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Journal of Structural Engineering No.

Vol. 36, No. 6, February - March 2010 pp. 456–460

A critique on the use of quality factors for developing attenuation relations

for the regions in India

J. Daniel Ronald Joseph *, ∗ , K. Balaji Rao∗ , M.B. Anoop∗ and Nagesh R. Iyer∗

Structural Engineering Research Centre, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, CSIR Campus, Taramani, Chennai 600 113, India.
Received 26 June 2009; Accepted 07 July 2009

The development of seismic attenuation relationships is an factor that purely quantify the damping characteristics of the
important step in seismic hazard analysis. The attenuation of medium is to be used rather than the one in which the sour-
the seismic waves from source to site is due to the Geometric ce effect is incorporated. Thus, Q c (f ) which is based on the
spreading, Scattering, Multipathing and anelasticity 1 . The at- coda waves, characterizing the damping of the medium, shall
tenuation of the seismic waves depends on the distance of be used in developing the attenuation relationships.
the site from the earthquake focus i or hypocenter (Hypocen- As seen from the Table 1, various authors report Q c (f )
tral distance) and the characteristics of the medium through and Qs (f ) for different regions in India. Both the Q(f )s are
which the waves travel. The characteristics of the medium not reported for all the regions in India. This study is pertai-
through which the waves travel depend upon the type of the ned to develop the relationships between Q c (f ) and Qs (f )
rock/soil that lies beneath the earth surface and stratificati- using regression analysis from which either one can be deter-
on. Hence, these waves will propagate differently in diffe- mined.
rent regions due to the variation in the type of the underly-
ing rock/soil materials and layering. The property that defi-
nes how efficiently the underlying medium can transmit the SCOPE OF THE STUDY
seismic waves is the Quality factor, Q(f ) and hence the Qua-
lity factor is one of the factors that determine the attenuation As Qc (f ) quantifies the damping of the medium more relia-
characteristics of a region. Quality factor is a measure of how bly than Qs (f ), it is needed that rather than Q s (f ), Qc (f )
much damping the underlying medium can offer to the wave be used in the determination of the attenuation relationships
propagation, which will differ from region to region and also for the regions in India. The scope of this study is to find the
is dependent on the frequencies of the seismic waves. Va- relationships between Q c (f ) and Qs (f ) for different regions
rious researchers have carried out investigations to determine in India so that these relationships can be used in determining
the quality factor for different regions in India. The quality Qc (f ) for the regions for which Q c (f ) has not been reported.
factor can be determined using the Coda waves [Q c (f )] or
Shear waves [Qs (f )]. Coda waves are the tail portion of the 4
seismogram recorded at certain distances from the epicenter
(after the arrival of major wave types such as P, S and surface 3
waves)2 and are considered to be produced by the scattering
processes caused by the heterogeneities of underlying medi-

um acting on the seismic waves 3 . Coda waves are sensitive to 2

Other regions
changes in the subsurface because the strong scattering that Koyna Warna region
generates these waves causes coda waves to repeatedly sam- 1
ple a limited region of space 4 . Though the quality factor is
unique for specific region, the quality factor determined de-
pends on the part of the seismogram that is considered in its 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
estimation. If the seismogram data that is used in the esti- Frequency,f
mation of the Quality factor has the effect of the source in Fig. 1 Variation of Trend of (Qs /Qc ) vs ’f’ for Koyna-Warna region
it (seismogram corresponding to the shear wave), the quality with other regions
factor thus estimated may not purely represent the damping
of the medium through which the seismic waves travel. The
seismogram corresponding to the coda wave portion is not Relation between Qs (f ) and Qc (f ) using Regression
affected by the source and hence can be used to represent analysis
the damping characteristic of the medium. As mentioned in
the reference 5, in the constant stress drop model, source ef- The data shown in the Table 1 is used for the regression ana-
fect will be less in the higher frequency range which corre- lysis to obtain the relation between Q s (f ) and Qc (f ). All
sponds to the lower magnitude earthquakes. In order to deter- the possible combinations of Q s /Qc are arrived at for the
mine the ground acceleration/velocity/displacement, Quality respective regions and are given in Table 2. From these and
*; i please see end note
(Discussion on this article must reach the editor before May 31, 2010)

Region Quality factor Reference Method
Qc = 96f 1.09 Gupta et al 1998 Coda
Qp = (59 ± 1)f (1.04±.04)
Koyna Qs = (71 ± 1)f (1.32±0.08) Sharma et al 2007 Shear and Coda
Qc = (117 ± 2)f 0.97±0.07
Qc = 169f 0.77 Mandal and Rastogi 1998 Coda
Qc = (97 ± 7.18)f (1.09±0.036) Gupta et al 2002 Coda
Qc = 126f 0.95 Gupta et al 1995 Coda
Garwhal Himalaya Qc = 158f 1.05 Kumar et al 2005 Coda
Qs = 253f 0.8 Singh et al 2004 Shear
Qc = (92 ± 4.73)f (1.07±0.02) Paul et al 2003 Coda
Qs = 790f 0.22
0 <FocDep <25 km
Qs = 790f 0.35 Bodin et al 2004 Shear
Kutch region 20 <FocDep< 40 km
Qc = (102 ± 0.80)f (0.98±0.02) Mandal et al 2004 Coda
Qc = 82f 1.17 Gupta et al 2006 Coda
Qs = (100 ± 4)f (0.86±0.04)
Qc = (148 ± 3)f 1.01±0.02 Sharma et al 2008 Shear and Coda
Indian Shield Qs = 508f 0.48 Singh et al 1999 Shear
(Including South Qs = 800f 0.42 Singh et al 2004 Shear
India) Qs = (665 ± 10)f 0.67±0.03 Mitra et al 2006 Lg
Qc = (730.62 ± 0.09)f (0.54±0.01)
South India Qc = (535.06 ± 0.13)f (0.59±0.01) Kumar et al 2007 Coda
Qc = (150.56 ± 0.08)f (0.91±0.01)
c = 0.014f
−1.2 (Dharwar) Tripathi et al 2004 Coda
Andaman Islands QC = 119f 0.80 Parvez et al 2008 Coda
Qc = (52.315 ± 1.07)f (1.32±0.036) Hazarika et al 2008 Coda
Indo-Burmese arc
Qs = (431 ± 9)f (0.73±0.01)
Bengal basin-Shillong plateau Raghukanth and Somala 2009 Shear
Qs = (224 ± 10)f (0.93±0.01)
Qc = (86 ± 4.04)f (1.02±0.026) Gupta et al 2002 Coda
Indo-Burmese arc
Qs = (282 ± 18)f (0.7±0.15)
North east India Bengal basin
Qs = (272 ± 28)f (0.74±0.09)
Indo-Burmese arc Shear
Qs = (452 ± 82)f (0.85±0.05) Nath et al 2008 (Guwahati data
Sikkim Himalaya only)
Qs = (733 ± 133)f (0.35±0.05)
Eastern Himalaya
Qs = (180 ± 15)f (0.86±0.06)
also from Fig. 1, it is noted that the trend of the variation of of data for that region. The bounds of one and two standard
Qs /Qc with frequency for the Koyna-Warna region is diffe- deviation for the trend line are indicated in the Figs. 2 - 4
rent from that for the other regions. This is due to the fact shown.
that the seismicity associated with the Koyna-Warna region
is reservoir induced. Hence, this trend is expected. Therefore 3 In(Qs/Qc) = -0.428 Ln(f) + 1.368
it is decided to consider Koyna-Warna region separately from +2σ
σ = ± 0.631018
the other regions of India in the further investigation. Figure 2 +1σ Correlation coefficient = - 0.478
2 shows the variation of Q s /Qc with frequency for different
regions of India except the Koyna-Warna region. From the 1 -1σ

Fig. 2, it is noted that the data shows large dispersion, espe-

cially at higher frequency range. In order to get a meaningful 0 -2σ
relation between Q s /Qc versus frequency, the extreme data 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
points (beyond ±2σ line) are removed and the same is shown -1
in Fig. 3. These data points are considered for the regression
analysis. The correlation coefficients are less (Figs. 2 and 3) -2
for the data of all the regions (except Koyna- Warna because
of the wide dispersion of the data. This dispersion is common
in studies dealing with seismology (viz., Fig. 5 of Ref.(5)). -3
Fig. 4 shows the variation of Q s /Qc with the frequency for ln(f)
the Koyna-Warna region. The correlation coefficient for the Fig. 2 Variation of Qs /Qc with frequency (Entire data-Koyna-Warna
Koyna - Warna region is better because of the lesser number data not included)

ln (Qs/Qc) = -0.387Ln(f) + 1.315
2.5 +2σ σ = ± 0.553784 Qs (f )/Qc (f ) FOR DIFFERENT REGIONS OF INDIA
2 Correlation coefficient = -0.541 QS and QC collected QS / QC considered
Koyna Warna
Qc = 96f 1.09 0.75f 0.31
1 -1σ QS = 72f 1.4 Qc = 119f 1.04 0.605f 0.36

0.5 Qc = 169f 0.77 0.426f 0.63

-2σ Qc = 104.18f 1.126 0.691f 0.274
0 Garwhal Himalaya
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
-0.5 Qc = 126f 0.95 2.07f −0.15
Qs = 253f 0.8 Qc = 158f 1.05 1.601f −0.25
Qc = 96.73f 1.09 2.616f −0.29
-1.5 Kutch
-2 Qc = 102.8f 1.0 7.68f −0.78
ln(f) QS = 790f 0.22 Qc = 82f 1.17 9.63f −0.95
Qc = 151f 1.03 5.23f −0.81
Fig. 3 Variation of Qs /Qc with frequency (Sorted data-Koyna-Warna Qc = 102.8f 1.0 7.68f −0.65
data not included) QS = 790f 0.35 Qc = 82f 1.17 9.63f −0.82
Qc = 151f 1.03 5.23f −0.68
Qc = 102.8f 1.0 1.01f −0.1
ln (Qs/Qc) = 03935 ln(f) - 0.5033 QS = 104f 0.90 Qc = 82f 1.17 1.26f −0.27
Qc = 151f 1.03 0.68f −0.13
North East
Qs = 440f 0.74 8.24f −0.616
Qs = 234f 0.94 4.38f −0.416
ln (Qs/Qc)

Qs = 300f 0.85 5.61f −0.506

Qc = 53.385f 1.356 Qs = 300f 0.83 5.61f −0.526
Qs = 534f 0.90 10.00f −0.456
Qs = 866f 0.40 16.22f −0.956
Qs = 195f 0.92 3.65f −0.436
Qs = 440f 0.74 5.11f −0.28
Qs = 234f 0.94 2.72f −0.08
Qs = 300f 0.85 3.48f −0.17
Qc = 86f 1.02 Qs = 300f 0.83 3.48f −0.19
Qs = 534f 0.90 6.20f −0.12
Fig. 4 Variation of Qs /Qc with frequency for Koyna-Warna region Qs = 866f 0.40 10.06f −0.62
Qs = 195f 0.92 2.26f −0.1
The obtained relations between the Q s and Qc are:
For all the regions (Excluding Koyna-Warna region)

Fourier Amplitude Spectrum, cm/s

ln = −0.387ln(f ) + 1.315 with
FAS using Qc (Kumar et al 2007)
standard deviation σ = 0.55378 (1) 1.E-01
FAS using Qs (From equation)

For Koyna-Warna region


ln = 0.3935ln(f ) − 0.5033 with
Qc 1.E-03
0.01 0.1 1 Frequency, Hz 10
standard deviation σ = 0.33254 (2)
Fig. 5 Fourier Amplitude Spectrum for Dharwar region


FAS is used by the seismologists to characterize the ground

motion. It describes the energy content of the earthquake.
Fourier Amplitude Spectrum, cm/s

Figs. 5 and 6 show the variation of the FAS (for an earthquake

FAS using Qc (Gupta et al 2006)
of magnitude 6.0 and epicentral distance of 100km) calcula- 1.E-01

ted using the quality factors Q c (f ) and Qs (f ) for Dharwar FAS using Qs (From equation)

and Kutch regions, respectively. As seen from the Fig. 5 the 1.E-02
difference in the maximum values of the Fourier Amplitu-
de is minimal for Dharwar region, which is a stable region.
But there is a significant difference in the maximum values
of Fourier Amplitude Spectrum for the Kutch region (Fig. 6)
which is an active region. Hence it is obvious that the use 1.E-04
of Quality factor calculated using the shear wave, ie.,Q s (f ), 0.01 0.1 1 Frequency, Hz 10

over-estimates the seismic forces than predicted by Q c (f ). Fig. 6 Fourier Amplitude Spectrum for Kutch region

PERFORMANCE OF EQUATION-1 This paper is being published with the kind permission of
the Director, SERC(CSIR)
It is proposed to study the performance of the proposed Eq.
(1) with respect to its predictiveness. It is known that, only
limited number of studies report both Q s and Qc together.
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College of Engineering, Bangalore, who is the expert consul- netary Interiors vol.151, 2005, pp 243–258.
tant for SERC-NDMA Grant-in-Aid Project, for his valuable
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i The focus is the point inside the earth where the earthquake energy is actually released


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