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This Ride’s Just Begun

Mona Arizona, copyright, May 2011 – all rights reserved

Together tonight
The smile on your face
Tells me you're enjoying yourself

Your mouth is hard as

You kiss me, jerking
Your hips against my own

To emphasize your
Readiness. “I don’t
Want to wait,” your deep voice grinds

Poised against me, the

Sheen of your sweat glows
In the candlelight, painting

Your skin so sparkling.

Moisture dries in my
Mouth as I imagine that

Powerful weight will

Be thrusting into me
Aching to feel you in me

Your legs entrapping

Mine, your intent is
Implicit in their tension

I find I’m toppling

Toward surrender
And it’s hard for me to breathe

My tongue tangles with

Yours, stroking the soft
Undersurface, the rougher

Upper surface as
I explore your teeth,
The cushion of your lips;

You have wonderful

Lips, firm, sensual,
Seducing me with your mouth

Through the mist of our

Arousal, your hands
Remain braced there beside me.

With a groan, you raise

Your head, your hunger for
Me is unconcealed, but I’d

Swear other, perhaps

More complex reactions
Lurk behind the wall I see

In your eyes. In your

Cheek, a muscle jerks
As you survey me under

Heavy lids. Piercing

Eyes convey your desire
My voice descends to a low,

Seductive purr; your

Soft laugh whispers in
My veins like a drug, like it

Always does. So close,

I feel the pulsing
Power of your erection

Against my belly.
Pinning me with your
Weight, curling your hand over

My breast…your touch is
Skillful, quickening
My desire; I’m easily

Maneuvered into
Powerlessness. My
Nipple hardens in your palm,

I bite back a whine

Of shamed enjoyment
And feel the cool air on my

Thigh as you lift my

Skirt; I moan; you growl;
Unreality paralyzes me.

Your hand strokes my leg

Before slipping in
Between my thighs; I gasp with

Surprise and willing

Pleasure when clever
Fingers penetrate and find

My wet heat. Then you

Release a deep sound
Of satisfaction, feral

In its intensity,
Both knowing that I’m
Aroused, I do not protest.

I moan as you stroke

Me; unerringly,
You find the center as the

Sensation shudders
Through me; my hands form
Fists in your shirt. “Yes,” you speak

The word in a drawn

Hiss of sexual
Appreciation. Swirling

Response rises as
You press against me .
Breathlessly, I pull you and

Close my eyes and pant

While my faltering
Sense of survival does scream.

Your palm rubs against

My breast and I nudge
My hips closer to your hand,

To seeking fingers.
Again, you kiss me,
Kisses that weight my belly

With impossible
Longing; kisses that
Seem designed to wipe out all

Prior memory.
You are treating me
like the one woman in a

Million and I can’t

Stop myself, so i
Respond to the battle of

Our mouths, kissing you

Back with a passion
So scorching that flames

Ignite behind my
Closed eyes. Merciless
Onslaught of desire leaves me

Giddy and I feel

Never wanting anyone

The way I want you.

My body weeps to
Have you deep inside of me

Filling me and that

Emptiness that calls
To you, “Take me now, oh, please.”

It feels as though I
Am falling and I
Realize you’re lowering

Me toward the floor

When my back meets the
Cushioning, waiting mattress.

You straddle me and

Tear at my bodice
With urgent hands, piercing me

With efficiency.
You bend to nuzzle
The side of my neck; I sprawl

Beneath you. You stroke

My throat, lingering
Where my pulse flutters against

My skin. Your touch is

Hot; it stokes my need.
Your rise on one arm and stare

At me. You look so

Handsome. Ruffled hair
Softening features that could

Seem austere for all

Their beauty. Your eyes gleam
Under heavy eyelids and

Your nostrils flare

As if you live by
My every scent. I study

Your face, seeking some

Hint of the man who
Once kissed me so sweetly. None

Exists. Appetite
Has gripped you. Beneath
Your arousal, you are still

Hungry. I feel it
In your hands, in your
Mouth, even through the pleasure,

Even through the low,

Seductive words. You
Want me the way I want you.

I stare into your

Blazing eyes and my
Heart contracts with a longing.

Beyond the coming

Of a sexual itch, you

Demand something from

Me, something that is
Essential, that is profound.

You draw back and your

Teasing caress stills.
I feel you studying me

In the darkness. You

Grip my hips hard through
The filmy dress and drag me

To your body. The

Scent of arousal
Makes my head swim as you press

Ruthlessly against
My belly, letting
Me feel how much you want me,

How I am in your
Power, and you are
Not letting go of me.

“You are delicious,”

Your ragged voice groans;
I tremble, yielding, as clothes

Become restricting,
An unbearable
Barrier. I let my arms

Snake around your neck,

And I release a
Strangled whimper as I kiss

You back with frenzied

Passion. My tongue stabs
Into your mouth, dances with

Yours in dizzying
Fervor. You growl with
Masculine satisfaction

And drop your hands to

My buttocks, pulling
Me into your erection

It’s like being crushed

In an earthquake, whirled
Away by a flooded river,

Blasted into the

Sky, flung into a
Universe beyond all of

Our experience.
Restlessness beyond
Reason overwhelms us both.

With a breathtaking
Eagerness, I moan,
Knowing the ride’s just begun

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