A Study On Clustered and De-Clustered World-Wide Earthquake Data Using G-R Recurrence Law

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A Study on Clustered and De-Clustered World-

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178 International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering
ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 178-182

A Study on Clustered and De-Clustered World-Wide Earthquake Data Using

G-R Recurrence Law
J Daniel Ronald Joseph
Scientist, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai – 600113, Email: daniel@sercm.org
K Balaji Rao
Scientist, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai – 600113, Email: balaji@sercm.org
M B Anoop
Scientist, CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Taramani, Chennai – 600113, Email: anoop@sercm.org

ABSTRACT: Occurrence of earthquakes is common in regions of the world where the tectonic setting of the region is
such that it is capable of storing sufficient strain energy that may cause fracture along fault plane. Even-though it is not
possible to prevent the earthquakes from occurring, engineers and scientists work on the way the lives and the properties
could be saved. In this context, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA), has become popular and is being
adopted in many countries to design the buildings and structures to resist the earthquake forces that it may experience
during their life time. In performing PSHA, value of ‘b’, appearing in the Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) earthquake
recurrence law, plays an important role in quantifying the uncertainty in the magnitude of the earthquake. It is the scope
of this paper to study the world-wide earthquake data, collected for a period of around eleven decades (1898-2011),
using G-R recurrence relationship and it is found that, for both clustered and de-clustered world-wide earthquake data,
G-R recurrence law exhibits bi-linear trend for a wide range of magnitude considered.

KEY WORDS: Earthquake, Gutenberg-Richter recurrence law, Moment magnitude, Mean recurrence rate.

An earthquake is a series of vibrations on the earth's The development of modern instruments helped us in
surface caused by generation of elastic seismic waves due obtaining a quantitative measure of the size of
to the sudden rupture of the faults within the earth during earthquakes. Earthquake magnitude is a quantification of
the release of accumulated strain energy (India the size of earthquakes in terms of its energy. The
Meteorological Department). The Earth’s lithosphere is earthquake magnitude is independent of the place of
broken up into what are called tectonic plates. Earthquake observation. There are different types of earthquake
that occurs within a tectonic plate is referred to as Intra- magnitudes used. Some of magnitude scales used are,
plate earthquake. There may be regions seismically active moment magnitude, Mw, body-wave magnitude, Mb,
or dormant within a tectonic plate. An Inter-Plate surface-wave magnitude, Ms, local magnitude, ML,
earthquake is the one that occurs at the plate boundaries. duration magnitude, Md, primary coda magnitude, Mc,
helicorder magnitude, Mh, maximum amplitude magnitude
The measure of an earthquake’s size is very important. It and Mx, Energy magnitude, Me.
can be measured in two ways, namely intensity and
magnitude. The oldest measure of earthquake’s size is the EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE
intensity scale. The earthquake intensity is a qualitative In order to calculate the mean recurrence rate of
description of the effects of the earthquake at a particular earthquakes for a region, exceeding a particular
location, as evidenced by observed damage and human magnitude, data on the past earthquakes of the region is
reactions at that location. Various intensity scales were necessary to be known. Gutenberg and Richter were the
used to quantify the earthquakes. The Rossi-Forel (RF) first to propose a recurrence law for earthquakes which we
scale of intensity, describing intensities using values now call as Gutenberg-Richter (G-R) recurrence law.
ranging from I to X, was developed in the 1880’s and was They collected data of southern California earthquakes
used for many years. Later, Modified Mercalli Intensity over a period of many years and organised the data
(MMI) scale, which was developed by the Italian according to the number of earthquakes that exceeded
seismologist Mercalli, replaced the RF scale. The intensity different magnitudes during that time period. They
scales that are known to be popularly used are given in defined mean annual rate of exceedance, λm, of an
Table 1. earthquake of magnitude ‘m’ as the number of
exceedances of that magnitude earthquakes divided by the
Table 1: Intensity scales (Kramer, 1996) length of time period of the earthquake data considered.
Intensity The mean return period of earthquakes exceeding a
Inventors Abbreviations
values specific magnitude is the reciprocal of the mean annual
Rossi-Forel I–X RF rate of exceedance. A linear relationship was observed
Modified Mercalli I – XII MMI when the logarithm of the mean annual rate of exceedance
Japanese Met. Agency I – VII JMA was plotted against earthquakes magnitude and the
Medvedev-Spoonheuer-Karnik I – XII MSK relation is given by,

#020410144 Copyright © 2011 CAFET-INNOVA TECHNICAL SOCIETY. All rights reserved

A Study on Clustered and De-Clustered World-Wide Earthquake Data Using 179
G-R Recurrence Law

Log10λm = a – bm (1a) earthquake recurrence rate for Australia. They have

i.e., λm = 10a-bm (1b) suggested that a bi-linear fit for Eqn.1a will suit good to
represent the data rather than a linear fit since the linear fit
where, λm, is the mean annual rate of exceedance of would over estimate the occurrence rate of large events
magnitude ‘m’, 10a is the yearly number of earthquakes of and under-estimate the rate in the mid-magnitude range.
magnitude greater than or equal to zero, and ‘b’ describes
the relative likelihood of large and small earthquakes. The Utsu (1999) studied the earthquake data of Japan using
‘b’ value decreases with the increase in occurrence of Gutenberg-Richter relationship. He has mentioned that G-
larger magnitude earthquakes and vice versa. R plot exhibits some deviation from the straight line and
some of the modifications that have been proposed are
The purpose of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis truncated G-R relation, two-range G-R relation and
(PSHA) is to evaluate the hazard of the seismic ground equations with additional terms in the original G-R
motion at a site by considering all the possible relation. He studied which of these equations will suit
earthquakes in the area, estimating the associated shaking good to represent the earthquake data of Japan and has
at the site, and calculating the probability of these observed that, in some cases the original equation seems
occurrences (Aki, 1988). PSHA takes into account the to represent the earthquake data better and in some other
uncertainties in the size, location and the rate of cases, it does not.
recurrence of earthquakes in evaluating the seismic
hazard. The value of ‘b’ which is one of the parameters As seen from the above literature review, it can be
used in the PSHA is used to quantify the uncertainties in understood that there are still differences in the opinion
the earthquake size. The value of ‘b’ is the slope of the among the researchers in plotting the G-R recurrence
line in the G-R plot (Eqn.1a). In this paper it is analysed relation for a wide range of magnitude. The value of ‘b’
that, whether a single line fit will suit good- or a bi-linear from the G-R plot for an earthquake database depends on
fit should be used- to represent the earthquake data. how the G-R recurrence relation is plotted, either by a
single straight line or bi-linear or multi-linear line or
REVIEW OF LITERATURE exponential fall-off after a specific magnitude. The fits
In this section, a brief survey of literature is presented other than a single straight line will result in number of ‘b’
which clearly deals in detail the characteristics of ‘b’ values depending upon the fit that is used. In performing
value. Kulhanek (2005) has reported that ‘b’ is a tectonic PSHA, since it is the ‘b’ value that quantifies the
parameter describing the relative abundance of larger to uncertainty in the magnitude of the earthquakes, decision
smaller earthquake events. He also has commented that on the number of ‘b’ values should be first decided before
‘b’ seems to represent properties of the seismic medium in performing PSHA for any region.
some respect, like stress and/or material conditions in the
focal region. He has described in detail the essential AFTERSHOCKS OF EARTHQUAKE
characteristics of b-values, evaluation techniques and their It is known that foreshocks and aftershocks are associated
applicability in earthquake prediction. He has also with the main earthquake events. Foreshocks and
explained in detail the reason it may be attributed to, for Aftershocks are the minor earthquake events that occur
why the linear fit always doesn’t fit for the log λm vs m before and after the main shock in the same region,
plot and suggests that a non-linear fit will best suit to respectively. In order to understand the recurrence rate of
represent the recurrence law of the earthquakes. the earthquakes, only the main events should be
considered. But an earthquake database may contain both
Bayrak et al (2002) studied the lateral distribution of the foreshocks and aftershocks events (Clustered data).
modal (a/b) values for the entire world. In their work, the So, before beginning any analysis, the foreshocks and
earth was divided into 27 regions which were classified aftershocks events should be removed from the earthquake
based on tectonic regions and it was observed that the database to have only the main shocks retained in the
modal value is high for the oceanic subduction zone. As earthquake database (De-clustered data). There are
pointed out by Kulhanek (2005), they have also indicated different methods to remove the aftershocks from the
that there is a correlation between the ‘b’ value and the clustered data, the most familiar being the method
stress associated with the earthquake and finally have proposed by Gardner and Knopoff (1974) which has been
concluded that the modal values represent the seismicity used in this study.
of any region better than the ‘a’ and ‘b’ values.
Khan (2005) calculated ‘b’ values for the four layers of This work is carried out to study the world-wide
earth’s crust considered, based on the focal depth, beneath earthquake data using G-R recurrence relationship and
the shillong plateau. He has discussed the spatial variation examine whether the world-wide earthquake data (both
of ‘b’ value in the region along the four layers considered clustered and de-clustered data) can be represented by a
and has commented that the cause of the earthquake in the single line fit for the entire range of magnitude
shillong plateau is unclear; whether it is due to the faults considered, which will result in one b-value or demands
or lineaments at the intermediate or deeper level. bi-linear fit for the G-R plot demanding two values of ‘b’
Sinadinovski and McCue (2001) estimated the mean to be used in PSHA. The method proposed by Gardner

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 178-182
180 J Daniel Ronald Joseph, K Balaji Rao, M B Anoop

and Knopoff (1974) has been used to remove the

aftershocks from the earthquake database prepared.


The world-wide earthquake data used in this study has
been taken from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-ANSS
catalogue. A total of about 2.2 million data was collected
spanning years from 1898 to 2011.
In using the Gutenberg-Richter recurrence law,
consistency in the earthquake magnitude scale should be
maintained. In this study, moment magnitude scale which
does not depend on the ground motion and hence does not Fig 2 G-R plot for clustered data with trendlines
saturate (Kramer 1996) has been decided to be used as the
measure of earthquake size. The collected earthquake data
has earthquake magnitudes in different magnitude scales,
viz., Mw, Mb, Ms, ML, Mx, Mh, Md, Mc and Me. To
maintain consistency in the earthquake magnitude scale,
magnitude conversion relations from the published
literature were collected to convert different earthquake
magnitude scales to moment magnitude scale.

1. Earthquake catalogue with around 2.2million
earthquake data has been prepared. The length of the
time period of the earthquake catalogue prepared is
≈114 years (from 1898 A.D to 2011 A.D)
2. The earthquake data which were in different Fig 3 G-R plot for De-clustered data with trendlines
magnitude scales were converted to equivalent
moment magnitude scale using appropriate magnitude Kulhanek (2005) reported that, for larger magnitude
conversion relationship. earthquakes, the frequency of the earthquake occurrence
3. Mean annual rate of exceedance, λm, was calculated. decreases more rapidly, than linearly and hence, a non-
4. The logarithm of mean annual rate of exceedance (log linear fit may in some cases be a better approximation of
λm) was plotted against earthquake magnitude (Mw). observed data. He gives the following explanation for
such deviations,
The results of the study are shown in the Figs 1 through 4. 1. At small magnitudes, it is the incompleteness of
Fig 1 shows the G-R plot for the clustered and de- earthquake data in the catalogue. It is also said that, it
clustered earthquake data, with a bin size of 0.25, that is not only due to the incompleteness of the data, but
have been collected. It can be seen that, both the clustered the number of small earthquakes are smaller than the
and de-clustered earthquake data show variation in trend number as we would get when extrapolated from the
for different ranges of magnitudes and hence, linear fit for larger earthquakes.
magnitude range considered will not hold good to 2. At large magnitudes, it is the saturation of magnitude
represent the entire data. It is observed that the earthquake scales. Another reason is that, the length of the
data can be grouped based on the magnitude ranges, viz., catalogue is very small with no large earthquakes
0-1.2, 1.2-4.0, 4.0-8.8 and >8.8. measure in the past.

Kagan (1993) by transforming the magnitude-frequency

G-R relationship to seismic moment-cumulative frequency
scale, has pointed out that, considerations of finiteness of
the deformational energy available for an earthquake
generation and the finite size of tectonic plates required
that the power-law relation have to be modified at the high
end of the moment scale. Also, he has stated that
evidences exist for the moment-cumulative frequency
relation to bend down at the large size end of the
distribution for the world-wide earthquake data.

He also talks about the characteristic earthquake

Fig.1 G-R plot for clustered and de-clustered data distribution which presupposes the existence of two
earthquake populations: Characteristic earthquakes, and

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 178-182
A Study on Clustered and De-Clustered World-Wide Earthquake Data Using 181
G-R Recurrence Law

Regular earthquakes which include the foreshocks and

aftershocks of the characteristic earthquakes. He states
that, because the earthquake occurrence is dependent on
the stress distribution and the geometry of the faults,
power-law moment-frequency is only a first

In the simulation model, to control the mean size of the

earthquakes in the size-frequency distribution, Vere Jones
(2001) proposed a version of G-R power law with an
exponential fall-off as suggested by Kagan, in which the
mean size is controlled by the location of the fall-off.
Fig 4 Total energy released in logarithmic scale
Also, Scholz, in his book (2002), has described the reason
for the change in the slope after a specific magnitude as SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION
the saturation of the magnitude of the earthquakes A study has been carried out on the world-wide
measured. He has observed this change in slope of the G- earthquake data using the Gutenberg-Richter recurrence
R plot at magnitude of about 7.5. The world-wide relationship. The world-wide earthquake data spanning
database he has considered spans for the years 1900 to over eleven decades having different magnitude scales
1989. were collected and was converted to equivalent moment
magnitude scale. It was found in the G-R plot, for both
Similar observations are made in the present study also. clustered and de-clustered world-wide earthquake data, a
Because the linear fit did not suit well to represent the single linear fit for a wide magnitude range will not suit
earthquake data for the entire magnitude range considered, good to represent the data. A change in the recurrence
the G-R plot has been modelled with different trends pattern was observed approximately at magnitude of 8.8.
considering the earthquake data in two ranges, viz., 4.0- And hence, a linear fit in the range 4.0-8.8 and a different
8.8 and >8.8. Since significant damages are not caused to linear fit in the range >8.8 were used to represent the
the structures by the earthquakes of magnitude < 4.0, the world-wide earthquake data. The values of ‘b’ estimated
magnitude range less than 4.0 are not shown in the Figures in this study may not be comparable with the reported
2 & 3. It is observed that the linear fit matches well for values of ‘b’ for any particular region due to the high non-
each magnitude range 4.0-8.8 and > 8.8. The values of ‘b’ linearity in the earthquake phenomena that varies from
in the lower and the upper magnitude range for the region to region. It is very well understood that in the G-R
clustered and de-clustered data are 0.897 & 1.556 and plot, a single linear fit does not represent the earthquake
0.866 & 1.556 respectively. data in a better way for a wide magnitude range, and
hence two different linear fits shall have to be considered
It is observed from the Fig 1 that, if the linear fit made for in the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for any region.
4.0 ≤ Mw ≤ 8.8, is extrapolated to a lesser magnitude, say
0.05, it will result in higher numbers of smaller earthquake ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
events that should have occurred in the past. But we find This paper is being published with the kind permission of
that the earthquake database does not show such a high The Director, CSIR-SERC, Chennai.
number of earthquakes. It is inferred here that, definitely
such higher number of earthquakes of lower magnitudes REFERENCES
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ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 178-182

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