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Cover Story

Controlling SO2 Without

Corroding the Bottom Line
Bill Looney and Brian Baleno Mist eliminators in wet scrubbers comprise a
Solvay Advanced Polymers, LLC
Greg L. Boles large portion of system operating costs. Consider
Koch-Otto York Separations Technologies
Jacob Tetlow these material selection and replacement criteria
Arizona Public Service Co., Cholla Plant
to curb chronic maintenance requirements

mong the many types of pollu- ponents; and improve the longterm re- economic analysis that illustrates
tion-abatement systems that liability of these capital- and mainte- polysulfone’s lifecycle-cost advan-
are in use today, wet fluegas nance-intensive, pollution-abatement tages over the competing materials is
desulfurization (FGD) systems systems. This article presents com- also included.
— also known as wet scrubbers — are parisons between polysulfone and the
notoriously capital- and maintenance- other prevailing materials of construc- Removing acid gases from
intensive. These systems are widely tion (polypropylene, FRP and stainless post-combustion fluegas
used by electric power plants and steel) that are routinely used for mist Wet scrubbing is one of the most pop-
chemical process facilities to capture eliminators, and related brackets and ular technologies for removing acid
and neutralize sulfur-laden fluegas, supports. The article includes data gases, such as SO2 and HCl, from the
and help plant operators to meet strict and anecdotal evidence from three fluegas that is produced during coal-
federal and state mandates related to plants that were surveyed during its fired power generation and industrial
SO2 emissions. development (Table 1) — the Cholla combustion-related processes. Wet
Mist eliminators are an integral Station for Arizona Public Service scrubbers equipped with mist elimina-
part of most wet FGD systems, and (APS), Colstrip Montana Station for tors are not reserved solely for power
the ongoing maintenance and frequent PPL Corp., and the Gavin Station for plants; rather, such systems are also
replacement of these components is to American Electric Power (AEP). Each routinely used during industrial opera-
blame for a large portion of the overall has operating experience with several tions throughout the chemical process
operating costs of a wet scrubber sys- of the competing materials. industries (CPI), to capture acid and
tem. Today, mist eliminators used in The diverse operating experience particulate-laden fluegas streams pro-
wet scrubber towers are available in of these utilities helps to showcase duced by thermal oxidizers, incinera-
a variety of materials — namely poly- polysulfone’s distinct performance tors, boilers, kilns, foundries and other
propylene (PP), fiberglass-reinforced advantages over the other materi- combustion units, and to treat other
polymer (FRP), polysulfone, and stain- als, in terms of improved short-term sulfur- or acid-laden process-exhaust
less steel — and each has its own dis- thermal properties, greater longterm streams produced during various pe-
tinct advantages and disadvantages. load-bearing capacity and stiffness at troleum refining, gas processing, pet-
As discussed in this article, material elevated operating temperatures, and rochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical
selection has a direct impact on both better resistance to fouling and oxida- and metals-smelting operations.
the operations and maintenance re- tive attack by the alkaline-scrubbing The reliable operation of wet scrub-
quirements, and the capital and oper- reagents and acid gases found inside bers has a direct impact on a facility’s
ating costs, associated with mist elim- the wet scrubber. Common failure ability to ensure regulatory compli-
inators used in wet FGD systems.* modes associated with the prevailing ance with mandated SO2 limits, and
While the high-performance, engi- materials, such as melting and dis- problems with mist eliminators can
neering thermoplastic polysulfone is tortion from loading (polypropylene), lead to unplanned or excessive down-
more costly than other non-metallic pitting and corrosion (stainless steel), time of the wet scrubber. Making
materials, extensive use of this mate- and delamination and overall degra- matters worse, when backup scrub-
rial for wet-scrubber mist eliminators dation (FRP), are also discussed. An bing capacity is not available — as
has been shown to significantly reduce was the case with the PPL Colstrip
the number and duration of routine * The findings discussed in this article were first Station surveyed during the develop-
presented by these authors in a paper entitled,
cleaning cycles, trim operation and “Mist Eliminators — Proper Material Selection ment of this article — the resulting
maintenance costs; extend the overall Can Reduce Maintenance Costs and Improve downtime required for mist elimina-
Reliability in Wet Scrubbers,” at the 2006 Mega
service life of the mist eliminator com- Symposium Conference. tor cleaning can lead to megawatt
30 Chemical Engineering January 2008
Table 1. Relevant details about each of
the three surveyed power plants
Cholla Station Gavin Station Colstrip Station
Location Joseph City, Ariz. Winfield, W.Va. Colstrip, Mont.
Unit number 2 1 and 2 1 and 2
Generating capacity 280 MW 2,600 MW 716 MW scrubbing liquids can be recirculated
Coal used Lee Ranch North PRB for reuse, while the cleaned fluegas
McKinley Appalachian sub-bituminous stream is then discharged, essentially
free of mist.
Table 2. Mist Eliminator Performance Profile
Polypropyl- Vinyl ester FRP Polysul- Stainless Tough operating conditions
ene fone steel Mist eliminators used in wet scrubbers
Relative installed cost 1.0 2.3 2.8 4.8 routinely experience material buildup
Melting/softening point* 320°F 212–260°F 365°F 2,550°F during ongoing operation, and many
Oxidative stability 149°F 266°F 284°F Not a of the most widely used mist-elimi-
(longterm temperature) limitation
nator materials suffer from longterm
Relative ease of cleaning Difficult Most difficult Easiest Most difficult
deterioration in the hot, corrosive and
Failure modes Melting and Delaminating Loss of Pitting
loss of and damage ductility
erosive conditions found inside a typi-
strength from cleaning cal wet scrubber. In particular, many
* FRP materials maintain significant mechanical properties above their softening point, of the most commonly used materials
polysulfone gradually softens, and polypropylene forms a viscous melt. experience the damaging effects of
exposure to sulfuric acid attack over
losses, the need to purchase supple- Mist eliminators: the basics a wide pH range, in the presence of
mental or replacement power, and Mist eliminators, which are installed fuel-derived chlorides and fluorides.
even the possibility of costly service near the top of the spray tower, typi- As a result, proper material selection
interruptions at the power plant. (A cally rely on one or more chevron- is of critical importance to both short
more detailed discussion of the finan- shaped trays or baffles that remove the and longterm performance, operations
cial implications of these megawatt fine droplets of the alkaline reactant and maintenance costs, and overall
losses is provided below.) slurry that become entrained in the lifecycle costs of mist eliminators used
Inside a wet scrubber, the incom- fluegas stream inside the tower dur- in wet scrubbers.
ing sulfur-laden exhaust stream is ing operation. These droplets typically The environment inside a wet
contacted with a circulating stream contain water, the salt (either unre- scrubber can wreak havoc on all wet
of an alkaline solution (most often a acted alkali or reacted sulfate/sulfide scrubber internal components, includ-
slurry of caustic reagents). Contact compounds), and small amounts of ing the mist eliminator and each of
between the two streams converts the acidic gases containing SO2, SO3 the leading materials of construction
the acid gases in the fluegas into and other acidic species that must be — polypropylene, FRP, polysulfone
neutral salts and other solid byprod- removed from the fluegas prior to dis- and stainless steel — has a range of
ucts (which are eventually removed), charge from the tower. cost and performance attributes. As a
and raises the pH of the fluegas to Chevron mist eliminators can be result, proper material selection has
7–8 prior to discharge. installed and operated in either a enormous and direct implications for
The most widely used reagents are horizontal or vertical orientation. Two the overall operation, reliability and
lime and limestone. With such an ap- layers are typically used: The first to lifecycle costs associated with both the
proach, a slurry containing calcium remove the bulk of the entrained liq- mist eliminator and the wet scrubber.
hydroxide or calcium carbonate is uids, and the second to remove resid- Under normal operating conditions,
used to convert SO2 to calcium sul- ual liquid. the temperature inside a wet scrubber
fite and calcium sulfate, which then By design, chevron mist elimina- is approximately 130°F. However, tem-
precipitate out of the solution as a by- tors provide a tortuous path for the perature excursions above 250–350°F
product sludge. fluegas stream, forcing any entrained are not uncommon — the result of
Although several different scrub- droplets to impinge upon the baffle upset conditions that can result from
ber configurations are available, spray plates and coalesce into larger drop- unexpected power outages, problems
towers that use banks of high-pres- lets, which then fall back into the ves- with the gas bypass system, clogging
sure nozzles to atomize the scrubbing sel. These falling droplets mix with and failure of the slurry piping or
liquid into a fine cloud of tiny, reactive the spray from the slurry nozzles, spray header system, or loss of slurry
droplets, are the most commonly used, creating a mist that promotes intense flow for any reason.
so the balance of this article focuses on mixing between the acid gases and The presence of sulfuric and hydro-
mist eliminators used in wet scrubber alkaline reactants. chloric acids makes the environment
spray towers. The extraordinary sur- Additional reactions also occur in inside a wet scrubber extremely cor-
face-area-to-volume ratio of the drop- the slurry and byproduct sludge that rosive, and, the presence of flyash,
lets intensifies the contact between collect in the base of the tower. This calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate
the acid-laden fluegas stream and the byproduct sludge is ultimately dewa- and other particulate matter in coal-
scrubbing liquid, and this maximizes tered using settling ponds, belt filters, combustion fluegas creates erosive
mass transfer of the pollutant from plate-frame filters or other means, so conditions inside the wet scrubber. Ir-
the gas phase to the liquid and pro- that the solids can be disposed, and the respective of differences in the scrub-
motes the neutralizing reactions. water can be recycled. The returned ber reactants used (lime, limestone,
Chemical Engineering January 2008 31
Cover Story

flyash or others), or variations in the

sulfur and/or ash content of the vari- 3,000
ous types of coals used, wet scrubber
operators routinely experience both
solids buildup on their mist elimi- 2,500
nator components, and a variety of PSU
temperature-related problems during
wet scrubbing. 2,000

Storage modulus, MPa

While insufficient data are available
to determine the impact of the differ-
ent scrubbing reagents, or the type of
coal, on the fouling of mist eliminator
components, the vast experience of 1,000
the utilities surveyed during the de-
velopment of this article (as well as PP
anecdotal evidence from many other 500
customers of the authors’ various com-
panies) shows that proper material se-
lection has a direct impact on both the
20 70 120 170 220 270
frequency of the solids buildup on the
Temperature, °F
mist eliminator chevrons, and the ease
and frequency associated with their
Figure 1. Shown here is the typical change in flexural modulus as a function of
cleaning. Proper material selection temperature for both polypropylene (PP) and polysulfone (PSU)
can also help to mitigate the thermal
aging problems that typically plague resistant polymer, especially in the face lus, toughness, rigidity and other ther-
most wet-scrubber mist eliminators. of both acidic and alkaline constituents mal and mechanical properties at el-
that are found inside a typical wet evated temperatures, compared to the
Material selection options scrubber. As a result, polypropylene is other polymeric options. (Polysulfone’s
Table 2 provides a summary of the currently the most widely used among particular performance advantages in
various material properties, perfor- the three polymer-based options for mist eliminator applications are dis-
mance attributes and relative cost wet-scrubber mist eliminators. cussed in greater detail below.)
differences that are associated with Fiberglass-reinforced polymer: Stainless steel: Stainless steel is the
each of the four mist eliminator ma- FRP is comprised of a vinyl ester or most costly of the four prevailing mist
terials discussed in this article. In polyester resin matrix, to which con- eliminator materials. It is valued for
this section, the primary performance tinuous glass fibers have been added its superior mechanical strength and
tradeoffs and limitations of each ma- to provide structural reinforcement. rigidity under prolonged exposure to
terial — in the context of wet-scrub- FRP is widely used in corrosion-resis- elevated temperatures. It is also per-
ber mist eliminators — are discussed, tant piping and vessels due to its low ceived to be easier to clean, because
with illustrative anecdotes from the cost relative to the corrosion-resistant its superior mechanical strength al-
surveyed power plants provided later metals, broad resistance to chemical lows the operator to use water blast-
to showcase the particular capabilities attack and corrosion, light weight, ing at significantly higher pressure
and limitations of each material. strength, rigidity, and load-bearing to remove solids buildup. However, as
When specifying particular materi- capabilities. The use of FRP for mist discussed below, stainless steel’s par-
als of construction for any type of in- eliminator construction has followed ticular vulnerability to surface pitting
dustrial duty, the anticipated, steady- from its success in other industrial ap- by oxidative attack makes this percep-
state operating conditions must be plications. tion more of a misconception under
taken into account. To the best ex- Polysulfone: This high-temperature real-life, wet-scrubber conditions.
tent possible, any excursions (such as engineering polymer is more costly
short-term temperature spikes) that than both polypropylene and FRP Problems in the field
could occur as a result of potential from a material standpoint. However, The types of problems that are rou-
upset conditions should also be antici- for use in mist-eliminator applica- tinely experienced with mist elimina-
pated and factored in during materi- tions, a variety of factors help to jus- tors typically fall into two basic cat-
als selection. tify polysulfone’s premium cost over egories: Fouling and corrosion; and
Polypropylene. Among the four pre- the lifetime of the mist eliminator heat-related damage to the mist elimi-
vailing materials, polypropylene is the unit. These include its broad resis- nator components.
lowest-cost option (on a material-cost tance to both oxidation and hydrolysis Fouling and corrosion have the big-
basis), and it is easily formed, molded in the hot, moist, acidic environment gest impact on the system operating
and extruded. Polypropylene is also found inside a wet scrubber, and its efficiency, and on operation and main-
considered to be a broadly chemically improved retention of flexural modu- tenance requirements. Fouling occurs
32 Chemical Engineering January 2008
Figure 2. During a test installation,
APS’s coal-fired Cholla Station, Unit 2,
installed mist eliminators made from each
of the competing materials (from left to
right: polysulfone, FRP, stainless steel,
polypropylene), in order to compare the
performance of each under identical wet-
scrubber operating conditions

and dibasic acid (DBA), are sometimes

added to inhibit the formation and de-
position of such precipitates within a
wet scrubber system. Meanwhile, the
use of spray headers — with optimized
spray patterns — can also help to mini-
mize the amount of fouling that occurs
when solids and salts — produced dur- power plant surveyed during the de- during normal operations. However,
ing the wet scrubbing process — ac- velopment of this article). neither of these two approaches can
cumulate on the chevron mist elimi- Figure 1 compares the modulus of completely eliminate scaling and foul-
nators. Corrosion occurs as a result of polysulfone and polypropylene as a ing inside a wet scrubber.
oxidative or chemical attack to the sur- function of temperature. At typical As a result, wet scrubbers with mist
faces and crevices of mist eliminator operating temperatures found inside eliminators must routinely be shut
components, when they are exposed to a wet scrubber, polypropylene has a down for periodic manual cleaning.
hot, moist acid gases in the wet scrub- flexural modulus of 20–25% that of Periodic-cleaning methods range from
ber environment. polysulfone, which is the material the use of a simple fire hose with the
In particular, when solids are al- with the next lowest mechanical prop- mist eliminator remaining installed in
lowed to accumulate on the surfaces erties. In the face of the low modulus the tower, to removal of the mist elim-
of the wet-scrubber mist eliminators, of polypropylene and the high solids inator components from the scrub-
the buildup can close off the available loading, it’s no wonder polypropylene ber tower so that they can be cleaned
open area within the chevron baffles. mist-eliminator chevrons often call for using high-pressure water jets.
This leads to increased pressure drop, additional bracing. Making matters worse, many wet-
raises local velocities in the constricted Meanwhile, the wear and tear as- scrubber operators report that the
passageways, and reduces the collec- sociated with frequent, high-pressure corrosive and erosive environment
tion efficiency of the mist eliminator, water blasting — the most widely used inside a wet scrubber can roughen
which can result in mist carryover cleaning method — coupled with the the surface of the mist eliminator
out of the tower. Such solids buildup thermal aging (described below) work components, particularly those made
increases the frequency and duration in tandem to shorten the overall service from polypropylene, FRP and stain-
of cleaning, which brings with it atten- life of the chevrons, and lead to more less steel. While different mechanisms
dant costs associated with extensive frequent component replacement. are to blame for each of the different
system downtime and maintenance. materials, the end result is the same
Material buildup on the chevrons Cleaning challenges — increased surface roughness that
can also result in excessive mechani- As noted earlier, once the acid gases in not only makes the removal of accu-
cal loading, which can be especially the coal-combustion fluegas are con- mulated solids more difficult, but ac-
challenging for mist eliminators and verted into calcium sulfite and calcium tually accelerates solids buildup over
related connectors and support brac- sulfate during wet scrubbing, these time, thereby shortening the duration
ing that are made from several of byproduct solids precipitate and drop between required cleanings.
the polymeric materials that tend to out of suspension, accumulating on the The APS Cholla power plant re-
lose their mechanical strength when surfaces and internal passageways of cently performed an experiment in
subjected to the hot, corrosive envi- the chevron mist eliminator. In gen- which mist eliminators constructed
ronment inside a wet scrubber. For eral, calcium sulfite precipitates as a from each of the four prevailing mist
instance, under prolonged exposure soft, white or yellow sludge that is rel- eliminator materials were installed
to elevated operating temperatures, atively easily washed from any surface in one of the power plant’s four wet
components made from polypropylene onto which it settles. By comparison, scrubber towers (a tower that is 80-
can experience softening and melting. calcium sulfate tends to form a harder ft tall by 30-ft dia. and housed in the
Coupled with excessive loading from precipitate. When allowed to settle on portion of the facility known as Unit
solids buildup, this loss of thermal surfaces and in crevices, such buildup 2; Figure 2).
and mechanical integrity can lead to is not only difficult to remove during The photographs shown in Figures
warping, buckling and the premature routine cleaning operations, but also 3–6 provide a visual comparison of the
failure of the components. In some adds to surface roughness, which pro- solids buildup that occurred on mist
cases, polypropylene mist eliminators motes and accelerates further precipi- eliminator chevrons of each of the
require extra bracing to accommodate tation, calling for even more frequent different materials after two months
the excessive load on the chevron baf- cleaning (and related downtime). in service at the APS Cholla facility.
fles that resulted from solids buildup To minimize this fouling, chemical Scale is clearly shown on the polypro-
(this was the case for the APS Cholla additives, such a magnesium, sulfur pylene, FRP and stainless-steel ribs
Chemical Engineering January 2008 33
Cover Story

(Figures 3, 4 and 5), while the

chevrons made from polysul-
fone show minimal buildup
(Figure 6; note that in this
photo, solids buildup did occur
on the polypropylene brackets
that are used to support the
Figure 3. Shown here is a polypropylene Figure 5. During the APS Cholla experi-
polysulfone chevron blades). mist eliminator with considerable solids ment, the buildup on the stainless-steel
Based on its experiments buildup, from the trial installation at the APS mist-eliminator chevrons occurred mainly
comparing the four leading Cholla power plant at the edges
mist eliminator materials,
and its favorable operating
experience with polysulfone,
the APS Cholla facility is in
the process of retrofitting its
remaining wet scrubber tow-
ers in Unit 2 with mist elimi-
nators constructed from poly-
sulfone, as each of the existing
polypropylene mist elimina-
tors reaches the end of its use-
ful life. Plans are also in the
works to retrofit the existing
wet scrubbers in Unit 1 and Figure 6. The polysulfone mist-elimina-
tor chevrons remained largely free of solids
Unit 4 at the same plant with Figure 4. During the APS Cholla trial instal- buildup during the APS Cholla trial, while the
polysulfone mist eliminators, lation, the mist-eliminator chevrons made from supports made from polypropylene did experi-
as well. FRP also experienced solids buildup ence the telltale solids buildup
The following section con-
tains a more detailed discussion of When particles are able to become a wet scrubber can also damage mist
how each of the various materials embedded in the polypropylene chev- eliminators composed of FRP, lead-
fares in terms of solids buildup and rons that have softened under the ing to the formation of cracks on the
surface damage under typical wet elevated temperatures found inside surface, weight loss, and reduction in
scrubber conditions. the wet scrubber, they create a signifi- bending strength [1]. In particular,
Polypropylene: As noted earlier, cantly roughened surface on a micro- at temperatures on the order of 140–
polypropylene is subject to oxida- scopic level. The resulting roughened 160°F, and relative humidity in the
tion when exposed to the high tem- surface helps to explain the experience neighborhood of 85% (both of which
peratures inside a scrubber, and of many operators — including those are common within a wet scrubber),
often experiences softening at el- at the APS Cholla facility — who rou- FRP tends to experience hydrolytic
evated operating temperatures. A tinely report that once polypropylene attack, which weakens the bonds be-
surface morphology examination of mist eliminators have been put into tween the resin matrix and the glass
used polypropylene and polysulfone service, no amount of cleaning can fibers. Different rates of thermal ex-
mist eliminator components from the ever restore the mist-eliminator chev- pansion and contraction between the
APS Cholla facility, carried out using rons to a good-as-new quality again. glass and resin matrix cause the for-
scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Instead, polypropylene users con- mation of tiny cracks and voids, which
revealed an interesting finding. sistently report that after operation increases the potential for delamina-
As shown in the SEM images pro- through an initial fouling and clean- tion. The cracks and exposed glass
vided in Figures 7 and 8, the sample ing cycle, subsequent fouling seems to fibers create a rough surface, which
taken from the cleaned but aged poly- occur more frequently, and that more — similar to what is experienced by
propylene mist eliminator chevron is rigorous, more-frequent offline clean- used polypropylene mist eliminators
roughened, and shows the presence of ing must be undertaken to remove the — makes it difficult to restore the
embedded particles. To the operator’s buildup. The operators at APS Cholla, components to a truly pristine condi-
surprise, chemical analysis indicated when surveyed during the develop- tion during periodic cleaning.
that these particles do not contain ment of this article, summed it up this Polysulfone: When it comes to re-
calcium — thus, they do not represent way: “No matter how much we clean sistance to fouling, solids buildup,
a buildup of post-scrubbing sludge. the polypropylene, it’s never the same and corrosion from acid attack, the
Rather, their composition closely mim- as new packing. It just doesn’t func- high-temperature engineering plastic
ics that of the ash found in the McKin- tion as well, even if it looks clean.” polysulfone shows the greatest chemi-
ley and Lee Ranch coal that is burned FRP: As many power plant operators cal/oxidative stability in mist elimina-
at the facility. have found, the environment inside tor applications, compared to both of
34 Chemical Engineering January 2008
this creates a wet-dry interface
where acidic components can
concentrate [2].

Mechanical and
thermal properties
Mist eliminators used during
Figure 7. SEM examination of used poly- Figure 8. Adhered and embedded particles, wet-scrubber service have two
propylene mist-eliminator sample, 1k magni- on the used polypropylene mist-eliminator primary mechanical require-
fication sample at 3k and 15k magnification ments. First, the chevron struc-
its polymer-based alternatives, and longer duration between cleaning of tures must be able to maintain their
stainless steel. In particular, polysul- the towers that use polysulfone mist basic shape (not buckling or warping
fone withstands damage from expo- eliminators gives the facility added at elevated temperatures or excessive
sure to mineral acids, alkali and salt flexibility to schedule the necessary solids buildup), in order to allow for a
solutions. In numerous utility applica- scrubber downtime at a more conve- predictable fluegas flow. In addition,
tions, it shows a considerably longer nient time (that is, in anticipation of they must be able to withstand the
service life, compared to polypropyl- peak demand seasons). high-pressure water blasting that is
ene and FRP, under the range of op- The APS Cholla operators also required to clean them.
erating conditions found inside a typi- found that solids buildup is so easily As noted earlier, during operation,
cal wet scrubber. Meanwhile, because removed from the polysulfone mist both elevated temperatures and harsh
it demonstrates greater resistance to eliminators that the duration of the acidic conditions can compromise
the type of surface roughness, pitting cleaning cycle for polysulfone compo- the rigidity, strength and overall me-
problems and surface buildup that are nents is roughly 20% less than what chanical integrity of various materi-
commonly experienced by polypropyl- is required for the polypropylene mist als. When it comes to mist-eliminator
ene, FRP and stainless steel, polysul- eliminator components. applications in wet-scrubber service,
fone is also the easiest to clean of all Stainless steel: As noted above, the ranking of the four prevailing ma-
competing mist eliminator materials. stainless steel, while valued for its terials by mechanical strength, from
At the APS Cholla power plant, fa- improved mechanical strength and highest to lowest, is as follows: stain-
cility operators report they are able to rigidity at elevated temperatures, is less steel, FRP, polysulfone and poly-
operate their polysulfone mist elimi- subject to corrosion in the face of the propylene. The mechanical integrity
nators 50% longer than with polypro- aggressive conditions found inside a of each material under wet scrubber
pylene before the unit must be taken typical wet-scrubber tower, mainly in conditions is discussed below.
to remove solids buildup from the mist the form of pitting and crevice corro- Polypropylene: As shown earlier in
eliminator (from an average cleaning sion. These types of corrosion are well Figure 1, the flexural modulus and
frequency of once every three to six documented [2] and typically result in hardness of polypropylene decreases
months for polypropylene, to an aver- areas where there is a high concentra- significantly with increasing tempera-
age cleaning frequency of once every tions of chlorides or other halogens. ture allowing mist eliminators made
10–12 months for polysulfone). Pitting not only increases surface from polypropylene to soften, melt and
In addition, when very rapid turn- roughness, which promotes solids buckle at elevated temperatures. By
around is required, the polysulfone buildup and makes cleaning more dif- comparison, the flexural modulus of
mist eliminators can be cleaned in ficult, but in extreme situations, it can the other materials remains relatively
situ. However, to ensure complete also lead to perforations. This was the constant over the range of normal op-
cleaning — and maximize the duration case at AEP’s Gavin Plant, which is the erating temperatures typically seen in
between cleaning cycles — both the largest generating station in Ohio. a wet scrubber.
polypropylene and polysulfone com- That plant’s two units produce 2,600 Because polypropylene melts at
ponents are typically removed from MW, and include six wet scrubber tow- 320°F, the material is also particularly
the tower. Once they are removed, the ers (each 41-ft dia.). After unfavorable susceptible to damage from short tem-
polysulfone components — thanks to experience with Type 317L stainless- perature excursions that can occur as
their sustained improved mechanical steel mist eliminators, AEP has up- a result of temporary upsets in oper-
strength compared to polypropylene graded each of its six wet-scrubber ating conditions. For instance, when
— can withstand being cleaned using mist eliminators to polysulfone. Ac- a pump tripped at AEP’s Gavin Plant
more aggressive cleaning techniques. cording to the AEP facility operators, sending a blast of particularly hot acid
The removal of the polypropylene after one year of service, “the upper gas through one scrubber, the polypro-
mist eliminators every three to six set of stainless-steel mist eliminators pylene supports (used with its some
months is “a brutal undertaking, cost- looked like Swiss cheese.” The upper of its recently retrofitted polysulfone
ing us $100,000 to overhaul and re- level of mist eliminators is particu- mist eliminators) melted.
build the scrubber tower each time,” larly vulnerable to pitting corrosion Similarly, when PPL Montana expe-
say the APS Cholla facility operators. because rinse water often does not rienced a blackout that shut down the
By comparison, they note that the reach the top of the upper deck, and water spray nozzles in the scrubbers,
Chemical Engineering January 2008 35
Percent Retention of Flexural Strength

Cover Story PSU


the resulting temperature excursion 80

Percent retention
to 400°F melted the polypropylene
brackets, while the polysulfone baffles
merely softened. In another incident 60
at PPL Montana, an operator was
welding and a spark from the torch
ignited the polypropylene brackets.
PPL Montana has since replaced all of FRP 2
its polypropylene brackets with those 20
made from polysulfone. Although
polysulfone can burn, it is much more
difficult to ignite than polypropylene, 0
and is less likely to sustain burn-re- 1 2 3
lated damage. Added protection can Months of exposure
be gained by adding flame retardant
chemicals to polypropylene. Figure 9. Exposure to acids causes a degradation in the mechanical properties of
In general, the oxidative stability of many polymeric materials. The laboratory data shown here illustrate the loss of flex-
ural strength over time for both fiberglass-reinforced polymer (FRP) and polysulfone
polypropylene strongly depends upon (PSU) under simulated scrubber conditions
the use of antioxidants added during
the manufacture of the plastic. How-
ever, as polypropylene ages, its addi- end of the testing cycle, FRP 1 had Stainless steel: Clearly, stainless
tives are consumed. Once its additives approximately the same strength as steel outperforms all of its polymeric
are depleted polypropylene materials polysulfone, and FRP 2 had the same counterparts when it comes to inher-
tend to fail very rapidly. The rate at strength as polysulfone — despite ent mechanical strength and struc-
which the additives are depleted is having had an initial strength four tural integrity under elevated tem-
highly dependent on the environment times that of polysulfone at the out- peratures. However, the corrosion that
— operators should be aware that the set of the test. These test results are commonly results from acid attack
hot, moist environment found inside a shown in Figure 9. Similar reports can not only lead to surface pitting
wet scrubber tends to accelerate the from Reference [1] report a decrease and acid concentrations in crevices
aging of polypropylene. in FRP’s flexural modulus simply as a but, over time, can lead to perforation
FRP: As noted above, punishing result of elevated temperature under of the stainless steel chevrons in ex-
wet-scrubber conditions can lead to high humidity. treme cases. The major impact of the
a loss of bonding between the resin Polysulfone: Thermal-aging data pitting is increased surface roughness,
matrix and the glass mat, which show that polysulfone demonstrates which makes the surfaces more diffi-
not only increases surface rough- greater resistance to thermal aging cult to clean.
ness (contributing to solids buildup compared to both of its polymeric
and making FRP difficult to clean), counterparts (polypropylene and Economic considerations
but also causes FRP mist elimina- FRP). For instance, accelerated test- Switching from polypropylene to
tors to experience a loss of flexural ing for thermal aging in air that polysulfone. After its less-than-favor-
strength over time. To evaluate the was carried out at Solvay Advanced able experience with mist eliminators
performance of FRP in comparison to Polymers’ laboratories shows that made from polypropylene, (and earlier
polysulfone, Solvay Advanced Poly- the half life for the tensile strength experience with FRP and stainless
mers conducted internal testing of of polypropylene compounds ranges steel), the APS Cholla facility carried
both materials (using two different from 1,000 to 2,000 h at a tempera- out an economic analysis to support its
FRP matrix materials). The testing ture of 302°F. By comparison, polysul- decision to switch from polypropylene
conditions were designed to simulate fone has a tensile-strength half life of to polysulfone mist eliminators exclu-
wet-scrubber conditions (exposure to approximately 16,000 h at 338°F, a sively in Unit 2. As part of that eco-
6,000 ppm sulfuric acid, 1,000 ppm temperature at which polypropylene nomic analysis, plant operators noted
fuming sulfuric acid, and 1,000 ppm typically melts. that each offline cleaning cycle for
hydrochloric acid at 210°F, for one to However, over the course of an ex- polypropylene — requiring complete
three months). At the end of the test- tended service life, polysulfone mist- removal of the chevron baffles from
ing, the FRP samples had resulted eliminator units may experience a the wet scrubber, and an offline power
in a loss of flexural strength rang- loss of ductility under hot, acidic wash carried out by a crew of nine
ing from 40–80%, while the flexural conditions, which can result in some workers — costs more than $100,000
strength of the polysulfone samples cracking during cleaning operations, in manpower alone. Based on the abil-
was essentially unaffected. particularly if the mist eliminator ity to cut in half the frequency of its
Although the FRP materials were units are removed for cleaning, and offline cleaning (from once every three
much stronger than the polysulfone in many cases, the associated costs to six months, to once every ten to
at the beginning of the test, by the makes polysulfone cost-prohibitive. twelve months) by switching to poly-
36 Chemical Engineering January 2008
sulfone, the facility is saving $50,000 twice a year, while the stainless steel considerably less vulnerable to pit-
per tower per year. mist eliminators must be taken offline ting corrosion under hot, acidic wet
An additional justification in APS for cleaning eight times per year. scrubber conditions. It is this type of
Cholla’s economic analysis was that The average cost per 13-h shut- surface corrosion that makes stain-
polysulfone components do not have down, in terms of labor, is roughly less-steel mist eliminators so notori-
to be replaced as frequently as poly- $5,000. However, PPL Montana has ously hard to clean.
propylene components. Despite the no backup scrubbing capacity, so the
fact that a polysulfone mist elimi- downtime required for each sched- Acknowledgements
nator is two to three times more ex- uled mist-eliminator-cleaning event The authors of this paper wish to
pensive than one made from polypro- also engendered some hidden costs — thank Paul Shook of PPL’s Colstrip
pylene, it can operate much longer namely, those associated with a load Station and Frank Fetty of AEP’s
before it requires replacement. For reduction of 80 MW. These megawatt Gavin Station, as well as other power
instance, at APS Cholla, the poly- losses have enormous cost implica- plant personnel, for sharing their ex-
propylene mist eliminator would be tions for the facility. According to PPL tensive experience in the application
replaced in less than a year because Montana, assuming an energy cost of of different materials for mist elimi-
the increasing difficulty in cleaning $32 per MWh for the 13-h downtime nator components in FGD equipment.
them made breakage of the chevrons sessions, the annual MW losses alone We also wish to thank Suzanne Shel-
more prevalent (and the “cleaned” incurred by the towers using poly- ley, former CE editor, for her extensive
components less desirable). By com- sulfone mist eliminators (taken of- efforts during the writing and editing
parison, the polysulfone mist elimi- fline twice/year) cost $76,560, while of this article. ■
nators have already been in service the annual MW losses incurred by Edited by Rebekkah Marshall
there for more than three years — the scrubbers equipped with stain-
“something that is unheard of,” say less-steel mist eliminators (which are References
the facility operators. Polysulfone’s taken offline eight times per year) 1. Nishizaki, I., and Meiarashi, S., Long-Term
Deterioration of GFRP in Water and Moist
extended service life and reduced cost the utility $306,240. Environments, Journal of Composites for
replacement frequency is currently As a result, the ability to stem the Construction, Vol. 6., No. 1., February 2002.
helping the utility to realize an ad- MW losses associated with exces- 2. Shoemaker, L.E., and Crum, J.R., Experience
in Effective Application of Metallic Materials
ditional savings of $13,880 per year sive downtime by using polysulfone for the Construction of FGD Systems, Spe-
cial Metals Corp.
per tower for those equipped with mist eliminators instead of those
polysulfone mist eliminators. made from stainless steel is helping
The bottom line: When the APS PPL Montana to save $229,680/yr. Authors
Cholla facility upgraded the first of And the facility operators note that Bill Looney is senior global market manager
four wet scrubbers in Unit 2 from poly- if power demand is high, the utility for Solvay Advanced Polymers, L.L.C. (4500
McGinnis Ferry Road, Alpharetta, GA 30005;
propylene to polysulfone mist elimina- often has to buy replacement power Phone: 770-772-8200; Email: bill.looney@sol-
tors, it spent an additional $52,000 on during those downtimes, at a cost of with 25 years experience in high-per-
formance polymers. For the last 15 years he has
the premium components — but that $50–100/MW. worked extensively in helping Solvay’s custom-
material replacement has saved the ers understand where high performance plas-
tics can be used to replace corrosion-resistant
facility more than $146,640 over the Conclusions metals. He earned his B.S.Ch.E from Michigan
first three years of operation. This rep- Polysulfone, while more costly than Technological University.

resents an ROI of 13 months. As the polypropylene or FRP for the con- Brian Baleno is a business development
representative for Solvay Advanced Polymers
operators at APS Cholla said during struction of mist eliminators that are (Email: Brian has
the survey conducted for this paper: used in wet scrubbers, offers demon- spent nearly a decade managing material so-
lutions for customers in automotive, aerospace,
“Polysulfone pays for itself. We’re done strable performance advantages that chemical processing, healthcare and, of course,
with polypropylene.” can help to reduce overall lifecycle the power plant industry.

Switching from stainless steel to operation and maintenance costs by Greg L. Boles is FGD Marketing Manager
for mist eliminators associated with scrubbers
polysulfone: PPL Montana operates reducing the need for (and duration for wet-fluegas-desulfurization applications
22 wet scrubbers (six of these 35-ft.- of) periodic offline cleaning to remove at Koch-Otto York Separations Technologies
(4111 East 37th Street North, Wichita, KS
dia. scrubbers use polysulfone mist solids buildup during operation. Poly- 67208; Phone: 316-828-5668; Email: greg.boles
eliminators, and the remaining ones sulfone’s longer service life helps to Boles has spent 20 years
with the Koch Chemical Technology Group,
use stainless-steel mist eliminators). reduce capital expenditures over the in various capacities of process design, sales,
and marketing. Greg earned his B.S. from Fort
When PPL Montana carried out an lifecycle of the mist eliminator. Hays State University and M.S. from Friends
analysis to determine the economic Meanwhile, polysulfone’s ability University.
advantages of polysulfone versus to maintain its structural strength Jacob Tetlow is overhaul planning manager
stainless steel for wet-scrubber mist and mechanical integrity at the el- at the Arizona Public Service Co. Cholla Plant
(P.O. Box 188, M.S. 4455, Joseph City, AZ 86302;
eliminators, the experience taught evated temperatures found inside a Phone: 928-288-1537; Email: jtetlow@apsc.
com). He is responsible for planning, schedul-
them that polysulfone’s improved wet scrubber also allows it to com- ing and executing overhauls on four coal fired
ability to withstand solids buildup pete with costly stainless-steel com- units. With more than 12 years of experience
in engineering, operations and maintenance,
and corrosion allowed the operators to ponents, with the added bonus that Tetlow has worked on numerous power plant
take the scrubbers down for cleaning unlike stainless steel, polysulfone is projects and overhauls.

Chemical Engineering January 2008 37

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