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Journal of Structural Engineering No.

Vol. 37, No. 2, June-July 2010 pp. 144–148

Probabilistic analysis of Imperfect steel columns designed based on IS:


J. Daniel Ronald Joseph *, ∗ , K. Balaji Rao∗∗ and M. B. Anoop∗∗∗

Structural Engineering Research Centre, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai - 600 113, India.
Received ; Accepted

This work deals with the probabilistic analysis of steel columns designed based on IS: 800-2007. The rolled steel
I-sections given in Handbook for Structural engineers (SP-6(1)) that are subjected to major (z-z) and minor (y-y)
axes buckling are considered for the probabilistic analysis covering a practical range of slenderness ratio. Monte-
Carlo simulation technique is used for the probabilistic analysis and one thousand samples are used in the simulation.
Breadth of flanges, depth of web, thickness of flanges and web, Young’s modulus of steel, yield strength of the material,
effective length of the column, central initial imperfections are treated as the random variables in the simulation. The
Probability Density Function (PDF) of P/Py and the fractiles that the strength estimated by IS: 800-2007 with respect
to the strength estimated by SSRC curves are reported.

KEYWORDS: IS: 800-2007; buckling strength; steel imperfect column; probabilistic analysis; monte-carlo simulation.

It is known that the Euler buckling theory predicts the Single equation was proposed by Rondal and Maquoi
buckling load for the column that is perfectly straight with (1979) (RM) and Lui and Chen (1984) (LC) to represent the-
homogenous material. But no column is perfectly straight se curves accurately. Lui and chen equation has been used
and without residual stresses. The rolled steel sections as in this work to estimate the strength of the column probabi-
manufactured in the industry will have certainly initial listically. In these papers, single equation has been reported
out-of-straightness. Also, due to the uneven cooling of the in which the equation can be adjusted to fit corresponding
sections or while welding process, residual stresses get deve- SSRC curve by specifying value(s) for each SSRC curve. For
loped within the members. If these initial imperfections (out- this work, the Lui and Chen equation is used for performing
of-straightness and the residual stresses) are not considered, the probabilistic analysis.
the column capacity would be over-estimated.
Researchers are making attempts to estimate the strength
Different codes specify different formula to estimate the of the imperfect steel columns accurately. Early in 1952,
strength of the columns. Eurocode 1 specifies different co- Tomoyasu (1952) attempted to predict the buckling load of
lumn curves to take care of the initial imperfections. For easy imperfect elastic columns with different materials and propo-
application, all types of imperfections are taken into consi- sed an equation for the buckling load. Hutchinson (1966) has
deration by specifying equivalent geometric imperfections 2. estimated the dynamic buckling load of imperfection sensiti-
In American case, CRC-Column Strength Curve, named ve models wherein he has came up with the form that dyna-
after the acronym of the former name of the Structural Stabi- mic buckling load can be related to the static buckling load.
lity Research Council, SSRC (i.e.,Column Research Council) But the explicit definition of initial imperfectness is bypassed
was recommended in AISC (1979), which was based on the in his work but can be noted from Fig.4 of his paper. Bolo-
average critical stress for small and medium sized hot-rolled tin (1969) solved the buckling problem of imperfect columns
wide flange sections of mild structural steel, with symme- by treating the initial imperfections as random perturbations
trical residual stress distribution typical of such members. over straight profile. Strating and Vos (1973) have successful-
Structural Stability Research Council has developed three ly derived the probability density function for the buckling
column curves based on the experimental results due to Bjor- load of the imperfect columns with hinged ends using Monte-
hovde and Tall (1971) and Bjorhovde (1972). Eurocode spe- Carlo simulation technique and a good agreement was found
cifies four column curves (a, b, c, d) that depend on the cross between the simulated column curves and the experimental
sectional dimensions and the axis of buckling. AISC-LRFD 2 column curves. Bjorvohde (1978) has reported that the varia-
estimates the load capacity by employing a single equation tion in the cross sectional dimensions, strength of the steel
which is identical to the SSRC curve-2P (Tide 1985) with and the imperfections affect the strength of the columns. Ba-
the initial out-of-straightness of L/1470. laji Rao and Appa Rao (2000) has performed a probabilistic
* E-mail:
(Discussion on this article must reach the editor before September 30, 2010)


analysis of imperfect steel columns using Monte-Carlo si- kL - Effective length of the column
mulation and they studied the variation in the capacity of the r - Appropriate radius of gyration
column due to the variation in the cross sectional dimensi- E - Youngs modulus of the material
ons, the yield stress and the slenderness ratio. They proposed
an equation to define the characteristic load of the columns. DETERMINISTIC ANALYSIS
In their work, the provisions of IS: 800-1984 was examined
and the reliability of column design using IS: 800-1984 was Deterministic analysis was carried out to understand the va-
studied. riation in the column capacities estimated by various codes
From the literature review, it is obvious that the under- and the RM and LC equations. These variations are shown
standing of the probabilistic behavior of the steel columns is in the Figs.1 and 2. Although both equations can be used to
necessary for safe and economical design. It is in this con- represent the SSRC curves, for performing the probabilistic
text this work has been carried to estimate the probabilistic analysis in this study, the LC equation is used. The same is
capacity of the imperfect steel columns designed based on given
the IS: 800-2007. The statistical properties of the load car- 
rying capacity, the effect of variation of the cross sectional P η̂ + (1 + E)λ2 − [η̂ + (1 + Ê)λ2 ]2 − 4Êλ4
properties, effective length of columns, yield strength of the =
material with respect to coefficient of variation considered Py 2Êλ4
for the Breadth of flanges, depth of web, thickness of flan- η̂ = âλ + âλ
ges and web, youngs modulus of steel, yield strength of the 4 √
material, central initial imperfections are studied in detail. Ê = 2 2
for λ ≤ 2
(4 − λ ) λ

DESIGN OF COLUMNS BASED ON IS: 800-2007 Ê = 1f orλ > 2

The Indian Standard for the design of steel structures has be- 1
en revised recently based on the limit state design philosophy. 0.9 800-2007
This work pertains to the estimation of reliability in estima- 0.8 ASD
ting the columns strength that is imparted in the design of 0.7
steel columns design using IS: 800-2007 by comparing with CRC

0.6 MR
the experimentally arrived column curves proposed by the 0.5
SSRC. The SSRC gives curves for column strength capacity 0.4
depending on the slenderness ratio. Also, European Convec-
tion for Constructional Steelwork-(ECCS) carried out experi- 0.2
ments and proposed four column curves which are being used
in Eurocode 3. The column curves given in the IS:800-2007 0.1
are based on the column curevs of Eurocode 3, which is the 0.2 0.7 1.2 1.7
Perry-Robertson equation where single parameter is changed Non dimensional effective slenderness ratio,2
depending upon the column imperfections considered. This Fig. 1 Comparison of P/Py vs λactual estimated by various codes
imperfection parameter depend on the axis of buckling of (Strong axis buckling)
the columns and the cross sectional dimensions. The residu-
al stress contribution to the strength reduction is taken into As it can be seen from the Fig.1 and Fig.2, SSRC curves
consideration by an equivalent geometric imperfection. The predict higher load. Because SSRC curves are based on the
imperfection factor, α, is dictated by the axis of the buckling experimental tests, considering SSRC curves as the curves
and the equivalent geometric imperfection of the cross sec- that estimate the accurate column capacity, taking into con-
tion considered. Following is the formula given in IS: 800- sideration of initial imperfections (initial out-of-straightness
2007 for the design of columns. and residual stress), it is observed from the Figs.1 and 2 that
LC-1 and LC-2 can be used to compare and estimate the re-
Pd = Ae fcd liability associated with the IS: 800-2007 column curves “a”
fcd = χ × fy/γm0 and “b”.
IS 800-2007
χ = 0.5 ≤ 1.0 ASD
ϕ + [ϕ 2 − λ 2 ] 0.8 SSRC 1
  SSRC 2

ϕ = 0.5 1 + α (λ − 0.2) + λ 2 CRC

 0.6 LC-1

λ = fy /fcc LC-2

π2 E 0.4
fcc =
(kL/r) 2

Pd - Design compressive strength
fcd - Design compressive stress
fy - yield strength of the material 0
γmo - Partial safety factor 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
χ - Stress reduction factor Non dimensional effective slenderness ratio,2
λ - Non-dimensional effective slenderness ratio Fig. 2 Comparison of P/Py vs λactual estimated by various codes
α - Imperfection factor (Weak axis buckling)


Curve â b̂ 2. Generation of thousand effective lengths and determinati-
SSRC-1 (LC-1) 0.002 -0.001 on of slenderness parameters.
SSRC-2 (LC-2) -0.036 0.159
SSRC-3 (LC-3) -0.092 0.453 3. Generation of thousand samples of initial imperfection,
Yield stress, Youngs modulus of the material.
4. For each cross-section and slenderness parameter of the
column that has been generated, the load carrying capa-
In this work, the reliability associated with the IS:800-2007 city is estimated using the Lui and Chen equation taking
column strengths as estimated by the column curves “a” and the initial central imperfection, Yield stress, Young’s mo-
“b” of IS: 800-2007 are calculated with respect to SSRC-1 dulus of the material randomly from the thousand samples
(i.e., using LC-1) and SSRC-2 (i.e., using LC-2) respective- that has generated.
5. Determination of the statistical properties of the load car-
PROBABILISTIC ANALYSIS rying capacity of the column samples generated.

Monte-Carlo simulation technique is used for carrying out In this study, since the SSRC curves are based on the ex-
the probabilistic analysis. Breadth of flanges, depth of web, perimental tests, the strength of the columns estimated as per
thickness of flanges and web, Young’s modulus of the ma- SSRC curves are assumed to be the actual column strengths
terial, yield strength of the material and slenderness ratio of and hence, the fractiles of IS:800-2007 columns curves are
the column are treated as the random variables in the simu- calculated with respect to SSRC curves. The effective lengt-
lation. Table 1 gives the statistical properties of the random hs for major and minor axis buckling are taken as 7m and 3m,
variables considered for the analysis. For the given combina- respectively. The column cross sections are chosen in such a
tion of coefficient of variation for the variables mentioned, way that the value of the non-dimensional slenderness para-
the statistical properties of load capacity of the columns are meter, computed using IS: 800-2007, covers practical range
obtained. of values.


WITH THEIR STATISTICAL PROPERTIES The results of probabilistic analyses, together with the de-
Description of Mean COV Distribution terministic values of P/Py estimated using IS:800-2007 and
variable assumed SSRC curves are given in the Table 2. In order to compare the
Width of flanges Nominal value 0.05 Normal estimated values of P/Py using IS:800-2007 with SSRC va-
Thickness of flange and web Nominal value 0.05 Normal lues, the column strengths are estimated in IS:800-2007 wi-
Depth of web Nominal value 0.05 Normal thout using partial safety factors. It is seen from this table that
Effective length of column Nominal value 0.05 Normal
the deterministic values of P/P y estimated by the IS:800-
Initial central imperfection Nominal value 0.1 Normal
2007 are less than the values estimated by the SSRC cur-
Modulus of elasticity 2.0 ×105 MPa 0.1 Normal
Yield strength of the material 250 MPa 0.1 Lognormal
ves. This suggests that the column strengths estimated using
IS:800-2007 is conservative by 3-14 % in the case of major
axis buckling and around 1-6 % for minor axis buckling.
Steps Involved The coefficient of variation is increasing with the increase
in the non-dimensional slenderness ratio of the column. The
1. Generation of thousand random cross-sectional dimensi- distribution of the P/P√y is skewed to the left up to λ actual va-
ons with the defined co-efficient of variation for a given lue of approximately 2. The skewness values are away from
section and computation of thousand cross-sectional are- zero which indicates that the probability distribution function
as, moment of inertia and radius of gyration. for P/Py is unsymmetrical about the mean. This indicates

Deterministic Statistical properties of P/Py Allowable
Section λactual IS:800-2007 SSRC -1 Mean SD COV SK CU KS value*
test value
ISMB 600 0.325 0.972 0.974 0.973 0.005 0.006 -0.633 3.561 0.0427
ISMB 250 0.757 0.819 0.857 0.851 0.03 0.035 -0.651 3.609 0.0519
ISMB 150 bf 1.272 0.487 0.58 0.567 0.084 0.149 -0.287 2.621 0.0618
ISMB 125 0.368 0.418 0.417 0.08 0.192 0.32 2.806 0.0155
ISMB 100 1.865 0.253 0.272 0.272 0.054 0.199 0.515 3.385 0.0081
Deterministic Statistical properties of P/Py 0.0515
Section λactual IS:800-2007 SSRC -2 Mean SD COV SK CU KS
test value
ISMB 600 0.739 0.761 0.75 0.744 0.043 0.058 -0.569 3.678 0.0507
ISMB 450 1.029 0.51 0.527 0.584 0.064 0.109 -0.298 3.018 0.0459
ISMB 250 1.144 0.255 0.267 0.521 0.067 0.128 -0.162 2.843 0.0436
ISMB 200 1.417 0.25 0.263 0.388 0.064 0.166 0.251 2.63 0.0237
ISMB 175 1.622 0.238 0.252 0.315 0.053 0.169 0.593 2.995 0.047


Section λactual Probability (Actual) Probability (Design)
Actual rx or ry Modified rx or ry Actual rx or ry Modified rx or ry
ISMB 600 0.325 0.406 0.529 3.06E-69 6.81E-67
ISMB 250 0.757 0.142 0.142 6.96E-05 6.96E-05
ISMB 150 1.272 0.17 0.17 0.055 0.055
ISMB 125 1.51 0.289 0.289 0.145 0.145
ISMB 100 1.865 0.397 0.397 0.228 0.228
ISMB 600 0.739 0.662 0.734 0.11 0.154
ISMB 450 1.029 0.488 0.531 0.183 0.213
ISMB 250 1.144 0.458 0.458 0.196 0.196
ISMB 200 1.417 0.446 0.446 0.237 0.237
ISMB 175 1.622 0.423 0.423 0.223 0.223

that the normal distribution cannot be fitted to the P/P y . The 1. The non-dimensional slenderness ratio defined in IS:800-
K-S test is performed to check the lognormal distribution fit 2007 should be redefined in-line with Eurocode because
for the P/Py . The results of the test are given in Table 2. the column curves suggested in this code are based on
It is seen that the lognormal distribution passes the test at Eurocode.
1% significance level for most of the cases. Hence, lognor-
mal distribution can be used to represent the statistical va- 2. The partial safety factors should be made a function of λ
riations in P/Py . The fractiles corresponding to the design to achieve uniform reliability in the design of compressi-
and the theoretical column strengths estimated using IS:800- on members.
2007 are computed and are presented in Table 3. Typical-
ly, Fig.3 shows the PDF and the fractiles of the P/P y at ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
λactual = 0.325.
This paper is being published with the kind permission of the
80 Director, SERC.
50 IS:800-2007

Probability of P/Py=0.972
40 1. AISC, Specification for the design fabrication and Erecti-
exceedance = 0.406 Series1
30 on of Structural steel for buildings, American Institute of
Steel Construction, Chicago, 1979.
10 2. AISC-LRFD, Manual for steel Construction, thirteenth
0 edition.
0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00
3. Bjorhovde R and Tall L, “Maximum column strength
P/PY and the multiple column curve concept”, Fritz Eng. Lab.
Fig. 3 PDF for P/Py (Bending/Buckling - Major axis, λ = 0.325) Rep. No. 338.29, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., Oct,
It has been noted that the column curves specified in
IS:800-2007 are based on those given in Eurocode, EN 4. Bjorhovde R, “Deterministic and Probabilistic Approa-
1993-1-1:2005. However, the slenderness ratio as defined in ches to the Strength of Steel Columns”, Ph.d dissertation,
IS:800-2007 has to be modified in-line with the provisions of Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., May, 1972.
Eurocode. This has been done and the modified λ are recom-
5. Bjorvohde R, “The Safety of Steel Columns”, Jl.
puted. of Struct. divn., ASCE, Vol.104, No. ST3, 1978,
It is noted from Table 3 that, the fractiles corresponding pp 463–477.
to theoretical and design values of P/P y are different for dif-
ferent values of λ. This suggests that the reliability built in 6. Bolotin V V, “Statistical Methods in Structural Mecha-
the design of compression members are different depending nics”, Holden-Day publishers, San Francisco, 1969.
on λ (especially for major axis buckling). Similar observation
was made earlier by Balaji Rao and Appa Rao. The designs 7. Balaji Rao K and T V S R Appa Rao, “Probabilistic
can be unsafe for higher values of λ (> 1.2). Hence the uni- analysis of Strength of Steel Imperfect Columns”, Jl. of
form reliability in the design of columns subjected to the ma- Struct. Engg., Vol.27, No.1, 2000, pp 41–48.
jor/minor axes buckling is questionable. A possible approach
8. EN 1993-1-1:2005, Design of Steel Structures. General
to achieve uniform reliability would be to make the partial
safety factors as a function of λ. rules and rules for buildings.
9. Indian Standard IS: 800-2007, “General Construction in
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Steel-Code of Practice”.
10. John W Hutchinson and Bernard Budiansky, “Dynamic
From the studies carried out in this paper, the following are Buckling estimates”, American Institute of Aeronautics
the recommendations: and Astronautics, Vol. 4, No. 3, 1966.


11. Lui E M and Chen W F, “Simplified approach to the ana- 14. Tomoyasu Yuki, “On the buckling strength of an imper-
lysis and design of columns with imperfections”, Engg. fect elastic column”, Transaction of JSCE, No.15, 1952.
Jl., AISC, second quarter, Vol.21, 1984, pp 99–117.
12. Rondal J and maquoi S, “Single equation for SSRC co- 15. Tide, R H R, “Reasonable column design equations”,
lumn strength curves”, Jl. of Struct. divn., ASCE, Vol. Proc. SSRC Annu. Tech. Session, Clevelan, Ohio, Apr.
105, No. ST1,1979, pp 247–250. 1S17, 1985.
13. Strating J and Vos H,“Computer Simulation of the EC-
CS buckling curve using a Monte-Carlo method”, Heron, 16. Theodore V Galambos, “Guide to stability design criteria
Vol.19, No.2, 1973, pp 1-38. for metal structures”, 1998 publication.


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