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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


An experimental study on corrosion initiative of infused reinforcing bar in

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ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

An experimental study on corrosion initiative of infused

reinforcing bar in concrete

Pa Velci Shridevi1,3, Ashok M2, Daniel Ronald Joseph J2and Dhanalakshmi A1

Department of Civil Engineering, P.S.R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu,
Corrosion and Materials Protection Division, CSIR-Central Electrochemical Research
Institute, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu, India.

Abstract: Durability of concrete is the essential property for the lifespan of concrete structures.
Rusting of steel is the major factor responsible for the loss of durability property. In order to
study the corrosion behaviour of three types of reinforcing bars like Thermo-mechanically
treated bar(TMT), Corrosion resistant steel (CRS), Epoxy coated rebar(ECR) were
experimentally studied. The reinforcing bars having 12 mm diameter were infused in
300×300×75 mm size of concrete slab samples were kept under room temperature and certain
samples are spraying with 3% of NaCl solution to attain a simulated marine exposure
condition. There are various techniques including Open circuit potential (OCP), Linear
polarisation resistance (LPR), Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) are used to
monitorize the corroding performance of samples. On analysing the results of the
electrochemical studies, it could be inferred that the efficient rebar to withstand the corrosive
nature by improving the life expectancy of the concrete structure.

1. Introduction
Fortified structures have been disintegrated by corrosion which is considered as risky that lead to
undesirable occurrences. The two parts of a concrete contains strong compressive capacity and
less tensile capacity which is repay by steel having solid rigidity. Rusting might be named
generalized and localized corrosion. In Generalized, it forms uniformly in all surface of the rebar
called carbonation. For localized, it incorporates with both the chloride penetration results in pits
and the pressure consumption leads to break [1].
The rust development in steel breaks the connection between the steel and concrete prompts
parting and spalling. The pattern of corrosion develops rapidly which changes the organization and
properties of the metal surfaces and the local condition, for example, development of oxides,
changes in nearby pH level and so on. The damaged concrete having high permeable
breaking point prompts a fast infiltration of chemicals. The calcium hydroxide in concrete
contains an alkaline area with a pH scope of 12 to 13 which makes a slender film around
the steel known as the passivating layer which keeps from erosion.

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Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

Figure 1.Types of corrosion of reinforcement: (a) carbonation, (b) chloride attack and
(c) stress corrosion cracking.

Chloride fixation and carbonation causes the loss of passive layer affected by the outside condition
and the nature of the concrete. The chloride particles infiltrate to concrete through splits and by
scattering that are accessible in the water. When it enters the steel surface, they infiltrate the
inactive film and respond with iron to form a solvent iron chloride [2]. Maximum chloride level
in concrete at the strengthening steel significance is around 0.71 kg/m3. The most extreme
permissible estimation of 0.4% of Cl – per weight of concrete was resolved just as the Cl–/OH–
proportion of 0.6 [3].
When the concrete is presented to the air, the cycle of carbonation can start by carbon dioxide
which gradually infiltrate and shows up the depth of infused steel, the passivating layer around the
rebar is separated by the pattern of carbonation and makes the rebar to open to the destructive
impacts of air and water. As carbon dioxide enters when the steel fortification consumes, it grows
in volume prompts create power on the concrete to form breaks and spalls, causing the pace of
disintegrate. As per D.A. Jones [4], it is commonly considered for rebar without surface coatings,
erosion causes because of the failure of passive film on the rebar. Within the sight of a detached
film, the erosion cycle may start from the metal surface and chloride particles. It is accepted that
chloride particles respond at the specific spots where the inactive film is irregular or harmed on the
steel surface.
Apparently, corrosion prompts the collapse of structures about 40%. It is prevented using different
strategies by corrosion inhibitor, protected by cathode, use of polymer based material as a coated
rebar for corrosion resistance.It can be postponed by the usage of inhibitors, which lessens
either anodic oxidation or cathodic decrease, or the two responses [5].To beat the corrosion issues,
the successful path is the utilization of covered rebar by coatings which frames a physical
boundary from the avoidance of chloride particles that defers the inception of rust. Alblas and Van
London [6] states that the impact of chloride sullying on the consumption of covered steel surfaces
lesser contrasted with others.
The corrosive nature in fortified structures is incredibly high in the marine condition. A few
components including high-temperature, moderately high dampness and high NaCl fixation have
an impact in the corrosion of structures in the marine condition [7] and [8]. Additionally, the
tedious substituting wet–dry introduction at high-recurrence in flowing zones will prompt a
quickened corrosion of the strengthened structures [9]. As per Castro [10], A chance of getting
quick data about the material crumbling if there should arise an occurrence of reenacted marine
presentation is the utilization of quickened tests. These sort of tests should be possible through
various strategies, for example, use of electrical potential estimations, cyclic wetting and drying in
3.5% sodium chloride arrangement which is a choice to do fast studies gave when the rusting
kinetics do not change.

ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

A few field and research center investigations completed to assess the corrosion execution.
Electrochemical techniques are usually applied to evaluate and screen the rust execution of
fortified concrete. The estimation of the corrosion potential decides the seriousness of the rust
state of the fortified concrete [11]. Ha-Won Song and VeluSaraswathy [12] recommended that,
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), a compelling strategy for depicting the highlights
of different electrochemical instruments, can be utilized to figure out what commitments anode
measures have made in these systems.
In this paper the corrosion conduct of three distinct sorts of rebar i.e., Thermo - Mechanically
Treated Rebar (TMT), Epoxy Coated Rebar (ECR) and Corrosion Resistant Steel Rebar (CRS)
which are implanted in concrete leveled out and reproduced situations. For quicken the corrosion
execution the samples were showering with 3% of NaCl arrangement and drying at room
temperature. The solid samples are then normally observed through the electrochemical
investigations starting with the corrosion potential estimations with Open Circuit Potential (OCP),
Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS).

2. Experimental program
2.1. Materials
2.1.1. Concrete mixture proportions
As indicated by IS 1489 (Part I) – 1991, the Portland Pozzolana concrete of 53 grade and the
properties of PPC utilized is introduced in Table 1, Coarse aggregates under Zone II of 12mm and
16mm size by extents of 40 % and 60 % and fine total under 4.75 mm size of Zone I adjusting to
IS 383 – 2016 alongside proportion of 1 : 2.02 : 3.5 with water concrete proportion of 0.5 were
used to make the samples. The 28 days compressive quality of cement was got as 36.9 MPa. The
particle size distribution is introduced in Fig. 2. The concrete mixture proportions used to cast the
samples are given in Table 2.

Table 1.Properties of PPC.

Consistency Initial setting time Final setting time

32% 45 mins 8 hours

% of fineness

40 FA
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Sieve size (mm)

Figure 2.Fineness modulus of aggregates.

ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

Table 2.Concrete mixture proportions.

Constituents Units Quantity

Cement Kg/m3 340

Coarse aggregate Kg/m3 1185

Fine aggregate Kg/m3 687

Water Kg/m3 180.2

Water cement ratio - 0.5

2.1.2. Steel rebar

The rebar of TMT, CRS and ECR was adjusted to ASTM A615/A615M-18 [17], ASTM
A1035/A1035M – 19 [18], ASTM A775/A775M – 17 [19] having 12mm measurement of Fe500D
are utilized. The rebar of 250 mm length was bound to a copper wire to get further investigations.
Initial lengths and weights of steel rebar were estimated using a balance with 0.01 g sensitivity.

2.2 Sample Geometry

The slab of 300 x 300 x 75 mm size is cast alongside steel bar infused from the depth of 25mm
from the top. Each rebar is ought to be cleaned by pickling using sulphuric acid to eliminate the
rust on the rebar. The isometric and top view of sample specimen is given as figure 2.

Figure 3.Isometric view and Top view of specimen.

2.3 Exposure Conditions

The samples with infused steel bars were exposed to room temperature and also some more
samples are kept to a cyclic state of four days of wetting by showering 3% NaCl arrangement
followed by three days of drying in the outside. This redundant exchanging wet–dry introduction
at high-recurrence will quicken the erosion commencement which is fundamental to screen just as
to comprehend the corrosion condition of the concrete structure upkeep.

3. Assumptions of corrosion of rebar in concrete

3.1 Open Circuit Potential (OCP)
The values had been recorded using an electrode called saturated calomel electrode (SCE) along
with a multimeter. Then the potential values were compared with the ASTM C 876 [15] guidelines
as follows:

ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

Table 3.Potential values.

(mV vs. SCE) Corrosion condition
Less than -426 Extreme
Less than -276 High
-126 to -275 Moderate
Greater than -125 Low

Figure 4.Open circuit potential apparatus setup.

3.2 Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR)

It is a basic dc process to get a quick estimate of corrosion rate having a sweep normally goes in
between 20 mv at a scan rate of 0.2mv/s for which the curve turns out to be practically straight.
the icorr values can be attained by using the formula(1):
Icorr= (1)
Table 4.Corrosion current versus state of the rebar.
Corrosion current (Icorr) µA/cm2 state of the rebar
Less than 0.1 Passive
0.1 to 0.5 Low – moderate
0.5 to 1.0 Moderate –high
Greater than 1.0 High

Figure 5.Electrode alignment for electrochemical study.

ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

3.3 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)

EIS is a method for resolving the resistive capacity of steel which take into account for forecast
the corrosion rates. An A.C voltage of around 10-20 mV is supplied to the rebar inserted in
concrete. The reaction to an A.C input is a perplexing impedance that has both real (resistive) and
imaginery(capacitive or inductive) segment z and z” as shown in fig 6. The imaginery impedance
with the real impedance gives a semicircle with a diameter equivalent to Rt.

Figure 6.Nyquist Plot for steel in concrete.

4. Results
4.1 Corrosion Potential Measurements
The variety of the corrosion possibilities with no of days is graphically given in fig 7. At first the
potential qualities are not firm, by following barely any weeks it dropped to more electronegative
qualities. The likely readings under controlled condition for the TMT, CRS, Epoxy covered rebar
is in the scope of - 133.39, - 100.21 and - 344.9 mV/SCE and for alternative condition for the
rebar are in the scope of - 199.67 and - 189.8 mV/SCE individually.

Controlled condition Alternate W&D condition
-400 -215
Potential in mV
Potential in mV

-250 TMT -185
-200 TMT
CRS -170
-150 CRS
EPX -155
-50 -140
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
No of Days No of Days

Figure 7.Corrosion potential versus No of Days.

4.2 Linear Polarization Resistance Study

A Nonlinear reaction began close to - 20 mV polarization for all the samples. Typically the bend
shows a straight conduct having polarization scope of 5mV to 20mV. If the resultant Icorr value is
less than 0.1μA/cm , then the concrete is in passive condition when it reaches more than 1.0

μA/cm2, then the specimen undergoing high corrosion rate. Nearly the acquired outcome from the
estimations, Icorr values portrays that the samples are in detached condition which is shown in
table 5. On comparing the normal condition the corrosion rate and current for both the TMT and
CRS rebar are lesser than Epoxy covered rebar.

ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024


Figure 8.LPR Curve (a) Controlled condition (b) Alternate wet and dry condition.
Table 5.Corrosion current from EIS study.
Rebar Icorr (mA/cm²)
TMT 8.94E-05
CRS 4.85E-04
ECR 2.66E-06
Rebar Icorr (mA/cm²)
TMT 4.08E-04
CRS 5.66E-04

ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

4.3 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy study

The arrangement of bends in EIS results turned out to be progressively perplexing coming about
because of the heterogeneity of the samples. The distinguished bends were detached and identified
with each of the phenomena and a local investigation was performed, which improves the
exactness. From this Electro chemical examination the charge transfer resistance (Rct) and double
layer capacitance (Cdl) was obtained as given in table 6. From the EIS study, it shows that the
estimations of TMT and CRS are lesser when contrasted to the Epoxy covered rebar. Subsequently
the coated rebar has less inclinations to corrode quickly than the other kind of rebar. The highest
passivation capability of epoxy coated rebar is lower than the other two kinds of rebar.

Table 6.EIS analysis.

Control Specimen
Corr. rate Corr. rate
Bar Rct (ohms.cm²) Cdl (F)
(mm/year) (mils/year)
TMT 1.04E-03 4.08E-02 2.92E+05 3.30E-05
CRS 5.62E-03 2.21E-01 5.38E+04 3.28E-05
ECR 3.08E-05 1.21E-03 9.80E+06 4.62E-08
Alternate Wet & Dry Specimen
Corr.rate Corr.rate
Bar Rct (ohms.cm²) Cdl (F)
(mm/year) (mils/year)
TMT 4.73E-03 1.86E-01 6.39E+04 2.16E-05
CRS 6.56E-03 2.58E-01 4.61E+04 2.38E-05


ERTSE 2020 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 989 (2020) 012024 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/989/1/012024

Figure 9. AC Impedance curve (a) Controlled condition (b) Alternate wet and dry condition.

5. Conclusion
The sturdiness execution of cement under controlled with alternate wet and dry condition by
showering with 3% of NaCl arrangement regarding starting the consumption cycle utilizing
electrochemical method was tentatively examined and the conduct of epoxy rebar under wet and
dry couldn't assess inside the particular time frame. The quickened corrosion method is a
proficient and solid approach to achieve corrosion of steel inside a limited capacity to focus time.
Following are the outcomes acquired,
i) The corrosion execution of the rebar doesn't give a consistent rate in electrochemical cycle
with fluctuating in rate alongside time. This is depicted by high starting changes in the open circuit
potential readings which inevitably balanced out to a steady rate. The OCP drop from latent to
dynamic state was most minimal for ECR in examination with the TMT and CRS. The total
example of the corrosion potential clarifies the consumption rate which is marginally expanding
for certain time.
ii) On comparing the rebar corrosion current worth ECR is less contrasted with other rebar
that it will take time to attain corrosion than others. Polarization Resistance can be decided by the
Icorr value including Stern – Geary constant [12]. The LPR shows that Rp range for ECR is higher
than TMT and CRS.
iii) The EIS strategy was utilized to evaluate the corrosion states of solid samples regarding
Icorr in mm/yr and mils/yr. The outcomes in EIS study expresses that Rct and Cdl estimations of
ECR is vary from other rebar by increment in Rct qualities and abatement in Cdl values compared
with the TMT and CRS rebar.

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