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Physiological Analysis of Physical

Jose Contreras

APK 3120

November 24th, 2021

Professor Mo
Physical Activity

The activity I will be performing is a typical workout involving the biceps and back

muscles. Before I start any heavy lifting I like to warm up my body by doing a light aerobic

exercise on the treadmill or the bicycle. Having my heart rate increase and blood pumping will

prepare me for a full body stretch to reduce injury as well as help with mobility. Stretching helps
free up the fibers to prepare the muscle for further damage. To stretch my back I like doing dead

man hangs. For my biceps I like to turn my wrist inward and behind me while having my thumbs

face down. Doing this I feel my biceps stretch. The first weight training exercise I am going to

perform is a hammer curl. There are a few ways to approach this. One can either sit down, stand

up or lay at a angle so that arms are behind your body. Today I will be sitting. I grab the

dumbbells with my palms facing inward of my body. With this grip the dumbbell is vertical. As I

sit down my arms lay beside me in a neutral position. I keep my elbows still lifting the weight

using my biceps and squeeze at the top holding that top position for about a second or two. I

perform this set 3 times with a rep of 10. To move onto the next exercise, we will be doing a

pulldown. Walking over to the machine I adjust the weight to the appropriate weight I can

manage. I grab the bar just outside my body. Using my elbows as a driving force down I then

pull the bar down to help activate my lats muscle. Elbows are down and near my ribcage. I
follow up controlling the weight. I perform this exercise for 12 reps.

Metabolic System

Before any type of physical activity I like to have a meal an hour to two hours before to

pack my body with macronutrients that can be broken to ATP to fuel my body for the workout.

The carbohydrates and fats that I consumed earlier will help me to sustain the energy needed for

the prolonged exercise. Protein however has minimal use in terms of ATP production but is

needed for repair and growth of the muscle. The body main source of energy and movement is
through ATP and by breaking one of the phosphate bonds one can obtain the energy needed for

work. As I initiate my light jog the ATP-PCr system is in immediate use to take the readily

available ATP that was stored in my muscles. The pathway for this energy system is not as

complex as the other two. To acquire energy a phosphate group, from the molecule

phosphocreatine, is donated to ADP to form ATP. This system is short-lived as it produces the

energy needed for about 5 to 10 seconds. As my jog progresses, which only last for about 5

minutes at a speed of around 5mph, the second energy system begins to take over.

Similar to the ATP-PCr system, glycolysis produces mere gains and is not long lasting

either. Just a little over 2 minutes into my run glycolysis can no longer keep up with the needed

ATP regeneration. Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose which can form a net gain of 2 mols

of ATP. If glycogen is broken down a total of 3 mols of ATP is produced. The reason for the

extra molecule produced is because conversion of glucose to another compound requires the

input of ATP whereas glycogen does not. These two energy systems cannot sustain prolonged

workouts so another energy system comes into play. In reality though all 3 energy system are

intertwined during the workout, some just dominate more than the other depending on the

activity one is doing. The ATP-PCr and glycolysis will dominate early in my workouts but as I

progress the oxidative system will take over. It is not as fast as the other two systems but it

produces significantly more ATP. OXIDATIVE SYSTEM

Neuromuscular System

The nervous system and muscles interact with each other to form movements. This is

split into two major divisions which are the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous

system. As I finish me pre-workout meal my body begins to digest. A subdivision of the

peripheral nervous system, the autonomic system, is responsible for involuntary actions of the

body like breathing, heart rate contractions and other important bodily functions for life. The
autonomic system can also be divided into two categories which are antagonistic towards each

other. The act of digestion is a parasympathetic response which includes a decrease of heart

contractions but increases the activity of the digestive system. The other half is the sympathetic

response. “The sympathetic nervous system plays a crucial role in the regulation of arterial blood

pressure and blood flow during exercise, and several important neural mechanisms” (Katayama

& Saito, 2019). This system prepares the body for physical stress by increasing heart rate and by

inhibiting body functions like digestion which is not needed in time of stress.

To perform a bicep curl there must be contraction. For a muscle to contract a signal is sent

from the nervous system. This signal is referred to as an action potential. The action potential

will start at the brain and enter through a motor neuron via the dendrites (book). The

neuromuscular junction is the gap between the motor neuron and muscle fibers that help

contractions. When the action potential reaches the axon terminal, acetylcholine, a

neurotransmitter, is diffused into the synaptic cleft to bind to receptors that causes

depolarization. This depolarization opens up sodium ions and once a threshold is met an action

potential is reached. Once it is formed it spreads through the plasmalemma and creates a muscle

contraction which also releases calcium ions. This whole process can also be referred to as the

excitation-contraction coupling. This is sequence is happening as I begin to curl the weight. As

the weight is being lifted muscle fibers are being shorten. This can be explained by applying the
sliding filament theory. When calcium ions are released they bind to an actin filament and create

a change allowing myosin heads to attach to the actin. This attachment creates a cross bridge that

allows the pulling of thin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere. This action causes a

concentric contraction This contraction is halted once the calcium ions are pumped backed into

the sarcoplasmic reticulum

I perform warm-up sets before I start my heavy lifting. The weight I use will be about a

quarter of the weight that will begin my workout. I grab 5-pound dumbbells and perform 10 reps
with these. This is a fairly light weight to activate my type 1 fibers. I know these are my type 1

being active because they do not generate as much power as type 2 (book). Type 1 are my first

recruited fibers as they are ideal for low intensity aerobic work. Type 2 fibers will become my

driving force after my warmup because I will be using a more challenging weight. By using

65% of my 1RM I am applying more force to my muscles to recruit a higher amount of muscle

fibers. The number of fibers can be proportional to the intensity of the activity.

Endocrine System

Once I have completed my first set of bicep curls, with some sweat going on and blood
pumping various hormones are being released into my bloodstream to alter the activity of cells or

body organs through the endocrine system. The endocrine system plays a critical role in ATP

production and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates to fuel my body for my physical

acitvity. There are two major types of hormones that help maintain homeostasis in the body.

Steroid hormones are composed of lipids from cholesterol and non-steroid hormones are from

proteins. The actions of these hormone can be inhibitory or releasing factors as they can bind to

specific receptors in the cell. The anterior pituitary gland is an organ that secrets 6 hormones to

the body with the help of the hypothalamus. As my workout intensity increases the amount of

growth hormone secretion also increases as they are proportionate to each other. Growth

hormone is secreted from the anterior pituitary gland that promotes fat metabolism and increases
size of cell tissues.

The thyroid gland secretes triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). My physical

activity influences metabolism which these two hormones play a role in. These non-steroid

hormones are stimulated by TSH which is released from the anterior pituitary gland. Since ATP

is being used to lift weights, more ATP synthesis is needed. T3 and T4 increases the number of

mitochondria, which is responsible for ATP production through the oxidative system. Producing

more ATP can help sustain muscle contractions throughout my workout. These two thyroid
hormones also increase metabolic rates in the protein synthesis, cellular uptake in glucose, lipid

mobilization and glycolysis.

Adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla are two distinct glands that produce differing effects.

During my physical activity my heart rate is increased and my body is going through stress

which puts my body in a flight-or-fight response. The sympathetic nervous stimulates the adrenal

medulla which is responsible for releasing catecholamines. Epinephrine and norepinephrine, two

non-steroid hormones, are released into the bloodstream to increase my heart rate and blood

pressure to provide more blood to the working muscles and heart. As this is happening the rate of

glycogenolysis increases along with the release of catecholamine. The muscular activity I am

performing during my reps increases the secretion of catecholamine and so does my intensity.

During my rest glucose levels are higher than that of muscle uptake to be readily available for

when I perform short burst arm curls. However, because my liver is secreting more glucose than

it is being taken, following a long exercise blood glucose level matches or become slightly above

its normal concentrations despite the high release of hormones. Following the exercise plasma

glucose decreases to replenish my glycogen storage. An increase in FFA and the release of

glucose to provide the energy needed for my movements. Norepinephrine is released earlier in

my workout as it only takes 50% of my VO2 max to be activated which happens during my

warm-up jog. When my activity begins to become vigorous is when epinephrine is released.

When finished with my activity, within a few minutes of rest is when epinephrine concentrations

become reduced but norepinephrine can be elevated for hours after (BOOK).

Cortisol, a major steroid hormone, is released from the adrenal cortex which increases

protein catabolism that can be used to help the breakdown of glucose to be used as an energy
source. It will rise within the first 30 minutes of my exercise but then will have a drop off as the

duration of my activity progresses.

The meal I had before my workout increases my blood glucose levels causing the release

of insulin to maintain glucose levels in my bloodstream. Insulin is released from my pancreas to

promote cellular uptake of amino acids and reduce glucose levels in my bloodstream (BOOK).

Insulin is important during my physical activity because it transports glucose across the cell

membrane that is needed for my muscle fibers. 30 minutes into my physical activity insulin

levels will drop off because its ability to bind to my muscles becomes easier due to the increase

blood flow and increase cellular insulin acitvity (BOOK). The pancreas also secretes glucagon

when blood glucose levels are below normal. To increase my levels glucagon aids in the

breakdown of glycogen to glucose for the availability to cells. These two oppose each other to

maintain normal concentrations of blood glucose levels circulating in my body. Since I have

been working out for a few years now my body’s ability to maintain normal blood glucose is

relatively easier than someone who is sedentary and/or overweight. To meet metabolic demands

the levels of glucagon increase throughout my activity.

Meeting the demands of my body requires the work of glycogenolysis and

gluconeogenesis to provide the necessary energy needed to contract my muscles to do work.

Epinephrine, norepinephrine and glucagon work together to boost the work of glycogenolysis,

the breakdown of glycogen to become glucose which enters through the bloodstream. Although

the glucose in the bloodstream is not used immediately because my muscles has its own

glycogen storage before it uses plasma glucose. Gluconeogenesis is another form to provide

glucose but from noncarbohydrate substances from lactate, amino acids and glycerol. Since
cortisol helps the breakdown of protein, it releases amino acids which can be used to make

“new” glucose.

Carbohydrates are the preferred energy source, but depletion does occur in sustained

exercise. To have the energy needed to fuel my body it switches over to the use of free fatty

acids (FFA) that must be broken down from its storage of triglycerides by using lipolysis.

Epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and growth hormone enhance lipolysis with its increase

secretion. Insulin does its part too by helping with its depletion.

Fluid balances are important to ensure desirable functions of cardiovascular, metabolism

and thermoregulatory action. At the start of my exercise water is shifted to the active muscle that

is being used during my curls from the plasma volume to the interstitial and intercellular space.

With water being driven out the blood combined with increasing sweat it can decrease plasma

volume. To make sure I do not lose excessive water during my intense workout the posterior

pituitary releases the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) to promote water conversation and

reabsorption from the kidneys. The stimulus for ADH is caused by the electrolyte concentration

being increased due to the water leaving the blood. The increase of plasma osmolality and low

blood plasma is the reason for stimulating ADH. Low blood plasma is detected by the kidneys to

release an enzyme, renin, which converts a protein into angiotensin I. Angiotensin II is the

converted form of angiotensin I with the help of an enzyme released by the lungs. Angiotensin II

stimulates aldosterone. This series of event is called the renin–angiotensin-aldosterone

mechanism which aids in regulating blood pressure.

To help maintain water in the body sodium retention is needed. Aldosterone, from the

adrenal cortex, releases this hormone to maintain control of electrolyte balance. When sodium is

retained potassium excretion enhances. Sodium and potassium play a role in finding balance

within extracellular fluids.

Working out can suppress leptin which in turn can bring higher satiety, decreasing my

need to eat. Increase in PYY and GLP-1 during vigorous exercise can also reduce my hunger It

does not affect ghrelin much unless in a caloric deficit.

Cardiorespiratory System

The primary goal of my cardiorespiratory system is to deliver blood flow to ensure

oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the right places with the extraction of carbon dioxide in the

cells. It delivers blood to the most metabolically active muscle. To provide the greatest blood

supply arterioles in the skeletal muscle vasodilate and arterioles in non-active muscles

vasoconstrict to decrease blood flow. A process called pulmonary ventilation involves two

phases: inspiration and expiration. This mechanism, along with the serratus anterior helps my

lungs breathe. With exercise more oxygen is needed and more carbon dioxide is produced.

Transportation of oxygen to red blood cells is done by hemoglobin.

My resting heart rate is approximately between 68 beats/min to 84 beats/min. Highly

trained athletes can achieve lower resting hearts as low as the 30’s. This can be achieved by the

hypertrophy of the left ventricle. The left ventricle is the most powerful pump to the heart that

increases with intensity. A special electrical system allows the heart to pump without any

external stimulation using action potentials of the heart muscle. This system is called the

spontaneous rhythmicity. The sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, AV bundles and purkinje
fibers make up this system. An electrical signal is generated by the SA node making it the heart

pacemaker. During my exercise it can fluctuate between 125 beats/min to 180 beats/min. During

my lifts I am between 160-180 heartbeats and during my rest I will fall 125-135. My average

heart rate during exercise is about 135-150. My heart rate max is 198. Heart rate is proportionate

to the intensity of my exercise.

Stroke volume (SV) will increase with increasing exercise intensity but will plateau. The

Frank-Starling mechanism, contractility, and decrease aortic blood pressure produce a higher SV.

When SV increases the walls of the ventricle stretch and causes the myocardial cells to form

more actin-myosin bridges to produce a greater contraction. This is the Frank-Starling

mechanism that helps increase stroke volume. This mechanism is at use for low exercises such as

my warm-up. As the exercise becomes more forceful contractility becomes more important.

Cardiac output also increases with exercise intensity and is the sum of stroke volume and heart

rate. Cardiac output is set to meet the muscles need of oxygen. Because the stroke volume

decreases the heart must carry the load to maintain cardiac output.

Systolic blood pressure is proportionate to exercise intensity and can increase mean arterial

pressure. However the diastolic pressure decreases minimally or to no effect. This increase in

systolic blood pressure is a result of cardiac output increase. Systolic blood pressure will sart to

decrease as my exercise is prolonged. My exercise is an upper body workload that produces

greater blood pressure than if I were to do a leg workout. Cardiac output and blood pressure

during my physical activity increases the total blood flow to my body, especially the exercising

muscles. During my rests though my blood pressure is lowered and is risen during my concentric

contraction. To limit by body temperature from rising too high, skin blood flow increases to

promote heat loss.

Chronic Adaptations

Through resistance training major neuromuscular changes can happen. The long-term

effects of exercise can promote the increase or motor unit synchronization that impacts the rate

of force. When I am lifting weights, accumulation of edema from blood plasma increases. This

transient hypertrophy does not last long but increases the size of the muscle temporarily. For

long-term effects, chronic hypertrophy occurs that changes the structure of the muscles.

Repeated resistance training over time can result in physical change. A combination of

concentric and eccentric movement has been shown to maximize the muscle fibers. Within the

individual muscle fibers an increase of myofibrils, connective tissue, sarcoplasm, and cross

bridges can occur to increase the strength. Protein synthesis decreases during my physical

activity but the degradation is increased. Resistance training can also have adaptions to muscle

fibers. My weightlifting can change type 1 muscle fibers into type 2 over a period of time. The

soreness after my exercise is from the structural damage done to the active muscles. The

disruption of thick and thin filaments help gain muscle strength with hypertrophy. To gain

strength one must apply the principle of overload. I apply this by using challenging weights for

my curls. For example, my 1RM bicep curl is 35 pounds. For hypertrophy I will use about 675 of

my 1RM bicep curl. The weight is 23 pounds but I will use 25 pounds to perform 10 repetitions.

Katayama, K., & Saito, M. (2019, May 3). Muscle sympathetic nerve activity during
exercise. The Journal of Physiological Sciences. Retrieved November 22, 2021, from
Wakim, S., & Grewal, M. (2021, September 4). 15.4: Muscle contraction. Biology LibreTexts.
Retrieved November 22, 2021, from
Kenney , Larry, and Jack Wilmore . Physiology of Sport and Exercise . 6th ed., 2012.

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