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Feature Report

Controlling Emissions
With Ceramic Filters Table 1. Characteristics of High- and Low-Density
Ceramic-Filter Elements
Ceramic filters are well suited High density Low density

for high-temperature processes Structure

that are subject to Filter drag High Low
Porosity, % (inverse of resistance to flow) 0.3 – 0.4 0.8 – 0.9
strict emissions limits, Tensile strength High Low

including those for dioxins Fracture mechanism

Thermal shock resistance
Cost High Low
Andrew Startin and Gary Elliott
Clear Edge Filtration
About incineration

eramic filters offer practical installations. Of particular interest ncineration processes are being widely
operating benefits and com- are the emissions of dioxin chemicals used more and more to deal with the
mercial competitiveness in pol- and particulate matter that have been disposal of waste materials. In many
lution abatement applications under close scrutiny since the 1990s. countries, land filling of waste materials
where processes combine ele- Official emissions reports commis- is not practical or desirable due to a lack
vated-temperature off gases with the sioned for these plants indicate emis- of appropriate sites. Incineration has the
need for high levels of corrosion resis- sions well within regulated limits. benefit of reducing both the volume and
tance and the ability to eliminate dust mass of waste, thus reducing the amount
of material to be disposed of.
emissions. This article discusses the Ceramic filtration technology Incineration is now applied to a wide
applicability of ceramic filtration tech- The concept of using a refractory ce- range of waste streams from high-tonnage
nology, with focus on, and examples of ramic material to form a filter me- municipal solid waste (MSW) through to
its use in incineration processes. dium, predominantly for use at el- the lower-tonnage specialty wastes pro-
The ability to deliver low emissions, evated temperature (generally in the duced by industrial processes. However,
even with fine particles that are 2.5 region of 200–400°C, but can be up whatever the application, the imperative
micrometers (μm) or smaller (PM2.5), to 900°C) has been around for many for the incineration process is broadly the
while operating at an elevated tem- years [1]. One of the earlier forms same — a reduction in mass and volume
perature is the primary driver for of ceramic filter was devised for ad- while rendering the remaining waste mate-
the application of ceramic elements vanced power-generation applications rial as inert as possible and, of course, pro-
ducing the absolute minimum of emissions.
to high temperature processes that with the requirement for operation at
Waste incineration, as with other in-
are subject to strict emissions limits. high temperature and high pressure. dustrial processes, has been the subject
Such processes include metal smelt- In the form of flanged tubes, closed at of ever tightening emissions legislation
ing, chemicals production and waste one end, these “high density” media in recent years. Public disquiet over in-
incineration. In the latter case, ce- are still in widespread use across a cineration processes and the generation
ramic elements have been applied to broad range of applications. of potentially dangerous emissions has
a number of small- to medium-scale Low-density ceramic filter elements subsequently, detrimentally affected the
incineration duties including medical (hereafter referred to as ceramic ele- approval of many new installations. Con-
waste, soil cleaning, asphalt recycling, ments) were initially developed in the sequently, the industry has sought effective
industrial waste, chemical waste and middle 1980s. One of the first appli- post-incinerator processes for dealing with
off gases in terms of reducing and elimi-
building waste. cations for ceramic elements was in
nating emissions and where practical, re-
Several new, high-temperature in- thermal soil remediation. This process covering useful energy. Many techniques
cineration installations have been set involves driving off the volatiles from and combinations of techniques have been
up to deal with waste that is of mixed contaminated soil in a rotary furnace developed and are under development —
composition from various sources. Ce- to decontaminate it and make it reus- a broad overview of which is beyond the
ramic elements have been selected as able. The first stage in the complex scope of this paper.  ❏
the filter medium for a number of these off-gas treatment train is high tem-
Chemical Engineering January 2009 35
Table 2. Characteristics of (Low-Density) Table 3. Maximum Operating Temperature
Ceramic Elements of Filtration Media
Form Monolithic rigid tube Operating Temperature (oC)
Refractory fibers plus organic and inor- Continuous Surge
Composition ganic binding agents Sulfar (“Ryton”) 180 200
Porosity about 80–90% Aramid (“Nomex”) 200 240
Density about 0.3–0.4 g/cc Polyimide (“P84”) 240 260

Support Self supporting from integral flange PTFE (“Teflon”) 260 280

Outer dia. up to 150 mm; Glass 260 300

Geometry Length up to 3 m Ceramic elements 900 900

perature filtration, which removes Table 4. Efficiency of Ceramic Elements in Various Applications
particulates from the gas prior to fur- Dust Particle Emission Inferred
ther processing. Process loading size level efficiency
The ceramic elements manufac- mg/Nm3 d501,μm mg/Nm3 %
tured in the middle 1980s were sec- Zirconia production Up to 8,000 1.2 0.8 99.99
tional, meaning they were built up
Aluminum powder production 550 <50 <1 >99.8
from a series of inner- and outer-tube
sections. The first monolithic elements Secondary aluminum about 870 <1 0.5 99.9
were produced around the late 1980s Smokeless fuel production 1,000 4.8 1.5 99.85
and early 1990s. One of the early ap- about
plications envisaged was advanced Nickel refining 11,800 <10 <1 >99.99
power generation, so the form of the 1. Diameter of median size particle
first monolithic ceramic element was
typical of the high-density elements Table 5. European Waste Incineration Directive Annex V:
being applied in the development of air Emission Limit Values (ELV)
advanced power-generation technol-
Directive Requirement
ogy — it was a 1-m-long tube, with a
60-mm outside dia., closed at one end Averaging/Monitoring Monitoring
ELV mg/m3 Period Frequency
and with an integral mounting flange
at the other end. Total Dust 10 Daily average Continuous
Table 1 summarizes the main char- VOCs (as TOC) 10 Daily average Continuous
acteristics of the two types of elements HCl 10 Daily average Continuous
referred to as low and high density. In HF 1 Daily average Continuous
addition to the characteristics outlined SO2 50 Daily average Continuous
in the table, one major difference be-
NOx (as NO2) 200 Daily average Continuous
tween high- and low-density ceramic
filter elements is the forming method. CO 50 Daily average Continuous
Typically, high density elements are Cd and Tl total 0.05
All average values over Periodic: 2 per year
manufactured from refractory grains Hg 0.05 the sample period (30 but every 3 months
(such as alumina or silicon carbide) Sb, As, Pb, Cr, Co, min to 8 h) to be less during first year of
by pressing or tamping to form the Cu, Mn, Ni and V total 0.5 than these limits operation
basic shape. Low-density ceramic fil- 0.1 ng/m3 CEN2 method, sample
ter elements are vacuum formed from Dioxins and furans TEQ period 6 to 8 h As above
a slurry of refractory fibers to produce 2. Conseil European pour la Normalisation
a blank, which is machined to shape,
or in some cases to produce the final The structure and composition of ce- is shown in Table 3.
shape. It is also worth mentioning ramic elements confer three principal The elevated ceiling temperature
that ceramic filter elements are also benefits for the technology: of ceramic elements coupled with
produced in the form of plain tubes • High-temperature filtration capability high filtration efficiency constitutes
and can be applied to “inside out” fil- • High collection efficiency the basis for selection of the technol-
tration as well as “outside in”. Nor- • Corrosion resistance ogy. Where the off gas to be filtered is
mally, however, “outside in” filtration Although the maximum use tempera- consistently at a temperature below
is employed. ture claimed by the various manufac- 250°C, then a needlefelt or coated
Characteristics and benefits. The turers for their ceramic elements varies, needlefelt manufactured from a tra-
key characteristics of ceramic elements it is typically stated as 900°C (1,650°F). ditional polymeric material will often
are summarized in Table 2. Ceramic This temperature is well above that re- be adequate. However, stringent emis-
elements are formed from refractory quired by the majority of “end-of-pipe” sions regulations coupled with an el-
ceramic fibers with a fiber diameter of air pollution control (APC) duties that evated or variable off-gas temperature
around 3 μm. Fiber diameter is crucial utilize traditional fabric bags for partic- can be too tough for polymeric fabrics
to promoting surface filtration and ulate capture. The ceiling temperature and favor the application of ceramic
thereby good filtration characteristics. for commonly used fabric-bag materials elements. Examples of the emissions
36 Chemical Engineering January 2009
Jet tube
Plenum Table 6. Some Applications of Ceramic Elements
Clamping Air pollution control applications Product collection/recovery applications
plate Waste incineration Titanium dioxide production
Manifold Soil cleaning Fumed silica production
Metals smelting Carbon black production
Minerals processing Catalyst manufacture
Foundry processes Platinum smelting
Glass furnaces Metal powder production
Cement production Activated carbon production
Fluidized beds
Valve Boiler plant

Figure 1. A ceramic filter plant ramic elements can be retrofitted into Of the 51.6-million metric tons
is shown in this schematic diagram
an existing bag-house filter. The filter (m.t.) of municipal waste created in
achieved by ceramic elements are pre- plant, housing the array(s) of ceramic 1998, some 78% was incinerated in
sented in Table 4. elements, is often used in combina- 1,800 incinerators. A further 400-mil-
Application and duties. Many in- tion with dry scrubbing and is placed lion m.t. of industrial waste are han-
dustrial processes, and in particular, downstream of cooling or heat recov- dled by 3,300 privately owned indus-
high-temperature processes, emit off- ery apparatus. trial incinerators.
gas streams of mixed gas laden with In principal, the operation of ce- In the 1980s, the Japanese system
particulate matter that has a variable ramic filter plants is similar to fabric for dealing with municipal waste,
composition. Managing these off-gas bag houses. The gas to be cleaned is with its integrated recycling and in-
streams is a necessary part of the in- typically drawn into the plant by an cineration program, was looked upon
dustrial activity. Air emissions from an induced-draft fan such that the partic- as somewhat of a model for municipal
incineration plant can involve a broad ulate matter being collected builds up waste management. However, in the
range of species, including particulate on the outside of the elements in the 1990s the growth of incineration led to
matter, oxides of nitrogen (NOx), ox- form of a cake. The cleaned gas passes greater public and media awareness of
ides of sulfur (SOx), hydrogen chloride, through the wall of the elements and the potential for pollution created by
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), into the plenum, the cake being peri- the many incineration facilities. Par-
polychlorinated biphenyls/dibenzo odically removed from the elements ticular emphasis was placed on dioxin
furans (dioxins) and heavy metals. by a reverse-pulse mechanism. The emissions with the dioxin family of
The abatement regime is required to rigid nature of the elements promotes chemicals being suspected of causing
reduce these pollutants to below the surface filtration, which in turn re- a range of health problems.
regulated limits. The European Waste sults in low emissions and extended Tougher emissions regulations for
Incineration Directive, currently being media life. municipal waste incinerators were
enacted in the U.K. and elsewhere, re- Ceramic elements have been ap- introduced in 1997, which included a
quires specified incineration processes plied to a wide range of services where tighter standard for dioxins. The di-
to meet a series of defined emission the benefits of the technology can be oxin standard for waste incinerators
limit values (ELVs). These are out- utilized, for example the need for ef- in Japan is now in line with that speci-
lined in Table 5. ficient filtration at an elevated tem- fied in European regulations at 0.1 ng/
A number of established and emerg- perature. Some of these applications Nm3 TEQ (toxic equivalent). The stan-
ing technologies have been developed are listed in Table 6. dards for other pollutants, such as acid
to meet regulated emission limits. The waste incineration applica- gases and particulates, are generally
These include barrier filters, dry, semi- tions can be further sub-divided into higher than those adopted in Europe.
dry and wet scrubbing, cyclones, elec- a number of small- to medium-scale For instance, the particulate standard
trostatic precipitators and catalysis- duties. These include clinical, chemi- for municipal waste incinerators is 50
conversion processes. These cleanup cal, petrochemical sludge, animal mg/Nm3 while a higher figure is regu-
processes are used, often in combina- waste, laboratory waste, tires and lated for smaller incineration facili-
tion, to achieve at least the regulated building waste. ties, typically 100–150 mg/Nm3.
emission limits. Process choice is af- Case study background. As with
fected by many factors, apart from the Japan’s incineration example municipal waste, the incineration of
regulations in force, not least of which With an area of 147,000 square miles, building waste has been the subject of
are economics and reliability. a population of 127,000,000, and more stringent emissions legislation
Ceramic elements can be employed around two thirds of the land area in recent years. Such waste is derived
in a filtration plant to meet the par- being mountainous and forested, Ja- from the construction and upgrade
ticulate (dust) emission target across pan’s relative lack of space has pre- of buildings. Due to the source of the
a broad range of processes. In this cluded dependence on landfilling waste, the composition is highly vari-
article, the terms filter plant and fil- for waste management. Japan has able, and contains wood, paper, card-
tration plant refer to a full filter as- achieved creditable recycling rates for board, plastics and metal. There are a
sembly consisting of the housing and waste paper, tires, and aluminum and number of building-waste incineration
filter elements (Figure 1). The filtra- steel cans; and Japan has utilized in- plants in Japan, most of which are
tion plant can be a new build, or ce- cineration for many years. new installations. The first of these
Chemical Engineering January 2009 37
Feature Report point

Secondary Sorbent
combustion feeder
chamber Filter
plants, a new installation utilizing ce-
ramic elements, was commissioned in
May 2002.
During that project design stage
the end user considered both PTFE
on PTFE needlefelt as well as ceramic
elements for the off-gas filtration me- combustion
dium. Given the similar price of the chamber Indirect Direct Fan
water water Discharge
two types of media, ceramic elements Rotary jacket injection
were eventually selected due to their kiln cooling cooling
chambers chamber Figure 2.
additional benefits over the PTFE me- The Honshu incineration
dium, which include the following: plant is shown here schematically
• Temperature capability giving pro-
cess latitude and “insurance” against
temperature surges
• Low emissions
• Effective acid-gas scrubbing in com-
bination with a dry sorbent
To date, three plants have been
commissioned that utilize ceramic
elements in the gas cleaning train —
two on Honshu and one on Shikoku
island. The first plant to be commis-
sioned (referred to hereafter as Hon-
shu I) is in the Chugoku region, the
second plant is on Shikoku (Shikoku
I) and the third plant also on Honshu
(Honshu II). This case study focuses
on Honshu I, but emissions test data,
also included, have been made avail-
able for Honshu II.
Installation details. A simplified
schematic diagram of the Honshu
I plant is shown as Figure 2. Bulk Figure 3. This is a general view of the filter plant and direct cooling chamber at
waste is delivered to the plant and Honshu I. The ceramic filter plant can be seen center left in the plant. To the right of
pre-sorted prior to being fed by me- the filter plant is the direct cooling chamber and to the left the exhaust stack
chanical loader into a shredder. Metal
objects are removed by hand from the • Designed filtration velocity: 1.41 m/ The plant is designed somewhat
shredded material on the conveyor min at 523 K more conservatively than the Hon-
line, which feeds a hydraulically oper- • Sorbent: Slaked lime and activated shu I plant to give a lower opera-
ated charging ram that feeds the pri- carbon tional face velocity.
mary combustion chamber. Figure 3 shows a general view of the Operational results. In order to
Primary and secondary combustion incineration facility and filter plant. be granted an operating permit,
is carried out at in excess of 1,270 K The Shikoku I and Honshu II plants all three of the incineration instal-
with further ash treatment in a rotary are similar in concept and operation lations had to undergo an official
kiln to reduce final discharge volume. to the Honshu I plant described above. emissions test, based on isokinetic
Combustion off gases are cooled by in- Principal filter parameters for the sampling, soon after commissioning.
direct, followed by direct cooling to ac- Honshu II plant are as follows: Results from these tests are pre-
curately control temperature prior to • Element type: 3 m length ∙ 0.15 m sented to the plant operators with
sorbent injection. outside dia. actual readings being compared to
Principal filter parameters are the • Number of elements: 216 the regulations in force. The official
following: • Configuration: Vertically mounted test results from the Honshu I and
• Element type: 3 m length ∙ 0.15 m 24 ∙ 9 array II plants are presented in Tables 7
outer dia. • Filtration area: 302.4 m2 and 8. The acid-gas emission figures
• Number of elements: 324 • Design gas volume: 10,000 Nm3/h are a function of the sorbent being
• Configuration: Vertically mounted • Designed filtration velocity: 1.06 m/ employed and its application. Resi-
36 ∙ 9 array min at 523 K dence time of the sorbent in the gas
• Filtration area: 453.6 m2 • Sorbent: Slaked lime and activated stream is crucial to allow acid spe-
• Design gas volume: 20,000 Nm3/h carbon cies to react.
38 Chemical Engineering January 2009
Table 7. Honshu I emissions measured at the filter stack
on May 31, 2002
Item Unit Value
1) Dioxin ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.00032 Authors
Gary Elliott is the general
2) Dibenzofuran ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.02296 manager of Clear Edge Fil-
3) PCB ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.0000326 tration’s (formerly Madison
Filter) Cerafil Division (Clear
4) 1) + 2) + 3) ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.023 Edge UK Ltd., The Stable,
Rock Farm, Seckington, Tam-
5) Total particulate mg/Nm3 0.3 worth, B79 OLA, U.K.; Phone:
+44–1827–839125; Email:
6) HCl mg/Nm3 2
After graduating with a B.S.
7) SOx ppm <1 degree from Leicester Uni-
versity, Elliott worked in the
8) NOx ppm 120 field of high temperature ceramic in the metal-
9) CO ppm 0 lurgical field, and more recently in the field of
gas filtration. Elliott has specialized in applying
10) O2 % 10.6 ceramic filters to industrial gas filtration for pol-
lution control duties as well as for process filtra-
11) Moisture % 22.0 tion and product collection.
Wet Nm3/h 19,110 Andrew Startin is the prod-
12) Actual gas volume Dry Nm3/h 14,910 uct manager at Clear Edge
Filtration’s Cerafil Division,
13) Gas temperature oC (K) 188 (461) where he is responsible for
technical and business de-
velopment aspects of Cerafil.
He graduated in 1981 from
Table 8. Honshu II emissions measured at the filter stack Brunel University (London,
England) with a degree in ma-
on October 25, 2002 terials science and technology.
Item Unit Value3 Regulation3 From there, he joined Doulton
Industrial Products in Stone, Staffordshire where
1) Dioxin ng-TEQ/Nm3 he worked on projects developing industrial ce-
ramics primarily for the aerospace industry. He
2) Dibenzofuran ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.010 then joined Ashland Chemicals and followed by
Universal Abrasives where he was involved in
3) PCB ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.000010 further development work on technical and in-
dustrial ceramics. In 1990 Startin joined Foseco,
4) 1) + 2) + 3) ng-TEQ/Nm3 0.01 0.1 Birmingham, and first became involved with Cer-
afil ceramic filter elements in 1992. He became a
5) Total particulate mg/Nm3 0.1 250 full time member of the Cerafil team in 1994.

6) HCl mg/Nm3 45 700

Concentration ppm 28
7) SOx Emission Nm3/h 0.34 10.44
8) NOx ppm 100
9) CO ppm 0
10) O2 % 11.1
11) Moisture % 7.4
Wet Nm3/h 13,000
12) Actual gas
volume Dry Nm3/h 12,000
13) Gas temperature oC (K) 134 (407)
3. Empty cells mean either not measured or not regulated

Future developments hanced by the addition of a catalyst

Ceramic elements are employed in to the filter systems [2]. The catalyst
filter plants, either new or retrofitted, can reduce NOx with efficiency up to
in much the same way as traditional 95%, with the addition of ammonia or
polymeric filter bags. It has been dem- urea, and destroy VOCs as well as di-
onstrated that ceramic filters offer oxins. This new technology has poten-
practical operating benefits and com- tial for application where particulate
mercial competitiveness in high-tem- and NOx control are needed in tan-
perature processes where corrosion dem, and is competitive with electro-
resistance and the ability to eliminate static precipitators and standard se-
dust emissions are needed. lective catalytic reactors, particularly
A further important development in the power generation, glass and
of this technology has seen the in- cement industries. ■
troduction of ceramic filter elements  Edited by Dorothy Lozowski
that not only deliver the dual benefits
of high particulate-removal efficiency 1. Ondrey, G., Some Filters Like it Hot, Chem.
and temperature resistance, but also Eng., November 2001, pp. 29–39.
treat gaseous pollutants. Fairly re- 2. Ondrey, G., Remove dust and pollutants
with this catalytic filter, Chem. Eng., July Circle 20 on p. 58 or go to
cently, these benefits have been en- 2005, p.16.
Chemical Engineering January 2009 39

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