each hose assembly part number.

After measuring and marking the cut distance on the new hose, cut the hose. The following
table lists the recommended hose cut-off method for Caterpillar hose.

Caterpillar Hose Cut-off Method

Hose Type Hose Size Cut-Off Method

294,716, 844, Friction Saw Abrasive

556, 1130 Saw
1028, 1543,
All Knife Edge
Friction Saw Abrasive
All Except
Friction Saw Abrasive
XT-5 50.8mm
XT-5 Abrasive Saw
XT-6, Friction Saw Abrasive
XT-6ES Saw
Friction Saw Abrasive
1956 All
Illustration 1: Hose Cut-off Method

Step 4. Clean the hose
The cutting operation introduces dust and debris into the hose. Cleaning the hose after cutting
is very important. Small debris from the cutting procedure can contaminate the hydraulic
system. Contamination is a major cause of hydraulic system failures.

To clean the hose, use the Cat Hose Cleaner Group following the instructions that come with
the tool. Finally, wipe the inside and outside of both ends of the hose with a clean, dry cloth.
Do not use any solvents or other liquids to clean the hose.

Step 5. Skive the hose

Skiving is the stripping of the outer cover material from the hose. Skiving allows the coupling
to firmly grip the hose. Caterpillar high pressure hoses require skiving while Caterpillar
low/medium pressure hose do not. Never skive Caterpillar low/medium pressure hose.

When skiving, use the sleeve as a guide and make the first cut counterclockwise to keep the
cut straight. Finish the skiving operation in the clockwise direction to keep the wire
reinforcement from unraveling.

Skiving should only remove the outer cover. Do not try to remove any of the friction reducing
material from between the wires or try to give the wires a shiny appearance. The hose press
Special Instruction describes the proper skiving technique.

Step 6. Press on one of the couplings

Collet-type reusable coupling assembly requires a press. Caterpillar's XT Hose Service Press
or Combination Machine can assemble all Caterpillar collet-type couplings. This course does
not replace the Special Instruction. Read and understand the corresponding Special Instruction
before operating any press. The Hose Press Special Instruction lists the proper tools for
coupling assembly.

To install a coupling on hose, first slide the sleeve on the hose. The sleeve inside diameter is
smaller on one end than on the other. The end with the larger inside diameter slides over the
stem fingers first, so the larger end must be toward the end of the hose.

Illustration 2: Sleeve Cross-section

After sliding the sleeve on the hose, push the coupling into the hose. Since many stems are
nearly impossible to completely install by hand, hose builders are sometimes tempted to use a
lubricant to make installation easier. A small amount of clean hydraulic oil applied to the inside
diameter of the hose is acceptable.

If the stem cannot be installed by hand, use the press to push the stem on the hose. The
corresponding XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction lists the required tooling necessary
to install the stem. The chart entitled “Collet Part Numbers for XT Hose” in the coupling
installation section of the hose press Special Instruction indicates that stem installation
requires front grip collets and rear collets.

After the stem is completely pushed on the hose, bend the stem fingers against the hose with
a rubber mallet.

The final step in the coupling installation procedure is to install the sleeve. The corresponding
XT Hose Service Press Special Instructions list the required tooling for sleeve installation. The
“Sleeve Installation Tooling” chart in the Special Instruction indicates that sleeve installation
requires front collets and rear collets.

Step 7. Configure the assembly with the correct angle of orientation
If there is no angle of orientation that needs to be set; repeat steps 5 and 6 and then proceed
to step 8.
To give the assembly the correct angle of orientation (if needed), follow these steps:

A. Repeat step 5.
B. Slide on sleeve of second coupling.
C. Push on second coupling.
D. Clamp the first coupling in a vise with the sealing surface up.
E. Set the protractor to 0°.
F. Clamp the protractor on the hose (centering the bubble) near the coupling in the vise.
The face of the protractor should face the vise.
G. Remove the tight coupling from the vise. Turn the hose assembly in a horizontal plane
and clamp the loose coupling in the vise with the sealing surface up.
H. Turn the dial of the protractor to the desired angle of orientation.
I. Twist the hose in the direction of the wrap of the wire until the bubble in the protractor is
J. Remove the protractor from the hose and remove the hose from the vise.
K. Completely install the coupling. Be careful not to chance the angle of orientation during
the process. Refer to Step 6.

ALSO NOTE: Each Hose Press Special Instruction describes and illustrates the proper
procedure to configure hose assemblies with the correct angle of orientation.

Step 8. Quality Inspection and Storage

After completing a hose assembly always recheck the assembly length and the angle of orientation to
be sure it is within tolerances.

Refer to Chapter 3 for more complete information on checking the angle of orientation.

Cap the couplings to keep the hose clean and label the hose with the appropriate information for
identification later.

Watch the video segment on collet-type reusable coupling assemblies, then continue with this


1. Does Caterpillar offer collet-type reusable couplings for low/medium pressure hose?

2. If a triangle (∆) is stamped on a coupling, the coupling is designed for Caterpillar's

_______________________ hose.

3. Using the chart on page 88, identify the cut-off method for each size of XT-5 hose.




4. The procedure for stripping the outer cover material from a hose is called

5. Do any Caterpillar low/medium pressure hoses require skiving?


6. The end of the sleeve on a collet-type reusable coupling with the _________________ inside
diameter must slide over the stem fingers first.

7. Tooling charts in the hose press __________________ _________________ give part numbers
for the tooling required to install collet-type reusable couplings.


1. Read the Special Instruction booklet for the saw at your dealership.

Type of saw __________________

Using the chart on page 88 of this workbook, determine what types and sizes of hose the saw can cut.
If the saw cannot cut all types of hose, ask the course facilitator how the dealership cuts the hoses that
the saw cannot cut.

2. Read the Special Instruction for the XT Hose Service Press at your dealership.

3. Use the XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction to find the part numbers for the tooling needed
to install a collet-type reusable stem into a 3/4 inch -12 XT-3 ES hose. Go to the hose room and
locate this tooling.

4. Use the XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction to find the part numbers for the tooling needed
to install a collet-type reusable sleeve on a 3/4 inch -12 XT-3 ES hose. Go to the hose room and
locate this tooling.

5. Using the Special Instruction and the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide, locate all of the
required tools and parts necessary to build a hose assembly with the following specifications:

Hose = XT-3 ES
Hose size = -12
Hose cut length = 24 inches
Couplings = SAE Code 61 Flange with a 45° elbow (both couplings same)
Angle of orientation = 90°

Under the course facilitator's supervision, follow the procedure outlined in this module and the Special
Instruction to build the hose assembly.

Have the facilitator check the assembly to make sure it was assembled correctly.


Caterpillar offers crimp-type permanent couplings for both low/medium and high pressure hose. To
assemble permanent couplings follow these steps:

1. Measure and identify the hose assembly.

a. Measure the total hose assembly length and record the measurement.
b. Measure the angle of orientation, if applicable, and record the measurement.
c. Identify the hose.
d. Identify the couplings.

2. Select the correct tools.

3. Cut the new hose to the correct length.
a. Re-measure the hose for correct cut length after cutting.
b. Check the hose ends for squareness.

4. Clean the hose.

5. Mark the hose-to-coupling insertion depth if the assembly is a low and medium application. Skive
the cover to the proper length if the hose is a high-pressure application.

6. Install the first coupling and crimp to size

a. Check the crimp diameter for size to validate the tooling setup.
b. Check the crimp length.

7. Install the second coupling and configure the angle of orientation, if applicable.

8. Quality inspection.
a. Re-measure the total hose assembly length.
b. Recheck the angle of orientation, if applicable.

9. Check for and remove any sharp edges.

10. Clean the assembly.

11. Cap the ends.

12. Apply promotional stickers.

Step 1. Measure and identify the hose assembly
To select the correct hose assembly parts, the hose and couplings must be identified. When the
assembly part number is known, the Hydraulic Information System (HIS) lists all the individual
component part numbers for the assembly. If the hose assembly part number is not known or if the
hose is from a competitive machine, use the methods shown in Chapters 1 and 2 to identify the hose
and couplings and the methods in Chapter 3 to identify the hose assembly length, hose cut-off factor
and the angle of orientation.

Step 2. Select the correct tools

Permanent coupling assembly requires a tape to measure the new hose to the proper length, a saw to
cut the hose, a protractor to configure the assembly with the proper angle of orientation, and a
Hydraulic Hose Press arrangement to press on the coupling. The Special Instruction for the particular
press lists the specific part numbers.

Since Caterpillar offers permanent couplings for both low/medium pressure hose and high pressure
hose, it is very important to make sure not to assemble a high pressure hose with a coupling intended
for use with a low/medium pressure hose. To ensure correct assembly, always match the symbols on
XT hose to the symbol on the coupling. Never assemble an XT-3 ES hose with a coupling that does not
have a triangle (∆), an XT-5 hose with a coupling that does not have a plus sign (+), an XT-6 hose with
a coupling that does not have the letters UHP or an XT-6ES hose with a coupling that does not have an
infinity symbol (∞).

Step 3. Cut the new hose to the correct length

Lesson 1 – Step 3 of this chapter identifies the different methods to cut hose.

Step 4. Clean the hose

Lesson 1 – Step 4 of this chapter briefly describes the hose cleaning procedure. More information on
hose cleaning can be found in Chapter 3.

Step 5. Mark the hose-to-coupling insertion depth

Skive high pressure hose only following the procedures described in Lesson 1 – Step 5. If the assembly
is a low and medium application, the hose-to-coupling insertion depth should be marked to show the
coupling is fully bottomed on the hose. To determine this depth, measure from the bottom edge of the
coupling shell to the inside web or shoulder.

Step 6. Install the first coupling and crimp to size

Permanent couplings can be assembled using either a crimp press or a XT Hose Service Press with tilt
option and a Crimp Tool Group. The Crimp Tool Group with tilt option allows the XT Hose Service
Press to crimp permanent couplings in a vertical plane.

Proper die selection is just as important as proper hose and coupling selection. Using the incorrect
die group (either the wrong size or wrong for the hose type) to crimp a coupling on a hose can
result in hose assembly failure. For proper die selection, refer to the crimputer menu or the
appropriate Hose, Die, and Die Ring Selection Chart for the hose press machine being used.

NOTICE: Never use a low or medium pressure die group to crimp a coupling on a high-pressure
hose or a high-pressure die group to crimp a coupling on a low or medium pressure hose.
Using the incorrect die group can result in hose assembly failure.

Die groups are interchangeable between presses. For example, all presses can use the same die
group to crimp a coupling on a Caterpillar 1543 -8 hose if that coupling is within press capabilities.

For positive stop machines die rings are positioned on top of the bowl. While the die groups are
interchangeable between presses, the die rings are not. Do not use the die rings from one press
model on another press model.

To install a coupling, first measure and mark the hose insertion depth on the hose. The Hose Insertion
Depth Chart in the Special Instruction specifies the correct hose insertion depth for each Caterpillar
hose that uses permanent couplings. This mark indicates when the coupling is completely pushed onto
the hose.

After marking the insertion depth, insert the coupling into the hose. To insert the coupling, push and
twist the coupling in the clockwise direction. A small amount of clean hydraulic oil can be used to
aid in the installation of couplings. Water can also be used when necessary. If the coupling
cannot be installed by hand, use the XT Hose Service Press to install the coupling. The chart from the
XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction indicates that coupling installation requires front grip collets
and rear collets.

Next, install the correct tooling in the press. The Special Instructions indicate what tooling is required.
Always remember to grease the die group. Finally, install the hose assembly in the die group and use
the press to crimp the coupling on the hose per the special instruction or tool operating manual for the
press being used.
Always measure the crimp diameter as shown in the Special Instruction to make sure the crimp
is within tolerance.

Note: Some assemblies with bent tube couplings require that the assembly be in the press before
installing the die group.

Step 7. Install the second coupling and configure the angle of orientation
If there is no angle of orientation that needs to be set; repeat steps 5 and 6 and then proceed to step
8.To give the assembly the correct angle of orientation (if needed), follow Step 7 of Lesson 1 in this

ALSO NOTE: Each Hose Press Special Instruction describes and illustrates the proper procedure to
configure hose assemblies with the correct angle of orientation.

Step 8. Quality Inspection

After completing a hose assembly always recheck the crimp diameter, assembly length, and double
check the angle of orientation to be sure it is within tolerances.

Refer to Chapter 3 for more complete information on checking the angle of orientation.

Cap the couplings to keep the hose clean and label the hose with the appropriate information for
identification later.

Step 9. Check for and remove any sharp edges

Step 10. Clean the assembly

The assembly should be cleaned after completion. Refer to SEBF8485 for the cleaning procedure and
the Tool Operating Manual for use of the Cat Hose Cleaner Group.

Step 11. Cap the ends

Step 12. Apply promotional stickers

Watch the video segment on permanent-type coupling assemblies, then continue with this


1. Caterpillar offers permanent couplings for both ___________________________ pressure

and __________________________ hose.

2. The same die set that crimps Caterpillar 716 -8 hose will crimp Caterpillar 1543 -8 hoses.


3. Marking the __________________ __________________ __________________ gives an

indication of when the coupling is completely on the hose.

4. The crimping operation on all positive stop crimp presses is complete when the die ring contacts

the ______________________ _____________________.

5. Always measure the ____________________ ____________________ after crimping a coupling

to ensure the coupling was attached properly.


1. Read the Special Instruction for each crimp press that your dealership has.

2. Use the crimp press Special Instruction to find the part numbers for the tooling needed to crimp a
Caterpillar 294 -12 hose. Go to the hose room and locate this tooling.

3. Using the Special Instruction and the Cat Hose Products and Tooling Guide, locate all of the
required tools and parts necessary to build a hose assembly with the following specifications:

Hose = Caterpillar 294

Hose size = -8
Hose cut length = 24 inches
Couplings = JIC 37° Female Swivel with a 90° short elbow (both couplings same)
Angle of orientation = 90°

Under the course facilitator's supervision, follow the procedure outlined in this module and in the
corresponding Special Instruction to build the hose assembly. Build this hose assembly with each press
at your dealership.

Have the facilitator check the assembly to make sure it was assembled correctly.


Caterpillar currently offers screw-type reusable couplings only for low/medium pressure fabric covered
hoses (Cat 556 and 1130 hose). Screw-type reusable couplings will not fit any other low/medium
pressure hose or any high pressure hose. The screw-type couplings have two parts: the socket and
the stem.

To assemble screw-type reusable couplings, follow these steps:

1. Select the correct tools.

2. Measure and identify the hose assembly.

3. Cut the new hose to the correct length.

4. Clean the hose.

5. Install the hose in the socket.

6. Install the stem into the socket.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 to attach the coupling to the other end of the hose.

8. Set the angle of orientation (if required).

9. Quality inspection.

Step 1. Select the correct tools

Assembling screw-type reusable couplings requires a tape to measure the new hose to the proper
length, a saw to cut the hose, a vise to hold the socket, an appropriate size open-end wrench to attach
the stem, and a protractor to configure the assembly with the proper angle of orientation.

Step 2. Measure and identify the hose assembly

To select the correct hose assembly parts, the hose and couplings must be identified. When the
assembly part number is known, the Hydraulic Information System, Hose and Coupling Information
System, or Hose Assembly System lists all the individual component part numbers for the assembly. If
the hose assembly part number is not known or if the hose is from a competitive machine, use the
methods shown in Chapters 1 and 2 to identify the hose and couplings and the methods in Chapter 3 to
identify the hose assembly length, hose cut-off factor and the angle of orientation.

If a customer wants a hose assembly with screw-type reusable couplings replaced and the hose and
couplings can be positively identified as Caterpillar parts, recover the couplings (this will be described in
Chapter 5) and use the couplings to make the new hose assembly. In the case where the hose cannot
be identified as a Caterpillar product, identify the couplings and find a replacement in the Cat Hose
Products and Tooling Guide.

NOTICE: If the customer's hose and couplings cannot be positively identified as Caterpillar
parts, do not use the couplings to make the new hose assembly. Using another manufacturer's
coupling on a Caterpillar hose can result in hose failure. Hose failure can cause personal injury
and property damage.

Step 3. Cut the hose

Cutting the hose to the correct length is a necessary step to assemble hose and couplings regardless
of the style of hose or coupling. Refer to Lesson 1, Step 3 for hose cutting procedures.

Step 4. Clean the hose

Lesson 1 – Step 4 of this chapter briefly describes the hose cleaning procedure. More information on
hose cleaning can be found in Chapter 3.

Step 5. Install the hose in the socket

Clamp one of the sockets in a vise with the bottom of the socket facing out (socket parallel to the

Illustration 4: Clamp Socket in Vise

Now, screw the hose counterclockwise into the socket (the socket has left-hand threads) by hand until
the hose bottoms. After the hose bottoms, unscrew the hose 1/2 turn.

Illustration 5: Attach Hose to Socket

Step 6. Install the stem into the socket

Clamp the socket in the vise with the top facing up (perpendicular to the ground). Oil the stem threads
and the inside of the hose. Do not oil the outside of the hose. Finally, using the correct size wrench,
thread the stem into the socket and tighten the stem completely.

Illustration 6: Tighten the Stem

Step 7. Install the other coupling

Install the other coupling on the hose following steps 5 and 6 of this procedure.

Step 8. Set the angle of orientation

Chapter 3 demonstrated how to measure the angle of orientation on existing hose assemblies with two
bent tube coupling. The angle of orientation must be measured on all hose assemblies with two
bent tube coupling to correctly replace the old assembly. Remember from Chapter 3, the angle of
orientation is that angle between two bent tube couplings measured in a clockwise direction from the
back coupling to the front coupling.

Illustration 7: End View of Hose Assembly

Step 9. Install the other coupling

Install the other coupling on the hose following steps 5 and 6 of this procedure.

Step 10. Set the angle of orientation

Chapter 3 demonstrated how to measure the angle of orientation on existing hose assemblies
with two bent tube couplings. The angle of orientation must be measured on all hose
assemblies with two bent tube couplings to correctly replace the old assembly. Remember
from Chapter 3, the angle of orientation is the angle between two bent tube couplings
measured in a clockwise direction from the back coupling to the front coupling.

The Hydraulic Information System (HIS) gives the angle of orientation for each hose assembly
part number that contains two bent tube couplings. However, you should always verify the old
hose’s angle of orientation with the one called for by the information source.

The method of configuring the angle of orientation on hose assemblies with screw-type
reusable couplings is different than for collet-type reusable and crimp-type permanent
couplings. To build an assembly with the proper angle, both couplings are installed on the
hose. With both couplings tight, measure the existing angle of orientation following the
procedure in Chapter 3. Compare the existing angle with the desired angle. If the existing
angle and the desired angle are different, unscrew both stems on the assembly an equal
amount to reach the desired angle.

The existing angle will be either larger than the desired angle (for example, existing angle =
120°, desired angle = 90°) or smaller than the desired angle (for example, existing angle =
desired angle = 270°). When the existing angle is larger than the desired angle, the desired
angle can be obtained by unscrewing each coupling an amount equal to 1/2 the difference
between the two angles.

For example, assume that the desired angle of orientation is 90° but after installing both
couplings, the hose assembly angle of orientation is 120°. There is a 30° difference between
the existing angle and the desired angle. To correct this 30° difference, first unscrew the
coupling on one end a distance of 15° then unscrew the coupling on the other end of the hose
15°. Using the protractor, always recheck the angle to make sure it is within tolerance.

Illustration 8: Setting 90° Angle

The following formula provides an easy way to determine the distance to unscrew each coupling when
the existing angle is greater than the desired angle.


When the existing angle is smaller than the desired angle, the preceding procedure will not
work. In these cases, use the following formula:


For example, if the existing angle is 100° and the desired angle is 160°, use the formula to determine
the distance to unscrew the couplings.

ANGLE TO UNSCREW = [100° + (360° – 160°)] ÷ 2

ANGLE TO UNSCREW = [100° + (200°)] ÷ 2
ANGLE TO UNSCREW = [300°] ÷ 2

Unscrewing each coupling 140° will give the assembly the desired angle of orientation.

Illustration 9: Setting 160° Angle

Always use the protractor to make sure the angle is within tolerance.

Never unscrew a stem more than 180°. Always split the angle difference between the two couplings.
Equally dividing the angle difference between the two couplings ensures that, even in the most extreme
case, neither stem is unscrewed more than 180°. Unscrewing a stem more than 180° can result in
hose assembly failure because the stem will not be inserted far enough into the hose to make a
strong connection.

Step 11. Quality Inspection and Storage

After completing a hose assembly always recheck the assembly length and the angle of orientation to
be sure it is within tolerances.

Refer to Chapter 3 for more complete information on checking the angle of orientation.

Cap the couplings to keep the hose clean and label the hose with the appropriate information for
identification later.

Watch the video segment on screw-type reusable coupling assemblies, then continue with this


1. Screw-type reusable couplings can only be used on _______________________ covered hose.

2. If the customer's hose and couplings cannot be positively identified as Caterpillar,

______________ ______________ use the coupling to make a new hose assembly.

3. Using the chart on page 88, list the different cutting methods that can be used on Caterpillar fabric
covered hose.



4. The end of the socket portion of a screw-type reusable coupling that screws onto the hose contains

________________________ ________________________ threads.

5. To obtain the proper angle of orientation on an assembly with screw-type couplings, each of the

couplings must be loosened the ________________________ amount.

6. Loosening a stem more than ___________________ degrees can result in hose assembly failure.


1. Under the course facilitator's supervision, go to the hose room and make a hose assembly with the
following specifications:
Hose = Caterpillar 1130
Hose size = -10
Hose cut length = 24 inches
Couplings = SAE O-ring Face Seal Female Swivel with a 90° short elbow
Angle of orientation = 90°

Have the facilitator check the assembly to make sure it was assembled correctly.


Since bulk hose and hose assembly inventories may remain in stock for an extended period of time, it
is important to store the hose properly. Improper hose storage can damage the hose. Some general
guidelines for hose storage are:

• Do not use sharp or heavy tools to move hose. Heavy tools may crush the hose during transport
and sharp tools can damage the cover or puncture the hose.

• Store bulk hose in the original packaging until needed. The factory packaging will help protect
the hose from damage.

• Store hose either in coils or flat in a protected area. Do not leave the hose where traffic can
damage it.

• Store hose in a clean environment. Debris inside a hose can contaminate a hydraulic system.
Dirty hydraulic systems can cause failure. Also, exposure to corrosive fluids, oils, solvents, etc.
can damage the hose.

• Store the hose away from temperature extremes. Exposure to excessive heat or cold can
damage the hose. Store the hose in a cool dry place.

• Store the hose out of direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can weaken the cover

• Install caps on the couplings of the hose assemblies built for inventory. Capping the couplings
will help keep the inside of the hose clean.


1. Installing a plastic cap over the end of the coupling after the hose assembly is built helps to keep

the hose assembly ______________________________.

2. List three conditions that can damage a hose when stored improperly.





1. When replacing a failed Caterpillar hose assembly with a known assembly part number, list two
ways in which the hose cut length can determined.



2. Caterpillar offers only screw-type reusable couplings for fabric covered hose. Using the knowledge
gained about Caterpillar hoses, list the Caterpillar hose types that use screw-type couplings.




3. List the tools needed to assemble a screw-type reusable coupling on a hose.






4. Can any screw-type reusable coupling be used on a Caterpillar hose? Explain.





5. After building a hose assembly with two bent screw-type couplings, you measure the angle of
orientation and find that the hose assembly's existing angle of orientation is 193°. The desired angle
of orientation for the assembly is 90°. Determine the angle that each coupling must be turned for
the assembly to have a 90° angle of orientation.

Angle for each coupling to be turned


6. After building a hose assembly with two bent screw-type couplings you measure the angle of
orientation and find that the hose assembly's existing angle of orientation is 60°. The desired angle
of orientation for the assembly is 120°. Determine the angle that each coupling must be turned for
the assembly to have a 120° angle of orientation.

Angle for each coupling to be turned


7. What kinds of Caterpillar hoses use collet-type reusable couplings?


8. Draw the symbols that Caterpillar's XT-3 ES, XT-5, XT-6, and XT-6ES hose and couplings are
marked with for identification purposes.
XT-3 ES ______________

XT-5 ______________

XT-6 ______________

XT-6 ES ______________

9. Why must the first cut of the skiving operation be made counterclockwise? Why not continue to
skive the hose in the counterclockwise direction?



10. Use the Special Instruction for the press at your dealership to determine the correct tooling and the
part numbers for the tooling needed to install a collet-type reusable stem into a 3/4 inch -12 XT-3ES

Tool Name Part Number

_______________ ________________

_______________ ________________

_______________ ________________

_______________ ________________

11. Use the Special Instruction for the press at your dealership to determine the correct tooling and the
part numbers for the tooling needed to install a reusable sleeve on a 3/4 inch -12 XT-3 ES hose.

Tool Name Part Number

_______________ ________________

_______________ ________________

_______________ ________________

_______________ ________________

12. Are the die sets for 3/4 inch -12 Caterpillar 716 hose the same as the die sets for 3/4 -12 Caterpillar
1543 hose? Explain.




13. List 5 hose storage considerations.






14. Name three types of couplings.




15. How far should the hose be backed out after contacting the bottom of the screw-type reusable
coupling socket?


16. Name the only type of reusable coupling Caterpillar offers for use on XT hose.


17. What Caterpillar publication lists all the tooling necessary to assemble collet-type reusable


18. Does any style of low/medium pressure hose require skiving?


19. Can oil be used on low/medium pressure hose to help install the coupling?


20. Can the XT Hose Service Press push permanent couplings on the hose?


21. What publication should you read before operating any of the hose presses?



Chapter 5: Reusable Coupling Recovery Objectives

1. Given a hose assembly with collet-type reusable couplings, list all of the tooling required for the
recovery process, recover the couplings following the recommended procedure, and determine
if the coupling is suitable for reuse.

2. Given a hose assembly with screw-type couplings, recover the couplings following the
recommended procedure.


Reusable couplings are only suitable for reuse if the couplings are not damaged. Damaged threads,
stress cracks, or broken fingers make a coupling unsuitable for reuse. Never reuse a coupling
that is damaged in any way. (Refer to Step 9, page 118). With a damaged coupling, the hose
assembly operates below design specifications and, therefore, has a greater chance for failure.
Hose assembly failure can cause property damage and/or personal injury.

Read and understand the Special Instruction for each piece of equipment before using it.
Failing to understand the safety warnings and operating methods for a piece of equipment can
cause property damage and/or personal injury.

See Chapter 3 for more details on safety procedures associated with hose and couplings.


Collet-type Reusable Coupling Recovery Steps

Collet-type reusable couplings contain two pieces: the stem and the sleeve. The stem slides
into the hose and the sleeve slides over the stem fingers. XT hoses are the only hoses in the
Caterpillar line that use collet-type reusable couplings.

Collet-type reusable coupling recovery requires the use of Caterpillar's XT Hose Service Press
or the Combination Machine. The hose press Special Instruction lists all the required tools for
coupling recovery.

NOTE: This course does not replace the Special Instruction. Read and understand the
corresponding Special Instruction before operating any press.

To recover the collet-type reusable couplings, follow these steps:

1. Measure and identify the hose assembly.

a. Measure the total hose assembly length and record the measurement.
b. Measure the angle of orientation, if applicable, and record the measurement.
c. Identify the hose.
d. Identify the couplings.
2. Select the correct tools.
3. Cut the hose 3.0" from the coupling sleeve.
4. Remove the sleeve from the stem.
5. Expand the fingers.
6. Remove the old hose from the stem.
7. Reform the stem fingers.
8. Resize the stem diameter.
9. Clean the coupling and stem profile.
10. Inspect the coupling for any damage and reusability.

Step 1. Measure and identify the hose assembly

If the couplings are being recovered to build a new hose with the same dimension, the old
hose must be measured before starting the recovery process. Refer to Chapter 3 for
procedures to measure hose assembly length and angle of orientation. Always be sure to
measure the hose assembly before cutting. While the hose length can be estimated after
cutting, measuring the angle of orientation is impossible after the hose has been cut.

When building a new hose assembly, the failed hose must be identified to determine the proper
replacement hose. Refer to Chapter 1 to identify the replacement hose. Coupling identification is
necessary to ensure that the recovered coupling will fit on the replacement hose. Refer to Chapter 2 for
coupling identification. If the couplings cannot be identified as Caterpillar couplings, do not install
them on a Caterpillar hose.

Step 2. Cut the hose

Recovery of collet-type couplings from XT hose requires cutting the hose about 3 inches from the
sleeve. Cutting the hose either too long or too short can cause press and coupling misalignment during
the finger expansion operation. Refer to Chapter 4, Lesson 1 for information on cutting Caterpillar hose.

Illustration 1: Required Cut Length for Recovery

Step 3. Remove the sleeve from the stem

The corresponding XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction gives the part numbers for the tooling
necessary to remove the sleeve from the stem. The chart in the sleeve removal section indicates that
sleeve removal requires front collets, a pusher plate, and a pusher.

Step 4. Expand the fingers

After removing the sleeve, the stem fingers still hold the coupling on the hose. The corresponding XT
Hose Service Press Special Instruction gives the part numbers for the tooling necessary to expand the
stem fingers. Finger expansion requires front collets, a rear collet, and a pusher.

Do not fully expand the fingers using the press. Expand the fingers slightly, then clamp the coupling
in a vise and use a flat blade screw driver to fully expand the fingers.

Step 5. Remove the stem from the hose

After expanding the fingers on an XT hose coupling, the hose is still firmly attached to the stem. There
are several ways to remove the stem from the hose. First, try to remove the coupling by hand.
Removing couplings by hand is extremely difficult. Large couplings are especially difficult to remove by

For more difficult couplings, use a strap wrench and a vise. When using a strap wrench and vise,
firmly clamp the hose in the vise and attach the strap wrench to the stem. While pulling the stem
straight out of the hose with a free hand, twist the stem in with the strap wrench.

If the strap wrench and vise method will not remove the stem, use the XT Hose Service Press to
remove the stem. The current XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction lists the required tools and
describes the correct procedure to remove collet-type stems. The XT Hose Service Press will remove
stems from XT-3 ES, XT-5, XT-6, and XT-6 ES hose.

Step 6. Reform the stem fingers

Reforming the stem fingers ensures that the fingers will properly grip the new hose. Neglecting to
reform the stem fingers can reduce the life of the hose assembly. The corresponding XT Hose
Service Press Special Instruction gives the part numbers for the tooling necessary to reform the fingers.
Finger reforming requires front collets, a pusher plate, and the proper size finger expander.

Step 7. Resize the stem inside diameter

The stem portion of all XT hose couplings collapses slightly when properly installed on the hose. The
stems require resizing to their original diameter before they can be reused. Neglecting to resize the
stem can reduce the life of the hose assembly. Resizing Tool charts in the XT Hose Service Press
Special Instruction show the proper stem resizing tool for each different hose size. These charts also
give the proper depth to install the resizing tool into the stem.

On some 30°, 45°, and 90° bent tube couplings, installing the resizing tool to the full depth will damage
the neck of the stem. In these cases, monitoring the position of the resizing tool through the coupling
sealing surface will ensure that the end of the tool does not contact the neck of the stem.

Illustration 2: Resizing Bent Tube Couplings

Step 8. Clean the coupling
Before assembling the old coupling on a new hose, the coupling must be clean. Clean the coupling in a
solvent and allow the coupling to completely dry. Using a dirty coupling can reduce the life of the hose

Step 9. Inspect the coupling

Inspect each coupling during and after the cleaning process. If a question of whether the coupling is
good enough to reuse exists, do not reuse it. Reusing damaged couplings potentially reduces the hose
assembly life and presents a serious safety hazard. Some general reusability guidelines for all
couplings are:

• Do not reuse couplings with cracked heads, deformed threads, or damaged sealing surfaces.

• Do not reuse couplings with faulty braze joints or bent, dented, broken, or deformed stems.

• Do not reuse couplings until the hose grip grooves are free of hose remnants.

• Do not reuse couplings with cracked, broken, or missing fingers.

• Do not reuse couplings that have been exposed to fire.

• Do not reuse couplings that have been physically altered.

• Do not reuse couplings that have been repair welded.

NOTE: Consult the Guidelines for Reusable Parts: XT Hose Couplings (SEBF8176) for specific
guidelines on whether an XT hose coupling meets the criteria for reuse.

Watch the video segment on collet-type reusable coupling recovery, then continue with this


1. To recover collet-type couplings, the hose should be cut about _________________ inches from
the end of the coupling.

2. When replacing an old hose assembly (without knowing the assembly part number) what two
measurements must be taken before cutting the hose?



3. A list of all required tooling for the collet-type coupling recovery process can be found in the

_________________________ _________________________for each hose press.

4. List three options for removing the stem from the hose.




5. What effect does neglecting to resize the stem potentially have on the new hose assembly?



6. Can you reuse a collet-type coupling that has a cracked or missing finger?



1. Use the Special Instruction NEHS0750 “Comprehensive Tooling list for Assembling and
Disassembling Reusable Couplings” in order to find the required tooling to remove a sleeve from a
1 inch -16 XT-5 hose.

Tooling Part (Name) Part Number

________________ ___________________

________________ ___________________

________________ ___________________

________________ ___________________

Then, go to the hose room and locate these tools. Now, identify the tools required to remove sleeves
from any hose. Notice the colors, part numbers, and markings on the tooling.

2. Use the Special Instruction to find the required tools to resize a 1 inch -16 XT-5 stem. Locate these
tools in the hose room. Find the recommended resizing depth on the resizing tool.

Tooling Part (Name) Part Number

________________ ___________________

________________ ___________________

________________ ___________________

________________ ___________________

Recommended Resizing Depth ____________________

3. Under supervision of the course facilitator, follow the procedure outlined in this chapter and the
Special Instruction to recover a collet-type reusable coupling.


Screw-type Reusable Coupling Recovery Steps

Screw-type reusable couplings contain two pieces: the stem and the socket. The socket
screws onto the hose and the stem screws into the socket. Only 556 and 1130 hoses in the
Caterpillar line use screw-type reusable couplings.

To recover the screw-type reusable couplings, follow these steps:

1. Measure and identify the hose assembly.

2. Cut the hose.
3. Remove the stem from the socket.
4. Remove the socket from the hose.
5. Clean the coupling.
6. Inspect the coupling for damage.

Step 1. Measure and identify the hose assembly

If the couplings are being recovered to build a new hose with the same dimension, the old
hose must be measured before starting the recovery process. Refer to Chapter 3 for
procedures to measure hose assembly length and angle of orientation. Always be sure to
measure the hose assembly before cutting. While the hose length can be estimated after
cutting, measuring the angle of orientation is impossible after the hose has been cut.

When building a new hose assembly, the failed hose must be identified to determine the
proper replacement hose. Refer to Chapter 1 to identify the replacement hose. Coupling
identification is necessary to ensure that the recovered coupling will fit on the replacement
hose. Refer to Chapter 2 for coupling identification. If the couplings cannot be identified as
Caterpillar couplings, do not install them on a Caterpillar hose.

Step 2. Cut the hose
When recovering screw-type couplings, cut the hose only when the hose is long enough to cause
difficulty when unscrewing the hose from the socket. After cutting, there should be enough hose left on
the coupling to provide for a good grip (at least 8 inches). The following chart lists the recommended
hose cut-off method for Caterpillar 556 and 1130 hoses. Each hose press Special Instruction book
describes saw operation.

Illustration 3: Hose Cut-off Method for 556 and 1130 Hose

Step 3. Remove the stem from the socket

Clamp the socket in a vise with the stem pointing up (hose perpendicular to the ground). Using the
correct size wrench, unscrew the stem from the socket.

Illustration 4: Step 3 Procedure

Step 4. Remove the socket from the hose
After removing the stem from the socket, clamp the socket in the vise with the hose facing away from
the vise (hose parallel to the ground). Remove the hose from the socket by unscrewing the hose in a
clockwise direction (the socket has left-hand threads).

Illustration 5: Step 4 Procedure

Step 5. Clean the coupling
Before assembling a new hose with the recovered coupling, clean the coupling in a solvent. Cleaning
the coupling prevents contamination of the new hose assembly by dirt and debris from the old hose

Step 6. Inspect the coupling for damage

Inspect each coupling during and after the cleaning process. If a question of whether the coupling is
good enough to reuse exists, do not reuse it. Reusing damaged couplings potentially reduces the hose
assembly life and also presents a serious safety hazard.

Some general reusability guidelines for all couplings are:

• Do not reuse couplings with cracked heads, deformed threads, or damaged sealing surfaces.

• Do not reuse couplings with damaged sockets.

• Do not reuse couplings with faulty braze joints, bent, dented, broken, or deformed stems.

• Do not reuse couplings that have been exposed to fire.

• Do not reuse couplings that have been physically altered.

• Do not reuse couplings that have been repair welded.

Watch the video segment on screw-type reusable coupling recovery, then continue with this


1. Screw-type reusable couplings can be used on what Caterpillar hoses?



2. It is acceptable to reuse a screw-type coupling on a Caterpillar hose even if the coupling cannot be
identified as a Caterpillar coupling.


3. Describe the circumstance when the hose should be cut during screw-type coupling recovery.




4. The hose must be unscrewed from the socket in a clockwise direction because the

socket has ______________________ ______________________ threads.

5. Dirt and debris introduced in the new hose assembly from a dirty coupling can

_______________________________ the hydraulic system.


1. Go to the hose room and recover a screw-type reusable coupling from a hose following the
procedure outlined in this chapter and the special instruction on recovering screw-type reusable


1. Which Caterpillar hoses use only screw-type reusable couplings?


2. Which Caterpillar hoses use collet-type reusable couplings?


3. Recovery of all screw-type couplings requires the hose to be cut 3 inches from the coupling.

(If the statement is false, change the statement to make it true)

4. The stem resizing step of the XT hose coupling recovery procedure can be skipped without any
ill effects to the future hose assembly.

(If the statement is false, change the statement to make it true)

5. List 7 conditions that prevent reusing a coupling.








6. In what Caterpillar publication can you find a list of the required tools to recover XT hose reusable


7. When resizing some stems with 30° or 45° elbows, how do you keep from damaging the stem



Answers to Hose Construction Review Exercises (page 10)

1. layers

2. inner tube (liner)

3. The Caterpillar Hose and Couplings Reference Guide

4. strength

5. Cotton
Synthetic material

6. cushion

7. cover

8. rubber and fabric

Answers to Hose Standards Review Exercises (page 13)

1. “R” or the letter “J”

2. pressure

3. 200

4. construction

5. working pressure

6. inside diameter


8. XT-3 ES, XT-5, XT-6, XT-6ES

9. SAE

10. DIN

Answers to Dash Size Review Exercises (page 16)

1. inside

2. Air Conditioning, Engine and Air Brake

3. -4

4. -6

5. -10

Answers to Identification Methods Review Exercise (page 21)

1. layline

2. Hose standard
Maximum system pressure
3. equal or greater

4. Hose Assembly System (HAS)

Caterpillar Hose Assembly Fabrication Guide (HAFG)

Answers to Chapter 1 Review Exercises (pages 22-27)
1. Petroleum based hydraulic fluids, hot oil, grease, lubricants, and crude oils

Petroleum based hydraulic fluids, water-glycol and water-oil fire resistant hydraulic fluids,
water, crude and fuel oils, hot oil, diesel fuels, antifreeze solutions, and air

For use with petroleum based hydraulic fluids


3. Provides the hose with strength

Contains and conveys the fluid
Protects the reinforcement from the environment
Reduces friction between the reinforcement layers

5. 122-6893

6. 5P-0201

7. Caterpillar 294……… SAE 100R2

8. Yes, since the maximum working pressure of this size of XT-3 hose is greater than the maximum
working pressure of the SAE 100R2 hose, XT-3 hose could replace 100R2 hose.

Caterpillar 294 hose might be a better replacement because it matches the working pressure of
100R2 hose more closely and is less expensive.

9. Hose style is XT-3ES -16

Hose cut length is 44.5 inches

10. Hose style is 1543 –06

Hose cut length is 37.00 inches

11. Society of Automotive Engineers or SAE

12. 16ths

13. dash

14. Deutsche Industrial Norme or DIN

Japanese Industrial Standard or JIS

15. inner tube or liner (the inner most layer)

reinforcement layer (the strength providing layer)
cover (the outer most layer)
cushion (the layer separating reinforcement layers)

16. layline

17. SAE

18. The hose could fail


Answers to Identification Methods Review Exercises (page 30)

1. hose assembly part number

2. customer

Answers to Coupling Types and Styles Review Exercises (page 32)

1. permanent and reusable

2. replaced

3. removed

4. crimp-type

5. screw-type and collet-type



8. XT-3 ES (triangle) XT-5 (+) XT-6 (UHP) XT-6 ES (infinity symbol)

Answers to Coupling Identification and Sealing Methods Review Exercises (pages 43-44)

1. North American

2. O-ring

3. low/medium and XT-3

4. hardware

5. thread

6. 30°



9. SAE Code 61

10. larger

11. different

12. hardware

Answers to Seal Identification Review Exercises (page 46)

1. metal-to-metal on threads
rubber-to-metal on O-ring
metal-to-metal on flare or cone seat

Answers to Thread Identification Review Exercises (page 49)

1. inches

2. inch

3. crest to crest

4. 60° 55°

5. greatest

Answers to Jump Size Review Exercises (page 54)

1. jump size

2. Hose Size Coupling Size Standard or Jump

-8 -6 jump down
-12 -12 standard
-10 -12 jump up

Answers to Chapter 2 Review Exercises (pages 55-59)

1. screw-type

2. 556, 1130

3. XT-3ES, XT-5, XT-6, XT-6ES

4. a. XT-3ES 2
b. XT-5 1
c. XT-6 3
d. 716 4

5. a. 3 male
b. 1 male
c. 4 male
d. 2 male
e. 6 female
f. 5 female

6. a. 11/16 inches
b. 16 threads per inch

7. a. 30 mm
b. 1.5 mm

8. metal-to-metal seal through thread compression

rubber o-ring to metal seal
seal on flare or cone seat

9. D Drop length
F Hose inside diameter
B Stem assembly length
A Head diameter and thickness
E Degree of angle
C Cut-off factor

10. flange head or thread

11. Coupling part number 124-2219

12. permanent

13. triangle (D)

14. plus (+)

15. UHP

16. No. The low/medium pressure coupling is not designed to fit XT hose.

17....No. Permanent couplings cannot be removed from the old hose and assembled on a new hose.

18. An adapter may be necessary to convert a hose assembly with an international couplings to a
Caterpillar assembly.

19. No. Never use another brand of coupling on a Caterpillar hose.


Answers to Safety Review Exercises (page 66)

1. No

2. motion absorption, hose length changes due to pressure, and hose and machine tolerances



5. Fitting slippage on hose

Damaged, cut or abraded cover
Hard, stiff, heat-cracked or charred hose
Cracked, damaged or badly corroded fittings
Leaks at fitting or in hose
Kinked, crushed, flattened or twisted hose
Blistered, soft, degraded or loose cover

Answers to Hose Assembly Measurement Review Exercises (page 72)

1. Straight with or without a swivel nut

Bent with or without a swivel nut

2. total assembly length


4. cut-off factor

5. subtracts from

6. One of the following formula:

Total Assembly Length Total Assembly Length

-Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor - (Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 1 Length)
- Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor - (Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 2 Length)
Hose Cut Length Hose Cut Length

Answers to Angle of Orientation Review Exercises (page 75)

1. angle of orientation

2. Hydraulic Information System (H.I.S.)

3. length

4. A protractor and a vise

5. Special Instruction

Answers to Hose Cleaning Review Questions (page 79)

1. contamination

2. A projectile is pushed through the hose by compressed gas. The projectile cleans the inside walls of
the hose.


4. pneumatic launcher

5. Any of the benefits listed on page 78.

Answers to Chapter 3 Review Questions (pages 80-83)

1. No



4. Straight with or without a swivel nut

Bent with or without a swivel nut

5. total assembly length


7. subtracts from

8. 124-1911
2.21 inches (56mm)

9. Coupling 1 part number = 2P3270 cut-off factor = 3.45 inches

Coupling 2 part number = 2P3267 cut-off factor = 3.02 inches
Cut length = 45.33 inches

10. Caterpillar coupling part number 221-0457

Hose cut length = 49.38 inches

11. Any of the benefits from page 80

12. contamination

13. cotton pull-throughs

blowing with compressed air
flushing with hydraulic oils, solvents or chemicals

14. One of the following formulae:

Total Assembly Length Total Assembly Length

- Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor - (Coupling 1 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 1 Length)
- Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor - (Coupling 2 Cut-off Factor + Adapter 2 Length)
Hose Cut Length Hose Cut Length

15. angle of orientation

16. Hydraulic Information System (HIS)

17. length

18. a protractor and a vise


Answers to General Information Review Exercises (page 86)

1. Screw-type

2. Collet-type

3. Permanent

4. Special Instruction

Answers to Lesson 1 Review Exercises (page 92)

1. No

2. XT-3ES

3. All except 50.8mm (2.00 in.) – Friction Saw and Abrasive Saw
50.8mm (2.00 in.) – Abrasive Saw

4. Skiving.

5. No

6. Larger

7. Special Instruction

Answers to Lesson 2 Review Exercises (page 98)

1. Low/medium
high pressure

2. No, only couplings with the correct marking can be used on XT hose.

3. FALSE 1543 is Air Conditioning hose

4. hose insertion depth

5. Base plate.

6. Crimp diameter

Answers to Lesson 3 Review Exercises (page 107)

1. Fabric covered

2. Do Not

3. Either a friction saw or an abrasive saw can cut any size of Caterpillar 556 or 1130 hose.

4. left-hand

5. same

6. 180°

Answers to Hose Storage Review Exercises (page 109)

1. clean

2. List any three of the general guidelines (listed on page 109).

Answers to Chapter 4 Review Exercises (pages 110-114)

1. A. Measure the total hose assembly length and subtract the coupling cutoff factors
B. Find the assembly part number in one of the Hydraulic Information Systems (H.I.S.)

2. Caterpillar 556 hose and 1130 hose

3. Assembling screw-type reusable couplings requires a tape to measure the new hose to the proper
length, a saw to cut the hose, a vise to hold the socket, an appropriate size open-end wrench to attach
the stem, and a protractor to configure the assembly with the proper angle of orientation.

4. It is not acceptable to assemble any other manufacturer's coupling on a Caterpillar hose. Using a
coupling from another manufacturer on a Caterpillar hose can result in hose assembly failure.

5. Since the existing angle is greater than the desired angle, use the formula:
(193° – 90°)÷2
Each coupling should be unscrewed 51.5°.

6. Since the existing angle is less than the desired angle, use the formula:
[60° + (360° – 120°)]÷2
[60 +(240°)]÷2

Each coupling should be unscrewed 150°.

7. XT hose

8. XT-3ES (∆)
XT-5 (+)
XT-6ES (∞)

9. Making the first cut in a counterclockwise direction keeps the cut straight. Continuing to skive
counterclockwise could cause the reinforcement wires to unravel.

10. Front Grip Collets 131-4367
Front Grip Collets 131-4368
Rear Grip Collets 6V-4886
Rear Grip Collets 6V-4887

11. Front Collets 6V-4891

Front Collets 6V-4892
Rear Collets 6V-4886
Rear Collets 6V-4887

12. No. Caterpillar 1543 hose is air conditioning hose. Air conditioning hose requires a different die
group than 716 hose.

15. Any five of the considerations listed in the Storage section of this workbook (listed on page 112).

16. Screw-type reusable, Collet-type reusable, Crimp-type permanent

17. 1/2 turn

18. Collet-type reusable

19. XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction

20. No. Only skive high pressure hose.

21. No

22. Yes

23. Read the Special Instruction for the press


Answers to Collet-type Reusable Coupling Recovery Review Exercises (page 119)

1. 3

2. Total assembly length and angle of orientation

3. Special Instruction

4. By hand, with a strap wrench and vise, and using the XT Hose Service Press.

5. Neglecting to resize the stem can reduce the life of the hose assembly.

6. No, a coupling damaged in any way can not be used.

Answers to Screw-type Coupling Recovery Review Exercises (page 125)

1. Caterpillar 556 and 1130 hose


3. Cut the hose during screw-type reusable coupling recovery only if the hose assembly is
long enough to make it difficult to remove the hose from the socket.

4. left hand

5. contaminate

Answers to Chapter 5 Review Exercises (pages 127-128)

1. Caterpillar 556 and 1130 hose are the only pressure hoses that use screw type reusable couplings.

2. Caterpillar's XT hoses use collet-type reusable couplings.

3. FALSE. Recovery of all collet-type couplings requires the hose to be cut 3 inches from the coupling.

4. FALSE. The stem resizing step of the XT hose coupling recovery procedure must be completed.

5. Any 7 of the conditions listed on page 118.

6. The XT Hose Service Press Special Instruction gives a list of all required tooling.

7. Look in the end of the coupling to determine when to stop press travel during resizing to keep
from damaging the coupling.

Chapter 1: Review Exercises:
Illustration 1 – g01103947 Problem #4 – g01106893
Problem #5 – g01106894
Problem #9 – g01106891
Dash Size:
Illustration 2 – g01105006
Illustration 3 – g01105008 Chapter 3:
Illustration 1 – g01106895
Illustration 2 – g01106896
Identification Methods: Illustration 3 – g01106897
Illustration 4 – g01103706
Illustration 4 – g01106898
Illustration 5 – g01105010
Illustration 5 – g01106899
Illustration 6 – g01006900
Review Exercises:
Problem #2 – g01105011 Review Exercises:
Problem #4 – g01103643 Problem #9 – g01106901
Problem #4 – g01103681
Problem #5 - g01105012
Problem #6 - g01105013 Chapter 4:
Illustration 2 – g01106902
Illustration 3 – g01106903
Chapter 2: Illustration 4 – g01106905
Illustration 1 – g01105015 Illustration 5 – g01106906
Illustration 2 – g01105016 Illustration 6 – g01116900
Illustration 3 – g01105017 Illustration 7 – g01106907
Illustration 4 – g01105018 Illustration 8 – g01107564
Illustration 5 – g01105019
Illustration 6 – g01105020
Illustration 7 – g01106202
Illustration 8 – g01106204 Chapter 5:
Illustration 9 – g01106205 Illustration 1 - g01103703
Illustration 10 – g01106207 Illustration 2 - g01107565
Illustration 11 – g01106208 Illustration 4 – g01106906
Illustration 12 – g01106210 Illustration 5 – g01106905
Illustration 13 – g01106211
Illustration 14 – g01106213 Answers to Chapter 1 Review Exercises:
Illustration 15 – g01106214 Problem #2 – g01107566
Illustration 16 – g01106215 Problem #4 – g01103705
Illustration 17 – g01106216
Illustration 18 – g01106217
Illustration 19 – g01106218
Illustration 20 – g01106225
Illustration 21 – g01106226
Illustration 22 – g01106227
Illustration 23 – g01106880
Illustration 24 – g01106889
Illustration 25 – g01106891
Illustration 27 – g01106892
Illustration 28 – g01106893

©2005 Caterpillar

All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A.

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