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Leadership Experiences and Goals

Previous Leadership Experiences

I am currently serving as the role of Primary Team Lead at my school. This ,means that I have
the opportunity to hold meetings that support teacher development and student achievement. In
our meetings I discuss student data, learning gaps, and ways to meet the needs of high achieving
students. I also have the opportunity to bring teacher and staff needs to our administrative team. I
work as a meditator between teachers and staff, as well as between teachers and administrators. I
often advocate for my team when asking for more resources for special projects.

Future Leadership Goals

I will foster a collaborative culture to support educator development and student learning.
 Short-Term Objective: I will learn more about the culture and diverse backgrounds of
the members of my team to create an inclusive environment.
 Long-Term Objective: I will become a mentor for other staff members. I will give
feedback, develop strengths, and help correct any weaknesses.
o Rationale: This will help ensure that all staff members feel comfortable
contributing and collaborating. The National Education Association suggests that
teacher collaboration increases student achievement.
o NBPTS Proposition: Proposition 5- Teachers are members of learning
o TLMD Domain: Domain I: Fostering a collaborative culture to support educator
development and student learning.

I will access and use research to improve practice and student learning.
 Short-Term Objective: I will research best practices in regards to each of the subjects
that I teach. As a Multiple Subject teacher, there are a few subjects that I could become
more knowledgeable in.
 Long-Term Objective: I will share my knowledge with the staff in my team as a series
of professional development opportunities.
o Rationale (Kwang Et al., 2007) found that teachers that received a significant
amount of professional development saw students significantly improve in
regards to achievement.
o NBPTS Proposition: Proposition 2- Teachers know the subjects they teach and
how to teach those subjects to students.
o TLMD Domain: Domain II: Accessing and using research to improve practice
and student learning.
I will promote professional learning for continuous improvement.
 Short-Term Objective: I will work with my administrative team to find organizations
and universities that have professional development opportunities available. I will pilot
programs that can improve my teaching programs.
 Long-Term Objective: I will advocate for my colleagues to be able to participate in
trainings that will improve their practices.
 Rationale: The CTA states that “quality professional development is essential to
improving public education and the teaching profession.” The organization also provides
links to resources for finding development opportunities that will improve student
o NBPTS Proposition: Proposition 4- Teachers think systematically about their
practice and learn from experience.
o TLMD Domain: Domain III: Promoting professional learning for continuous

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